j ! i : ... t , hi i Time Saver Dr. Vannevar Bush (seated) and Dr. Sam uel Caldwell of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, demonstrates an automatic typewriter that photographs lines of type on film which in turn can be used to make a printing plate. The whole process takes only five minutes and is expected to revolutionize the printing industry. The device is three times faster than the conventional typesetting machine. (Acme Telephoto) ERDY IN THE WELL 'Take the Bull by the Horns' Was Solution of Problem He Celeburne, Tex., Sept. 21 WV- Ferdy the bull is a little puzzled, end hurt bv the ways of man. j The 1,260-pound Holstein was ambling around late Monday mbled right on when he saw some planks. 4 Feet first, he went crashing through the planks. He thudded to a stop at the bottom of a 40-foot abandoned well. ! He stayed there all night. 5 When he looked up and saw Farmer Jim Cryer peering down ' be looked into a face as puzzled as his own. 4 Cryer didn't know until this morning what to do. "Take the bull by the horns," Crver said to himself. "Take the bull by the horns." This morning his friend, Gene Reed, pulled up with his auto wrecker. It has a winch on the "back. . The steel line was lowered "into the well. It settled snugly around Ferdy's ample horns. 1 A little grinding and Ferdy's jneck began stretching. But he Jdidn't budge. A little more trrindins! and a little more stretching. Ferdy's jeyes uroiruaea Kiassuy. neu ' . 1 t j 41,. . 11 14UIU sidy in uic wcu. He was limp by the time his bottom side cleared the bottom of the well. His neck was longer than it had ever been before. At the well lip, Ferdy col lapsed. But he kept on breath ing. Darn near pulled his head off," commented Reed. jjj So Good Shirley May France, 17, the plucky swim mer who almost whipped the English Channel, is doing even better with this bowl of New England clam chowder at a welcome home dinner given by her home town of Somerset, Mass. (Acme Tele-photo) "Yeah, shore did," said Cryer. Ferdy got up, very shakily cod? Today's SUN-PROOF House Paint is better than ever because IT'S FUME PROOF! It gives a film of unusual whiteness that will not discolor or darken when attacked by coal smoke or industrial fumes or gases. Come in and ask about this new advancement SC47 in house paint. Gal. There's a Pittsburgh Point lor Every Home Need I WALIHIDI WALL PAINT-Coven almost every surface with one coat. Washes without ttreakine. Flat, per gallon $4.: WATIRSPAR INAMIL-Quick- drying, lustrous finish for metal trim, woodwork and furniture. Quart $2.19 lORMIOt -Tough, durable en amel for wood or cement floors and steot. Gallon S5.7S Come tn far FREE copy, "COLOR DYNAMICS for Year Homo" WALLPAPER for all Rooms! Before decorating tee our wide range of attractive pattern. Here you'll find a broad attortment to fit any taite, any purpose, any puna. United Style Album and Salon Selection! -Dorothy Lei bet Weaves handsome, long-lasting budget patterns modern, tra ditional and period styles for every room in the home, JQ to $4-30 per tingle roll. Atk ewr trainee Waflpspar Consultant fer tiente deceratlnf edvke. Extension Unit Plans Training The Marion County home extension committee met Mon day at the home of Eleanor Trindle, Extension Agent, to plan work to be carried on by the Home Extension Program for the year. Details for the officers train ing meeting to be held at the Y.M.C.A. on Thursday, Sep tember 22 were completed. All unit officers In the county are to attend this meeting to receive their instructions as to their duties throughout the year. The procedure to follow in con ducting a business meeting will be discussed as well as specific details having to do with Exten sion Work. Reports from state council meeting will also be given. At Monday's meeting the county committee also made plan for a training meeting to be held at the Y.M.C.A. on September 29 for all extension unit, A.C.W.W. Chairman, Azalea House Chairman and Publicity Chairman. Speakers to be in cluded on the program are Max ine Buren, woman's editor of the Oregon Statesman; Mr. R. G. Fowler, Information specialist at Oregon State college and Mrs. Kenneth McCarnack, district Azalea house chairman. Mrs. Ralph Mercer, county committee chairman, made the following committee chairman appointments at Monday's bus- BiMkaMaMaetaiiiesieHaHeseai mm mitii t i m hii Warren Douglas gets a warning from Audrey Long at gun point, in this scene from Republic's "Post Office Investigator," at the State tomorrow with "Brimstone." iness session: Mrs. I. G. Lcrmon.lThe next business meeting of the county publicity chairman; Mrs. county home extension com- Roy Kuns, county Azalea house mittee is to be held on October program; Mrs. Frank Way, re- IB at the name ot Mrs. Koiana search and legislative chairman. 'Seegar in Liberty community. CHINOOK SALMON For Canning 30c -b. Fitts Market 216 N. Commercial St. Phone 3-4424 Two-Wheeled Rider Sent to Hospital Albany An automobile-mo-lorcycle collision at Fulton street and the city limits Tues day put Wesley G. Sheffield, 22. 3681) Diane avenue, in the has pital with lacerations and an ankle fractured in several places. Sheffield, on his motorcycle, was attempting to pass Rex Glenn Drummond, 17, Albany RFD 2, when the collision hap pened, police reported. Drum mond, the report said, was mak ing a left turn when Sheffield hit the car. I Capital Journal. Palcm Ore., Wednesday, Sept. 21, 194911 y'I won lsl prize at sifSp ak oiitkKl with fcffihl my ak3 from Ifixl Cinch Cake Mix." ( tovt Ml, t. C . Sthwob. it., Eogtft. 0BO I awe W Use Copitjl lournol Wont Ads. They Will iotisfy Your Needt. Guaranteed better baking with wy rfiC,eB m WA" Hi i Ose KiUh,n Craft in -i K fJiVlX jj 5? your fovorfe recipesf vjiu V 'GMd battj, baking ra.ufc, AT YOUR SAFEWAY STORE If o your money dock j fWfcj 000 l?jQBLia9S Thousands upon thousands are "discovering" new satis faction, new refreshment in todag's Blitz Weinhard, the new taste in heer! If gon enjoy beer as a light refresh ment, then gou're in for a new delight when gou taste todag's Blitz Weinhard. If gou are a Blitz Weinhard nser already, gou know the "ease up" pleasure and enjoyment that are yours when gou drink the light and lively beverage so mang people in these parts prefer . . . todag's Blitz Weinhard, todag'i new taste in beer. Available evergwhera BLITZ WEINHARD hoi fust completed a 24-month program of expansion and modernization. This means today's Blitz Weinhard Beer comes to you from one of the most modern breweriei in America. Since 1 856, the brewers of this select beer hove held the reputation for untiringly see' Ing out the finest brewing methods of the day odopting these methods installing the latest equipment'and brewing with only the choicest ingredients. Naturally, today's Blitz Weinhard Is today's most popular laste In beer. VISITORS WELCOME.. .Monday through Fridag Conducted tours 10, 11 A.M., 1, 2, and 3 P.M. Croup tours orranged by appointment m.uj it, i it w.4, wciuuaiu kifs m ttn ".J1I S t5rw:f "I II x: WnvvQ ill eunnlhiiiard jS 1E1 S !R BLITZ WEINHARD COMPANY PORTLAND. OREGON Distributed by Gideon Stoli Co. PITTSBURGH PI AT I OlASI COMPANY 151 No. Commercial Dial 3-3630