12 Capital Journal. Salem. Ore.. Wednesday. Sept. 21. 1919 Happy After Judge Acquitted-rJudge Robert Carpenter (loft), his 82-year-old father, R. C. Carpenter (center) and step-daughter Barbara, 20, stand among group of well-wishers shortly after a Fulton county superior court jury, at At lanta, Ga., acquitted Judge Carpenter of attempted murder in the shooting of his one-time business associate, Attorney John Lockwood. The jury freed Carpenter after 59 minutes deliberation. (AP Wirephoto.) Healthy Gain Is Noted In Polk County Values Dallas Final figures on Polk county valuation show a healthy gain, according to Ed C. Dunn, county assessor. Total taxable property is up nearly $700,000 with that for 1949-50 listed at $15,830,875 as compared with $15,152,000 for last year. Previous figures released for publication from the state tax commission were based only on estimates and were not com pletely accurate, Dunn states. Taxes are going to be up con siderably in the county, howev er, because of so much addition al voted for schools, roads and other Improvements, Dunn declares. Much of the gain In valuation Is offset by loss In value of for est lands due to the removal of timber. Also many small saw mills have moved out of the county, cutting the personal property total. Acreage in all three classes of lands, tillable, non-tillable and timber, show gains due to the fact that much of the Camp Adair area is back on the tax rolls for the first time since the war. Tillable lands have jumped from 130.289 acres to 135,238 on the tax rolls. Non-tillable lands are up from 169,429 to 176,453. Timber lands were 52,601 last year as compared with 53,645 on this year's summary. Thus, total acreage is listed at 365,337 while last year showed acreage at 352,320. Total value of real property is listed at $11,542,570 as against $11,350,550 last year. Personal property is up from $2,397,590 to $2,654,840. Utilities assessment for 1949 50 is $1,906,925 as compared with $1,651,680 last year. The breakdown of real prop erty valuation for 1949-50 is as follows: Tillable lands, $4,530, 920; non-tillable lands, $1,449, 540; timberlands, $4 62,080; structural improvements on un platted lands, $1,437,380; platted lands, $1,151,350; structural im provements on platted lands, $2,-511,300. Personal property is classified as follows: Movable machinery and equipment, $715,700; mer chandise and stock in trade, $836,130; farming implements, machinery and equipment, $688,230; furniture and equip ment in commercial use, $115,- 830; and livestock and miscella neous, $298,950. 'NOTHING SEXY ABOUT AN ATOM' Marilyn's 'Atom Strip Tease' Doesn't Bother Runway Gals By VIRGINIA MACPHERSON Hollywood, Sept. 21. U.R A blonde movie queen crashed the bump-and-grind circuit with an "atom strip tease" today but the main street mamas scarcely bothered to notice. They don't figure this new-fangled nuclear fission will ever re place the spangled u-string For one thing, says Betty Rowland, the runway's red headed "ball of fire," there's nothing sexy about an atom. It may be the most powerful thing on earth, but it's no good behind blue lights. You can't jiggle it at the customers . . . you can't take it off . . . you can't even see the blamed thing. Miss Rowland shrugged a bare shoulder "How," she'd like to know, "would we ever get THAT past the vice squad?" Nope, says La Rowland of the runway, she expects no compe tition from Miss Marilyn Max well of the movies. Even if the censorship boys did get all hot and bothered about her film, "Atom Dance." Seems those atoms are all that stand between the voluptu ous Maxwell curves and the bald-headed row. That's the way it seems. Actually, the beautiful blond's wearing panties and bra under neath. And the "atoms" are hundreds of tiny flesh-colored balloons, glued carefully over the same strategic spots Miss Rowland covers with sequins. But smack in the middle of the dance, with Clark Gable ogling right along with the rest of the boys, the atoms explode. Just like Bikini only twice as interesting. It takes concentration. But Miss Maxwell is a girl with con centrated equipment. Before long she could explode her atoms with a simple bump-and-grind jiggle. That's when the Johnston of fice got wind of the doing and moved in faster than chain re action. No bumps, they ordered. No grinds either. A little wiggle here and there might be all right, they guessed, provided it was a "refined wiggle." They also ordered up a spe cial scene showing Marilyn fastening the balloons to her underdrawers. They were afraid some bug-eyed moviegoer migbt get the impression she's plumb nekkid under those "Hollywood atoms." And that's why Miss Row land and her sisters under the spangles aren't worried. You don't catch THEM disillusion ing the baldheaded row that way. "This radioactivity's no good for burlesque, anyway," Betty sniffed. "You'd have to do it 10 miles away from the customers. And Minsky could tell MGM that's not good box-office. Not when you're taking 'em off, it isn't! GLAZED SASH AND DOORS Building requirements for glazed sash and doors can be met here ECONOMIC ALLY. All our millwork is of guaranteed quality in workmanship as well as in materials. Your request for an estimate based upon your present or future needs is cordially Invited. SALEM WOODWORKING CO. 1 I 1225 Cross Cabinets - Frames Ph.3-5953 Firemen Are Called; Woman Too Expert Albany Mrs. R. E. Tobey of North Albany was busy report ing a grass fire Tuesday after noon to the fire department when she noticed it was coming close to her house. The firemen on the other end of the line heard the phone drop. The two trucks and a comple ment of men were sent to the blaze, which department offi cials feared might consume the house. When the units arrived, there was nothing to do, Mrs. Tobey had dropped the phone and put out the blaze. Class Ties Quilt Falls City The Loyal Wo men's class met at the Christian Church and tied a quilt to be put In the emergency box. The October meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Ethel Guthridge. A pot luck dinner will be serv. cd. ITCH ( Advert UmQt i (ScablM) to bit b I flow and WOSI4 eem. Una. for lift If not topped Its tola caiu. tho Itch mitt whit h Imnnn U ordinary trtatmcola. EX SOB A kills too llcb-mltt Almost Inalantlr, Only thru dsn EXSOBA traatml 'tqulred. "Mail orderi flrco prompt atteatlon, A ill Fred Meyer Dro gtctlona and oth er GOOD Drue Slorea." 1 136 S. HIGH Ml. J biK-.A , 'HTtF 'Spa. tiiiU4u cur One door away from the Elsinore Theater To give you faster service in a more convenient location, the Willamette Valley Division of Portland General Electric Company has moved to new and larger quarters at 136 South High Street. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY WILIAMITTI VAILIY DIVISION, SAIIM, OMOON We Like to Sell Nunn-Bush Shoes There h ut nb denying It jf. men of abort tver tgt ewsfeoei DO girt Nunn-Buih shoes high reeognMon kxJ pesslstsnt loyalty. The Nunn-Bush polkr osssMtig to omIm she wotld's finest shoes 'foe bmo Is (snaking in a lerel of quality which Oar issjimii Was sod which we Hist so sell for thic nmobi lofoy Aosds fashioning. It shoold give EJjsrton Shoes $9.95 to $1J.S0 THE MAN'S SHOP THE STORE OF STYLE, QUALITY AND VALUE" MOXLEY & HI NTINGTON 416 Store Street Salem BIGGEST COFFEE MAKER SALE YOU'VE EVER SEEN Off 27 to 50 eiFiF on Famous (General Electric These Are the Lowest Prices Ever for These Famous G-E Coffee Makers Elfstrom's bought a huge quantity from a large distributor. That's why you can save a whopping 27 to 50. Every one has Pyrex heat-resistant glass bowls. "Tastegard" gives coffee uniform strength whether you brew 2 cups or 8. r was $3 95 G. E. Coffee Maker. It has 2 to 8 cup capacity. Cup measurement marked on lower bowl. Cool textolite handle. Use on electric or gas stove. NOW ONLY 195 I $.95 G. E. Electric Coffee Maker. Makes 2 to 8 cups Comes with chrome plated elec tric stove. Operates on either AC or DC. 6 ft. cord. NOW ONLY 4-95 I . Bin was 10 G. E. Electric Coffee Maker. It comes with a glass filter rod. 2 heat stove, black plas tic chrome trim. Operates on AC or DC. 6 ft. cord. NOW ONLY 7.95 1 1 was 17 95 G. E. fully automatic Coffee Maker. Press button coffee is made automatic ally. 2 to 8 cups. Glass filter rod. With stove. AC only. 6 ft. cord. NOW ONLY 12-95 1 340 Court Street Salem, Oregon