16 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING I Per Line 16e Per Lint I time 40e Per Lin time 60c Per Lint 1 month 12 00 Outside of Salem 15e per line per day. mid. loe. S time mln. loe t time mln. 11.20. No Rerund READLR3 la Local New CoL Only: Per Line 10c To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES Owner Leaving Oregon 4 bedroom home one rear old. Lars living room, til kitchen, bath ujwtelre and down. Plastered basement and far ace. Hardwood floor, Iota built-in, terraced back yard. Coat over til .000 to build. Reduced to 112,500 for quick aale. For information call 34647. a.237 f FOUR bedroom houe. Va acr of land, 2630 B roots, $0000. 1 new 4 bdrm. house, 2310 Broadway, A. K. Heaaley, owner, 3305 N. Liberty 8t. 22 TWO BETTER CLA53 HOMES Practically new. Llv. R., Din., Kit., Nook, 3 Bed, Double Plumb. Full Bate ment with Knotty Plna Play R., two fireplace, dble. gar.. 1 lot, fenced St landscaped. 1970 John. Ph. 3-8238. 232 BY OWNER : 2 bdrm. home. Oak floor, auto, oil furnace. 2616 Huleey. Ph. 23201. a223" BY BUILDER Ln beautiful 2 bedroom ranch atyle home, double garage. Id exclusive dia trlct. 2100 sq. ft, under roof. Drive by 1570 North 23rd Street Just aouth of Market Street then call 3-881T. 223 A "VISTA" View Horn 3 yr. old. 2 bed rooms, landscaped. Phone 1-6042 or 3-M73. a328 1 VFAR OLD S bdrm. home plastered, Hdwd. fir., V. blind. In, lot, close to bus St grade aohool. $7960. Ph. 20048. 4.i SO Macleay. m $1950 DOWN Bal. $50 Per Month Including Interest, Insurance & F. H. A Reserve ... one of the beat 2 bdrm. home on the market for the money. Extra, nice Plastering. Attractively decorated, large closets, adequate buUt-lna, completely Insulated, nice lawn A ahruba. We guarantee to have theloweat heat bill In Balem. Full price $9160. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1311 JSdgewater, Ph. 36100. Eva. 30939 a233' OWNER: MOD. 2 bdrm. neat, clean, love iv inmttnn. cheat). Ml Rosemont. W. Balem. a223 85600. A. CUTIE Attrartlve Sub. 2 BR Home. Utility Rm. Att. Oar. City Wtr. Lot 60x311. 3 Blk. to bus. S10.700. NO. 2 ZONE 4 BR, full dry baimt, 10 Blk. to State Houne. Kealiy worm me money. 11 1 ftnn. HOLLYWOOD DI8T. Completely furnished 7 yr. old 3 BR name on ioi auxiou. Automatic nt, ou' tiful lawn St shrubs. $10,600. WALNUT PARK. Clone to Doctor's Clinic St Hospital. Cor ner lot, 8 yr. 2 BR home has many fea tures: Cedar-lined closets, lots of bullt lns, a plumbing In banmt., oil fur., fplace, lg. gar., plus driveway, pvd. at. A? wks.. bus by door. $13,000. HOLLYWOOD DIBT. Prewar built 5 room home. Full basmt., 8.D. fur. 2 fplaces, 2 BR, Din. Rm., nice lot, good loca. Ph. 26080. D. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North High St. Eve. Ph. 33836 27769 38704 B.223 fiEW HOME. 5 large rm. Also large utll Ity St garage. Call 36438 for appoint ment. a223 LARGE 5 ROOM All apacloua room. Built of the finest material St workmanship by a large contractor for hi own home. Attrac tive term for responsible party. Price, (11,100. 3 BDRM. 3 LOTS Nice clean home on good paved street In Wst Balem. Cloie to school St bus. Price 17000. Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1311 Edgewater Ph. 1-6109. Eva. 1-9939 a223- BY OWNER 1 fir. 8 bdrm. Full basement, Auto heat. Englewood school. Bus near. Dial 1-9021. 324 WiLL SELL for lwt reasonable cash of ler, my 11464 equity In 1 yr, old 2 bdrm. home. Hardwood floor. Plastered. 642 B m" '?: Mftpleton ldltlon- " bTeducFD. 2 bdrm. home. Knotty pine kitchen, electric heat, circulating fire place, plastered garage. Tile bath room. Choice location at 620 N. 33nd. a326 OWNER BUILDER SPECIAL 3 B.R. home, flreplaoe, radiant heat, attached garage, Ige. Llv. Rm., picture window. All masonry constr. Small down pvmnt. Approx. 160 per mo. will handle. Real buy. On Cha Ave. orf Liberty Rd. Neighbor to west will ahow or call 1-1701. a226 fTwNKR transferred. Modern home 24 yrs, 3 bdrms. on one floor, 1390 Jeffer son St. Ph. 8S228. a220 BY OWNER I bdrm., one block to McKlnley school St bus. Hdwd. fir., open circular stair way, plastered dry basement, oil fur nace. Will consider any reasonable of fer Ph. 3-6473. a-231 For RALE or trade extra lie lot, fruit St nuu. 2 B R. home. Close to medical centpr. Ph. 37366. a.233 DOZY 4 ROOM HOME, 1 bedrm. Nice sized rooms. Ntllity room. Soma fruit. Close to bus. Lot 60x100. Price $4860. Oil and elec. atove incl. I ACRES. 1 rm. house. Small barn: chick en house. Paved road. Price 16260. Con sider trndlng tor small house In city. I BEDROOM MODERN home. High full Cement basement. Air cond. oil furn.; fireplace. Large buck yard, Close to Mc Ktnlfv school. Price $11,000. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 814 State St. Ph. 3-3663 Evenings rail: Mr. Voorhee, 2-4007 or Mr. Bederstrom. 3-8789. 2iS Cekv NEAT comfortable 1 bedroom home. hardwood floors, aood corner lot. Will trade or sell. 17600. HEW, 3 bedroom, oak floors, fireplace, all electric. 1mm, pas. This is a lovely home. 112. H00. 1 A. w ith nice 3 bedroom houee, riard- wnixl floors, 3 fireplaces, rumpus room In basemrni, automatio oil heat, bua at door. $13. .too. P. H. Bell, Realtor 161 Chemrketa St. - Ph. 1-164$, 1-496 Eve. 2-34M, 3- 7606, 3-8688. e2.S BY OWNER NEW 2 B.R. SUBURBAN HOME. CHOICE LUMBER, LOTS OF BUILT-1NS. PH. 35B8J FOR INFORMATION. 11V REDUCED $1750 WONDERFUL VIEW PROM ORCHARD HEIOHTS Nice 1 Bd. rm. home, on beautiful lot 66x120. Excellent lawn and ahrub. If you want an attractive noma at low cost with a commanding view of the whole valley, city and mountain, all for (8750, this boma merits your at lentlnn. Walter Musgrave, Realtor 1311 Edgewater Ph. 15109, Iva. 99919 B326' ST OWM R, KineVood Hli, New I bdrm hrlod floor, fireplace, term. Will consider offer. 1701 Longvlew. Turn right off Edgewater, 2nd atreet left. Ph. 15S06. alas iMMrpOSSESSION-" Out of state owner here to aell prae-Hi-ally ne home, 6 lie. rm.. hdwd. fir thruout, anto-furn. piped to all rm. I'n fm. upstair. Stairway In. Rreeiewey, att. rsr. Lee lot. city water. Low down pavnvnt. FHA terms Salem Height dlst. 5S5 Ewald. S. Oft tflg. a 326 Dream Home $6250 te. bdrm , llv. rm., ntra nook. bath, toaster, else, heat, flreplaoe, lovely yard. You should aa. Sub. E. M. Hunter Real Estate I7 a. am i fB. I-M44I. Mil Oregon, Monday, Sept. 191949 Win a Guest Ticket to See "Sorrowful Jones" Plus "Fighting O'Flynn" AT WARNERS CAPITAL THEATRE HERE ARB THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find ths title of this plcturo coming soon to Salem Clip out the want aa In which the picture title appears and ac company It with a simple state ment of 2Z words or less on 'Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mall to the Elslnor Theater boxofflce. Contestants will be Judged on sincerity and originality The FIVE best statements re ceived each day will each receive a guest ticket to see "Sorrowful Jones" and "Fighting O'Flynn," coming soon to the Capital thea ter. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal, and decision of the judges is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal, The Capitol or Elslnore Theatres and members of their Immediate families are not eligi ble to participate in this contest FOR SALE HOUSES IMMED. FOBS, a rm. house, latest design. Englewood Dlst. $8100. P.H.A. Ph. 24426. a237 FURNISHED HOME Large Lot, South Cottaxe St. Near New City Park Price $5000 W. G. KRUEGER Ph. 14738 147 N. Com'! St. a223 SOUTH HIGH STREET. Near schools and store, on bua line. This bungalow has 2 bed rooms, H.W. floors, fireplace, and deep basement, extra deep lot. You can't beat it at $6,000. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Ph. 1470T 484 Court St. Eve. 34773. a334 LOVELY 2 bdrm. home. North on 99 to 2140 Carlton Way. 233 HOLLYWOOD DIST. 10600 Beautiful new 2 bdrm. with large llv. rm., din. rm., kitchen, utility St bath. Fireplace. Hdwd. -floors. Extra lg. kitchen. 17700 PHA. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 3-3849 Eve. 2-6360. a323 Near Salem Heights Sch. 37600 New 2 bdrm. with lots of space, hdwd. floors thruout, lovely kitchen it dinette. 16000 PHA at 160 mo. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 3-3849 Eve. 2-8260. a223a These Two Just 2 BLOCKS FROM LESLIE JR. HIGH tdftOO 3 bdrm. on one floor, nice liv ing rm. with fireplace it hdwd. lloor. OH furnace. KUfiO New 2 bdrm. we at hers tripped A; In- aulated. OH furnace. Best material and workmanship. $7000 FHA at tiiS mo. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 3-9849. Eve. 3-6360. B32S LEAVING STATE I bdrm. very modern home. Kitchen St breakfast nook combination separated by breakfast bar, dinette, living rm 17x 23. Large attached garnxe. Utility room. Circuiting fireplace, electric heat. Beautiful hardwood flonrs thruout. Ranch atyle fenre Inclosing front lawn. Garden apot at rear of lot. Lot 65x274 ',4. This is without a doubt one of the most beautiful home in Salem. This home can be seen by phoning 2-0146 or driv ing out to 3330 Sunnyvirw ave. 224 Open for Inspection 1660 S. CAPITOL Near Leslie Jr. Hih. 3 years old. 3 bdrm., liv. rm., dinette, Inside utility, att. garage, ven. blinds, Inwn, UHrk ysrd fenced. Bus by door. $8960. Has 4 loan. Ph. 2-6086. a2i5' "McKillip Real Estate REALTORS MtflA. 8 acres, modern 4 rm. home, chick en house, Good location. 7ofl. 1 bdrm. modern home 1 yean old. Paved street, close to school, good terms aanofl. ' bdrm. home. Basement, paved street, Hollywood district. Uood terms. lOft.Mt. 2 bdrm. modern home, aoulh Sa lem. Paved street. COME IN OR CALL Daytime 3-l31 Ev.ntng 1-5514 WE MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS McKillip Real Estate 493 Center at High Salem, Cre. SrECIAL $500 DOWN, $30 MO. 1 bdrm. house In city near schools, bus St stores, LR, din, rm., garage. Kent for 160. Price I4PM). CALL PYLE tVITH COLBATH LAND CO. 16R3 Center St. Ph. 3-4551. Eves. 2-sftM a2J4 $7750 Owner leaving, must soil well huilt 3 bdrm. home In peri. cond. Le llv. rm with fplace, kit. lth good built -ins. utility rm., Ige. lot, walking mt. to town. Close to senior huh and Psrrirh and good shopping crn't-r. Gray-Kimmel Realty Co. 1385 N. Cnpltnl St. Ph. 3-6458. Eve. 2-521)7, J-dKOl, 2-4.!S3 aH" twcTbtterlasshomes- Practically new. Llv. R, Din.. Kit. Nook, 3 Red., Double Plumb.. Pull Bse ment with Knolty Pine Play R . two fireplaces, dble gar . 2 lots, fenced and landseaped 1970 John Ph 3-6226. 3JS Sf" OWNFR Vermairnoue7un fin ished but livable, $76 dn.. $36 a mo 1160 ph 1-S3U. l-JJM. ajJ4' FOR SALE LOTS CORNER LOT, 100x167, sub. $450. terms. Owner, 300 S. 32nd St., Ph. 3-4936 aa338 WE ' WIILnri.LYilT A LOT $100 to ioo down. Balance easy pay ment. Price from $660 up. R. Isherwood Realtor 1007 N. Cspllol HI Off Ph. l-3 Eve. Ph. 3-3147 or 3-8Bi6,aHJ $10 DOWN! Lot with water, electricity, bus serv ice, tree, close to achool. Balance 115 per month. Reimann For Real Estate 301 South Hlh Ph 3-930. Sun. Ive. 2-8341, 1-1301, 3-3533. 3-S7JS as326 ST OWNER -Lot 70x112 south Cllv wa ter, bus. rentrlrtlons, $660. $3 dn . $10 a mo. Ph. 3-6311. Eve, 3 -.130 J a324 WALKINfrnivTAVrr ot Slat" B!dg.' on No. Winter St , 60100 lot with old ttu aae, some fruit tree St ahrubbarr. paved alley. Price $1600. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S Com I St Ph. I -MM v. 1-4911 C $.$0l Mill IFOR SALE HOUSES REIMANN FOR TOUR CORNERS Spacious 3-bedroom home on 1 acre of ground with good business fronts on paved atreet. Nice yard. 1 atanehlon barn, shop, small chtx house. Close, to school. Immediate possession. Will trade for 3-bedroom horn In city. Only 38,000. No. 341 SUBURBAN EAST S bedroom and den. Beautiful setting on $ acres or mora of land. Leather up holstered breakfast nook. 3 lovely fire places, basement, automatic ell furnace. Nlc hobby ahop. Many other fin home REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 101 South Huh St. F Sun. at Ivej. 1-1731, 1-9713, J-9J4I. -!. 3-5905 GRABENHORST SPECIALS CANDALARIA HEIGHTS Cmy rm. home, S bdrma. hdwd. fin. thruout, brkit. rm., auto-oll heec, dbl,. Iirue, Truly a (In. homt. Prlc, 114,200. Oil PETER OEISER. 1940 VIRGINIA STREET Tr back yard of this home Join Englewood School, 1 bdrm., open talrcae, 3 full sets Plbg., with colotyle walls, lse. master bdrm., full basement with auto oil heat, finest rumpus rm. in town, beautiful yard, fish pond, outside fireplace, dble. garage 100 ft. of frontage. Priced below replacement cost. FOR APPOINT MENT Call Roy Ferrl. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT Modern 4 bdrm. home, auto heat, wall-to-wall carpeting, yard fenced, beautiful flower and hrub. Home In excellent condition. Prica 115,000. Call RICHARD E. ORABENHORST GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Evening end . Roy Ferrla 3-8010 - Earl West 1-0601 FOR SALE FARMS 1 ACRE chicken farm, completely equip ped, tile brooder, good barn, cnicnen house and 2 garages. 3 barm, noma part ly furnished. Inc. electric stove and hot water heater, electric Irrigation, nice lawn and shrubs. Price $7500. Located on highway Vi mile E. Marlon. $3500 loan can be arranged. Elmer Hofmann, Marlon. Phone 1824R Stayton, Ore. b223 PROFITABLE FARM 200 acres, or will divide. 10 acrea plant ed to Chewing Fescue. Fenced for sheep, Year round spring. New 1-bedroom stuc co home, 3 fireplace, basement, oil furnace, ! oatns oeauwui seeing, Near school, stores, etc. Will take house In trade. No. 1066 Reiman for Real Estate 201 South Hlfh St. Ph. 3-9203 Evening and Sunday 2-3731, 2-9712, 3-6905, 2-8241, 1-2532 b223' Grade "A" Dairy 46 acre dairy farm, all in cultivation, grade A barn St milk house. Excellent 5 room plastered home with hardwood floors, 16 high producing dairy cows. Tractor with complete equipment. All for 129,000. Consider Salem home a part. Dunn Realty Exch. 984 N. Pacific Hlway Woodburn. Ore. b223" 76 Acres Near Mt. Angel 60 A. bottom land, Irrigation available. Large HOME, elec, pressure water, bath, basement, barn 40x60, drlve-ln hay mow. Concrete foundation. Many out buildings, abundance of family fruit, shade and shrubs. BARGAIN. $16,000.00 '4 Cash. Balance at A"t Dunn Realty Exch. FOR SALE ACREAGE BY OWNER, 1 acrea No. with Income. Modern all electric home. Good barn. )ti:bls garage. Leaving state, Ph, 31867. Rt. 3. Box 262. bb337 4 BEDROOM house, barn, large shed, approx. 3 acres of good productive soli. Highway frontage, close in on Sllverton bin highway, a good buy at $7500. This can be bought for 11000 down and your own terms on the balance. 2 BEDROOM modern home In Lablsh dis trict on l'a acres of good Lablsh soil. Chicken house, family fruit. This place has been reduced to $6760 for quick sale. 13050 will handle. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exoluslvo Listing Personal Service 164 8. Com'l St. Ph. 1-8389 Eve. 3-4937 or 3-5068. bb223 FOR SALE or rent. 30 acre near Auma- ville. Joe Hllla, Rt. 3, Aberdeen, S. D. bb338 REAL ESTATE TO TRADE on property, 1941 Bulck auper senan, rnone if J on a aiier op.m. eaaj A DANDY, attractive, two year old, 3 bdrm, at edaa of city; fully inaulated and weather t rip ped; dining room; gas floor furnace; yard fenced. O. I. loan of 17300, payable $63,18 a month mny be assumed. Total price 19360. TWO BEDROOM, ranch type, 1 Wen did location, hardwood floors; two fire Places, full basement, Yes, there Is a dining room. The full prica la $13,000. Terms. A NEARLY NICW two bdrm. Just out of city limits NE for only $6000. A down payment of $1330 will give you Immedi ate possession and balance at $48 per month. 10 ACRES, 1 acre young cherries: good house, barn, poultry house; family ber ries; drilled well with plenty of water. About 10 miles out. 17600. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N Hurt Bt. Phong 1-7660 Eva Phone 3-4691-2-6606. C324 FOR TOUR SAVlNQd investment buy ftrit mortgage on real aetata. Balem Si vicinity. Examine security yourself Amounts $600 to several thousand dol lars, net Investor 6 W make all col lections for you It desired. STATE FINANCE CO !.M 8 High f BEST BUYS Englewood $S00 Down Almost new. Electric heat, attached gar ane, hardwood floors. Immediate pos session. Payments only -66 per month including 4r. Interest. Pull prlc 18600. Eve. phone 3-0473 or 3-1668 Leslie School Older type home In good condition. Full basement. Choice location. Fireplace. Now rented for 163 per month. Good In vestment property. Total price $6860. Term. Fve Ph. 3-0473 or 3-3668. 3 Bdrm. New Close to Englewood school. Unfinished uivtair. Corner lot. Insulated, weather stripped FHA. approved for I6S00. Total price only 110.600. Eve. Ph. 1-0473 or 3-3668. FARMS 3 Acres Older type 4 bdrm, modern homo. Close In. North Well. Paved road Immediate possession. 1600 down will handle. Total price reduced to 17600. Eve. ph. 3-8403 or 3-1668. 5 Acres $3900 1 rm. house built In 194$. Amity soil 1 acres cleared. Owner leaving state. Term arranged. Eve. Ph. 1-1401 or 3-3666. 69 Acres Fxeetlent buildings. Very modern home 4n60 barn. Close in to Balem. Will trad for home in Salem. Total pnre only 118.600. Eve Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3668. Al Isaak & Co,, Realtor Ph. 1-7830. 2-4691 3038 Portland Rd fJ-lS WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE! If your roiWri u for eaie rent or exchange list It with We baTe all kinds of eaAh buveri TATI FINANCE CO, REAL TOR I J63 S Blab St fi t ARE In aeed e com nouse to sell In or near Salem If you wis to rkst your rrrpert? for sale ee . C, RaritN HO T RIOA.. RRMTOBJ 134 S Libert St Phone I 3411 ea wtTrn-Suburbaalot withwaTe7 ph t-0403. !!$ IFOR SALE HOUSES REAL ESTATE extra. Will trad for city property. No. 1066 FAIRMOUNT HILL 3 bedroom home with living room, din ing room, all hardwood floor. Large garage. Will trade. Only $8600. Phone 2-2471 Sunday, Cell Peter Oelaer 1-W98 Ben Rolaen 3-3471 23I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED TO BUY: A beauty shop. Pay cash. Write Capital Journal Box 416. cd233 15 FOR YOU We will aell you a house for $2600, and rent for 140 month orf no deal. Inquire. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 8. Com'l Ph. 3-4649 cd223 Grocery & 4 Rentals Plus llv. quarter all modern. Stock and equip, Incl. In down payment. $1000 full price. 7500., Located on coast. Here' your opportunity. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 8. Com'l. Ph. 2-4649. cd323 Tavern - Sandwich Shop Lot of parking, 185 ft. on Pacific Hlway, excellent building, living quar ter. BUSINESS la GOOD. Health rea son for selling. 133,760.00 Dunn Realty Exch. 884 N. Paclflo Hlway, Woodburn, Ore, cd223 FOB LEASE or sale, new store building, toxov, at jaanon at, rn. 3-4830. cd338 Grocery - Home Near NEW Concrete Bldg. 30x40. Exc. equipment, plus 5-rm. Mod. Home. 2-rm, Cottage rented. On Pacific hlway. $15,000.00. Dunn Realty Exch. 984 N. Pacific Hlway, Woodburn, Ore. cd223 YOUR BEST TAVERN BUY. This ha the reputation of being one of the BEST LOCATED, MOST PROFITABLE spot for a combined tavern St restaurant In SALEM. Ha enjoyed a steady, well ad vertised trade for over 8 yr. (81,000 gross last yr.) Mod. equlpm't includes NEW booth it tables. BIO walltln cooler, NEW beer cabinet, NEW range, NEW French fryer, $1400 heating equip ment, $1300 Neon sign, air conditioned. Low lease, 4 yr. to go. (Could be an ideal nit spot). Present owner doe not operate. Under personal operation this will pay BIO ft FAST. Come in and get the FACTS, and the LOW PRICE will surprise yout No phone Info., please. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing - Personal Service 104 8. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389 Eve. 3-5068 or 3-4937 cd223 GROCERY MEATS For aale or trade. Living quarters. Good clean atock. Com p. fixtures. Sacrifice for quick sal. 15500 will handle. 2 doors aouth of post office, Hubbard, Ore. Cd238 ONE LABOE BOOM the equivalent Of 2 oroinary rooms in modern building for rent. Linoleum floor. 465 sq. ft. All service Included. $55 per month. Call 3-1898 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. cd223 Deluxe Cafe Largo trade A Cafe, fully equipped with 3 nice modern 3-rm. apartment, locat ed on 99E near Salem, building and equipment practically new, lota of parking apace, extra room for courts. Will take Salem home on trade or give easy term. Call Ray Davl. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 980 8. Commercial Ph. 13848 Eve. 38868 cd224 FURNITURE FOR SALE USED FTRNITTJRE in good cond. Ph. Oer- vau aasi. Rt, 1, box 134, Brook. Ore. d224 ONE CHROME dinette aet, mica top ta- oie wun single enrom teg; ana 4 leath erette chairs. Cost 179.50. used 9 months, sacrifice $49.50. Ph, 3-6400 or 3770 Oar dent Road. d225 I'm Not a River BUT, t do have a big outlet for fur niture, appliances, rugs, radio, port Ing equpt,, antiques, musical Instru ment or what have "U". Cash on the line. You won't get hooked, really get the limit by phontne GLENN WOODRY WANTED FURNITURE t'sro Fl'RN. Immed. appraisal. Highest price Valley Furn. 386 N. Com'l. Pb. 37472. da234 IF YOU HAVE FURNITURE, appliance. sporting goods, eto., to sell want TOP PRICES b sura to call TRADER LOUIE, 3065 Portland Rd. Ph. 1-8558 day or 2-4407 eve. d235 RHiHFTT PRICES paid Phone Olentt at Woodrv Auction Uarket Ph 1-6110 da AUCTIONS LIVESTOCK it FURNITURE AUCTION WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER tl 10 AM ft T PM X 1848 Deluxe M. W. Elec. Rang 1948 V 1" Phi! co Refrlg. SBendli Automatic Washer All-American Meal ft Bon Elec. Saw Model 615 Domstlc Sewing Machine 1 tiavenoe a 1 Walnut Bedroom Seta 3 Cabinet Radio Thor Washer Davenport ft Chair 8) Box I f) 1 Dre f) 3 We Spring Mattresses Dressers 'estlnehonse Flectnc Rni 3 S-piece rireakr! net I Oil Circulators 1 Ring Oil Burner Bicycle Mucellaneoua Tool FreAh Vegetable ft Fruit gf Farm Machinery Chicken and Rabbiu 8) Calve ft Veal Weaner ft Peedi f Cog, heifer a Feeder Pias nd bull. LANE SUDTELL'S Auction Sales Yard Loeeteel I Mile leet of Belea n llv.rton lifted "To Bur or CVll Cell 1-tOit" dal:4 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 3 Bedroom Home on West Wilson A good buy for 15600 mait lot, excellent location, all bedroom down. Shrubbery, Flowers and Atmosphere Galore 4 mil from the center of town and yet well off tha beaten path 1 acre, natural park setting, many native trees, comfortable 3 bedroom home with basement and garage. 18000. Make Your Offer Must Sell A well built 1 bdroom home with full basement and oil furnace, lood residential district, just off South High St. Nothing To Do But move right In. It' a charming 1 bedroom home on Pearl St., ha large lot, good district, 18000. FHA mtf full price 111,000. Wonderful for a Large Family 1 large bedroom, big living-room and dlnlngroom, full kitchen with nook, doubt Plumbing, huge basement with gas furnace, fireplace, located at 139 N. Winter St. Sea u for price. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 47T Court St. Phone 9411!-3411 Eve. 13631 - ft9P6 - I34M . 38053 ft3ae AUCTIONS AUCTION SALE TUESDAY, SEPT. 20 to 8 P.M Oleowood Bell Room. 300 Yertls North of Drive la Theetre on 99E Furniture SRubj stock of Gift Shop Desk Devenoe A Mutcelleneoue Glenn Woodry Auctioneer FOR SALE LIVESTOCK GOOD SADDLE horee. Cheep. Otto Yun- ker. ml. N. Keuer echool. e333 JERSEY COW to freshen with 4th calf. Rt. 3. Box 374. Ph. 31859. .223 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. McCandlteh. 1137 S. 35. Ph. 3-8147. e,231 RABBITS WING'S BABBIT EY needs rabbit. Top price 3965 State. Ph. 3-1489. eb342l PETS REG. COLLIE puppies, route 3, box 179 Ph. 2-2363. ecZZV I YELLOW ParrakeeU. Price $9.00. Ph. 26503. ec223 MOORE'S TROPICAL fish ft aupplies, Ige. variety. Special on Red words ft Oup ple. Open evenings until 9 p.m. Rt. 5, box 483 on Macleay rd. ec224 NICE MEXICAN chihuahua female, 7 months, also male puppy, 5 month. Call at 420 Miller in Dallas. ec224 8 FAT BROWN PUPS need good home. Mother Colli Shepard. Ph. 2-3591. ec224 COCKER PUPS $10 and $15. Phone 2-5441 162 W. Lincoln. ec226 WILL OIVE good country home to point er, setter, or springer. Ph. 27288. ec223' FUEL CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends ft Block Wood. Ph. 16444 ee PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir, oak, ash ft maple, 4' fir, 18" slab and edgings. Ph. 31458. ee West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN. CLEAX . NO BARS SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone SMem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St.. West Salem ee' TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 37442 IS" Slab Wood and Edging Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SftH GREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY COLORED FRYERS. Ph. 31298 1226 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day, order fry or Hens now at spe cial quantity prices for your lockers. Custom Dressing a specialty. Phone 22861. Lee's Hatchery. f NEW HAMPSHIRE chick for immediate or future delivery. Hatches every Tues Pox Hatchery, 3830 Stat St. Ph. 3-4969 f PRODUCE TOMATOES a bu. or ton. U-plck $1 bu. man. Box 32, Ph. Jefferson 504. ff243 CUCUMBERS, you Pick, 2c lb. Arthur Evan, Rt. 2, Box 284 at Clearlake. ' ff237 SWEET CANNING Tomatoes. L. H. Zlelke. at Robert School. Ph. 31578. If228 CANNING TOMATOES. You pick. Imlah Fruit Farm, b mile out Wallace Rd. Ph. 20374. ff223 E OREGON ALFALFA 1ST St 2ND CUTTING NOW BEING DE LIVERED WRITE 14. VI 3. 3RD, BEND. OREGON OR PH. 405 W. ff230 CORN, sweet golden bantam. Any quan tity. e.E. of walling Gravel. 2175 8. loth. H223 CANNING CORN. Main rd. W. of Keiier school 1 ml. Inquire at Evans, Rt. 2. Box 102. ffJ25 CANNING TOMATOES $1.25 bu. Melons. 3300 N. River Rd. ff225 TOMATOES AND PEPPERS CANNINO. JUICE AND LOCKER WILL DELIVER PH. 2-7172 ff228" TOMATOES, cucumbers, fresh eggs. Fri- gaard Fruit Farm, M ml. N. Kelzer school. ff240 FILBERT AND Walnut drying. Special service ror small lots. Phone a-asei Lee's Hatchery. ff TOMATOES, hybrid, acid free. Will de liver. O. M. Gorman, Jefferson. Ore. Ph 318. ff326 HELP WANTED BEAN PICKERS wanted Tuesday and Wednesday. Bishop's at 8. River Rd. Ph. 3-0137 for Information. R333 HELP WANTED MALE THf ALLTTE IVsnUNCB TO. orsan- ired by Sears Roebuck ft Co. ha an opening in a Salem Sale office for an 33. Large attached garage. Utility room, experience. Successrul applicant will be thoroughly trained to aell automobile Insurance and will receive a guaranteed Income from the very first day. Unique method of operation assures unlimited prospect Other employment benefit in clude renewal credits, profit ah a ring, group life ft hospitallratlon Insurance. Ph. Mr. Oustafson at 1-9191, ext. 11. to arrange tor a personal Interview. g324 WANTED Studious high echool boy, w li me to ty in ntehta to live in town lor bnard. room ft small wage. For m'e--v.ew call at 4736 Harcourt Ave, or Ph. 1.7nT nfter 6 pm g.i?27 HELP WArmtFEMALE ROt tFKEEPER wanted. Modern home In country. Widower. Good wage. Box 417 Capital Journal. gbJ24 WANT WOM4.N for light housework and care tor 3 small boys. Ph. 3-0594 gbJ:8 WANT WOMAN to care for 3-year-old gin. stay nights, rnone 4-361. gt323 GIRLS 18 or older, free to work matinees. apply Capitol Theetre. gb2j4 SECT. TO director of admission. Willam ette university, tvplng. short hand, x cutive ability, refer. Interview by ap pointment. Ph. 3926, Ext. 31. gb233' LIGHT HOUSE work, no washing. Private rm. l chid Sun . holiday and even mo ff. Ph. 23341 after $ 00. 90323 IFOR SALE HOUSES HELP WANTED FEMALE ASSISTANT IN tn accounting dept. Shorthand required. Apply In own hand writing, stating experience and age. P. O. Box 229 Salem. gb224 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 390 State street Phone 3-1488. gf WANTED SALESMAN EXPERIENCED I urn I lure salesman, list exp. ft qualification. Write Box 394. Capital Journal. gg 3 EXP. salesmen to sell leading line of appliance. Salary plu comm. Trans portation furnished. Write Box 198 Cap ital Journal. gga WANTED POSITIONS EXPERIENCED SERVICE station roan would like to takeover station or work. Have had 10 yrs. of exper. Good refer ence. Mr. George Ashley, Rt. 1, Box Al, Sublimity, Ore. h226 TEACHING POSITION wanted near Sll verton. Write Box 418, Capital Journal. h223 TREEWORK Topping, Removing, Etc. INSURED OPERATOR JOHN PAYNE 348 8. Church Ph. 38014 h224 CHILD CARE.. 183 S. 18th. Ph. 26876. h243 TREE WORK, topping trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllis ter, 840 Trade. Ph 2-1496. h235' INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph, 1-6766 h227 Mimeographing-Typing POE'S. 663 North 16th. Phont 1-3643 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. aerv Ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 1-5072. h230 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850. h FOR RENT ROOMS LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room. Ph. 3-4335, my . enure n. Jk2S4 1 SLPG. rms. Women or girl. Outside ent. bus at door. Ph. 38751. Jk227 ROOMS FOR rent. Ladles only. Kitchen vi ivueKc. ozu statesman. jkw FOR RENT ROOMS LARGE SLEEPING room. Employed la- ay or coupie. i n. winter. Ph. 38459. jk325 PLEASANT SLEEPING room for gentle- man. 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4547. Jk228 WELL FURN. rm. private bath. Close in. un dus line, rn, 2-5438. jk224 SLEEPING ROOMS. PH. 3-4335. Jk237 CLOSE IN Sleeping rm. Ph. 36316. Jk226' PLEASANT ROOM, prlv. home, kitchen priv. employed lady preferred. Ph. 3-7465, 1550 State. Jk22S LARGE SLEEPING room. Walking dlst. to tuwii. jju Mission. jxaas" FURN. SLEEPING RMS. for men. Ph. Jk323 3-3984. HOLLYWOOD rms. 2035 McCoy. Ph. 1-6093. Jk225 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 4 RM. NICE QUIET furn. apt. Adults. Near state ft forestry bldg. Capital Journal box 418. jp224 2-ROOM CLEAN apt. Emp. couple. Call Mb 1UUM . inn. J PetitD ' NEWLY DECORATED heated apt., 2 ad,- uns, mi jov n. iioeriy, Appiy up to 7 p.m. JP228- 1 RM. furn. apt. 960 Parrlsh. 8 RM. FURN. Close in. Quiet couple. 165. ' Ctti55: JP224 NICE APT. for rent. Ground floor. 1090 N. Capitol. Jp223 1 RM. APT. fur. Prl. ent. Close In. Emp. COUPie. 1467 Court Bt. 1P224 SMALL Fl'RN. APT. Prfv ahower. Prlv. ent. Utilities furn. $40 a mo. Ph. 3-6453. 1P225 t RM. APT. First floor. Oil ft ga. 678 So. 12th St. Jp224 TWO RM. APT. Nicely furn. but not so modern. Young couple desired. No drink er need apply. Blaine Hotel office. JP224 I ATTRACTIVE 3 rm. furn. 4pt. Prlv. bath. Utilities furnished. Ph. 9-9138 after 6. p.m. Jp22i APT. 5 BLKS. from U. 8. Nat. bank avail able now. 610 So. Com'l. Flakier Apt. Tele. 3-6187. Jp335 1-RM. partly furn. apt. Clean, garage, close to bus. $50 mo. 1560 Portland Road. Jp225 Fl'RN. PULLMAN apt. 444 N. Cottage. Ph. 21887. JP223 FOR RENT HOUSES 1 B.R. HOUSE, on 65 A. of land. 7 ml. south of Salem, rent 140 per mo. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St. Phone 9-3649 Jm323a MODERN S room house. 2 bdrms. and garage. Brown Road. 5th house on left, near Swegle School. Jm225 DUPLEX. 1544 Elm Si. Ph. 3-9343. Jm225 FURNISHED 2 B. R. home, auto heat, hot water. Adults, ISO. Ph. 34370. Jm23& 1 BDRM. furn. hornet Electric dish wash- er. automatic oil furnace, electric water heater, double garage. 190 per month. Ph. 3-6137. Ira234 You Are Entitled to Have Pets & Children When You Buy a Home Investigate the $195 dn. buying plan on lovely modern 2 BR home, L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church St. Ph. 3-7643 Eve. or Sun. 1-8136 jm MODERN I BR home at 1975 N, 20th. Pom. Imm. $76 month. Write I. B. Pa tenon, Rt, 1, Bos 117, ScotU Mill. jm4 NICE 1-BDRM. unfurn. house. Electric NEW SUBUBRIN 2 bdrm. houne. Electric heat. V. blinds, hardwood floors, 170 per mo. Positively ne oata or dogs. 4548 S'ate St. Ph. 31135 Jm323 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE, desk apaco, Conv. loe. Ph. 19133 J245 Fl OOR MNDFRS for rent Uoouoraer ward. J" MODERN MORE BUILDING. 40x70 With a t. Included Plus fui: basement. P. H. BELL REALTOR 361 Chemeketa )213 POWER TOOL rental for bom and tn- daatrial use. Howaer Broa, Pb 1-3646 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS NEW STORE' BUILDING, 1081 Broadwtr. Ph. 31836 or 43339. J325 TO DO g good lob rent ft good floor sand r Wa aell vrytbiDC to aompleta Hi Job. HOWSER BROS. Ph. 8-1846 J "-OOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. 3FFICK space and desk space. Ph. 35693. TRAILER HOUSE for. rent. rurn. Reason able. 694 N. 13th St. J236 TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Howaer Bros UK 8 12th. West Salem. 1 BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. V DRIVE truck, cara. Ph. 3-9103. SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chine. Reasonable rate. Free pick up ft delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com'l. Ph. 83512 J WANTED TO RENT MEATCUTTER, WIFE. 2 small girls ur gently need 2 bdrm. house with stove by Oct. 1. Not over 160. Ph. 25360. 1224 BY YOUNG employed couple. 1 or 2 bed room lurniinea or parity lurnisnea house by Oct. 1. Not over $50. Capital Journal. Box 420. Ja226 I ADULTS need by Oct. 1st, mod. 1 bed room house, furn. or unfurn. Will pay up to 150 and take best of ear. Box 419 Capital Journal. Ja225 WANT TO RENT GARAGE In Hollywood dlst. Ph. 1-4407, ear only. ja?2 MODERN t bdrm. house. Automatic heat. Elderly couple. Ph. 26262. Ja333 PHYSICIAN ft family desire 2 or 3 bdrm. unfurn. house. Will lease. Call 30319. ja228 NEW MONTGOMERY Ward manager needs 3 bdrm. home, will lease. Please can Mr. wolf 33191. ja1 ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE home tn country. No smok er or drinker, write capita, journal, BOX 462. JJ249 ELDERLY LADY wants room and board in good home. Ph. 33818. JJ223 LOST AND FOUND LOST: 3 strand aet of pearls In vicinity of Woolworth or Penney'a Friday evening. Ph. 2-4689 or 2-3341. k224 LOST: A lady's red alligator billfold, somewhere at the State Fair. Finder please keep halt the cash and send me tne Diuioia as it contains caras ana things valuable only to me. Yvonne F. Neff, 924 Taylor, Oregon City. Ore. k223 LOSTI Lady' rose gold wrist watch on black cord. Reward. Ph. 37054, 1547 Chemeketa. k223 LOST: Rhinestone lapel watch. Vicinity of Liberty ft State. Reward. Ph. Miss Robinson, 33163. k223 FOUND: Bicycle. Owner may claim by ident. ft pay for thia ad. Ph. 1-6203 after 4 p.m. k225 BATON found on Highland ft Cherry. Get article by paying for ad. Ph. 2-7594. k225 MISCELLANEOUS LEH SPRINGER, men' hatter. 464 Court, We close Saturday 12:30. m244 DENTAL PLATS REPAIR 1-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldx. State ft Commercial 8ts SALEM Phone 3-3811 m BUILDING MATERIALS Wrecking Gov't Projects Hundreds modern sash ft window. Cast Iron ft vitreous china wash basin com plete with fitting. 100 30-inch 1 panel door with frame ft hardware. Large supply of 33 ft 36 Inch glasa door with frame ft hardware. C. G. Long, Ph. 2-5821. One mile north of Kelzer. ma223 BUILDERS New 4 Inch 4x6 ft. aheeta liuulatlon board 5c ft., only $1.84 sheet. A dur able attractive wall board, light In weight with Insulating value. No. I mountain cedar shingle $7.75 sq. Cedar shakes In the carton, painted ft with under course 112 sq. C. G. Long, Ph, 2-5821. One mile north of Kelzer. ma 223 INSULATION-DOORS New fiber glasa roll blanket Insulation at bargain price, Full stock 1 panel doors, grade A. Low price on mahogany Interior door made in Sweden. French doors, glass doors, entrance door. Check our prices. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5821. One mile north of Kelzer. ma223 DOORS Flush Interior and exterior door. Just a few left at special price. Keith Biown. Front ft Court St., Salem, ma CEDAR GUTTERS Just received small stock of hard to get grades, (clear) ft (tight-knot) 3"x4" Cedar gutter. Keith Brown. Front ft Court St., Salem, ma" CEDAR SIDING New anipment Hx8" and xln" cedar aiding, all trade. Keith Brown, Front ft Court St.. Salem. "Sorrowful Jones," plus "Fighting O' Flynn." ma SAVE ON ROOFINQ Let Ward give you complete IN STALLED prlc on your roofing needs Wide range of colors. Call our outside salesman for tree estimate. Phone 8-3191 UONTOOMERT WARD ft CO SALEM. OREGON mi' NEW SHIPMENT piast board V SUe: V 8c sq. ft. Rock lathe 4 aq. ft 11.78 MONTGOMERY WARD S&LEU ma ALU MA - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK JH1NOLE. The modern permanent roof ing. Sea your dealer of Call Dlst. 3-6401. ma272 STEEL AND Aluminum Window Frames. Casement. Double Hung A Commercial Type. PUMILTTE, Wet Salem. ma223 FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatform ft Bennet-Ireland fireplace circulator. All fireplace and masonry material. PUMILTTE West Salem. ma223 CHIMNEY BLOCKS ft Foundation BlocksT PUMILITE, West Salem. ma 223 ROCKLATH, PLASTER and Stuceo mater ials. Complete line, quality materials. PUMILITE - West Salem. ma223 RED CEDAR SHINGLES Hitb Mountain or Coast Timber No. 1 $7 75 DELIVERED ANY AMOUNT 100 sq. No. 3, 8 in clear, suitable for roof or sldewall. Ted Muller, Pb. Sa lem 2-1196. Salem-Indep. Road. ma NURSERY STOCK DAHLIAS: Order bulbs now. 1491 7th St. west saiem. pn. 3-0514. mb224 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS GOOD 806 SAVAGE RIFLE. Ph. Oervais 3281. Rt. 1, box 134, Brook, Ore. n224 SEARS COLDSPOT refrlg. 6 cu. ft. 176. 4450 Dierk Rd. Ph. 26200. n324 KNABE Orand Piano. Phone 24641. n227 CUSTOM BUILT gun. caliber 370. Se It at welcome inn car, sh mllea 8. on 99t. n224 NEW 800 Savage, model 99EO. Also 38 N H. pullets, now laying. Call 1771 Dallas or writ Leonard Berg, Rt. 3. Box 397. Dallas. n334 PHILLIPS ENGLISH bicycle like new. gear shift, wi light with generator, cyclometer ft very good buy. 1181 Cen ter. 194 ZENITH refrlg. 7' cu. ft. Used I mo. will sell for 8178. Original coat $288. Ph. 21781. n224 6 RM. COLEMAN oil circulator, pipe, 138 saj. tanx copper tuning. Ph. 8-8411 n223 16 SIEE Elgin pocket watch. Handsome dial ft case. Electronically tested, high ly accurate time keeper Reasonably prlced. Ph. 29774, n22J WINCHESTER 30-30. Oood COnd., $36 00. Bert Hoyt, 820 Pine St. n32S COLEMAN FLOOR furnace. 80.000 BTU u.e 1 aeason. 180. Mr. Smith. Ph. 4-3278between U I pn. mil NATIONAL .173 ALL-WAVE RADIO RE CEIVER. LIKE NEW. PH. 14726. n215 davenport ft CHAIR, reasonable. 1166 E,m St. Call after $. 1.331 BALLET ft DAVIS square grand plane. rrurr onguiM iwr WOOO, IiniSn. Mtlll aell at $660. L E Br ice Rt. I Bog 413R. Albany. Ph. PJ1R3. n223 MUST SELL: Leaving state, davenport rnir, enromp kvvi ctneitfj gat, red seeta. N tfeeiert. Ph. 141. g,2ir FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: Shell for foreign ft odd cali bre rifles. Also several rifles. Trade considered. V. M. Sarkett, 1810 Sc. Winter St. Phone 3-4912. 1336V roodf. we HAVE baiaaina in alec. aai. wooft kerosene ranges, elec, wood, gas. otU kerosene heaters cheap. New O E. refrlg.. elec. washers, floor lamps, beds, springs, mattresses, tsbla ft chairs, radios, dressers, chests, rugs, daveno, daven port ft chair set, Irons, toasters, elec, mixers, waffle Irons, end tables, sewing machines, 32 rifles, automatic 12 guag shotgun, hot plates, elec. ovens, baby beds, 2 wheel trailers, many other Items to choose from. Hardman Bros. 4'j miles north of Salem on Port. Hlway. Open from I a.m. till $ p.m. 7 days a wk. r.233 MODEL 11 Remington automatic 13 ga. shotgun. Like new. Ph. 35147 after 0 p.m. n223 PIANO SALE! BALDWIN - WURLITZER - CABLE Beautiful sample spinets and console shown at Oregon State Fair at BIO SAVINGS! New piano from $395.00. Also excellent buy on several used grand and up right Stone Piano Co. 1540 Fairground Road Balem, Ore. B225 MONTAG WOOD CIRCULATOR In good conoition 20. can 3 -sees. n.z SEWING MACHINES, New Horn electric. 189.95 ft UP. Ph. 33139. Ralph Johnson Appliances n245 NEW ft USED musical Instruments ft spinet ft grand piano at reduced price. JAQUITH MUSIC CO., Ph. 1-4641 n344 ROOFING Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Lena ave. n223 EMPIRE FLOOR FURNACE, 60,000 B.T.U, for BUTANE GAS. Thermostat con trol, practically new, used 2 mon., oris, cost $142.50 - for $98.50. Jeffo-jf Rt. 1, Bx. 367, Independence, Ore. D22t GOOD USED Furniture at a bargain. Call at 1343 W liber t St. A. M. or after 4 P. M. xtljh SEPTIC TANKS. Concrete Pip and Tile reinforcing steel, mesh and coloring. All kind river soil, pit-run, gravel, crushed, sand and mixes. OREGON GRAVEL COMPANY 1405 N. Front St. Phone 3-3417 H242" MOD. 94 WINCHESTER 33 special $43. Mod. 8 Remington automatio 10 cal 176. Phone 2-5578. n228" BY OWNER: Nice home, good location.' outdoor fireplace, fruit trees, $6300. 636 . 2 it. n:25 94 WINCHESTER carbine, 25-35, $40 Ph7 2-5613. n230 FILBERT NUTS, also wood circulator, $12.50. Other furniture. 936 '4 Jefferson, 022& USED SEWING Machine. Reasonably priced. Ph. 3-3139. Ralph Johnson Appliances Paging All Newly Weds You can't afford to buy one item of fur niture until you have shopped Glenn Woodry' Furniture Mkt, You'll b hown clever new furniture at unbe lievably low price. Term of course. "For a real buy. elve 11 tr Glenn Woodry Furn. Mkt. K. C. ALLEN Ceeh HeiUter. Like new. I17B. rn. a-,fl4l. 224 Save 20 to 50 ON BAND ft ORCHESTRA INSTRUMENTS ft SUPPLIES New Clarinets 159.50. Trumpet 142 50. Trombone 165.00. Baritone $126.00. French horn 1175.00. Violin $15 up. All kinds of used instruments. Some rental instruments available. . Jacquith Music Co. Ph. 3-4641 846 Cascade Drive. n324 FULLER brushes, 1745 Grant. Ph. 1-8357. 5 -AND r wooden display table, RelST jtii. A-oQoo. rl. t, BOX 910. STEEL CLOTHESLINE post, railing in tg oraer. 110 w, LlDertT. S241 TRUCKERS come and get It, pit run and i hi irt,, ovc. i ooc. commercial Sand and Gravel Co. Ph. 21966. n227 WiTT.TWrt B.Wn a. nt. CRUSHED BOCK for road and driveway. """w! reay mix concrete, garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditching, i-yd. shovel and drag Una. Ph. 1-9249. SALEM SAND a. UKAVEL COUP ANT Contract Work load . clearing Ditching Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental 18 B vj yda 10 B 14 3d. D-7 Cat ft Dozer D-6 Cat ft Dozer D-4 Cat ft Dozer See ua about ditching by the ft. Phone Days 1-9408 Eves 3-826 or 3-4400 Balem Oregon n USED OIL burners and blowete. priced " "" 'oooi. n233 SEWING Machine Electric or Treadle. ""ici on an maxes. rn. 3-7671. n228 kuwBER 3x4's by Jitney load. $10 per --"" 4ui, evuuepeoaenc jjumDer ft Mfg. Co., Inc., Independence, Ore. GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley. Gibson uovi Appiances at uevurtz. FENCE POSTS, pole, all types, oh in lea. a iiBtrwcK. t-CUlip BrM Rt. 6. Box 118. Ph. 81468 n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE NEED Junk batteries. Paying 81.75. netraaa lire service, 330 So. Lancaster. na231 a m. "'Ju" m giue m repair. um "jgP FURNTTUKE Phone 1-9115 na PERSONAL STANLEY Home Product. 555 Croei. Ph, AUTOMOBILES LOOK CARS - TRUCKS - PANELS LOW AS $50 DOWN RON'S MOTOR CO. pn, i.i9 1M RI'DtON, I ISO 9115 K. Liberty. Wl. '" 0JJ4' 'M PLTMOl'TH. motor. Oood rubber. In tood cond. See el a41 Mill l IM CHEV. Dl. Coupe. Oood eond. uso. Broou Treller perk. 1184 Atete. See Sunder or mornlnce. qa24 IMa.CHEV. conr. nH. Pleitle eeet coy. ere. seiru. etc. Like new. 11550 ce,h. Prime owner. Pb. 11909. q314 IM9 DL'ftANT roediter, iter, good motor. . eiue or ee, at 410 rr. nd. 11 DODGE pen,. EiefUrnt condition. . see et 17, s. Com l afternoon l4 INTERNATIONAL ton pickup. 4 peed trene It. b'd. 13. 000 mile,. Inquire et 1011 1th St . Weet Seltm en, time alter I pro. Ph. 19,71. Aek Al. 41 olds, A-l iher Old car at 1350 equllT. Ph. 4.3411 qJIl o Irmn 41 dt. ,m bh jt Ch. e, oer. coupe, HftH. 'Il Chev. eed. Model A eed. -34 tuei aed. t,r, eleen cheep. 91 Model A eed All fcheee ear, are In food eond priced lor quick eale. Herdmen Brne.. 4 mllea north of Salem en Pnn , .nn 4 mm m we. iron a.m. ttu , p.m. 1 41 and. RatH. 9799. tfn '41 PLY. SDN., food cond. me at. eee (Continued on Pag 17) I