J 3 (TsiifaZlhsiil It AIHJJl (KKt- U Edited by MARIAN 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Sept. 20, 1949 t Spinsters .'Set Benefit November 4 . At the meeting of Spinsters club last evening plans were made to sponsor an afternoon bridge benefit on Friday, No- vember 4. Committees and otn- er plans for the event will be . announced later. Miss Evelyn Johnson, Mrs. P. Dixon Van Ausdell, Jr., and Miss Margaret Lovell were host esses for last night's meeting, held at the home of Miss John son. 21 attending. Next meeting of the club li i to be October 10. ' At Installation For Aurora Unit Silverton The Installing team of the Silverton American Legion Auxiliary, D e 1 b e r t Reeves unit, went to Aurora as official guests in the formal in duction of the officers of the 3 Aurora unit. Mrs. I. N. Bacon, Salem, president of district No. 1 2, was the installing officer. 1 Mrs. T. P. Heidenstrom was in- ? stalling sergeant-at-arms. ' Installed as Aurora president ' was Mrs. Courtney Pursley; first ' vice president, Mrs. Kenneth 1 Holt; second vice president, Mrs. Gordon Fredrikson; secretary. Mrs. Ralph Aylsworth; treasur er, Mrs. Merle Wright; sergeant-at-arms, Mrs. Arthur Lynch; his- I torian, Miss Evelyn Fredrikson; I chaplain, Miss Hilda Beiser; junior past president, Mrs. Izetta Hill. The guest team Included Mrs. 1 C. E. Higinbotham, president; 1 first vice president, Mrs. Wesley Grogan; second vice president, Mrs. Victor Howard; secretary, ' Mrs. Frank Porter; treasurer, I Mrs. Ralph W. Francis; chaplain, : Mrs. Bruce Billings; historian, I Mrs. Roscoe Reeves; sergeant-at-arms, Mrs. Fred Evans; junior - past president, Mrs. Arthur Got tenberg; and with Mrs. Heiden- strom, conducting sergeant-at- arms. Mrs. F. M. Powell served as musician. The district president, Mrs. Bacon, announced the evening indoctrination school of October 10, 1.1 and 12, for the Portland - veteran hospital workers, and urged members from Aurora and Silverton to take advantage of the classes for the three eve fngs. The annual presidents and secretaries conference is to be at Portland, October 13 and 14 for instructional work. All newly elected presidents and secretaries of units are urged to attend. Mrs. Bacon also re minded the unit publicity chair men in her district to send Legionnetle news to her Salem address by the tenth of each month. Yed in Seattle Wed Friday in Mission Cove nant church at Seattle were Miss Phyllis Launer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Launer, former ly of Salem, and William Larson of Seattle. Attending the wedding from Salem were Mr. and Mrs. How ard Olsen and daughter, Luella; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Franke and family, Loren, Gordon, Charlotte, who was flower girl at the wedding, and Suzanne; also Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tay lor of Sheridan. While in Seattle the local folk met for an informal family gath ering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Knight. Mr, and Mrs. Larson are to make their home In Seattle. CENTRALIA temple, Pythian Sisters, is to meet Wednesday at 8 p. m. in the Knights of Py thias hall. TTTVYTTTTVVTVTVVTTYTTVTTTTVTVVTVYTrVYYYTYYYYVYVVTYV EXTRA! FREE TECHNICOLOR MOVIE! Thursday and Friday, Sept. 22 ond 23, 2 p.m., Woodry Furnirurt Co. Win V 7 AJr II II ty II If LOWRY FISCHER OSC Mothers Planned for next Monday, Sept. 26, is the fall's initial meet ing for the Oregon State Col lege Mothers' club. The event will be at 2 p.m. in Mayflower hall, Mrs. Austin H. Wilson, Sr., president, in charge. The new year's activities will be outlined, including a recep tion to be given late in the fall to honor Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson, state OSC Mothers' club presi dent. Credit Women Meet Guest speaker for the meet ing of the Credit Women's Breakfast club this morning at Nohlgren's restaurant was Bruce; Williams, local attorney and naval flier during the war. Mr.cnrnrUv Offlrinl Williams had for his topic, "AoronlJ VlliUUl Day on a Carrier," and told of some of his experiences in the Pacific theater. Miss Eleanor Bailey presided at the meeting Next meeting for the group is planned for October 4. LEAVING this past week-end for Corvallis were Miss Gladys boock and Miss Una Mae Gray less, who are to enroll at Ore gon State college for their fresh man year. Miss Boock plans to make the trip back to Salem to complete her term as worthy ad viser of the Chadwick assembly Order of Rainbow for Girls. "s? V t if "I; H h .- &i - y i " -J 7 X (0 . y:i BasEaCtttm Ceremony in Idaho Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Norman Fcdje were married August 31 in Buhl, Idaho. The bride is the former Betty Lou Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Can L. Thompson of Buhl, Idaho, and Mr. Fedje is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Roy A. Fcdje of Salem. Both are former Willamette university students and have gone to Boston, Mass., to live. (Coad's studio. Bunt, Idaho) & Out on a limb Come dmvn and htnv a ttilk with CLARA DUDLEY famous color-scheme consultant for Alexander Smith & Sons Carpet Company HERE IN PERSON Let her tell yon in free personal interview how easily you can tolve your decorating problem, Iet her explain to you in an txcitinR free lecture what decorating wonders you can work hy using the right color tcheme. Let her show you what beautiful re aults you can expect in the fret Technicolor movie "Before And After." You're sure to rind your visit with CUra Dudley very valuable. And it's all free! Capital Unit Installs; New Committee Heads Named Capital Unit No. 9, American Legion auxiliary, held its installa tion Monday evening as a joint ceremony with Capital Post No. 9 of the American Legion and Pioneer post No. 149, the all-woman post of the Legion, at the American Legion club. The candlelight service for the auxiliary was conducted by Women of Rotary Board Entertained The board for the Women of Rotary met Monday afternoon for its first session of the fall, at the home of the president, Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley, dessert being served. Board members attending were Mrs. Chester Pickens, Mrs. Horace Miller, Mrs. P. H. Brydon, Mrs. K. H. Pickens, Mrs. Clay Cochran, Mrs. Floyd Bressler and Mrs. Cooley. Mrs.' Charles Fowler, membership chairman, was a guest. Plans were made for the or ganization's first luncheon gath ering next Monday, September 26, at the Golden Pheasant at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Helen Cole Fletcher of Portland, Chi Omega national headquarters representative for this area, was a visitor at the Willamette chapter house Fri day evening. After dinner and a conference with the members, Mrs. Fletcher left for Corvallis to visit the Chi Omega chapter at Oregon State college. HARLAND circle of the Women's Fellowship, Knight Memorial church, is serving a luncheon at the church, Wed nesday, starting at 12 o'clock. HELP! about decorating? 4 4 4 4 -4 4 4 4 the Past Presidents club, Mrs. Mem Pearce as installing off i- cer, assisted by Mrs. Malcolm Cameron, Mrs. Jennie Bartlett, Mrs. Marie Christensen, Mrs. Florence Ames, Mrs. Leon Brown, Mrs. Frank Marshall, Mrs. Merle Travis and Mrs. Aus tin H. Wilson, Sr. Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding was installed as the new president for Capital unit and other officers serving with her include: Mrs. Clara Poland, first vice presi dent; Mrs. Anson Ingels, second vice president; Mrs. Don Apper son, treasurer; Mrs. Ted Bork man, recording secretary; Mrs. Allan Carson, corresponding sec retary; Mrs. Joy Wood, finance officer; Mrs. Velma Williams, chaplain; Mrs Austin H. Wilson, Sr., parliamentarian; Mrs. C. M. Craig, Mrs. Malcolm Cameron, Mrs. George Manning, executive board. Appoints Chairman Mrs. Spaulding has announced her standing committee chair men for the new year's work as follows: Membership Mrs. Clara Po land. Americanism Mrs. Hel en McLeod. Child welfare Mrs. Frank Marshall. Commu nity service Mrs. T. J. Brabec. Cemetery and memorial Mrs. R. W. Wyatt. Constitution and by-laws Mrs. Malcolm Camer on. Custodian Mrs. E. W. Richey. Girls State Mrs. Mer le Travis. Good cheer Mrs. B. W. Stacey. Hospitality Mrs. Don Madison. Historian Mrs. Myrtie Eckles. Juniors Mrs. Delma Nystrom. Legislative Mrs. Walter A. Barsch. Liaison officer Mrs. Ira Pilcher. Musician Mrs. F. E. Wilhelm. National defense Miss Margaret Gabriel. Past presidents Mrs. I. N. Bacon, Poppy Mrs. Anson Ingels. Pop py posters Mrs. Wayne W. Woodruff. Program Mrs. Lloyd Demarest, speakers, Mrs David H. Cameron, co-chairman on mu sic. Publicity Mrs. George Manning, Mrs. Raymond Bassett, co-chairman on scrapbook. Re- hobilitation Mrs. James A. Gar- son. Radio Mrs. Dorothy Kel- say. hewing Mrs. Edna Close. Telephone Mrs. E. W. Weisner. Finance Mrs. Joy Wood. Color bearers Mrs. James N. Bacon and Mrs. William W. DeVall. Re presentative to Salem Council of Women's Organizations Mrs. Howard Hunsaker. Following the installation, re freshments were served to the three groups, the Capital Post members as hosts. , Among out-of-town guests at tending the installation were Mrs. Spaulding's brother. Clay C. Miller, a past commander of the Legion post at Gresham; and ner daughter, Mrs. James Benni son and little daughter, Becky Bennison, Portland. for Mrs. McKay Republican women of Lane county are busy with plans for a tea to honor Mrs. Douglas Mc Kay, wife of Oregon's governor. on Tuesday afternoon, October 4. The event will be in the Eu gene hotel between 3 and 5 o'clock, a style revue also to feature the event. Mrs. Marshall Cornott of Kla math Falls, republican national committeewoman from Oregon, aiso will attend the event. Mrs. Frank B. Reid, president of the republican women's group in Lane county, has named Mrs. C. i. A. Huntington to be general chairman for the tea. BBBBBBBBBI "MERCURY" RECONSTRUCTED BaVBSBBSBBI VSOyT-, JJT ONLY COM PUTS arff ' JJ Y2FA 1031 S. W. 5th WAftJ PORTLAND "7wf DOWN 1 ( fWQy? (Oo 1 V, V V-J MONTH iasa8ginn i mr iiimmiikamm Wed In South The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Carl Schramm was solemnized September 9 in the Norwegian Lutheran church in San Francisco. The bride is the former Eleanor Simonsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Simonsen of San Francisco, and Mr. Schramm is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Schramm of Salem, the latter going south for their son's wedding. (Dore studio, San Francisco) Garden Club Mrs. Jack Bartlett was guest speaker for the meeting of En- glewood Garden club, Monday and she demonstrated flower ar rangements. Mrs. Herman Lafky, president of the club, was hostess for the meeting. Three guests attend ing were Mrs. Margaret Rose crans, Mrs. Lee Canfield, and Mrs. Lewis Judson. Following the program mem bers enjoyed viewing Mrs Lafky's gardens featuring fuch sias. The club meets the third Monday of each month. THE YOUNG adult committee of the Salem YWCA has sched uled a meeting for 8 p. m. Wed nesday at the YW. Mrs. Charles Fearing is the chairman. THE RCA VICTOR 45 RPM Record Changer NOW ONLY 1295 At Nationally Advertised Downstairs Oregon BIdg. State and High 3-8632 Silver Tea An event of interest to many for tomorrow afternoon will be the silver tea to be sponsored by the Women's association and the Westminster guild of the First Presbyterian church. The tea will be at the home of Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom between 3 and 5 o'clock. DIAL your favorite recipe WITH THE NEW MIXMASTER AUTOMATIC Juice Extractor . AUTOMATIC Bowl-Speed Con trol. .MIX-FINDER dial that has all the everyday mixing speeds plainly indicted! YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 N. Chemeketa 9 (Sunbeam WHY NOT MAKE YEATER'S yoi'r small appliance headquarters? Use This Check a SUNBEAM WAFFLE BAKER 8HAVEM ASTER MIXMASTER TOASTER IRON COFFEEMASTER Other High Quality Brandt to Chome FromI rOASTMASTER GENERAL MILLS WARING O. E. TELECHRON WE8TCLOX REVERE NECRO PRESTO PRESTO WEST REND MANNING BOWMAN SPERTI NESCO Dallas Club's Show Sept. 28 Dallas The September flow er show of the Dallas Garden club is arranged for September 28 in the Chamber of Commerce rooms at City hall. Hours will be between 2 and 8:30 o'clock. The divisions and classes are announced as follows: DMiUn I Hortlcultaril CU'Mi Bee (ion A Dihlin: C1ij 1. one Urn; Clm a, thrM tttmi on variety In innle, seml-cactui, formal decorattre, informal decorative, ball, miniature, pompon; Claw 3. collection. Section B As ten: Clm 1. lnle item; Claaa 3. three atemi on variety; Claaa 3. collection. Section C Chrysanthemum , expanded bloom over 3": Claaa 1. tingle item; Claaa three itemi one variety: Claaa 3. col lection. Section D Chryaanthemumi: Small type; Clase 1, alnale ipray; Claaa 3, three prays one variety; Claaa 3. collection. Section E Marigold: Class 1, single stem; Class a, three stems one variety; Clas 3, collection of varieties. Section P Zinnias: Clasa 1, single stem; Class 3, three stems one variety; Class 3, collection of varieties. Section a Tuberous Rooted Bennies: Class 1, one bloom; Class 3, three blooms one variety; Clasa 3, collection. Section H Fuchlas: Class 1. one spray; Class a. collection of blooms. Section I Roses: Class 1. one stem; Class 2, three sterna one variety; Class 3, collection. Section J Any other Annual 3" panded bloom: Class 1, single stem; Class 3, three stems one variety; Class 3, col lection. Section K Any Derennfal over 3" ex panded bloom: Clans 1. one stem; Class 2, tnree sterna one variety; Clasa 3. collec tion. Division II Arrangements Novice and advanced In separate classes. Section A Arranaements suitable for breakfast table. Section B Dining table arrangements: Class 1, under 13" any dimension; Class 3, over 12" any dimension. section c coffee table, not over 9" any dimension. Section D Buffet: Class 1, under 13", any dimension; Clasa 3, over 13" any di mension. Section E Mantle; Class 1, single; Class 3, pairs. Section P Public Dlace. church op hall: Class 1, floor arrangement; Class 2, spealt- Sectlon O Product of field and orchard. Section H Products of roadside and forest. Section I Any combination of fruits or vegetables and flowers. Section J Indian summer, flowers and bronte foliage In copper or brass. eecuon k. Analogous arrangement con tainer and foliage must be one of the colors. Section L All white arrangement own foliage allowed. Division III Corsagea Section A Street. Section B Afternoon tea. Section C Evening. Section D Feather. MRS. C. K. LOGAN returned Monday night from California where she has been visiting her sisters in Palo Alto and Man hattan Beach. WITH IXCIUIIVI TIME'TBMP SHELF Cooks complete delicious oven meals for 8 or 10 personi, without watching. Bakes perfect pies, cakes, cookies, bread. Cooks vege tables, preserving natural vita mins. Time-Temp Shelf gives cor feet cooking time and tempera ture, at a glance. , COOKS AUTOMATICALLY Just put your food in the KoasterOven, set tha dial, and forget about it until time to servt. IAVII T1MI Cooks entire meals at one time; without watching. Gives you mora leisure for other things. POODS TAST! MTTft Cooks fowl or meats thoroughly without "drying out." Vegetables retain more of their natural flavor and vitamins. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 175 N. Chemeketa Sheet for Your Appliance Needs! a UNIVERSAL PERCOLATOR HEATING PADS IRONS WAFFLE RAKER ELECTRIC BLANKET TOASTER MIXERBLENO HOTPLATES MIXER wehave Stockings 'by MOJUD in Fashion Harmony Colon 125 165 At Kay's 460 State Street UNIVERSAL COFFEEMATIC The Vn watched coffee "pot thai never bolls. Enuff said ... the Universal COPFEEMAT1CI Flavor Selector atvaa choice of eoffaa strength . . makes coffee as you like H . . . and keeps It that way. Redt-Lltc goes on when coffee k ready. Serve right at the table, aoffea tiara hot. TOflSTMflSTER Automatic hp-Dp Toaster Srpr.Rri.EX aat timer. Par feet toast as y like ft! J FINGER-TIP CRUMB TRAY EAST-LIFT HANDLES SEASY TO CLEAN FULLY AUTOMATIC SEE IT AT YEATER APPLIANCE CO. S75 N. Chemeketa WESTINGHOUSE IRON MIXERS COFFEEMAKERS TOASTERS SANDWICH GRILL PERCOLATOR HEATING PADS HOTPLATES ELECTRIC COMFORTER ELECTRIC SHEET SUN LAMPS Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAA