14 Capital Jownal Salem, Oregon. Tuesday. Sept. 20, 1949 1 KOE MAUPASSANT ONCE WROTE; A CLASSIC SHORT STORY ABOUT A PIBCB Or STBINO RADIO PROGRAMS NO BEWHISKERcD OLD FRENCHMAN CAN The HOUSE on LILAC STREET GET AHEAD OF ROPER -LETS DROP OUT AND SEe CUPCAKE AND SONNY TUESDAY P.M. X IM AFRAID THE FACT I IN THE WORDS OF AN M I O L" If 06 MAUPASSANT ONCB WROTE A CLASSIC I I OUR PH.IBND4 THE v tX-O CHINCSC PKUVERBJ I I MEANltWj-?? IlLJBa H5 BRAVVN5KI"S, HAVE FOUNON WHICH I JUST MADE 1 sPrT.aSTP 1 t A BABY SITTER AND CAN UP' " HE WHO JUMP ,Ornl 1 NOW COME TO MY PARTY AT CONCLUSION f WnfVf(ll I AND SEE CUPCAKE AND SONNY T T by FRED BAYARD 4 MnnMtmt' (Chapter 'in Chrla Harman motioned for si lance. "Just a Mcond." The volcea ceased. Ace 8pado threw a quick look In Kaid'i direction. -What' lh matter?'' William Ovens looked nuzzled. They could bear It now, tool A light knock on the door. "Any ot you boys expecting some company?" Hald asked, looking at the other two. He never got an answer, lor his whole attention was suddenly taken by the sound ol Herman's voice raised In protest. "What's the big Idea, busting In here like this? I tell you the place la closed." He tried to push the door shut. With a shove that sent Harman reeling backwards, the Intruder lorced his way through. "This is the law, bud. We have a warrant to search the place and bring back anyone we find here. There was t;ie mometnary flash of his badge as he tucked it away. "The D.A. wants to have a little talk with you. O.K., boys, let's see what j at the back,' he said over his shoulder to the two burly figures that lollowed him. Pushing past the laundry store proprietor, he opened the door into the back room, uwens rose irom behind his desk. "What's the meaning of this? he blustered. "Police," the other replied. "You gents get a move on. we re taking you along." In about 10 minutes one of the men at the front shouted, "The waeon's here." They were unceremoniously bun dled inside the patrol wagon. The ride to the station was one of un broken silence. Each was occupied with his own thoughts. As they felt the van pulling up, Harman cau tioned them, "hemember, keep your traps shut. They've got nothing on us, and the boss'll see that we're sprung. Just act dumb and say you dont know to everything." The rear doors were thrown open and one by one the four Jumped to the pavement. The other three preceded Hald down the corridor. The detective In the lead threw open a door. "Walt In here," he indicated. As Hald was about to follow, he held out his hand. "You, he said, "come with me." Hald was shown into the same office where Diehlman and the others had met earlier in the day As Hald approached the desk, the D.A. looked up with a smile. "Wei' come home, prodigal," he said, hold lng out his hand. Haid took it. The D.A. turned to the other man In the room. "Like you to meet Haid 6cott of the FB I. Hald, this is Lieutenant 'Fletcher. He's been working on the case from the other end." "Do you think we're ready to strike?" the D.A. asked as he passed around a box of cigarettes. "Just about." Hald Included both the D.A. and Fletcher In his glance. "Perhaps, Just for the record, we should begin by getting the picture straight. The lieutenant here can add what he's found out, then we'll be able to tell better." "OJC. Shoot!" The D.A. waited. "I think we've got the general picture pretty well. In the begin ning, my interest lay in the coun terfeiting and kidnapping angle. Then, when I was asked to work In collaboration with you, other things kept cropping up. We be gan to realize the organization we were up against. Worming my way Into Holway's confidence didn't prove difficult. If Bill Eady were itlU alive he'd be proud to know that he was on the right track the whole time, and that it led to Holway." He was thoughtful for a few moments as he thought of the agent who had been killed in the line of duty. "The police raid n the hideout on Larchmont street nearly wrecked everything. I man ured to get away and to smooth over Holway's suspicions, but I added a responsibility and that was the Martin girl." He looked at the D.A. seriously. "Unfortunate ly, ahe didn't drop the whole thing u I figured, and kept sticking her nose into trouble. It was quite a ihock when ahe turned up at Hol way's place. He was half crasy for fear she'd stumble onto aome yiing. So they engineered a kld- napplng. Then they found they I had the wrong girl and tfiey nao to get rid of her. I couldn't lo cate her In time, and they killed Ruth Hamilton." "So that's where she fits In," Fletcher Interrupted. "You know. I'm wondering where the shoot ing ot the Lynn girl flu In. We don't seem to oe getting aiong anywhere with mat. Dyou think Holway had a hand In Itr ' Hald frowned. "That stumps me. I had a pretty good opportunity to observe Cherry belore she was snot, and I know something was troubl ing her. But it wasn't Holway. I'd be willing to bank on It that was one killing Holway nao notn- lng to do with." Fletcher outlined the story Met calfe had told him. "Do you seel anything in that mat could snedi a nam?" "Not right off, but If we keep digging away at it, we may get results. "What's our next move, Hald?" Fletcher asked. The other thought for a moment. "We've got Chji Harman and Holway's trusted lieutenant, and, of I course, the agent, t think you'd better raid Thora's place next, be- lore anything can leak out. At the same time, you had better! sena some 01 the boys over to Ed Kieebers. Hes been the one who si fixed up stolen cars for the gang, I done new paint Jobs, obtained out oi state license plates and the like. He was never on the Inside of things, but he is an Important link in the chain. He supplied the car I the night I got away from the Mar- I tin girl's house. When you pick I him up you 11 put an end to one' oi the swellest car theft rackets I've seen in a long time." "What about Holway?" the dis-l trict attorney asked. "Want us to I collect him as well?" Hot yet. There s one more angle to this case I'm not satisfied about. It's Just a hunch and I'm I not saying anything about it yet. Holway knows the answer, and 1 1 want you to give him plenty 0(1 rope mj nang nimseii witn. ' llo be continued t WESKITS 2857 SIZES 12 . 40 SKIRT 2897 22 36 IN. Gouu Jiikeii. ajuuu uu voui oa.slc wardrobe with plenty of versatile separates I Wesklt No. 3837 Is smart in eitner a sleeveless or cap sleeve version. Skirt No. 289? Is something vrry special No. 2857 is cut in sizes 12, 14, 16 18. 30. 36. 38 and 40. Size 16. IS yos. 04-in.: sleeveless, i yds. M-ln. no. ztwi is cut in waist s zes 22 24, 3t. 28, 30, 32, 34 and 36. Size 28, yas. oe-in. Just outl The FALL-WINTER fashion BOOK presenting fash Ions they are wearing now and new styles to come, over 150 practical, easy-to-sew. UD-to-the-mlnute nt. tern deslsns for all ases. Remem ber, It's amart to aew your own and save money, order your copy now price Just 20 cents. To obtain this nattern. aenri IV in COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts, Capital Jour nal, ui Mission street San Fran Cisco 3. Calif. R2B12 PATTERN No KMll Crocheted DressHere Is a dsrllnit little party ctresa you can crochet lor approximately 12. Easy stitches work up in a Jiffy and your voung daughter will look like a little an gel at her first partvl pattern Envelope No. R2512 con tains complete crocheting Instruc tions for babv dress, material re quirement, stitch Illustrations, and making and finishing directions. To obtain trim pattern, aend 20c in COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and tone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal. 828 Mission Street San Fran cisco I. Calif. ,0 R , B M t i f6Hh r : : )z?J : i W Ri,V ., H K" n J Z. n i u l j m tt": n i i i i i i r i n i cur. i BP I 1 1 t V. 7 lit. f I , A f I I f ' 31 X 1 ll 'TO ll If - Iv aW . su y 3 "i kn . i r&z r n x) Jin n n rZL vl I I e what vwj THrs rr-wE-RE Tfrwc.1 If cot a home here-cool T fn W r YEP-SOUNO AS A esJT- THCTTS HW S I ME N -SHELVES TO MWg PLANS NOW- I I FOR FUEL "TOO BUT WE CfiNT HM M-KNOW 1 V ' R TURNED BROWN AS WE'RE FKWERW IB 1 CeTTING A MITE COT TO FKWER SOME I i ET COAL-AND CLOTHES- ANYBODY? 1 " ;K ONE, -TOO) BOT SKINNY- ON RIGHT NOW. (1 BARE ASAIN-WHAT ANGLE TO MAKE A I H fTXL BE WINTER TORE LONG WITH MONEY 1 Q IS P GQTTOEATJSQREj-Og-l ARSWUR PLANS? UVIN'- HcAN-TCOAU eiTHEPJTTlsyi JJ H aWlL It T..V-M f Will il BX-I LI .ffiai7MtKilUL l W i I'S " w. t II II f V..'. I II i W i 1 IMST1 I m d ITS pumnV. I'VE 'YOU Ll FEEL DIPFEBEKJTLY WWA.TRE VOU WEU..1 USED TOO DONT NEED TO TElSn 1 " BEEN WAITIM TO NHEM MOURE CXDEft, J GOlNQ To J TO LIKE TO GOTO SOICOLTOPtAVLl" 1 tL. ET OLD ENOUGH -.TEDCYj, -A STUCrV, PLAVTMEfj A OKELELE-ARTUURrOKAy ! i' KrtSi fl. MUI aft A 11 w r 9 1 I 1 II I yo -i- fl . Ill in I IL-a" I IV L : l r. "4 I X I V TMfHU I 1 W.b'AS f, 1. I C -v T I I l'r- ".l'n' K-J I 1 I mim 1 YfillM I tSSBt I fUMA I I M 111 ., I SSI 1 Al I I O M ITH RCO?-IT f. JilZZLIN l LC'S TIPTOE 19? NOBODY I CMOF.?-e0P K ' TVERE I fsOuP-AH ET MAM MAMMY-M LAID Our OM 5 . AVAY AN' jk, ImE'ir I I SAY, HAMFAT- J BlGHTTMAIt-l I OR W-WER TO' 1 TH' TABLE, T UQf JFf LEAVE HIM Wt A plaTTErJI I VHAR DID NO' l ON THET I b CASE MAY rl rr weSe I r. .J "E,V4 O'VSSrf "J I SAYTH'-K.? ) PLATTER- f GRUEEOMC, K Vl L uAtaVVA r , o.irf kk CHICKEN- y tH.'.'-HH7'FEW GOTTA ADMIT IT WERE r I HEAR MUTT GOT lMWU WANNA VEH! If WELL.YOO DRIVE THIS (uLPK I V I SWELL JOB AS A MOVIE ( GET IN THE MOVIES I HAVE I R THROUGH THAT BRICK M BUT Lcl " TW'T WONT v tWfWM U I DIRECTOR - IM TIRED EH? i VOL! U WALL-THEN THE CAR 1 I &( MATTER - ITS THE ) VMfMWtMX v l op dishwashing) mcffid ep,t mt,v "issr w last scene :mmmz- u LJ vOU ICHS SINCE TI 155' JL-coT7, FrJBaF Nt 1 1 n"S l0NI'A L"ffi TOE Y AT'S AN IPEA' MV R OF A MEAL C0L1D HAVE BEEN V "TT6 aTf HOUiWOOO TEN PAVS 1 C THS COFFEE BEAReKNTrr? vA BEEMSlEFTINI ,, LEFT BV .VY MEN, BUT I DONT i al I A60. IS STia VWRM B.IN r IT BEEN SLEPT IN. . M TWNITIJEY W0ULP BS j f kC' 1 J y uSf -yiife 1 WL. rv: ' f 'PL KS I I T I YEP! WE ( BOU3HT ) I I OH, OON'T MO, IT WASI I 7. 1 "-v. BOUOMT J Shian!? GET ENOTEO..) A STQAISHT lTV, D tOOK wmatY a LITTLE BOY HIM T-l WBOION'T TRAOey f ) w U WE. GOT, y,'OF OLI VERV XJIJ-' " PAYCASH,.JA I LOUIE; 7 C' t, fc. a ! fV 4 H K.njt Va.r I - Jl asaaaaa Jk I I fiOONDOlCRtV JWU,DrKU. I I fM BETTING v HELP ,T " V0UR J JA Ki U " ' vTif ' 1 Ia RtO HOT ROUNDEy Of V0UR Wllfi IVt HAOQurtf ONMfi!" TELL I "tlti tJ Ht7VH0 WLINS.OOlO RtV 'vvC" M ' w , KSLM 13M UBO IKGW KBO K0C0 T BHar-B Rmrh B-llar-B Bnrb A?cnt. f CbftM Mull (iabrlcl HUr Northwttl Nwi Mutt Mail 1 Praus f Med. Chit-It Blak Btd la kr Blttn la Rky 1 , Cant f Mania Carla MasU Mailt Nwa Malaal Nwiraal Favarlta ftlarr Favarlla Starr Iraltna lwla, Jr. Ifttltet Lacal Ntwi Maile I John Statu Adv. John Stttla A dr. Baaa Htrcaa Or, Buaa Harcan Or. Maaleal Cacktall Muilcal Ctfklall Ma aatS Jan la Mt and Janla Ra Htat fUb Hot rthbtr MeOta riaatr Mrtiaa Rollrwttd Thtatrt Hnllvwaod Thalr Ptapla Ara Fanny Ptoala Ara Fanny 8lnatraElrtttn Nw at Warld Thlt la Var Llf This Is Yaar Ufa Saarta Pata Final Bands af Land Band Wafta Ran ffaraa Wai Maataas Wai MM Wai Mai an 1Kb 0(f Bhrla Baneh Kbrlbni Kaasa Blna Craah Builntil Ntws Can'dltllibi'and Siltar Nana laaab Walltn Fal O'Brltn Matltal Jarkaat Kvalrn En lab! Snaaklni Snarta Track IIM Tratb IIM Track KM Tratb 14M Track 14M Tratb ItM Ntwa Alrlna Bay Pranlltr Tawn Frontltr Town Mails Ton Want Mailt Ton Want Naetarna N'oelurna Noeturnt Not turn a Kirn Off K0IN Knu Manntnf Btalah Chat natter Newt Chlraaaan Bab laanc thaw It Fan ta aa Icaaraat Bit tba Jstknat Bit tba Jatbnaa Draaa Pars da Draaa Parada Lawcll Thtsaaa Jatk Smltb Mr. A Mra. MaHb Mr. Mra. Hartfe Flaa Itai Final Mystery Tbaalra MriUry Tbaalra Bands an Parada Bartnada Tan and Warld Ortbaslrn Naws llant WEDNESDAY -6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. I Marn. Newt Sam. Masle. Tlmtkaaa. Martb Tims Ntws l Ntws Break fast Ganc Brtakfast Gang Tan Trades M Bargain Csnntar Kiss and flblna Sans a( Fisnetra Marnlnf Saaclal I Nartbwtat News Kats Smith Slnta Pattsr'i Csll Wilts Walts Tlma I Ntws Goapt Sinter Music Walts Srrrnads Ladlts Flnt Ladles First Qatcn for n Day Quern for a Dar Top Trades News Northwest News Bob Ebery Show Tell Tour Nelsbbr Johnson Family Organ Reveries Bine Sinn Against Sterm Against Staraa Mails Matte Lackr Lncftr Hants News af Tinea i! Pulton Lewli, Jr. Hemingway I SO Behind Ihs Story :B I Carmen Cavellera DIAL LISTINGS Tnesdsy p.m. :0. Keeping Dp with Sportsi 6:1ft. Horns Edition) :S0. Modern Romances) :M. Headline Edition) d:IK. Elmer Davlsi Artbnr jttattht :4B, Musts by Bravsrai 7:00, ICaunltrspy; 1:30, Tawn Meet inn S'.SO, Monitor Newat S:4S. Book Adventures) 11:00. Richfield Reporter i S:1S, Intermeaia; 9:au. Concert Hour) lft:M, Menos la To- norrawt ll:Ot, Xtrn Heart lZ:u, Sign Off. PV Wedneadar a.m. :M. Wash lI.A burn News) :4ft. Band Boat :, Bob Haacn Shawi d:45, Tina Tempast ftlft. Martin Agronsbyt ?:S0, Zebs Mannsrsi 1:4S, Blders af tha Purple Ragei S:M, Breakfast Clab; t:00, Mildred Bedell i :!&, Stars af Todart F:30, Tropicanai t:49. Melody Promenadet 10:00, Ted Malonei 10-lft, Galen Drake 10 :M, My True Storyi 11:00, Betty Crockeri 11:15, Newsj 11:M. Baukhaga Talking! 11:45. Naney Craig: 11:00, Nerthwetternest 1t:M, Kay West) 1:00, Breakfast In Hollywood) 1:M, Easy Farn Tina KOIN Klaak Farn Tina News Tba Old Sanaa KOCO Klerk Naws Nsws KOCO Klscb Fred Beck Snaath Malta Tea Bitter Cansnnar News meetb Muila Ntws Snarta rt Baker Bidsrs af Saia Tap O' M trains Garry Moara 9mm Hares Top O' Morning ""m M r Second Cap King's Crasaders Vocal Varlatiaa Second Cap King's Crnsadera Newe Jack Barcb Wsetern Melodies Grand Stan News Church la WHd Bostnary Homctawnera Tlma for Melody Wendy Warraa Homrtowners Tlma for Melody at Jenny Bob Kberlr Stars Sing Helen Trent Carmen Carallera J. Charles Thomas Onr Gal Snndap Lopes Oreh. N W News Bister Lopsa Orcb. Memorable Masle Psrblns Today's Children Tuns Tina Taunt Dr. Maland Lora tawten M Keys Guiding Light Doubla ar Nothing Musis Mart Newt Doubts ar Nothing Musis Mart Oct It Ntws Jan Garbsr Vorab Drake Light af World Vocal Varieties Brighter Day Life BoantUnl Hollywood Mails" Mrs. Barton Road af Llfa Hollywood Musis prr Mason Pepper Tseng Sewa BritM and Light Happiness Ted Dsla Presents A'r-fla Backilato Wlft Mac's Mslodlss Nawspanar af Alt Stella Dallas Mae's Melodies Newspaper at Air Lorenta Jsneo Mae's Melodies Mnsla Pleats Wldder Brown Mae's Melodies Tnnsfnlly years 4 Girl Marries Mae's Melodise News Fsrtla Faess Llfa Mae's Melodies Meat tha Mlssn Jast Plain BUI Mac's Melodies Meet tba Mlssaa Front Pats Farrall Mae's Melodlea Robert Q.Lawts Welcome Travelers Mac's Melodies Robert Q. Lewis Welcome Travelers Mac'a Melodies Robert Q. Lewis Aunt Mary Mac's Melodies Robert Q. Lewis Lore Learn Use's Melodies Robert Q. Lewis Woman's Secret Movletlma Cart Masssy Sunny Blda Friendly Little Bhaw New Byers Can Ba Clnb 15 H. V. Kallenbern Beautirul Rd. K, Marrow KEX, 1190: KOAC, 550 A A" Tuesday p.m. 6:00, On tha llpbeatt B:50. 550 Sports Clnbt 1t:00, Nor tb western erst lt:M, Kay Wosti .:00 Newst :I5. Dinner Melodlest S:W, 'Round the Campflret 7:15, Evening Farn Hour; , Artistry In Classiest 1:15, UN Ba vlowt B:M. Great Son gat S:4ftr Loggers' Fire Weather Forerastt 0:00. Masle That En durest 0:45, Evening Meditations) lt:tt. Sign Off. Wednaaday p.m. 10.-M, Newsi 1A:I5, Especially far Women I 11 :M, Coneert Hall; 11:00, Newst Itili, Noon Farn Heart 1:00, Blda 'En Caweeri 1:15. Variety Timet 1:S0, This Dart 1:4a, Melody Laner 1:00, Cavalcade ad Dranni i:IS, Memory Book af Maslet S:0d, Newat S:li, Music af tha Masters) 4:00, Oregon Reporter) 4:1ft, Proudly Da BalL KOAC A.Mt l:4fl. Met! h. Mraj.H; ff:M, ar pr.M P.eka,.t l:M, Brid. n OrMHI S:IM, LaSle. B. InMi S:SA, Sa-a-Lln.l 4:00, S.glrrri Cwi 4:S. Bkr Kins. Hardinga Leave Aurora Aurora Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Harding and family have vacat ed their home on Main street going to Madras, where they have leased wheat farming acre age. They anticipate being gont approximately five years. Th Hardings formerly lived In Hub bard. They acquired the for mer A. W. Kell home in Aurora several years ago. ACROSS L Dreaa trimtnlnc a. Moo ft. Genua of tha mapla trea IS. Persian poet IS. Town In Ohio 14. Kind of rubber 1ft. Incapable of BUDDOrt IS, Clamor 19. English lettar 50. Public an nouncement 51. Lme to fasten tha corn ara of an awning t. leisure SB. Snowshoa 38. Click baetlaa 19. Picture stand SS. King: Arthur's lanca S4. Turf IS. Biblical king J7. Flowera 40. Defied 4S. Throughi prefix 45. Supplication 46. CeleiiUal belnga 4S. Exist BO, Summit tft. Dummy In sword practice ft4. Factory hand ft?. Agea 69. Young plgi dial actio 60. Acroaa 41. Extinct bird 12. Friendly brown In IS. Hark of a. blow F ACeTFYld.e A B ov tn u j7 N A pjAjW eshT N TjElR l M Sia cfls a iOM oti t FjAj LjAjCjEM A N llMlAL Lnuaxel ttSi ISCIEiWEjp d O A U SlllElRiEfl clipUre1bL ABIAN 3 II N C jE EASED Solution of Yd at art, ay's Puuls DOWN t. Ore deposit S. City in low L Devices for raising anchor ' I2 I I4 WA? " 17 WMP I? Y I" rzzzizzzwr' tt r wrT t ww Z.-ZmL "T , fflf'4 -, ''(WM 'mwr) !ni 4 tvtj -rr i.'nmmm :f0$w - 4W W ' . W X 55" U ', mw S55----s a- 4w 4. Bofor I Cllmblnf appllancsa f. Poem T. DlmlntobM a. K.wa orsant- satlon: abbn 1. afohammsa Juds 10. Ir.lanil 11. RmoudS 1. Tltl. 17. Aee.pt lx, lxnr narrow lol.t 14, Pronoua SB. Bland.r 17. Old aari tan 15. Wop eonTvlalTUy I. Qnl.tlos remedy II. Adam's belpmata II. Corer IS. Leave, It, Netherlands communa It. Fodder pit 4L Egyptian alnslnc aifl 4X. Asaln: prefix . Poplar . CopM 47. Roman em pare 4a, Rappr tU Bakhic con-.partmenl Bl Baaer n. liiih arieat Ba. Bu,h la, la tats war ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahem vmEn his SNORING GOT UNBEARABLE , I'D GIVE WIM AM HOUR. OF THIS ' A SOUND EFFECT I USED BACKSTAGE WHEN 1 WAS IN BUSINESS' Vi Ami. A LARGE CAN WITH A H "lyK-UKSgf KNOTTED STRINS "1 G07- ' I THRU THE BOTTOM-- I llu. J, I THEN RESIN IS RUBBED) I ZU s il l ON THE STRING, AND I II BY SLIDING MY FINGERS I AW A MLJGHTFlXHIxjNQ SHOW BUSINESS tyi; ENSUEI r -iifn synthetic XAVferfrC