16 Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Wednwriar. Sept. 21. 1949 IflTS AVRJU-V SWEET OF VOU fcf LET Me READ THAtI 1 "WHY NOT CALLAND LOOK US OVErV' C P VE SONNY AND ME A Jf7 ANNOUNCEMENT L- . . Ef i H lJ .WHY rHO! TOMORROW RADIO PROGRAMS The HOUSE on LILAC STREET WEDNESDAY P.M. KAK I Y Uin l He IHIKD I 1 FROM THE BRATTINg dTA J . cTTTY.YU l WE'LL GET THE DOPE FOR A by FRED BAYARD AP Nwltatuf$ ChaDter 28 The ringing oi the telephone halted Nick Thora in tne cornaor, Re-entering hli office, he took up the receiver. "Yes?" He spoke Irritably. Oradually, M he listened, his manner underwent a change Ones or twice he nodded in flrmation of what he was being told. "You've got It straight what you're to do?" the voice at the other end asked. "We don't want any mistakes Rushing out of his office, not eren bothering to shut the door, he began to give hurried instruc tions to several men working in the chapel. "One of you fetch the hearse around to the front, then set that casket out of here, and step on it. You may still have time. If not, you know what to do." There was no longer any ques. tlon In Thora's mind. The thing he had so often feared was an actuality. This was the pay-on Back In his office, he began to gather up various papers and records. Holding them over the metal waste paper basket, he put a match to them, dropping them only when the flames almost burned his hand. The faint sounds of commotion drifted from the front of the build lng. Several patrol cars had con verged on the building from dif ferent directions, one of them pull lng up almost at right angles In front of the hearse to cut off Its escane Directly In front of the door, a taping crowd watched tne aston lshlng spectacle of a blazing cof fin. An inferno of leaping tongues of flames, fed by the embalming fluid, greeduy licked at tne pol ished sides of the casket, turning Its fiery outlines Into a gigantic orange pyre. Now. while the police were oc eupled, would be his opportunity to get away. The side entrance would be his best bet. He swung around at the sound of the voice behind him. "Going somewhere, Nick?" it asked. Nick had never seen Lieu tenant Fletcher before, but recog nlzed him Instinctively for what he was, "What do you want?" Thora asked sharply. "I'm in a hurry You'll have to see me some other time." "I'm afraid that'll have to wait. Nick." Fletcher advanced Into the room. "You're under arrest, a lit tle question of murder. I must caution you that anything you say may be used against you." Fletcher slowly drew a set of handcuffs from his pocket. De liberately he extended his hand. "Will you come quietly or wear these?" : Thora shrugged. "I'll eome along 'to humor you. You'll see you've made a very serious mistake." . "I'll risk It," Fletcher replied, s he accompanied the other out. "It was a good try but It didn't quite work, Nick." He Indicated the casket. Although badly scorched, with faint streamers of emoke still rising from the water dampened wood, the flames were out. A city lire department truck jstood at the curb. Fletcher pushed Thora Into the waiting police sedan, and got in fceslde him. Derrla pushed open the door at the Liberty Laundry. Although at first she could hear nothing, she had the feeling that she was being watched. She didn't know quite what to make of It. The door to Owens' little office stood ajar, and hs room was apparently as empty as the rest of the building. Curi osity drew her toward it. From somewhere she heard the loud tick ing of a clock. She did not hear the approach of the man who sud denly stood beside her. : "Ohl" Derrla drew back. "You shouldn't sneak up on people like that. You Just about scared me to death." "Looking lor someone, miss?" the man asked quietly. Something Vaguely familiar about him eluded Derrla. Somehow she felt that It was Important for her to remem ber. "I'm only trying to find some one to give this to." She extended tne laundry slip. "I'd like to ge 2973 SIZES 14 SO All-Day Dress This seasons ver sion of the shirtwaist dress you can wear everyday i Large pockets punc- tuaie me nipune . . . iront and back pleats furnish freedom In action . . . a new collar cut adds neckline interest. No. 3973 is cut In sires 14, 19, 18, 30. 36, 38, 40, 43, 44, 4fl, 48 and 60. Size 18, 6 yds. 39-ln. Just outl The FALL -WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash Ions they are wearing now and new styles to come. Over 180 practical, eajiy-io-sew, up-io-me-minute pat tern designs for all asps. Remem. ber, It's smart to sew your own and save money. Order your copy now, price just m cents. To obtain this pattern, send 35c In COINS, giving pattern number, your name, address and zone num- oer to Peggy Roberts, Capital Jour 'ial, 828 Mission Street. San Fran lsco 3, Calif. W&o. TT" 1 3 egga) PATTERN Mm B9.A1-.... OorhrtMl ffUH JukM, um t- . I wonnenui girt io any "lady in wait ing." Mother and babv will be sit. ting pretty when wearing these luiurauK crocneieo. matenmstes I Baby's saoque is a miniature edl- non oi momer a oea jacket Pattern Envelope No. R3KM (small meritiim lam , u, ln I edi and 3863 both contain complete crocheting Instructions, stllch lllus- irauons, ana material requirements. To obtain trim pattern, send JOc In COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and lone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour- isaion street San Fran- Calif. my things." "Sorry, It can't be done," he re plied. "Orders." "I don't know what you're talk ing about, but I want my laun-l dry.' Derrla spoke sharply, be ginning to feel Irritated. "Let me I speak to the proprietor," she said,! attempting to pusn past mm. "He Isn't here," he answered, looking at her curiously. "I'm afraid he won't be back for a long, lonel time. Say," he leaned forward to get a better look, "haven't I seen you somewnere recently? sure. that s it," he said as memory sud denly dawned. "You were the girl I tnal came to see Nick Thora one day, but you wouldn't wait." Derrla drew back a step. Recol lection came flooding over her. It was the man who had been I wearing the light gray fedora, the I one wno naa attempted to ques tion ner. "What are you doing here?" she asked. Mentally, she measured the distance to the door. As If read-1 lng her thoughts, he moved be tween her and It. "I was Just about to ask vou the same thing. Right now I'm very Interested in anyone who knows Chris Harman." "For your Information." Derrla answered. "I do not know him. I don't know what your questions are leading up to and I hardly see now iney concern me anyway. I merely, left some laundrv here. That Is what one customarily does In a laundry. Since you refuse to give it to me, i n nave to leave without it. Now, If you don't mind" She started In the dlrec-l tlon of the door. Just a moment." The words 1 were an order. "I'll have to askl you to leave your name and ad dress." Can you give me anv good reason why I should?" She faced! mm squarely. Yes. Ever hear of the FBI? I And in case you're still In doubt, this Is my Identification." Derrla looked at what he hedi in his nand. "Satisfied?" he asked. "Yes." she re rilled softlv. "I'm satisfied. Now what do you want to Know t To be eontlnued) I 1 I 1 I I f - ii iii i tCt 'z i rrry, , i i i C y.S.O I V . I M . V Jl . .v -c ' tk i i n i j iff rr v "V i rvjr i i i i r i m j awj v ll i mjv ' . 1 ' I :S0 ! : 0 ls,","""s BUT HfiROUV A RICH J H6BINrg Y OH. HE WORKS On ANO" Q; p m ni ir ncu nitvjwn I ,tHi IM mm HHILftMTHHWreT OK HtTJ I ttlKOTHQ WHY M . ON AT THS DOCKS fTU UH V- t T I ANYBOOY WITH MOtY I OM-Y OTHER PER90H I I NOT BE LMNG IN A OOESNT HE I t THE FISH WHARVESWWCH NOTHIN' Ml M :lx p I WOULD WE HAVE GOT I KNOW IS ROCKY- I I tlUNQLE" WITH OTHER 3ET A 006? I REMINDS ME -CARE TO ) ELSE TO OO- B U i I MT0 THIS FK? ANYWAY ROCKY A RECL MAN- I 1 TRAMPS- 1 jZ . TAKE A WflLK? CMON. LENA- 11 ' M Nil! t X rm WsSs.'M I I i , 11 i l I Eh I J.rMt?- 3asa i iKa rm..t ir- - 'iiafa t.tj i v up uBi.i I ii i cc. - im j (LA -- 1 1 I II I . . r- m I. . . r. i t- 1. . . . i n s ivt &OT it, TUIN Or TH6 DOUGH WE CAN AND WHEN I GRADUATE. ILL . MY WILLIE I .. I t I PWOEBE'. ILL S SAVE . ILL COT MV OWN OPEN A BARBER SHOP HERG I ( CAN DO "- ' I 'm ou IU QHKOCK , HAIK ANU IHt Ulll.UKtNiy IN NOK I HV I LLfc ANUOt J V ANrlHINt?! . T COLLEGE: y s- . FIRST PAST THE POST JlfflPI 0 'j ITH' BODY ? fVjfff J IT'S NICE O' NO' T' SAY THET, 1 I PORE RUPERT BUT A XXZ&Frff'nZl I I VERELAID f-,Vs gBtt.V AyoU ET WERE RUPERT 5j I O' LK3HTNIN' HIT A LEFT-HAND BRANCH OLD ji X ONE. 4 IK EX I THET PUCTTER.rW NO IDEA MAH S. CHILDHOOD rRIEND.'T fell LANDED ON A BOLL-SKONK, WHICH F TOINOri kYOKUN I I - ; PARENTS WOULD mmm-TtrVi I I THEN GOT UP AN' SLjOWW DEATH i Will 4 W-W tA. I 'L TASTE. THIS S"'-.4?5irf I I WALKED AWAY, VHISTL.IN' 'FxJA.OtitU'ff' SfitTlsl i . - '"rn. - . mmt mm m m "mr r r m m tr k c- I Jf -L 1 MH k b..., READING M I r WROTE, THE1 BEGINNING ?VohN THE BEGINNINGrV "N OUT OF IT Um rzte im 1 MM MEft ril BUTHE'STRESPASaN6!. TO REPOBT PUSTY. ME HEAKry I I WANTED THE LAP OW OF THE TI CwTusniiKiuiT PLKIN6 THE RW OF MY THIS TO SANDPAL, THE feShMVi pVrAND WAV A MOMENT... I'M NOT SURS II D il.f ( LEASE, I'M SUPPOSED TO WOL 6CVERNMENT A6ElW TOBACM PCFtoM THAT FELLOW SANPRAL IS A Jl K BEEN USED ..LOOKS LIKTE ' HAVE EXCLUSIVE USE OF fl tTsaTLWA 6ENUINE AGENT OF THE LOCAL AI THEBS'S ONLY ONE MAN,, TH JlSLAND I Al, -,-) g 600D LAD J GOVERNMENT. . SO, FOB THE o m3. D I T V ill I V-i I r1-' -f V'V ,Uf , I I AB I Kl , t'.l rl L A V y 'Vl 1 w kdr-t a.' . - u. u- . m. , r 1 i i us. I asaBaaBl : ' I rjKttUtVKIDV IT'S wlwRf W IN0WM you RET, L,.,, m, (1 4 I 1 VOU MAY FOLLOW ME: J TWJUWtRNAUTI jWTHAVINOAUTTUIWITSMOTHl T0 yOUR R0OM5 i fHt -I ACCEPT NTCSaCt; .' ?!W rfl RHVM1N6 CONTEST J.?"?, I ' 'Al-L VOu!- FULL RE5PONSI6IUTV &vt M r'f fJ ISWEETLlOHT'fl"HIBII,ON' .Bsaag VJ KSLM UK I UBO KGW koco r K0IN 5:M Ted Drak Al Ctrl Bart ha Rh Kaa Mrtutef .1 Tr4 Oraka Al Carla ft art bra ftaaafc Baalak :M Air, af Chaap Mawiai Catktalli Blai Craaft Chat Bultor :4i Huil Ham fafraa Baalnaai Wwi Naw :M Oabrlal Halar Htorr Marias Canait Ubt aaa Fraak Baaa II NW Ntwa Hcary Harfaa Bll?ar Frank Baa M Mat la Banal Calraaa Nawa Bint Oraahy .41 Mnilc Bawala t'alraaa Traalcaaa BIbi Craar mW'- Coait in AuInmii Tha Blc Staff Pal O'BrUa Barat aa4 Allaa Ceail la Adtaaia Tha Bli Starr datleal Jackpal Baraa aa4 Allaa :M ClMa KI4 Cartala Tlaia Evtlra Knlahl Hallrwaa4 Maala AT ;4i ciiea Kla Cartala Tlia apart Mamaali HollywaaA Maala 8:H Wbal'i Iba Naaia Sinatra A Elrataa Track 14 Lawall Thaaiat :la al That San Nam al Warld Track KM Jek Saillb Shaw :M Lraa Marry Khaw Oraat Glldtralaava Track 14M Dr. Cbrlttlaa :U Lrna Marry Shaw Oraat OlldtMlaaya Track lit Dr. Chriitlaa 9:M Newi Cb'ek Tatar Nawa Track KM Fl?a liar Plaal ft Mutual Ntwartal Haorti Pai Final Track 14M Nlfbl Bdllar :M Muila Mr. DUt, Atlaraay Nawa Baaaa aa Paraaa 41 Muala Mr. DUt. Attaraay HlltUiarda Banda aa Farada WM mi ton LcwU Jr. San Hayaa, Baa. Frank Baea Sartaada :1ft Salaet Local Nawa Was Maaeaai Frank Baca Watla : Nawa Was Maaaaai Maala Yea Waat Orabntra itt Muala Was Muaauaa Muala Tea Waul Nawa I ajajiM Intcrnatloaal 8I Off Nactaraa Sllaal 1 :1ft Alrpart Naaturn ...... -.1. , m I I :M lua Morcaa Oreb. Nactnrna :4ft lui Marraa Orcb. Noclurn I itiftO Un Oil Sim Off THURSDAY A A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. Mornlnr Special Timekeeper March Tina Newa Newa Braakfaat Oanp Breakfaat fiani Top Tradea Barrala Counter Music Bona af Plonecra Morning Special N W Newa Xala 8m) Id Paator'a Call Rldera of Sara N'cwa Maala iVIUa Orranalitlaa Walti Berenada Ladlea Flrat Lad las Flrat Queen for a Day Queen for a Day Top Tradea Newa N W Newa Bob Eberly Show Tell Y'r NaUhbor Jobnaon Family Orian Reterlea Blnr Slnpa Ararnat tha Storm Aialnat tha Storm Muitc Muale Lucky "7" Lueky "7" Nat Brandwyana Newa Fulton Lewis Jr. Frank Hemingway Behind Th Story News Farm Time Farm Time Tha Old Senve Kneaaa w. News Smooth Muala Smooth Muala Bld'ra P'rp. Sacs Sam Bay as Tha Second Cup The Second Cup Jack Berch Kneasa w. Newa Clark Harden Carman Cavalltra Hometowncra Tropic Echaes Lopes Orcb. Lopes Orcb, Today 'a Children Lorn Lawloa Daubla r Nelhlai Double r Natblnf Kneaaa w. Newa I.I a hi af Warld Life Ca Be Butm Boaa af Ufa Pep. Yeans Faaa, Birbl ta Ha'p'neas Backstara Wife Stella Dallas Larenia Jonas Yni Wldder Brwa Whan Olr Mar'las Portia Facea Llfa Jual Plain Bill Fraal Ft. Farrell Welcome Traveler Welcome Traveler Aunt Mary Wa Lara a Learn Woman's Sea ret Sunny Side News Harkness KOCO Klork KOCO Klock Tas Bllttr Newa A) Spurts Top O Morales Top O' Marnlat Havta af Bast Haven of Rett Weetern Melodies Chrcb In Wlldwd Time for Melody Time far Melody Stars Bine John Cb. Thomas N W News Memorable Maala Tune Time M Keys Muale Mart Muala Mart Jan Garber Vocal Varieties Hollywood Muale Hollywood Muala Headline News Ted Dale Presents Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae'a Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Meledies Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodies Movie Time hltosephrr Brers Can Be Beautiful KOIN Klaak News News Fred Beck Consumer Nawa Art Baker Garry Moore Garry Moera Fealaru Starr Newe Grand Slam Boaemary Wendy Warrea y -Aunt Jeaay 2 Our OaJ Suadar Blc Slater Ma Perkins Yauns Dr. Mslmt Guidlac Uiht News Coma At Gel II Norah Drake Brlshter Day tad Mr a. Burlea Perry Masea Brlshl A Llsbl Alr-fla Newspaper af Air Newspaper af Air Muale Please Tunefully fear News Meet the MUawa Heel tha Mlsaaa Robert Q. Lewis Robert Q. Lewie Robert Q. Lewis Robert Q. Lewis Robert Q. Lewis Cart Masser Little Shew Club IS Edw. B. Marrew DIAL U8TINGS: KEX 1190; KOAC, ftM Wednesday P.M. 8:00. Keeping Up With Spartsi BUS, Heme Edi tion Newa; S:W, Modern Romances i 6:0B, Hcadllaa Edition i 4:18, Elmer Davlai 4JJS, H.inla sad HU Bandi 7:0ft, Lena Ranger i 7:80, Stars In the Nlsbti 11:00, Steel Pier O ch.t 8:30, One for the Booki 9:00, Rich field Reporter; titB, Intermessat 10:S0, Concert Honrt lft:80. Memos ta Toaaor r t 11:00, Xtra Hoari lt:oo, SUn Off. Thursday A.M. 6:ft0, Newai :15, Band Box i 4:110, Bob Haaea 8 news :4!i. Time Tempoei 7:15. Martin Asrea laky; 7: SO. Eeke Mannersi 7:45, Stare Slngt 1 11:00, Breakfaat Club) 9:00, Newai 9:15, 1 Stars af Todsyt 9:S0, Troplcanat 9:45, I Melody Premenadet 10:09, Ted Malene: lh:ir. Galea Draket 19:M. My True Starr: Bettr crocaeri 1 1 no, newst ii :sv. I Baukhage Talking. Aip Wednesday P.M. 5:00, Oa the IWJMVrf v Beatl B:M. SU Sparta Club! 6:00, Newe; 4:15, Dinner Meledlaai 9:30, Headlines la Chemistry! :4B, Guest Stfr- 7:00, Farmer's Union i 7:15, Bvealasr F'ra Henri 9:00, Public Health Series i 11:15, Art I try la Classics; 9:90, Veteran's New Review t 9:45, Logger's Fire Weather Fereeaeti 9:09, Musis Thai End a rest 9:49, Evening Medltsttenei 19:00, Sin Off. KOAC Th.riS.r A.M. lSiM, Mm, 10:1S, BtMel.llr far W.mmi t1:IW, Cm..rt H.lli S:M, N.wu 1S:1S, 1m Farm H.nri l:Af, SIS. 'Em C.w bOTi Ills, T.rl.tr Tim.. 1:H, HH l,.ni l:SA, CaT.lf.a. .f Dr.H.i S:1S, M.or7 Bk of Mnil.l 1:45. Btc.rtlM. in Sel.n..; S:MI, N.W.I S:fS, M..I. tt th. M.itr.l 4:IM, Interl.ehm Cm.pI. Blanchette Dinner Hosts Mt. Angel Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Blanchette were hosts at din ner at their home Sunday. Cov ers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lacy and daughter, Bsr- bara, and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Barnett and daughter of Fort-land. ACROSS tl. Bleat L River In North IS. Entrance Carolina 4. Fruit 9. Note of tha crow 12. Vlng IS. Smooth and glossy 14. Seaweed 15. Size of typa 17. Came Into view 19. Ardor 21. British statesman 22. Renejrade 25, Repose 28. Typa measure 29. Appear 10. Principal artery Beheld 86. Book of mapa 22. Quantity per unit of time 40. Earth: comb. form 41. Actual 42. Mixed 44, Lively dance 46. Server 47. Count SO. Small quarrel 53. Salutation 64. Atmospheric disturbance 18. Old mualoaj note 17. Tablet 58. Succinct 59. Furtive S3f A II A P VPgjNP E N THp IN 8 oa pnf Si w d 'I FT "l-aZ" ITj Oit8BBEARPEp 11 PI I lAglPlLlglAaT Solution of Yesterday's Puule DOWN 1. Spigot 1. Turkish nam I. Speed contest! x 3 WM & I" 7 I WM ' wzw w IT 3t W 15 WWZZW 91 W 9 'WW I i I . F M 1 I I ' E ' I Af Mswsreef svee 4. Like 5. Placed In the ground 9. Vigor: alang T. One with a dread disease 9. Pieced out 9. Anglea 10. Exist 11. Marry 18. Beers It Air: comb. form 20. Regions 22. Exclude 23. Growing oat 24. Arabian chleftalne 21 Theatrical profession 2T. Dressed skins 30. Famous New York family IS. Roused to a sense of danger 14. Tea testers ST. Leeward 29. Epochs 42. HaTlng wing 42. Emblems 46. Formerly 47. Doxe 48. Pulpy fniM 49. Hlrh pointed hill 81. Entirely 12. Largest sVeteft) rler It. Myself ROOM AND BOARD By Gent Ahem D TUii GHLP AT PUTTING faKtbN Lr'l UU I AROUND 9 GOPHER HOLES, hjrtnjiC rwut? Pt fTTCft HEAD ON IT, THCY AAUST i ice rr fta dovikvs TiRS OfP TH' Rim I'VE LOOKED AROUNO 'W COR SOLF BALLS WT CANT FIND ONS I SHOUU3VE KEPT A FEW OF THE DUANPLINGS WE HAD FOR DINNER. LAST NIGHT JUST TH' 1 BlSHT WEIGHT AND HARD ENOUGH ID SAND PAPER INTO TW SHAPE Of GOLF BALLS I' I I I I 6REEN IS v 1 r- - jsai.JMaasauMluBWsWsw9Al