"EMBERS f tha board for Salem Women'! Army and Navy - League will meet Tuesday after noon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Henry Meyer. The group will discuss the program for the year in the group. Mrs. George Spaur, president, and Mrs. T. W. Har disty, program chairman, have been working on plans for the year's activ ities. Early In October officers of last year will give a tea for the membership and for prospective members. Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Jr., last year's president of the league, heads the committee arranging for the tea. By Marian Lowry Fischer MONG brides - elect announcing plans for their weddings is Miss Jeanne Myers, who is to be mar ried Sunday afternoon, October 2, to En sign Henry B. Johnson, USN. The ceremony will take place in the First Presbyterian church at 3 o'clock, Dr. Chester W. Hamblin officiating. Mrs. Robert Siddoway of Portland is to be soloist. Mrs. Lloyd V. Lewis (Janice Myers) of Eugene, is to be matron of honor for her twin sister. Miss Grace Shields will be the bridesmaid and little Sharon Mc Nall the flower girl. Daryl Sim will act as best man for Ensign Johnson and the ushers are to be Bland Simmons of Portland, Court ney Jones, Wally Palmateer and Lloyd V. Lewis. The reception following is to be in the church also. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Burton A. Myers, and Ensign Johnson is the son of Mrs. Dora John ion. ' Announced for Saturday, October 22, Is the wedding of Miss Darline Bull and Robert C. Hjort. The ceremony will be at 7 o'clock in the evening in the First Congregational church. The engagement of the pair was an nounced some time ago. Miss Bull is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barney L. Bull and Mr. Hjort is the son of Mrs. H. J. Hjort and the late Mr. Hjort. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Leavitt of Beverly Hills, Calif, are house guests of Mrs. Ruth Herndon and are being feted at several informal affairs while here. Chapter CB of P.E.O. Sisterhood Is to be entertained Thursday evening for dessert at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. R. R. DeArmond in Independence. Mrs. Richard Chambers is to be host ess for an informal dessert and bridge party Wednesday evening at her home. Invited are Mrs. Jack Price, Mrs. Wayne Hadley, Mrs. Burton Selberg, Mrs. Donald Freel, Mrs. Edward Scheiss, Mrs. Wilmer H. Page, Mrs. Lewis E. Scott, Mrs. Carlton J. McLeod and Mrs. Roswell Beach, the latter of Portland. Mrs. George Alexander is in Coot Bay this week-end, accompanied by her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Alexander of Eugene. They are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith. Miss Charlotte Alexander came this morning from University of Oregon to apend the week-end at home. Flawn-Hartman The First Congregational church aglow with candlelight and decorated in an all-white setting will be the scene this evening for the wedding of Miss Bar bara Louella Hartman and George H. Flawn, Salem, the service to take place at 8 o'clock with Dr. Scth R. Hunt ington officiating. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mrs. George Conklin of Portland and Wil liam Hartman of Coos Bay. Mr. Flawn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Flawn of Salem. White gladioluses and dahlias will decorate the church front and altar and down the processional aisle will be flow ers at the pews and lighted tapers. Mrs. Edward Gideon is to sing with Jean Hobson Rich at the organ. Lighting the tapers will be Miss Cheryl Smith of Ronton, Wash., and Miss Evelyn Stephens, both to wear soft blue gowns. To be given in marriage by her fath er, the bride will wear a gown of while satin. It has a tight-fitting bodice cut with V front and a peplum extending to the back to fall into the train; and long sleeves pointed over the wrists. The full length veil cascades from a pearl coronet. The bride Is to carry an orchid en a white prayer book. Miss Bonita Hartman, sister of the bride. Is to be honor attendant and will wear a pastel green taffeta gown made with a net overskirt. She will carry a tolonial nosegay. Nora Jean Weldnn Is to be flower girl, wearing a pink frock, and Charles Norris Is to be the ring bearer. Del Hartman, brother of the bride, is to serve as best man and ushering will be Jack Bowe of Portland, Harold Lee dom of Gresham, and David Phelps. Jr. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Conklin is to wear a navy and white en semble with navy accessories and cor sage of gardenias and pink rosebuds. The bridegroom's mother is to wear a teal blue crepe dress with brown acces sories and corsage of gardenias and pink rosebuds. The reception following is arranged for the fireplace room at the church. Mrs. Russell Norris of Seattle and Mrs. Oliver Hinshaw of Eugene, aunts of the bride, are to serve the cake. Pouring will be Mrs. William Norris of Spring field and Miss Dorothy Hollemrn of Seattle. Autumn flowers in pastel col ors are to be used in decorating at the reception. For traveling the bride has chosen a turquoise taffeta dress with short white coat and black accessories and will wear the orchid from the bridal bouquet. Following trip to western Canada the eouple will be at home la Salem. PORTLAND Women's club has ar ranged a special program next Friday with Governor Douglas McKay as speaker at 2 o'clock and a re ception following to honor Mrs. McKay. The event will be at the group's club house. Mrs. Charles E. Runyon has been chairman to arrange the program. Next Friday, Governor and Mrs. Mc Kay will be at Waldport for the salmon derby festivities and the banquet that evening, and on Sunday will be guests at the centennial program at Pacific uni versity, Forest Grove, Governor McKay to give a brief talk on the "rededication day" program for the centennial. Last play on the captain's trophy will feature the regular day for the Salem Women's Golf association next Wednesday, play starting at 9 o'clock. Betrothal Told at Recent 4 . THE ENGAGEMENT of Miss Patricia Hale, Hale, to Dean AHport, ton of Mr. and Mrs. evening at an open house for whlrh the Hales Paul A. Hale, No plans have been announced Miss Carson Wed A beautiful setting was arranged in the First Congregational church this afternoon for the wedding of Miss Carolyn Carson and Austin H. Wilson Jr., white, pale greens and touches of pink forming the color theme. The vows were read at 4 o'clock by Dr. Seth R. Huntington, church pastor. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Carson and Mr. Wilson the son of Mr. and Mrs. Austin H. Wilson. White gladioluses and dahlias in bas kets decorated the front of the church, together with lighted tapers. Miss Edith Fairham was the soloist, singing "O Promise Me" and "The Lord's Prayer," Jean Hobson Rich play ing the organ. The canclleliRhters were Miss Lee Steinbeck and Miss Delorcs Bauer, both of Portland. They wore pale green satin gowns. The tall, brunette bride wore a wed ding dress of satin in pinkish tinge. The gown was designed with sweetheart neckline, long sleeves that were pointed over the hands, a fitted bodice and long train extending from the gathered skirt. The fingertip veil, Ince edged, was held in place with a satin band and clusters of stephanotis. The bride carried a lav ender orchid on a white Bible with stephanotis caught in the streamers. Two Attendants Mrs. Douglas Armstrong was matron of honor. Her gown was of white mar quisette over pale green satin and was fashioned with short sleeves and shawl collar. Her flowers were a cascade bon net 6f ivory gladioluses in crescent shape with yellow net and ribbon. Miss Ruth Skinner as bridesmaid wore a pale green marquisette over green satin gown, identical in style to that of the honor attendant, and her flowers were the same arrangement as those of Mrs. Armstrong. Lloyd Anderson of Roscburg was best man. Ushering were Sichcl Hinkle, Jr., and Nap Rocque. Jr. To Live In Corvallis The reception following was In the church fireplace room. Mrs. William H. McClain and Mrs. Charles Coleman poured. Mrs. Eugene I. Foster served the cake. Assisting with the serving were Miss Carol Hprrmann, Miss Mary McClain, Miss Ruth Mollby of Portland, Miss Margaret Wood of Portland, Miss Nancy Kettleberg of Portland, Mrs. Wayne Strublr of Eu gene, Mrs. James Woodroffe and Miss Addvse Lane. For traveling the bride wore a per simmon hand knit suit with Kelly green coat, black suede accessories and an or chid corsage. Following I trip to the California beaches. Sanla Cruz and San Francisco the couple will be at home In Corvallis at Second and Tyler streets, after Sep tember 28. Both are returning to Ore gon State college for their senior year. Members of the auxiliary to the 369th engineers and 409th quartermasters are to have their first meeting of the fall, Monday, it I p.m. In the Quonset hut. , " ! r t LANS for her wedding ire being told by Miss Jean Taylor, who is to be married Sunday, October 2, to Robert M. Haynes of Salem. The ceremony will be at 3 o'clock in the afternoon at the Trinity Lutheran church in Astoria, the Rev. Mr. Ryden officiating. Miss Marjorie Jumisko of Salem is to be the honor attendant for Miss Taylor. Bridesmaids will be Miss Joyce Wyman of Astoria and Miss Rosemarie Haglund of Vancouver, Wash. James Collins of Portland is to be best man. The reception following will be In the church parlors. The couple plan to make their home in Salem. Miss Tay lor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Taylor of Astoria, and a former Wil lamette university student, has been in the Red Cross offices here. Mr. Haynes, son of Mrs. C. A. Searcy of Beaverton, is with the state police. Party Jten-MiUer Studio picture above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Carl Allport, was announced last Sunday entertained to honor their ton, Midshipman for the wedding-. This Afternoon Hostesses Tuesday for luncheon at the home of Mrs. Conrad Paulson will be Mrs. Paulson, Mrs. Fred Bernardi, Mrs. Edward Roth and Mrs. Reynolds Allen, the event to honor Mrs. Robert E. Joseph. The afternoon will be spent informally and the group will honor Mrs. Joseph with a shower. Invited are: Mrs. Joseph, Mrs. Charles D. Wood, Mrs. John R. Wood, Mrs. Ste phen Fouchek, Mrs. R. I. MacLaughlin, Mrs. William T. Waterman, Mrs. Harold M. Olinger, Mrs. Leon Perry, Mrs. Ver non Perry, Mrs. Max Flannery, Mrs. Se phus Starr, Mrs. Ross C o p p o c k, Mrs. Harry Weidmer, Mrs. Glenn Wilbur, Mrs. Chandler Brown, Mrs. A. W. Loucks, Mrs. John Heltzel, Mrs. Louis Gerlingcr, Mrs. J. H. Thompson, Mrs. Claude M. Johns, Mrs. Ivan Marble, Mrs. Glenn Stevens, Mrs. Elmore Hill, Mrs. William Whitmore, Mrs. Robert Herrall, Mrs. Clayton Foreman, Miss Margaret Wagner. Mrs. Charles S. Campbell. Mrs. Roderick Livesley, Mrs. Harold Hauk, Mrs. Robert Drager, Mrs. Homer L. Goulet, Mrs, Ralph Hamilton and the hostesses. Mrs. William L. Phillips. Sr.. Mrs. Burton A. Myers, Mrs. Gardner Knapp and Mrs, Lewis D. Griffith are to en tertain for Alpha Chi Omega alumnae Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Phillips, dessert to be at 8 o'clock. In vitation is extended to new alumnae in the city to attend. Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae plan their first meeting for Tuesday at 8:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Maynard A Nelson, 162S Norway. Mrs. Stanley Dilatush is to be co-hostess. New alum nae in the city are given special invita tion to attend. Mrs. Robert Burrell is to entertain for her bridge rliib, Wednesday afternoon, Inviting the group tor dessert and cards. Lists of pledges for sororities and fra ternities at University of Oregon, Eu gene, released Friday, included several names from Salem. Miss Allie Lou Ohling. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling. pledged Delta Delta Delta. Miss Ann Carson, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Carson, was pledged to Gamma Phi Beta. Miss Catherine Siegmund. daughter of Floyd Siegmund. pledged Pi Beta Phi. In the fraternity list, Philip Welling, son of the E. O. Wcllings, and Dan Cal laghan. son of Mrs. Margaret Callaghan, both pledged Beta Theta PI; Keith Far nam, son of the L. B. Farnams. and Tom Paulus. son of the Conrad Pauluses. both Phi Delta Theta; Don Rudd, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Rudd, Phi Kappa Psi; Bob Wilcox, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wilcox, Phi Kappa Sigma; Robert Gor don, son of the C. E. Gordoni, Sigma Phi Epsilon. :- -i She Also Joins Ranks of " "" ' .... U jjri' t 1 V A . ANNOUNCEMENT has been made of the engagement of Miss Janet Rilea to Donald D. Farnam. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mrs. Marion Wheeler Rilea of Salem and Major General Thomas E. Rilea of Salem and Portland. Mr. Farnam is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester B. Farnam of Salem. No date is set for the wedding. Presbyterian Women Sponsor Tea On the social calendar for next Wed nesday afternoon, September 21, is the silver tea for which members of the Women's association and of Westminster guild of the First Presbyterian church will be hostesses at the home of Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom. This is the first event of the fall for both groups. Hours for the tea are between 3 and 5 o'clock and an invitation is extended to all women and friends of the church to attend. Receiving at the door will be Mrs. Malcolm Hawk and Mrs. C. E. Illidge. Introducing to the line will be Mrs. L. C. Dean and Mrs. Harold A. Rose braugh. Greeting guests in the receiving line will be Mrs. C. S. McCollam, Mrs. Charles Layport, Mrs. E. A. Collier, Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby and Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom. Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr., . and Mrs. Hobart Jackson are to invite guests to the dining room. Assisting about the living room will be Mrs. Robert Stutzman, Mrs. LaVerne Young, Mrs. Tinkham Gilbert, Mrs. Ab ner K. Kline, Mrs. James Hardie, Mrs. Weddings Featured Through Late Summer and Early Fall , MikTy .v ' "S If i ' . .; tiJ- . i kief mi Studio picturt Mrs. Wallace E. BRIDE AT k BEAl'TIFVL ceremony ihe evenlnc of Srptrmner 1(1 In the First Consrecatlonal rhnrrh was Mrs Law re nee Christian, at right, the former Marjorie Tate, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I'lwln M. Tate of Sublimit. Mr Chris tian Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Christian of Lebanon Wed September t In St. Vincent d Paul churrh was Mrs. Wallaee E. Rona, In Inset at left above. She h the former Hit Hetnaa, daufhler ef Mr. ui Mrs. Edward Heenan and Mr. Row b the son ot Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Rosa, Brides Elect ...'? - , Jesten-MiUer Studio ptctura Russel E. Pratt, Mrs. Robert F. Wulf, Mrs. L. V. Benson, Mrs. Curtis Hale, Mrs. John Anderson, Mrs. W. D. Gil christ, Mrs. W. E. Moore, Mrs. Gus Allen, Mrs. N. J. Lindgren, Mrs. A. E. Archi bald. Mrs. Douglas McKay, Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, Mrs. James T. Brand, Mrs. Chester W. Hamblin and Mrs. A. F. Marcus have been invited to pour. Those serving will include Mrs. James Haworth, Mrs. William Bush, Mrs. Hal DeSart, Mrs. Reynolds Allen, Mrs. Sam Harbison, Mrs. Paul Bale, Mrs. G. E. Fravel, Mrs. Maynard Shiffer, Mrs. Em mett Kleinke, Mrs. Edward Burnside, Mrs. Eugene brothers. Mrs. P. H. Brydon is in charge of the program which will feature clarinet numbers by Loren and Ronald Bartlett, accompanied by Miss Ann Gibbens; and piano solos by Miss Gibbens. Varied fall flowers are being arranged as decorations with Mrs. Lewis Judson, Mrs. Lee Canfield and Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr., in charge. Mrs. Herman Lafky is general chair man for the tea, assisted by Mrs. Hobart Jackson. Ross Mrs. WEDDING for thli evening will be that of Miss Grayce Munson ' and Harold Hamm, the ceremony to be solemnized at 8 o'clock in the Ev angelical Mennonite Brethren church at Dallas. The bride-to-be is the daughter of C. A. Munson of Minneapolis and Mr. Hamm is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Hamm of Salem. Officiating at the rites this evening will be the Rev. L. W. Hawley of Seattle, assisted by the Rev. A. Toews, pastor of the Dallas church. Soloist for the cere mony will be Homer Howard of Seattle and at the organ will be Mrs. Bethel Un ruh of Portland. Miss Luella Warkentin and Miss Shir ley Quiring are to light the candles, wearing fall green gowns. To be given in marriage by her fath er, Miss Munson is to wear a wedding gown of white satin, fashioned with fitted bodice, sweetheart neckline, long sleeves and a full length train. The long veil will cascade from a halo of seed pearls. For her bouquet the bride will carry white chrysanthemums and other small white blooms with an orchid in the center. Mrs. Harold Cox of Seattle, sister of Mr. Hamm, is to be the honor attendant. Her gown will be of gold satin and she is to carry a bouquet of bronze and gold chrysanthemums. Mrs. Alfred Thiesen of Eugene as the bridesmaid will be wearing a brown sa tin gown and her flowers also will be the gold and bronze chrysanthemums. Flower girl is to be Barbara Josephine Cox of Seattle. She will wear a dusty rose frock and carry a basket of flowers. Harold Cox is to be best man for his brother-in-law. Alfred Thiesen is to be head usher, others ushering to include Herbert Dalke, Wilbur Ewert, Landy Franz of Portland, Arnold Hiebert of In dependence, Lawrence Oslund and El mer Fry. Mrs. Hamm will attend her son's wed ding in a teal blue crepe gown with black accessories, white gloves and a corsage of Talisman rosebuds. The reception following is arranged to be in the church parlors. Mrs. Henry Friesen of Dallas, cousin of Mr. Hamm, and Mrs. Jack Cotton of Chehalis, also a cousin, will pour. Serv ing the cake will be Mrs. Frank Hiebert of Dallas and assisting will be Mrs. Wil bur Ewert and Mrs. Elmer Fry, the lat ter of Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Saul Warken tin of Dallas are to be hosts at the re ception. When the couple leave on their trip the bride is to wear a fall suit in irri descent colors with green hat and ac cessories and the orchid from her bridal bouquet. The couple will make their home in Seattle, Mr. Hamm to be a senior at Pa cific college of Seattle. Zonta club's business meeting is to be Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Ben Lambert. Dessert will be 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. I. N. Bacon, Miss Janet Bower and Mrs. Herbert Wink ler are co-hostesses. Sigma Kappa Mothers club is meet ing for luncheon at I p.m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. W. G. Burris. Sojourners club is meeting at 1 p.m. Thursday at the Salem Woman's club house for dessert and bridge. Hostesses include Mrs. George Crockett, Mrs. Lloyd Morris, Mrs. Smith French, Mrs. J. R. Hughes, Mrs. Irving Larson, Mrr Arthur Young. jMtrn-Miller lludlo nctur Lawrence Christian mmam IIHMMMI II IF 1 T I