Y AUTOMOBILES NO TRICKS! NO BALLYHOO! JUST OUTSTANDING USED CARS FOR LOWER PRICES WE DON'T MEET COMPETITION WE MAKE IT 1941 Ford Super Deluxe Sedan, A-l Motor $395.00 1948 Crosley Station Wagon, only 10,000 plus miles . 495.00 1940 Pontaic Coupe, needs some work 393.00 1940 Dodge Sedan, Mechanic Special 193.00 1941 Ford Super Sedan, a dandy 495.00 1942 Willys Sedan, low cost transportation 275.00 1936 Ford Tudor, good work car 145.00 1940 Chevrolet Master Deluxe Tudor 343.00 1940 Chevrolet Master Deluxe Sedan 395.00 PHONE 3-3147 Valley Motor Mart THE CAR LOT OF SENSATIONAL VALUES AND CARS WITH A PERSONALITY DON'T FORGET THE LOCATION PHONE 33147 HIGH AT CENTER SALEM AUTOMOBILES '9 rl.Y. Dx cpe. R&H. HS0. (1 ford pickup, 1350. Ted & Emit, 12th 8t. Junction. Ph. 24208. i223 1939 DODGE deluxe aedin. Excellent con dition. Phont 3-3642 or 3-3173. 0.223 Eisner Motors to Buy '17 FORD coupe. Clean, good cond., 1295. Ph. 11384. 1330 Lancaster after ft p.m. 4223 WANTED: Clean used cars. Bob llarr. 8160 South Commercial 9I1 CHRYSLER brogham, very good. Ph 3-5642 or 3-3173. . 223 Eisner Motors to Sell SM USED CAR LOT 150 e your old one. lata Bt Junction. Open till 10 p.m i24l 190 CHEVROLET, Special Deluxe 4 da.it sedan. Radio, heater, defros'-C, seat coven, grille guard. Exceptionally clean Inside St out. Motor excellent. Oood tire. If you want a car you can drive thou ands of mile without a nil el of ti pense sea this one. 860 Spruce St Q235 41 CHEV. COUpe, $550. Ph. 2-3942 titer 8 :30 p . m. 0.22 5 1917 4-DR. MASTER CHEVROLET, J&H, focllghts, back-up light. A-l condition. CaU 2-8124. 02 JS ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT - SELL - TRAD! TERMS tn Fairgrounds Road Phone) 1-6454 CAB ACCESSORIES tlrei ft tubea at coat price. First coma first served as thla 1 g, close-out sale. Dealers welcomed. R. D. Woodrow Co., 450 Center. 4 Eisner Motors Fine Cat s FINANCIAL BILLS UNPAID? 1 add rour obligation 1 pay them off in a lump aum with a loan from Personal I then make Just on reasonable payment each month $25 to $500 on Auto Up to $300 on Salary Furniture Don't borrow unnecessarily, but If a loan solve a problem, phone or comt In today. Personal Finance Co. of Salem 111 State, Rm. 125 Phone 2-3484 C. R. Allen, Mar. Lie. S-132-M-185 r22,6 $ CASH $ $25 to $500 ftjrniturr, livestock equipment loans up TO 8900 Oomt In or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairgrounds Road Next Door to Bunk No Parking problems Phone 17032 Lie. N UJce-SJtl Floyd Kenyon, Mtrr. r PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Short Tims Payments ROT H. SIMMONS 118 South Commercial St. Phont 1-0181 SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4 INTEREST ft to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phono 2-3863 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie 8-133 and U-121 . and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 138 B. Commercial St. Tel. 3-0181 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4ti and 5 YOU II OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cwh for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgage. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 101 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 3-7183 r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 S. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 1-54VJ Lie. No M-1.W H-1M TRAILERS M FT. TRAILER. Newly decorated. 3 bed davenports. Oood nesting stove and gasoline pressure cook stove. 1235. With out wheel. 3 miles out airport rd Paradise IlandFarm. t224 t WHEEL ramping trailer, sleeps 4. Will take small 3 wheel trailer as part pay ment Esau's Motor Service. Dallas. t:?4 BRAND NEW 1841 Vagabond 22-rt. Refrle . tlec. brakes, bottle sas range, IVMI under oat. Trailer Park Village. 5085 Port land Road. t2JI HIGHWAY AV E T R AILER PA R K unde r new management. Space, reasonable Close 1o school, bus store. Quiet ft shade treat 2 blocks east of Chuck's on Highway Ave Ph 2-178. t233 NEW 3 wheel all metai trailer. Rack and einss r-'-er ins Lee flt 1333 DIRECTORY ADDINO MA CHIMES) AH naket need midline, sold, rented repaired Roan 4H Court Phone 3-4773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC BOMB appliance repair service sew appllanew. Yince'a iieetrlc Phone Free estimates Trade-ins accepted on 1-8330 131 8 Liberty St AT tH DOOR GRIND! Not At TO I4.DIOS Authorised Warranty Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radios Mono Radio Co, 153 B. Liberty. Ph I-8I5I. MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Tawing srntre day phone I-I2M 1-1804. Ill CBUf. I AUTOMOBILES DIRECTORY Mike Panek. 273 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-3181 Brake and wheel aligning specialist. 0233 BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now. Terms. No down payment Phone 3-4850. o BUILDING CONTRACTORS Alt Bros. A lo houses raised. New foun dations. Phone 2-5909. o242 BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph 2-8537 or 3-4300. Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Falrview Ave. Ph. 3-3148. Salem. o239 CARPENTER WORK Carpenter work. New, repair. Ph. 2-3093. o239 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA casta register Al makes sold, rented, re paired. Roen 450 Court. Ph 3-1773. o CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curbs, walla, etc Call 2-4850. o CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned. Ens'ey. 771 S. 21st. Ph. 3-7170. o233 DRESS MAKING Alt., dress making. Oood used clothes for sale. 360 state St. Rm. 37. 0344 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vlnce's Electric for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing, 157 S. Liberty. EXCAVATING GRADING Excavating At grading. Ben Otjen ex Son. 18 Rural Ave. Ph. 33080. o320 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3058. Lee Cross. 1555 Pearl. o233 Bralthauofs for flowers. Dial 1-0179. o Theh stove At diesel oil. Ph. 3-3186. Shell Oil Co I. T. Maxwell, distributor. 0241 FURNACE CLEANING Olant vacuum machine. Trailer mount ed. Ph. 28662. United Products Co. 3037 Portland Rd. Reasonable price. o233 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. Watkins Oo. products. Free de .ivery. 1717 Center. Ph. 3-8395. INSULATION Johns-Man vllle. Phone 8-3748. INSTRUMENT REPAIR Expert musical Intrument repair. All work fully guaranteed. JACQUITH MU SIC CO., Ph. 3-4641. 344 J A INTO R SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waxing Buildings Factories - Homes Estimates Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDO. MA INT. CO. Ph. Salem 1-0133 LANDSCAFF NURSERY f A. Doerfler A Sons. Ornamentals. 150 N. Lancaster Dr. at 4 Cor. Ph. 2-1322. o DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry. 345 Jef ferson St., Phone 23452. o LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 S. Com'l St. 0233 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING At rout door lawnmower sharpening Dexter the lawnmower man Ph 16833 MATTRESSES Capital Bedding Phone 1-4089 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish St Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin. Banjo, etc. 1523 Court St. Ph. 1-7569. o240 OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps typewriter stands, brief cases 'lerca Wire Recorders. Roen. 458 Court OIL BURNER SERVICE We service all tvpes of burners. Ph. 28662. United Products Co. 3037 Port land Rd. Work guaranteed. 0233 Vfitrom'a art equipped to do rout painting Phona 8-2493 o PA PER HANG I NO Expert Paperhanglng and painting. H J Woodworth. Ph. 2-5868. Free est. o227 PAINTING A PAPERING Painting and peperhanging. Free enti mate. Ph 3-9513, 857 Shipping. O240' Call 2-2608 for your Painting e Paper t.anging. Attractive rates 0223 PICTURE FRAMING PLUMBING Fuller. 844 8 Com'l. Ph. J-3019. o232 'RUNING-SPRAYTNO Phillip W Belike. Ph. 2-1308 SAND A GRAVEL Garden Soil, crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating. Walling Sand A Gravel Co.. Phone 1-9349 e Valley Sand A Oravei Co Silt, sand A f II dirt Excavating I0B shovel A eats Tractor scoop A trucks for dirt moving Ph office 34002, res 17146 Salem Saw Wrks. Ph. 1-7603. 1293 N 5th 0239" SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Dec trig Ro-Rooter Exclusive Patent Raeor 'harp Steel Cutting Blades Clean Sewers et Drain I Septlg Tanks Cleaned Reaa, Ph 1-8327 at 1-9461 SEPTIC TANKS Mikes Septic Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 E.a St, W Salem. Ph. 1-9461, S-33:7 0333 K F Hamel. Septic tanks cleaned tec trie machine service on sewer and drain lines Oj a ran teed work. lUi-tth St. Wet Saiem. Ph. 9-7404 o333 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge. Call us collect. Todd's Septic Tank Service. 1543 St it St. Phone 2-0714 o I Journal Want Ads Pay Oregon Jersey ' OK Says Expert Champoeg, Or. Sept. IS V. Take it from n expert from New Jersey, the Oregon Jersey is okay; In fact, amazing. Ed Lawrence of Whitehall, N. J., told the Marion county Jersey cattle club heie Sunday that when he first came to the Willamette valley he was skepti cal about the stories he had heard of Oregon Jerseyi and Oregon pastures, but he found both amazing. Then he intimat ed that Oregon Jersey breed ers appear to have an inferi ority complex. Lawrence was unfavorably surprised at the showing Ore gon Jersey cattle made at Ore gon i own recent stale fair. Said the man from New Jersey: "You talk about the Canadian herds coming In nere and tak ing all the prizes and so you don't come out to show. You have cattle right here in the valley that could beat the Can adian herds so badly they'd nev er come back, but you don't show the cattle. You let them stay home in the barns and pas tures." Lawrence added that he had heard a lot of "beefing about the Jerseymen's milk situation" but he had not been able to learn just what, if anything, they were complaining about. Betty Jean Vogt of Salem was named the Marion County Jersey Cattle club 4-H calf winner. She plan's to have an entry in the Pacific International livestock show in Portland. STOCKS i By the Associated Presn American Can Am Pow A Lt Air Tel A Tel tnaeorda , Bend lx Aviation Beth Steel Boring Airplane Calif Packing .... cvnaoan Pacific- Case J I Caterpillar , Chryiler Com with A Sou .... Cons Vultee , Continental Can Crown Zellerbach Jurtlss Wright .... Douglas Aircraft .. Dupont de Nem .... General Elect na ... ererai rood General Motors ... Oood rear Tire tnt- Harvester int. Paper BUnnecott Llboy McN A h ... Long Bell "A" . Montgomery Ward , Nash Kelvlnator .., 1 .1 Dairy NY Cinrtaj Northern Paclflg .. Pag Am Fish . ..... Pa Oas A Eleo ... 'v Tel A Tel Penney J O Radio Corp , Rayonier R: yonler Pfd Reynolds Metal .... Richfield Safeway Stores .... Sr-ar Roebuck ..... Southern Paclflo S'-andard Oil Co. .. studebaker Corp .., Sunshine Mining Transamertca Union OH Cal Union Pacific United Airlines .... 0 S Steel Warner Bros Pit .. Woolworth .., , 2H , '4 . 37 Jla 53 I8H 1H , 25'4 , 27'4 , 41 . 3P . 63. 22 ''a 12'i 13 S Vi , 80a 12 , 334 .ll1 48 SALEM MARKETS Completed frem reports of Salem deal era ler tne gaiaanre er ipiiai Joarnal Readers. Revlaed dally). Retail Feed Prices Egg Mash 14.95. Rabbit Pellets 14.30. Dairy Feed 13.70. Poultry! Buying prices Orado A color ed hens 3 1 -23c; grade A Leghorn hens, 18-10c: grade A colored fryers, three lbs and up, 31-33C, Grade A old roosters, 13 cents. Eggs Buying Prlres Extra large AA, 67c; lArge AA, 66c; targe A, 64-66c; medium AA, 55c; medium A, 53-58c; pullets 39-40C. Wholesale Prices Egg wholesale prices 5-7e above these prices: above grade A generally quoted at 7lc; medium, 93c. Butterfat Premium 14-esc. No. L 43ci No t IT 19c -buying prices) Batter Wholesale grade A. I7i re- M 73e DIRECTORY SEWING MACHINES New Home sewing machine sales. We repair all makes. King wood Bee, 1091 Edeewater. Ph. 35369. o231 Bought, sold, rented, repaired. tZ terms AU makes. W. Dtvenpork Ph. 17971. 0238' All makes repaired, free estimates S.nger Sewing Mach'ne Co. 130 No Commercial Ph. 1-3513. e TYPEWRITERS Smith Oorona. Remington Royal, Cndsr wood portables AH makes used machines Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court, o TRANSFER A STORAOR -ocal A Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal A briquets. Trucks tc Portland dally. Agent for Beklns House hold goods moved to anywhere In 08 o. Canada Larmet Transfer A Storage Ph 3-3131 o VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blinds mads lo order ot rettnUhod Relnholdt A Lewis 2-1639 Elmer The Bllndman. Ph. 37336. WELL DRILLING WEATREBSTRIPP1NO Free utlmatas. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 1-3965 0333a WINDOW SHADES Washable, Roller Made to order 1 Day Dei Relnholdt Ai Lewis Ph 23839 WINDOW CLEANING Acme indow Cleaners Windows, walls A woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned waxed and polished Ph 1-1137 847 Court Lansdoe. CulbertsOB tnd alather WOODMWINO WOOD w SAWDt'HT wt Salem Fuel C. Ph 3-4031. LODGES ny l.OOJ tuteu tvsry Wtd Deday night VUltors irei c-..me ' A Alnaworth Lodge No. 201, A F. yX. St A.M. Tu, Spt. JO. E A. Degrees, 7 p m. 234 A Salem Lodge No. 4. AT. A AM CWed- Sept. 21. T C. dfgree, 225 (u pjn. fi'l,'-.'-'! -irAlil". f f. A r w m sis r - r.. .- .jr. JT,' 'r v;sr;-i writ.f j h , -f. v rl;., - ' -i V'.' . V V. VV" ' v -w-. 1 IS lit MARKET QUOTATIONS Salesa Livestock Market (By Valley Packing Company Lambs 318.00 to 130.00 Feeder lambs 812 00 to 816.00 Ewes 81.20 to 14.00 Cutter cows 88.00 to 110.00 Fat dairy cows so oo to 310.50 Bulls 111.00 to 815.00 Calves, good (300-450 lbs.) 816.00 to $18.00 Veal 1150-300 Ibs.t top 816.00 to 320.00 Portland East tide Market No. 1 cauliflower sold at 11.50-165 on the Portland Eastiilde Farmers Wholesale Produce Market today. Corn brought 81 per ssck and .65 per oranire boxful). Limited tomato supplies old mostly at 70-75 cents a 17-18 lb. flat. Slicing cucumbers were fully iteadr at 83 cents per lug. Delicious apples sold mostly at 53 pet loose packed box. Hale and Elberta peaches sold mistly at $1.75. Portland Produce Bui terfa l Tentative, subject to Imme diate change. Premium quality maximum .35 to 1 percent acidity delivered in Portland 63-66c lb.. 91 score 61-64e lb. 90 score, 57-60c, 89 score. 63c. Valley routes and country joints 1c less thsn first. Butter Wholesale FOB bulk cubes to wholesalers: grade 93 score. 62 cents; A 93 score 61c; B. 90 score, S9c lb.; O 8t score. 56c. Above prices are strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland whole sale: Oregon singles 39-40e; Oregon I sm. loaf 42-43e; triplets IVt less than singles. Eggt (Te Wboleaalera) A grade large 65 "j -66 'c : A medium, 65-58 'c; grade B large. 56,.-58,.ic: small A grade, 42'ic. Pn.tland Dairy Market Butter Price to retailers: Grade AA prlnU 87c: AA cartons 68c; A prints 67c A cartons C8c; B prints 64c. Fin Prices to retailers: Grade AA large 74c doz.; certified A large, 60c: A large 68c: AA medium, 61c: certified A, medium. 60c; A medium, 69c A small, 43c cartons 3c additional. Cheese Price to retailers: Portland Oregon singles 39 -4 3c Oregon loaf, 6 lb loafs 4 4' -45c lb.; triplets, 1W cents less than singles. Premium brands, singles. 5l'4e lb. josf. 63V.C. roui try Live Chickens No. 1 quality FOB Plants, No. 1 broilers under 2'i lbs. 25-26c lb.: fryers 24-3 lbs., 2B-30c: 1-4 lbs, 31c; roaster 4 lbs and over. 11c Ib fowl. leghorns 4 lbs. and under. 17-19c, over 4 lbs 10c; colored fowl all weights, 22c; roosters, all welgnu 18-lDc. RahHts Awrace to grower: live whites. 4-6 lbs 18-21c )b.: 5-6 lbs 16-10c lb.; Oioreo 3 cents tower, otd or nmvy jiex. B-13c: dressed fryers to butchers, 80-33c. 4,'nuntry-Killed Meats Veal, top quality, 30-33c lb.; otner srtdes according to weight and quality with poor or heavier 30-35c. Hogs: Light blockers, ll-33ci sows 24-36C. Lambs: Top quality, springers, 35-37c; mutton, 10-12c. Beef; Oood cows, 22-23e lb.) cannera cutters, 30-22C Fresh Drexied Meats (Wholesalers to retailers per ewt.i: Beef steers, good 500-800' lbs., $43-46: commercial. $35-41; utility, $35-41. Cows Commercial, $30-34; utility, 135 JO; csnners-c utters, $23-23, Beef Cuts (Oood steerst: Hind quarters, $55-57; rounds. 352-55: full loins, trimmed, $73-77; triangle. $31-33; square c-iuc.i. $39-41; ribs. $51-55; forequarters. $37-3. Veal and calf: Oood. $38-39; commercial, 333-36: utility. 326-30. Lambs: Good-choice spring lambs. $43 45: commercial, $35-40; utility. $32-31. Mutton: Good, 70 lbs down. $16-18, Pork cuts: Loin No. 1 8-12 lbs., $62 63; shoulders, 16 lbs down, 141-43; spire- ribs, 147-49; carcasses, 133.50-14.50; mixed fte.Khu $1 lower. Portland Mlseeilaneoqa CascarS) Bark Dry 12 4 e lb., green 4e lb. Weel Valley coarse and medium grades. e id. Mohair 15e A. on 11-moo lb growth. nominally. Hides Calves, 10e lb., according weight, klpa 35c lb . beef 11-12c lb.. buU 6-ic lb Country buyers pay 2c less. N'itt Quotations Wslnnts Fr enqueues, first quality Jum bo, 34.7c. large, 33.7c; medium, 27.3c econd quality Jumbos, 30.2c: large. 38.3c m.dlum, 36.3ci 'iaby, 23 3c: soft shell, first quality isrte, a.7c medium, 26.2c; sec ond quality large, 37.2c; medium. S4.7c; oaby 32.2c. Filberts Jumoo, 30 Ib.f largo, 16C. nt-atum loct imail. 13c Portland Orsln Portland. Sept. 19 Csh grain Oats No. 2, 38-lb. white 55 00. Barley No. 4 45-lb B W. 53.00. No. 1 flax 190. Cash wheat ibl: Soft white 1 16V aoft white lexcludins Rexi 2.16't: White Club 2.16',; Western Red 2.16. Hard red winter; 11 per cent 2.17; 12 percent 2 19. Today's car receipt: Whest 66: bar lev 37. flojr 11, corn 8. eats 1; mill feed 14. Portland Uvestaeh Portland. Ore., Sept, 19 0J Livestock ' Cattle eaiao:e 2SM); calves 400 Market uneven; steers opening slow; few als steady but bulk of grassera unao'd- e .ws strong at last week's late advance- Duils about steady. Ligtit vealerK .troni. atMed load of mostly good 1 108-ib moit-fed steers 36. sorted at 34 and IS; new av erage to hurl-medium steers 24. common and low-medium grades 16-21 50. tuw dn'ry-type steers down to 12 aid below; few medium heifers steady at 17-16.30; eanner-eutter cows strong, rrotlf 10 to ll 50. few down to 10 and below; rimmon medium cows 13-13.60. few good y-ung cows 16-16 bO. Odd cood beef bulls 17; common-medium grades 13 H0-t lb. good choice vealerg 30-21. odd head 23 50 common-medium grades plentiful at 11-16, Hogs salable 900, market re-ner now. around 75c lower than let last Wees. Oood-choice 160-20 lb 33; 360-290 lbs 20-31; good 3M-M Rt sows 17-19 M few feeder pigs unsold, but demand less r gent: top feeders late Prtdav 34 Shep ssisbie 1750, merget Isiflv sctlve, mostly stead with earlv last wek: lop 50c above late last aeec. ood-'hoire spring limba 30 50-31 50. large, 21: me dium-eood grades 16-90. common down to 16. good feeders 17; good owes held arouD-l 1-6 50 of above. Chicago Ueeeteek I Chicago, ept. lt UH Llvegtvk market H'xs salable 11.000 Slow n1 'jne. en butrne-S 2i to 50 cents, m M '-n" iioaar tnsn Prdri sows a .so ur.ea but Bartcls Soil Conservation Project Attracts Thousands Top: I General view of the Irvin Bartels farm and one of the 13 soil conservation demonstrations that attracted thousands to the Waldo hills project completed in one day. Lower: Visitors seated on equipment owned by the Aumsville rural fire depart ment partake of lunch. Bartels Farm Trampled by Thousands at By CLAUDE STEL'SI.OFF Soil conservation brought soil trampling on the Irvin Bartcls farm near Shaw as 7,500 people spent Saturday marching back and forth on the place viewing 22 soil strations in the biggest agricultural extravaganza ever staged in Oregon. Host Bartels, resigned to his career in the showcase of con servation agriculture, wistfully surveyed the scene and ventured the hope that everyone was hav ing a good time and would find something of value in the show to take home and apply on their own farm. A rough breakdown of the crowd revealed 90 percent dirt farmers, five percent city folks and five percent officials and experts with a goodly num ber of photographers in each category. Promptly at 10:30 a.m. a sound car carried the explana tion of contour strips to the gath ering at the first observation stop. From then until 3:30 p.m there was no pause. Big and little tractors, each on its own special assignment, snorted and hauled over the fields in restless activity. By day's end the 100 pieces of demonstration equipment, all operated by Marion county dealers, had transformed Bar tels' 246 acre farm into the soil conservation model of the Wil lamette valley. The complete job is estimated to be worth close to $20,000, more than twice the assessed value of the land. "Only a few inches of top soil separates people from starvation and that makes conservation im portant" said Governor Douglas McKay at the noon program. He said he never would be a party to crowding land owners in to soil conservation districts but expected the field day to accel eratc the rather slow rate at which they have been organized in Oregon up to the present. Mrs. J. C. Krenz, of Union Hill grange, who was coordina tor of Marion county women in feeding the throng, was intro duced as "Queen of the Furrow' and decorated with an orchid by Governor McKay. J. H. Christ, regional consrrv ator of the soil conservation service, spoke on the linkage of various interests coupled with conservation agriculture. Farmers of western Oregon have built up their soil more than they have lorn it down dur ing the past 30 years, observed Bill Teutsch, assistant director of Oregon slate extension serv ice. Dollar relationship is al ways close to our living and con servation practices are usually profitable to farmers, he said Henry Ahrens, chairman of the board of supervisors, San tiam soil conservation district: Bertha Beck secretary of the Oregon State Grange: Herb Peet, federal coordinator of the various U. S. agencies in Ore gon; and Charles Nish. state chairman of soil conservation. general! 35 cents lower: top I 25 for a few loads choice 230 to 3'0 ID, bulk HO to 270 lbs 30 50 to 31 00. hesvw- weliM scarce: 170-180 lbs 18 00 to 20 SO liO-T.t lbs 17.75 to 18 25. good end rhr-e sow, under 150 lbs 19 00 to 20 25: 30 MtO Jtti 18 00 to 18 00: 415-800 lbs 18 50 to 17 i8l odd heavier as low as 15 50. vond clear ance. Celtic salable, 14 0O0: calves. 100 Very uneven: steers and heifers arad.nz ev er ere medium and better sf-adr to f-i!-ly 50 cents higher: lower grades slow; about steady; sos wesfc lo 3 cents lower bulls steady to weak, vealera tadri top 84.75 for a load ot li th choice 1118 lbs Colorado fed strer.; ev eral loads choice steers 23 50 in 14 "0 bulk hlgn good and choke iln and yearlings 30 50 to 83 00 bulk rred.iim 1o average good grades 22 00 to Jit no. jnng string common to medium Wromiis IK 0 half load eho.et fed heifers Q 50: lol lot top 30 00: common and mediu.n bf co 14 50 to 17 50: tenners nd eui'e-g 12 00 to 14 75; medium and good aaaa biiu IB 00 to 20 15: bum medium In choice vealers 3100 to 28 O0. s'neg ca'tle eiow but undertone aho it at pad r. Sheep salable 3 500. Practical nothing done on aleughter Jambs; big packers bearish above 31 Oft but shippers and small kllkera sahowine som interest at 21 00 and better, two carloads ol chore fed yearling w there, scaling ab-.-i' 140 lbs steady to weik at 31 00, aneep steady. isiaugnter ewes t.M doo. tJih; 5 -j w',n Av .-- . .Lrj,JviJ Farm Field Day conservation field day demon were others introduced by Wal lace Kaddcrly of KGW who act ed as master of ceremonies. Contour strip cropping, first used in Oregon in 1943, gives level farming on sloping land Strips break the slopes and give depressions for water holding in the soil. Tractor fuel consump tion saving of 20 percent is claimed for stripping and even though more turning is needed the over-all time required is said to be a little less than for up and down hill soil prepara tion. rmeen year rotations are planned for the contour strips. Five years of grass willbe fol lowed by 10 years of grain-clover combination. Lime and phosphate fertilizers will be added as needed. , Contour terraces which are ditches 12 to 18 inches deep around the hill to intercept water act as gutters to catch sur face water and carry it to the sodded waterways. These water ways are 50 feet wide and run to open ditches, two of which are to carry all drain water from the farm. They have been extended three miles beyond boundaries of the place. The sodded waterways are seeded to grass mixtures suitable for hay. Tile Is used for part of the drainage work. On Oregon forms 1500 miles of tile have been laid, 1200 miles of it be tween 1942 and 1947 with A. A. A. payment help. It is es timated nearly a million acres still need draining in the Wil lamette valley. A 15-acre field was chiseled, field disced, fertilized and seed ed to permanent grass with a new type tandem roller seeder during the day. County Agent Harry Riches said 80 percent of the hill lands in the Willamette valley should be seedrd to per ennial grass in the Waldo, Sll verton and Union hills districts Pond diRKing to hold 14 mil lion gallons of water for stock and wildlife required moving of 3000 cubic yards of dirt during the day. Multiflora rose, ar exotic to this area, which Is non spreading and gives a stock proof fence in four years is planted around the pond. Release by John MrKean, Ore Hon game department, of 40 cock china pheasants which had been reared to 16 weeks of age at the Corvallis game farm was a pleasing spectacle. Side show events included ro dent control by Willord Nelson of U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service; a field laboratory for fence post treating, and lectures on weed control by Ben A. Newell, Mar ion county agents office. Serve canned drained beets In a salad; simply marinate them in a well-seasoned French dress ing and turn onto shredded let ture leaves. Or for a crunchier effect, add celery and green pep per strips to the beets Just be fore serving. PHENOPLAST The NEW WONDKR FINISH Make your Table tops or Concrete Floors PERMANENTLY BEAUTIFUL Stainprnof, Kcratchproof, Cigarette-burn Proof Pumalite Block & Supply Wet Salem Ph. 21fit1 f Capital Journftl, Salem, Oregon. Piraim Market Nervous Monday Chicago, Sept. 19 ') British devaluation of the pound caus ed selling and considerable ner vousness in grain futures today. Prices dropped rather sharply. Wheat was off more than 2 cents at times, corn more than a cent and soybeans 4 cents. Traders believed the British action might mean fewer U. S. grain exports. Reported lowering of the gov- lernment bid for cash wheat at the eastern seaboard also affect ed grain adversely. Wheat closed H to 24 cents lower than the previous finish, September $2.08 H, corn was down H to U. September $1.284-v4. oats were off 4 to September 67, rye was 3 to 4i cents lower, September $1.42, soybeans were aown ji to 4Vi cents, November $2.28- 2.27J4. and lard was 13 to 35 cents a hundred pounds lower, September $11.97. OBITUARY Clean Jeppien Woodburn Cleon Jeppsen. former res ident of Woodburn. at Victoria. B. 0. September 14. at the aae of 48 years. Born at Mantua. Utah. October 11. :02 Member of the Church of Jems Christ, Latter Day SalnU. Survived ay w.fe. llhel Jeppsen of Sherwood. Oregon: lour ns. Delwtn Jeppsen. Danny Joe leprvn. Vir gil Jeppnen and Dickey Jeppsen, all of Sherwood; six daughters. June Ohris tophereon of Donald, Oregon. Beth Rains of Sherwood. Oregon. Mae Townsend of Redmond. Oregon. Colleen DuRette of bait Lake City. Utah. Ruth Jeppen oi Aurora and Barbara Jeppsen Ol nerwoco. mva i grandchildren. Also aurviving are nis rents. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Jeppsen and several brothers and sisters In Utsrt. Serv ices will be held at the Rlnso chapel In Woodburn Tuesday. September 30. at pm. (standard timet with interment In Belle Pass! cemetery. Mrs. Beetle Khyne Sllvert on Funeral services tor Mrs. Bessie Rhyne, 70. are announced for Wednesday afternoon 3 o'clock from Trin ity Lutheran church, Rev. 8. L. Almlie, officiating. Ekman Funeral home In charge, concluding rltei at Evans Valley cemetery. She was born May 33, 1878, In Iowa. Had lived In SUverton for 13 years. She passed away Saturday afternoon at the family home 153 Bethany road, un expectedly. She suffered a recurrence of a heart atack Friday on tne return oi the family from a three-day visit In Se attle Surviving are the husband. Ehll M. Rhyne. eight children, sons, Emll. Silver ton, Rudolph and Elmer of Wheaton, Minn., and Orrln of Haytt. 8. Dna.; daughters. Carrol Qualey of Salem, Ruin Hartwig of Wheaton. Minn.. Alberta Hires of Seattle, and Mildred Rhyne of Rlchlan.1 Wash. Also surviving are 15 grandchildren, three brothers and two sisters. Ben Ja cobson, Redondo. Cal.. Carl Jacobson of Basle Orove, Iowa, and Andrew Jacobson of Marshall. Minn.: two titers. Mrs. El len Churland of Burt. Iowa, and Mm. Julia Knutson of SUverton. Mrs. Adeline Dick, of SUverton Is a niece. Trior Marlon A run ten Orand Ronde Funeral services for Trior Marion Aronsen. 80. of Orand Ronc, who died near McMInnvllle. were held In that city Friday afternoon under the direc tion of the Sheridan Masonic lfge. He waa born In Oslo, Norway, Mar. it, ia. He was married to Mary 1. Petersen In Seattle In 1931. Aronsen was a member oi the Lutheran church and tne Masonic lodge and was a graduate ot the Nor- ealan naval academy and osiora uni rslt. Besides his widow he 1 surviv ed by a son. Berlley R. Aronson. of G:nd Ronde: mother, two slfltem ann a twin brother, all of Oslo. A son, Thor, Jrn died Dec. 8, 147. JeBe Blanche Tipton Aurora Mm. JenMe Biancne npion. ti. resident of Gladstone the lent two years, died Tuesday at an Oregon City hoipital following a long Illness. Born May 10, 1878. In Springfield. Mo. she resiflen Kansas many years betore moving to Oregon In 1043. She wa married to Thomas Tipton at Concordia. Kan., In 1100. Survivor Include the widower, wno re!dea in Canby; four daughters, Mrs. Mildred Corntvet Deertleld. wu., Mrs. F.ftnle Bprague. Huntington Park. Cel.. Mrs. Nell Lamnnt, Twin Falls, Idaho, ana Mn. Helen Tweed. Orand Iiland. Neb ; five aonit. Roy Tiplon. Oregon City: Wil liam Tipton, Sherwood. Wesley Tipton, Ponra City, III . Martin Tipton. Good- land, Kan., and Reg Tipton, Kannas City. lo. Funeral services were Baiuraay fternoon In the Canby Funeral Home Burial was In Zlon Memorial Park cemetery, Canby. Edward Delirield Frances Iebanon Funeral services for Edward Dellfletd Frances, 7S. owner of the Fran- Furniture store who died at rt.s home on West Maple street Friday night. be held from the Holy Hedfem-r church In Portland Tuesday at 10 o'clock with burial In the Ml, Calvary cemetr Portland. Recitation of the rosary at the Howe-Hiuton rhapel here Monday night at 8 o'clock. Frances was oorn at The Dalles Aug. 31, I "73 but lived most of his life tn Portland, coming here to open a store two years Bio. He Is sur vived by his widow, Mrs. Anna Franc's, tbanon: daughter. Annabella Prances. Lebanon: two slaters. Mrs Elnora Plemf-I. The Dalles and Mrs. Ann Wllkenson, Washouaal, Wash. Club Plans Display Gervais The Garden club met at the home of Mrs. Merle Lucas with 13 members. Mrs. Glen Lucas and Mrs. Jess Lucas were guests. The club plans to enter an exhibit at the North Marion county fair to be held at Woodburn, September 22-23 and 24. A special meeting will be held at Mrs. John Kenny's home September 29 to prepare final arrangements for the flower .show at the high school build ing October 1. Don't let a low price keep you from trying Cuticura! CutK-ura Soap and Ointment often work wonders for efctn blemished by blackheads, eiternslly tauawd rnmplea ot raah f-ragrant. arientilK-all? medicated Culmira usually eattehee where other! dip point. Buy at druggist today. CUTICURA pi Auto or Prnal CASH LOANS $10&V1000so.. COMMERCIAL CREDIT fLA.IV NCOaeoaiTtD. rUim Acenryt 40 N march 8t Monday, Sept. 19, 194917 DEATHS Wendell Letov Areher Wendell LeRov Archer, at the family residence at 670 South r.ma street, Sep tember 17, at the ase ot 53 years. Sur vlved by wife, Charlotte Archer of B lem. three daughters, Mrs. Ruth Taylor. MUS Rernadlne Archer and Uias Nell Archer, all of Salem; a son. LeRoy Arcrt- er, Jr., of Salem; four brothers. Alonao J Archer. Verina. Calif.: James A. A'C.Vf. Sedsewick. Iowa: Ljle R. Archer, Crwton, iow a, ana senjinm Arcner, sitiaoetn, Colo.: and one grandson. Membir of Church of Christ. Services will b neld Wednesday, September 31, at 3 p m. at trie Howell-Edwards chapel wit th Rsjy. at. C. Cuthbertson officiating. Chauneev Haneen In this city Sep Umber 16, Chauneey Htruen, late resident of Portland. Oregon, at trie sue of 60 years. Survived by his wife, Florence Hansen of Portlrnrt. Silp ment has been made by W. T. Risdrn com pany to Portland for services and Inter ment. Csrrle Srbrelder In this city September 14. Carrie Schrel der, late resident of Portland. Shipment has ben made by W. T. Riadon eotipany to Portland for services and interment. Babv Bey Tbeel Baby boy Theel, Infant son of Mr. and sirs. Otto Theel of Marion, at a local Un. Ida Bnnlns. Wakinsnaw, Wise. An- SS'.". """" ""' " Mo""u" Iward t. God bey Edward E. ttodbey. late resident es? Detroit, at a local hospital. September 17, at the ase of 81 years. Surviving are the widow. Mrs. Phyllis Ood'xy, Detroit: two daughters, Mn. W. O'Brien, Ss.t Ber nardino, Calif., and Mrs. J. t r a tier. Needles. Calif : and four grandchildren. Services will be held Tuesday, September 130 pm. at the Clout h-B.i.-rcl': chapel with the Rev, Oeorge H. Sift ol- iiciating. Matt Rlngwald Matt Ringwald. late resident of Salem. at a local hospital. September 18, at the ase of 83 years. Surviving are three troth era. Chris and Joe Rlmland. bo'.h of Sa lem, and George R in i land. Portland: three nephews and one niece. Member ot St. Joseph'a Cstholic church. Announce ment of services later by tne Howell-Edwards chapel. Mrs. Amelia McOhehey In thla city September 17. Mrs. Amelia McOhehey, late resident of 807 Mill street, at the age of 11 years. Announce ment of services later by W. T. rtlgdoa company. Alice A. Daffleld In this city September 19, Alice A. Ditf- field. late resident of route 8, box 88, Salem, at the age of 78 yeara. Surviving three daughters. Mrs. Oeoraa Mill of Mllwauke, Wise, Mn. Gordon Hora of Turner Valley, Alberta, Canada, Mrs. Wilfred Horn of Medicine Hat, Alberts, Canada: and five sons, Russell Dulfteld of Medicine Hst, Alberta, Canada, Ken neth Dulfleld, of Red Cliff, Alberta, Can ada, George Duffield of Kermlt, Texas, and Donald Duffield and Howard Duf field, both of Salem. Services will be neld at the W. T. Riadon chapel Wednesday. September 31, at 1 30 p m. with' Inter ment in the City View gemeterr. Mary Del.lllle Mary DeLiIlles. late resident of 1810 South 13th street, st a local hospital, September 19, at the eta of 18 years. Hurviveo oy a daughter, Mrs. A. J. Hornsberger, of Salem. Announcement of services later by the Clough-Barrlck chapel. Nelson 8. Rogers Nlson 8. Rogers. 1st resident of 8 AO Oxford street, at a local hospitl Septem ber 18. Survivors are his wife. Mrs. Oeor gia Nelson of Selem: two daughters. Mis. Janet Wilder of McMlnnvllle, and Roberta Rogers of Salem; two sons, Bruce Rogers and Douglas Rogers, both of Salem; his mother, Mrs. Lou Anne Rogers of Ver nonla; a brother. Lee Rogers of Vernonii and a sister, Mrs. Virgil Beaver of Sea side. Services will be held from the Clough-Barrlck chapel Wednesday, Sep tember 31, at 1:30 p m. with Rev. Seth R. Huntington officiating. Interment will be In Balereat Memorial park. Country Flower Club Hears Mrs. Beckman Pleasantdale There were 27 women, Including ten members of the Country Flower club and eleven members of the Dayton Flower club and six special guests, attending the September monthly meeting (Advertisement) (Heablea) Is highly eew taglona and woild con tinue for Ufa If wet stopped. Its sole caste la the Itch - mite which ITCH: Is fmmane te erdlnary treatment!. EX MORA kills the Itch-mite almost Initantly. Only three days EXSORA treatment fs r can I red. "Mall erdera given prompt al tent low. At all Fred Meyer Drug Secllona and eth er GOOD Drr Stores." HOW TO PUT OUT FIRE OF STOMACH ULCER PAIN caused by excs aciof Don't last Buffer f nun asonltfnw pain and conetant hurnirur nf atnmach ulcers. Indiges tion, Km. hfariburn, other dmtress cninwd by esceaa stomach acid. Plunder' Tablets ar guaranteed tn bring amnting quick, sooth in relmf of nuch acid stomach ditrcs OK, MONEY RACK 1 Formula of P. H. Pfonder. 1'h U., contains medically-proved Ingredi ent. Acid nicer aurTercri have- bought over 100,000,000 f' fonder' Tablets in port W rear. Get Tfunder'a Tablets today. piranm Mystery Ended Per centuries, millions of Pin-Worm victim have drapers My sought a way to deal will these peats that live lo the human body. A new, aeientlAe treatment, Javne's F-W Vefwtlfvfe, now off ere ral relief, f.w'i vita Ingredient I a medically-approved drug thai attacks I'm-Worms in the Intestines and re moves them from the body. So watch for warning signs, especially the tormenting rectal itch. Then ask your druggist for F-W, the small, easy -to-take tablet, per fected by the famous Jayne Co., specialist! Id worm remedies for over 100 year. Oet real relief) F-W ft fee Fl Worms I Why Suffer Any Longer Then aaxers fail, use out Chinese, remedies. Amsiina success for sooo rears in China. No matter with what ailments yov re afflicted disorders ilnusuu heart lungs, Uar, kidney gas, tonstlpeUoti, wJcers, diabetes, rrteumatum, gall and bladder, lever kin. female eumpiejau. CHARLIE CHAN cniNKir hf.ru co. ntMc H.ir. I h I Ti' mnt Onlr tM N. C.aiH.r.1! P1t.li, IIMO AltM. OH. TeL S41M' ioo 1 " jjjj M i.,J0 Jin. i7-'n