V AT doublt rlnf ceremony solemn ized last evening in the First Con gregational church, Misi Patricia Ruth Densmore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Densmore, Jr. of Scio, was married to Rolland J. VanCleave, son o' Charles VanCleave, also of Scio. White gladioluses and asters and can dlelight decorated the church for the ser vice. Dr. Seth R. Huntington read the vows at 8 o'clock. Before the service Miss Gladys Quesseth sang "Thine Alone" and "The Lord's Prayer" during the cere mony, Jean Hobson Rich playing the organ. Lighting the tapers were Miss Elinor Danielson, in blue satin, and Mrs. Elmer Niemi in a pink gown. An ivory satin gown, fashioned with a long train, was worn by the bride, giv en in marriage by her father. The fin gertip illusion veil was held in place by a headdress of pearlized orange blossoms. For her flowers the bride carried a cas cade bouquet of white roses and stepha notis with an orchid in the center. The matron of honor, Mrs. Jack Mc Donald, wore a pastel orchid gown and carried a nosegay of yellow rosebuds and gladiolus florets. Miss Charlene Churchill, in pastel yellow, and Miss Shirley Nave, in pastel green, were the bridesmaids. Both car ried nosegays of gladioluses and rosebud florets. Loretta VanCleave, niece of the bride groom, and Nancy McKomb were the flower girls, both wearing yellow satin dresses and carrying baskets of assorted flowers. Terry Rockwell served as the ring bearer. Richard VanCleave was best man for his brother. Seating the guests were Jack McDonald, Kenneth Greenly and Harry McDonald. The bride's mother wore a black crepe gown with corsage of rosebud) centered with a gardenia. The church fireplace room was the scene for the reception. Mrs. Karl Cas well and Mrs. Norris Rockwell served the bride's cake. Presiding at the coffee urn was Mrs. L. A. VanCleave, sister-in-law of the bridegroom. Misses Jean Mat son, Louisa Kelley, Phyllis Morris and Caroline Caswell assisted, Miss Kelley having charge of the gifts and Miss Cas well passing the guest book, the others assisting in serving. Zinnias and dahlias in fall colors decorated the reception rooms A dark wine suit with gray accesso ries and a corsage of white orchids were worn by the bride for traveling. Follow ing a tour of the Washington beaches the couple will be at home in Salem. The bride attended Scio high school, Oregon State college, the Merrit Davis School of Commerce. and Behnke-Walker Business college. She is with the tele phone company. Mr. VanCleave attended Scio high school, OSC and Vanport col- lege where he will continue his work this year. Etotka club plans its first meeting of the fall next Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Clifton Ross, 1335 North 4th street at 8 o'clock. Mrs. W. W. Chadwick is to show col ored slides on her trip to Alaska this past summer. Hostesses for the evening are Mrs. Addison Lane, Mrs, George Sehon and Mrs. H. W. Elgin. Job's Daughters announce their first meeting of the fall for Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock in Beaver hall. Initiation will be held for two candi dates. Miss Jean Herrig, honored queen, is to preside. These Two Are Brides During Fore Part of September i 4hU-uhiu Studi. pielm Mrt. LoVern Hiebert THE WEDDING OF Mrs. LaVern Hiebert it left abo, was an n-ent of September 10 In the FlrM Mflhodht rhurrh. She wii Janlre Mlddlrtsn before her maiTiaite, daushter of Mm. E. L. Crawford. Mr. Hirhert Is the ion of Mr. and Mm. Nfl E. Hlfbert Bride at a momlnf rerrmonr September t In the Flmt Consreratlonal rhurrh wu Mrs. Rohrrt 8. Miller, at right above, formerly Lois Marram Sldriall, daufhter t Mr, and Mrs. James W. Slddall of Dalia. Mr, Millar la th sow of Dr. ml Mrs. Boraea G. Millar at Saitm. Junior Woman's Club Committee Plans Benefit Affair v V w rip Jt$v:-' THESE FOUR ARE SOME of the committee arranging for the benefit fall fashion revue and dessert party to be sponsored by the Junior Woman's club next Thursday afternoon, September 22, at the American Legion club. Left to right they include Mrs. William Judson, chairman, Mrs. Frank Ward, Mrs. Milo Houten and Mrs. Roy Mink. Proceeds from the benefit go to the playground project of the club. Style Show on Thursday Interests A major social event on the coming week's calendar is the fall fashion re vue and dessert party to be sponsored by the Salem Junior Woman's club next Thursday afternoon, September 22, at the American Legion club. The dessert will be at 1 o'clock. A large group of Salem matrons and maids have made reservations for the event. The new fall styles will be presented by Grace's Women's Apparel shop. Rus sell Jamison is to be commentator for the show. Reservations may be telephoned to either Mrs. William Judson or Mrs. Milo Van Houten, or tickets may be obtained at Grace's shop. Models for the show will be Mrs. C. W. Jordan, Miss Emilie Gill, Miss Sylvia Coupe, Mrs. Richard T. Rogers, Miss Belle Coupe. In addition to the list announced previously others making reservations include: Mrs. Elmore Hill, Mrs. W. J. Braun, Mrs. Donald Burke, Mrs. Jacob Foos, Mrs. Melvin Bedsaul, Mrs. R. W. Gallagher, Mrs. John Hann, Mrs. Gerald Fisher, Mrs. Bruce Spaulding, Mrs. Wheeler English, Mrs. Robert White, Mrs. Richard Upjohn, Mrs. C. A. Downs, Mrs. Mary Thomas, Mrs. M. E. Gadwa. On the committee arranging the event are Mrs. William Judson, Mrs. Milo Van Houten, Mrs. Frank Ward, Mrs. Roy Mink, Mrs. Fred Gast. Proceeds go to the club's project to improve playground facilities in Salem. Nebraska club auxiliary is to meet for a no-host luncheon Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Nora Pound, 1745 K street, at 12:30 o'clock. x - ; r. rEXT Friday, September 23, brings the fall "homecoming" for the Salem Woman's club. members to gather for dessert at 1 o'clock at the club house. This is the first meeting of the fall for the mem bership. Serving the dessert will be Mrs. Wil liam F. Leary and Mrs. Harry V. Col lins and their committee, Mrs. Frederick Leupold, Mrs. Herbert Ostlind, Mrs. Luke M. Johnston, Mrs. W. E. Hutchens, Mrs. Oscar Cutler, Mrs. C. C. Geer, Mrs. Charles A. Cole, Mrs. W. J. Beard. Mrs. Cedric T. Reaney is to give a talk on the convention of the General Federation of Women's Clubs which she attended at Miami as the past year's president of the Salem Junior Woman's club. Mrs. Reaney this year is a mem ber of the senior club. Mrs. W. W. Woodruff, music chair man, is to lead the members in group singing. Mrs. George W. Ailing, club presi dent, has called the board to meet at 11:45 o'clock. United Commercial Travelers auxil iary will meet Wednesday at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. George Brown, 1540 North 16th. Hollywood Lions club auxiliary is to be entertained Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. M. B. Clatterbuck, 995 Locust. Judge W. W. McKinney is to be the guest speaker. Hostesses with Mrs. Clatterbuck ars Mrs. L. Tower and Mrs. L. R. Thomas, McEwin Studio plctur. Mrs. Roberts. Miller k If .. - f JtMtn-Miller Studio picture First meeting of the fall for St. Anne's guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church is planned for Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Power, the meet ing to be at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Theron Hoover is chairman of the committee of hostesses and is being assisted by Mrs. Kenneth Wilson, Mrs. Louis Gerlinger, Mrs. Robert M. Fischer, Jr., Mrs. Paul Lardon, Mrs. Robert Brennan. Mrs. Bertram Thomson is president of the guild this year. Capital Unit No. 9, American Legion auxiliary, joins with Legion posts No, 9 and 149 for installation ceremonies, Monday evening, at the American Le gion club at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding is the in coming president for Unit No. 9, Miss Susan Faherty the new commander for pioneer Post No. 149, the all-woman post of the American Legion, and Sephus Starr the new commander for Capital Post No. 9, American Legion. Following the installation there will be a social hour with members of Capi tal Post No. 9 as hosts. Woman's Club Dates Fashion Show Jotted on the calendars for a large group for Monday, September 26, is the benefit "fall fashion premiere" to be sponsored by members of the Salem Wo man's club General Federation of Wo men's clubs convention fund. The event will be at the group's club house, dessert to be at 1 o'clock, fol lowed by the fashion revue. Mrs. Grant C. Rogers and Mrs. Estill L. Brunk head the committee arrang ing the event. The fall fashions will be presented by Schlesinger's and Sally's. Mrs. Charles C. Clarke Is to be commentator. Miss Dorothy Pederson is to play the piano to accompany the parade of styles. Models for the style show will be Mrs. Ross Coppock, Mrs. Donald Fisher, Mrs. Farley Mogan. Mrs. Cedric T. Reaney, Mrs. Morris H. Saffron, Mrs. Sidney Schlesinger. Tickets for the event may be obtained at either Schlesinger's or Sally's or from members of the committee Mrs. Rog ers, Mrs. Brunk, Mrs. David H. Cam eron, Mrs. Mervin Fidler, Mrs. Henry Hanzen. Mrs. E. A. Linden, Mrs. Frank Myers, Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley, Mrs. Bert A. Walker. At the door to greet gucsls will be Mrs. Merle Travis and Mrs. Norman K. Winslow. Following the fashion show bridge and pinochle will be in play, guests to take their own accessories. This is the final benefit in the series given this summer by the group for the convention fund purpose. AAUW Luncheon First gathering of the fall for the membership of Salem branch, Amer ican Association of University Women, will be next Saturday, September 24, as a luncheon at the Marion hotel at 1 o'clock. Prof. Paul Beal of Willamette univer sity is to be guest speaker. "A Visit to Missembourg" is the title of Dr. Beal's speech. Missembourg is the estate of Marie Gevers. author and member of the Royal Belgian Academy of Literature. The estate is situated near Antwerp and Dr. Beal was a guest there during his recent trip to Europe. Dr. Beal spent the summer months In Europe and visited Paris, Brussels, Ant werp and London. The visit to the estate was a highlight of Dr. Beal's trip and he says he feels that the author's Interest in nature as displayed in her novels is partially explained by her childhood on the picturesque suburban estate. Hostesses for the luncheon, appointed by Mrs. H. Gordon Carl, Jr., chairman of hospitality, include Miss Mirpah Blair and Mesdames Charles A. Cole, Maynard Nelson, Earl Poarcy and W. R. Newmyer. Mrs. J. A. Jrlderks and Mrs. Walter Mills will be in charge of decor ations. Reservations for the luncheon should be telephoned to either Miss Elizabeth Russum or Mrs. J. M. Devers, Sr., by next Friday noon. Miss Elise Schroeder will preside as president. Salem Women Prepare to Do Part in Annual Community Chest Drive Com:nunity Chest days are practically here and a busy time is ahead for a large group of Salem women volunteer ing to do their bit in the annual cam paign to be conducted October 4 to 14. Mrs. George Spaur. Mrs. Elmer J. Church and Mrs. Robert W. Wilson, Jr., are the co-chairmen heading the wo men's division this year. Honoring their 15 leaders the three chairmen will entertain at luncheon next Wednesday at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Conrad Paulson, who was the women's division chairman last year. During the afternoon. Joe Dodd, cam paign chairman, and Charles A. Barclay, member of the board, are to give talks on the Chest and its needs this year. The leaders serving with the three chairmen include: Mrs. Jasper Button, Mrs. Robert Upson. Mrs. William C. Dyer, Jr.. Mrs. Morris H. Saffron. Mrs. Bert A. Walker, Mrs. Charles McElhinny, Mrs. F. W. Pickhard, Mrs. Charles D. Wood, Mrs. Klony Smith, Mrs. Elmore Hill. Mrs. Fred Snider, Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen, Mrs. William Loewen, Mrs. C. E. Stinnette, Mrs. Virgil Pade. A tea for workers is to be given the afternoon of September 26. Planned for Saturday next, September 24, is the wedding of Miss Alice Jack son and Raymond L. Tompkins. The wedding will be in Raymond, Wash., as an evening ceremony at 8 o'clock in the First Presbyterian church there. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mrs. Ruth E. Jackson of Raymond and Mr. Tompkins the son of Mrs. Gale Ellis of Salem. American War Mothers have arrang ed a no-host luncheon for Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Ben Randall, 1840 West Nob Hill, at 12:30 o'clock. Each member is to take her own table serv ice. Sewing is to be done for the vet erans' hospitals. Speaker for the Soroptimist club's luncheon meeting next Wednesday noon at the Golden Pheasant will be Miss Mary Brady, a member of the group, who is to talk on city government. Members of Salem club. Daughters of the Nile, have been honored by request from the officers of N y d i a temple in Portland to present the program for the Nydia temple meeting in Portland, Wed nesday, October 5. This is the first time an up-state club in the organization has been invited to present a program. Mrs. Estill L. Brunk, Mrs. Harris Lietz and Mrs. L. J. Stewart are the com mittee from the local club working on plans for the program. Willamette Shrine, No. 2, White Shrine of Jerusalem, plans its regular meeting for Monday evening at 8 o'clock in the Masonic temple. The group met the past week for a social in the Ma sonic temple, a no-host dinner at 6:30 o'clock preceding the meeting. Mrs. James Booth had charge of the dinner. Later, movies were shown by George Hewitt and group singing enjoyed. McKinley school Mothers' club has planned its first fall meeting for Tues day at 8 o'clock at the school building. Howard Higby, field executive for cub scouting, Cascade area council, Boy Scouts of America, is to be guest speak er to talk on cub scouts. All parents of the school are invited to attend. Their Wedding Ceremony THE MARRIAr.F. of Mr. and Mm. ItollU Dale al Nt. Paul's fcpiwopal ehurrh. The bride i and Mrs. E. L. Orav, Sr. Mr. Crandall Is Ui. Br. of Mened, Calif. iV o-. V i-T Y i V . , : . r !j i '- ' v ' ' ' ' W (ftrf'- "''Is Etf'- J "as - .., . Ifefar;--'- ENEFIT affairs are numerous dur- g the early fall and of special tcres-t for Thursday. September 29. is the annual fall one of the Salem club, Daughters of the Nile. It is a card benefit and is to be an afternoon and evening affair, starting at 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon at tht Masonic temple, and again in the eve ning at 8 o'clock, at the temple. Chairmen of various committees working on plans for the party Include: Mrs. Gregory Hacfliger, tickets; Mrs. Russell Bright, general chairman in the kitchen with Mrs. C. Ward Davis as co chairman for the afternoon, and Mrs. John Gryabill, co-chairman for th evening; Mrs. Carl Quistad, serving; Mrs. J. Parker Lineberry, prizes; Mrs. Melvin Propp, chairs; Mrs. William Lewis, chairs: Mrs. John Miller, decor ations; Mrs. Richard Severin, hospitality. Court Capital City, Catholic Daughters of America, held its first meeting of the fall season at the Woman's club this past week. Mrs. E. D. Brown, grand regent, presided, and named her com mittees for the coming year. The new year' books were distributed. Mrs. A. W. Lovcik gave a report on the new Catholic Center which will be built in the near future. The Red Cross com mittee will meet Monday, September 19 at the Red Cross rooms to cut lay ettes. At the conclusion of the business meeting refreshments were served by the committee in charge: Mrs. Al Elvin, chairman, Mrs. J. M. Gallagher, Mrs. Walter Link and Mrs. Fred Rupp. 1 Friendly Neighbors Garden club met for the first gathering of the fall thii week at the home of the new president, Mrs. Letty Genre. A no-host supper preceded the meeting. Plans were made for a bulb exchange on October 8 at the home of Mrs. W. C. Thomas. Mrs. Roy Sagert and Mrs. Helen Grabenhorst were additional guests. 1 Spinsters club Is to be entertained Monday evening by Miss Evelyn John son, Mrs. P. Dixon Van Ausdell, Jr., and Miss Margaret Lovell at the home of Misa Johnson. Chadwick chapter. Order of Xastern Star, will entertain with friendship night for Salem chapter, Tuesday evening, the meeting to be at 8 o'clock in the Masonic temple. First meeting of the fall for the Wo man's Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist church will be Wed nesday next in the Carrier room of the church. The business session will be at 11:45 a.m., followed by a luncheon at 12:15 o'clock with Circle No. 1 mem bers as hostesses. At 1:30 p.m. will come the devotions, led by Mrs. Ralph DaMetz on "I Believe." The Rev. Brooks Moore, pastor of the church, will give the inspirational talk for the after noon on "Our Faith." Miss Alice Adami will provide special music. All women of the church are invited. Salem Writers club Is to meet on Wed nesday evening next at 7:30 o'clock at the Salem YWCA. Mrs. Flora Inders and Mrs. E. M. White are eo-hoatesee for the event. 1 A new bethel hi Job's Daughters, sponsored by Salem chapter of the Or der of Eastern Star, is to be chartered soon, ceremonies being planned lor Sat urday evening, October 1. Miss Edna Mae Manning, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Manning, is to be the honored queen for the new group. Is at Church JrnU-n-MlTltf Studio sfeluro Crandall. Jr., was solemnised Krptember 7 the former Yvonne (irav. daughter of Mr. son at Mr. and Mr. Uollla Dale Crandau,