Pilots Have High Hopes of Gridiron Success in 1949 l U 12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Sept. 19, 1949 fester, ., i.JmmmmheKlk ylC- 4b' r nminn Thrflllflh Stanford's Emery Mitchell heads for lUllllliy IlllUUyil pay dlrt territory and a 13-0 lead over San Jose State In the first half of their game played at Palo Alto, Calif. Blocking cleared the way for Mitchell. Stanford triumphed. 49-0. (Acme Telephoto) Godoy Passes Up Bout; Gridman Can't 'Unlax' .By LARRY LOKET (Uniud Prut ap.ru Wrltr Portland. Sept. 19 un r win-starved University of Port 1 1 land team will be expecting J I more than two wins this year in fact, the squad hopes to win almost as many games during the 1949 season as they won during the three postwar years combined. In three years, the Pilots won only five games, tied In four and absorbed 20 defeats. Although the Pilots will play on a tougher schedule this year, their prime worry is on the lack of reserves. Newly - appointed Head Coach Harry (The Horse) Wright moaned that a few ln- juries among any of the tack- or fullbacks would prove costly. On the brighter side, how ever, the 21 returning letter men think their now-how this year will make up for their lack of drive and ftoeed In 1948 when Portland won two games, tied in one, and drop ped five. Two Notre Dame alumni Neil Green and Floyd Simmons will work with Wright this m year as line coach and backfield f4 coach respectively, and the three -man combination has sparked Portland optimism Wright said the Pilots would like to upset one of the "Big Four" on this year's schedule Nevada, Santa Clara, College of the Pacific, and Idaho but the other four scheduled contests aren't going to be pushovers. Wright will concentrate on a Notre Dame style of T-for-matlon built around lightning-quick opening plays. Three men stand out in the Portland lineup. Righthalfback Wolves' Football Squad Stocks Surprises, Speed Oregon College of Education, ice on overland drives, since Mc Mnnmnuth End of the first two Arthur Is blessed with five other weeks of pre-season training good snatch-men, all ends. Hank finds the OCE Wolves In strong Decker leads the quintet, with shape and rapidly rounding up Bruce Hamilton, Tom (the into a squad which may well sur-1 Bomb) Hill, Marv Hiebert, and prise manv grid fans before the Mighty Mite Lyle Hay ready to nished. go. Wide open play built around plenty of passes and readiness to punt, with strong defen sive platoon In reserve,1 will characterise the Wolves season Is finished. Coach Bill McArthur is build ing a fast backfield around rab bit halts Robin Lee and Corky Van Loo. Both are excellent pass receivers but will see more serv- By HUGH Fl'LLERTON, JR. New York, Sept. 17 (Pi Ar turo Godoy, who was schedul ed to fight Maynard Jones in Wilmington, Del., Monday, has decided to retire from the ring Instead . . . maybe Godoy, who'll be 39 in a couple of months and who has been fighting since 1931, decided its better to be in Chile than to be chilled . . . of course, they could always match him with Jersey Joe Wal cott for the veteran's singles championship . . . although Okla homa U. is rated among the five top football teams this season by most observers, one of this cor ner's southwestern scouts offers a small bet that the Sooners don't do half as well as expect ed . . . The Detroit Lions squad has an average of one and one tenth years per man experience In the National football league. That probably means a lot of un pleasant experiences (or the rookies. Rackety Rax, Unlax Chief Boston, New Hamp shire football coaoh, has em phasized relaxation this season even to the extent of giving his athletes special exercises to keep them "loose." . . . Boston had Just finished an oration of the subject recently and turned to see a lad who was supposed to be playing defensive halfback catch a flying football directly be tween the eyes . , . "What happened to you?" roared the chief. "It's like this, coach," stammered the embarrassed player. "I was relaxing, and I couldn't unlax." Sports Before Tour Eyes Eddie Compo, who fights Wil lie Pep in Waterbury, Conn., Tuesday, likes to have some 50 relatives on hand when he gops Into action . . . Presumably they all got compo-mentary tickets . . . The Merion Golf club, where 15-year-old Marlenc Bauer went to the semi-finals of the Women's National championship, is the same place where Bobby Jones first qualified for the men's amateur at the age of 14 , . . Lon Novak, captain of the 1949 army soccer team, is the son of Leo Novak, army track coach. Leo probably gets quite a kick out of watching him play . . . Frank Murray, veteran Marquette U. coach, expects to have an en tirely defenseless team this year. He has adopted the word "coun ter offense" instead. And we suppose his scouts engage counter-espionage. In Fresno Defeats Portland Girls In Softie Meet Portland, Ore., Sept. 17 (U.R) The 1948 champion Phoenix, Ariz., Ramblers and Fresno, Calif., Rockets today were the only unbeaten entries in the Women's Amateur Softball as sociation for the world title. Fresno plucked last year's runner-up Portland Florists, 4 to 1, and Phoenix eased by the Pe oria, 111., Caterpillars, 1 to 0, to determine the scmlfinalists in the victors' bracket of the double elimination playoffs. In a crowded, rain-delayed schedule, seven games were run off last night, lasting into the early morning hours, after bad weather had postponed action for two days. ;jJ' ' '" I Y" --Iffy-"' ' - " - ,4 With nearly 60 men on hit roster, 8 of them from Salem, and with no lossei from pre season injuries, the former Chi cago Rockets ace is pointing his squad towards iti encounter with Linfield, due at Fairgrounds stadium, Monmouth, Saturday, Oct. 1 at 8 p.m. Nm Horn All W P. Yr. Paul Let. Ubim Wuh IS 110 H Pr Bud UichtrU. Salem It 1H H Pr Bob Punk, Wcjt Bam II 119 II Bo lack BiLshotli. Power. On. 34 17ft H Pr Don Banta, Rcediport, Or. ..11 IIS H Pr David Powell, Ltbanon. Or. S3 130 H Sr B. McK?vr. Lon Beach, Cal. 30 310 T Br Bruc Hamilton, Si!m 33 ISO E Sr Olen Schroeder, Dalla. Ora. 33 3uA T Jr Max A. Parker. Monmouth ..35 171 O Pr Merlin B. Marah. Albany .,..31 184 O R Rotar Daach, Salem .30 ISO Q Bo Dale Spark. McMlnnvllU ,,,,35 105 O Bo Emtl Veer, Watt Salem 30 lift T Pr Jonn Wiot, Yamhill. Ore 30 tftft C Pi D. Vanderzander, HtlUboro ..31 330 T Pt Oala DavU, Her ml ton, Ora. ,.33 19 G Sr Jack Bu&hnell, Power, Ort. ..35 ITS H Pr Larry Bell, Eutstne 10 3';l T it Gary Searl. Valaeti. Ore II 111 C Pr L. 8t a ud Inter. Uolalla. Ora. ,.11 HI I Pr Jama Dyal, Sandy, Ort 10 183 O Pr R. CapflAso, Bridgeport, Con. 33 110 H Be Archie Padberg, Heppntr, Ort. 30 134 O Jr Marvin Hiebert. Dalla. Ort. ..31 163 E Br Ted Shorack. Elm Ira. Ort. ..,.30 !S0 E Jr Uanirl Colleran. Salem 33 193 O r r Lyle Har. Tyh Valley, Ort. ..30 110 E Bo Record for Royalty George Clark tosses a 22-pound hammer 97 feet 6 "3 Inches, a new record, in the Highland games at Braemar, Scotland, before members of royal family. William Kane of San Francisco drives for extra yardage after nrL. oltnnc be a consistent ground gainer. Quarterback Danny Christian son of Jersey City, N.J., is one of the most accurate passers In the Pacific Northwest. Lefthalfback John Freeman of Portland is rated by Port land fans as the greatest back to hit the campus since the days of Murel Neil of East West game fame. The 172- pound junior was third in the nation last year in kicknffs returns, and he sprints the hundred slightly under 10 sec onds. Portland's schedule: Sept. 25 Nevada at Portland. Oct. 1 Montana State at Bozeman. Oct. 9 Santa Clara at Lodi. Oct. IS College of Pacific at Portland. Oct. 22 Pepperdine at Los at Boise. Angeles. Nov. 19 Oct. 22 University of Idaho I Portland. Elect Officers In Bend Meeting Bend, Sept. 19 W The Izaak! Walton league of Oregon closed: its annual convention Saturday' night with the installation of new officers. Dr. David Charlton, Portland, was elected president. Other officers: George Chris- rtensen, Silverton, secretary- treasurer; James McCullouch, Burns: Merle Griffin, Grants Pass; Scott McKay, Waldport, I and Carl Schwartz, Hillsboro all vice presidents; Clayton Vo der, Canby; Sherman Smith Grants Pass; Frank McCormack Klamath Falls; Dr. W. G. Man- land; Joseph Mason, Prineville; Rex Stanford, Salem; Al Raab, Beaverton, and Burt Gaines, Waldport, all directors. ning. Bend; Fred Kennedy, Port- -Lewis and Clark at Your Money Will Go Farther . . . t You'll Get There Faster . . . Coll us today and ask about money saving AIRLINE Family Plan Fares ond Special Tourist Rates . . . GLOBE TRAVEL SERVICE Complete reservation and ticketing service for all major oirline and steamship companies. NO CHARGE FOR SERVICES Senator Hotel Lobby Phone 27052 $$ MONEY $$ FHA Lionel M.lter. St. Helena. Ort. 17 1S O Pr Donald Davi, Independence ,.lf 10 O Pi DennU Poaty, Independence ,.11 101 O Pr Dewey Jamea, Independenct ..It 150 K Pr LouU Coekerham. Dayton. Or. II 1M1 C Fr Donald Stryker, Albany, Ora. 19 1F3 F Pr Charte Pinion, R'edsport, Or. 33 157 Q Pr Thoma Yano, Honolulu 4 145 H So Dick FeruOD, Gold Hill, Ora. JO 115 C So Rob't NlaUan, Petaluma, Cal., 33 333 T Sr Tom Thayer. Colton. Ore 19 194 T Jr Bud Ma rah a 11, Lexington. Ora. 31 321 T Pr Bob Avr-n. CorvaUU. Ora 33 313 T Pr V. McOinley. Loni Beach. Cal. 17 113 P Pr Tom H:!l. Belirlower. Cal 31 IN I FT -.ck Salreaon. Corvalll. Ort. 10 179 H Pr Vernon Hart. Warren ton, Ort. II 11 P Pr Bill Ha yea. Warren too, Ort. 11 111 Q Pr Henry Decker, Aberdeen. S. D. 33 301 t Jr Aubery Van Loo. Cornelia. Or. 31 lis P Sr Ken Main, Cooa Bay. Or 3 9i P Pr Robin Lee, Lebam. Wuh .30 lflS H Ji drone Walt, Amity, Ore. ,. 39 101 T Pr Bob Norton, Colton. Or. 180 E Marvin Turner. Vernonla, Or. too T Ray Cummlni. Salem 1A0 C Fred Bproule. Salem 130 O Lout Pink ton Jr SHARE THE SUNSHINE! Give your family Its share of glorious sunshine all through rigorous winter days. Class-Enclose your Porch. You will find our prices reasonable for Porch improvements which will benefit your family for years to come. Glass enclosures SALEM WOODWORKING CO. 1225 Cross Cabinets - Frame Ph. 3-59S3 4t 4 V4 Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 1S3 S. High St. Lie. S-216 M-222 ANCIENT AGE full 5 year old straight Kentucky bourbon The whiskey with Age In Its flavor I Qt. 7 Pint JtltlSIT 0M0 WlltlH, II MHF. IICIEIT HE HIT. CO.. FlillFOIT, IT. r w UtAt&net 'YEARS OU II 41.. 1J for YOU, Modome! for YOU, Monsieur! Tea . . . tt'a rmnal nili n alel aervlre r all ymt rlihea t Hlnalar4 Cleaners and Iier . . . earn lament reeelvea IMIfMwal an line no mt the I In 4 at teavl Clrrcn t X peraonal rare Jail n Ik W many Una aervleea I m Ktandard! Call I-H71I 13 We tive N A H JL J Htamtn f'J'or Belter Apprsrsnce ik Standard -1 Cleaners ond Dyen S62 North Commercial If you're moving . Want To Know A Secret? You can save up to Half on your moving bill if you Rent a Truck AT tj Rental Service Car Truck By The Mour-Day-Week-Month Special Refrigeration Trucks Padding at No Extra Cost Gas & Oil Furnished SMILING JACK'S SUPER SERVICE Center ond Church Sts. Phone 3-9600 Yob con whnfot these F?3 Oft& LSO KS I til (D Dnn to sny Ford Dstler dis- "All cart in) trucks should bo iJ I ZAntf Ciami I 1 vm P0er nn sbovo. I itTfiJ ff&T riJfsDS A (5) Git I Freo Car-Safety Check, Jb ."1.. hsW-C-rfnWr-r- Lj FB W - f f 1 1 11 'jm' Q 4-deor Cutlem V-l Ford Sedans, A.-i jZtEitil equipped with Radio, "Maglt "tf$ ail 1 '"J Air" H.al.r, Overdrive, and While Sidewall Tim. t, pTpTiyalaAati hsu Isfft fs last I safer (OpNo4 -VGl? General Duly Model F-S, V- irSlrC. dJTj engine, tlake bedy, ISI-lnch i' r tSjT wheelbaee FORD Trucks, I equipped with Radio and I "Magic Air" Healer. Optional as print le the top S l I at the 23 car winners who specify preference for I truck on Confett Entry Blank. 1 1 I CtJ"-"" 1 . , L I UARM STIIRINe) . IKSNTt TIRtt WMDSHttlD W1PHS MUFHM l 'i-O ftJU TlOO US A OlASI NORN RIAR VHW MIRROR OTHSR SAFITT PACTORS K - ' " c i sr 25 WOO US. vootoous. SavingsIBoncx 20050 US. Savings Bonos 3502$ USSavkSlBoms fc&bAlLtfxPot ln 50 word! or less on entry blink finish this tlil.mnt (a) Use only official entry blank obtained from Ford Dealers. Print name and ad dress clearly. W Contest limited to con tinental U. S. and Alaska. (a) Prises awarded on the basis of sincerity, originality and aptness. Judges' deci sions are final. Duplicate prises in case of ties. Entries must be submitted in the name of the registered owner or his designated represent- "All cars and trucks should bo safety checked periodically be cause " (T) Mail entry before midnight, w October 31 to Ford Car-Safety Contest Headquarters, Box 72Z Chicago 77, Illinois. car or truck may be con sidered. All entries become the property of Ford Motor Company. Contest subject to Federal, State and local regulations and to contest rules on entry blank. (of) Winners' names will be posted at all Ford Dealers' not later than Dec 1, 1949. (a) Contest is open to all residents of U. S. except em ployees of Ford Motor Co., Ford Dealers, their advertis ing agencies or their fsmllies. atlvt. Only one entry per Hn'$ what wi thick Fftll year cor tr.trwtk (no matter what tti make) MARIS STHRBNO IKTHTI THIS WMDSHnKD WIPIRI MUFHM OAASI NORN RIAR VHW MIRROR OIHfR IAFITT FACTORS DRfVI IN AND On THIS ATTRACT! VI RI'lfCTO INtlCtNIA, jte f ..;.a.Ja hetiia saeia ao .snr wrjrrije! VALLHY AAOTOR CO. Center and N. Liberty Sts. Salem, Oregon ENTER TODAY! CONTEST CLOSES OCT. 31 (