Reception j For Students f Dr. and Mrs. G. Herbert Smith will be hosts this evening at an Informal reception in University "v House to honor freshmen and new Biuutruia bi n luuuiciic uui- versity. The reception, an "in welcome affair," will be be tween 8 and 10 o'clock. ,5 Russell Tripp, president of the Willamette student body, is to f introduce the students to Dr and Mrs. Smith and others in I the receiving line, including Dr. and Mrs. Robert Fenix, Dr. and ' Mrs. Robert D. Gregg, Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Withey, Dean j Regina Ewalt, Dean and Mrs. Melvin Geist. Mrs. Fay Owen, head resi ' dent of Lausanne hall, and Mrs. Harry T. Morris, head resident " of Baxter hall, will pour. Assist- ing about the rooms will b Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paeth, Mr. ' and Mrs. Harold Jory, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Roger Nelson, Prof. ; and Mrs. Herman Clark. Several upperclass students are to assist with the serving. BPW Club's Dinner , Event Last Week Woodburn The September dinner meeting of the Woodburn Business and Professional Worn- : en's club was held last week in tbe form of a "walking dinner." " Cocktails were served at the home of Mrs. Ray Glatt, the salad at the home of Mrs. Henry Stange, the entree and dessert at the club house at the Wood i burn Golf course. Speaker of the evening was Kenneth Spies of Portland, as- sistant chief engineer with the state sanitary authority division of the state board of health. Fol lowing his talk colored movies were shown entitled "Clean Waters." showing stream pollu tion in the waters of Oregon and the necessity for action by the cities to cure this menace to health and wild life. Mr. Spies ; also spoke briefly after the showing of the picture on the . acute problem in Woodburn. He a was assisted by I. G. Lermon of the Marion county sanitation de partment and Howard Pyfer, health educator of the Marion I county health department. I Mrs. Don Bell was chairman 1 of the committee in charge of I the dinner and was assisted by the president, Mrs. Eugene Stol ler, and other members of the finance committee. The October business meeting of the club will be held the eve ning of Thursday, October 6, at the home of Miss Gladys Adams. , STAYTON Word has been received here by Mr. and Mrs. John Basl of the marriage of their son, Donald, who is sta tioned in Ed;;ewood, Md., at the s!my chemical center. ' The bride is the former Miss Frances Norman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Norman of that city. The young couple are expected to arrive here in October after the bridegroom's discharge from the service. They will make their home on his father's farm, the former Char les Rossiter place. Donald has been in the serv ice three years, being stationed in Korea 19 months, and In Maryland for two separate six months periods. STAYTON Miss Teressia I Garbe was hostess at her home recently honoring Miss Joan Frost, bride-elect of Lawrence Silbernagel, with a shower. Re- freshments were served follow - ing the opening of gifts. , Invited guests with the hon ' oree included Misses Leona i Weissenfels, Betty Lou Schu- macher, Pat McGovern, Char 1 lene Frost, Virginia Welter, j Marguerite Frost, Shirley Kintz, ) Marcelle Forrette, Kathleen Et ! zel, LaVone Benedict, Sharon i Gehlen and Marjorie Gries. Miss Shirley Roth To Wed Mr. Nafziger Central Howell Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Roth are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Miss Shirley Roth, to W. Edgar Nafziger, ton of Mr. and Mrs W. E. Nafziger, all of this com munity. Both young people were born and reared in this community. Both attended and graduated from the local grade school and Silverton high school. No date has been set for the wedding, which is understood to be an event of the coming win tcr. They plan to live on the farm owned and operated by Mr. Nafziger, west of Central Howell. Miss Manning Recent Bride Gervais The wedding of Miss Anita Manning, daughter Meyers Hosts On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Richard A Meyer entertained with an in formal open house, Sunday. A large group of their friends was invited to call between 3 and 0 o'clock, among special guests being Captain and Mrs Verden E. Hockett, who recent ly returned from Saipan. The open house .was given in observance of the 25th wedding annoversary of Mr, and Mrs Meyer. MRS. WILLIAM DANERY was hostess for the September meeting of the TPM club at her home on Fruitland road. Asters and roses were used to decorate her guest rooms and the dinner table, which had places for Mrs Charles Bottorff, Mrs. Fred Ar- of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Manning, I isman, Mrs. Laura Pangle, Mrs and Cyril Ferschweiler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Ferschweiler, took place at the Gervais Sacred Heart Catholic church, September 14, at 9:30 a.m., with Rev. Martin Doherty officiating. The vows were ex changed before an altar deco rated with pink and white as ters and candles. D a r r e 1 1 Ferschweiler, cousin of the bridegroom, and Jerome Man ning, brother of the bride. served at the altar. Misses Jean Manning, sister of the bride, Lucille Schindler and Carlene Clark were the soloists with Sister Mary Frances the organist. The bride was given in mar riage by her father. Her gown was white net over taffeta, styled with a deep net yoke edged in lace, long sleeves and a fitted bodice buttoned down the back with self covered buttons. The skirt was made with a pep- lum of taffeta and the net over the foundation skirt ended in a long train. The bride wore a fingertip illusion veil edged in lace and falling from a pearl beaded coronet. The bride car ried a white prayer book topped with a white orchid with show er ribbons of white satin. Miss Clara Manning, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and wore pale blue taffeta and a headpiece of ruffled net and taffeta with a feather trim. She carried pink and white asters tied with pink satin ribbon. Miss Donna Manning, sister of the bride, and Mrs. Donald Da vidson, sister of the bridegroom, were bridesmaids. They wore identical peach taffeta gowns and matching headbands of net and taffeta with feather trim. They carried crescent bouquets of deep orchid and white asters tied with orchid ribbon, Carol Hammer, niece of the bridegroom, was flower girl and her ttress and flowers were identical to those of the maid of honor. Thomas Ferschweiler, brother of the bridegroom, served best man. James Manning and Donald Davidson were ushers and the groomsmen were Lloyd Ferschweiler and Dennis Manning. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Manning wore a brown faille dress with gold trim and brown accessories. Her corsage was yellow tuberous begonias Mrs. Ferschweiler wore for her son's wedding a maroon crepe with maroon accessories and white carnation corsage. Breakfast was served for the John Versteeg, Mrs. Ralph Hein Mrs. E. E. Brandt, Mrs. Howard Ames, Mrs. Louis Neuman, Mrs. William McKinney, Miss Peggy Thompson, Mrs. Elmer A. Ter rill, Mrs. Bette Hocker of Spring field, 111., Mrs. William Hartley and the hostess. Birthday hon ors were given Mrs. Hein and Mrs. Hartley. Nothing- Down Pay Monthly VENETIAN BUNDS And Shade W. .), rtap. a.lnl and r-al.t. roar M VenetUa blinta ELMER, Tht Blind Man Call anytime for Free Estimates Phone I-7JZI U5S Ruge St. West Salem We rive 8 ft H Green Stamps Another METRO MARVEL Beautiful Plastic Aprons lit Betrothal Told I Mrs. Grace Curtis announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss Leona Curtis, to warren Paynter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Paynter. No date is set for the wedding. Miss Curtis was graduated last year from the Mt. Angel aca demy. Mr. Paynter attended Sa lem high school. Capital Journal. Salem. Oreeon, Monday, Sept. 19, 1949 7 CHILDREN of pre-school age may en roll for class instruction in music, drawing, expression. FREDERICK WILSON STUDIO 1531 Market Dial 24598 bridal party, parents and visit ing clergy at the K. C. cafe with Mrs. Sam Carter and Mrs. Ray Kuhn serving. In the afternoon a reception was held at the Sacred Heart parish hall. Miss Freda Man ning cut the cake and was as sisted by Misses Lucille Schind ler and Carlene Clark. Mrs. Carl Hammer presided at the coffee urn and Mrs. LeRoy Gard ner at the punchbowl. Mrs. Clarence Grassman, Mrs. John Ruscher, Sr., Mrs. Martin Seifer and Mrs. Merle Lucas assisted at the reception. The gift table was in charge of Mrs. James Manning, Mrs. Marvin Flagg and Mrs. Dennis Manning. Misses Jean Manning and Patricia Dunn passed the guest book. For her going away outfit the bride chose a gray suit with black accessories and a white orchid corsage. The couple are graduates of Gervais Union high school and the bridegroom is a veteran of World War II. They will reside in the St. Louis district. The wedding date was also the 58th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rubens, par ents of Mrs. Lawrence Fersch weiler, and grandparents of the bridegroom. Ackiin's Bootery 105 N. High YOURS WILL BE TWO PRETTY FEET 4 SHOES LASTING QUALITY IN EVERY DETAIL You'll find your favorite iryle ...with the Uresr fashion touches, the latest colors, among Vitality More-forYour-Money Shoes. 11095 . $1195 . J1295 Ami Vitality Optn U Slxa S7.9S . SS.9S Journal Want Ads Pay WANT CLEANER HEAT? Let us show you how yout home can have filtered, humidified heat with a Delco-Heat Gas-fired Conditionair. Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. 1085 Broadway Authorized Rtprtsintative Dial 3-8555 Tuesday Only DAINTY, FRILLY PATTERNS IN SOFT PLASTIC SEVERAL STYLES IN BOTH BIB AND WAIST TYPES CHOICE OF COLORS AT THIS PRICE YOU'LL WANT SEVERAL A WONDERFUL GIFT ITEM THI STORKS OF UTTtR VALUES' 136 No. Com'l Salem, Or. 1.00 4tftf Toy Bubble-Tub ooooooo o'o o o o o o o O O O 0 o o o o o o o o torn t IBMIKW ft Eaiieslway to moke o fellow like O clean-up timet Green plattlc Toy O Bath-tub (It floatill and a jumbo O bottle Of YOUNG LAO'S Bubble O Bath. A few dropi of this pine- O scented "he-man" potion makes O a mountain of billowing bubbles. q KfOICll C'Nrft iiihck nherri nttm f lAt optrftt M om Mere they are f Mr HOTPOltJT VALUES FOR '49 HOTPOIHT V Automatic Electric DISHWASHER Witches dishes cleaner JrWit - "1 han you can by hand. :JTrX--,----Ci dries them electrically- 26V (Less Top) THE HOT POINTS! HEAT SELECTOR . . . Provides Hie right temperature lor any material. Thermostatically controlled. , TIME CONTROL . . . Can be set for any time from 5 minutes to 1 hour. Shuts off automatically. TUMBLER DRYER . . . Clothes are damp dried in 30 to 55 minutes and completely dried in 35 to 60 minutes. LINT SCREEN . . . collects lint and threads. INTERIOR LIGHT . . . during Calrod heating. OPERATION . . . Tumbler drum revolves approxi mately 50 revolutions per minute. Materials dry soft and fluffy. THE HOT POINTS! FRONT OPENING GREATEST CAPACITY SELF SEALING TOP SPRAY ELECTRIC DRYING GREATEST CAPACITY 249" ll 23995 y -' . Lt us show you how you con woih and iron clothes on the sama day regardless of weather when you have a Hotpoint elec tric Go thti Dryer. It cuts drying time to minutes, saves back-strain Ing trips to the clothes line. Selec tor provides the right heat for any material, and automatic timer efficiently regulates drying. Large, Interior-lighted clothes tumbler holds a full washer load. Come In and see this wash-day work-iover today. THE HOT POINTS! e Automatic Oven Temperature Control. e Cooking-Surface-Top Lamp. e Oven Indicator Signal Lamp. e Measured Surface Cooking Heati. e Fast-Starting, Pan-Hugging Calrode Heating Units. IIOTPOKJT RANGE NEW AUTOMATIC WASHER Is Your Best Buy by Far J Here's (he wonderful electric range you've always wanted, and it's priced amazingly low. Hotpoint's brilliant 1949 Model RB-32 offers cooking perfection . . . plus many outstanding features found only in more expensive ranges. For proof, consult the list at left. Then come in and see this beautiful Hotpoint Range for yourself at our store. Everybody's Pointing to ELECTRIC RANGES With purchase of range you (ret 3 pfece Eckoware kltrhr nwnre set plus 3 useful kitchen utensil! THE HOT POINTS Low hot water con sumption , . . maxi mum 16 gallons, minimum 5.3 gal lons. Spin drying . . . tub revolves at 625-650 RPM to damp-dry. Thorough rinsing the combination of rinses removes soap and dirt. No stooping to load or unload washer. 5 299' THE HOT POINTS! Irons rapidly. Anything that can be ironed Is beautifully finished. Ironing shoe can be laid back and used for steaming. Rounded corners and protective rubber bumper band. Finished in gleam ing white baked enamel. One lever controls all operations. Can be controlled by hand or knee. SEE! SEE! 3 jj SEE! SEE! SEE! 0 SEE! TOU MSJKS WftSHtD ROW TOO CAN SET IP HllQ MOW V0U CAN THE CRUIEST CAR- -MAGIC CIRCLE NEAT WICKER. CLEANER. TIM HOW SPACE "MIIIITtl N" NAVE WORK FRCE RAGE DISAPPEARING. THAT MAKES WATER IASIER, SAFER THE SAME KTTCNEN AREA ELECTRIC C00KINQ WASRDATS ACT OF All TIME HOTTER FASTER OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS till 9 P.M. MM MSM SIUII Km