10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Sept. 19. 1949 FoDD Preview Tomorrow Mghft!! Featuring the FINEST CLOTHES for Men and Boys in the Willamette Valley Here Are Some of Our Nationally Known Star Performers AIs Botany '500' 7r; Michaels-Stern Hart-Schaffner-Marx Clothcraft Campus Togs Topcoats s Malcolm-Kenneth Alligator Botany '500' Furnishings- Arrow Pendleton Van Huesen Stradivari Hickok Columbiaknit i Lord Jeff ? i i r Stetson Lee Shoes Florsheim tAt Freeman Weyenburg 1 4 FX 'i 4 " ..".. wa. :cv MM m FV ,t5 XjTa. feA If if I to ty .. N' c 1 . men who lean . . . twt4 food tost in dress bvt who c4m (dec to JmJc 6Hto toAr, 9 fy, wlf find HoMywcod Oofht koppy tmshin formula A ifasMt... MM M MMKM POCMH M00& Buy Bishop s and Buy with Confidence .... S90