MUTT AND JEFF They Take a Short Cut To a Vacation By BUD FISHER ' AH, AT LAST WE'RE GOlN'Jf I'LL START OH OUR VACATION! X ReKIN' THE CAR, MUTT' K WE'LL NEED THESE EXTRO-'O'A ' DON'T FORGET THE vflnfe ) BLANKETS AND THINGS L F k tiki RSHIN' TACKLE AND IRtf T WE U'T ) A FLAT rf AMD THE SPARE " $W THE . NO YjUST END THIS FGE WE'RE ON RWT . S TIRE A TIRE IS IN THE , j, fwHERE ( PLACE 1 LIKE THIS WrTHOUT OUR J? IWj "i ji vacat'oh' CICERCS CAT On the Wrong Side of the Street Or BUD FISHER ., OH, MV GOSHI ' T fpTl vPOP'S FAVORITE i CHAIR J B " i " jl -" f I NEED NEW J ("stuffing; V '0 - oh, well. J it's cooler :VVTHIS WAY! HA! SOMEBODy HAS BEEN CLAWING UP FURNITURE, vrrn o ( 1 I III I I CI II ill I I tUL f- I 1 'l 3 XI A .A " ' V JV urilO J BOYS and GIRLS KNEAD DOUGH! All boys and girls need extra cash. Spending money does not come so easy (from Dad) nowadays. Getting spending money Is ttill easy tho . . . just round up that old bike, those beat-up skiis or boots, those old skates or that outgrown suit and sell them thru a Capital Journal classified ad. TO INSERT A jjjg S jJJ f" CLASSIFIED AD