16 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! Par Lint 15e Per Line t time 40c Per Lint 6 time 60c Per Lint 1 month 13 00 Cutatdt o! Salem 15e per lint per Cat Mln. toe; I time mln. 80e f time mln. 11.30. No Refunds READERS In Local New CoL Onlr: Per Lint 30c To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES Owner Leaving Oregon 4 bedroom home one year old. Large living room, tile kitchen, fiath upstair nd down. Plastered basement and gar age. Hardwood floors, lota built-in, terraced back yard. Cost over 118.000 to build. Reduced to 112,500 for quick alt. For Information call 34547. aaar FOUR bedroom house, 4 acre of land, " 1630 Brooks, $8000. 2 new 4 bdrm. houses, 3310 Broadway, A. I. H easily, owner. 2305 N. Liberty Bt. a22tf Br OWNER - nr. I bdrm. Pull basement. Auto heat. ' En It wood school. Buj near. Dial 2-9921. a224 WILL SELL for beat reasonable cosh of fer, my 11464 equity In 1 yr. old 2 bdrm. . home. Hardwood floor. Plastered. 542 1 Blller ave., Mapleton addition. 2Z ' jitEDUCED. bdrm. home, knotty pine kitchen, electric heat, circulating fire " place, plastered garage. Tile bath, room. Choice location at B20 N. 22nd. a225' OWNER-BUILDER SPECIAL - S B.R. home, fireplace, radiant heat. attached garage. Ice. Llv. Km., picture window. All masonry constr. Small down pymnt. Approx. 180 per mo. will handle. Real buy. On Cha Ave. off Liberty Rd. - Neighbor to west will show or call I -1761. B226 &WNER transferred. Modern home 2 "' yrs. S bdrms. on ont floor, 1390 Jeffer- son St. Ph. 35236. a226 -. REDUCED $1750 WONDERFUL VIEW PROM ORCHARD HEIGHTS Mlct S Bd. rm. home, on beautiful lot 48x120. Excellent lawn and shrubs. If you want an attractive home at low cost with a commanding view of the whole valley, city and mountains, all - for 18750, this homt merits your at tention. Walter Musgrave, Realtor 13U Edgewater Pn. asiOB, va. sysjs a226 BY OWNER, Klngwood Hts. New 3 bdrm., hardwood floors, fireplace, terms. Will consider offer. 1701 Lonfvlew. Turn right off Edgewater, 2nd street left. Ph. 35506. 228 " IMM. POSSESSION Out of state owner here to aell prac tically new home, 6 lge. rm., hdwd. firs. - thruout, auto-Iurn. piped to all rms. Un- fin. upstairs. Stairway In. Breezeway, - att. tar. Le. lot. city water. Low down payment. FHA terms. Salem Heights dint. 585 Ewald. 8. off 99E. 2 1mm ED. POSH, b rm. house, late.it design. ttnglewiod Dlst. 18100. P.H.A. Ph. 24426. a227 ioUTH HIGH STREET. Near schools and store, on bus line. This bungalow has . S bed rooms, H.W. floors, fireplace, and , deep basement, extra deep lot. You can't beat It at 16.000. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Ph. 3470T 484 Court St. Eve. 24773. a224- 'LOVELY I bdrm. homt. North on 99 to 2140 ' Carlton Way. a233' LEAVING STATE t bdrm. very modern home. Kitchen & breakfast nook combination separated by breakfast oar, dinette, llvlnn rm 17x 13. Larte attached garage. Utility room. Circulating fireplace, electric heat. Beautiful hardwood floors thruout. Ranch style fence inclosing front lawn. Garden spot at rear of lot. Lot 65x274 '.4. , This Is without a douht ont of the most ', beautiful homes In Salem. This home , can be seen by phoning 2-0146 or driv ing out to 3330 Sunnyvlew ave. a224 Open for Inspection 1660 S. CAPITOL Near Leslie Jr. High. 2 years old, 1 bdrm., llv. rm., dinette. Inside utility. att. garage, ven. blinds, lawn, back-;- yard fenced. Bus by door. 38950. Has 4 loan. Ph. 2-608BJ c225 McKillip Real Estate REALTORS tttiftft. I acres, modern 4 rm. homt, ehlck v en house. Good location. 9)004. I bdrm. modern homt I earn old. Paved street, close to school, good terms fjaRO. t bdrm. home, Basement, paved street, Hollywood district. Good terms. iBarvo, 1 bdrm. modern homt, south Sa . ltm. Paved street. COME IN OR CALL . Daytime 3-5131 Evening 8-5514 Wl MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS McKillip Real Estate 4)03 Center at High Salem, Ore. SPECIAL $500 DOWN, $50 MO. t bdrm. house in city near school, but 4c stores. LR, din, rm., n a rase. ItenU for 180. Price 14930. CALL PYLE tVITH COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. $7750 Owner leaving, must aril well built 3 ,vBlrn- home In perf. cond. Lue llv. rm Wth f 'place, kit. with good butlt-lns, uJlty rm., lge, lot, walking dut. to towtn. Close to senior hluh and Parruh and! good shopping renter. Gray-Kimmel Realty Co. 1365 N. Capitol Bt. Ph. 3-6458. Eves. 3-5207, 3-6901, 3-4352 a2J TWO BETTER CLASS HOMES Practically new. Llv. K. Din., Kit.. , Nook, 3 lied., Double Plumb., Full Base- . ment with Knotty Pine Plav H Iwn ., fireplace, dhle. gar.. 2 lot, fenred anil 1 landscaped. 1970 John. Pit. 3-R2JB. a22H -fiv OWNER', acre, nrnnW home, unfin ished but livable. 175 dn., 935 a .110. 12150. Ph. 1-5311, 2-1203. a224 ' BETTER BUYS $2fl.flR MONTH AND 11500 DOWN win buy you nice S bdrm. modern homt clout to everything-. Price 15350. 1180 DONNA AVE. A DANDY LOCATION IN HOLLYWOOD ' Dlst. t yr. old 3-bdrm. home with basmt,, unflntahed upstairs.. txHd. lira., auto, heat, outdoor flrr place, it a rate, Blot landscaped yard. Price fftfi.tO. POSSIBLE $500 DOWN - WILL BUY YOU excellent acre north. Hew modern homt with hdwd. llm . electric heat, breertwar, garate. We art very proud to show you thrum h because It U so clean and neat. Price , I&760. COLBATH LAND CO. 1083 Center St. Ph 24353 EvtS. Ph. 38631, 35981 or 28923 t225 VERY COMPLETE I rooms, upMalra loot ed, P.H.A., 1 blk. to 4 Corners. Tel. 20037 in iRM. HOI K. Cedar llned"clwet. fire place. Helm redecorated, gi000. S81 N. lath. Owner in town for few dnv only. VeRY NEAT comfortable 3 bedroom home, hardwood floors, good corner lot. Will trade or sell. 17500. HEW, 3 bedroom, oak floors, fireplace, all electric, imm. poa. This is a lovely home. 113.000. t A. with nice I bedroom house, hard wood floors, 1 fireplaces, rumpus room In basement, automatic oil heat, bus at door. 113 !W. P. II. Bell, Realtor Jfll Chtmeketi St. Ph. 3-1545, 3-4A9B tvea. 3-3451. 3-736S. 1-666. a336 fcW,Lt-RtEM. IHE, tnmp. redec Klec. iter heater. Klec. slove. Flee. ht. Hill lot. Hollywood Dlst. IJ.750 cash. ' K 36160. 70 Jtlferaoo. 339 Oregon, Tuesday, Sept. 20, 1949 Win a Guest Ticket to See "Sorrowful Jones" Plus "Fighting O'Flynn" AT WARNERS CAPITAL THEATRE HERE ARE THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of thi Picture coming soon to Salem. Clip out the want aa In which the picture title appears and ac company It with a simple state ment of 2j words or less on "Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mail to the Elslnort Theater boxofflce. Contestants will be judged on sincerity and originality. The FIVE best statements re ceived each day will each receive a gue.st ticket to see "Sorrowful Jones" and "Fighting O'Flynn," coming soon to the Capital thea ter. All entnes become the proper ty of the Capital Journal, and decision of the judges is final. Employees of the Capital Jour nal, The Capitol or Elslnore Theatres and members of their immediate families are not eligi ble to participate In this contest FOR SALE HOUSES S8WKI. NK W X-BR. HOME N. E. Has fire place, H. W. floors. Lot 70x130. Terms. Call O. V. Huma with STATE FINANCE CO., Realtors 153 8. High St. Ph. 3-4121 Eve. 3-52U6 S2281 fttOM. ATTRACTIVE late built home N.E. on 100x159 lot. 2 large bedrooms. Fruit trees, garden space. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., Realtors NEW S ROOM home close to Me lt In ley School. Attached garagt. Ready to move Into. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., Realtors 153 S. Hlih St. Ph. 3-4131 Eve. 35206 a228 Open for Inspection 3330 SUNNYVIEW AVE. New 1 year old very modern 3 bdrm. home. Large 14x22 living room with circulating fireplace. 10x10 dinette. Beautiful kitchen with breakfast nook, separated by breakfast bar and lots of bullt-lns. Large utility room with sta tionary wash tubs. Attached garage. Hluhly polished hardwood floors thru out. Nice back and front lawn enclosed by ranch style fence. Lot 55x2474. Garden spot at rear of lot. Very well constructed. This home Is tn excellent condition In every detail. Reason for selling, leaving state. 226 L0-6-K Beautiful suburban home close-In. Coal owner over (15,000. Will sacrifice for 312,875, consider reasonable down pay ment and carry tht balance on contract. Wo have hte key. KlKnina. Lovely Park-Like Setting Beautiful Colonial 5 B.R. home, se cluded am on 11 tall fir trees. Located high on a bluff In So. Salem on 4.12 A. with wonderful view overlooking E. Salem. Part Inside the City LlmlU. Price has Just been drastically reduced to 121,000, which includes all wail to wall carpets. Owners will consider a trade on a smaller home In So. Salem. May we show you thru? Klgains. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. Hi ill) St. Office 2-3649 Eve. 3-5390 a224 SPECIAL New 2-bdrm. home. Bullt-tn wardrobes. Lots of kitchen bullt-lns. Auto, oil furn. Owner needs money for business. Cutting price to 110.200, his week. Can b seen tvonlnn 'till 8:00 at 1695 Cot tane St. Will go FHA. a229 Colonial Home with View E. E l-LKN r interior and exterior finish. shlnKle roof, 1m e. LK DR., Sun rm., mu slo rm., tiled kit. and nook, pantry, all hdwd. firs, dwn., Ven. blinds In sun rm. and nook, 4 bath dwn., full bath up and ahwr., carpeted stairs, 3 Bit. up, full basement, oil furnace with hot noter hent, 2 car garane, city water and elec. well. Weather stripped and Insulated overhead. Lite, outside fireplace, very well landscaped, lite, trees. Lawn sprink lers. Locatrd on acre In Salem'a bet ter dlst. Bus by door. Set this tody. 117,900. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Llstlnas Personal Service lti4JB. Coin'l. St, - Ph. 38389, Evt. 37440 ABOUT t YKARK OLD. 1 bdrm. down. 2 up. Att. aaraite. 1-lreplace. Bus 1 blk. Price only I80. Small down paym't., bal. leu Uian rrnt. Immediate posses sion. ATTRACTIVE S ROOM HOME with basement, oil furnace. 75-ft. front lot Only 2 yrs. old. Price 18950. Reasonable trnn.v 1 YEAR OLD ranch type name. Large llv. rm. with fireplace, lame dinmi room. 2 lame blrms., kitchen, utility rm., bath. Oil furnace. Att taraite. 2 lots. Shrubs. Kelrer Dlst. Prtc? 112 000. LEO N. C11ILDS, INC., REALTORS 144 State St. - Plume 2-366!l Evenlna Call: Mr. Voorhees. 2-4007, or Mr. Seders trom, 3-67H9 a22ll Englowood Drive Buy Drive by 2040 Market 81, Call us If Interested in this line 2-Hlt. home with f'place, hdwd. lira., bsnit., 2 fine lots of fruit trcra, Clust to bus and stores. 4.suo. B. Isherwood, Realtor Ofllct Ph. 3-3183 - Evts. 2-3147 or 1-8838 a226 Extra! Extra! Nice! 1 of the loveliest home. Large living A dinlm rm , 2 bdrms., nice sue. Fire place A dream of a kitchen. P-tlo, beautiful lawn and ground. View ot city. INCOME South off 12th. t houses on ground. 130x160. Valuable as warehouse or tt. house property, (1,600 will handle. Price t6H00 L. E. Klimipp, Realtor 480 N. Church Pliont 2-7643 Sunday or Eventnes 2-0126. a324 BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL HOUSE Excl. Location. 4 bdrm., full tilt bath, U hath dn. Brat of new wall to wall carpeting thrnuithout. Lae. dm. rm full dry haemeiil. Hot water heat. 3 car garage. Ileitutttu! lawn and ahrubt. We are proud to havt the privilege of allow ing you thin excellent home at the very reasonable ntlce of lill.Mvo. Phone 96880. KU LUKINHFAL UK A I, ESTATE 4J1 N. High St. Evening Phonei 339J8, 37769 or 38704 aliS FOR SALE LOTS we win riL Tor a vof 1100 to J.s don. luiaiira tasy pay ment. Prices from 150 up. B. Ishprwood Realtor 3007 N. Capitol St Off Ph. 3-1863 Eves. PH. 1-3141 or 3-6836. aa224 $10 DOWN! Lott with water, electricity, bits aerv Ice. trees, close to school. Balance 111 per month. Reimann For Real Estate 301 South Hih Pn. 3-970) 8ud. Eva. 1-1341. 1-9303, 1-3533. 3-3718 gajll IFOR SALE HOUSES OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 3 Bedroom Home on West Wilson A food buy for 15500 small lot, excellent location, all bedrooms down. Shrubbery. Flowers and Atmosphere Galore milt from tht center of town and yet well off tha beaten path 1 acres, a natural park setting, many native trees, comfortable 3 bedroom home with basement and t a rant. IBOOO, Make Your Offer Must Sell A well built 1 bdroom home with full basement and oil furnace, good residential district, Just off South High St. Nothing To Do But move right In. It's a charming 2 bedroom home on Pearl St., has larit lot, good district, 18000. fHA mtg. full price 111,000. Wonderful for a Large Family large bedrooms, big living-room and dlnlngroom, full kitchen with nook, double plumbing, huge basement with gas furnace, fireplace, located at 639 M. Winter fit. Set us for price. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 7i uoun St. Eve. 33833 - 35998 FOR SALE LOTS CORNER LOT, 100x187, sub., 1450, terma. Owner, 200. 6. 22nd St., Ph. 3-4836. aa228 BY OWNER Lot 70x112, south. City wa ter, bus, reatrlctlona, (850, 126 dn., $10 a mo, Ph. 2-5211. Eve 2-3203. aa224 FOR SALE FARMS LOW PRICED STOCK FARM. Over 5u0 acres, rolling valley land, close to Sa lem Coast Highway. Approx. 100 A. cultivable, bal. Limbered land with plen ty spring water. Good PLASTERED 3 BR. home, wired for elec. lie., good lge. barn, mltk nee., and oth-r bids. In els. Bendlx waaher and John Deo re tractor. Priced to sell quick. 330. PER ACRE. VERY EASY terms. OVER 100 ACRES on Little Luckiamute River, about h rich bottom loam, Irri gable. NEW 6 rm. hse. and smaller hc., rented. New small barn, pltry. hse. and other bldgs. Ill, 000. ONLY IJOOO DN., bal. at 6. SEE IT NOW1 Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Llstlnas - Personal bervlce 164 8. Com'L - Ph. 3-8389, Eve. -7410 b220 A REAL FARM 12 mllea out Wallace Road. Continuous Ownership for 76 yra. All cult, level ground. Tht house la old but clean and mod. All outside bldfts. are new. This Is really a beautiful place and only 615, 500, 13M, ACRES 19750.00 Tht barn's full of hay, so are these two fine Jersey cows. Averave 2 UK house. 3 ac. boysenberries. 4 ac. filberts, 12 miles out Wallace Rd. A good deal. Phont 2B680 ED LUKINBEAL HEAL' ESTATE 443 N. Hitth fit. Evtnlng Phones 36704, 27769, 33836 0229 ACREAGE VM acres, under cult. 6 rm. house, barn, chicken hse., bunk hse., famiiy orchard. 7 ml. out South River Road. $8500 20-ACRE FARM This 20-acre farm, close In east, best of deep dark soil. All In cult., yi'r roun stream. Barn, outbuildings fair, house not much but livable. Good plate, priced right. Gray-Himmel Realty Co. Ph. 2-6456 - Eves. 2-5297, 3-61101, 2.43i2 b226 56 A. unimproved located about 10 milei east on paved rond, Fenced for sheep. Year around water. Price $3500. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., Realtors 153 8. High St. Ph. 3-4121 Eve. 25206 b226 10 ACRES, small 4 room house, garage and pump house, 18x46 hen house, all bldas. 2 years old, Out Silverton Rd., 3 McCain, then N., last place on left. b229 RABBITS and hutches. Reasonable, Pit. 2-0233 after 5:30 p.m. or Sunday. BEST FARMS 20 ACRES - FRUITLAND WITH 4-rm. house, yr. creek, 3 cow barn, Implement shed. Price 18500. POSSIBLE 31000 dn. will handle. 5 ACRES Modern 2 bdrm. home, 2 cow burn, rabbiterr, 3 acres berries. Gross $1200 on berries alone. Price 17950. TERMS 31500 dn. Call Mr. Ross with COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 24552, Eves. 35!RS b225 FOR SALE ACREAGE BY OWNER: Suburban acre, small mod ern home, V. blinds, 80' well, fruit roo-n, close to school, stores A bun, beauti ful shrubbery, fruit, nuts A berries 37900. Ph. 2-0125 eves. Rt. 7, b.)X 171 226 TO to ACRES of river bottom land. Stream, trees, good bldg. sites. 61500 dwn, easy terms. Call after 8 p.m. 31180. bb229 BY OWNER. 7 acres No. with income. Modern all electric home. Oood barn, hvble garaae. Leaving state. Ph. 31857. Rt. 2, Box 262. bl)227 FOR SALE or rent. 20 acres near Aums- vllle. Jot Hilla, Rt. 2, Aberdeen, S. D. M226 REAL ESTATE TO TRADE on property. 1041 Bulrk super seaan. rnone ajsaa alter np.m. r2ii:i DANDY, attractive, two year aid. 3 bdrm. at edae of rity; fully insittifd and weather stripped: dining room; aas floor furnace: yard fenced. O I. loan of 17200, payahle 153.18 a month may be assumed. Total price 92.iO. TWO BEDROOM, ranch type, tplendtd location, hardwood floors; two !i re places, full basement. Yes. there is a dining room. The full price Is 113,000 Terms. A NEARLY NEW two bdrm. Just out of city limits NE for only 15000. A down payment of 81250 will Hive you tmnn-ili-ate pos.ie.v.l.n and bnhmce at ,45 per month. 10 ACRKA, 2 acres young cherries: aood house, burn, poultry li.mse; Imu.ly In -rtes; drills welt with i!t-nty of w.ilor About 10 miles out. 17500. Salem Realty Co. RE ALTO HS 141 N HUM St. Phone 3-7880 Evt Phones 2-4591-3-6605. c224 FOR YOIR SAVlSO investment buy a nrv mortgsat on real estate Salem A vicinity. Examine security yourself Amounts t.soo to several thousand dol lars, net Investors 5 We make all col lection for you It desired. STATE FINANCE CO 155 S filth REST BUYS $5700 SFECIAL Very good older type home In a choice location North. Bus front door. School 1 block. Store 1 Mock. Ha semen t. lame lot. 2 weeks possession. Terms arranged. Eve. Ph 3047:i 15 56 3 BEDROOM Very clean old home. Double corner lot. Suitable for court. Very close to school, store bus. 11200 down, Total price only 5 0O0. Eve. Ph 30473 or 31558 SMALL BUSI. BLDG.. Almost new. suitable for almost any small business. Immediate possession. Very Well constructed. Located on very busy street. Total price only 1950, Ivt, Ph. 30473 or 13556. 15 ACRES I acres clover. 300 filbert trees t0 prunes. 3 rm house In pood condition IJ500 down Total prlct 38500. Ph. Eve 39403 or 33558. 10 ACRES 4 rm modern house. Oaraee Large rhlrken houne Amity soil. 4' miles from Salem. No waste land. Total prict o-ily A400 Kve Ph. J9403 or ,1.1556. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7630. 3-4596 3031 Portland Rd To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 (FOR SALE HOUSES 23489 - 38053 Phono 34111-34111 a225 REAL ESTATE ATTENTION Bargain Hunter $500 DOWN on thlt 4 yr. home (3 BR.) Si Vi ACRE, N.E. for only $6500. Elec. kitchen, elec. water heater. Incla. barn. Itnmed. Post. More land available POULTRY SMALL DAIRY FARM, 13 acres, on pavm't short drlvt out S. Riv er road. Sev. acres of fruit and ber ries. New elec. water ayst. Excellent pltry. bldg. Valuable hot hse. Yr. stream. 810.500. Terms. CHOICE ACRE HALF Near new Salem school. Don't miss this attractive plaat. hse. Mnsulated), surrounded by charm ing lawns, big shade trees, shrubs it flowers. Roomy pltry. hse., garage. BEN DIX GOES. Immed. poas. 68000. Low un. pay mi. Larsen Home & Loan Co, Exclusive Llstlnas - Personal Service 164 S. Com'!. St. Ph. 3-6369; Evt. 3-7440 C326' Medium Priced Homes Neat, small, compact, 3-bedroom home wun attacned garage. Northeast. 35700. Terms. BUSINESS & HOME Oood lame business lot tone 3, with small 2-bedroom home on tht back, lo cated on North Front street. A good location for a garage, bakery, cabinet shop, etc. 15250. Excellent terma. Exclu sive. Call Joe. $6500 Excellent location for a State Worker, or for Income property. 2-bedroom, plas tered ihome with fireplace and full basement with furnace. Exclusive. STATE VETERAN A sound built 2-bedroom homt with automatic heat, North. Has passed FHA loan requirements. Owner Is an ex- marlnt and will sell to reliable State Veteran for small down payment. Home has been appraised for I7.OJ0. Inclu sive. $7000 New, plastered 2-bedroom home In the Kiezer district. Hardwood floors, auto matic heat, located out of flood water district, on a paved street, wU go FHA and can be purchased for small down payment. Exclusive, $7500 Oood two-bedroom plastered homt In tne city, paved street, city but by tht door, only 2 blocks to grade school. A good value, with terms. We must show tins one by appointment. Exclusive. Call Joe. SUBURBAN ACREAGE Three-bedroom home with full dry base ment, wood furnace, 2 acres of ground, small barn, plenty of family fruit and nuts. This place located about 3 miles out on the South River road, has good garden soil, and Is out of the high water district, about a milt from the river. The place has been rented, and needs the care of an owner. Distant owner willing to take in car, trailer or accept small down payment, balance like rent. (Property now rented for (65 per month. 17500. Exclusive, SPECIAL Northeast 3 bedroom home, fir-place, attached garaae, beautiful large fenced In yard. Home has about 1050 sq. ft. and Is In first class condition. Inside a no out. A Duy at S8950. ACREAGE We have several good acreages, ont In particular we think Is outstanding. It is well located Northeast, tht surround ing area Is restricted and wed built up. your choice of to acres. Exclu sive. $10,500 Beaut If ul ranch style home In the Manbrin Gardens. LR., DR.. fireplace, beautiful yard. FHA financing If de sired. Owner might consider good late model car, as he Intends to bu one anyway. Exclusive. ENGLEWOOD New 4 bedroom home'. In an older es tablished exclusive section of t.ie En glewood district. City sewer, water, bus, about ft blocks to the Englewood grade school. Just try to beat this ne at 111,700. Shown by appointment 'only. Call Joe. 80-ACRE FARM An outstanding farm, full and complete set of modern good buildings, all land in cultivation, year around stream with irrigation right, most of this farm in bottom land. 1949 crop .consisted of ?d flax, oats, corn, oats and vetch, string beans, cherries. Ground has rals-d mint at one time. This one was a turrlse to me considering location, but se-ing Is believing. Owner would consider trade for Salein property, suburban acreage preferred. 117.600. Exclusive. See .'ot. PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN We are Interested In placing money at 4 to 4s on good valley farms, must have 40 acres of land In cultivation. We also make loans on city prope.'ty MIA. etc. Name your own terms, within reason. Business Opportunity We have a small business opportunity In South Salem, for 12900. exc. location and would be a good setup for a cou ple. Doughnuts, Sandwiches, Ice Cream, etc. WHAT ARE YOUR NEEDS If you don't see something that inter ests you In the above we havt plenty more, especially do we have a good trading section, let us know your needs, maybe we can be of help. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 36216 Eve. Mr. Bourne 37217 or Mr. McQueen 28476 t WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE I If your property la for sale, rent or txrhangt, list It with tu W have ah kinds of cash buyers RTA.B FINANCE CO. REALTOR! 153 S Hlgb 8t ea Wl ARE In need 01 gooo nouses to tell In or near Salem tf rou wish to list your property for tale aeo DRARKNHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phont 1-3471 eg WANTED Suburban lot with water- Ph! 3-fMO.I ca335 EXCHANGE REALJSTATE WANTED TO TRADE" We havt 3 Business Lota and 10 resi dential lots to trade tn on a good Auto Motel. Must be good location and food bldws. Kit Ins. BURT PICHA, Realtors Oft lee t-j49 ehJ35 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $4300 BUYS Lare corner and store building. Now leased 150 per month. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 3781 Eta or Sun. 30136 rdl24 MM MY 1.4KUK tract sultab)efor subdi vision or trailer auto park, t milt North Call 311M tvenlnga. rd229 AM Riril'E "DOWWTOWJMR t littl nt, worth mvenllgatlng. 431 Front St. Wood burn. Ore. Telephone Main 134 rd2JT UR IIAfF or ale. new store buiidini. 45x60, at 444 Marion St. Ph, 3-4536 d2l REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS LOCATED NORTH Look at this hou.se today full 5 rms., 10 yrs. old, hdwd. firs., 3 bdrms., liv. rm., d.n. rm., and utility rm wired for elec. range, elec. water heater, upstairs has unfin. bdrms., lge. lot, excellent buy at 17,500. Call O. H. OHABENHOHST, Jr. TRADE ACREAGE Will trade 3 bdrm. suburban home on 8li ac. for small home In town, barn, chicken house, family lruit, spring, located T miles cast. Prlct 19.500. Call PETER OEISER 325 SOUTHVIEW PLACE 2 bdrms. liv. rm., nice kitchen, hall and bath, 1 yr. old, to out Liberty Road to South view Place, and turn right. Prlct 17.400. Call ROY FERRIS. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sundays Call Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Celser 3-9966 Ear West 3-0606 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GROCERY MEATS For sale or trade. Living (marten. Oood clean stock. Com p. fixtures. Sacrifice for quick sale, 15500 will handle. 3 doore south of post office, Hubbard, Ore. cd228 Deluxe Cafe Large grade A Cafe, fully equipped with 2 nice modern S-rm. apartments, locat ed on 99E near Salem, bulldlnKs and equipment practically new, lots of parking space, extra room for courts. Will take Salem home on trade or give easy terms. Call Ray Davis. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial Ph. 33649 Evt. 38658 cd224 FURNITURE FOR SALE USED FURNITURE In good cond. Ph. Oer vals 2281. Rt. 1, box 134, Brooks, Ore. d224 WANTED FURNITURE USED FL'RN. Immed. appraisal. Highest prices, valley Furn. 285 N. Com'l. Ph. 27472. da234 IF YOU HAVE FURNITURE, appliance.!, sporting goods, etc., to sell & want TOP PRICES be sure to call TRADER LOUIE, 3055 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-8558 days or 2-4407 eve, da235 HIOHEfT PRICES paid Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Mar net Ph 8-5110 da AUCTION AUCTION TONIGHT 8 P. M. Glenwood Ball room 200 yards north of Drive in Theatre on 99-E consisting of CLOSING OUT ENTIRE Stock Gift Items of Char lotte Jackman of Nolans, Corvallis, Inc. 0 Olftw.re. : Jewelry. Mexican, Italian Vases, Table Run. nera. Tables, etc. COMPLETE 5 ROOMS 49 Wedge wood Gas Range. Oas Water Heater. 0 Allen OH Stove. 4) 200 gallon Tank. 5-pc. Bed Suite. S Single Bed Complete. Rex Air Vacuum Cleaner. (Swing Rocker. Complete Set Dishes. 9x15 Linoleum. Oarden Tools. Two 60 ft. Hoses. Rotary Electric Sewing Machine. Mahogany Case. S16 Inch O. E. Fan. Flourescent Fixture. : Electric Comb, Ranee. Table Radio. S Floor Lamps. Table Lamps. Dinette Set. New Daveno Set. Occasional Pieces. 49 Walnut Dlnina Set. Walnut Book Shelf. 6j Electrolux and Hoover Vacuums. Dresser. Ice Box. 49 Many other items. Glenn Woodry, Auctioneer Ph. 35110 to Buy or Sell "HIGHEST PRICES PAID" dd224 LIVESTOCK & FURNITURE" AUCTION WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 31 10 A.M. & 7 P.M. 1948 Deluxe M. W. Elec. Ranae 49 1949 7 6" Philco Reirip. : 8 end lx Automatic Washer All-American Meat St Bone Elec. Saw Mode 615 19 Domstlc Sewing Machine 69 3 Davenos 3 Walnut Bedroom Sets 69 3 Cabinet Radios 49 Thor Washer Davenport A Chair J Box Springs St Mattresses 3 Dressers 2 Westlnghouse Electric Rniifg 69 2 5-piece Breakfast Sets S3 Oil Circulators 1 Ranae Oil Burner 69 Bicycles 69 Miscellaneous Tools : Fresh Vegetables St Fruits Farm Machinery Chic Kens and Rabbits 69 Calves St Veals 49 Weaner St Feeder Pias 69 Cows, heifers and bulls. LANE SUDTELL'S Auction Sales Yard Located 1 Mile East of Salem on Silverton Road "To Buy or Sell Call 3-rM1f8" drt2J4 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. McCandllsh. 1127 S 25 Ph. 3-8147 RABBITS WING'S RARRITRV needs rabbits. Top prices 3fH"i Stale PVi 3-14HH eh242 PETS COCKER PI'PPIES. 4647 Lowell. Klerer Dlst. ev226 RFO. COLLIE puppies, route 2, box 179. Ph. 3-3353. ec224 MOORE'S TROPICAL fish ft supplies, lite, variety. Special on Red.-. words Sz Gup pies. Open even Intra until 9 p.m. Rt. 5. box 483 on Macleay rd. ecl24 MCEMEXlCAN cMhuahua female, 7 months, also male puppy, 5 months. Call at 420 Miller In Dallas. ec224 FAT BROWN Pt'PS need tood homes. Mother Colllt Shepard. Ph. 2-3.9l. ec224 COCKER PUPS 610 and 815. Phone 2-5441. 182 W. Lincoln. ec225 FUEL OREGON FUEL COMPANY Oood cle.in sawdust Dry slab or areen for furnace Oreen edtlng 65 50 load. Double 110 oc Dry edging 38 00 load. Ph. 355.13 teas? SHE IX STOVE A DIF.Et. OIL, Ph. 3-3186 Shell Oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, dLMrisutor ee249 CALL HIOHWAT FUEL FOR Pies! and Steve Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends Block Wood Ph 3644 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, ash A maple. 4' fir. 18 slab and edgtnts. Ph. 31458 ee West Salem Fuel Co. 16 TN DRT OR ORFFN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER FN PS OLD OROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN. Ct.FAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Ptlem 3-4031 Alt g-lck up wood at 1525 Edgewater H West Sam f? Journal Want Ads Pay I REAL ESTATE Bco RoUtn 2-2471 C224 I FUEL TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27442 16" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SAH OREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY COLORED FRYERS. Ph. 31298 1226 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day. Order Frys or Hens now at spe cial quantity prices for your lockers. Custom Dressing a specialty. Phone "ODi. Lite 1 naicnery. NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for immediate or future delivery. Hatches every Tues Fox Hatchery. 9830 State St Ph. 3-4969 f PRODUCE FILBERTS L'-PICK 10c lb. or ready picked 12c. Nice, lge. nuts. Large trees k neavy crop, zjo risner tia. en. 31316. II229 TOMATOES a bu. or ton. U-pick 31 bu. man. Box 32, Ph. Jefferson 504. ff243 CUCUMBERS, you pick, 2c lb. Arthur Evans, Rt. 2, Box 284 at Clearlake. (1327 SWEET CANNING Tomatoes. L, H. Zielke, at Roberts School. Ph. 31578. ff228 E OREGON ALFALFA 1ST Sc 2ND CUTTING NOW BEING DE LIVERED WRITE 1450 8. 8RD. BEND, OREGON OR PH. 405W. 'Sorrowful Jones" plus "Fighting O'Flynn." ff230 CANNING CORN. Main rd. W. of Kelzer scnool 1 ml. Inquire at Evans, Rt. 2. Box 162. ff22S CANNING TOMATOES 11.35 bu. Melons. 3380 N. River Rd. ff225 TOMATOES AND PEPPERS CANNINO, JUICE AND LOCKER WILL DELIVER PH. 2-7172 ff226 gaard Fruit Farm, hi ml. N. kelzer school. ff240 FILBERT AND Walnut drying. Special service for small lots. Phont 2-2861. Lee's Hatchery. ff TOMATOES, hybrid, acid free. Will de liver. Q. M. Gorman, Jefferson. Ore. Ph. HELP WANTED WANTED Filbert Pickers, 50 acres on Aunsville Hiway, Shaw Junction. Oeo. Hull. Ph. 3-4294. g226 FILBERT PICKERS, good crop once over. Ph. 2-2753. g2i;6 HELP WANTED MALE EX GIs and Young Men, 18 to 25, free to travel 48 states with advertising and circulation group. Liberal drawing ac count and transportation furnished. Must be neat ft single. See Mr. Gill 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 2 to 6 p.m. Hotel Senator. No Phone Calls. ga225 MAN TO install gutters ft down spouts. muse ot exp. juason i 279 N, Com'l. ga226 TWO NEAT appearing young men 18-23 yrs. Travel Calif, with group. (150 per mo. drawing acct. plus bonus and trans portation. Average earnings $60-180 per week. Mrs. Cobley, Hotel Senator. ga?25 ATTENTION VOUNO MEN I 18 to 26, free to travel 48 sattes. Must be neat, single, good driver. Transportation furnished 1949 cars. Average earning 375 wk. Liberal drawing account. Mr. Goode, Hotel Senator 6 to 9 P.m. Don't phone. ga225 THE ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO. organ ized by Sears Roebuck ft Co. has an opening In a Salem Sales office for an aggressive man 28-35 with previous sales experience. Successful applicant will be thoroughly trained to sell automobile Insurance and will receive a guaranteed Income from the very first day. Unique method of operation assures unlimited prospects Other employment benefits in clude renewal credits, profit sharing, a roup life ft hospitalization Insurance. Ph. Mr. Oust a fs on at 3-9191, ext. 11, to airanae for a personal Interview. zuJ25 WANTED Studious hluh school boy, will ing to stay in nlahts to live in town for board, room ft small wage. For inter view call at 4730 Harcourt Ave. or Ph. 2-7357 after 6 p.m. ga227 HELP WANTED FEMALE STENOGRAPHER and typist, experienced. Good salary. Transportation can be ar ranged. Apply Independence Lumber ft Mfg. Co., Independence, Ore. gb22S I LOCAL LADY to Interview home owners. No selling. 5S days a week. Start 330 per week, plus percentage. Apply in per son. 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. WlllameUt Val ley Roof Co., 30 Lana Ave. gb ATTRACTIVE youna ladies (2) 18-23 yrs. Travel Calif, and return with chap eroned group. $150 per mo. drawing acct. Plus bonus and transportation. Averaue ea mines 360-1 80 per wk. Mrs. Cobley, Hotel Senator. tb225 HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Modern horneln country. Widower. Good wages. Box 417 Capital Journal. gb224 WANT WOMAN for light housework and care ror 2 small coys. pn. a -os 94. gbaas GIRLS 18 or older, tree to work matinees, apply Capitol Theatre. gb224' ASSISTANT IN the' accounting dept. ShnrthftiiH rtnnlrrri Annlv tn no-n tiinH. writing, stating experience and age. P. O Bnx 229 Salem. gb224 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 1P0 State Street Phone 2-1488. gf WANTED SALESMAN IF YOU ARE AN HONEST energetic salesman who wants to earn real money, where possibilities are great, you are the man we want. Call In person. M. K. N. Furniture Store. From 1 to 6 P. M. Bf?3?l EXPERIENCED lurntturt salesman,-fist exp. a qualifications. Write Bog 394. Capital Journal, at 3 EXP. salesmen to aell leading lines of appliances. Salary plus comm. Trans portation furnished. Write Box 393 Cap ital Journal at WANTED POSITIONS EXPERIENCED WOMAN wants house work ftj-ooking. Ph. 33161 Rm. 142.Ji334 WANTED: WORK. 4 yrs. exper. resaw op- erator In or near Salem. Ph. 26832. h326 ; UNIVERSITY Studentexperlencel- belN hop. bus boy and soda clerk. Needs part time work or work for room and ! board. DarrtI dt Chaby, YMCA. 1 h224 CARE OF MOTHFR and baby after av int hospital. Ph. 21057 eves. h226 CHILD CARE, days a wk. PrT3-Mf27 ?ii:6 EXPtRitNUED siRVicK station man would like to tan rover station or work. Haie had 10 yrs. of exDtr. Oood refer, ence Mr. Oeorgt Ashley, Rt. 1, Box 81. Sublimity. Ore. h338 TREEWORK Topping, Removing, Etc. IN SI 'RPR OrtRtTOR JOHN PAYNE 341 S Church Ph. 16014 0234' WANTED POSITIONS CHILD CARE, 183 B. 18th. Ph. 38878. h243' TBER WOBK, toppinf trimming, remov ing, in, op. work gu.r. w. u. hcauu. tr, 840 Tr.de. Ph 2-1498. h335' INTERIOR PAINTING. lip. Fa. I-8T9S U33V Mimeographing-Typing FOE'S, 889 North 18th. Fhoh, 1-3843. h23!" TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 ht. Itrv lc. Former phon. opr. Ph. t-5073. h330 CEMENT WORK W.nte4. Ph. 3-4850. h FOR RENT ROOMS A FEW vacant rooms. Well equipped. Best or care. Holmes nest Home, urooxs. Ore. Ph. 2-1U6. Jk237" NICE SLEEPING Rm. Men. 446 Center St. Rear Woodrow Bldg. after 3 P. M. jk236 LIOHT HOUSEKEEPING room. Ph. 3-4338, 700 N. Church. jk24 t SLPO. rms. Women or glrU. Outside ent. Bus at door. Ph. 397&1. )k287 ROOMS FOR rent. Ladles only. Kitchen pr.vuege. ov oiainman. jKiuo LARGE SLEEPING room. Employed la- ay or coupit. v n. winter, rn. JU4&. jk22S PLEASANT 8LEEPINO room for gentle man. 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4547. jk228 WELL FURN. rm. Privata bath. Close in. on bus lint. Ph. 2-5436. Jk224 SLEEPING ROOMS. PH. 3-4338. Jk237 CLOSE IN Sleeping rm. Ph. 36316. Jk236' PLEASANT ROOM, priv. home, kitchen pnv. tmpioyeo; iactr preierrea. m. large sleeping room. Walking dlst. to fcuwm. jju Mission. itJia FURN. SLEEPING RMS. for men Ph. 2-3984. JK325 HOLLYWOOD rms. 3035 McCoy. Ph. 3-6093. FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3 RM. FURN. Apt. Working couple pre- ierrea. rt. com'l. Jp326" 3 ROOM nicely furnished apt. Share bath. j diocks Bourn x.aaa St Bush bank. 310 Bellevue St. Jp226 TWO 2-room apartments, partly furnish- to. saw anj i as per month. P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-4898, 2-1545. jp326 MODERN apartment, Centrally located. Beautifully furnished. 444 H. Cottar. Ph. 2-1887. Jp226 DUPLEX: New, close In. Oround floor. In cluding automatic oil heat. Ph. 3-8746 6 to 7 p.m., 7 to 8 a.m. only. Jp226 S-RMS. with bath, elec. stove and dinette iurn. Adults. Rer, 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. 3235 Portland Rd. Jp226 S-RM. basement apt. with flreplcae, new ly decorated. Also sleeping rm. lor gentleman. Ph. 37260. Jp236 RM. NICE QUIET furn. apt. Adults. Near state St forestry bldgs. Capital Journal box 418. Jp224 2-ROOM CLEAN apt. Emp. COUple. Call ai luuy n. oin. Jp228" NEWLY DECORATED heated apt., 3 ad,- uiis, si jolt n. igmerty. Appiy up to 7 p.m. Jp228 3 RM. furn. apt. 960 Parrlsh. 3 RM. APT. fur. Prl. ent. Close In. Emp. COUpie. 1481 uourt St. jp224 SMALL FURN. APT. Priv ahower. Prlv. ent. utilities turn. 140 mo. Ph, 3-6453. Jp225 RM. APT. First floor. OU St fas. 675 So. An si. JP224 TWO RM. APT. Nicely furn. but not so modern. Young couple desired. No drink ers need apply. Blaine Hotel office. . 1P324 ATTRACTIVE 3 rm. furn. apt. Prlv. bath. Utilities furnished. Ph. 2-9138 after 6. p.m. Jp225 APT. 5 BLKS. from D. S. Nat. bank avail able now. 610 So. Com'l. Fisher Apia. Tele. 2-9157. Jp225 t-RM. partly furn. apt. Clean, garage. ciose to out. sag mo. gooo Portland Road. Jp225" FOR RENT HOUSES SMALL MODERN furnished house. $35 per uiuiiui. inquire m, box teg uoone Road after 4:30 p.m. Jm224 MODERN FURN. cottage. 1 bdrm. 2 ml. in. oi arooKs on 99S. Host Cottagt after 5 P.m. Jm229 MODERN 6 room house. 2 bdrms. and garage. Browns Road. 5th houst on left, near Swegle School. Jm225 DUPLEX, 1544 Elm St. Ph. 3-9345. Jm225 FURNISHED 2 B. R. home, auto heat, hot water. Adults, o. Ph. 34370. jm226 3 BDRM. furn. home. Electrle dlh wash er, automatic oil furnace, electric water heater, double garage. 190 per month. Ph. 3-6137. 18.324 You Are Entitled to Have Pets & Children When You Buy a Home Investigate the 1195 dn. buying plan on lovely modern 2 BR home. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church St. Ph, 2-7642 Eve, or Bun. 3-0126 Jm MODERN t BR home at 1975 N. 20th. Poss. Imm, 875 month. Wrltt E. B. Pe terson, Rt. 1, Box 117, Scottt Mills. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS S RM. furnished. Private entrance. Woik- lng couple preferred. Ph. 3-3789. J229 OFFICE, desk spact, Conv. loo. Ph. 39113 . J345" FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Montgomery ward. J POWER TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial use Howser Bros Ph. 3-3646. NEW STORE BUILDING, 1081 Broadway. Ph. 31835 or 42239. J225 TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand- r Wt ell everything to complete the Job HOWSER BROS Ph. 3-3646 J 'OOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. 3FFICE spaces and desk spaces Ph 35692 TRAILER HOUSE for rent. Furn. Reason- able. 594 N. 13th St. J225 TRAILERS 13.00 per day Howser Bros 14lu 8 12th. West Salem. ) BUSINESS RM. for rent H. L. Stiff. J U DRIVE trucks, cart. Ph. 2-9103.. 1 SINGER ELECTRIC portable tewing ma- chines. Reason abe rates. Free pick up St delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co. t30 N Com 1 Ph 33512 i WANTED TO RENT FOR THE WINTER: Furn. or unfurn. 3 Bdrm. modern home. Ph. 26262. Ja336 I HAVE 3 girls ages 17. 15 & 6 years. Not aeturucuve. am looaing ror iurn. trailer house to rent. Please help me some one. Ph. 21347. Ja236 WANT TO RENT a slnglt or double tar- aar in West Salem. Ph. 2-8413. Ja226 t OR 3 BR unfurn modern house, Will pay to 180 for suitable place. Ph. 3-6614 after I. Jsi28 BUSINESS MAN urgently n-f lt I house. Reasonable rental. Pn. 3-30j8 or 3-7491. JaSZB MF.ATCUTTER, WIFE. 3 small girls ur gently need l bdrm. houst with stove by Oct. 1. Not over 160. Ph. 35360. Ja214 BY YOUNG employed couple. 1 or 3 bed- reom rurnljhed or partly furnished house by Oct. 1. Not over 160. Capital Journal. Box 420. Ja32S 3 ADULTS need by Oct. 1st. mod. 1 bed. room house, furn. or unfurn. Will pay up to 150 and lake best of cart. Box 419 Capital Journal. Ja325 WANT TO RENT GARAGE In H Oil T wood dist. Ph. 3-4407, car only. Ja32i PHYSICIAN ft family desire 3 or 3 bdrm. unfurn. houst. Will least. Call 20319. ja2J8 NEW MONTGOMERY Ward manager needs 3 bdrm. home, will least. Please Call Mr. Wolf 33191. Ja ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE home In country. No smok er or drinker, wrltt capital journal. Journal Want Ads Pay LOST AND FOUND LOST: I strand set of pearls In vicinity of Woolworth or Penney Friday tvenlnt. Ph. 2-4889 otJ-nV M?' FOUND rBicycle . Owner may claim by ldent. St pay for this ad. Ph. 3-6303 after p.m. M25 BATON found on Highland St Cherry. Oct article by paying for ad. Ph. 3-7594. k235" MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. Wt close Saturdays 12:30. m244 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR t HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8EMLER DENTIST Adolpb. Bldg. State St CommurvlaJ Sta. SALEM Phont 3-3311 fft BUILDING MATERIALS WATERPROOF WALLBOARD Perfect for kitchen St bathroom walls At flooring. 7'ic ft. C. O. Long, Ph. 35821, one mile north of Kieier. ma229 SIDING New asbestos siding 310 q. Cedar shakes in carton 112 sq. C. O. Long, Ph. 2-5821. One mile north of Kieier. ma229 SHINGLES No. 1 37.75 sq. C. O. Long, ph. 35821. Ont milt nort of Kelzer. ma229' GRAVEL FOR concrete mix and roads. 81- gurdson. Phone 31160. maZ4B INCH C St better finish lumber. 4" to 10" width. Ideal for cabinet window frame material, 8130 per thousand. 8 ft. framing 2x4. good stud material, 825 per thousand. Ph. 22054. Epplng Lumber Co. 660 Fisher RdJ ma226 AETNA STEEL Door Frames, assembled. one unit. Low installation cost, pum ILITE, West Salem. ma2J REINFORCING STFEL1 and Blok-Mesh in 4". " and 8" wldtto. PUMILITE. West "Salem. ma 224 ROCKLATH, PLASTER and Stucco mater ials. Complete line, quality materials. PUMILITE - West Salem. ma224' Uxl OVERHEAD door, complete with ail hardware. Very reasonabla. Bat dorfs. 2095 Fairground's Rd. ma329 NEED LUMBER? 4 larger amounts. Builders art realizing substantial savings on all grades of framing lumber. No. 4. 2x4-1x8 ship lap 317 per M; 9x6-2x8-2x10 115 per M. No. 3, 2x4 shlplap 136 per M. Price In cludes delivery. West Salem Saw Mill, 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 39593. ma249 DOORS Flush Interior and exterior doors. Just a few left at special price. Keith Blown. Front St Court St., Salem, ma CEDAR GUTTERS Just received small stock of hard to get grades, (clear) St (tight-knot) 3"x4" Cedar gutters. Keith Brown. Front At Court St., Salem, ma CEDAR SIDING New ampment x8" and xlO" cedar siding, all grades. Keith Brown, Front St Court Sts., Salem, ma" SAVE ON ROOFXNO Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED prlct on your roofing needs. Wide range of colora. Call our outside salesman for fret estimate. Phont 1-3191. MONTGOMERY WARD CO. SALEM, OREGON ma NXW SHIPMENT piast board. V. 6Ucl 6o so. ft. Rock latht, 46 sq. It. 91.75 MONTGOMERY WARD fl&LCM ma ALUMA - LOCB. ALUMINUM LOCK dlilNOLE. The modern permanent roof ing. See your dealer of Call Dlst. 3-6401. ma272s RED CEDAR SHINGLES High Mountain or Coast Timber No. 1 $7.75 DELIVERED ANY AMOUNT 100 sqa. No. I, 6 in. clear, suitable for roofs or sidewalls. Ted Muller, Ph. Sa lem 3-1196. Salem-Indep. Road. ma NURSERY STOCK FUSCHIAS, Camellia and Perennials. 4405 Portland Rd., corner of Claxter. mb226a DAHLIAS: Order bulbs now. 1491 7th St. west eaiem. Ph. 2-0514. mb224a FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS DOUBLE VITREOUS China laundry trays. w men wun aiana. uoie. swing isucet St fittings. Like new. Ph. 39579. n226 1 DOUBLE eash window. Each glass 24x24. rn. JD(u. nzzo" 80-06 SPRINGFIELD Custom sporttr. Red- neia signu. Exceu. cond, 185. Ph. 37549. n229" MASTER GRANDE portable washtr. Ex cellent condition iiD. fn. dvjho. nana SMALL UPRIGHT piano In very good con dition, a Bargain ror casn. 1690 B. cot tage St. n226 80-06 ENFIELD Sporter. Excellent. Will iraoe lor metal turning bench lathe or garden tractor. Call eve. Ph. 24309. n228a BOUGHT NEW. used 9 months, 2 piece uiii wen giving Koom mute. 7 piert blond bedroom suite, Gibson refrlg. with freezer locker. G. E. electric washer with aluminum tub. 355 E. Superior. Ph. 22502. P226 TREADLE type sewing machine. Drop head & cabinet. Oood condition. $19.50, 2770 Garden Rd. No dealers. Ph. 36400. n226 NEW WOOD circulator heater. Ph. J-0233 after 5:30 p.m. or Sundays. 6 YEAR BABY CRIB with 3 level adjust able springs, Inner spring mattress in cluded. $15. Ph. 2-0661, 1210 S. 1611, Apt.L n23fl LARGE ESTATE HEATROLA circulating oil heater. New condition. To trad? for smaller oil clrc. heater In like condi tion. Ph. 2-0157. 697 Norman Ave. n21! NEW 30-06 deer rifle. 245 Union St. Call after 6 p.m. n22Q NEW REMINGTON, Model 721, 90 06 swing mount and K2-5 Weaver Scope. 3160. 664 S. 21st. Ph. 85597, n226 ENFIELD 30-06 S porter. Hubbard. Ore.. h224 Box 63. HMM MAUSER, good condition, Sporter stocky Price $60. Ph. 2-6631. n226 GOOD 300 SAVAGE RIFLE. Ph. Oervals 2281. Rt. 1, box 134, Brooks, Ore. n224 30-06 ENFIELD rebuilt like new. 1770 Lee at. n226 12 OA, SHOTGUN, good cond. Very reasonable. Ph. 35708. 1385 Mission after 6 p. m. n22t SEARS COLDSPOT refrig. 6 cu. ft. $75. 4450 Dlerks Rd. Ph. 26200. n224 KNARE Grand Piano. Phone 34641. n227 CUSTOM BUILT gun, caliber 270. See It at Welcome Inn Cafe, t' miles 8. on 99F,. D224 NEW 800 Savaie, model 99EG. Also 35 N H. pullets, now laying. Call 3771 Dallas or write Leonard Berg, Rt. 2, Box 327, Dallas. n224 PHILLIPS ENGLISH bicycle like new, tear shift, awiss light with generator, cyclometer St very good buy. 1369 Cen ter. B224 1916 ZENITH refrlg. 7 cu. ft. Used I mo. Will sell for S178. Original cost 1289. Ph. 21758. n224 16 SI7.E Eliln pocket watch. Handsome dial At case. Electronically tested, high ly accurate time keeper Reasonably priced. Ph. 22774. n223 NATIONAL .173 ALL-WAVE RADIO RE CEIVER. LIKE NEW. PH. 34728. n225 FOR SALE: Shells for foreign St odd calN ore nues. Also several rifles. Trade considered. V. M. Sackett, 1810 So. Winter St. Phone 3-4912. n226 PIANO SALE! BALDWIN - WURLITZER - CABLE Beautiful sample spinets and consoles shown at Oreton State Fair at BIO SAVINGS! New pianos from 8395.00. Also excellent, burs on several used grands and Up right Stone Piano Co. 1640 Fa irt round Road Aalcm, Of,, !23 MONTAO WOOD rlRrVt.ATOR ta ,(M SEWINO MAl'HriE. Horn, tlectHC, 138.11 up. Ph. 31138. Ralph Johnson Appliances tlJ4"l (Continued on Page 17) 4