J r Capital Edited by MARIAN 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday. Sept. 19, 1949 : Pledges at WU Groups Announced Fourteen Salem girls were among the 74 pledging the four Greek letter sororities at Wil lamette university, Saturday evening. Pledging concluded the freshman orientation week. Chi Omega led the list with 22 peldges. PI Beta Phi pledg ed 19; Alpha Chi Omega, 17; and Delta Gamma, 16. Pledges as announced Sunday by Mrs. C. R. Nelson, Panhel lenic adviser, are: Cht Omega, from Salem Dorothy Casper, Dorothy Engle hart, Andra Garbarino, Alyse Koch, Delores Koutny, Ann Stackhouse and Betty Wilson; Betty Critcs and Norma Drews, Newberg; Louise Eatinger, Glendale, Calif.; Delores Fisher Doris McCullock, Portland Cheryl Jensen, Medford; Carol Givens, San Mateo, Calif.; Carol Ann Kelty, LaFayette, Ore.; Pa tricia Larson, Longview, Wash. Gay Hoisington, Bengen, Wash. Jo Ann Mintonye and Joyce Taylor, Coquille; Ruth Price, La Grange, 111.; Jean Shipley, Long Beach, Calif., and Joy Kalppen Pendleton. Pi Beta Phi, from Salem Gloria Spencer; Amarullis Lu lls, Beverly Rands and Janet Rogers, Barbara Baker, Prudence Edwards, Portland; Audrey Bliss, Palo Alto, Calif.; Pat Click, St Helens; Grace Connell and Mary Kramien, Hillsboro; Jo Ann Frady, Milwaukie; Shirley Grif fin, Vancouver, Wash.; Shirley Helwig and Dona Mears, Rose burg; Margaret Kaufman, Forest Grovq; Margaret McDermott, walla wana; Jo Ann rucnara son and Joyce Robertson, Long view, and Betty Weber, Gres ham. Alpha Chi Omega, from Salem Doris Ewan, Beverly Gustaf son, Ann Avriette, West Salem: Harriet Booth, Roseburg; Carol Carruthers, Hammond, Ore.; Do lores Ditlofsen, Joanne Moore, Mary Ellen Phillips and Mary Lou Ratcliff, Mary McLauchlan, Portland; Jane Fooshee, San Le andro, Calif.; Jean Kyle and Eleanor Meeker, Medford; Nancy Lawson, Bow, Wash.; Laura Lee Newton, Eugene; Virginia Peterson, Seattle, and Eloise Rohn, Salt Lake City. Delta Gamma, from Salem Leah Case, Joyce Erigell, Sue McElhinney; Valerie Deardorff, Ann Klindworth, Nancy Marks, Mary Jane Phillips and Suzanne Shipley, Portland; Janice Glad den, White Salmon, Wash.; Gerry Gossett, Bremerton. Wash.; Patsy Faber, Central Point, Ore.; Shirley Hutchinson. Marlene Vincent and Sally Mof fitt, Medford; Joan Lucker, Sil ver Springers, Maryland. MT. ANGEL The Legion auxiliary held its first meeting last week, featuring discussion of the convention last month at Salem. Plans were made for in stallation of officers on Tues day night, September 27, when the unit decided to have the auxiliary members seated by Salem unit No. 136. Mrs. I. N. Bacon, Salem, district president. was Invited to be the installing officer. Mrs. Frank Borgcnhagen, chairman, and her committee. Mrs. R. Bisenius, Mrs. Howard Uetz, Mrs. Clctus Butsch and Mrs. Gordon Aman, were ap pointed to prepare and serve the lunch on installation night The auxiliary decided to again serve dinner to the 40 et 8 at Mt. Angrl in October. Salem's City-Wide Free Treosure Hunt New Foil Window Displays Women LOWRY FISCHER Civic Players Busy Salem Civic Players held their first meeting last week at the home of Mrs. Agnes B. Drum mond to outline plans for the new year. Fourteen attended. The meeting was a combined business and social one with Na than Steinbock, president, in charge. The Players expect to start rehearsals soon on their first show of the fall, Mr. Steinbock being named temporary director due to the illness of Miss Beulah Graham. Public tryouts will be held for all interested, the date to be announced later. Wedding Set For Oct. 15 Announced for Saturday, Oc tober 15, is the wedding of Miss Nellie Cook and Henry Hender son. The ceremony is. to be an afternoon one at 4 o'clock. The bride-to-be is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Cook and is on the staff in the sec retary of state's office. Mr. Henderson Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Henderson and is in business with his father. Both young people are graduates of Salem high school. Tea on Tuesday Dallas A "membership tea" honoring members and pros pective member of the Dallas Woman's club will be given by members of the executive board of the club Tuesday afternoon, between 2 and S o'clock at the country home of Mrs. Delwin O. Reinemer at Fir Villa. Music during the afternoon will be furnished by Bonnie Regchr and Geraldine Reinemer. Year books, which will be issued this year for the first time since the war, will be avail able to members at the tea. MONMOUTH The Mon mouth Junior Woman's club met last week. A letter was read from Mrs. William B. Chandlee, president of Oregon Federation of Women's clubs, conferring membership on this newly or ganized group and asking them to send a delegation to the con vention to be held in Portland, October 7. The second district convention, with Mrs. Gertrude Cault of Corvallis, president, ex tended an invitation to members to nttend the convention to be held in Corvallis, September 16. ine oojeel of the organization is education, philanthropic and civic service and social, with speakers and music planned for each meeting. The next meet ing will be October 12, In the city hall. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Harry Kester and Mrs. Robert Price. LEBANON Installation of of ficers of Sanitam unit. No. 51, American Legion auxiliary, will be held following supper on September 20 at the Legion hall. Mrs. Vernicc Schultz of Flor ence, district president, will be installing officer for the auxili ary. Officers of the Legion Willi also be seated at this meeting A special program is being prepared and reports will be Riven on the recent state con vention in Salem. TUESDAY September 20th ot 7:30 P.M. Treasure Hunt ticket! will be distributed by all participating stores all day Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. Match your ticket numbers with the numbers on priies in the store windows Tuesday night! Other UO Names Listed In addition to Salem young men and women pledging frater nities and sororities at Univer sity of Oregon at the week-end there are several in nearby com munities. Names of the Salem pledges were reported Satur day. From Silverton, Miss Patricia Rice is a new pledge of Alpha Gamma Delta. Miss Elizabeth Olson of Day ton has pledged Alpha Xi Delta. Miss Dixie Reynolds, Sweet Home, pledged Delta Zeta. In the fraternity list Richard Jones of Lebanon is listed as a pledge of Alpha Tau Omega, John R. Gill of Lebanon in Beta Theta Pi, Jack Cook of Dallas in Sigma Chi, Dick Haseman of Idanha in Sigma Nu, and Darr Kappa Epsllon; Duane O. Mack. Albany, Koppa Sigma; Ron Abrams, Taft, Sigma Alpha Mu; Robert Abrams, Taft, Sigma Nu Miss Morse Pledges Of interest to many friends in the state, too, is news that Miss Nancy Morse, eldest of the three daughters of United States Sen ator and Mrs. Wayne L. Morse, has pledged Delta Gamma sor ority. Nancy was here with the Morse family during the recent State Fair week. Completing her junior high and high school work in Washington, D. C, after the family moved to Washington in January of 1945, Nancy chose "to return home" to enter the University of Oregon for her college work. The Morse resi dence is at Eugene. Also of interest to Salem friends is news that Miss Mary Kay Dorris, daughter of Mr. and and Mrs. Ben F. Dorris of Spring field, has pledged Delta Delta Delta. The Dorris family are frequent visitors in the capital. Mary Kay is a niece of Mrs. H. G. Maison of Salem, and her cousin, Mrs. ' Kelton Lowery (Molly Jean Maison) also is a Delta Delta Delta at Oregon. Past Presidents The Past Presidents' club of the Veterans of Foreign Wars auxiliary, Marion No. 661, met last week at Mrs.' Dave Fur lough's home, Mrs. Willie Boone presiding. A regular business meeting was held and plans for the sew ing for Camp White hospital were made. The chairman of the hospital committee is Mrs Well Haley. Plans are also being made for the VFW con vention, which is to be held here next year. Those present at the club meeting were Mrs. Russell Mudd, Mrs. Willie Boone, Mrs. Henry Sims, Mrs. Leon Hansen, Mrs. James Beall, Mrs. Ivell Haley, Mrs. Dale Mauk, Mrs. Dave Furlough, Mrs. Eva Rush, Mrs. Ed Van Santen and Mrs. Gene ve ive Olson. Refreshments were served fol lowing the meeting. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Gene veive Olson, 5335 South 20th, October 20. LEAVING Saturday by plane was Mrs. Robert Monismith for York, Neb., to visit with her mother. She will be gone two weeks. Salem Nursing Home Newly Decorated 24 hour nurse service Dignified Courteous Service to oil types of patients. Call at 3395 "D" Street, Salem The Greatest in All the City's History! Automobile Show . Bands on the Streets . i ' , , I t y: -i t Wed Recently Bride in July was Mrs. Joseph Meyer, the former Ona Mae Koch. (McEwan studio picture) Seelen-Sharp Rites at Bend Wed in Bend Sept. 5 were Miss Frances Sharp and Gene Seelcn, the latter of Salem. The ceremony was solemnized in the First Baptist church at Bend, the Rev. Roy Austin officiating at the double-ring service. The couple honeymooned in Central Oregon and at Crater lake, and will live in Salem, where both are employed at the state hospital. The bride is a surgical nurse, and Mr. Seelen is a member -of the office staff. For the wedding, the bride wore a wineberry suit, with gray accessories. Her corsage was a white orchid. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rose, Meri- dean, Ida., attended the couple. After the ceremony, a lawn reception was held at the home of the bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Griffith. Fifteen relatives and close friends of the couple were present. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Ruth Sharp, Paye.tte, and the late Mr. Sharp. She was graduated from high school in Payette, and took her nurses' training at Good Samaritan hos pital, Portland. Present at the wedding and reception were the following guests: Mrs. Ruth Sharp, Pay ette; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rose, Meridean; Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Russell and children, Jim mie and Paula May, Medford; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Griffith, Red mond, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Miller, Salem. Honor Cousins Donna qnd Steven Strauch, children of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Strauch, gave a cowboy party in honor of their cousins, Billy and Bobby Carney, who re cently returned from Midway Islands with their parents, MSgt. and Mrs. William Car ney. Marybee, Philip and Rob ert Gruchalla, also cousins and children of Mr. and Mrs. George Gruchalla, spent the afternoon playing games. The refresh ments .were served after the games. All children are grand children of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Payseno. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT -4 Are decorating worries l'liy not tell your troubles to CLARA DUDLEY famous color-scheme consultant for Alexander Smith Sons Carpet Company HERE IN PERSON S; EXTRA! FREETECHNICOLOR'MOVIE! Thursday and Friday, Sept. 22 and 23 2 p.m., Woodry Furniture Co. s S Re-decorating tan be easy, if you get expert advice, right at the start I That's why you'll want to meet Clara Dudley before you begin doing that shabby-looking room over. She'll tell you how to make the most of it at the least cost. So come to her stimulating free lecture. See her brand-new Hollywood Technicolor movie, "Before and After." Discuw your dec orating problems with her personally. You'll get lots of won derfully practical ideas and there's absolutely no charge 1 AAA AAA Miss Beam Wed Saturday The marriage of Miss Lenore Beam, daughter of Mrs. Ruth M. Beam, to Ralph F. Dungey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dungey of Gervais, was solemnized Sat urday evening at a pretty Wed ding in the First Christian church, Dr. Dudley Strain read ing the vows at 8 o clock. White, ivory and coral glad ioluses decorated the church for the service. Virgil Mason sang Miss Gladys Edgar being at the organ. Taper lighters were Miss Bar bara Dungey, his sister, who wore pink, and Miss Marlene Brown, who was in blue. Their corsages were of the pink glad ioluses and blue delphiniums'. Given in marriage by her un cle, M. G. Hickman, the bride wore a gown of white satin made with a short train. The fingertip illusion veil was arran ejed from a coronet of lace. For her flowers the bride carried a biuquet of pink roses and white stephanotis. Mrs. Dean Trowbridge was matron of honor. She wore a peach colored gown and her flowers were peach gladioluses and blue delphiniums. Dean Trowbridge was best man. Ushering were Robert Dungey of Gervais, brother of the bridegroom, and William Bernard of St. Paul. The reception following was in the church also. Mrs. M. G. Hickman served the cake. Mrs. Virgil Mason, sister of the bride, and Mrs. John Lesher of Wood burn, sister of Mr. Dungey, poured. For going away the bride wore a navy blue suit with pink accessories and corsage of pink roses. The couple will be at home In Salem. WCTU Meeting Salem Central WCTU will meet Tuesday, at 2 o'clock with Mrs. Mayme Hill, 1724 Che- meketa street. Mrs. R. B. Lesher will give the devotional message, while election of officers, local reports from the county convention, also plans for the year's work will fill the program for the day. OREGON GRAPE camp, Roy al Neighbors of America, is to meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. SALEM F. L. CLUB No. 14 held its regular business meet ing last week at the home of Mrs. Evelyn Hamby. Members present included, Mrs. Lawrence McClure, Mrs. Forrest Green field, Mrs. Keith Rebo, Mrs Harry Way, Mrs. Harold Bress- lcr, Mrs. R. L. Applegate, Mrs. Chester Lanktree, Mrs. Victor Koop and Mrs. Evelyn Hamby The next meeting is to be held September 29 at the home of Mrs. Lawrence McClure, Rt. 1, Salem. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 dogging your trail? 4 Help! j 4 t AAA Wedding in Local Church Bride Sunday afternoon at a ceremony solemnized in St. Paul's Episcopal church was Miss Ila E. Crittenden, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Crit tenden, who was married to Charles E. Hawkes, son of Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Hawkes of Salt Lake City. Amid a setting of asters and dahlias in fall colors the rites took place at 4 o'clock, the Rev. George H. Swift officiating. Or gan music was played by Miss Ruth Bedford. Mr. Crittenden gave his daughter in marriage. She was attired in a brown tweed suit with red accessories and a cor sage of green orchids. Miss Marjorie Sinclair as hon or attendant wore a brown suit and her flowers were gladioluses and Talisman roses. Gabriel Martin of Eugene was best man. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Crittenden wore a gray suit with dark green accessories and a corsage of American Beau ty roses. The bridegroom's parents were unable to attend the wed ding, having just moved to Salt Lake City from Glendale, Calif. Dr. Hawkes formerly was on the Willamette university faculty here. The newlyweds will be at home in Eugene after Septem ber 26, both to continue work at the University of Oregon. Plan Trip East Leaving Tuesday for a trip to the east will be Dr. and Mrs. Leon E. Barrick and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pratt, making the trip by car. They will go first to Poland Spring, Maine, Dr. Barrick to attend the convention of the National Selected Morti cians. Later they will go to Nantasket, Mass., to visit the Barricks' son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. John French (Lois Barrick). Mr. French Is working for his master of arts degree at Boston university. The Barricks and Pratts also plan to tour the New England states. Check GENUINE 54" jl ; 1 CABINET SINK UWlr l lailt el stitl te last a IHetlme J. Oae-pltce, old-reslstlnj pwcslala seaisl tee 1 L Few frs4wlagh) 3. Fser-locli bock-splosh 4. Impressed loop ratebiw 5. fluted, M-tlp drainbeards i. Swinfinf liiae-hwitt wHb 7. lif, eoop, M-splesk bemrl t. Cremb-ojp srra'mtr, easy te 9. Hi-bake taaml tobiiMt falsa, hslee ead eet 15. teensed tee sad II BrV m t a Pi 279 N. f-ZA Today's Menu (Br th. AuocltlKl Prwi) Meatless Luncheon Baked Cheese Sandwiches Waldorf Salad on Shredded Boston Lettuce Chocolate Bavarian Cake Beverage Baked Cheese Sandwiches Ingredients: 8 slices bread, 4 teaspoons prepared herb mus tard. 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, Vi pound soft yellow cheese, 2 eggs (beaten), 1 cup milk, 1 teaspoon salt, to tea spoon pepper. Method: Prepare 4 sandwiches from bread, mustard, butter or margarine and cheese. Place in DON'T in J UG BtAuTfJ W:i$-' 2kuMm6 A If -a INVISIBLE NYLON SURGICAL ELASTIC STOCKINGS J TWO-WAY STRCTCH LAUNDER EASILY WEAK LONGER INVISIBLE SEAMLESS NO FINER WEIGHT STOCKING MADI Buy Duribilknit and enjoy the fullest measure of relief from varicose veins, swollen and tired legs and other leg conditions. CAPITAL DRUG STORE State & Liberty St. Salem every one of these features: H. lie sussr tatlart esoaseet ( awtal heaeles rleea 12. Ceeitaled btoges cod pesHhre-erliiie lerpeee catches U. Twe drawers, wtds, deep end spotless (me parHrleeed fee cattery). CbnMeo aeroworo 14. Drawers epea (aa stlcklttf ) UMBING -HE A COMMERCIA L PHONt greased 8-Inch square baking ' dish. Beat eggs, milk, salt and pepper together to combine; pour over sandwiches. Bake about 40 minutes in a moderate (3S0F.) oven until puffy and lightly browned. 4 servings. . STAYTON Mrs. Emma Sut- ton and Carl Titus, both of Stay ton, were married at the First Christian church In Salem, Thursday, September 1, by M. J. Reasoner. Attendants were Mrs. Dorothy Bacon ot Taft and Har old Titus, daughter and son of the bridegroom. A wine colored crepe dress with gray hat and coat and a corsage of carnations were worn by the bride. Following a honeymoon spent at Taft and along the Oregon coast, the couple are at home In Stayton. A - MA " U NOTHING DOWN! $5.00 Per Month! steraf (14.W n. ft.) eWs, leseleted aad seead eesVy, ealariy ea brass kawe saoa far werklaf ease TING 3-4141 I1 3 1