H Capital Journal, Salem. Orejron, Monday. Sept. 19. 1349 AHA! OAZINO DEEP INTO MV W r BETTER TRADE YOUR BALL IN ON A '49 MODEL, MY SWAGGERING SWAMI-THAT WAS ONLY CUPCAKC RADIO PROGRAMS CRYSTAL BALL. BOSS LADY. I PREDICT THAT VON PHONE CALL WILL LEAD US INTO OUR NEXT The HOUSE on LILAC STREET 5EN5ATIONAL, CIRCULATION - lOMT SITTER BUILDING FEATURE STORY MONDAY I I STtVl BOPti, TthAT COUNTERFEITING V" THERE'S M,vl f AHA OAZINO DEEP INTO MY V I tdltor. SERIES MADE SHARP (PHONE STEVE"' CRYSTAL BALI ROM I Arrv t IF 5 EL. rSJn?1!'-;1'0 Gve THgEgsL Jf fstlv Vm pedict that yon phone call HKIT KARSON JOINTS OFF MY RIGHT ARM L'?LQi WILL LEAD US INTO OUR NEXT L 1 W mwrrf FOR ANOTHER ON AS mnn'lVvI I MN.Tinn,4, aVTA1. If I 1 . L. - J I , mm , v. um- . m UMS-r SITTf B I i -P.M. K0C0 V." KO'M by At NawlfxriurM (ClUDter 26) Morris Dlehlman crossed the d to ilet attorney'! office nd (hook lands with the D.A. "Hope I didn't keep you wait' he?" Dlehlman said. "Not at all. I believe you know iverybody except Dr. Reldy." rhe D.A. Indicated the others al ready seated. Dlehlman nodded u the Intro iuctlons were made, then seated llmseir. "We've got a big case on our lands." The D.A. allowed his eyes vo travel around the room. "I think t can forgo the preliminaries. We ill know that we are lace to lace rtth a ruthless gang of criminals vho have been cleverly organized, rhat such a syndicate could exist it first seemed well, lantastic Sow, however, on the evidence Drought to light, there, can onger be any doubt either of Its ixistence or its magnitude. "By piecing together the work rf various investigations we have some to one conclusion. Their busi ness has been widespread murder nurder for a price. Poison seems o have been their favorite weapon, ftough they haven't hesitated to use sther forms of violence. It's pretty tvldent that they are the source ol tia counterfeit currency that has seen flooding this and neighbor Mod states." He waited for a moment. When do one SDOke he went on. "We're getting ready to close In n the lesser fry that make up the irganization. In some instances we ire pretty certain of the names rf the ringleaders, but we daren't nake a move until we're sure. We san't risk an acquittal. Investlga- rs are working on this angle now. "As you know, gentlemen, this Ifflce has for several months been Forking on various aspects of this :ase without any comprehension of he Insurance fraud angle. Then hen Mr. Dlehlman and Mr. Kent approached me on behalf of the sther companies affected, we real ised tftiat you had unwittingly given ds the clue that would become the aredge to crack this gang. You've permitted us to consult your files Hies on death claims where you've paid up. They've disclosed a strange pattern. Each victim has died of pneumonia, gastric-enteritis or heart attack, and in each case, prior to death, considerable insurance has seen placed on his life. "Obviously some members of the Insured's family In each case have cooperated witn the gang. By count ing on such persons' cupidity and greed, the ring has achieved suc cess for a time. Now this standard ized method of killing has proved the one big mistake that means their downfall. "All the companies have also had a number of claims for double in demnity where death was due to violence. You mentioned a case to me that occurred only the other day?" He looked at Dlehlman. The latter nodded. "Yes. It was on a man named Warnock. The policy had been writ ten by one of the agents we were suspicious of. We'd previously agreed that any cases written by these men should come under careful scrutiny. There was a definite slip up In this Warnock case. They got a bit too eager, or maybe they were just too sure of themselves. At any rate, only a few days after the pol icy was Issued, he died In a motor accident or so it appeared until we had a report from the medical examiner. This proved conclusively that the man was dead when he hit the water, that he couldn't have received the Injuries to his head and neck In the course of the ac cident. He'd been deliberately mur dered. In fact, he d been dead sev eral hours before the car went into the pit, and they skillfully framed It to look like an accident. In the ordinary course of events, we would never have questioned it. ' "I wondered, Dr. Adams, If you would give us a report of the fur ther steps which have been taken,' the district attorney asked. "1 had hoped that the medical examiner himself could be here today, but tnat wasn i possioie. "We have to date obtained ex. humatlon orders for some twenty chewing helps keep yourteeth bright v .Km! .IT ( R2730 FRED BAYARD bodies," Dr. Adams addressed the others. "We have found traces of arsenic in every one of them. Now! a person suffering from arsenlcall poisoning simulates pneumonia, i gastro-enterltis or heart ailment, de pending on the method and quan tity of poison administered. It was I a smart angle, but they overlooked one thing, iney dian t count oni the fact that arsenic also causes the tissues to remain unusually Weill preserved. Being metal, arsenic! never decomposes: and In examin ing the remains we've been able to discover the exact amount of the dosage which caused death. They did not apparently kill outright, but poisoned the victim over a long period of time. ' He turned toward Dr. Reldy. "I would like you to tell the others! what you told me the other night. Somehow I feel It has a definite I bearing on the case. ' "I'll be glad to, for what It's worth. I happened to mention It to Dr. Adams when I saw him I at a meeting of the local medical, association the other night, and he thought you might be inter ested " He took out of his pocket the small cardboard box he had pre-l vlously shown to Derna. Bttelly I he related the events leading upl to his discovery that the capsules! contained arsenic. "Unfortunately I find that Dr. Bavles is out of town for a few days, but when he comes back he I may be able to assist us." "Have you written to the Mad ison Company about this?" "I did better than that I wentl to see them. They admitted it was like the samples they've been. sending out recently, but were at a loss to explain the arsenic, rney promised to Investigate, and let met know. I doubt If It'll come to any-1 thing, though." "It's a very Interesting point," the I D.A. agreed. "Would you leave the box of capsules with me? ' "Of course," Reldy said, "and If I hear anything further. I'll let you know right away." Id appreciate It if you would. Well, that seems to bring us alll pretty well up to date. As soon as I receive certain additional in formation I've been waiting for. we can make our arrests. Youll be I getting a call from me." (To Be continued) 3096 SIZES 12 44 New coat Dress A woman's! choice . . . the easy-to-get-into coat dress! No. vm Is cut In sizes 13. 14. 16.1 18, 30, 36. 38, 40. 42 and 44. Size IK, 3 k yds. 34-ln. Just out! The FALL -WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash Ions they are wearing now and new styles to come. Over ISO practical. easy-to-sew, up-to-the-minute pat tern designs lor an ages. Remem ber, It's smart to sew your own and save money. Order your copy now. price just in) cents. To obtain this pattern, send 25c In COINS, giving pattern number, your name, aoaress and aone num ber to Peggy Roberts, Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3, Calif. PATTKRN No. R2M0 never Dlthrlnth Crochet a di minutive dancer's frock in red-and- whlte or green-and-nstural cotton and you have a gay dishcloth, as practical as It Is pretty. A "natural" for showers or bazaars the cloth Is "hung-up" by the shoulder straps. Pattern F.melope No. R 2730 con tains crocheting Instructions, stitch Illustrations and material require ments. To obtain mm pattern, send 90c in COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and tone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal 828 Mission Street San Fran cisco I. Calif. mi i naiuLik. a mi 0 feTy 'nr ! r vSk--f , -l V HA YOU NEVER HM-MW--S0UAMrjERET)l AH? YOU'RE LOOKING r" " 1 " i R B JUST A SECOND, DOC. TILL ) JUST A B I YOU DID FOR US HERE-f ON GROCERIES, EH? I I RADIANT HEALTH RESTORES I EVER REPY I I I ft LOWER TH' DRAWBRIDGE- I CHECX-UP CALL- U I GUESS IT'S LUCKV, I DOESNT TAKE LOty, J I AM OLD CROAKER'S FAITH SOU, DOCTOR? I r r-l J,,, j .... . r --1 NO CHARGE". II I ffTTHBT- V. THESE DOyS- 0 1 IN HIMSELF- I A 1 1 J VOO CANT 6E XJrVWA.TS ThE MATTER A I BUT WHAT X I'LL TAKE 'EM VThE CAMPOS? YOU lnri- I I SERIOUS AEOUT HNITM MY ASE? A SUYS) ABOUT ALOIS -THEY CAMJMEAM YOU'RE ACTUAlLYh-r-T" b1 . WANTING TO fid K NEVER TOO OLD TO J I I YOUR AUVH ON TME ZA SOIMS TO t- URi!vvTfCi Til I TO SCHOOL AT I I T LEAOM r I I CA.(mV ir AMPIIS AJITU J fOLIFfiF yTUC lYlilfiUCPriM l fei'J YOURAGE,WILBUR t. A' I h -iOrrr H Ue AfMUBBLE BATU AND H I I1 1 7 A II f 1 r'W V krir?Nn RFPnwsiBiLmp E -?A (O--, Y rf-v FH A A irg5 L-, iA f -'t ILL FEEL UKEA r-' h SI kL ?lif M MmiM i aHk I au C.CFPKI & &UOfiC SlfiM M bbT cj-VIrT ruiou am' u'amtFfv EveMkiR. I I THET, WITHIN X HOURS- J wE-AU. MEETS THE.T STXWGE M I feJA, 1 VHAR'S TH I I I ON TH TABLE, VOH, MV PORE. 1 CY t - - wt r-v wtaK uiii i aa r i.ino m r, rm BA.'a.x - sbvbt Bn i " i L lg""" IACACRowOgO Pjjjp l 1 f ivy. C nSVs-j 11 'ii; . 1 1 "t5s 'V.J I I - ' - ' . ' " " ' t .--. - M r.. , . I . i . . v t-sj ... ll M HAPPENED ) "CHA f storv I WROTE MOVIE TThE AUGUSTUS that ? BUKMtLM'r JMLTT-VOU U TO THAT- ( LOOKIN J ABOUT MV UFEI STORY? I MUTT STORy"- ( I WHY V tyCfr D0NT WANT kTiiT iT Tjl vrif-nr rr Xi r 1 H T ,,. ,i I I t" 6UESS..UMTILWE SSC FAR OFF, LAD.'.. IP NOT LOOK iNSlPS C bodvI' Beem I R IP THERE IS NO NATFWILATOnV3 FIND HIM itKSg E PS!0F6SSOR,IT MlSHT THE CABIN, fei SgviN6 ?IeIe? I ON THIS ISLANP,NDMVMeN ARE BE ONE OF HS PARTY A SALTY , u"s ' Fflf.l j p ' I M K ALL NOU NEED 13 LOTS 0) KvOU'RE WELCOWS.SON .' H I I I I (CL't . , U a FQESH AI5-..TAse p THAT WILL BE. t- ' rtg! li?l"iE- D n"M,) cj?yjf r-x7. fiftvoolass, (JL ,f s o -Ki V 2Ml50- ". ."a'rr 30 -fr y (,? LLiL tham'ss.poc.' )Vy,,'Vr5 T to4? Lm U-vx fi7- NnONVSABY'- TMtYmALWvvHtN,pULL .me OutH W.TM POEMi CALYPSO - C"1 IMt W'N," oV'. t M i'.V.A.1?"001 ALLYOURHAIR!FuN 4??T. sJ SINGERS 5TIII 00 IT!- I WANT YOU WTVT rTVj?- " j pBBBB1 TMaAKCorTERR " "pR s) las (1J .---K-Xl r fm,?mxk?3r ititrrAwra i-sMmA 00 MM I I Td CAni c TTLl I KSLM IIH UfiO KGW KBO 5:M T Drik Mulct. Sir Rb-tbM Bintk Knit Huilif :1ft Tti Drk Muaical <m Rhrlhm Hanck BcuUh M AdvtBlnrtc t Ck. Vlr f CrMby Chcl Buiilaf :U Muiie Firtttom BuUnci Sew Stmt 6:M Gabriel Heater Trlcpbona Hoar CandlelwM Radla Theatr Ift News Trkphone Hear Silver Hadia Theater M Muila Jane pirkrna Newt Kadla Theater :4ft Mmte Jane Plrkfna Tropica na Hadio Theater 7:00 Touch Dowb Tips Contented Hour O'Brien My Friend Irna Jft Muaie rnntenlrd Hour Muilral Jackpot My Friend Irma :M Cite Kid Dava Garroway Evelyn Kniiht Bob Hawk Show :4ft Cit Kid Dava Garroway Monday Qtrbark. Bob Hawk Show 8 00 Let Geo. Do It Sinatra m Klriteo Track HflO Lowell Thomat 1ft Let Geo. Do It News of World Tack 14M Jack Smith Show :S0 Murder by Expte. One Man'a Family T-ack MINI Talent Scouts lift Murder by Ep. One Man's Family Track J4fW Talent Scouts 9:00 News Xf'vrm Track lt!l Fly a Star Final " U Mutual Newsreel Sports Paia Final Track I4IM Inner Sanctum :BI Musle Orcbeitra News Inner Sanctum M Muile Orchestra Golden Gala Bands on Paradi 14400 Fulton Lewis Jr. ta Ahrrs Frank Race Serenade ffl:lft Select Local News Was Museum Frank Rare You and Worl nn:S0 News nn Museum Mutlc Yon Want Orchestra : Musle W as Museum Music You Wanl Newt n:00 The Saint sign Off Nocturne tlleal I t The Saint Narturno :S0 Here's to Vets Nocturno This Day Nocturna iioo Slsa Off Slsn Off f" TUESDAY6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. :00.Nws Farm Tims KOIN Kleck to Mus. Timekeeper Farm Time Newa 3U Marck Time The Old Bonn KOCO Klork News 45 News News KOCO Klock Fred Beck 7:00 News Smooooth Music Tes Bitter Consumer Newt J.l Breakfast Gins Nmooooth Mule News Sports Art Baker ISO Breakfast Gatu Riders of Saso Top ' Hernia Garry Moor :4ft Top Trades Sam Hayes Newa Garry Moort C. Barsala Counter Second Cup Haven of Rft Feat are Story :1A Musle Second Cup Haven of Rest Newa :SU Sona af Pioneers Jack Bereh Western Melodies Grand Blam :4ft Morn Ins Special iewa Church In Wild Rosemary :00 News Clark Ilayden Time for Melody Wendy Warrsst :1ft Kate Smith Sings Carmen Cavallero Time for Melody Aunt Jenny ;30 Pastor's Call Hometownera Stars Sins Helen Trent :46 Riders of the P.S. Tropic Echoes J. Charles Thomas Our Gal Sunday aj jm ;00 News Lopes Orch. NW News Big Sister " fll:IA Woman of the wk Lopes Orch. Memorable Musie Ma Perkins 111:80 Wiles Orsanalltes Today's Children Tune Time Dr. Malono " :4ft Y'our Walts Seren. Lora Lawton Keya Guiding Light SBjaj :00 Ladles First Double or Nothing Musle Mart Duncan MeLeoT 1 .1ft Ladies First Doubts or Nothing Musie Mart Come m Get It f :S0 Queen for a Day Newa Jan Garber Norab Drake U :4ft Queen for a Day Light of World Vocal Varieties Brighter Day js :00 Top Trades Life Beautiful Hollywood MusTo" 2nd Mrs. Ba;taJ News Road of L.fe Hollywood Musis Perry Mason j ! News Pepper Voung New. Bright Light -I ?t5 Bob Ebrhly Show Happiness Ted Dale Presents Air Flo 1:00 Tell Your Nclghb. Backstage Wlfa Mac's Melodies Newspaper of Air 1ft Johnson Family Stella Dallas Mac's Melodies New.paper or Air :S0 Organ Reveries Lorrnso Jones Mac's Melodies Musle Pleaso :46 Bins Sings Wldder Brown Mac's Melodies Tunefully Yours r:00 Against Storm A Girl Marries Mac's Melodies News r.tf Asalnst Storm Portia Faces LIU Mac's Melodies Meet the Missus , :S0 Muile Just Plain Bill Mac'a Melodies Meet tbs Misios :4ft Music Front Pago Farrell Mac's Melodies Robert Q. Lewis 3 :tf Lucky "7' Welcome .Travelers Mae'a Melodies Robert Q. Lewis" :l& Lucky "7" Welcome Travelers Mae's Melodies Robert Q. Lewis :S0 Nat Brandwynns Aunt Mary Mac'a Melodies Robert Q. Lewis :4ft News We Love m Learn Mac Melodies Robert Q. Lewis 40 Fulton Lewis Jr. Woman's Secret Movie Tims Curt Massey 16 Frank Hemlngw. Sunny Side Hbilojophcr Little Show :30 Behind tho Story News Uvtrs Can Bo Club 15 :4ft News Rich. Harhness Beautiful Edw. R. Marrow DIAL LISTINGS: KEX. IlCY Monday P.M. 5:00, l t .uh Snort! S:lft. Keeping I7p Home Edl- Itlon News: 5:, Modern Romancest Headllno Edition: 6:l, Elmer Davis: :30, Kata Smith Calling! i-m. i-ono 7:30. Kate Smith Calling; k:a. nauroaa Hoort 8:30. Kate Smltn unmet n;a, Henry J. Taylor: 0:00. Richfield Reporter! :1ft. Intermessot tonccri noiirt I 10:30, Mrmos to Tomorrow; 11:00, Aira Hour) 12:00, Sign Off. Tuesday A.M. 0:00, Washburn Newst 6:1ft, Band Boxt 6:30, Bob Hacen Show: 6:4ft, Tims lemposi Martin Agronskyi 7:S0, Zeke Manners! 7:4ft, Stars Slnst S:00, Breakfast Clubi Newsi 8:15, Stars ol loaayi 'Troplcanai 0:45, Melody Fromenaaei 110:0(1, Ted Malono; 10:13, Galen Drakei 110:30, My True Btoryt ii:wp, Dt -i- lert 11:1ft. Newst 11:80, Baukhage Taiamst 111:4. CluD Time: i:uv, wormnwimin., 12:0. Kay Weeti 1:00. Breakfast In Hol lywood; 1:30. Easy Acest 1:4ft, Meet the Menjoust 1:00, surprise rata a get :ju, Bride and Groom i 8:00. Ladies Bo Seated; I Needlecrafters to Meet Independence For the first I meeting after the summer vaca tion the Needlecraft society of XT , ,.iuTw.lJ ACROSS 1. Face of a iram . Cook In fat 9. Half-boot 12. Over 13. Regret 14. Literary fragments) 15. Matrons 16. Meantime 1&. Attentively occupied 50. Increase 51. Ameriran Indian 2S. Droop 34. israelii leader SS, Gem 27. Jewish month 29. Re pa I residence 11. Beast IS. Estate of B lord 17 Source of uftar SL Threaded fastener 41. Ribbed fabric- 43. Artincfal language 44. Measure for fresh herring 45. Angled 47. Stern 49. Pertain Int t Mnrs K2. female ruff 63. Lonjr fish 4. Because 55. Olden times 5fi, Thine;: law 67. Alleviated ' WT if r 7T rr r ltl.t, 2f To' 31 3? 33 34- 5S "Jy n si TwnTwA 1 1 1 AP Newifeetwres ROOM AND BOARD NOV LOO, I KNOW YOUR. SMORP AT HOWE A COMBINATION SOUND OF A TIN WHISTLE AMD A HACK SAW CUTTlNS -INC PIPE BUT YOU AVUST HAVE SOUPED IT UP IN SOwt WAV TO MAKE TU AT OTHE SNORING GUY CHECK OUT OF HERE Jl. U90: KOAC7550 KOAC :, Oa the i:pbMt: B:ft0. ft.0 Sports Clubi 6:00, Newst 6:1ft, Dinner Melodlest 6:30, Musie of Cierhoslovaklat 7:1ft, Evening Tarm Hourt S, Artistry In Classiest 8:1ft, Defense Report! S:30, Great Son est 9:00. Music That Kndurem n-AB, Eva nlng Meditations! 10:00, Slsn Off. UAAT Tuesday A.M. 10:00, Tbs T V-AAVb Kcwsi 10:1ft. Especially for W. men i 11:00, Tho Concert Hallt lt:0fl, Newst 12:15 p.m.. Noon Farm Hour; 12:15, Polk County Agent: 12:30, Spot Markets: 13:45, E. R. Jarkman, Crops specialist: 1:00, Rids 'em Cowboy t 1:1ft, Variety Timet 1:R0, Melody Lane: 2:(M, Cavalcade of Drama; 8:16, Memory Book of Mullet 3:00, Tho Newsi 3:15, Musle of tho Masterst 3:3ft, Add-a-llnet 4:00, Squirrel Caget 4: SO, Johnny Luiack : 6:00. Keeping Up with Sports; 8:1ft, Homo Edition) 5:30, Modem Romances. the Presbyterian church will meet Thursday, at the home of Mrs. Ivan Marble. Mrs. Bev Walker will be co-hostess. Solution of Saturday's Puzzls DOWN fashion Arabian carmen t I, Funn 4. Smooth 6. Tries . Border 7. Dwarf 8. However 9. French city 10. Flavoring 1L Lend fastentnf strips for stained Rlaaw windows 17. Pertaining u love It. Devoured 21. Something Kiven to pacify 22. So. American river 24. Chess pleeea 26. Bewail 29. Exposes 3ft. Cry of a crow 22. Horses that have never won a rac S3. Conjunction St. Constellation 36. Bay window 3R. Frlchten 3fl. Hard-hearted 40. Demolished 42. Aspect 45. Gratis HI. Silkworm it. At any timat poetlo 50. Playing card 6L Uaciillne nlcknama By Gene Ahern WELL, I USED A 5IWPL6 DEVICE TO FRODUCE A HIDEOUS SNORING SOUND' I'LL SHOW IT TOTOU AN INSTRUMENT I USED FOR AN ODD SOUND EFFECT WHEN 1 WAS IN SHOW BUSINESS j W0rB!lroUl lTE 1 F ' RAP ED A MOP AUA C E tJfH A MP tQHo we sHh k m A V E5Q I TllQT 0 Tfl s git eirTsHt r aC: I Ita A-NBg A ffTH Ije v aBb.ri'an ded yREjjAiR Afii EjRlE ei"rsoi WQNpHp E N ' rUQa sj i i aK icQn 0 ItjjniiA p t jr. 1