1 " y ' 1 1 1 " 1 " 1 ." 'I The Guilty Finger Points to Rolfe it 12 Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon, Tuesday, Sept. 20, 1949 Angels Jar Bevos, 9-1 And 2-1, in Make-up Go San Francisco, Sept. JO (U. The cellar-sitting Los Angeles Angel suddenly came to life last night to Jolt the Portland Beavers twice, 9 to 1 and 2 to I, In a pair of make-up Pacific coast league games. The Angels blasted out 11 hits and took advantage of three Portland errors in the opening game to give winning hurler Booker T. McDaniels a wide margin of victory. It was the Negro pitcher's seventh win of the season as he allowed only six hits. The nightcap was a pitchers battle between Lee Anthony of Los Angeles and Vince Dibiasi of the Beavers. Each gave up only seven hits and were sup ported by the flawless playing of their mates. The Angels made both of their tallies In the second game on home runs. Cece Garriott blasted the initial round-trlp-per in the first Inning and Rube Novotney slammed out the game winning homer In the seventh. Portland got Its lone score In the third Inning when Leo Thomas doubled to bring home Mark Marques. OCE Wolves Hold Game Scrimmage Monmouth Coach Bill McAr- thur received his first idea of starting combinations Monday afternoon in an inter-squad bat tle when his Wolves saw contact for the first time. Quarterback Roger Dasch of Salem and End Hank Decker proved to be a potent pass-receiver combination. The Wolves will work out un der the arc for the remainder of the week In preparation for a Saturday night opener against naval crew. They will be point ing for the tough Linfield Wild cats on Sept. 24. RftYPT Winnt SI1. V. 8. boier, whose match with VUAbl jniliyj British heavyweight champion Bruce Woodcock has been postponed, swings In a cricket match while training at Sussex, England. Southworth Says He'll Return to Braves Next Year Columbus, O.. Sept. 17 ) Billy Southworth, manager on sick leave from the Boston Braves, Is going back to the Hub city next year. The .16-year-old pilot of the 1048 National League pennant winners yesterday spiked all rumors that his sudden un announced departure one month aeo was for any reason other than his health. In hit first meeting with newsmen since he left Boston, Southworth said: "My only reason for leaving was to recuperate, and now my doctor tells me that I'm going to live. So 1 11 be back. ' Bear Wrestler Meets Neilsen A match between a man and I 310 pound trained bear will feature Tuesday nlght'a wrestl ing program. Stocky Neilsen will be the man while the bear's rtamt is "Ginger." The preliminaries will include n 8:30 event between Le Wel ch and Al Szasz. and another which pita Carl Myers against George Dusette. The main event ends Pierre LaBrlle against Lto Karlinko. PCL Standings (Br United Prj W L Pet. W L HolWwd 104 71 .171 n Dlio M Oklio4 100 to .SS S. Ptljco 14 B flae'to tit IS .S3! Portland 12 M Soiltl tt II .111 U AniU 70 110 Lor AmrlM I: Portland 1 '11 ti Lot Anirln 1, Portland 1 (2nd lai Gibim Tbfa Work Vault at Hollywood. Portland at Oakland. Ban Prancuco at Sacramento. hot AniclM at San Ditto. Official Box iPlrit Oimr'l Ln Anitlta ) Parlland ABNOA AH H O A narrlott.cf 111 Mtrquei ,c( 3010 Shawn. 3 1 0 3 0 Shupe. I 3 10 1 Mauro.r 3 3 10 Thorn a. J Maddcrn.I 4 110 Rueker.l OloKop.3 4 0 0 3 Winner. r Oldsbrry.l 3 3 10 Balntkt,3 Sturgeon. aa 3 3 0 3 Oladd.c Rurbrlnk.e 3 110 Austin. i McDnlela.p 4 10 0 MrNulty.p Dkhl.p Total! 33 11 31 11 Totala 1 3 0 3 0 13 3 12 0 3 0 5 3 1 0 I: i D 3 ft Loa Anaplfi 011 120 Mil l9 1 iu J 11 Portland 000 001 0 1 Hit. 101 111 1- I Low- MrNuUr. Pitcher Ip Ab R H Er So Bb MrKtilty 4 10 ft T ft 3 1 Dlfhl 3 14 4 3 3 0 Mr Da n if 1 3ft 1 114 K Shupe. Auiiun 2. R Mauro 3, Had dern. GoUUbrrry 3. Sturgeon 3. Rurbrlnk, Thomu. HBP Mauro by Dtfhl. WP-Mc-Nulty. 3B--Stuneon 3, Goldfiberrjr. Garri ott. HR Mauro, Thorn ai. RBI Burbrlnk 3, OoldBbrrry. Slur neon, Mauro, McDan Itli 3, Thorn a Garriott. LOB Loa An f plea 10; Portland 4. DP Sturgeon to Shawn to Ooldnberry; Baainnkl to An .tin to Shupe; GloitRop to Bhawn to Golria bcrry. T 1:31, U Orr, Doran and Ford. 'Second Game:) Uf Angalea 1 (I) Portland AB H O A AB H O A Oarrlott.cf 4 10 0 Marquei.cf 4 13 0 Shawn. 3 4 3 3 3 Shupe. 1 4 3 13 3 Mauro.r 4 0 3 0 Thomaa.l 4 10ft Maddcrn.I 3 14 1 Rucker.l 4 0 0 0 nioiop,3 4 0 1 3 Wenner.r 4 110 Oldibrry.l 4 1 ft 3 Baaimkl.3 3 13ft Sturgeon, u 0 0 2 1 Burgherx 3 110 Novotney. c 3 110 Amtln.aa 3 0 ft 4 Anthony.p 3 0 10 DeBiaal.p 3 0 3 1 Airano.at 3 1 1 t Totala 31 137 11 Totala 33 7 37 IB Loa Angelta 100 000 100 2 HUj 300 012 1017 Portland 001 000 0001 Hlta 103 100 1017 Pitcher lp Ab H R Er So Bb Anthony I 32 1 7 1 1 DBlat 31 3 7 2 3 1 R Oarrlott, Novotney. Marquet. HBP , by DeBlait. Anthony. LOB Loa Angelea I ft, Portland. JB Bhawn, Thomas. Bur gher. HR Garriott, Novotney. RBI Oar rlott. Novotney, Thorn ai. DP Thomas to Bailnakl to Shupe- Baalnskl to Austin to Shupa 3. T 1 :3I. U Doran, Ford and Orr. A 1700. 02 f 79 Points Worth Of Mistakes at That, Dixie!! Moscow, Idaho, Sept. 20 Four Idaho Vandals came out of Saturday's rollicking 19-0 win over Willamette with In juries. And Coach Dixie How ell atill suffered a slight rase of pessimism. F.nd Ken Fourcar and Tac kle Bill Fray needed stitches on eye cuts, Fullbark Jim Chadband nursed a sore nose and Guard Roy Colquitt also was banged up. All probably will be on hand for Saturday's go with Oregon. Howell's pessimism resulted from Willamette's failure to give the Vandals a stiff test. 'The boys made a lot of mistakes out there Saturday," he commented. Man-to-Man Race Marks National League Batting New York, Sept. 20 (A1 Jack- le Robinson of Brooklyn and Enos Slaughter of St. Louis are hooked up In a man-to-man bat tit for the National league bat ting title that is every bit as close as the Dodger Cardinal Racer Takes to the Air 11 ' the aerial route as his car tore Into the guardrail during the running of the feature event at the Hatfield, Pa., Speedway. Landis' car flew Into the air, plunged over an embankment -and turned over twice. Landis was unhurt except for bruises. Driving by at right is Joe Alder, Philadelphia, who had to swerve to avoid a collision. (AP Wlrephoto) This Wilson Shows Real Interest in Sports and Kids By JACK HEWINS Seattle. Sept. 20 W We often wonder what the old world has rinnp in deserve oeoole like James P. Wilson. Jim will be embarrassed over us introducing you to him this way. He's never thought of putting a bill for services rendered; never figured the hours he spent with the kids amounted to any thing special. Shucks, Lotsa rner spend their spare time shaggin' balls for the kids over in the va cant lot in vacant lots all the way from New York to San Francisco, from Seattle to Mi ami. He lives in a little community north of Seattle Richmond Highlands and Jim is a car painter by trade. One day last summer a gang of youngsters dropped by and said they needed a basemall coach and would Mr. Wilson please help out, would he, please? Onre shanghaied, Jim was a happy victim. Two evenings a week and a long session on Saturday was all the time It took, until the county park board took an Interest and the North and South county leagues were formed. Then Jim had to attend league struggle for the pennant, Robinson's lead, once some 3S points, has melted to three points under Slaughter's persistent at tack. Jackie has faded a bit, to be sure, but Slaughter's sensa tional rise has been the main factor. A Plan that PAYS up for freofmenf of . v rN' t.a ajfcj -rvJ & rPOLDOn (Manilla ParalvtUI gfj S other Oread Diseases ENCEPHALITIS llltanln tlctnaail SCARLET FIVER TETANUS LEUKEMIA RABIES DIPHTHERIA SMALL POX SPINAL or CEREBRAL MENINGITIS $3 on child $10 two rmort children $12 ntlr family lMttJ Of UNITED BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE CO. OMAHA, NIIRASKA THI FIRST COMPANY TO WRIT! POUO INSURANCI Socur fMs Protection , . , Moll thf coupon today I UNITED BENEFIT AOENCY G. J. BECKER, SI Marlon St., Salem. Ore. Him CITY meetings and one day he dis covered he had been made North county president. There went a few more spare eve nings. This summer Wilson had about 45 youngsters, 12 through 17 years old. They were split into two squads, 12-14 and 14-17. His older boys romped through to the North county champion ship and then won the Shaugh nessy playoff, while the younger boys failed to win a game. Jim kept statistics on every boy, made each one feel he was an iimportant cog in the team. The local Lions club provided equipment and uniforms, with the understanding it would be repaid. A paper drive may raise the needed cash; if not, Jim's boys will find a way. Right now they're looking ahead to the tough football season, and then to basketball. Why do guys like Jim Wilson give up their spare time, with out pay, to help little guys be come big guys? Let's ask: 'I dunno." says Jim, self con sciously. "Maybe it' only be cause I like sports . . . and kids." W e'v e an unconfirmed hunch that Earl Stelle may be Oregon's passer on wet days, with Jim Calderwood or Joe Tom the fast-field flinger . . .and that Don Heinrlch may do most of the punting for Washington, although Howie Odell likes the sky scraping boots of end Frits Apking. Heinrlch, who hasn't looked too good as a punter in practice, performs best un der fire . . . LaVerne Torge aon at WSC should grab all coast honors this year at cen ter. Thlngs-that-make-coaches-cry department: Lloyd Bardsley, his only experienced tackle, writes Olympic Coach Roy Carlson that he had decided to become a sail or and signed on a tanker at Juneau . . . college coaches note: An excellent crop of tackles will be ready for harvest from Wash ington high schools next season. Proof that small town boys can make the grade in college football: Probable starters on the WSC team enrolled from Edmonds, Zillah. Chewelah, Cle Elum, Fife, Montes.ino and LaCrosse ... in practice, Dix Howell dresses his Idaho cen ters in orange, his tackles and to $5,600.00 Sfl'tftilt ftr oath ptreta Dtetar kill. twipHal Wilt, aateltjl narat, mbalanet. X-ray, eatkwat, mn4 athaf tfcarajav. Blaatl trtjnifuiltne, druf I and matllclnta. Iran rang. Iratcta, arwtchtt anal fntntparttrtlait. Plus. p AMl4fttit DmHi lontrfH em4 INS. AGENCY Phone 1 MSJ University Alleys LADIES OFFICE LEAGITE Mayflower Milk t) Wad worth 37ft. A. Sciiarff 333. Craven 374. Woodford 391. D. Scharlf 381. 1113. Top Hat (D Gould 301. Welch 307. Delaney 31ft, Snydtr 387, Hamilton 313. 1713. Carly'a Dairy (II Uaeatrettl 311. Ow- ena 375. Rath 402. Vtbbert 142. Carper 34ft. 1711. Br ww'a Jawelara ( Furrer 307. HouihmiD 1S. SmlUi U3, Relakv 347. Lawrence 303. 1S4I. Wester Paper (3) Pleck 359. Ander. aon JM, Coca we 11 370, Sea meter 33ft, tut. vU 333. 1.177. Accident Coanaalsalan (l - Lock en 343, Htllpot 171. UcWam 311, Cur tla 290. Kunkt 397. 1MB. Statesman Talmadie 358. Xitimitl- er 391. Great 431, Whits 391. Bower 37ft 109ft. Capital City Laundrr D Anvova 340, Kuffnor 353. Settlemler 3a3. Long en 301. Michaud 431. 1027. Huh Individual game: Delanty, Top Hal, 17S. Hirh Individual aerie: Gregg. Statesman. 421: Michaud, Capital City Laundry, 431. High team aerie: Mayflow er U.Ik, 1133. HERCANTILI LEAGUE NO. 1 S.vlb S.l.n Pbarmirr ) Hy.tt 177. Holt 411. Norvill tit, M.rritt 401. Simoon 477. 1144. Do.llU!e'a Service gallon It) Dutolt 388. Wllkrn 443, Burton 387, Poolo 483, florilffa 383. 3081. Brown'. Jwlrra (I) Parker 405, Njr Jttrom 413. H. Hamen 408. V. HauKen 330, Prlchett 343. 3100. Teamattra Union 131 Oraham 430. OlUen 367, Wolla 450, Xluth 386. Pohl 484. 3086. Stat, ana 14th 111 Coffman 376. Crou Itr 386. Cox 393. Lackr 359. Htrn 313. 3359. M.nle.merr Ward It) Pleet 379. Oraliam 520. Causor 44. Clint 475, Oirtman 435. 3333. Stat. Strret Market IS) 8tronf 309, Thompson 371, Primbe 335. Brier 435. KUn 305. 1837. Are'a Barbera and Bailmer'a Market IS) Plan 846, Randall 370, Meman 385, Cuahlnt 308. 1933. Hlih Individual tame: V. Mauten, S0C, Brown' Jeweler. Hikh Individual aerlea: V. Hauien, 5.10. Brown"a Jeweler, hlih learn tame: Slate and 14th, 3359. Capital Alleys COMMERCIAL LEAGUE NO. 1 Marian Creamery it) Oarbarino . Pekar 471, Davenport 7, Ken yon , Klni 503. KnlfrhU af Calnmbaa ( 41 brtch S, Hartwell .138, M. Miller 435, J. Ulllr-r 471, Bickler 473. Walton Brown (t) Silke 472. aUnier 03, Alderin 464. Perry 619, Riches 541. Orval'a (I) Crawford 352, McClary A39, Oabel 5)0, Rou 64B. CArruth 447. Nlcholion'a Int. t Oannon 500, Mil ford 407. Stridor. 542. McCluskev 8M. ftenaler Radio l Duffiu 410, Akera 452, WilLwy 525. Henderson 583. Htettler Saanlr (tl Kltumtller 57 F Stouter 4S6. C. ntmtcr JM, Hendrlo 515. w. Valdei 565. G oldie' M Spencar 504 Frank 502, Herr 456, firntson 520. Curtla 450. Starr Food (i caka 4tT, Lentren 501, Powell 464, Arahart 470, Allen 505. Mat tor Bread () MatUon 4JJ. Priem 477. Newcomb 536, PoweU 455. Parmer 581. Hih Individual tame: Jim ftots of Or val t, ato. Hla-h Individual xertc: Oeone Slmer of Walton Brown. 603. tiiga team aerie: Walton Brown, 2026, COMMERCIAL LEAGUE NO. I Hoffman Construction 0) Crawford 543. Emberton 100. Miller 460. hanxn SS8, Clark 411. Jewel Boi (S Ccvan 4M, Whlt 445, Miuumecher 3t, WaiU 476. Naller'e m Thorn won Ml, Johnaon 371, Thurman 511, Gwynn Jot MeCuna 483. Wood barn m Steele 501, Purd 440 Auatln 479. Deaeen 110, HIjK 406. Sound Cent! roc Ilea (St Bud 5raw 450 Null in t 326. Curtla 472, Bob Straw 613. Sartor 527. Rod and Gin ) PutreJ 3.16 Miller 353. PhlUlpa 266, Mcllnay 151, Mood er 490. Dirk Meyer m Barber 116. Livmtou 516. Shlpman 533. Stelnke 411, Lacy 450. Valler OH ll Delk 421, Boon 43H. Luu 482. Vestal 496, Warner 415. Huh team game: Sound Con-.t:u:ton, 090. Rich Individual tame: Boj St. aw, 336 Hlih Individual eerie: Bob 8tra. 6:3 Two years ago there were 12 husbands on the University of Delaware football squad, six of them fathers. This season, only quarterback Charley Smith is married. guards in green, ends and backs in red. Makes m easier to lo cate ... Q New Low Price Kiwn anitatt N s. taL ji' us D v1' 7j GKSONS SFIETTD I !.rrT MOflflCtY Ml PSOOF SSS GA!N hEUTRAi, SFUUTS Si&ON DiSTILUNC COMPANY, MEW YORK. N. Y. By HIGH FILLERTON, JR. New York, Sept. 20 Red Rolfe, who had charge of the Detroit farm system before he was promoted to the manager's post is ln the unfortunate po sition of not being able to blame anyone else for his troubles . , . Detroit, the hottest team in the American league for a while, began to slip when George Kell was hurt and Red is finding that he not only hasn't adequate re placements now. but the pros pects for help from the farms next year are poor . . . "Not a first baseman in sight and we also need hard-hitting outfield ers and a catcher," is Rolfe's complaint. . . . Word from Cleveland is that Hank Green- berg has abandoned whatever effort he was making to buy the Indians . . . Hank couldn't raise the kind of money Bill Veeck wants and there's some question whether any prospective buyer will get it up for a club that is beginning to show its age. . . . Dick Metz, who'll abandon the golf trail next summer to run a golf and riding school on his 2.000 acre ranch near Arkansas City, Kansas, figures to make more dough that way than he would in tournaments. Metz says he has had more than SO inquires about the three-month course, but he'll only accept 20 kids who'll pay $1,000 apiece for the course. ... If Dick needs an assistant in this ranching-goLf ing proposition, the obvious guy seems to be Johnny Bulla. Monday Matinee Rocky Grasiano has an usual explanation for his dif ficulty in getting off against Charley Fusarl ... In training camp, the Rock explains, he fought four - minute rounds and those three-minute ses sions seemed to end too quick ly. At that you can't help ap plauding Jerry Mitchell's crack that Graziano and Fusarl were the best combination seen around second base at Polo Grounds this summer. . . Johnny Rye, All-state selec tion In three sports at Russel vllle. Ark., high and one of the most sought-sfter athletes Fighter Charges Manager Gambled His Purses Away Chicago, Sept. 20 UP) Char ges by welterweight Johnny Bratton that his manager gamb led away some of his fight purses are being investigated by the Illinois Athletic commission. Howard Frazier, one of Brat- ton's pilots, yesterday testified before the commission that he paid off money lost by gamblers who thought the boxer took a dive in losing a decision to Gene Burton Oct. C, 1947. "I paid Bratton every cent for every fight," Frazier asser ted. "However, I did pay out some money after the Burton fight to keep gamblers from harming Bratton. They threat ened his life and I paid back the money they lost to protect the kid." Frazier testified that both he and Bratton's lives had been threatened. The 22-year-old Southside Negro, once a leading lightweight contender, told the commission he did not believe this. At the request of the commis sion, two detectives were as signed as bodyguards for Brat ton. OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport Hub Low Sept. M I 44 am. .10 li st a.m. 1.1 1.03 p.m. 1.1 Sapl. 11 i 87 a m. -1.0 11:41 p.m. 18 1 11 p.m. 1.1 Srpl. O tla m. 81 1 07 a m. -o.t ' 1:18 p.m. 8.8 1:34 p.m. -0.4 Bpt. 18 1:13 a.m. 8 0 T:46 t m. -D.5 1 44 p.m. 8.8 8 10 p.m. -1.0 Stpt. 94 I'll t.m. 1.1 1:38 a.m. 0.0 1:11 p m. 10 t:07 p.m. .1.1 Stpt. II 3 14 a.m. 7 1 1 04 t.m. 0.6 1 11 p.m. I I 1:86 p.m. -1.1 Stpt. 31 4:01 t.m. 4 1 t 44 t.m. 1.4 3:41 pm. 1.7 10:60 p.m. -1.3 ami A triumph of distiller's art for over a century! Flavor-rich Gibson's Selected 8 wins Mgheet praise wherever fine whiskey is served. Yes, mixed or straight, "8 is greatP In the state, has turned up on the Vanderbilt Freshman foot ball squad . Reason Is that Johnny's father Is a Vander- bllt grad . . . Maybe next sea- son you can have a Vandy sandwich Rye between two big hams. Cleaning the Cuff Don't go picking Indiana to upset Notre Dame next Satur- player on the Detroit Lions day just because Frank Leahy squad fs reported to be Fullback figures the 47-7 victory his firstJohn Hollar. A team that beats stringers scored over the seconds Hollar should be able to drum showed weakness in reserve up some business. mtf m. . - . ,t a-A.-. ... 49ers Trim Dons i ( the first bounce and rambles by the on-comlnt; Los Angeles Dons' John Brown (29) and Leonard Ford (SO), to fain 1C yards In the second quarter of the Dons-49ers game at San Francisco. The 49ers took the fame, 42-14. Acme Tele-photo) Pep Favored to Defend Title in Bout Tuesday Waterbury, Conn., Sept. 20 U. Wee Willie Pep, one of the great fighters of our time, was favored at 4-1 today to defend success fully his recaptured feather weight crown against young Ed die Compo at Municipal stadium tonight. Pep, who was 27 yesterday ac cording to his mother, was fa vored because he had hammered out a remarkable record against the best men his division could produce for 10 years; whereas Compo of New Haven had per formed brilliantly against oppon ents who generally were medioc re. Promoter Rocco Mara hoped for a crowd of 10,000 and a gate of $40,000. Compo, 22, lost but one of 60 professional fights. Williams Boosts American Hitting Chicago, Sept. 20 VP) Bos ton's Ted Williams is tightening his monopoly on American league batting marks, taking the lead in six divisions of play. He topped five brackets a week ago and now has added a sixth most runs batted in. In statistics through Sunday's games, Williams is ahead in bat ting with .351; scored the most runs, 143; slammed the most hits, 188, most doubles, 39, and hom ers, 40; and has hammered across 133 runs. Capital Drug Store State and Liberty "On the Corner" YOU BE THE JUDGE! New Schick Electric Shaver Must OUTSHAVE BLADE. RAZORS or Your Money Back! 1 1 sL tT--. if mm at 5: a t;- sr -a dm,m m Capi ital Drug Store Sfat and Liberty strength . . . Honey Russell, who returned this fall as Seton Hall basketball coach, started his varsity and freshman squads to work last Thursday . . . What V became of the football season? ' The wooden stands at the U. of Michigan baseball field built in 1907, will be replaced with steel before next spring. Must be the game la here to stay. Noisiest L Eddie Carr, San Francisco Forty-niner halfback, picks np his own fumble on Kiner Clouts No. 50 in Race for New Homer Mark New York, Sept. 2t Ifl Pittsburgh's Ralph Kiner hit his 50th home run last night to go ahead of the pace set by Hack Wilson when he es tablished the National league record of 56 in 1930. Kiner, however, Is still be hind the major league record pace of Babe Ruth, who poled 60 homers In 1927 for the J New York Yankees. I Klner's home run against I the New York Giants was! I made In his 143rd game with 1 I 11 to play. Wilson hit No. 50 on Sep tember 15 In his 145th game. il Ruth's 50th came in his 138th l game on September 11. Reserved Season Bearcat Ducats Placed on Sale Reserved season tickets for all of Willamette university's home football games are available through the office of Robert Fe nix, financial vice president. A section ln the south standi have been reserved for the alumni. The first home game will be played at 2 o'clock the afternoon of Oct. 1 against Chico State col lege. The homecoming tilt against Lewis and Clark is slat ed for the afternoon of October 22. Other home engagements are: Whitman college, Friday, Nov. 11, with Whitman, and Fri day night, Nov, 18 with Pacific university. r Ws uaks this offer be cause we're confident that once you try a modern Schick Electric Shaver you will never again be satisfied with messy, old-fashioned blade-and-soap shaving. Try a Schick for ten days. It mutt give you a fatter, more com fortablt shave that'a just aa Wow aa you want or your money will be refunded with out question or delay. You're the sole judfel KMCtt Sum with V-19 ibtar- ing haadt. la hand- aomaly eoveiajd all- maul iravalinf ea at. SCHICK CC40NSI Hlh saw 1-M thttrinf httd. In Jl fjQ mart traveling oatt. I f ' "On the Corner I 0