Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 20, 1949, Page 20, Image 20

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    Salem Welcome hll pening hesday Might
Auto Show Opens ryPca of Fan
On Streets of City
It's here again Fall Opening time and without doubt there
it a multitude of calendars with Tuesday night especially marked
because of the occasion.
In the windows of the men'i and the women's ready-to-wear
and department stores found the latest in wearing ap-
Florists will deck their win-
Irv A.
' ( 1
Efforts Show Tonight Jim
Beard, head of the Retail
Trade Bureau, has acted as
chairman of the Fall Opening
for Salem. Others working
with him have been Reynolds
Allen, John W. Adlon, Hollis
Huntington, Ralph Schlesinger,
Earl Heider and Fred McKin-ney.
Band fo Play, March
For Special Occasion
Fall Is a time for band music,
with football games and fes
tive occasions. Fall Opening is
no exception and there will be
band music on the streets in
Salem Tuesday evening.
Coming to Salem for the occa
sion is the 50-piece high school
band from Albany. In addition
to playing during the evening
the band will also march
through the streets.
dows in colors that Mother Nat
ure produces.
Still other stores will show
the latest in household supplies
and equipment, dishes, glass
ware, gadgets, and then there
will be the hardware and plumb
ing establishments with their
special items.
By Monday morning over 90
business firms had signed up for
participation in the annual
event, and most of that group
will be entering their windows
in the window display contest
Another event that is a regu
lar feature of Fall and Spring
Openings is the treasure hunt
for which participating mer
chants are now giving out tick
Revived feature is the auto
mobile show which begins at
6 p.m.
A new feature is the parti
cipation in the treasure hunt of
three theatres. The theaters,
Grand, State and Liberty, as
their prizes will give away thea
ter tickets.
The program for the evening
is to open with the automobile
exhibit and will be followed by
the unveiling of the windows at
7 p.m. Also planned as part of
the program is the appearence of
the 50-piece Albany high school
Arrangements have been
made with the city to block off
two areas in the downtown sec
tion for the evening.
Blocked off for the automo
bile exhibit will be Court street
from North Commercial to North
High streets. The other street
to be closed for the evening is
Liberty street from State to
In charge nf arrangements for
1 . ; .
Back-to-School separates return to the rustic in this two
piece ensemble. The shirt is supple corduroy with a hi-or-lo
collar line, smart with buttons and bows. The all-wool
plaid skirt by Dan Gerstman, has its pleats stitched across
the hips for smooth smartness.
Fall Opening is the Salem Re
tail Trade Bureau, headed by
Jim Beard. Working with
Beard on the plans are John Ad
lon, Reynolds Allen, Fred Mc
Kinney, Hollis Huntington,
Ralph Schlesinger and Earl
Glove Glamour
Gloves with a frivolous, femi
nine look are getting a big hand
this fall. Side-draping, smock
ing, elasticized wrists, multi
stitching and dressmaker detail
give new fashion importance to
gloves as a major costume accessory.
Here Are the Firms
Putting on Fall Opening
The firms now signed-up to
participate in Fall Opening are:
Allen Hardware, Alex Jones,
Alexander's Jewelers, Anita
Shops, Acklin Bootery,' Ar
buckles, Anderson Auto's Inc.
Brown Jewelers, Bishop's,
Burke's Camera Shop, Bramble
Hardware, Breithaupt's Florist,
Cooke's Stationery, Capitol
Drug Store, Capitol Furniture.
R. L. Elfstrom company, Eola
Acres, Florist.
Field's Dress Shop, Fashion-
Grecnbaum's, Gevurtz Furni
ture, Good Housekeeping, Gay's
Candies, Grand Theater.
Hartman's Jewelers, Holland
Bakery, Howard Maple Sporting
Goods, Hogg Bros. Appliance
and Furniture, Haniger's Dress
Shop, Heider's Radio Shop,
Hamilton's Furniture, Howard's
Corset Shop.
Jackson Jewelers, Jewel Box,
Jayson's, Johnson's Ready to
Wear, Jack and Jill's, Jary Flor
ist, J. J. Clothier, Judsons.
Kay's Apparel, Kailles Dress
Shop, Karmel Korn Shop.
Les Newman s Men s Store
Lambert's Antiques, Little
French Shop, Leon's Shoes.
McKay's Chevrolet Company.
Midget Market, Moderne, Mar
garets Shop, Marilyn s Shoes,
Man s Shop, Miller s Department
Store, Morris Optical company.
Mar's Lunch Moore's Bicycle
and Sporting Goods, Metropoli
tan Stores, Inc., Montgomery
Ward and company, Marion
Nohlgren's Restaurant.
Olson's Florist, Otto J. Wilson
and Company.
Prices, Pennys.
Quisenberry's Pharmacy.
Roberts Bros., Red Cross
Pharmacy, Rohland's.
Smart Shop, Sear's Roebuck
and Company, Salem Hardware,
Salem Home Furniture, S and
N Clothiers, Steven's and Son
Jewelers, Sallys, Schlesingers,
Stiff's Furniture Store, Salem
Lighting and Appliance, Stan
Baker Motor company, Schrock
Motor company.
Toy and Hobby Shop, The Spa
Valley Motor company, Vince
Williams Card Shop, Wool-
worth's, Woodry's Furniture,
Western Auto, Warner Motor
company, Wattier's Shoes.
Yeater'i Appliance.
Latest in New
Autos Promised
What's the latest in new auto
mobiles? Those who are in Salem for
the Fall Opening Tuesday night
will find out without having to
go from one dealer to another.
This year has brought the re
vival of a feature of Fall Open
ings of several years ago the
automobile show. New auto
mobiles from eight Salem firms
will be on display in a blocked
off area on Court street between
North High street and North
Commercial street.
Those firms planning to ex
hibit autos are Valley Motor
company, McKay Chevrolet
company, Marion Motors, War
ner Motor company, Stan Bak
er Motor company, Otto J. Wil
son and Shrock Motor company.
vwaui.' I
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For the Fall Wedding The
bridesmaid wears pink satin,
draped across the bodice, full
of skirt.
Glamour for Fall
Contour-Carved Black Velvet Can by Peg Fisher, who
adds halo-effect of Chantilly lace. Pearl costume jewelry
by Coro.
Treasure Hunt Features
Fall Opening on Tuesday
Treasure hunt not the kind where you use a pick and shovel
hunting for a chest of gold coins or jewels.
This hunt requires only tickets and they are obtainable at any
of the Salem stores participating in Fall Opening this Tuesday
Given away at the participat
ing stores during the business
hours the. tickets have numbers
on them, some of which match
up with the numbers to be found
on cards found in the windows
of those merchants taking part
in the annual opening. Near the
card will be a free gift contri
buted by the merchant.
The treasure hunters, go on
their search for the numbered
merchandise Tuesday night but
it will be the following day be
fore the prize can be claimed
as none of the stores are remain
ing open Tuesday night.
One exception will be the or
chids to be given away by Eola
Acres Florists, which that eve
ning is to have a display in the
Senator hotel in the office of
KSLM. Ticket holders with the
number corresponding to those
on the orchids may claim their
prize the same evening.
I- :
Two Piece Secf ional . . . $365.00
Modern Barrel Back Chair,
The Mustang .... $49.50
HERE at last is upholstered fur
niture filled with joy. Lines to
cheer the heart of all . . . Con
struction and comfort to last a
life time . . . Designed by Jack
Kinnebrcw, the Northwest's lead
ing furniture designer and built
by Portland Lounge. You owe
yourself a treat. Stop in and have
a sitting demonstration in this fine
introducing "regal modern"
a revolution in upholstered furniture
construction 100 foam rubber and
staple cotton filling
Free Parking on Our Lot
The Home of Modern Furniture
Ladies' Club Chair.. $119.50
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