12 Fall Fashions Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, Sept. 20, 1919 Here they are! Fall's Newest Fashions Flattering . . . Choice Selection Sensibly Priced Add Your New Foil Purchases T Your Monthly Paymonl Account At Wards! SEE WARDS WINDOWS TONIGHT! LIVE model WILL PRESENT THESE AND OTHER LEADING FALL FASHIONS Shop Wards Until 9 Every Friday Night O-V 155 N. Liberty Phone 3-3191 1 (, BROADCLOTH IS NEW IN 1949 COAT FASHIONS PURE WORSTED SUITS, FAMOUS FOR QUALITY 29 98 $35 All-wool twill broadcloths, rayon satin lined the coats you want at the price you want to pay. Come see them to day in new Fall shade!. Misses' sizes. So expensive looking, but so down right thrifty fine sheen gabardines and sharkskins, with hand-made details, ray on erepe linings. Fall colors. 10 to 18. THREE WING STEPS FROM OUR NEW COLLECTION 5 98 New In style! Tops In quality! Leaders in value! The ways to foot fashion are many , , , but the real achievement is to find them at a truly low price like this! Black suede in 3 heel heights. Sizes 4 to 9. See Our Complete Selection FLATTERY FOR FALL IN DRAMATIC RAYON CREPE CAROL BRENT JUNIOR WITH TWO SKIRTS 12 98 1Q98 You'll thrill to our gala selection of dress-up styles, excitingly different with new sleeve and pocket treatments. Black, colors. Sizes 9 to 15, 12 to 20. Our newest Carol Brent casual, beau tifully tailored In rayon sharkskin. Two tkirts to mix or match. Gray with green or wine, tan with green or wine, tan with brown. Sizes 8 to It. CAROL BRENT PROPORTIONED NYLONS 11 39 SIZES SHORT - Sli to 9H MEDIUM 8Vi to 10Vi LONG - 9'4 to 11 COLORS COCO-TAN MOCHA-MIST GREY-TAUPE Glamorous sheer 15 denier, 51 gauge! Proportioned through the ankle, calf and thigh as well as the length! All clear Ny lon from top to toe. The fine, even seam flatteringly slenderizes! Reinforced heel, toe for extra wear!