FOR SALI MISCELLANEOUS! HEW 6 VHETi mimical Instrument & spinet grand piano it reduced prices. JAQUITH MUSIC CO.. Ph. 3-4641 n2 EMPIRE FLOOR FI'RNATE, 50,000 B.T U. for BUTANE OAS. Thermostat con trol, practically new, used 2 mon., oru. coat I14J.50 - for - 133 SO. Jelfcoit, Rt. 1, 8. 167, Independence, Oregon. n22 GOOD USED Furniture at a bant tun Call at 1341 WUbert Si A. U. or alter SEPTIC TANKS, Cone rata Pipe and Tile reinforcing steel, mean and coloring. All kind river aoil. pit-run, gravel, crushed, sand and mixes. OR BOON ORAVEL COMPANY 140ft N. Front St. Phone 3-3417 m n22- MOD. 04 WINCHESTER 33 special H5. Mod. 4 Remington automatic 10 cal iis. Phont 2-5578. ni.23' BE OWNER: Nlca noma, mod location, outdoor fireplace, fruit trees, 16300 oie N. aiat. n:23 44 WINCHESTER carbine, 15 -.IS, 140 ph. 8-5414. n?2;. . FILBERT NUTS, abo woodcircu,r.tor." 112.50. Other iurnitura. 036 ' Jeffror. 02i5 USED SEWING Machine. Reasonably priced. Ph. 1-3139. Ralph Johnson Appliances n245 B. C. ALLEN Cash Register. Like new. tlh. Ph. 3-4641. n224 Save 20 to 50 ON BAND St ORCHESTRA INSTRUMENTS St SUPPLIES New Clarinet! 150.50. Trumpets 142.50. Trombone 165.00. Baritones 1125.00. French horna I17.V00. Violin tIS up. All kind of uaed Instrument. Some rental Instruments, available. Jacquith Music Co. Ph. 4-4641 848 Cascade Drive. n224 FULLER bruhe, 1745 arantTPh3-8:i:)7. H244- I AND " wooden display tables. Rem Ph. 3-5858 Rt. 3. Box 910. nJ24 STEEL CLOTHESLINE post, railing in stock to made to order. 1145 N. Liberty. n242 TRUCKERS come and get It, pit run and nil dirt. Sue. Silt 60c. Commercial dsnd and Oravel Co. Ph. 21968. n22 WALLINO SAND St GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for road and driveways, cement, ready mix concrete, garden land Bulldoilof, drainage and ditching -rd. ahovtl and drag line. Ph. 3-9249 SALEM SAND o U RAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road clearing - Ditching Sewer Basement Equipment Rental 1ft B rda 10 B yds. D-1 Cat St Dozer D-Q Cat St Doner D-4 Cat St Dozer '"a ui about ditching by th ft. Phone Days 3-9408 Evea. 3-8248 or 3-4400 Balem Oregon n 6sED OIL burners and bloweia. Priced to sell. Ph. 28663. n233 SEWING Machines Electric or Treadle Service on all makes. Ph. 37671, n228 Cumber " 2x4'a by Jitney load, $10 per 1,000. You haul. Independence Lumber M Mfg. Co., Inc., Independence, Ore. n GENERAL ELECTRIC Croslej, Gibson and Montag Applances at Oevurtz. FENCE POSTS, poles, all typea. Shingles fertiliser A flatrock. Phillip Bros.. Rt C. Box US. Ph. 31458 n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE NEED Junk batteries. Paying 11.75 Retread Tire Service, 320 So. Lancaster. na231 WANTED furniture to glue A repair. Les Broav Furn Ref in lining Co Ph 2-7001 USED FURNITURE Phone 3-9185 PERSONAL GREETING CARDS wholesale. 9 differ ent company boxes, New for prices at Seattle Card Mart, 103 N. Believue Write us. Pi 2 4 STANLEY Home Product. 555 Cross. Ph. 2-8446. P247 AUTOMOBILES FALL OPENING SPECIALS 1147 STUDEBAKER LANDCRUI SER. R St H 1841 STUDEBAKER 4 -DOOR .1695 00 CHAMPION .. 1441 STUDEBAKER 4-DOOR COMMANDER 1043 STUDEBAKER COUPE (NEW MOTOR t 1040 STUDEBAKER 4-DOOR (COMMANDER I 1030 STUDEBAKER 4-DOOR (CHAMPION I 1046 PLYMOUTH TUDOR .... 1Q46 NASH SEDAN 1041 CHEVROLET 5 PASS. ... 1040 PLYMOUTH TUDOR 1930 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR ... 1030 BUICK SEDAN BONESTEELE' . 1695.00 . 395 00 . 695.00 . lid') 00 . 4H5.30 . 1095. UI) . 37n -10 . 545. 00 . 49i Ofl . IBS CO . 593.00 370 N. PHONE 3-0277 CHURCH ST. LEM WILL TRADE "30 Plymouth 4 door for a 3 -door or will sell for 1525. Ph. 20190 q.226 ONE H ton O.M.C. Pickup worth Priced for quirk sale R50. Call a 11000 tier I p.m. lo s, uier, oo orartt St. .liver- q235 CAR AUCTIONS TONITE 7:30 BRINO YOUR CARS, TRUCKS or TRAILERS. NO SALE, NO COMMIS SION. E. Salem Auction Center 025 Lancaster Or. Ph. 3-1221 q224 tt MODEL B, 4I Ford 4 cyl. engine, 4 speed transmlvion. New tir.s new paint. $130. 1790 N. 24th St., Jim. Ore q22S FOR CHEAP transportation see thl '36 Cher. 4-door Sedan. (160. 1260 Ne braska. q226 rfORD D f'mjxe 2-Dr., an orl 1 1 n al clean car. 1520 State St. q22S 17 CHEV. 2 -Door Sedan. 696 N. Cottase. Call between 5 arid 7 p. m. q2.6 49 FONTIAC 5-pp-ss. coupe. Very good looking car. Real bargain this wvk. Ph. 23482. ql rS7 m!bsON71l50T2185N. Uberty. Pri7 2-8482. 22 19M CHEV. Dlx. Coup. Good cond. 1350. Brook Trailer park. 1084 State. See Sunday or mornlnR. q224 304B.CHEV. convRA:H. Plastic waf cov- er. Skirts, etc. Like new. 11550 cah. Private owner. Ph. 31903. qJ24 1044 DODGE panel. Excellent condition. 1403, See at 476 S. Com'l afternoon At tv. 22" Eisner Motors to Buy WANTED) Clean used cara. Bob Mart 3160 South Commercial a Eisner Motors to Sell 4IHI USED CAR LOT 488 your old one. 12th St. Junction Open till 10 p m q241 Tt4e CHEVROLET, SpvclApDeluxrTVd.i v sedan. Radio, heater, dfrosve. te cover, grille guard. Except. o-iallv fn Inside At out. Motor excellent. Oood tlrejt If you want a car you ran -Inve thous and of mile without a nt--l M tx pen4 see thl one. 460 Spruce St m ,-i-5 '41 CHEV. coupe, IS50. Ph. 3-3942 't-r 4:30 p m. a225 ZEEB'S USED CARS " BUT BELL TRADI TERMS 131 Fairground Road Phone 1-44 CAR ACCESSORIES tire A tubes at cot price. First come first served a this i close-out gg:e. Dealers welcomed. R D Woodrow Co.. 40 Center. ' Eisner Motors Fine Ca; s FINANCIAL BILLS UNPAID? 1 add your obligation! 3 pay them off in a lump sum with a loan lrom personal 3 then make just one reasonable payment each month $25 to $500 on Auto Up to $300 on Salary Furniture Don't borrow unnecessarily, but If a loan solve a problem, phone or come In today. Personal Finale Co. of Salem 51S Stite. Rm. 12ft Phone 3-3464 C. R. Allen, Mitr. Lie. 8-133-M-165 r326 $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS UP TO 1300 Oome In or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fa Irt rounds Road Next Door to Bank No Parking problems Phone 37032 -Lie N M 3 69-8291 Floyd Kenyon, Mgr r PRIVATE MONET Spec I Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Short Time Payments ROY H SIMMONS 138 South Commercial St. Phone 1-9161 SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4'4 INTEREST ft to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St Phone 3-3663 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie 8-133 and U-328 and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 S. Commercial St. Tel. 3-9161 FARM AND CITY LOANS 'ir, and 5 YOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cuh for Real EMala Contract, and Second Morttasea. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 201 Pioneer Truat Bid.. Ph. 3-7163 r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 S. Church Parkin, a Plenty Ph. S-24S7 Lie. No. M-159 8-154 TRAILERS NEW 2 wheel all metal tralltr. Rack end canvas cover. 1335 Lee St. Reas. t229 riT.TRAILER71rwlydecoratedrT bed davenports. Good heating atove and gasoline pressure cook stove. 3223. With out wheel. 3 miles out airport rd. Paradise Island Farm. t224 WHEEL camping trailer, sleeps 4. Will tnkn small 2 wheel trailer as part pay ment Esau's Motor Service, Dallas. t224 BRAND NEW 1949 Van a bond 22-ft. Refrig., elec. brakes, bottle gas range, 1500 under cost. Trailer Park Village. 8085 Port land Roarl. t228 DIRECTORY DDING MACHINES! All makea nwd machines sold, rented, repaired Roen 456 Court Phone 3-4773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service new appliance f! ace's Electric Phone Free estimate Trade-in accepted on 3-9239 137 S Liberty St VT-UR DOOR GRINDING riAtvnmower sharpening and repairing Dexter's. Ph 36833 O AUTO RADIOS Authorized Warranty Repair Station for all moke of Auto Radloa Motto RaJlo Co.. 153 3 Liberty Ph. 3-6935 MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phone 3-0IS6 Night 3-1804 33"1 Center Mike Pa nek, 275 S Com'l. Ph. 3-5161. Brake and wheel aligning specialist. 0233 FtlllLDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now Term. No down payment Phone 3-4850 o BUILDING CONTRACTORS Alt Bros. Also house raised. New foun dation... Phone 3-5909. 0242' lU'LI-DOZING Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear inn teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Fatrview Ave. Ph. 2-3143, Salem. 0239 CAR P E N TER WO R K Carpenter work. New, repair. Ph. 2-2093 O230 CASH REGISTERS Instan delivery of new RCA cash register Al" makes sold rented, re pa:-cd Roen 456 Court Ph 3-6773 o' CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveway, patio, curb, walla, eto. Call 2-4850. CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimney vacuum cleaned Enj'ey 771 S. 21st. Ph. 3-7176. o233 IIRFSS MAKING Alt., dress making. Good used clothe for sale. 360 State St. Rm. 27. o244 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vtnoe's Electric for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing, 1ST 8. Liberty 3-fl3 o- EXCAVATING Excavating St grading Ben Otjen 4i Son 818 Rural Ave. Ph. 33080. o239' EXTERMINATORS Cnckroach, Moth Exterminator Service Ph. 3-3054, Lee Cross. 1S35 Pearl. 0233 Breithauot ? for flower Dial 3-0174 0 Ctiel. stove St dlesel oil. Ph. 3-3186 Shell Oil Co L T. Maxwell, distributor 0341 FI RNACE CLEANING Otant vacuum marhlne. Trailer mount' ed. Ph. 286fi2 United Products Co. 3037 Portland Rd. Rea-onable price. o233' iT)TT.iiold"prodlcts J R Wilt k lax Oo product Free de ivery 1717 Center Ph 3-5304. ' IN'II.tTION Johns-Man vllle Phone 3-3748 INS THTMENTyEPAI R Expert musical inirument repair. All worn fully guaranteed. JACQUITH MU PIC CO, Ph. 3-4641. 0344 JAINTOR SERVICE Window Cleaning tfan'tor Service Floor Waxing R illdincs Factorie - Romea F-tlrr.ste Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDO. MAINT. CO. Ph Salem 3-0133 o1 LA NIHC APr NURSERY f Doerfler St Son. Ornamentaia 13P tt Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 3-1J32 o DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry. 344 Jef- fersrm St. Pone 23452. o I 4 WN MOWERS sharpened, guaranteed service. New po-xer and hand mower. Call Rarry W SfO-.t. 147 S. Com'l Bt oi rVlVN M O W R 811 ARPEN INO Al yuut door lawnmower sharpening Dealer the tawnmuwer nil Ph 16413 MTTRf:siES Capita. Beddlr.g Phone 4-4044 MIMC'IESSONS Spanish A Hntiian OuHar. Mandolin, Banjo, eta. 1331 Court St. Pb. 1-150 344 Grain Prices Generally Lag Chicago, Sept. 20 W Prices sagged at the board of trade to day under the impact of foreign monietary devaluation, and the threat of serious labor trouble. The market carried a nervous undertone and although a rally developed during the morning, there was not enough buying power to sustain the advance. The nearby contracts of wheat and corn advanced at times un der short covering, but on the bulges there were enough offer ings to keep the market in check. At the close wheat was un changed to 2' lower than yes Wdav's close. September $2.08H-. Corn was s higher 'i lower. September $1.26s '. Oats were to 17 lower September 66-65 'i. Rye was 1 M to 2 'A lower, September $1.40 Vi. Soybeans were 1 "4 to 2 lower, November S2.254-25 and lard was 12 to 40 cents a hundredweight lower, Septem ber $11.35. Aurora Grade School Teachers Welcomed Aurora The Parent-Teacher association of the Aurora grade school were hosts at a reception honoring the teachers at the school house Friday evening. Mrs. Willis Matthieu had charge of the program. Faculty members include Roy Griffin, principal, seventh and eighth grades, Mrs. B. W. Stoner, third and fourth grades, Mrs. George Ziegler and Mrs. Lawr ence Beck, first and second grades. DIRECTORY OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Dek chairs, file and filing supplies, safe, duplicator and aupplle. desk lamp, typewriter stand, brief ease Pierce Wire Recorder. Roen. 456 Court OIL BURNER SERVICE We service all tvpes of burners. Ph. 28662. United Products Co. 3037 Port land Rd. Work guaranteed. 0233 ?lf strom's are equipped painting Phone 3-2493 to do yout PAPERHANGING Expert Paperhanging and painting. H J Woodworth. Ph. 2-5868. Free eat. o227 PAINTING A PAPER HANGING Call 2-2608 for your Painting St Paper hanging. Attractive rate. o2J0 Painting and paperhanging. Free esti mate, Ph 3-0513, 857 Shipping. o240 PICTURE FRAMING Picture framing Hutchaoo Paint Store Phone 1-6687 PLUMBING Fisher. 844 8. Com'l, Ph. 3-3010. 0232 PRUNING-SPRATING Phillip W. Belike. Ph. 2-1208 SAND GRAVEL Garden Soil, crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating. Walling Sand A Gravel Co., Phone 3-9240. o Valley Band St Grave. Co Slit, eand St I II dirt Excavating 10B shovel as eat Tractor scoop A truck for dirt moving Ph office 24002. re. 37148. o1 Salem Saw Wrk. Ph. 3-7603. 1303 N 5th o229 SEWERS AND SE1TTC TANKS Electric Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent Raaor Jharp Steel Cutting Blade Clean Sewera or Drains Septic Tank Cleaned Reaa. Ph 0-5331 or 4-4484 SEPTIC TANKS K. F. Hamel. Septic tank cleaned. Electric machine service on ewe; and drain lines. Guaranteed work. lUS-Rfh St.. West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. o240 Mike Septle Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Severe. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-9460, 3-5327 0335 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge. Call u collect. Todd' Septle Tank Service, 2545 State St. Phone 2-0734. o' SEWING MACHINES New Home sewing machine aale. We repair all make. King wood Elec., 1091 Edtewater. Ph. 35560. o231 Bought, sold, rented, repaired EZ term All make. W. Davenport. Pb. 37671. o23 All make repaired, free estimate Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No Commercial Ph. 3-3512. o TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal. Under wood portable AH make used machines Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court. TRANSFER STORAGE 'Ocal St Distance Tranafer. storage - Burner otl. coal St briquet Truck to Portland tielly Agent for Bekln House hold good moved to anywhere tn 0 8 or Canada Lanner Tranafer St Storage Ph 3-3131 o' VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian BIlnd made to order ot reflnlAhed Relnholdt Lewi 3-3839 Elmer The B Undroan. Ph. 37324. WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore, Rt. 2, Bot 311. Ph. 3-5135 0239' WEATHF.RSTRIPFINO WINDOW SHADES Washable. Roller Made to order 1 Day Del Retnholdt St Lewi. Ph 23639 WINDOW CLEANING Acme l.lndow Cleaners Window, wall Aj woodwork cleaned Floor e leaned waxed and polished Ph 3-1331 341 Court. Langdoo. Culbertaoa and Mather WOODSAWINO WOOD SAWDUST West Salem Fuel Co. Ph 1-4031. LEGAL NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING A administratrix of the estate of i BENJAMIN BYWATER. deceased, the un ders isned ha filed In Circuit Court of Oregon for Marlon County, In Probate, ner final account in estate of sal a dece dent, and September 30, 1940, 10 o'clock, a.m. (Pacific Standard Ttmei, and court room of said court have been appointed by said court for hearing of objection to said account and settlement thereof. IRMA H. BYWATER Administratrix Aforesaid Allan G. Carson and Wallace P Carson Attornera for Administratrix. A lt 23. 30. ffpt 4. II. 1ft, 1940 LODGES TK I.O.Of, meeu svery Wd nesday night. Visitor? wei 7&i Ainsworth Lodas No. 201, A P cV A.M. Tus., Spt, 30. E A rBT. 1 pm. 224 A Salem Lodge No. 4, A.F. A A M ?Wd Sept. 21. F. C. degrp. 7:15 p.m. 225' IIP 1 AMW'""' " 'Pr: .A i " A z r.h M rill V . J Train Wreckage This aerial view shows cars and deisel en gine of Southern passenger train No. 15 which wrecked near Newton, N. C. Between 40 and 50 were believed injured. Two are trapped in the diner and believed dead. (AP Wirephoto) MARKET QUOTATIONS Salem Livestock Market (By Valley Packing Company! Lamb 318.00 to 120.00 Feeder lamb 312.00 to 316.00 ewes ::.o to S4 oo Cutter cow 38.00 to 110.00 Fat dairy cow 9.00 to 1 10. nil Bull 111.00 to 315.00 Calve, good (300-450 lb. 316.00 to 318.00 Veal (150-300 Ibs.i top 318.00 to 120.00 Portland Eaitslde Market Oregon striped watermelons were quot ed a 1 1 j-3 cenL. per lb. on tli Portland Ea.stside Produce market today. Best local lettuc brought $4.00 a crate. No. 1 stock cauliflower sold at $1.2 . Thirty-pound Rio Osa Gem peaches quoted at 31.65 per lug. Corn sold at ll.oo a live-dozen and down. , Portland Produce ' Butterfat 1'entahlve, subject to Imme diate change. Premium quality maximum to .34 to 1 percent acidity delivered in Portland 63 -66c lb.. 93 score 61-60 lb., 90 score, 67 -60c, 89 score. 55a. Valley route and country joints 3c less than first. Butter vVhotesile FOB bulk cube to wholesalers: grade 03 score, 62 cents; 92 score 61c; B 00 score, 50c lb., 6k score. 66c. Above price are strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland whole sale: Oregon single 39-40c; Oregon 3 loaf 42-43c: triplet 1 les than single. Egga (To Wholesalers) A grade la cr 651i-66'c; A medium, 55-58'ic: grade B large. 56'-58'ic; small A grade, 42?c. Putland Dairy Market Butter Price to retailer: Grade AA print 67c; AA cartons 68c: A prints 67o. A carton C8c; B print 64c. Etga Prce to retailers: Grade A A large 74c doa.t certified A large, 69c: A large 68c; AA medium, 61c; certified A. medium. 60c; A medium, 59c. A small, 43c carton 2c additional. Cheese Price to retailers: Portland Oregon singles 39-42c Oregon loaf, 5 ib loaf 44tt-45c lb.; triplets, 1W cent less than single. Premium brand, single. 514o lb loaf, 634o. Poultry- Live Chickens No I quality FOB Plants, No. 1 broilers under 2Vt lbs. 35-26c lb.: fryer 24-3 lbs., 2a-30c: 3-4 lbs., 31c. roaters 4 lbs and over, 31c lb., fowl, leghorns 4 lbs. and under, 17-19c. over 4 Ib 20c; colored fowl all weight, 22c: roasters, all welgnta 18-19e RahMtt Ai'eraae to grower live white. 5 lb 18-21C lb.; 5-6 lb 16-19o lb.: i.'ireo 9 cenx .ower n n n- i" 4-12c; dressed fryer to butchers, 50-JJc. uniinf ry-hilled Itli-nti Vest, top quality, 30-3 3c lb.; otiier grades according to welzhi and quality with poor or heavier 20 -25c. Hogs: Light blockers. 32-33ci sow 34.36c. Lambs: Top qullity, springers, 33-37c: mutton, 10-12C. Reef. Good cows, 23 -33c lb. i eanners- cutters, 20-22C Ftesh Dreaied Meals (Wholesalers to retailer per cwt.i: Beef steers, good 500-M0 lbs., 343-46: commercial. 135-41; utility, 135-41. Cow Commercial, 132-33; utility, 127- . : canners-cutters, 124-26. Beef Cuts (Good steers): Hind quarters. 155-57; round. 352-55; full loin, trimmed. 173-77; triangles. 131-33; square c.iuci.,. 130-41; rlba, 152-35; forequnrler. 137-38. Veal and calf: Good, 138-39; commercial. 132-36: utility, 126-30. Lambs: Good-choice spring Iambs, 142- 45; commercial, 336-42; utility, 132-35. Mutton: Good. 70 lbs down M6-18. Pork cut: Loin No. 1 4-13 b 150- 62; shoulders 18 lbs. down, '40-42; spare- rlb. 147-49; carcasia, (33-34; mixed weight 12 lower. Portland Miscellaneous Caseara Bark Dry 12tte lb., green 4c Ib Wool VaUey coara and medium grade 45c lb. Miners lose 1 oal Krlris mm Charles Backus look over their working at the Montour Mine at Library, Pa. They're all ready to go to work, but there isn't any work, because 55,000 miners in the district are on strike, in the "no welfare no work" dispute. United Mine Workers officials said that the miners would stay away as long as th welfare payments don't coma in. (Acme Telephoto) on II-month growth tmminally Hides Ca'.ves, 30c lb., according to veiKlit. kip 25c lb., beef ll-12c lb., bull 3-7c lb Country buyer pay 2c less. Nut Quotations Walnuts Franquette. first quality lum oo. 34 7c large. 32.7c: medium, 27.2c; seoond quality Jumbo. 30.2c; large, 23.2c m. dlum. 26.2c; 'laoy, 23 2c: soft shell, first quality large, 39.7c- medium. 26.2c; sec nd quality large, 27 2c; medium. 24.7c: aby 22.2c. Filberts Jumoo, 20a lb.) large, 14c. nediuin. 16c: small. 13c Portland Grain Portland, Sept. 20 & Cash grain: 1 flax 3.00. Cash wheat (h:d: Soft white 2.16; white i excluding Rcxi 2.16; white 2,16: western red 2.16. Hard red winter; 11 per cent 2.1' per cent 2.19. Today's enr receipts: Wheat 139: lev 26: flour 8; corn 2; oat 10; feed IS. Portland Livestock Portland. Ore.. Sept. 20 fl)W-Livestock Cattle salable 2 SO, holdover 15: 0. Market opening morately on kind available. Generally steady, lew mon at low medium grass steers 18- 20; high medium 1140 lbs. gra-ss fed steers. I Mondny up 125. Five loads around 1,000 lb. average medium 124: few common at low medium heifers 13.50 to 17.50. Canner and cutter cow strong at 10.50 to 11.53. Few down to 10.00. Beef cow scarce early; no early sales of bulls; extreme top good beef bulls Monday 17.50. Few good vealer 21.00 to 22.00. choice scarce. A few heavy calve unsold. Hog salable 100, Market slow, around 50 cents lower: good and choice I6J-2jO Ib. 22.50: negligible lot 23.00; 270 Ib.s 21.00: a few 160 lb. 20.50; good 350-jOO lb. .sows held around 17.00 to IB. 50 or above, Few good and choice around 33 lb. feeder pig 24,00; heavier weight scare. Sheep salable 300. Market steady: lew good and choice spring lamb 20 50 to 21.50; good grade 20.00; common dov-n 16 00; good feeder salable around 17.00; good ewe quotable 6.00 to 6.50. Chlease Livestock Chicago. Sept. 30 fUSDA) Salable hoe. 9.500; glow and unevenly 33 to m lr 50 cents lower; full decline on weights below 200 lb; spot 50 cents tower late on these weights; sow uneven, mostly around 23 cent lower; top 31. 00 lor around one load; few load choice 230 260 ib. 20 75: bulk good and choice 230- 300 lb. 20.00-20.50; load around 36r lb butcher at 19.00; 170-190 lb. 18.50-20,00; 150-170 lb. 17.00-18.50; sow under SftO lb. 18.50-10.50: few 10.75: 375-425 lb 17. 50-14, SO: 450-525 Ib. 10.00-17.25; few around 600 lb, at 15 50. Salable cattle 8,000; salable calve 600: slow; beef steers and heifers weat to 50 cent lower; cows and bull steady to fully 23 cent lower; vealer west; ? toe It ers and feeder weak to 35 cent lower; early top 33.75 for load high -choice around 1.350 lb. steers; bulk hlgh-gooi and choice fed steers and yearlings CS.mi 32.50; most medium to average-good kinds 2.1.50-28.00; load choice 973 lb. liel.Vi 29.7; most good fed heifer 25.50-28.50;' two loads 1,150 lb. Wyoming cows 18.50; common and medium beef cow 14.50 17.00: canner and cutter 12.00-14.90; practical top 20 00 on weighty sausare bull althouah 20.75 paid: bulk medl am and good , vealer 25.00-3 8 00; few choice 39.00. Salable, sheep 3 000: bulk sUurhfr lambs unsold; bidding 30 cent o more lower; extreme top 24.00 to small killers but Dig packers btddlna 23 00 down: year ling weak to 50 cent lower; ewe steady. As many as 100.000 young Musk deer have been killed in a year in Tibet so that the glands may be used in the making of perfume. Miners Alex Santone and Mohair 13o Stocks Decline Up to 3 Points New York, Sept. 20 P)Hea- vy selling hammered stock pri ces down fractions to around 3 point today for one of the worst declines of the year. About $1,000,000,000 was hacked away from the market value of all stocks listed on the exchange. Selling never got out of con trol but the market showed lit tle resistance most of the day. Demand increased a bit late in the session. Golds remained on the plus throughout. Substantial business develop ed as. turnover rolled along at a rate of around 1.300,000 shares for the full session. The bleak outlook for labor peace in the steel and coal in dustries, plus a growing fear the world-wide currency devalua tion may have an unfortunate ef fect on the earning capacity of some concerns, were credited with creating the selling pres sure. Among the losers were U.S. Steel, Bethlehem Steel, General Motors, Chrysler, U.S. Rubber. Sears, Roebuck, Zenith Radio, American Telephone. American Smelting, American Woolen. Santa Fe and Transcontinental & Western Air. Some of the golds hit new peaks for the year at one time but full advances were not main tained. Still up, however, were Alaska Juneau, Homestake and Howe Sound. STOCKS 'Bv the Associated Presn American Can 94 Am Pow At Lt 11S Air Tol Si re 143' tnaeorda 26H Bendtx Aviation 28 Beth Steel 26 Boeing Airplane 18l, Calif Packing 33', :tadian Pacific 13 Cae J 1 18', Caterpillar 31 Chrysler 50'a Comwlth At Sou 5'i Cons Vultee . OS Continental Can 33- Crown Zellerbach 25 'j Jiirtl Wright 7'a DotiKla Aircraft 57'4 Dupont de Nem M General Electr. 37 "4 terera. root) 44 General Motors 60 H uooayeer Tiro 38 H a rvester 28 "4 54 Int. Paper Knnecott Llbby McN St L ... Long Bell "A"' . , tfontgnmery Ward Nah Kelvinator .. i 1 Dairy NY Cnrta Northern Pacific . Pan Am Fish . .., Pa Ga St Elee ... ' Tel A Tel .... Penney J 0 Radio Corp Rayonier H yonter Pfd Reynold Metal .., Rlchfte.d Safeway Sttrea .., 3iars Roebuck ... Southern Pacifist . S andard Oil Co. . ttudebaker Corp . Sunshine Mining , Trenaame rlca Union Oil Cat .... Union Pacific United Airlines ... O 8 Steel earner Bros Pie . Woo! worth SALEM MARKETS Completed from reporta at Salem deal- era for the guidance or Capital Journal Readers. (Revised dally). Retail Feed frier Egg Haifa 14.95. Rabbit Pellets 14.30. Dairy Feed 13.70. Poultry: Buying prices Grade A color ed hen 31-23c: grade A Leghorn hens, 19-10e. grade A colored fryers, three lb and up, Sl-33c. Grade A old roosters. is cent. Esas Burlnr Prtre Extra large AA. 67o; 6c; medium A, 54-58Ci pullet, 37-40c, l'ac lb.; loaf, 53'ic, Wtoleiale Prices Egg Wholesale prices -7e above the price: above grade generally quoted at 71c; medium, 43c. nuiierrai Premium 44 -6 Sc. No. L 43ei Ho. S. II' 50o 'buying price) Butter Wholeeal trade A, 471 ra all 13a. Lumber and Wool Exports to Suffer Portland, Sept. 20 W) Lum ber and wool spokesmen took a dismal view of the future in ex ports today. They said the devaluation of money In other countries would put them out of most foreign markets. Lumbermen said devaluation put Canada in position to take most of the export trade and also to compete In the U.S. do mestic market. Wool traders said prices might drop 10 to 20 percent because of Imports from Australia and other countries. The first price test will come tomorrow when about 5.000.000 pounds of wool are auctioned here. Flour exporters said Australia also might cut Into the market of (he Philippines and other Far East nations. The malt Industry, which once had a $2,000,000 export busi ness, expected to lose the last of its foreign trade. Omholts Entertain With Dinner Parties Silverton The H. N. Omholts entertained at two planned so cial affairs during this week at their country place. At a social hour following wert Mr. and Mrs. F.verett Brines and Miss Gloria Brines, John Lehnherr, Donald White, John Fixel of Seattle, Ivan Lehnherr and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Omholt. Dinner guests Friday were en tertained with places made at table for Mr. and Mrs. Jul Farr, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Haugcn, Mr. and Mrs. George Bonn, Theo dore Leine, Ivan Lehnherr and Mr. and Mn. Omholt. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, ''"ivm l.V 'Miss Sweden Kerstin Ringberg (above), 24. relaxes at a coast resort after being chosen "Miss Sweden" for the 1949 '"Miss Europe'' competi tions at Palermo, Italy. School Consiruction Completed at Airlie Monmouth The new elemen tary school at Airlie, district No. 16, has been completed and school will begin September 19. Plans are to run only one room this year, with about 25 students. The Morgan Construction company of Philomath was the contractor for the new modern two-room school.' The cost of the building was $17,017. The bonds for $24,000 were purchased by the First National Bank of Port land. Directors of the school board are: Charles Tarter, chairman; Vaughn Whiteaker and Lester Haight, members; Mrs. Charles Tarter, clerk. - DEATHS Wendell LrRoy Archer Wendell LeRoy Archer, at the family residence at 670 South Elma street, Sep tember 17, at the age of 53 years. Sur vived by wife, Charlotte Archer of Sa lem; three daughters, Mrs. Ruth Taylor, Ml-ss Bernadine Archer and Mis Nellie Archer, al of Salem; a son, LeRoy Arcii- of Salem; four brothers. Alonr-o J Archer, Verlna. Calif.; James A. Arch-T. 3edeewick, Iowa; Lyle R. Archer, Creston. Iowa, and Benjamin Archer. ElKabetii. Colo.: and one grandson. Me.mbrr of Church of Christ. Service will be neld Wednesday, September 21. at 3 p.m. at the Howell-Edwards chapel with the Rev, M C. Cuthbert.son officiating, Bahv Boy Thee! Baby boy TheW, fnfant son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Theel of Marion, al a .'oca! hospital ALso survived by a grandmother Mrs. Ida Brining. Wskinshaw. Wise. An nouncement of service later by Howell Edwards chapel. Matt Rjngwald Matt Rlngwald. late resident of Salem, at a local hospital. September 18, at the age of 62 years. Surviving are three broth er, Chris and Joe Rineland, bo'-h of Sa lem, and George Rlngland, Pjitland; three nephew and one niece. Member of St. Joseph's Catholic church. Recitation of the rosary at the Howell-Edwards cha pel Tuesday, September 20. at 8 p.m. Re quiem mass at St. Joseph's Catholic church Wednesday. September 31, at 9 a.m. Interment In St. Barbara cemetery. Mrs. Amelia McGhehoy In this city September 17, Mr. Amelia McOhehey, late resident of 807 Mill street, at the age of 72 years. Shipment has been made to the Rosehurg Funeral home by W. T. Riadon company for serv ices and Interment. Alice A. Duf field In this city September 19, Alice A. Duf field, late resident of route 0, box 5fl, Salem, at the aae of 76 years, Surviving are three daushters, Mrs. George Mill of Milwauke. Wic. Mra. Oordon Hor.i of Turner Valley, Alberta, Canada. Mrs. Wilfred Horn of Medicine Hat, Athena, Canada: and five son, Rtuueii Dulfieid of Medicine Hat, Albert. Canada, Ken neth Outfield, of Red Cliff, Alberta, Can- aoa, ijeorge uunteio or Kermlt, Texas, and Donald Duf field and Howard Duf field. both or Salem. Service will be neld at the W. T. Rlgdon chapel Wednesday September 21, al 1 30 p.m. with Inter ment in the City View cemetery. Mrs. Mary Melissa Del.lllles Mrs. Mary Melissa lEklni DeLlllles, late sident at 1310 8. 13th street at a local hospital, September 10. at the age of 78 years. Surviving are the widower. Fred De Llllles, Balem; three daughters, Mrs. Pearl Marnsoerger. Balem; Mrs, Mabel Rolgei Fresno, Calif., and Mrs. Jessie Asher, Sa lem; a sister, Mrs. May Lytle, Parma, Ida ho; two brothers. Lea Davis, Parma, Ida and Kd Davis. Namna. Idaho: five grandchildren and two great-grandchtl dren. An noun cement of services later by m s-ioun-nrrira cnapei, Nelton S. Hser Nrl.son 8 Hotter, 1st resident of 560 Oxford street, at a local ho.siillal Septem ber 13 Survivors are Iim wife, Mrs. Geor gia Nelson of Salem: two daughters, Mis. Janet Wilder of McMlnnvllle, and Hoberla Roaer of Salem: two son. Brure Rogers and Doualas Rogers, both of Salem: his mother, Mrs Lou Anne Roger of Ver nonla; a brother, Lee Roger of Vernonn; and a sister, Mrs Virgil Reaver of Sea side. Services will be held from Ihe Clonal.-Jlarrirk cliarw Wednesday. 3c n tember 31, at 1 30 p m. with Rev. Seh R. HunMnitnn officlaiina. Interment will be In BeicreM Memorial park. Mrs. Ida H. Miitllian Mrs. Ma 8 MiilllKn. late resident of 1660 Falrmniint avenue, at a local hospi tal, Bepirmner 20 Survived bv a daugh ter, Miss Vest Mulligan of Salem. Serv ices will be held from the Virgil T. Golden chapel at 60. Smith Commercial street, Thursdav, September 22, at 2 pm Inter ment will he In Hrlcrest Memorial park Please omit flowers. Lester Lemuel Anderson Letter Lemuel Anderson, tat rtcnl rf flimpeon Rt , in Dallas , Septem ber IS S-irvmng are lite widow, Mrs. La vlna Anderson, Salem; three o aim liter, Dorothy Mse. HMtv LnuUe snd FUreme Hemorrhoids (Piles) ntula Flxun Prolarwe .nd oth er Rr-ctHl DLior Jers corrected the e , t . convenient way No hospltallr.- fSf-r, anon quirk relief Ugwltjr Dr. E. Reynolds Clinic Nsturo-Rcctal Sitecliiist 1144 Center St Salem. Ore. Pfl 39460 rnrt parking I - fl J Tuesday. Sept. 20, 194917 June Anderson, all of Salem; io awoe. Al bert L. and Marlon D. Anderson, Doth of Srtiein: four sblers, Mrs. Charles Niefart, Olen Elder. Kan.; Mrs. John Abraham, Kan-tax City, Mo.; Mrs. Elsie Brettweiner and Mrs, Ralph Morton, both of A'lch.ta. Kan.; two brothers. E11U Anderson, He fut, Kan, and EUa Anderson, Stockton, Oaiif.f and three erandclilldren, Mariha Jane, Leroy and Threes. Andtrflun, all f Bikm. Announcement of service later by tn Clomh-Barrlck chapel, OBITUARY Kalherlne Toman Stavion Katherine To:nan. 50, died at r home on 8c!o Rt. 1 Sunday. She wn born In Czechoslovakia Feo. 0, 1890 and had lived in the United States 27 years. She is survived bv her husband, Joseph Toman: daughter, Irene Toman, of Salem and a half-sister In CzernoiinvaK.a. run eral Kervlcea will be held from the Wed- chapel at 2 o clock Thursday witn . Victor Loucks, Sclo, officiating and burial In Bllyeu Den cemetery. Maymle Bryant Hogue Falls City Funeral services ror Mijran Bryant Houe. 79. of Portland were held in the Jacohson Family Southeast Mor tuary with interment in Lincoln Memor ial cemetery. Mrs. Hogue retired from Woodmere school In 193S after 50 years of leaching. She was a graduate of Oregon Normal hool of Monmouth. A charter member of Lents Grange, past matron of Mt. Scott chapter of OES. A member of the White Shrine, a member of Royal Neighbors of Woodcraft of Lents and a member of the Presbvterian church. She was born March 37, 1870 in Fort Branch, lnd. and died Sept. 9. 1349 at her home. She came with her family to Oregon la 1886. Survivors Included three daughters, Mrs. Carol Krebs. Mrs. Evelyn Dickson and Mrs. Helen Crabtree. all of Portland; a sister. Mrs. Jessie Moyer of Falls City and live grandchildren of Portland, Ore. Infant Marie Eby Lebanon Graveside services for Infant Marie Eby who died at the Lebanon Com munity hospital S'ptemoer 17. were held in the lOOK cemetery on Tuesday at 10 o'clock. Rev. N M Burpee of the Mennon Ite church officiating. Parents of the m fint are Mr. and Mrs. Harvey C. Eby of Albany. Irene Margaret Yunker Lebanon- Mrs. Irene Margaret Yunker, a resident of eastern Lmn county for 23 years, died September 17 at the Langmack hospital. She was born Oct. 16. 1912 in Charleston, N.D.. and was married Sept. 36. 19:t8 in Gardner, Ore., to Werner Yun ker, who survives. Other survivors are three daughters. Marlene. Nadine and Ger aldine; son. Larrv; brothers, Harley Ol son, Portland. Curtis Olson, California; sisters. Lillian Abel. Arlrona; Amy Luke. Washington; Delma Herrington, Portland, and father. Harley Olson of Portland. Services were held Tuesday at 3 o'clock in the Howe-Huston chapel In Sweet Home with Rev. Swam officiating. Interment in the Lebanon IOOF cemetery. Virgil Carter Lebanon Virgil Carter. 53, died of a heart attack while working in a bean field near the Gore school Saturday afternoon. "J ,B.,X .TVVTi " World War I. He had uvea in i.enanon 26 vears, making his home at 14S Qrova street. Surviving are hit widow. Carrie; daughter. Mrs. Hildred Thompson, Leba non. Mrs. Pauline Herder of Colorado, Mrs. Virginia Walker, Lebanon: sona, Leon of Crabtree and Leonard of Leba non; brothers. William and Aaron of Mis souri and Willis of Lebanon; sister, Mrs. Minnie Gates of Walerloo, and 10 grand children. Services will be held Wednesday at 2 o'clock from the Howe-Huston cnapet and burial In the IOOF cemetery. Jesse Carl Erwln Lebanon Jesse Carl Erwln, 61, died at hii home In Foster Monday morning. He was born April 18, 1888 at Bellfountaln, Ohio, and was employed as a mechanic for the Southern Pacific, working out of Albany. He was a Mason and a Shrlner. His widow, Laura Erwln of Foster sur vives; also a daughter, Mrs. Ruth Snyder and three grandchildren. Services are be ing arranged by the Howe-Huston chapel of Lebanon and will be announced later, Edward Delifleld Francis Lebanon Edward Deltfield Francis, 64. died at his home on Maple street Inst I Friday. He was born Oct. 31. 1884 at The Dalles and had lived most of his life tn Portland, coming to Lebanon two yeara ago to operate a furniture business. Rosary was recited at the Howe-Huston chapel Monday evening at 8 p.m. Funeral ser vices were held Tuesday at 10 o'clock at the Holy Redeemer church. Portland Bou levard and Williams avenue, Portland. 1 Rev. George Tnommes Officiating. Burial In the Mount Calvary cmlev. Survivors are his widow. Anna, of Leba non; daughter. Annabella, Lebanon; sis ters. Mrs. Elnora Plemet of Ihe Dallea and Mrs. All Wilkinson, Washougal, Wash. Wendell LeRoy Archer nir Corners Wendell LeRoy Arcner died suddenly at his home, 670 South Elma avenue September 17. Born June 4, 1806 at Compton. 111. The Archers came from Kansas to Four Corners In March 1948. He Is survived by the widow, unariotte Archer; three daughters. Mrs. Ruth Tay- Bernadtne and Nellie Archer ana ft Wendell LeRov Archer. Jr.; one grandson and four brothers. Two of the brothers will be here for the funeral. Benjamin Archer of Ellrnbeth. Colo, and it,o Archer of Varina, Iowa. He wa a member of the Church of Christ, ber- s will he Wednesday at 3 ociocg irone Howell-Edwards. Interment In Lee Mis- cemetery. Rev. m. u. cutnoenson of ficiating. elle Watta Strong Monmouth funeral services were held for Belle Watts Strong Saturday from the Christian church with burial In Flrcresi emeterv south of Monmouth. A native Oregnnten. she was born April 19, 1159 at Reaverton. the daughter or William Watts and Mary Spenrer Watts, who rossed the plains in the early sns. She was married "to Edward Strong of Port land in 1876 Ten children were born to this couple, seven of whom survive. They are: Harold W. Strong. Gresham; Delbert Strong, Oakland. Calif.; Mra. Louis W. Seggel. Portland; Mrs. W. K. Bsrnell, Springfield, and Mrs, L. Carter, Salemj a sister, Ida A. Bums, Oakland, Calif. Martha Ester Rlca Alhany - Martha Ester Rice. 65. died at her home at 405 E. Sixth avenue, Monday. Funeral services will he held at the Fort-mlller-Prederlrksen chapel at a date to he announced, Mrs. Rice was horn Marrh 19, 1864 at Ruthven, Iowa and had lived in Albany the past 11 years, coming here from Newberg. She was married to James J. Rice. December 10. 1903 at Kmmetsburg, Iowa, who survives as do four children. Feme and Beatty Rice. Alhany; Lester L, Rice, Reedsport and Louella D. OouMey, Independence and two brothers and a sis ler living In Iowa. She was a member of the Order of Eastern Star, Rebcksh and Pythian Sisters lodges and the Methodist church. Advei lent SINUS CATARRH SUFFERER! FIND CURS FOR MISERY DUt TO MASAI, CONGESTION, SUTPLT KUsMED MtKtl Relief at last from torture of ilnns, ratarrb, and hny fever d to nasal congee tion I aevn tday in report of auecesa witbi a formula which hn the rower to rduc nasal congestion. Men n1 women with agoniring sinus headache., clogged murtrila. earache., hawking and sneering misery tvll of blentf-d reix-f aftr ualrg it KUIHONOL, mate 43 00, but considering result, thl ( not expensive, amount to only pemnle put? sVxw KI.ORONOL (caution. n onh a directed) aold with money-b-rk guaranto by Hrhaefer Urns, I" S Commercial a) Perrv Ilniar. li So. Commercial. MaN Order Filled LOST: MISERY OF CONSTIPATION "It's wonderful how much better I feel. And I need no more laxatives- alt due to eating one dish of ALL tiKAN daily I I sin- cerely recommend this cereal. Mrs. J.A.!lamma.l22tiV. Main St., Portland, lnd, Juat one of many uruoftctffd letters. You, too, may expect wonderful rplief if constipation is dus 1 to lack of bulk in your diet. Just eat one ounop of crisp, flavorful ALle Ii RAN daily, drink plenty of watr If not wit is tied after 10 days, seed the empty carton to KetloRR's, Bart la Creek, Nlirh. (let DOL'BUS YOUR MONEY BACK. hgfnM 1 i v