Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 21, 1949, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 Capftal Journal, Salem,
National's Home Run
shows the batting stance and batting grip which has made
him the National league's home run king. In blasting his
50th round tripper, Kiner became the first player in the
National league to hit SO or more homers In one season for
the second time. He hit 51 In 1947. (AP Wirephoto.)
(Com pie t
Capital Alleys
Becke A Wadsworth (.It Wads worth
443, Anderson 4 99, KnneKkt 404, Ireland
4B6. Sherman 653: Stubble Mrl it' (0) My-
era 462, Heifer 380, Hounds 330, Walker
443, Vlttone 4 55.
Barb's Sportlnr Goods ) In (ills B26.
Braucht B41. Olney 478, Morey 643, Ore
(tory 458; Curly ' (It Wrlvlit 421, Polk
4R7, Vol It 470, M. Miller 430, Joe Miller
tint Boys J. Haageniion 553. Ale
hlrt 511, Merrel 400, D. Aleshlre 617. Mc
Neil 512; Hollywood Flnanrr (I (Kenyan
518, Klrchner 635, Albrlcb 660. Jones 518,
Olney 485.
Kellh Brown ) Ouerln 487. HIMertch
829, Sours 491, Brown 4&4. Jernlgan 470:
Blue Lake l Larxrhoff 508. Rrkley 458,
Ay res 458, HartweU 176, Carlson 604.
Glodt 343.
Valdea Meat ) Valrlet 525, Tarrar 400.
CrtKffaard 560. McKlnney 484, Blgler 5fi:
rl pk O) Lance 608, Sloan 470. Helnke
448. Werbowskl 502, Srhpldesfier 615.
Valley Motor Jti Parker 433, Bullock:
463, Myem 644, Colwell 521, Doerflrr 534;
flalem Poltee (Ot Fries 477. Sripp 371,
Larsen 483, Main 454, Creasy 412,
How the DUCKPINS Fly
Round I
Orval'a fTwol Cars (D Bill Lapuchtes
350, Almadean Lapse hies 267. Charlie
Lapschles 355. Kelly Lapuchles 290: Com'.
Rent Cover (3) Bud Boolh HflR, Lola Booth
260, Opal Cappi 340, Lennnrd Capps 349.
General Flnanra (4) Hill Gautliler 437,
Francis Miller 347, Alma Penny 04. Kmfl
Sri. oil 435; Capp's Vn4 Cars - Wyrtta
Capps 350. Les Cappa 424, Jan Busch 302,
Dirk Buxrh 391.
Ha lent Merchant Palro! f4 Bill 357,
Art Hemhbark 4T) Aurtrpv Hl-rl" 3M. ll
bert Jacobs 449. OK Rubber Welders (0
Gladys Angel 29t, Eddie Hrnitel 4n. Peggy
Thorton 230. Ray Nelson 315.
Marlon Motors (0) BHDs Duncan 335,
Harold Duncan 305. Ella Mac Scharf 31J9.
Emerv Alderman 389; Lloyd Auto Painting
(I) Walter Sprlam 371. Charlotte Posshel
330. Tom Wood 469, Gladys Wood 35.
HUh team series and (tame, General Fi
nance, 1723 and 838; httfh Ind. series, Al
ma Penny B04; high Ind. lame, Ullbert
Jacober 193.
Rnnd 1
Ih Newman ft Jim Llnhart 353.,
Nelmeyer 394. Harvoy Fox 3(19, Bam Fox
319. Ed Ellison 34 S: Davis Gil Jerry
Davis 39fl. Carl Wllrnx 313, Clarenre De
to 331, Wayna Fields 430, Glen Blanton
RtxrtTi Drlre Inn (1)Duano Frank 309.
John Nolan 383, Wayne Frank 391. Ray
Orlffln 364. Emery Alderman 410; flun.rl
Itonuts .1 Hoval Pawley l:i4. B. F. Ctinh-
tni 4J1, Cliff Reed 301, Duanc Chretien
330. Euaene Oliver 34S.
II liter's Radio (S)-Les Do1r 350, Dave
BpaldlnR 35S, Keith Knye 445, Bye 233.
Bye 290; Mirk's Klfn Nhnp l 1)111 Harris
3!S4. Art Hershback 357, MUltert Jaeoheri-
son 385, Francis Miller 381, Ted Howe
Capp's Used Cars (0, Bill Campbell 433.
a n n rn. u c m iv wmwrnn. ir
"It's our
family's whiskey,
neighbor and
tasty as the
day is long!"
a nim. n mm mu stmt, vt
mut itiiii ti. umucniiK, im.
tsyrs III
Ore., Wednesday, Sept. 21. 1949ISPORTS ROUNDUP
Ralph Kiner (above),
Pittsburgh outfielder,
High Ind. lame, dene Braucht of
Barb's, 239; high Ind series, Dave Hlller
Ich of Keith Brown, 829; high team series,
Sno Boys, 2907.
University Alleys
Alexander's Jeweler, (1) Johnson 374.
MocJc 435, Merrell 367, Tanner 312. Broa
khorr 349: Good Hnasekrrplnf (21 Clara
452, Olney 483, Jonsa 401, Glbba 428, Oar
berlno 460.
Plank Contraetore !) Oartaon 411. 81
ber 353, Plank 378, Hlna 371, Sfhroeder
383: Rlnaland Kennela It) Kerns 343,
Rlenhart 36. Hall 377, Peas, 293, Snyder
United Wheel Alifnatenl (8) Rowland
390, Kaneskl 443. Evens 465. Mnhlman 330.
Robertson 411: Randall'a Flu Meats 101
Stone 420. Head 26, SchlemanD 309, Whlt
more 319. Swanson 433.
Anita Shop S McDanlela 362. Lemon
428. Causey 367. Thompson 440, Davey 461:
Lata Florists (0) Llndsey 482, MrClaln
274, Kenner 264, Upston 373, Kennan 395.
High ind. aame. Mavta Jones. 193: hlah
Ind. series. Dot Olney. 483: hlah team
lame, Oood Housekeeping. 817.
Howard Smith 427. Leonard Capos 366.
Lester Capps 612. Eddie llrnsel 443: Frosty
Olson (4) Tom Wood 673. Eddie Harrison
499. Harvey Orlllln 418, Bill Oeuthler 426.
Emit ficholi 431.
High team aeries and game. Frosty Ol
son, 2347 and 786: high Ind. series and
game, Tom Wood, 873 and 224.
Although Washington has
played four times In thv Rose
Bowl, a 14-14 tie with Navy in
1924 Is the best result the
Huskies have been able to gain.
Switch to Dodge ; ; . Save with these Features !
ainglno Features
FAMOUS DOtHlt L-HEAD (N0INI . . . 'lob-Ralad" lor your
loads. Ssvas gas. oil uta sarvm aspsnM. "
VAlVf SEAT INSERTS . . . Resist wear, pitting. Radur va'vw
grinding, sreaarva ssjrtormanoo.
long-life quality. Hajdues) fnaintonanca coals.
. run CRANKCAK VENTILATION . . . removes orankraaa turnag
and vapors. Pretests angina porta.
ruU-UNOTH CYLINDER COOLINd . . . UMhwm aroUng al
cylindsra. erevanta distortion . . . raduoaa wear.
4-RINO ALUMINUM ALLOY PISTONS ... tor top parformanrai
long boaring life: low oil consumption,
rULl-PKEISURE LUtRICATION . . . positive protorlion of main,
connecting rod and aairsjnaft baevinga and oamahaft drivo.
Chassis Features
SUPER rRtCTlON CLUTCH . . . a.trl large IrMainal araa, "Jot
Pared" far srnooth actran and kvng i,fa.
S2S Chtmtkato St.
Badgers Know Cash Can
New York, Sept. 21 VP)
Casey Stengel's standing gag lor
his injury - ridden season has
been "lost man, win a ball
game" . . . What's going to hap
pen now that the Yankee crip
ples are beginning to round into
shape? . . . When Harvard's
football team takes off tomor
row for the Stanford game Sat
'Coast Conference
Football Briefs
Eueenc. Ore.. Sept. 21
University of Oregon today re
ported a large frosh football
team turnout including several
outstanding prep school stars.
Among the standouts were Don
Sloan of Portland, Wayne Par
sons of Seattle and Carl Irvin
200-pound fullback from Cor
pus Christi, Tex.
Corvallis, Ore., Sept. 21 W
Coach Kip Taylor of Oregon
State said today that his squad
will be at full strength for its
game against Utah Saturday.
Al Gray, letterman center,
was back In uniform after re
covering from Injuries receiv
ed In the UCLA game last Fri
day. Seattle, Sept. 21 (U.B Unlver
sity of Washington lootball
players leave here tomorrow
aboard a chartered strato-cruiser
for Minneapolis where they will
play Minnesota Saturday. End
Chuck Olson has been named
captain for the game.
Moscow, Ida., Sept. 21 U.B
The University of Idaho grid
squad drilled on pass defense
yesterday in preparation for
its conference opener against
Oregon Saturday.
Palo Alto, Calif., Sept. 21
With the return of reserve
back Rupe Andrews, Coach Mar
chie Schwartz reported that his
entire Stanford football squad
was in good shape. Schwartz put
the Indians through a secret drill
Berkeley, Cal., Sept. 21 u.R
The University of California
Bears suffered another scrim
mage injury yesterday when
regular rigiht halfback Frank
Brunk was benched with a
wrenched knee. Coach Lynn
Waldorf said Brink will not
play against St. Mary s Sat
urday. I f . .. I
e RU00ED 3-. 4s MPEEO TRANSMISSION . . , "Joo-Raled" for
tna load. Carburited gaars; haat-troated shafts; antifriction pear.
e FULL ILOATTNO REAR AXLE Hypokl design; panff-tvpa hous
ing .. . "JoC-Rstsd" for tha load. Long-life ... low upkeep cost,
e POWERFUL -Job-Rated" BRAKES . . . Cyclebonded brake lin
ings ino rlvatal prolong oraka Ida.
e CROSS.TVPC STCERINQ . . . Sharp turning angle; easier han
dling . . . Miraviifiad parking.
e SArtmr-lOCATIO OAS TANKS . . . Outside tha cab ... not
Cab Features
e COMFORT -MASTER CABS . . . erclsimad by drivers aa meat cone.
fortabia cab an any atandard production truck.
s SAFt VISION . . . astra wide, high windshield - 810 Sq tnchea.
Pllot-housa oaba with rear quarter windows availapia.
e ADJUSTABLE SEAT-Sevan Inrhae a) prat adiustmanl
e ALL-WEATHER VENTILATION - Combination heating and van.
ti'eting and dafroating tyslem angtnoerad lor fnasirnum eemtort
and asfety.
urday, it will be only the sixth
long trip in Crimson football
history and the second time Har
vard has opened a season away
from home. . . . Tub-Thumper
Hank Johnston points out that
the Harvard squad has a B mi
nus average, which has nothing
to do with the fact they'll likely
be minus a few players when
But Is There Any
Difference in
Results, Howie?
Seattle, Sept. 20 W Coach
Howie Odell was asked by in
terviewers on a radio round
table program last night to
compare Washington's formid
able football opposition of the
next two Saturdays Minne
sota and Notre Dame.
This was the former Yale
mentor's reply:
"There's a difference. No
tre Dame (with split second
timing and finesse) sort of
nudges you out of the way;
Minnesota knocks you down
and then walks over your
Ham 'n' Eggers
To Hold First
Meet on Friday
The first meeting of the Sa
lem Breakfast club for the sea
son is slated for 7:30 Friday
morning at Nohlgren's. Al
Loucks, recently named presi
dent will preside.
Coach Loren Mort of Salem
high school will be called upon
to make a few predictions con
cerning the game with Klamath
Falls Friday night as well as to
post mortem last week's clash
with Vancouver.
Coach Chester Stackhouse,
also booked for the breakfast,
will not be available because he
and his team will leave Thurs
day afternoon for Ellensburg for
their meeting with Central
Washington the following night
Correct for Newport
13:42 p.m.
0:43 a.m.
1:18 p.m.
1:33 a.m.
1:54 p.m.
2:23 a.m.
3 11 pro.
3:14 a.m.
3:09 p.m.
4:07 a.m.
8:49 p.m.
6:27 a.m.
8:49 p.m.
7:07 a.m. -0.9
7:34 p.m.
7:46 a m.
8:20 p.m.
8:25 a.m.
9:07 p.m. -1.3
9:04 a.m.
9:56 p.m.
9:46 a.m. 1.4
10:50 p.m. -1.2
. ;','li.
Truck owners in large numbers are
switching to Dodge. There's good reason
Dodge "Job-Ratal" trucks give you more
for your money !
Don't take our word for it. Come in.
Examine and romrxirc Dodge "Job-Rated"
trucks with any other muke of truck.
Compare them . . . fpature for feature . . .
price for price . . . value for value.
Switch to Dodge. Save money . . . first to
last . . . with trucks that tit your job . . .
and with famous Dodge dependability
and long life.
Come In ... for a "good deal" and the
best truck investment you've ever made.
Salem, Ore.
Win Games
the Indians get through . .
Duke's Wallace Wade has "re
cruited" basketball star Ceep
Youmans and baseballer Tom
Powers for his defensive football
squad. And the word probably
makes Wade blush every time
he hears it
Bucks Lateral Play
Old-timers at the Univer
sity of Wisconsin recall that
back In 1895 a million dollars
gave Chicago a victory over
the Wisconsin team . . . The
Badgers were leading 12-10 at
half time, but Just as the
teams lined up to start the sec
ond half, the president of Chi
cago U. raced out on the field
excitedly waving a telegram
... It was the news of a mil
lion dollar grant-in-aid to
build athletic facilities . . .
The Wisconsin players, who
even had to buy their own
suits and shoes in those days,
were so overcome by envy
that they went down by a
22-12 score.
Sports Pourrl
Hook Mylin, who at best
hasn't many football players at
New York u., got an awful
shock the other day when Bill
Matthews, flashy soph halfback.
calmly phoned the news that he
was transferring to Michigan
. . . When Mike Garcia of the
Indians shut out the Red Sox
1-0 last July a Cleveland fan
made a recording of the play-
by-play broadcast and presented
it to Mike, who proudly sent it
to his folks in California. , .
Some unkind folks might say
Mike hasn't been able to .find
the platter since then . . . An ex
pert observer who saw Villa
nova thump Texas Aggies 35-0
(and who says it could have
been a bigger score) adds: "VII
lanova has more depth at full
back than any other college
team I ve ever seen.
Cleaning the Cuff
Abe Attell, the old-time
featherweight champ, figures
Willie Pep must be about
washed up because Willie re
fused a $75,000 guarantee to
fight Sandy Saddler. Abe
never would have refused to
accept that much dough . . .
Philadelphia boasts a women's
bowling team composed en
tirely of left-handers. It won
the 1948 Pennsylvania tour
nament without even a wild
pitch . . . Luke Easter's big
gest booster on the Indians
probably is Satchell Paige,
who says: "I never could get
Luke out." Rutgers Univer
sity is considering the estab
lishment of a chair of wild
life. ... It probably will es
tablish Itself the next time the
Rutgers football team beats
What is
a. W. IYIB Vise Pros.
tOY NI1ION...AM. Vlee "m.
I. C. SMITH Vise free.
JACOB PUH8IB....A.rt.CosMsr
180 0. OI . . . A..I. Co. Mm
t. a. BOlTfACK Aim. Mae.
08VAL C. KBW4IN..AHS. Mas.
Seata aMfl
Big Game Stalks Hunters
In Canadian Park Jaunt
Seattle. Sept. 21 UP! De
spite a bag that held a Gris
tly, a brown bear and three;
mountain goats, two Seattle
men were undecided today
whether they were the hunters
or the hunted during a jaunt
into the Tweedsmuir park
area 300 miles northwest of
Vancouver, B.C.
Unscheduled events on the
trip, by Lloyd B. Walker, co
owner of the Moore hotel, and
Dr. R. M. Erspamer, retired
druggist, included being at
tacked by a pack of some 25
wolves and later by a she
Walker said he shot the
leader of the wolfpack and a
second animal and that Erspa
mer wounded a third.
Heavy Scrimmage
Due Wednesday
As Viks Prepare
A heavy scrimmage was In
store for Salem high's Vi
kings Wednesday as the peak
of their pre-game preparation
for the contest with the Kla
math Falls Pelicans at Waters
park Friday night.
The game Friday at the ball
park will mark the first ap
pearance of the Salem high
gridders on the revamped
diamond. The sideline closest
to the covered stands will be
lined just beyond second base
so that the playing field will
include only a small portion
of the denuded Infield.
Coach Loren Mort, expect
ing another tough test of Vi
king strength, is expected to
throw the scrimmage into
high gear in an effort to un
cover potential game flaws.
A light workout Thursday
will be devoted to polishing
plays for the Friday meeting.
You and Your Optical Wardrobe
Now that fashion has taken a hand in the design of glasses
frames, you'll want several pairs . . . gem-encrusted for
evening . . . gold or silver trimmed for dress-up . . . plain
for business.
383 Court St.
Dial 3-650S
Dr. E. E. Boring
Your Problem? "
Vou will do well as have many others
to bring your Real Estate Loan prob
lem here for discussion. Experienced loan
men will help you find the right answer.
xyTTfHrciiH i iriu u
"The guides said they be
lieved the wolves mistook our
two white horses for caribou,"
Walker explained.
It was two days later that
Walker and the guide had the
run-in with the Griizly while
searching for game with their
East Salem Construction
Of New Homes Takes Drop
East Salem, Sept. 21 This fall after a drop-off in the number
of new homes being started in
several under construction in
On Birchwood drive and around the corner on Swegle road
there are three new homes un -
der construction. Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Friesen, son-in-law and
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Darby, have a new home be
ing built on Swegle road; Mr.
and Mrs. William Sampler who
have been living on Swegle road
this summer are building a new
home on Birchwood drive; and
Jim Lawless is completely re
modelling a small home on
Birchwood drive where the J. O
Palmers lived. J. P. Cozad com
pleted a new home on Garden
road across from the school-
house a few weeks ago and there
is another under construction
just north of the schoolhouse on
Garden road.
The monthly meeting of the
Capital City Rabbit Breeders as
sociation was held at the May
flower hall. The program hour
was given to plans for the fall
show. A committee met in the
home of Larry Reasnor to com
plete the details of the show
plans. Tickets are now ready for
the banquet which will be 1:30
on October 16. Anyone that is
interested in the show whether
a member of the association or
not may meet with the commit
tee which is starting at 10 a.m.
Sunday to get the Roultry and
rabbit building at the, state fair
Dr. Sam Hughes
1117 lefi.warer tereos
Walker said he heard a rock
roll and looked up.
"There was female Gris
tly heading for us. I had left
my .300 Magnum rifle on the
horse. Then another smaller
bear showed up.
"The guide told me to take
his rifle. It was an old .30-. 30.
I fired, hit the big bear in the
neck. It kept on coming. The
next shot hit it in the heart
and killed It."
Swegle community there are now
the close neighborhood of the
grounds ready for the show.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Darby
have moved back to their home
on Birchwood drive after living
on their farm near Stayton this
Officers of all East Salem
home extension units will attend
the training meeting in Salem
at the YMCA on Thursday.
The September meeting of the
Lansing Neighbors Garden club
will be held at the home of Mrs.
H. W. Cole on Lansing avenue
Thursday afternoon at 1:30. ,
The Merry Minglers are meet
ing Thursday afternoon in the
home of Mrs. Clyde Colwell In
Salem on North Church.
A Million-Dollar
Brings You the
Beer with the
Now taste for yourself the re.
suits of years of painstaking re
search plus more than a million
dollars worth of newequipment.
Added to slow Age-Mellowing
. . . Old-Country know-how . . .
they make this fine beer better
than ever before.
...Try LUCKY.
LAGER today
Enjoy that rich,
mellow "MIL.
FLAVOR" every,
one's talking
Distributed by
Chappell-Marshall Co.
Phone 13441