10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Sept. 23. 1949 Devaluation May Result In Lower Prices in U. S. New York, Sept. 20 (U" Devaluation of foreign currencies may mean lower prices for many of the items American! buy, experts . . , i j . n .. i .u . , agreed louay, ouv none mum any huw mum ui iui ,u I . kno, lnnff it might last. 1 On Park avenue, 23 per cent was knocked off the price of a $7,- J00 imported limousine. Not . ... many Americans will benefit toutl ueiays Anion In Silverfon Case Silverton Among cases be fore Judge Alt O. Nelson of the justice court the last week was a preliminary hearing in the case of G. F. Steele on a charge of non-support. The court took the case under advisement. De fendant was released on his own recognizance. . After preliminary hearing in the case of the state vs. Bob Mc Colly and Larry Fields on a charge of contributing to delin auencv of minors, they were held to the grand jury with bond reduced from $1,000 to $250. Two Juveniles involved in the same matter were sent to juve nile court. Fishermen Ballot on Joining Harry Bridges Astoria. Sept. 20 () A vote by CIO Fishermen and Cannery Workers of the Columbia river will determine this week wheth er they will join Harry Bridges' Longshoremen's and Warehouse men's union. The balloting began yesterday at llwaco, Rosburg, Altoon, Pil' lar Rock, Skamokawa and Cath lamet. Voting will be carried on in other locals later this week with Astoria and Warrenton balloting Thursday. The proposal to affiliate with the LSWU was made at the last fishermen's convention. from that price cut but some reduction of price on woolens, shoes and other commodities which Britain sends here, could be expected. At the same time, everything that comes from England will give American manufacturers something to worry about. The shoe and leather people said the future for them was uncertain; they didn't know what to expect. The price of im ported shoes may drop, and this might drive down American prices, too. The American woolen indus try, now reporting an upswing in conditions, might also find the going rough. A well known British pipe maker already has announced reductions in U.S. prices. Alfred Dunhill of London cut the prices on its various models by $1.50 to $3 each. Tags on other smok ing accessories were lowered ac cordingly, the firm said. Scotch whisky may cost a lit tle less, but the man who buys it by the drink probably won't notice any difference, experts said. A price drop of 20 to 50 cents a fifth at most may result, since, a large part of the cost of whisky includes U.S. taxes and transportation charges, which are not affected by the currency devaluation. Some Americans may benefit in other directions. For exam ple, Britain will have to pay more, in pounds, for the food and machinery which are so ne cessary for her. Airlines with in ternational operations to British areas are likely to get increased business. Tourist travel general ly is expected to increase, be cause travelers will get more foreign money for their dollars. But. experts emphasized, all ARTIST VARGA SPOTS ALLURE Barbara Britton Praised For Thighs That Sigh By VIRGINIA MacPHERSON Hollywood, Sept. 20 U.R Barbara Britton was as flattered as any female would be when a famous artist told the world she had "thighs that sigh" but she s been out on a limp ever since. She'd be the last to deny Alberto Varga s discovery, La Brit ton admitted, and she thinks it's nice to have gams that sigh seductively . . . even though she's not real sure what that means. But the rest of her doesn't match. Her blue eyes burn from read ing the deluge of mail that flood ed in after Varga s pronounce ment. Her ears are buzzing witn offers to endorse leg creams . . . and stockings . . . and gosh knows what all. And her head aches from shaking it in a firm "no" to people who want her to be Miss this-or-that of 1950. her "Miss Hot Rod of the Na tional Roadster show." "I had at least 15 chances from cosmetic firms to endorse leg creams and beautifiers," Barbara says weakly. "Hosiery manufacturers have been pester ing me for weeks to put my name on stockings that emphasize thighs." One citrus juice man was all ready to slap her picture on cans and launch a nation-wide ad vertising campaign. A few sips, he wanted to tell the ladies, and they'd have a "Barbara Britton glow" that'd have husbands, lovers and boyfriends google- eyed. "But lots of my fans didn't like it a bit," Barbara said. "I got more than 5,000 letters tell ing me they thought it was a disgrace for me to dabble in such mundane mush as sex. They thought I ought to keep on be ing ethereal." Varga got caught in all the whoop-de-do, too. In picking Miss Britton as the movie queen with the most beau tiful thighs in the world, he hap pened to mention she has "Var gallure." And if you've ever seen his calendar cuties, you know Just what he was talking about. Next day he was getting wires from all over the country. Peo ple who make everything from dresses to falsies to perfume wanted to pay him fat royalties for permission to guarantee "Vargallure." The black-eyed little painter turned 'em down. "A girl can have "Vargallure he says. "But not a bottle . or a rubber bosom ... or a dress, It's what's in the dress. "If it hasn't got what Miss Britton's got and there aren't many like her in this world then it hasn't got 'Vargallure!' " HARD OF HEARING You've Waited lor This! HERE IT IS! One promoter even wanted to capitalize on her thighs and make Ty Cobb and Fiancee Ty Cobb, baseball's famed Georgia Peach, smiles with his prospective wife, Mrs. Frances Cass, at the summer home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. John F. Fairbairn of Point Abino, Ontario. Cobb said a quiet wed riinn i nUnned for the near future. Mrs. Cass has been mar ried twice before and has two children. ond marriage. (AP Wirephoto) It will be Cobb's sec- Fall Term College Classes Start Soon Monmouth Fall term college classes at Oregon College of Education, Monmouth, will be gin September 27. Deadline for registering at the school will be October 8. Thanksgiving vaca tion will be November 24-27, and the term will end 'Decem ber 20. Oregon College of Education. Monmouth, has set September 22-26 for freshman days and registration of entering students, this will hold true only so long as foreign manufacturers hold their prices at present levels, and so long as U.S. taxes and other factors entering into the price of imported goods remain unchanged. Ship of Death Aerial view of the fire-gutted Great Lakes luxury excursion cruiser Noronic docked at Toronto, Canada, where a flash fire swept the 390-foot vessel; 119 bodies have been recovered and 171 listed as missing in the holocaust. Note how the ship's water-filled stern is sunk into the water. (Acme Tclephoto) mi ' $$ MONEY $$ FHA W m Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 8. Hif h St Lie. 8-218 M-22J CHINOOK SALMON For Canning 30c lb. Fitts Market 216 N. Commercial St. Phone 3-4424 NO RECEIVER BUTTON IN THE EAR! The Pbtoto mold combined with the Belioat Hearing Aid assure you of unsurpassed hearing quality lor both tone and volume. But best of all, even your friends won't notice thai you are wearing a hearing aid. You owe it to yourself to see this newest hearing improvement and convince yourself that now for the first time you really can conceal your deafness. Drop in today and see it. Mean while, nil out coupon for free book. MONO-PAC ONI-UNIT MIAIINO Al James N. Taft AND ASSOCIATES 228 Oregon Bide. - Salem, Ore. Firemen Gather Bodies Firemen start the grim task of gathering bodies of victims of the tragic Noronic fire. Bodies wrapped in tarpaulins line the foredock of the scarred ship, three bodies in each bundle. Many of the bodies have been burned beyond recognition, and a mass burial has been pro posed by city officials. The Toronto skyline is seen In the background. (AP Wirephoto) ft h yfe for n' Iltllimi ACi.,Nrw York .Proo( 60 Grain NeuirilSpiriit NEED A TYPEWRITER? QMlrv Royal f Port V5w 1-50 TfyL per week We guarantee our prtre cn new portables are u low as any local store, chain or mall order house. ROVAI, . I'NnFRWOOn . CORONA PORTABLES tifliwlve RepmenlallT. for in koji Mandard Half TYPEWRITIR CO "Areola from the Xrnatoe Hotel" Hi North lll(h Dial 1-dOM TO HELP INSURI A PERMANENT INDUSTRY WE- OPCRATt TKtt MRMS-laanvUa cwtr ndks timber tuppty for our math, Tk torn crop it hofvoifvd, ft4tf ttorvtitod; rd in bout BO-yver cytlnv DMRSM OUft MANUFACTURING- In tx-dtr to m H el h tr. Th ein H to build vamrfortviiAO unttrt tn oh of our op otirtfl io to (tint on dm mitttrto wo con wok hmU ptodtnttt from low wokio won ei high vokio motoriol OfVCLOP NtW PRODUCTS-to incrooM tho "(oho" from oooacro of torott tonrf horvottod. A staff of onelrwon and tciontiift ipondi all of lh Him In hSii work. Mor prodvcti iManmoro (toady iobi, DFVftOP PtRMANtNT M Aft KITS- lo b rcawnobly cortotn tttat Wyrt)oouior prodiKti or in fody danond yor In nd yar ovt, in aocd timti ond bod. Wo work rowerd cemiifnf high quoltty, nd apply modrn Iling mfttdi to ctoqIo cwlomor dtmand. i NOW is SILVACEL and SILVAWOOL IMPORTANT NEW PRODUCTS OF IVeyJtatuU DEVELOPMENT Silvacel and SlLVAWOOL are made from sound Douglas Fir wood chips which are defibered, impreg nated, fluffed, dried and especially graded and processed to meet special needs. The result is a range of scientifi cally designed fibrous materials, soft and wool-like, manufactured to customer specifications. Supply unlimited. AMONO MAJOR USES FOR THESE PRODUCTS AREi Sllvawool for Horn ond Building lnu- lotlon-SILVAWOOL Is a remarkably efficient, easily applied Insulation for homes, buildings. Silvacel for Refrigeration Iniulation characteriitics are to outstanding that Silvacel type materials are becoming the standard for all types of refrigeration. Silvacel for Oil Wall Drllllng-Wh.n gravelly or fractured formations art encount ered In drilling, Silvacel Is used to form a dense mat to coat the well sides. Major oil companies now use Silvacel. SILVACEL for Dieiel Filters and paperboards. Many other uses have) reached the stage of thorough marketing trials, TfWa Marti DD ANOTHER LINK to the chain of more and more practical uses for wood. In the long run each link means more jobs, steadier payrolls, reason able profits and stabilized communities. The big job ahead is to market SILVACEL and SlLVAWOOL on a scale big enough to make it pay and to justify tho addition of producing plants to each of our millsites. These new products help to show how the company's basic policy works: First, each of our millsites is supported by a tree farm where trees are grown to supply an endless flow of logs. Second, we "diversify" our manufacturing make a wide variety of products to get the greatest use and dollar value from every type and species of tree harvested. Third, we group these different types of plants on one millsite in order to save on administration, material handling, power and other costs allowing our products to compete in price on the free competitive market. These steps, together with constant develop ment of more products and sound marketing, mean greater security for all. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY WOkKING IN TNI PACIfIC NOHTHWtSl 70 CRtAlt PRODUCTS, PAYROLLS AND PROFITS IfCOCOOOCCOCOODSOOOOCCCCCCit