Fl BLOUSES UP TO 1.95 ; t; 1 n I 'i -. - nv V-: ! i f t J f S I ' i t 'V t 1 - i .. -1 i f i i i i ! Ms i MM! MM: I ; ; i i Mi 1 1 s Mm 1 : , ' ! ! : I (l Aft .; I )X bvUP (1 S 'I f. .uu)Hi"PiHllllW NOTEBOOK PORTFOLIOS dcncrol oil leather Top groin oowhlde Roomy 2-pocker typo 3-ring Zlppor bound Added lippor inside pocket REG. (.40 VALUE ,95 SHAFER'S LEATHER GOODS 125 N. Commercial "Finest In Leather" Zlpperi made to Order. PAMOUI IVANS OIL CIRCULATOR HEATER Re(. t.95 Value 3995 Complete with fuel tank 0 Automatic damper Heart 1 or 4 roomi 0) Enameled baked-on finish 9 Smalt, compact itandt 3 feet high 0 Othen at eomparative values TUESDAY ONLY YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY NOW AT OUR MODERN NEW STORE 375 CHEMEKETA Welcome Mats 1.09 High grade rubber Imprinted "Welcome" 14"x20" Fine rubber tooth "Secondi" 25 teeth to q. in. Regulars tell at 1.75 ) f IT OBORoee Sum "ATTENTION! CHEVROLET OWNERS! Don't put fchoje needed repairs off any lonser. We have made l eoeslble tor you to take care ot this necessary work by pay ing email amount each month. We are running; a SPECIAL PRICE on motor repairs on Chevrolet only. All gaskets Clean and align oil pan funs out breatherplpe Grind valves I quarts oil Install piston rings This includes all the above listed AQ A parti and labor for only 40eO Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company 10 North Commercial Ph.3-3173 Salem, Oregon SEE THESE GREAT MONEY SAVING SURPRISE VALUES TOMORROW AND SAVE! 51 Gauge "75 Denier" Every pair is per fect . . ' Super quality ny lon . . . 0 New autumn colors . . . Proportioned leg lengths . . . LEONS 1 H El ! 1 H i.i TUESDAY SURPRISE MAILS S No. 4 Common No. 10 Common No. 16 Common No. 20 Common 16 D lox (Regular) D Box (Cement Coated) HARDWARE BASEMENT lb. UPSTAIRS ' CLOTHES SHOP TUESDAY SPECIAL REG. $35 VALUE 100 Wool Hounds Tooth Tweed Hollywood Styled For Tuesday Only Single Breasted SPORT JOE'S SUITS uniy 95 -. rf r mi .mini 0jl J4 Kit(lMMl.iliH U JMW SANTA ROSA SLICED PINEAPPLE In heavy syrup. No. 2 cons niacin 'm' ' - Willi strfrt"" r-W . 234 No. r, Box 285 fa Salem of 3 Lr 75s PARAMOUNT MARKET SWIFT BROOKFIELD CHEESE Pimento or American. 2-lb. box PHONE 1-1461 Less than the cost to make them, only 25 Suits In tan and brown overplald, hounds tooth weave. Sizes 36 to 42, nation ally known make. For the finest in quality clothes, walk upstairs, save $10 to $15 at JOE'S, 442 Stare St. SAMPLE (TUESDAY ONLY!) UPHOLSTERY SWATCHES 15c 49c - 260 N. Liberty FREE DELIVERY FOR YOUR TUESDAY SHOPPING ONLY! SUPER DUST MOPS Removable woshoble head. Long hardwood handle. Easy on! Easy off! Extra large mop head. Soft, fluffy yarn. KEEPS SHAPE IN WASHING! REG. 1.75 VALUE 9BC 275 N. Liberty SIZE 12x18 LIMIT 2 TO CUSTOMER SIZE 24x24 LIMIT ONE i i Hurry! Limited Quantities! BROWN'S DOES IT AGAIN! Men's - Ladies' Beautiful Gold-Filled WATCH BANDS ADDING MACHINES Dalton - 37.50 Burrough - 37.50 TYPEWRITERS Wide Carriage - 39.50 Choice of Rem., Und., Smith or Royal ROEN " 456 Court St. ALL MAKES MACHINES FOR RENT 1.93 Values to 4.50 TUESDAY ONLY 3b ! i ;:- All Wool i F-r - 'Trr,,, JERSEY YARDAGE 100 METRO Tuesday Special METRO NYLON HOSE 2pr. $100 raH raohhrn Thirds ot High Price Hose New Fall Shadrs II Oaue IS Denier Shea IH t. 1H M I i i- S4-INCH WIDTH. RED, GREY, BLACK. 100 YARDS ONLY. POPULAR FABRIC. $2.S0 YD. VALUE. All Wool Plaid Yardage 1.00 (Blue Plaid) MEZZANINE yd. " i.4 THE STORES OF BITTER VALUES US N. Commercial Salem 1 LOOK FOR THE OFFICIAL TUESDAY SURPRISE DIS PLAY CARD TOMORROW AND SAVE!