) Ireland'! Candidate Margaret Lalor (above) will compete as "Miss Ireland" in international beauty festival for the se lection of "Miss Europe" at Palermo, Italy. Four Corners Home Scene Of 'China Day' Gathering Four Corners. Sept. 21 Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. White4055 Beck Ave., were hosts at a reunion dinner to a group of old V friends of "China" days when the men were all doing a tour of navy duty in the Orient and the families were living out there. It was 15 years since they were all seeing Shanghai. Manila and many other places logeiner. They are retired navy veterans and their combined years of of service total more than 100 years. The visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Siewert, Mr. and ' Mrs. F. G. Lawrence, and Mr. and Mrs. George Hart, all of Portland House guests in the Frank Croiier home, 3920 State street, last week were their daughter and son-in-law and their twin daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Owen, Kimlee Ellen and Mar mie Eileen Owen of Eugene. On Sunday, September 11 the Cro ziers had all of their children and grandchildren at home when they all were together for the first time. Besides the Owen family there were Mr. and Mrs. Rov Priem and Bruce Priem of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cave, Robin and Alan Cave of Salem. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ray M. Gardner, 4123 Dur bin avenue, upon the birth of a son born September 16 at the Salem General hospital. He has been named Larry C. and weigh ed nine pounds and 14 ounces. There is an older brother, Tom my, and the grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lot Gardner of Independence, Mrs. Florence Rose of Falls City, Ore. The great grandmothers are Mrs. Hattie Wingo of Independence v and Mrs. Anna Gardner of Falls City, Ore. ' George Bixler, 4420 Macleay road, and his sister, Mrs. Flor ence White of Brooks, flew to Seattle for a week's visit with a brother who is very ill. Before returning home they visited an other brother at Coulee Dam. Wash. Recent guests in the Jess Mv Ilnay home, S138 Mahrt avenue, were Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Manske of Lincoln, Neb., and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Oetken and family of Bend, Ore. 14 mini Works for Chiang In a published interview, William J. Goodwin (above) of Ros lyn, N. Y., an American pub lic relations man, revealed in Washington, D. C, that he is employed at $25,000 a year by the Chinese Nationalists to get more money and support for Chiang Kai-Shek's government In its battle against the com munists. (AP Wirephoto) , Burial Plan Arouses Negroes Klamath Falls, Sept. 21 WV The National Association for Advancement of Colored People has thrown a legal pitch at the city of Klamath Falls and its plan to allocate 72 lots in a new cemetery for burial of non- caucasians. Ten NAACP members, along with Berkeley, Calif., Attorney Orville Edder, appeared before the city council to protest what they termed segregation in the cemetery and Edder told the council he considered the allo cation plan a violation of the "equal rights and protection" clause of the U. S. constitution. Edder said he had represented NAACP on several occasions and had been summoned to Klamath Falls to look into the burial issue. The matter arose several weeks ago when a negro war veteran was refused burial in the new cemetery because of re strictions in deeds to cemetery lots which provided that the cemetery be used for Caucasian interment only. Since that time the restrictive clause has been deleted from lot deeds, but the city and a cemetery committee, trying to work out the problem of negro burials, hit upon the plan of allocating 72 lots in a certain portion of the cemetery lor non- caucasians. It is this plan NAACP is pro testing. Burned Over Logging Lands Being Cleared Dallas Billows of dense smoke surging up over western hills near Dallas need not cause any undue alarm for forests according to a report of the Polk-Benton district headquar ters, state board of forestry. The fires have been set with the permission of the office to I burn logged over lands and de- ris. Men from the forest serv ice are assisting with the work. Largest fire is that in the Long-Bell operations near Grand Ronde. It will cover 2,400 acres. Men of the company crews are working to keep the fire within bounds. Others are being set nearer Dallas in operations of Pope andM Talbot and smaller concerns. More slash fires may be expect ed within the next few days. With fall rains expected soon. it is "now or never" for slash ing fires to get the woods rid of brush that would be hazard-1 ous in coming dry seasons. Shoplifting Charged Lebanon Mary Werner, route 3, Lebanon, forfeited $25 bail when she failed to appear Monday on charges of shoplift ing. She was arrested at Co lumbia Food store by city police Saturday. Reader qoutoddtj! pecorating Boole linoleum dealer! You don't need to pay a penny for this treasure-trove of decorat ing information! "Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions on Home Decorating" is a brand new book packed with brilliant full-color photographs, brimming over with fresh ideas. It's prepared for you by th makers of fine Nairn Inlaid Lino leum to help you solve your own decorating problems ... to show you all kinds of vonderful ways to make every room in your house gayer, smarter, more livable) Drop in today at your nearest floor covering dealer and get your free copy. While you're there, take look at Nairn Inlaid Lino leum -youll see why it's the prize linoleum of all! Congoleum Nairn Inc., Kearny, N. J. OtMST LMHM NM4C IN AIM RICA On VOUW You can EAT AND ENJOY SUN VALLEY BREAD . Ihe answer to "diet blues." Low in calories (less than 50 to the slice) yet high in muscle building proteins And flavor! just try it toasted it's new taste thrill. At your favorite food store. fit T.tkHI ana ( WITHOUT I SHORTENING 01 1 llslt tow m caiokks HIGH IN MERGT RT VOIR f flVORITC fOOD STORE A Nirht Club's no Place for Baby so Bob Hope scoops up little Mary Jane Saunders while Lucille Ball gives advice in this scene from Damon Runyon s heart-warming -&orrowiui Jones." The Paramount comedy which comes today to War ner's Capitol theater, features William Demarest, Bruce Cabot, Thomas Gomez. Linn Farm Owners Start Fall Plowing Albany Fall plowing is un derway on many of Linn coun ty's farms following last week's rains, but farmers in the south west part of the county are still waiting for more moisture to loosen up the soil, a survey showed. The rainfall was sufficient to facilitate plowing in most of the county, particularly in the Leb- Capltal Journal, Palem Ore., Wednesday, Sept. 21, 1949 15 anon and Scio areas. Heavy-type soils in the Brownsville, Shedd and Halsey areas will need more rainfall before they become loose enough to allow wholesale plowing. Ryegrass appears to be the heaviest crop going in this month. Heavy seedings are also being made in vetch and grey oats will be planted in quantity this week, it was disclosed. A majority of thehop growers completed picking last week with little damage suffered by the rains. Relieve miseries direct without "dosing" ,'V'CKS New Reicon Rural Route Maps, $1.50 With Sept. 1,1949 Changes at 201 S. High St. or your favorite bookstore) $$ MONEY $$ FHA 4H Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finan'e Co. 153 8. Hijh St. Lie. S-216 M-221 Nqtrtt" 1 f fmiiHrf trademark M4a bp U Bkft f Mmw SrvM MISS RAGS TO RICHES 1949 "After 80 washings the left half of this cotton dress was worn to shreds. But the right half which had been Perma Starched after each 8th washing was still crisp and new looking." Makes Clothes Wear Twice as Long Tests by the nations' leading in Hpnt laboratories conclu sively prove Perma Starch makes clothes wear twice as long because Perma Starch does not wash out even after 8 to 15 washings. Pmi StArrh starches clothes in an entirely new way. Unlike ordi nary starch that coats cloth to tifVi-n it. Perma Starch pene trates into the individual fibres of each thread. Melted under the heat of an iron it actually grasps and holds fibres in place, keeping them from being torn away by wear or by washing. Saves Time and Money No cooking is required. Leaves no odor in domes after ironing. By fWfjt making clothes wear more than t twice as long, J, . ,V Perma Starch can ft i VNS save the average 1 ' family $50 to $75 I f I I eacn year, u 79c pint bottle . makes H to gal. Ion and does the work of $2.50 worth of liquid cornstarch. Warning There are some imitations of gen nine Perma Starch with simi- lar and confusing names. These Sroducts have not had the bene t of the 13 years of research that went into Prrma Starch. Some leave an unpleasant odor that cannot be washed out, some even add water to make their product mb tnnr economical. Be sure you get puin hitjhty conren rrnferf Prrmn Starrh. It rnme in the "HA RHK1I POLE STItlPE" bottle at your grocer. TrTtil M'H nr write U. S- Rubber C.. 1 KocktlattM Cmui, N. Y. 1 1 n 1 mm WlHlH:iPHVw. " " Amber Fog Lamps Rust Resistant Chrome Plats Reg. 3.98 J A A At Sears for.. ea. lnroM your visibility In bad wathr . . . odd to rho boouty of your oar. Anibor toalod boon lighti. Soo M Allstate Grease Gun Maximum Ulility-Low Cost 0 00 18-oz. capacity Levor action, pring-primd comtrwo. tion for constant prvuuro, frc-fd of Heavy or light groase. At Soinl Allstate Car Rugs 3 Beautifully Matched Colors 15xl8-lnch Site OZ. Reg. 1.15, now OC Drew vp your cor with Mil pvro rub ber rug that cleans oosily koops car interior nowor. Rod, grton, browsu Appleton Spotlight D.luxs Quality 15C0-ft. Beom Reg. 14.95 Q A A New low price. . . Pkit Km at Ibis low prtco. Brats co strvction, boavy gloaming oVaoso-philo, -around, inside car control. t...,... ..... Adapter Light Kit Wlslote Sealed Beam Ughls 'AH Pie-1940 Cars 4.39 Onega over h 45 minoM to Albtato toolod boom headlights at Scars low prkol Chrome plated; painted shells. AM j Btsmm mam Holland Tulip Bulbs Vlgorour Varieties QC. 10 for OJC F.njoy IuirlOH, lonf itrmoi) Darwin Tullpi next sprlnf by plftntlnf thes heallhr Rolland crown bulb this fall! Hk jear tlcctlsi lodajl Ranunculus Bulbs Sturdy Cross Country Blooms Package of 18 . . 79c hnogin a riot of red, salmon, pink, iawg flowert In your yard next July. 100 Bv-U for fall planting Anemone Bulbs Blue, Red, Lavender, White Package of 24 ... . 79c torgo poppy-like flowers bloom ioto in Spring . . . many color combinations. 100 Bulbs for fall planting Imported Hyacinths Red, Pink. Blue and White 6 Dutch Bulbs. . . . 99c float heavBy Aoworod spikes on strong stems for April beauty. Select yours! 100 Seiko Snow Flake Bulbs Pockets ol Four lU-Wi Bulbs Sears Low Pries I C -Package of 4 T-C Plonl now for lovely springtime beauty In your gardenl Delicate bo) shaped Hewers torsi ooer arooi 4-pc. Canister Set Colorful Garden Fruit Pottern 77c Matching Step-on Can 99c Designed for long, satisfactory sorvlcel Moid of Honor pafrtrywaro fai a wido variety of handy pieces to inatch. Steel Garbage Can 20-Gal. Capacity 2.33 Strong, duroble galvonizod iteol eon. Firm corrugated stool sidot, rivet d handles, and reinforced domed bottom for dependability. Galvanized Pails Built To Give You Lono Service Hold 10 quarts . . . 37c RolnfoRed rimf, welded moim add yean of wear. Hot dipped offer fonning for More ttrenvHi. Handy bod ttondtet. Fiber Wastebasket Smartly Topersd Ovol Shapes 12-qt. Capacity Oil. Reg. S5c, now Sturdy Aborboord wostoboskot bos bng lasting matal top and bottom. Exterior Is varnished, washable! Two color. Narcissus Bulbs Lovely Pop VVhuo Vorietr 3 Bulbs In pack . . 35c recked in eeleehene with twitree llenl Hraltbr Aellrl d' Or Bulb-. I for Site. Chin tee Stvcretl Lilr Balbe, I for tH. iPJr i -w - f . Skew-Back Hand Saw Polished Hkjh Corbon Steel 26-ln. Long EQ Reg. S.98, now. . . efce- r Famous Craftsmon. Crosscut or rip sows are taper - ground two ways. Toons oxportly set, carved hardwood handles. Bronze Weatherstrip Per foot 5C Genuine rustproof woanWstrip. Eoslty Installed. Effectively coals against snow, dust, cold. Claw Hammer Steel Hsad, Hickory Hondls 1.85 16 -o. Siss Reg. 2.29, now. . Craftsmonl H.od mad. of Super-Terr t..li handle has rubber tip for firm trip. Abo m I J-ot. site. At Seorsl Roller Cabinet - Craltsman Deluxe, Bad Bearina Oray Finish OA Crt Reg. S8.S0, now Wte J W Heavy gauge stool double roliworcect at corners) roils easily on bol h soring rubber Mr.d castors, loamy drswon, Mechanic's Tool Box Reg. S.2S, now. . . 4.69 Roomy 22-gouge stool boa. Streamlined design, targe partl tioned Hft-out tray. Heavy plastie bandle. In rust-resisting gray Brush. Plastic NfVall Tile 4.95 10 sq. ft. ... Awellabl-e In whHe fltarblelted peetw, b4w, green, dubennet, yeltow, bleci. Abe ideof for fcitchen. powder reetid Insulation Board low Priced; Eosy To Install VxixH" Ie92 Hakw rooms cooler m summer, warmer n winter j reduce nais. wtlh Homort wood vber inswfotton board. Ivory colored. J. C. Higgins Boys & Girls Bike Reg. 59.95, now 49.95 Te.nUr Nlrel Premi. Alr-e1tft Hf arf .id toetttr brake, hsl tires ;trl4e L'-shepe-a hftntl lo bars wllh re beer ft-lea. Beya mm4 Kir la' ejesjele. Sleeping Bag filled with 4 lbs. Kapok Down res. tS.Rg 18.95 100 Lined, Den haf baa M-ln. alpeer, tfrlH sr. ran In aa4 aaahe aeer ee leeMeB Ie4r Fast Paint Sprayer Reg, 42.50, now 39.95 Sara your hnss, labor, orvd onsty wtth this spy sproyori Now type cSaperaaai deveeaps JO-lbs. I ro-ast AC motor, tws m SHOP UNTIL 9:00 P.M. FRIDAY Plenty of Free Parking Shop in Air-Conditioned Comfort c5tftf. SEARS 550 N Capitol St Phone 3-9 19 J