Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 20, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. John A. 'Weoer (Dorothy Herig
Ud) were married September 2 at Silverton. They are making
their home in Woodburn. (Alyce itudlo, Woodburn)
Faulhaber-Blaney Service
IsatMt. Angel
Mt. Ansel The marriage of
' ' ter of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Blaney of Silverton, to Walter Faul
- i haber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Faulhaber of Mt. Angel, was
olemnlzed Saturday, September
f ' White cathedral tapers, white
' white and yellow chrysanthe
mums, marigolds and green-
) cry decorated the altar, and
' J formed the background in the
, sanctuary. The Rev. Vincent
j Koppert, OSB, officiated at the
. J nuptial high mass, and read the
j double ring ceremonies at fl:30
j a.m. Miss Helen Keber was at
r the organ, Miss Pauline Saal
feld and Miss Eustelle Bauman
aang sacred hymns before the
bndal party entered the church,
and preceding the recessional
march, and "Ave Maria" at the
offertory. The mass was sung by
St. Mary i choir. Mr. Blaney es
corted his daughter to the altar,
She wore a gown of white slip
per satin designed with long
sleeves, sweetheart neckline,
fitted bodice with satin loops to
form a bustle-back and bouffant
tiered skirt with corded tucks
' and ending in a full train. A cor
onet beaded with .seed pearls
, held the fingertip veil of lllu
i aion, edged in French lace, and
' the bride carried a Colonial bou
- quet of white carnations and sa
J tin ribbon streamers. Her dou
ble strand of pearls was a gift of
the bridegroom.
Sisters Attend
" Miss Mary Lou Faulhaber,
' sister of the bridegroom, attend
' ed the bride as maid of honor
i She was dressed in a gown of
' aqua taffeta styled similar to
the brides eown. with sweet-
."heart neckline, short shirred
sleeves, tight fitting bodice, and
J tiered skirt outlined in corded
; tucks. She carried a Colonial
j bouquet of yellow and bronze
t gladioluses with yellow ribbon,
' and wore a halo band of aqua
1 taffeta in her hair.
Miss Clotine Blaney was her
j lister's bridesmaid, wearing a
floor length gown of yellow taf
feta. Her gown was made iden
tically to that of the honor at
tendant and she carried fuchsia
colored gladioluses with yellow
; ones In the center surrounded
by fuchsia satin ribbon. She also
wore a yellow halo in her hair,
j Robert Kraemer was best man
and Larry Hoffman was the
groomsman. Ushers were Wil
lard Faulhaber and Wallace
Both Mrs. James Blaney and
Mrs. Joseph Faulhaber wore
gray wool dressmaker suits for
the wedding and reception, and
each wore a corsage of white
gladioluses with pink rosebud
centers. Mrs. Blaney wore green
accessories, and the bride
groom's mother chose black ac
cessories. ' Breakfast Served
! The breakfast was held at the
i Mt. Angel hotel with covers
i placed for 20 including members
! in the bridal party, the officiat
" ing clergy and the Immediate
Doctors Find Body Odor
On 13 Parts of Body
Soap with purifying ingredient
f tt skin cleaner,
(irn all-over protection.
It's truethough few people real
he this unpleasant factl Body
odor is not confined to the under
arms. To guard popularity you
must give 13 part of your body
top protection.
Popularity is priceless. Doi't cter lost HI
The cleaner you get every part
of your skin, doctors know, the
safer vou are from "B. O." (body
odor). And by comparing daily
haths with different soaps they
fnund one soap Lifebuoy Health
Soap-gets skin cleaner, t tops
Miss Bonnie Jewel Blaney, daugh-
17, in St. Mary's catholic cnurch
relatives. Serving were Miss
Velma Fields and Miss Marlene
Axley both of Silverton.
The St. Mary's dining hall(
Mt. Angel, was the setting for
the reception held during the af
ternoon. The serving table was
centered with a four-tiered
cake, white candles and chry
santhemums. Mrs. Paul Krone
berg, aunt of the bridegroom
cut the cake. Mrs. Edward
Zitzewitz of Silverton and Mrs.
Larry Hoffman, sister of the
bridegroom, poured at the cof
fee urns. Mrs. Willard Faulha
ber, a sister-in-law and Miss
Velma Fields opened the gifts,
and serving at the buffet supper
were Mrs. John Beals, Miss
Sharon Beals and Miss Marlene
Axley, all of Silverton, and Mrs.
Verne Vonderchek. Miss Jean
Ann Barkhurst of Silverton
passed the bride's book.
The bride wore a gray suit
with pink and black accessories,
and a carnation corsage when
the newlyweds left on a honey
moon to the coast and Oregon
points. They will live in Mt.
THE SPANISH and bridge
classes to be sponsored through
the' Salem YWCA will begin
Thursday evening of this week,
both sessions set at 7:30 o'clock
at the church. All persons in
terested are asked to register
with the YW by some time
Thursday, and further informa
tion may be obtained by calling
the YW.
ON FRIDAY the Women's
Bible class of the First Metho
dist church is meeting for a
party at the home of Mrs. O. H.
Yetter, 1010 North 18th, at 2
p.m. Mrs. Beatrice Blatchford is
co-hostess. Mrs. Emma Bedford
is to lead the devotions.
SOCIAL GROl'P of Salem
chapter. Order of Eastern Star,
is meeting Wednesday, a no-
host luncheon to be served at
noon in the Masonic temple.
From Eugene comes announce
ment of the marriage of Miss
Patricia Frostholm of Syracuse.
N.Y. to T. O. Russell, Jr., son of
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Russell of
Eugene and formerly of Salem.
The wedding was an event of
August 14 in Syracuse.
BUSH SCHOOL Mothers' club
announces its first meeting for
next Tuesday, September 27, at
2 p.m. at the school building.
All mothers of the school are
invited to attend.
LANSING Neighbors Garden
club is to meet Thursday at 1:30
p.m. at the home of Mrs. H. W.
Cole, 10 Lansing Avenue.
"B. 0." as no other leading soap
can. It protects popularity brill
Lifebuoy's purifying ingredi
ent makes it more effective
against the "invisible dirt" that
brines on"B.O." Lifebuoy guards
all 13 trouble spots where body
odor occurs.
Get that clean, eimn Lifebuoy
feeling! Buy big NEW bath size
Lifebuoy at your store today.
So mM-m GOOD k rear sUi!
Lifebuoy is wilder . . . wonderful
for delicate wmpleritmt! Enjny
th rich white lather from Life
buoy's rotonut oil. Make friends
with Lifebuoy today! Anotlurfin
pmduetof Lrm Brothtrt Company.
Elizabeth Klein and
NorbertMay Wed Sept. 17
Mt. Angel Miss Elizabeth Klein was married to Norbert J.
May, son of Mr. and Mrs. George May, during early morning
ceremonies at St. Mary's chucrh on September 17. at o'clock.
The couple exchanged their vows at double ring rites read by the
Rev. Hildebrand Melchior, OSB., who officiated also at the
nuptial high mass. Serving at
mass were Edward Klein, broth
er of the bride, and Paul Hauth.
Just before the wedding party
entered the church the b ride's
uncle, Raphael Schaffner, sang
"On This Day O Beautiful
Mother." Miss Helen Keber
played the marches and was ac
companist at the organ, also for
the St. Mary s choir singing the
mass, and for Miss Pauline Saal
feld and Miss Eustelle Bauman
who sang after the services.
White cathedral candles, and
Marigolds and white asters dec
orated the altar.
The bride, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Klein, was es
corted to the altar by her father.
She was dressed in a traditional
white satin wedding gown styled
with a fitted bodice buttoned
down the back and a flowing
skirt which fell in a long train.
Folds of satin caught in the cen
ter front edged the square mar
quisette yoke, and the long
sleeves were pointed at the
1-1 j u :i - mi.,
i..c cum,. u.
oiuii rufjvu jii itinii laic na.i
fingertip length, and was held
with a coronet of seed pearls
and bugle beads. Her only or
nament was a gold cross on
chain, and she carried a white
prayer book and a cascade ar
rangement of white carnations
with satin.
Miss Clotilda Klein attended
her sister as maid of honor.
wearing an ice-blue gown of taf
feta designed with sweetheart
neckline, bracelet length sleeves,
and front panel drape on fitted
bodice, and full floor length
skirt. She carried a Colonial
bouquet of yellow asters with
bronze chrysanthemums and
blue satin ribbon streamers.
Mrs. Donald Zollner (Mar
garet Schaffner) cousin of the
bride, was bridesmaid, gowned
in yellow taffeta, the dress being
made similar to that of the honor
attendant. Her Colonial bou
quet was composed of bronze
chrysanthemums with yellow
asters in the center and tied
with yellow ribbon. Each at
tendant wore a halo of taffeta
from which fell shoulder length
veils matching the color of their
Robert May was best man for
his brother and ushers were Don
ald Zollner and Aleuin May.
The bride's mother chose an
aqua silk crepe dress with white
accessories, and the bridegroom's
mother wore a silk wine colored
dress with black accessories.
Both accented their costumes
with corsages of gardenias and
white carnations.
The bridegroom's parents were
hosts at a breakfast at the Le
gion dining hall, when covers
were placed for nearly SO guests.
A large tiered wedding cake
with an arrangement of asters
and chrysanthemums and light
ed tapers centered the bride's
table. Preparing the break
fast were Mrs. Philip May and
Mrs. Frank Fessler; aunts of the
bridegroom. Miss Annela Bau
man and Miss Louise Lulay
served at breakfast. Among the
out of town guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Morris, all of
A reception was held at the
same place during the afternoon.
Mrs. Adrain May of Eugene and
Mrs. Alcuin May cut the cake.
Mrs. Donald Zollner and Miss
Clotilda Klein had charge of the
gift table, and serving the guests
were the Misses Louise Lulay,
Annala Bauman, Virginia Geek.
and Mrs. Christine Gross, cou-
ITS a crime to keep on hsuting coal and ashes through
your living room to hest the house.
Get a hsndome new Duo-Therm Thrift Cirrulatnr
Ufhl mt match to start it then lend the fin by turning
fXClUslVI BIMl CfMMlf lUINft
Turns cheap fuel oil into wa-e of rlean. safe, silent heat
and grit mnrt hrnt from rvrry drop of oil!
Mnwrfo pown.Aii iiown
Forces heat Into every nook and corner gives yod
niform floor-to-ceiling warmth vm tip to 35
on fuel bills. -
467 Court Street
Miss Duffy
Is Bride
Mt. Angel Miss Joan Duffy
was wed to Thomas Younts dur
ing afternoon ceremonies in St.
Mary's Catholic church, Mt. An
gel, September 17. The young
couple exchanged vows at double
ring rites read by the Rev. Da
mian Jentges, OSB, at 2 o'clock,
in a setting of white and yellow
chrysanthemums and lighted
candelabrums. More than 50
guests were present.
The bride, daughter ' of Mr.
and Mrs. J. G. Duffy of Mar
quam, walked down the aisle es
corted by her father. The bride
groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ormand Rice of Marquam.
The bride wore
striped tailleur with which shejion circle correspondent, was an
wore white and brown acces -
sories and carried a prayerbook!
i " " f
d b gardenias and
Brunner roses. Her only orna
ment was a butterfly wings lav
alier, gift of the bridegroom.
Mrs. Donald Seelye of Kalis
pell, Mont., sister of the bride,
as honor attendant, was dressed
in a brown glen plaid suit andiJ"'0-
brown and blue accessories, and In the Friday afternoon elec
her white prayer book was tion of grand officers, the posi
topped with yellow carnations! tion of grand banker resulted in
in a corsage. The bridesmaid, the choice of Miss Agnes Eudelle
Miss Ruby Duffy, also a sister of I Norgaarde of Portland. Other
the bride, wore a green dress
maker suit with pink and black
accessories, and pink carnations
marked her white prayer book.
Donald Seelye served as best
man for Mr. Younts and his
brother, Richard Younts, was an
Before the bridal party en
tered the church. Miss Eustelle
Bauman and Miss Pauline Saal
feld sang "Ave Maria" and
"Mother At Thy Feet Is Kneel
ing" following the service. Miss
Helen Keber presided at the or
gan, playing the wedding mar
ches and was accompanist for
the vocal duet.
Mrs. Duffy, mother of the
bride, wore an orchid hued two
piece suit dress with yellow and
black accessories, and the bride
groom's mother, Mrs. Rice, wore
a nacy blue two-piece suit dress
and brown accessories. Both
mothers wore corsages of white
gladioluses centered with blue
Arrangements of white gladi
oluses and carnations were used
as decorations at the reception,
given following the ceremony at
the home of the bride's parents
at Marquam. Miss Ruby Duffy
cut the cake, Miss Jeanine
Younts passed the guest book
and Mrs. Stanley Rich of Silver
ton, sister of the bridegroom,
was in charge of the gift table.
Following a trip to the Ore
gon beaches, the couple will re
side In this district until early
spring, when the bridegroom,
who has been assigned to the St.
Louis Cardinals as pitcher, will
join the training team in Cali
fornia, accompanied by his bride.
sins of the bride. Miss Julia
Schutyser of Tacoma, Wash.,
passed the guest book.
The newlyweds left on a
honeymoon trip to Carson and
Bismark, N.D. For her going
away ensemble the bride chose
a erav dress and white acces-
I sories. The couple will return
I in about two weeks to reside In
iMt. Angel.
sJ ' . - - - mimiifyixmiidjKBemm
Wedding In August Married in mid-August were Mr! and
Mrs. Richard Earl Gallagher, the bride being the former
Roberta O'Neill. (Jesten-Miller studio picture)
Attends Meeting
Silverton Mrs. Mabel Tal-
;bot, guardian neighbor and Mar -
a 1 1 e r n a i e represeniauve oi
Neighbors of Woodcraft from
District INo. Zl at fontanel Irom
Sunday through Friday evening. bein ;
when the foiirth-year grand ext., Grand c , and
cle session of the lodge met with I . , .
. .. . igrand team. In the welcoming
nine western and northwestern . u,. , ,,
. . ... . . . (Ceremonials and brief talks,
states representatives who ctis- r. - .u n J
, .. Mayor Dorothy McCuIlough
Portland officials elected was
the retention of Dr. Floyd South
as grand physician; the continu
ance of Mrs. Minerva Codding
grand guardian neighbor;
r, mr. i-mi hikm,
land grand captain, Mrs. Ruth
The list of grand managers in
cludes Grand Manager Emeri
tus, Mrs. Anna Hawkins, Cor
vallis. WEDNESDAY,
SEPT. 28
Is Absolutely
This is not Just a Sale!
We are Quitting
We are offering you our
entire stork of merchan
dise at tremendous reduc
tions! We must vacate our build
ing within the next two
weeks, so here is your
rhanre to buy fine mer
chandise at great savings!
In closing our doors on 30
years of successful and
friendly business we mould
like you to know that we
have enjoyed and appre
ciated your confidence In
us, and we shall always
cherish It.
Respectfully yours,
Mr. and Mrs. H.
L.1V ' ;wi
si . x.- " -a. .-1
In the opening session Sunday
evening, the delegates and al-
ternates were welcomed bv the
,Dresirijne chairman. Miss Aenes
Eudelle Norgaarde of East Side
circle No. 843.
M c K a y,
Governor Douglas
being absent from town,
was represented by Fred Peter -
Leather or Composition and
Offer Good through Friday, Sept. 23
Everything Must Go!
1. Come Early! Be ahead of the crowd!
2. The Quantity Is Limited!
3. The Quality Is Terrific!
241 North Commercial St.
Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon, Tuesday, Kept. JO. 1949 7
St. Anne's Guild At tn nour- Mr- Thom-
nn .J - I Mil
ii ii .
i Meeting On Monday
St. Anne's guild of St. Paul's Wl,n centerpiece of purple,
Episcopal church opened its neworcnld ,nd Plnk trs. and pink
year with a meeting Monday af-),aP,r'' Hostesses with Mrs.
ternoon at the home of Mrs. Powel" w,re Mr'- Theron Hoov
Kenneth Power. 22 attending. I Mr- Kenneth Wilson, Mrs.
Mrs. Bertram Thomson presid-iP,uI Lardon, Mrs. Louis Ger
ed at the business meeting. The linger, Mrs. Robert M. Fischer,
group voted to meet at 1:30 p.m. Jr., and Mrs. Robert Brennan.
ior aesseri eacn monin.
Th guild also is supplying
new ehoir robes at the church
Mrs. George W e 1 1 r. Mrs.
Charles Clarke, Mrs. Sydney
Kromer and Mrs. Louis Gerlin
ger being named the committee
for this project.
The group also voted to con
tinue its interest in a dancing
class for junior high students,
also its assistance with social
activities for the Girls Friendly
society and the youth events at
the church.
Miss Jean Quickenden, youth
director at the church, was a
guest to tell of the activities be
gun at the church this fall.
The Rev. George H. Swift,
rector, also called at the meeting
and gave a short talk.
Plans were made to sponsor
the annual fall rummage sale.
October 2fi. 27 and 28.
"Saved my
A Cod-.imd for GAS-HEARTBURN
WhMi niw ntomnrh rA rauum painful. Piflwiit
wiz . onr atDinarh and hantiirn. doctor luiiallv
itrfwrribfi ttid faNlml-Artliiji mrdlrlnen known fr
j mpiomanriTiici niMi-iiiiiii'thwtii HHl-an.
TahlrM. n laiattv. H.-11-ana tirlnga mmfnrt In a
, f j j'jg
Shoe Repair
" v.mhi pourra. ini
table was attractively arranged
lUiak Twist tmm mm
. o brilliant.
yet inexpensive fold
ing camera for full-color
or black-and-white pic
tures. Hat new-type ihutter re
lease bar for thorper,
steadier expocuret. Lent
preset no focusing re
quired. You have a thoiee
of four openings, for vary
ing light conditions.
Takes black - and - white
Kodak 620 Films and Ko
dacolor 620 Film . . . ne
gatives 2'4x3Vi. Over
si z e black - and - white
snapshots and Kodacolor
Prints, about 3 '4 X 5.
Camera, $24.50; Floihol
der, $11.08. Prices In
clude Federal Tax. Stop
in today.
Gets Skm Cltaxr . . Sieni "B 0."
at No Otbn LtaJing Soap Cta