Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 20, 1949, Page 26, Image 26

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    Photos to Tell
Story of Gems
Knitwear Variety
lance in fashion news.
Ining wear.
ner for town and country va-
The versatility and flattery of One piece wools and jerseys Smart knitted accessories suclvriety.
the knitted dress has been es- will wear a cardigan sweater for ; as sleevesless vests with square
tablished and is here to stay for an ensemble-with-sweater look, lowcut necklines, stoles, scarves,
To make a pastry cover for a
rolling pin use a child'i white
stocking and cut the foot off.
this new season. New versions in This approach will be highlight- berets, muffs and gloves are de-
knitwear are of keen import-,ed m cocktail dresses and eve-
signed in a
sophisticated man-
' g Fall Fashions Capital Journal. Salem. Oreeon. Tuesday, Sept. 20, 1949
There is more to a diamond
than the bright sparkling gem
that one sees in a jewelry store.
And telling the interesting story
back of this gem will be the
series of photos to be found in
the window of the Brown Jew
elry store Fall Opening night.
The series of pictures begins
in the mine in the depths of
South Africa and follows the
diamond through to the finished
product. A complete descrip
tion of the process being fol
lowed will accompany the pho
tos. Included in the descriptions
will be a number of interesting
facts known to few outside of
the diamond industry. Among
them is the information that
"it takes twenty-three tons of
rock brought out of the dia
mond mine to yield a half
carat diamond at the jewelers."
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Hit Coat of 1950 Bright red broadcloth
is the fabric of a gently fitted coat bound
for campus, by Barbara Blake, Jr.
Prom Bait One of the most popular for
mal styles of the season strapless satin with
velvet Jacket, by Mary Muffet.
Sophisticated Simplicity Describes
Fall Suit and Coat Selections
Suits and coats for dress-up,
and casual wear, too, wear a
look of suave simplicity in styl
ing a new opulence in fabric.
This year, the magnificence of
fabric is the most interesting
highlight of the fashion story.
Such wool fabrics as super
f 1 n e worsteds, featherweight
gabardines, saxonies and tweeds
are shown over and over again
in nil of the collections. Velvet
and wool combinations are in
troduced look for iridescent
tweeds and a revival of men's
wear fabrics to a new high in
Suits see shorter Jackets
fitted, boxy, back-belled and
the classic Norfolk Jackets.
Skirls are slim, and occasion
ally kick-pleated many are all-
around pleated panel fronts
hug the hips tightly the slim
mcst of skirts are slit, both for
utility and good looks.
Shoulders are padded lightly:
sleeves vary from the usual nar
row, classic fit to the flattering
raglnn and dolman cuts. Small
collars with individual treat
ment are notched, tabbed and
carry novelty lapel handling.
rockets are predominate as is
nmlti-buttnn trim.
Fur-lined boxy Jackets have
a spanking new look and are a
pleasant surprise to any one an
tieipating a new coat purchase.
There are great coats, less
flared than previously halma
caans with raglan shoulders
polo coats in lush camel hair
fabrics the belted silhouette
and the boxy three - quarter
length coat. These short coats,
fully lined with such furs as
Persian, nutria, broadtail and
niouton. are slim looking in spite
of the fur, and are the biggest
thing on the fashion horizon.
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The vest plays a reverse role
and is turned inside out by Bell
ciano! It's a big spread of black
Persian from shoulder to hip,
worn over a coat of Forstmann's
Riva blue broadcloth. The skirt
is wide and gracious in unprcss
ed pleats. A John Frederics hat.
Neck Pieces Lend Allure
To Milady's Neckline
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Dress-up coats are dramatic
and elegant and are trimmed
with fur for the collar, lapels
and trims. The coats are round
at the shoulder, subtly empha
sized with dressmaker detail
and most of the more elegant
styles follow the close fitting
and princess styles.
All weather coats with full
tip-in, zip-out linings continue
in popularity.
Pouchy, carry -all pocket:
deep concealed pockets, pockets
for trim pockets for utility are
extra credits In the coat curri
New coat fabrics boast a host
of interesting textures and pat
terns. Shadow overplairis, bold
bright plaids, stripes of varied
and assorted width and color
combinations, are all bright and
exciting. Iridescent tweeds arc
the big news, of course, and the
usual small-to-large checks con
tinue to hold their own.
In suits and coats alike, the
colors are gay and brilliant with
vintage shades sparkling in the
color panorama. All the grape
colors from pale purple to deep
malaga purples, rich with red
overtones, will be in great de
mand. Reds are rosy and clear-hued.
Check taupe, toast and all the
neutral brown tones for top pop-
ularity and you are sure to find
the new putty color widely ac
cepted. The brown family, a
whole, is considered the leader
in the color parade.
Olive, moss and green-gold
are the favorites In the green
family. Slate blues with grey
tones and teal (blue-green)
revived with a fresh, new color
intensity. A true, blue-navy en
ters the scene proudly for fall
into-winter wear.
Leading woolen mills, leather
fabricators and accessory manu
facturers have banded together
to bring to the market all of
these colors in identical color
values in all manner of mer
You'll find it an exciting
hunt a "which one shall I get
dilemma, when you shop for
your new fall suit or coat from
these dramatic, colorful crea
Cords, Velveteen,
Plaids Complete
Casual Ensembles
Kverything from the top of
your head to the tip of your
toes is accessorized with cordu
roy, velveteen or plaid to add
the final finishing fillip to your
tail casual ensembles.
Clever toques, berets and
cloches add the headline inter
est with huge carryall handbags
;and even shoes turning corduroy
conscious. Corduroy, velveteen
and wool plaid ballet tvpe slip
pert are the footnotes to fashion
.1 to complete your ensemble.
The fashion conscious co-ed
won i nnve any irnuDie rounding
our her campus wardrobe with
these matching style-wise pieces
Jeweled Bib . . .
scroll and pearls
"havette" necklact
Lacy gold Golden date . . . Accordion
make this choker necklace which is ad
lor a V-Unstable to any neck. With
bracelet to match.
Tailored Type . . . Green co
vert coat with fitted waist, full
flared skirt.
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ATCHKO against tht field, those figure
make news.
Matched against what they cover they're sn
urgent hint for instant action.
Because that sum puts in your garage
style that's as fresh as a dew-laden daisy, from
those brand-new non-locking bumper-guard
grilles to the double-bull's-eye taillights.
size that's mighty handy in traffic, a real relief
in modest-size garages, i wonderful aid in
room that rates right up at the top with
inches added to all rear seat cushions, a full
foot more hiproom in 4 -door Sedans.
power that is lively, frugal, ever-thrilling be
cause it comes from a high-compression, bigb
pretsuri Fireball straight-eight.
A RIDE we'll put against anything else you can
find, regardless of price soft, pillowy, gentle.
We call it matchless because we think you will
handling? Well, this price is the price on a
Buick Special with finger-flick Synchro-Mesh
transmission as light and easy as you'll find
on any non-automatic-drive car.
But a few more dollars per month will also
give you the silken luxury of Dynaflow Drive
the soft, easy, restful drive the very biggest
Buicks boast.
Figure it out. Check things up. Look this pic
ture over, then
Go learn more from your Buick dealer.
Sure as sunrise, you'll make up your mind
to buy this one.
This stunning,
frtsh-lintd Bukk
3 piiiin gar
Coup, only . . .
2 -door Stdantt
(not (down) only
Roomy 6-pas-ungtr
Sedan (not shown)
only .
Stole and local foxes extra. Prices subecf to
change without notice. Prices may vary ilightly
in adjoining communities due to shipping charges.
s2 1 74
II ' - J?
Jim r.m
' V If GffATH
. S hrn heller automobile mrt bmllt BUICK. wilt build them
Vary creamed chicken by add
ing strips of pimento, black
olives or rooked mushrooms
Serve over hot biscuits that
have been split and buttered.
388 N. Commercial St.
Phone 3-3621