10 Fall Fashions Capital Journal. Salem. Ore.. Tuesday. Sept. 20. 1919 C.4 7 . 1. ('t.TX-'. ?. I 4 t It - ., . . . - vr , ilM-,'- ,! For Apartment-Dwellers, Simmons saves space with mod ern sofa-beds! Each unit it attached to a single-hinged headboard, has a Deep Sleep innerspring mattress and box spring. Zipper covers and innerspring bolsters are sold separately. Upholstered in plastic covers. i" -tnffl f Vnt -h 1 If W It f ilfin'i Wn I (til titt "i i il I 1 f ilti BiXflf r iaiM if fifnWif afi W Wi V t wtni i i - v. ;-. A Knotty-Pine Wing Chair sets a new note for oecor with lis unique Jungle cover. Made by Habitant Shops with a matching end table and streamlined lamp. j "The Pharoah" Futorian's new wing-lounge chair fea tures posture fitting in its modern Egyptian styling. Foam rubber construction in back and seat cushions. Teachers' College Scholarship Given Rtnyton A ncholarshlp to a teachers college Is to be given to a student graduate of St. Boni face high school of Sublimity by Court Queen of Peace, Catholic Daughters of America, accord ing to plans marie at the last meeting. Some top or article to he add d to the "Joy Through Toys" program will be brought by each member to the next meeting Clothing will also be sent to a needy family. Appointed to the committee to serve Jointly with one from tht Knights of Columbus for the annual Columbus day dance were Helen Gislcr, Rose Bell, Mary Boedighelmer, Gertrude Pcul rieh, Katie Etzcl, Dorothy Min ten, Angcline Gorman and Jane Cook. Date set for the annual Ini tiation was Sunday, November 20, which is also the ninth an niversary of the court. Packaged gingerbread or choc olate cookies may be spread with awcetrned whipped cream, piled one on top of the other, and then refrigerated for about aix hours. Cut through the stark of cookies and cream diag onally and serve ai dessert slices. , Mens' Wear Goes Bold for Fall! The "Bold" look for men, which has been a feature of the casual wear collections for the past two seasons comes into its own this autumn in a collection of jackets, slacks and sport shirts that give the male with a love of color a chance to give full expression to his long-suppressed desires. Plaids and checks in bold pat terns and striking color combi nations are the rule for sport coats. Very much in the picture, too, are coats and jackets of cor duroy in solid colors of green, wine and coppery brown as well as colorful, patterned cords. The majority of slacks are in plain shades to harmonize or contrast with the new bold coats and jackets. Wind and water-repellent jackets in closely-woven twill with plaid, wool linings are a favorite for campus wear; and for later in the season, full length storm coats of wool and cotton gabardine with linings and collars of wombat and mou ton will be seen in the cheering sections at all the games. The Gaucho sport shirt con tinues to be the number-one casual choice in a wide array of new fall versions long or short sleeves striking color combinations knit or wool fab ric. Fall Home Decor Stresses Modern, Functional Furniture, upholstery fabrics curtains and drapery that dram atize functional treatment with the beautiful, make exciting fall fashion news for the home. Considerable interest is shown in multiple unit furniture that can be arranged and rearranged at will; can grow with a house or family, and adapt itself to a change of habitat. From a dozen basic units, such as chests, cab inets and bookshelves, as many as 150 arrangements can be made. Yet the units can be as sembled harmoniously to look, for all the world, like single pieces. Much of the smart, contempo rary furniture is mahogany, ve neer on hardwood in finishes that include bisque, cordovan or black lacquer, with a patina so smooth and satiny as to be rem iniscent of fine heirloom pieces. Stunning new decorator fab rics are shown that blend per fectly with matching and har monizing wall papers. Wonder ful autumn shades of earth browns, Vermillion reds, moss 'green, combinations of turquoise brown and grey, pinkish tans and mustard tones give drama tic color and diversity to mod ern treatments. I The keynote of the new con temporary design is to coordin ate line and color in such a man ner as to give an air of con sistency throughout the entire room, house or apartment. This is done by means of novel lamps, floor coverings, accessory ob jects and abstract art. New Store for Capitol Shopping Center A local branch of a New York chain of women's and children's ready to wear stores will be constructed on the southeast cor ner of Capitol and Marion streets, in the Capitol shopping center, It has been revealed by articles of Incorporation filed with the Marion county clerk by Hughes of Salem, Inc. The shop will occupy a 40 by 125-feet space, Just acrosi the street and south of Sears, Roe buck. November 1 had been listed as tentative opening date for the store. William J. Miller, John E. Buclland and Dorothy H. Mc Veigh, who made the filing, list $10 000 capital stock. Chopped prunes, chopped ap pies, and finely diced celery make an excellent stuffing for fowl. Flavor with a little onion juice if desired. High Sewage Costs Discourage Builders Silverton The high cost to the owner of new homes build ing on Eureka avenue and the south extension of Center street, is promising delay in other families' plans to build in this addition. John Middlcmiss and Olaf Paulson, both ex-service men, turned thumbs down on a cost of $1219 for the privilege of connection with city sewers. Council and city manager inves tigators to ascertain the cost to the young homemakcrs, George Christenson, Reber Allen and Robert Borland, suggested sep tic tanks for the homes until more building was done in this section, as this would lessen the cost for the originally built homes. The question was discussed at a special meeting of the city council. Churchill Asks Session London, Sept. 20 tU.Ri Win ston Churchill, leader of the conservative party, asked the labor government to recal1 par liament from its summer and autumn recess not later than next week to consider the deval uation crisis. Here's I worth of headline news- the D0BBS Dobhs brings you hats of finer quality, better eon traction, higher style than you'd ever believe possible from the $10 tag. These Dobhs live up to their label in every respect. And that same label identifies the world's finest hats Before you invest in any ht a any price-look1 over our selection of 110 Dobhs. It will pay you ocllj Oihti Dcbbt Han tS.SC to $30 THE MAN'S SHOP "THE STORE OF STYLE, QUALITY AND VALUE" MOXI tY & IIINTINC.TON 416 State Sf. Salem iinmi'a'Tlaikai Admiration Ice skating star Sonja Henie receives con- gratulations of young fans as she arrives at church in New j York for her marriage to socialite Winthrop Gardner. Jr. I (Acme Telephoto) r Wr like to Sell Nunn-Bush Shoes There is just no denying it . . . men of above aver age awareness DO give Nunn-Bush shoes high recognition and persistent loyalty. The Nunn-Bush policy of striving to make the world's finest shoes for men is resulting in a level of quality which our customers like and which we like to sell for that reason. Enjoy Ankle-Fashioning. It should give )ou greater comfort and added miles of smartness. Edgerton Shoes $9.95 to $13.50 CARP'S FV AND NAHM 4. AT SIXTH CARR.DOLAN NICOLLET THE MAN'S SHOP "THE STORE OF STYLE. QUALITY AND VALUE" MOXI.EY HUNTINGTON 416 Store Sf. Salem INSIDI INFOIMATION Kupptnhetmer ileeve and coat linings are carefully iewn by hand, o they haiiK properly and itay imooth regardless of hard near. This assures that armholes fit manly and comfortably. . here's an inexpressible satis faction ... an air of confidence ... a feel ing of well being . . . that comes only from dressing w ell. The best way we know to get that pleasure is to get a Ktippenheimcr. Let us show you what one of these Ktip penheimcr suits in fall's new deep rich JTu ppetlheimer suits shades will do for your self-esteem. 70.00 ,nd www mora on investment in good appearand Kuppenheimer Topcoats, $60.00 end more TTIW M CDEID 3 0 "THE STORE OF STYLE, QUALITY AND VALUE" MOXLEY & HUNTINGTON 416 State St. Solem -1