8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Sept. 19, 1949 HOUSEWIFE GIVES IN TO HUSBAND Alice Faye Bows Out To Phil Harris as a Star By HOWARD C. HEYN (for Bob Thomas) Hollywood," Sept. 19 Alice Faye, as fetchingly blonde as ever and slim as a model, says Phil Harris will be the movie star In their family from now on. "I'm happy to be doing just exactly what I've been doing for four years," she said at the Fibber McGee and Molly cocktail party the other night. I I I What she's been doing since uaie rage iu Sing in Salem The 20-30 Club will Introduce Gale Page, singing star of stage, screen, and radio, in popular concert with the international ly famous concert pianist and composer, Count Aldo Solito de Solis to local lovers of Brahms, Beethoven, and Bach Wednes day evening at 8:30 in the Sa lem high school auditorium. In combining their talents, these two artists will bring a program of music everyone un derstands and loves. Gershwin, Chopin, Kern, Debussy, Porter, and original compositions by Solito de Solis, will be featured. Screen fans will recall Miss Pnee from her Derformance In the "Four Daughters" series with the Lane sisters; "lhey Drive by Night" with Ann Sheri dan and Humphrey Bogart; "Knute Rockne" with Pat O'Brien; and numerous other motion pictures. Currently, Gale Page may be seen in the picture "Anna Lu casta." The cast Includes stars such as Paulette Goddard, Broderick Crowford, and Oscar Hnmolko. Radio audiences have heard Miss Page many times as the fnmtnlno star nf the nnDular Woodbury Hollywood Play House scries. the fall of 1945, when she com pleted "Fallen Angel," is being Mrs. Harris, housewife and mother. And, when the Faye Harris radio season starts in the near future, she'll be Mrs. Harris on the air also. Her Identification on the radio show "Miss Faye appears through the courtesy of Twen tieth Century-Fox, etc." gives ust the impression she wants. that she still is a star on the top lists. Technically, she is, but tually she isn't. "I owe the studio one picture. but I'm never going to make it I think now, any other picture," she said. "Harris is going to be the family's star. He has just fin ished 'Wabash Avenue' " and he's wonderful. No, I haven't seen It, but I know he's wonderful. "It's in color and, boy, does that wavy hair look good in color." ac Lebanon Banking Building Is Sold Lebanon It was announced here Friday that Frank D. Mayer, local attorney, had pur chased the banking house, for merly occupied by the First Na tional Bank of Lebanon. The building, a brick structure, was erected in 1891 and was occupied as a bank from that time until the First National moved to a new location last year. It faces on Main street and extends for one-half block on Sherman street. The intersection of these streets is generally considered the center of Lebanon's business district. Mayer at the same time an nounced the sale of the portion formerly occupied as a bank to G. R. Hcwett, a local druggist. Hcwett has made no announce ment as to his Immediate plans for the occupancy of that por tion of the building. The remaining portion Is oc cupied by the offices of the Keith Rhodes Insurance agency, San- tiam He-manufacturing company and the Ayres Real Estate com pany. No change in their ten ancy is anticipated. FALSE TEETH Thot Loosen Need Not Embarrass Many wtareri of fait teeth have wot- ffrra ?fl rmbarrftamnt beciuu Uielr plate dropped, ftllpprd er wobbled at Juat the wrong timt. Do not In ftr of tnn tiappantnir lo you. Juit sprinkle a little FABTEETH. the alkaline tnon-ac-ldi powder, on your platei. Holds tain terth more firmly. M they feel more com lortabl, Doei not aour. Check "plate Odor" (denture breath). Oct FASTEETH at any orur etorr. ftoufbon 1 7 Wwy, Jf Tante... 4 Knjnjr... Today enjoy truly drliriouii. delightful, rfriw Kentucky flavor! KENTUCKY BOURBON WHISKEY A BLEND National Distillers Product! Corporation, N. Y. 86. 8 Proof (1 Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiikat 49 Grain Naulral Spirits Mickey Cohen Says He's Broke Los Angeles, Sept. 19 OI.R) Mickey Cohen, reputed racket czar of the West Coast, com plained today that he is broke. And it's all the fault of po lice, bail bondsmen and lawyers, he said. 'I wouldn't be surprised if they'd gotten together to pull me under," the pudgy little mobster said bitterly. "I'm $175,000 in debt right now and borrowing more every minute. If this keeps up I'm going to have to start selling things. That s the truth, so help me." California Attorney General Fred N. Howser estimated re cently that Cohen headed a $6,- 000,000-a-year racket organization. 'That's so silly it doesn't even need answering," Cohen said. The dapper gambler, frequent target of gangland guns and an avowed police drive to rid the city of mobsters, currently is on trial for disturbing the peace by swearing at policemen. It s that roasting I ve been taking from the police that's oing it," Cohen lamented. "They're out to break me fi nancially, and they've done it." The four tires on the average automobile's wheels contain about 800 feet of steel wire. U. S. Sailors Rated Healthiest in 100 Years Washington, Sept. 19 (UP) United States sailors are the healthiest they have been in 100 years. Rear Adm. C. A. Swanson, Navy surgeon general, reported that the incidence rate for dis uui (nitiri And nnisnnlncs , . u f .j . . . : officers and men "rcsun Power System Is Underground Oregon College of Education, Monmouth Work on a $26,000 underground electrical and pow er distribution system began at Lowered to Safety An un identified woman passenger is lowered to safety by ropes from the bow of the S. S. Nor onic at Toronto during height of fire while another passen ger awaits her turn. Note flames at top of picture. (AP Wirephoto) Sec. Sawyer to Confer With Governor McKay Portland, Ore., Sept. 19 OJ.PJ Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer was expected to arrive today for a 44-hour visit after attending the western states democratic party meeting in San Francisco. Following talks with the west coast advisory committee on in ternational trade, press represen tatives and Oregon democrats, he planned to confer with Port land's mayor Dorothy McCul- lough Lee and Gov. McKay. Mayor Lee returns Wednesday after visits to Dallas. Tex., Hous ton, Tex., New Orleans and Washington, D. C. 'Vince's Electric" Vacuum Cleaner SALES SERVICE REPAIRS RENTALS On All Types Household or Commercial Also Waxers ALL WORK FULLS GUARANTEED Free Pick-up and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 among navy during 1948 dropped to 442.8 per 1,000 the lowest since naval medical department records were started in 1850. Stockman Picks Ike As Shoo-in Klamath Falls, Sept. 19 Wi The republicans have their pick of five good presidential candi dates to thrc at at the democrats in 1952, or at least the prospec- vory tive candidates iook good io con gressman Lowell Stockman. The Oregon 2nd district rep resentative, speaking before lo cal republicans here Saturday night, listed the five men he considers outstanding presiden tial timber as: 1 Senator Wherry of Nebras ka. 2 Senator Taft of Ohio. 3 Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts. 4 Harold Stassen. 5 Dwight Eisenhower. The last-named is a shoo-in, Stockman said, if he chooses to run and leans more toward the republican party than toward the democrats. Stockman said it was his opin ion that Eisenhower, America's No. 1 wartime field general and now president of Columbia Uni versity, will accept the GOP nomination in 1952. Notably missing from Stock man's list were New York's Tom Dewey, a twice-beaten candi date, and California's Earl War ren. The Oregon congressman minced no words in announcing his belief Dewey is a used fire cracker in national politics. War ren he did not mention. room needed lor efficient prep aration of meals. Two dining rooms separated by the old kit' chen will now be thrown to gether, giving more space and better conditions for modern food service. Monday. The system will connect all in stallations on the OCE campus with a new sub-station to be built at the rear of the present administration building. Upon completion of the system and the sub-station, the college will pur-1 chase its power requirements' from Bonneville energy sources' through the city-owned Mon-i mouth water and electric de partment. The college is now supplied with electricity by a private utility concern. Other campus improvement nearing completion at OCE includes grading and gravel-surfacing the playground area of the Campus Elementary I school and model primary unit.1 This work is being done by county road machines in prepar ation for eventual hard-surfac-i ing of the entire area. A turn-around and loading zone is being built at the north end of the elementary school to correct a hazardous intersection of driveways and Highway 99W. Painting of all units in Vet erans Village, the low-cost hous ing project operated by OCE, has been completed. Work was done by Johnston Painting com pany of Portland at a cost of $2000. Re-roofing of Campbell hall, historic classroom building, has been completed by the Cooper Roofing company of Salem. Extensive remodelling and re equipping of the dormitory kit chen in Todd hall, college wom en's residence, is under way. Im provements will provide more Food Meet Ends Portland, Sept. 19 (P) The Oregon Food Merchants' asso ciation wound up a two day con vention here today. VEVER PAY MORE? 7(JAn ACCEPT itss? It's here! THE AMAZING MW. Ntw Ml-IN- wwa M mmm m mam m Mm ' heaiitu hrpm y"""t ' ...T .", . '"Sit.. IE TI "t i With drying alcohol romovod and non-alVallno, BEER SHAMPoo ll boiod on a quality boor formula . . with ipodally proparod dotorgonri addod . . SEER SHAMPoo loavot your hair wondroutly clean, and loll ond glamorlxol It. Ifl Poirtvriod, fool NO AFTER-RINSf or WAVI-SIT NEEDED) FREES HAIR OP IOOSI DANDRUFF! PERFECT FOR ANY HAIR TYPE! '"'must It Fred Meyer On Sale at All Fred Meyer Drug3 How would your car rate on - - this Packard chart? GAS-ECONOMY REPORT based on current reports from nearly 1,000 owners of the new 155-HP Packard Eight, equipped with overdrive.t rtl omum nnmna imm rmvmm 12 Wwm PRRfJRJRBRl 7 wtmmmmmss9SfWM ir w mmMmrnmmmmmxmmm is WKmmmmmmmmmmmm n IS Milt tPaciord overdrive is optional equip ment, at moderate extra cost. You're looking at a factual gas economy chart based on reports from nearly 1,000 new Packard owners. It covers the highway gas mile age of the new 135-hp Golden Anniversary Packard Eight, equipped with overdrivet with variations caused by differences in speed, traffic, and individual driver habits. And notice, please the most frequently mentioned figure is 19 miles per gallon! Notice, too, that 33 of the owners reported more than 19! Amazing? It's the gas-economy sensation of the fine car field! And bear in mind: Along with its brilliant new operating econ omy, Packard gives you the en during safety and comfort that stem from two tons of husky, precision-built roadweight. Come in now for the most pleas ant surprise of all the new lower prices! ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE Gocen Anntiersary Packard 133 HP EIGHT 130 Hf SUPER 160 HP CUSTOM I 1 1 $2562M OTSR Kew I5.HP Vouhotrd Fight i-4oor lourtng irdeim etolvfH! hf, and total Kim, It aay, a4 Mi Kcttmat I $3 1), Prttaf mmt vary ibatrtrf at apMnt art at (xxauM af Irampartatiaw cttaraafc 340 N. High Si. State Motors, Inc. Salem, Ore. Palmistry Readings Will tell your past preaent and future. Will advise on love, marriage and business. Answers all questions. Are fyou worried? Why be In doubt? Special Readings. upen 9 a.m. to 10 D.m. Moved from 466 Ferry to 173 S. Commercial Furniture Mart "Jusl Good furniture 1978 N. Capitol Since 1941 SOS by Long Distance Shuts Off Electric Iron Portland, Me. u.Mrs. Ern est Dodge's electric iron was finally shut off but it took a 140-mile telephone call to do it. Visiting relatives in Bangor, she suddenly recalled that she had left her Iron plugged in at her Portland home. Bangor police phoned Portland Dolice who entered the Dodge cellar and pulled the main switch. I 4.4.J.J.4.4.4.J. Learn V 1 FOLK DANCING i t FOR FUN 1 Starting Sept. 10, 8 p.m. , . f 259 Court St Prized the World Over KENT OF LONDON Mait in Englani wbrdshk Now available at CAPITAL DRUG STORE Start ond Liberty Streets Salem You can have Modern Dental PILATE. Easier to wear! More natural in appearance! PAINLESS PARKER TODAY VuKlY On Approval of Your Credit A. Made with new materials all dentists recom mend, modern dental plates are lighter in weight, stronger and more resilient . . . giving both belter service and better appearance. If you have had a plate for some time you will be surprised how much more comfortable one of these modern dental plates is . . . how much more natural it looks. There is no need to delay getting one, for you can pay for it on budget terms. Pay Nothing Now payments later Weekly or monthly "Elastic" Credit stretches like a rubber band ... to meet your own particular needs. Even if you are temporarily out of work, you can Ret the dental work you need NOW, with no money down and weekly or budget terms arranged for later payment, with ac cepted credit. NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED FOR AN EXAMINATION! WORK STARTED AT ONCE NO WAITS, NO DELAYS ALL TYPES OF DENTAL WORK ON "fasfc" CREDIT Poor teeth can hurt your health, it well as your appearance. Medical au thorities agree that many ailments are directly traceable to diseased teeth. Don't delay getting the dental work you need, on account of money. "Elas tic" credit can be arranged to meet your own special requirements. PLATE WORK EXTRACTIONS FILLINGS CROWNS INLAYS BRIDGEWORK Plate Repairs Milt You Wait! ONE-DAY PLATE SERVICE In an emergency, you can get your new dental plate in one day's time, if no extractions are necessary. PAINLESS PARKER Dentist 125 North Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon ' Offices in Eugene and Portland V.