1 IK FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED IEWLNO Machine. Reasonably priced. Ph. 3 3119 Ralph Johnson 'Appliances D345 i' Paging All Newly Weds You cm t mora to bur one item or lur niture until you have ihopped Glenn Woodry'a Furniture Mkt. You'll be hown clever new furniture at unbe liavablr low price. Term of course. "For ft reil buy, live u try." Glenn Woodry Furn. Mkt. B- C, ALLEN Cash Res-later. Like new. I17S. Ph. 3-4641. 11324 Save 20 to 50 ON BAND St ORCHESTRA ' INSTRUMENTS it SUPPLIES New Clarinets l&B.&O. TrumpeU 142. SO. Trombone IBS. 00. Baritone 1139, 00. French horn 1176.00. Violin 115 up. All kind of ud Tnatrumenta. Some rental Instrument available. Jacquith Music Co. Ph. 3-4B41 846 Cascade Drive. n324 FULLER briuhea, 1745 Grant. Ph. 3-835T n244' I AND l wooden display table, Rea. Ph. 2-58S8 Rt. I. Box 810. n224 on CAL. Deer Rifle. $40. Phont Stayton 436. n222 SO-M MAL'SEB: K2.S scope it ahade. cus tom myrtle wood stock. In new condl ' tton. (175. Mountain State Power Of- flee. Mill City. n322 STEEL- CLOTHESLINE posts, railing tn stock it mad to order. 1145 N. Liberty. n242 TRICKERS com and act It, ptt run and fill dirt. 50c. Silt 60c. Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. Ph. 21966. n227 - WALLING SAND it GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for road and driveways, cement, ready mix concrete, gardm sand Bulldorini, drainage and ditching 4-ya. shovel and drag Una. Ph. 3-9243 SALEM SAND At UrtAVEL COMPANY Contract won Road Clearlnt Dttchlnt Sewer it Basement i lb B-Vt yds 10 yds. D-7 cat St Dozer D-9 Cat At Doier D-4 Cat St Dozer Sea u about ditching by thi ft. Phone Day 1-9408 Eves 3-82 ot 2-400 baiem Oregon o USED OIL burners and bloweis. to sell. Ph. 28662. TALLMAN'S MID BUMMER PIANO SALE Special 1625 Spinet Limited No. 14114.00 Pull 88 note key board, east iron plate Beautiful ton and finish. '0 DOWN BAL EASY TERMS A big saving on floor samples and dem onstrators. Such fine makes a Knabe, Fischer, Lester, and Betsy Ross Splneu. Good selection Qrand and upright pianos as low a 110 per month. TALLMAN PIANO STORE. I NO. 176-305 S. 12ttL A mill from high prices. n221 SEWING Machines Electric or Treadle Service on all makes. Ph. 3-7671. n228 LUMBER 2x4 by Jitney mad. 110 1.000. You haul. Independence Lui per ber A Mfg. Co., Inc., Independence, Ore, GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley, Gibson and Montag Applance at uevurti. FZNCB POSTS, poles, all types. Shingles fertlllter St flatrock. Phillip Bros, Rt . Box 118. Ph. 31458. n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: TABLE saw with tilting arbor. Ph. 28778. na222 WE NEED Junk batteries. Paying 31.75 Retread Tlrt Service. 330 So. Lancaster. na231 WANTED furniture 10 glue A repair. Let Bros. Furn R finishing Co Ph 2-7001 USED FUKNTTURK Phone 3-9189 PERSONAL STANLEY Home Product. 555 Cross. Ph. 2-5446. P247 AUTOMOBILES 19S7 HUDSON, 1150. 3185 N. Liberty. Ph. ' 3-882. q22i! M PLYMOUTH, '48 motor. Good rubber. In good cond. See at 2241 Mill St. q223 19JW CHEV. Dlx. Coupe. Good cond. 3350. Brooks Trailer park. 1984 State. See Sunday or mor nlngs Q224 IMS, CHEV. conv. R&H. Plastic seat cov ers. Skirts, etc. Like new. 31550 cash. Private owner. Ph. 81903. q.224 1941 MASTER Deluxe Chevrolet coupe. Clean In At out. Excellent motor Si tires. Ph. 28076 after 6:30 a.m. 0.223 r49 MODEL A touring. Ph. 31117 or 2325 Prlngle Rd. q222 '8B PLYMOUTH with '47 Dodge motor. RAH. Ph. 25147. l222 1M8 DURANT roadster, very good motor, tires. $50. Ph. 37320 or see at 430 N. 22nd. 0223 I94A DODGE panel. Excellent condition. 1995. See at 876 8. Com'l afternoon & eve. Q226 HOT ROD '32 Ford Cpe., chopped, channeled, stepped. '41 Merc. mtr. Hy draulic brakes, 4 new tires, tubes, hrome dash. Hava $935 Invested. Sell for 1400. 1537 N. Winter St. i222 For SALE, 4B Chev. 1 door, fully eqilipt. 11695. '49 Ford 4 door, clean, 11595. Ph. 26652. . Q222 1948 INTERNATIONAL i ton pickup, 4 speed trans. 7li ft. bed, 12.000 miles. Inquire at 1011 7th St., West Salem any time after 5 p.m. Ph. 29978. Ask for Al. 0223 41 OLDS, A-l Shape. Old car or 3250 take equity. Ph. 4-2631. Q223 OR TRADE: '41 Dooie aed.. RAH. '37 Chev. aed '38 Chev. coupe. RAiH. '33 Chev. sed. '29 Model A sed. '38 Essex aed, very Clean, cheap. '31 Model A sed. All these ears are In good cond St priced for quick sale. Hardman Bros., 4i miles north of Salem on Port. Hiway, open 7 day a wk. from 8 a.m. till 9 p.m. qJ23 TEAGUE SPECIALS WE HAVE TRADED IN SOME NICE LATE MODEL CARS HERE ARE A FEW 1949 KAISER SEDAN 948 DODGE SEDAN 1948 CHEV. FLEETLINE 1948 FORD SEDAN . 1946 CHEV. FLEETLINE 1946 HUDSON SEDAN .. . 1941 PLY. SED., TUDOR 1941 OLDS 5 PASS. 1940 PLYMOUTH TUDOR 1939 PONTIAC SEDAN 1939 DODGE COUPE 1939 CHEV. COUPE 1937 PLYMOUTH COUPE 1936 CHEV. SEDAN 193S PLYMOUTH COUPE 1933 OLDS TUDOR 1934 CHEV. PICKUP COME IN AND TAKE A LOOK TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 362 N. Com'l Ph. 2-4173 Wil AUTOMOBILES li PLY. IDS., food cond. RH. I1M. MS Pint St. IVN. 033 MODEL A Ford, cut down, 16" wheels. good cond., 187. Al Nolan, Rt. I, BOX 356P. 1 Ml. N. Keiser Bch. QJ2J FORD '36 4 door deluxe. Good paint and motor. Pnone 43633. Q232 StTpLY. Dlx. cpe. RAtH. 1450. '41 Ford 6 pickup, IS50. Ted it Ernie, 12th St. Junction. Ph. 2-8306. ?a33" 1939 DODGE deluxe sedan. Excellent con- dltion. Paone 3-5643 or 3-3173. qaaa IK CHEV. 4 dr. 3 tone. K&H. 14,000 mile. Original owner. 11695. 3657 Cherry ave. 4222 37 FORD coupe. Clean, good cond., 1395. Ph. 37384. 1330 Lancaster after I pm q323 ml CHRYSLER brofhara. very good. Ph 3-5643 or 3-3173. 0323 Eisner Motors to Sell HOLD EVERYTHING! Wl ARK IN THE MARKET POR NICE CLEAN CARS. '17 MODELS ON DP. CASK PAID. TRADE. SELL OR BUY. ZEEB'S USED CARS 3335 FAIROROUNDS ROATJ PHONE 2-6494 Q232 tlWI USED CAR LOT 660 it your old one. 13th St, Junction. Open till 10 p.m. 4241 Eisner Motors to Buy CAR ACCESSORIES tire Si tubes at coat price. First coma first served a tnl l a close-out sale Dealer welcomed, R D. Woodrow Co., 450 Center. WANTED: Clean used cars. Bob Marr 2160 South Commercial ZEEB'S USED CARS BOY SRLL TRADE 333 Fair round Road Phone 1-6444 Eisner Motors Fine Cars MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS 1600 HARLEY 74 overhead, 46 model, like new. 4.000 miles. Buddy seat it accessories. 2030 N. 17th. 4B222 S A FTI CYCLES New and used. Low price transportation, up to 100 miles per gal. Small down payment. Low monhtly pay ment on ba). HAIN'S OUTBOARD it SPORT SHOP 1201 S. Commercial Ph. 36050 qa222 BOATS OUTBOARD MOTORS H.P. Evlnrude, used (250 22 H P. Evlnrude, used 6325 17'zi H.P. Evlnrude. used 1200 16 H.P. Evlnrude, used 3160 16 H.P. Johnson, like new 1265 5 H.P. Evlnrude. used 1110 2 H P. Evlnrude. ufd 350-375 HAIN'S OUTBOARD Aj SPORT SHOP 1201 S. Commercial Ph. 36050 flq222 FINANCIAL PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 518 State - Rm. 125 Lie S-122-M-165 C. R. Allen. Mitr. r222 $10,000 LOAN wanted, down town business will pay 6 per cent, repay at $150 to $200 jer month, all paid back by 3 years. ALSO $10,000 loan wanted on highly improved farm, 3 or 5 years, will repay at rate of $150 per month including interest at 6 per cent. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8. High St. Telephone 14121 $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE. LIVESTOCK -EQUIPMENT LOANS OP TO 1300 Come to or phone Hollywood Finance Co. I960 Fairgrounds Road Next Door to Bank No Parking problems Phone 17032 Llo N M369-S3I1 Flcyd Kenyon, Mgr. t PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Short Time Payments ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial St. Phont 1-9161 SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4. OR 4 INTEREST 6 to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 844 State St. Phont 1-3663 r GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lfc. 8-133 and M-IM and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 B. Commercial St. Tel. 3-9161 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4'i and 5 YOITM OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estatt Contracts . and Second Mortgage. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. S01 Pioneer Trust Bld. Ph. 1-116 r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT OO. 182 S. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 1-2457 Lie. No. M-lSt 8-154 TRAILERS It FT. TRAILER. Newly decorated. 9 bed davenports. Good heating atove and gasoline pressure cook atove. 1225. With out wheels. 3 miles out airport rd. Paradbe Island Farm. t324 t WHEEL campln trailer, sleeps . "'"1 take small 2 wheel trailer as part pay ment. Esau's Motor Service, Dallas. t324 TRADE 4 Ac nut vending machines for House Trailer. Pti. 21746. 1222 HK1HYVAY AVE. TRAILER PARK under new management. Space reasonable. Close to school, bus it store. Quiet it shade tree.. 3 blocks east of Chuck's on Highway Ave. Ph 2-1746. t223 DEER Ht'NTIRS SPECIAL; Trailer, wheel metal with rack, tall lite, atop lite, brakes, spare tire it wheel, 175. Trader Louie. 3055 Portland Rd. t222' NEW 2 Wii OIRECTORT 4DDINO MACHINE! All makes naed meebtnea told, rented repaired Rota 4M Court Phone 1-6773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair lerrici new appliance T' ace's Bitctrlc Phone Fret estimates Ttadt-lns accepted on 9-9239 157 8 Liberty St o IT-L'R DOOR GRINDING 'awnmower iharpenlot and ripalrlni Dexter'a Pn itiii o UTO RADIOS Authonted Warranty Repair Station for al) makes of Auto Radios Morrow Ratllo Co.. 151 Liberty Ph 1-8SSS e UAH ION MOTORS NASH SERVICE rowing aerrtct day phont l-till RignT J HOI 13 Center Hike Panek. ITS S Com'l. Ph. S-5161. Brakt and wheel aiigning specialist o3 R( II.niNG CARPfNTRT Runndel. 'eea r that home now Termi Mo down payment. Phont I-4IM. DIRECTORY Bl'll.DING CONTRACTOR Alt Bros. Also houses raised. New foun dation. Phont a-3M9. 0243 BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph. 3-6537 or 3-4306. 0239 Bulldozing, leveling, road bldf.. clear ing teeth for brush. Virell Htukey, 1010 Falrview Ave. Ph. 1-3146. Salem. o339 CARPENTER WORK Carpenter work. New, repair. Ph. 1-3093. CASH REGISTERS I as tarn delivery of new RCA cash register Al makes aoid rented, rt pa.-ed Roen 456 Court Ph 2-6771 o CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair o( foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curbs, walla, ttc Call 2-4850. o CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnaet chimneys vacuum cleaned. Ens'ey 771 S. 21st. Ph. 3-7176. o23S" DRESS MAKING Alt,, dresa making. Good used clothes for sale. 360 state St. Rm. 17. o244 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vlnce's Electric for electrical wiring, contracting, -repairing. 157 S. Liberty 3-;03 o EXCAVATING A GRADING EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross, 1555 Pearl. o233a Brelthauot f for flowers Dial 1-9179 o t'hel. stove it diesel oil. Ph. 9-3186. Shell Oil Co L T. Maxwell, distributor. 0241 FURNACE CLEANING Gtant vacuum machine. Trailer mount ed. Ph. 28662. United Products Co 3037 Portland Rd. Reasonable price. o233 HOUSEHOLD PRODICTS J. R Watkins Co products Free de .tvery 1717 Center Ph 3-5399 o INSULATION Johns-Manvllle. Phone 3-3748. INSTRUMENT REPAIR Expert musical Intrument repair. All work fully guaranteed. JACQUITH MU SIC CO., Ph. 3-4641. 0244 J A INTO R SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waxlnt Buildings - Factories - Homes Estimates Without Oblmatlon AMERICAN BLDG MAINT. CO. Ph. Salem 9-9133 0 LANDSCAPr NURSERY 9 A Doerfler it Sons. Ornamentals UP N Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 2-1332 o DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry. 945 Jef ferson St., Phone 23452. o LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 S. Com'l St. 0233" LAWN MOWER SHARPENING At you: door lawnmower sharpening Dextar the lawnmuwer man Ph 36833 MATTRESSES Capita. Beddicg Phone 3-4069 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish it Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1523 Court St. Ph. 3-7569. o240 OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, flies and tiling supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies desk lamps typewriter stands, brief cases Pierce Wirt Recorders. Roen 456 Court OIL BURNER SERVICE We service all tvpes of burners. Ph, 28662. United Products Co. 3037 Port land Rd. Work guaranteed. o233 tlfitrom' are equipped to do your painting Phont 1-2493 n PAPERnANGING Expert Paperhanging and painting. H J Woodworth. Ph. 2-5868. Free est. o227 PAINTING St PAPERING Painting and paperhanging. Free esti mate, Ph 3-9513, 857 Shipping. o240 Call 2-2608 for your Painting it Paper l.anning. Attractive rates. o223 PICTURE FRAMING PLUMBING Fisher, 844 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. 0232' PRUNING-SPRAYING Phillip W Belike. Ph. 2-1208 SAND A GRAVEL Garden Soil, crushed rock, Shovel and dragline excavating. Walling Sand & Gravel Co., Phone 3-9249. o Valley Sand St Gravel Co Silt, aand A Ml dirt Excavating 10B shovel A cats Tractor scoop A trucks for dirt moving Ph oftlce 24002. res. 37146 o Salem Saw Wrks. Ph. 1-7603. 1293 N 5th 0229 SEWERS AND SEITIC TANKS El ec trio Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent Razor J harp Steel Cutting Blades Clean Sewers or Drains Septic Tank; Cleaned Rea. Ph 1-6327 or 1-9461 SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septic Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Servlct on Sewers. 1079 Elm St, W. Salem. Ph. 1-9468, 1-5327. o235 K. P Hamel. Septic tanks cleaned Electric machine aervlca on sewer and drain lines. Guaranteed work, 1141-8th St.. West Salem. Ph. 3-7404 o223 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge. Call us collect. Todd's Septic Tank Service, 2545 State St. Phont 2-0734. o SEWING MACHINES New Home sewing machine sales. We repair all makes. King wood Elec., 1091 Eds e water. Ph. 35569. 0231 Bought, eold, rented, repaired E7. terms All makes, W. Davenport. Ph. 17871. 0228 Alt makes repaired, free estimates Singer Sewing Uach!nt Co. 130 No Commercial Ph. 3-3512, o' TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portables Alt makes used machine Repairs and rent Roen. 458 Court o TRANSFER A STORAGE .ocal St Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal St Briquet Trucks U Portland dally Agent for Bektna Hoiue hold goods moved to anywhere In O S o. Canada Larmer Transfer Storage Ph 3-3131 o VENETIAN BUNDS Salem Venetian Blind made to order u refloUhad Relnholdt Lewis S-383 Elmer The Bhndman. Ph. 37328. WE I.I. DRILLING Fred Wymore, Rt. 2, Boa J17. Ph. 1-5135. o239' WE A Til ERST R I PPI NO Free estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 3-595 0233 WINDOW SHADES Washable Roller Made to order 1 Day Del Relnholdt it Lewis Ph 2363S o WINDOW CLEANINO Acme Indow Cleaners Windows, waili A woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned waied and poURhed Ph 8-3337 34' Court Lancdoo, Culbertson and slather WOODSAWING "Atkins" Croit. Ph! 3-167.' or 3-9178. " o23 Writ faVm F.! Cn Ph J-4M1 LODGE 9 I OO.F meet every Wed- nenday aignt, Vuitors Re. cum. Earth's Life and Welfare Dependent Upon Sun's Rays By J. HUGH PRl'ETT (Astronomer, Extension Division, Oregon Higher Education System) "The sun should need no introduction. Daily it rises and daily it sets." With this unique opening remark, Dr. Donald H. Menzel of Harvard presents "Our Sun," his new book only recently off the press of The Blakiston company. This book is recommended as most fascinating and inform- ative reading for all interested in solar astronomy. Little wonder is there that primitive peoples held the glor ious sun to be an object worthy of profound adoration and wor ship. Nothing in the visible uni verse so nearly approached their) idea of the splendor and power of a god as this life-giving lordtered buying after a weak start. ' day. Other Brains were firm with in a material sense our me ana weiiare aepena principally more than a cent a busnel mo5l on the sun. Its warmth and Df the tjme light are responsible for the( Some wheat buving was in an growth of vegetation, our pn-! ticipation that the government mary source of food. Its rays wiU re.enter the wheat market evaporate water, raise it into Monday. The CCC bought hea clouds and produce the winds'vv amoUnts of wheat here the mai Dring rain 10 us. ah weain er is the result of sunshine. Should Old Sol some time per manently "black out," life as we know it could not long exist. De spite appearances, the sun, ac cording to Dr. Henzel, is not "on fire" in the sense of combustion. It is composed of intensely hot, luminous gases, hydrogen pre dominating. The visible solar surface has a temperature of around 6000 degrees Centigrade, while that at the center is cal culated to be 25,000,000 degrees. From the surface at times scar let prominences violently erupt with the "appearance of enor mous flames," and rise to great heights. - Through ordinary telescopes, sunspots provide the most inter est. These appear in greatest numbers at intervals of about 11 years, but even at times of min imum a few can often be found. They may stand alone or be col lected into groups, but altogeth er never cover more than a very small percentage of the appar ent solar disk. Various theories concerning their cause have been propounded, but there is no gen eral agreement among astronom ers. Writes Dr. Menzel, "My op inion is that sunspots are some what similar in form to terres trial tornadoes, with funnel necks extending deeply into the solar interior." The author devotes consider able space to the beautiful and mysterious corona, the pearly white surrounding of the black ened sun during total eclipses. And on solar eclipses he gives besides abundant discussion a 10-page table listing the time and place of visibility of all the 230 eclipses (partial, annular and total) due to occur during the 100 years ending with A.D. 2000. Of solar problems, we are told each solution raises new diffi culties. . . . Every day increases our ignorance." How long will the sun last? Says Dr. Menzel, "Barring a cos mic accident, the sun will con tinue to radiate for thousands of millions of years perhaps even growing brighter for a time as the increasing central tempera ture accelerates the carbon cy cle. Then when the hydrogen approaches a state of exhaustion the sun will cool, and perhaps collapse to form a white dwarf. At the end it will fade to invisi bility a chilled clinker, still at tended by the planets to which it once gave light and life.' Billions of years? Why should we worry? Federal Sleuth Speaks Woodburn F. A. Fletcher, fBl agent from Portland, was the guest speaker at the Wood burn Rotary club. He was in troduced by W. Earl Dunn, pro gram chairman. A group of Woodburn Rotarians will attend a district meeting at Newberg Wednesday noon and the local group will provide the music for the program. LEGAL UNCLAIMED DEPOSITS PRESUMED ABANDONED The following unclaimed depot I including deposit other than those payable on demand, are held by The First National Bank of Port land at Its BALEM BRANCH Salrm, Oregon, an of July 1. 1949: the owner or owners of which have not for a oenod of seven surcfMlve yara prior to said date, (a) negotiated in writing In resoect thereto, or ibi been credited with interest on the passbook or certifi cate, of deposit on his or their request, or c had a transfer, disposition of inter est or other transaction noted of record In tht booki of tht above bank or trust company, or td increased or decreased tht amount of th deposit: Commerelal Depenlte Cochran Mrs. R. E, address unknown, 893; Park. Mary W., 1M Chemeketa. Salem, Oregon, $61 44; Singer, J. F., ad dress unknown. $600.00. Savlnga Depnvlli Arnesnn. Mrs. Letha. 2310 N 41 h St.. Salem, Ore, 1100; Asukl. Mrs. H'len Tr. for Cstallno Anukl, Jr., address unknown. 1 00; Beardsler. Jack or Gladvs E. Tr. for Sandra Le, Salem. Oreeon. 4.86: Berker, Daniel, Rt. 4. Boa 152. Balem. Ore.. 2)32: Bertlund, George, 2320 S Commercial, Sa lem. Oregon, 1 60; Coffey, Eiberta. 665 Hiilpplni St.. Rakm, Ore., 7 77; Coffey, Mrs. O. B or Marly Lou, Salem. Oregon, : 2131; Coker, Mrs. Irene. 1127 Hlns. Sa- ' m, Ore,, 1 00. Co'n, Elma by Clara C. Patterson. Sunt , Rt. ft. Boa 50. flajem, Ore.. 123 31; Fann.ne. Mrs. Warren Tr. for Bert Fann.ng. 196 Grant. Salem. Ore.. I 83; Ml.ne, Mr. or Mrs. D E, Rt. 2. Sa lem Ore., 100; Mori1. Ellsworth. No. JottBe. I 74. Ove, Tom, Rt. 2. Boa 331. 3a km. Ore, 157; Parr. Eugene T., 3051 Virgin; St., Salem. Ore. 172 Porter, Bill. Rt. 3, ftta 36. Salem, Ore . 1 00; Sfhroeder, Edith M by C. S. Bristol. 1321 No Capitol, Salem. Ore. 119 49; Sharp. B.ll. Rt. ft, Box 104. Salem. Ore, 1 00. tlllman. Jennie L . 1181 Stat Sf . Sa lem, Or. 1.00. Yarkey, Joe, 1133 Chemt kea. Salem, Ore , 1 00. Proper! HH4 ublrt in Writ mt Exerallon wr Atlarhment Cutler, IB Mildred, address un Known, defendant. Credit Bureaus, plain tiff. $16 67. Karry Kold Mff. Co. address jnknown, defendant. Credit Service Corp., pi a. nt iff, 1,47 Vott. Arthur E., addrei unknnt'n. defendant. Credit Bureaus, p;a.nt,If, .15. Sept. 10. 17 , Wheat Futures Show Firmness chicaao. Seot. 17 tP) Wheat .,,- WPrp firm toriav on srat- u,hpat whii muhpani aHvanrprfi first five days this week, but the office is closed on Saturdays. Wheat closed unchanged to ' higher than the previous finish, unchanged to Hj up, Septem ber Jl.27-.27 1; oats were un changed to V4 higher, Septem ber 68 'ii: rye was '4 to "4 up, September $1.46 '2; soybeans were '4 to 134 higher, Novem ber $2.31 lard was 3 to 7 cents hundred pounds higher, Sep tember $12.10. The word "truck' gardens or 'truck" crop comes from the French word "troquer" which means to barter. MARKET QUOTATIONS Salem Liveitovk Market (By Valley Packing Com Piny i Lambs 118.00 to 120.00 Feeder lambs 112.00 to 110.00 Even t'. 30 to S4 00 Cutter cows 18.00 to 110.00 Fat dairy cows 19.00 to tlO.SO ulls $11.00 to 115.00 Calves, good 1300-450 lbs.) $16.00 to $18.00 Veal 1150-300 lbs.) top ....$18.00 to $20.00 Portland Prodscn Butterfat Tentative, subject to Imme diate change. Premium quality maximum , to .35 to 1 percent acidity delivered in Portland. 63-66c lb., 92 score 61-64c lb.. 90 score. 57-eOc, 89 score, 65c. Valley routes and country olnts 2c less than first. Butter -Wholes lit FOB bulk cubes to wholesalers: grade S3 score, 62 cents: A 92 score 61c; B 90 score, 69c lb.. O 8i score, 66c. Above prices art strictly nominal. Cheeae Bellini price to Portland whols salt; Oregon singles 89-40c; Oregon b sm. loaf 42-43c; triplets l'A less than Ingles Eggs Tw Whole alert) A trade large B3-i-64,ac; A medium, 6558 'ic; grade B large, S4'4-56Vac: small A trade, 43Vic Pnetland Dairy Market Butter Price to retailers: Grade AA prints 67c; AA cartons 68c: A print 67c A cartons ,C8c; B prints 64c. Eggs Prices no retailers; Grade AA large 75c doi.; lertlfied A large, 70c: A. large 69c; AA medium, 6lc; certified A, medium, 60c; A medium, 69c. A email, 43c cartons 2c additional. Cneeat Price to rata Hers: Portlano Oregon singles 39-42e Oregon loaf, b lb loafs 44'i-45c lb.; triplets, X1, cents less than singles. Premium brands, singles SlMte lb loaf. 630. Poultry Llva Chickens No 1 Quality FOB plants, No. 1 broilers under 3'i lbs. 25-26c lb.; fryers 24-3 lbs., 28-30c: 8-4 lbs., 31c; roasters 4 lbs and over. 31c lb., fowl, thorns, 4 lbs and under, 20c, over 4 lbs 19c; colored fowl all weights 22c. roosters, alt weights 18-19c. Rabbits Aerate t growers; live whites. 4-5 lbs 16-20 lb.) 6-6 lbs. 16-lSc lb: oiored 3 cent tower; old or heavy boes 6-14c; dressed fryers to butchers, 63-57c Country-Kilted Meata Veal top quality, 33-33a lb.; other grades according to weight and Quality with poot or heavier 30-25c. Hogs: Light blockers, 33-33c; sows 24-26c. Lambs: Top Quality, springers, $5-37c; mutton, 10-12c. Beef. Good cows, 22-23C Ib.i tanners cutters, 20-23c Freah Dressed Meats (Wholesalers to retailers per ewt.t: Beef steers, good 500-800 lbs , $43-46: commercial, $30-34; utility, $36-30. Cows Commercial, $39-34: utility, $25 29; canners-cutters, $33-26. Beef cuts- food teersi Hind Qiiar trimmed, $73-77; triangles, $30-33; square chucks, 139-41; ribs, 152-65; forequarters. 135-37. Veal and calf: Good, $38-37; commercial, $32-33; utility. $25-37. Lambs: Good-choice spring lambs. $43.50 46: commercial, $36-41; utility, $33-36. Mutton: Good, 70 lbs down, $16-11. Pork cuts: Loin No. 1 8-12 lbs., $60 6.1; shoulders, 16 lbs down. 141-4.1; spsrp rlbs, $47-50; carcasses, $33.60-34.50; mixed weight $1 lower. Portland Miscellaneous Cascara Bark Dry 124c lb. green 4c lb Wool Valley coarse and medium grades. 45c lb. Mohair 15e ID. otj 12-month growth nominally Hides Calves. 30c lb., according to weight, kips 25c lb., beef ll-l2c lb., bulls 6-7c lb. Country buyers pay 2e less. Nut Quotations- Walnuts Pr an queues, first quality Jum bo. 34.7c large, 32.7c, medium, 27,2c. second quality Jumbos, 30.2c; large, 38 3r m-dlum. 26. 2e; aby, 33 2c: soft shell, first quality large, 29.7c medium.' 36.3c; sec ond quality large, 17 2c; medium. 34.7c; baby 33.3c Filberts Jumbo, 30a lb. i large. 18c. ndiiim 1r- -mall, llo SALEM MARKETS Completed frem report ot Salem deal era for th fa Ida nee of Capital Joarnal Reader. (Reflttd daily). Retail Feed Price Elf Mah I4.BA. Rabbit Pellet 14.30. Dairy Feed 13.70. Poultry: Buylni price Orade A color ed hem 21-22c; trade A Leihorn hen. 18-19c trade A colored fry era, three lbs and up, 31-33c. Orade A old rowtera, 1) cent Rate Ruylni Frlrea Extra lane AA. 87r; lane AA. 88c. 'arte A. 84-8Ar: medium AA, !&c; medium A. 43-S8r. puileta 38-40r. Wholesale Price Eet wholesale price S-7c abovt thea prlcej; above trade A tenerally quoted at 71c; medium, 83c. Butterfat PremiuTl 84 -95c No. i, 81ei NO I, 17 !9e -burlnt price) Baiter - Wholeailt grade A. I7i re an 7jf CHINOOK SALMON For Canning 30c lb. Fitts Market 216 N. Commercial St. Cherry Fruit Fly Controlled Very good compliance and cooperation were had in most casci in this year's cherry fruit fly control program, sayi a re port made to the county court by J. S. Turnbull, fruit fly con trol officer. Most people, he said, were willing to take care of their trees although some complaints were investigated and some were a little slow in com plying. The market was a little low this year, said the report, and after the price was announced many did not want to do any more than was necessary. Per haps some growers, he said, did not time the spray and dust ap plications as well as they should have and worms were found in many of the later cherry de liveries. Generally a good crop was harvested, although some or chards had a very light crop. Weather conditions were good throughout the season with very little cracking. Two non-resident owners were contacted in regard to neglected orchards, one had his sprayed, another promised to remove the trees as soon as possible as it was late in the season to help much this year. The control officer said he traveled 1444 miles in the coun ty on his control work. Approxi mately 7068 tons of sweet cher ries and 400 tons of sour cher ries, were packed in the Salem area. From May 9 to 26th he spent contacting growers, spray sup ply houses and processing plants .nd on May 26 the first fly emergence notices were sent out to growers. Lebanon Post Office Receipts Hold Own Lebanon Postal receipts, ac cording to Merrill Smith, post master, are about even with those of last year, total for the year at the end of August be ing J36.945.16. slightly more than the $36,122.65 during the similar period of 1948. Highest single month during the two years was May, 1949 when receipts amounted to $5,- 510.04. During the last month the postal income was $4,323.18. compared with $4,197.65 during August last year. With the holidav malls still ahead. Smith is aniirinntinff a larger difference at the year's end. A heavy influx of persons during the Dasl summer will ac count for the increased margin, he said. DEATHS Mm. Harriett! A. Bond Mrs. Harriett A. Bond, at the residence et 1165 North Fifth street. September 16. Survived by her husband, William A. Bond of Salem: a dnushter B ryl E. DeOulve of Calem; a son, Delmar L. Bond of Cam n. Wa.sh.: a sister, Carrie Wiltermood of Oak' and, Calif.: and seven grandchildren. cervices will be held at the Clough-Bar-rick chapel Monday, September 19. at 10 30 a.m. with Rev. Louis C. Ktrby of ficiating. Interment In Belcrest Memorial park. Wendell LeRoy Arrhrr Wendell LeRoy Archer, at the family residence at 670 South Elma street, Sep tember 17. at the age of 53 years. Sur vived by wife, Charlotte Archer of Ba lem: thref daughters, Mrs. Rulh Taylor. Miss RernHdlne Archer and Miss Nrllle Archer, all of Salem: and a son. LeRov Archer, Jr.. o Salem. Announce ment of services later by tht Howell-Edwards chapel, Chaunr? flanen In this city September 16, Chauncey Hansen, late resident of Portland, Oreuon, at the ase of 60 years. Survived by his wife. Florence Hnn.n of Portland An nouncement of service later by W. T. Riadon company. Carrie RchrelnVr In this city September 14, Carrie Srhrel der, late resident of Portland. Announce ment of services later by W. T. Rigdon OBITUARY ElhH Irene McCrae Albany -Mrs. Et he) Irene MiC-ae. 26. route 3. Euaene, who died Al a E ir,i hos pital Thursday was a former A banv resi dent and will be burled here Tuevlay in Willamette Memorial park .'olio wine serv ices ts bf held at the Fisher funeral home al 2 r m. Mrs. McCrae was lreie Mol lett, who was married to Arcnle O. Mr Crae in Aliiany August 11, W'A. fine we born in Albany June 19, 1P21. She had Jivt-rJ In Euene the laM nine years. Sur viving besides her husband are a son. Clark Oael MrCrae, two brot ,ifri, Olenn and Cecil Mollett. Albany and three sis ters. Mrs. Evelvn Shilling. He o Mrs. I Rita Dtinlap. Euaene, and Mrs, Lillian McClaln, Albany. Rile Abraham (Abe) Mlnn Silverton - Blley Abraham ' Ahet Mn.tnn. 87, died Friday afternoon at the Dalla hospital here he had been taken alter atiAtalnint a broken lea. He wan h'i-n February 1. 1B82 In Ohio, and had mad hi home in Dai la lor the lent five yeara. Prior to thai, he had lived in Sil verton one year and In Mill City 4:1 year. He wa a llfel tme member uf the CnrlAt ian ehurrh and t h IOOK. He fta married In Wnl to LouUe Mahler in Fin ley. Ohio Ahe died in 1923 at Mill Citv. He wax married to Rillie Wllaon 13 teara ato. who aurvivea him. Other aurvivor in clude two aona, Hon of Wapalo. tVan , and Paul of Mill C:tv: two dauiliter, Bernice Conklin of Bn n kit and Ethyl Ht.r rinaton of Silverton. Funeral aerv lex at Mill CMy Christian church at a 30 o'clock Sunday aTternoon In It ment tn Fain lew remetery at Mill City nte Jtev. Art hur Cnarle Bates o fillveiton pmtdint. Servirea under dirertion cf Henxle and Rollman funeral home. Phone 3-4424 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, College Jcotbatt High School ! college aeon r. i Far West UCLA 35. Oregon State 13. Oregon 34, 8t. Mary's lCaltf. T. Whitworth 33. Northern Irtaho 13. Denver 48. Colorado Mines 0. SOUTH Georgia 25, Furtnan 0 Mississippi 40, Memphis State T. M1UWK8T Drake 40 South Dakota State 0. Pittsburgh iKas i 37, Roll Mines T. Waxhburn 31. Doanc 13. Slmpnon 31. William .Jewell T. Marvville 'Mo ' 77. Rorkhurst 13. Buena Vista IV, York (Neb.) 13. Video Cuts Into UCLA -OSC Gate In Test Showing I.os Ancclcs, Sept. 17 (,P This city's two big time foot ball schools Southern Cali fornia and I'CLA set out last night to determine whether televising gird contests will hurt the came. The first test was notably successful for the television audience, but no so good for the athletic department's bank account. I'C'I.A and Oregon State opened the Pacific Coast conference season before 37, 420 fans, the honie town Bru ins winning 35 to 1.1. That compares with a turn out of 43,399 for the first PCC game last year, which wasn't televised. Then I'CLA beat Washington State, 48 to 20. That's a drop of nearly 15 percent at the gate. And cou pled with the fact that last year 55,211 fans had paid their way into Memorial col iseum the night before to watch USC trim non-conference Utah 27 to 0, the drop was enough to put another furrow on the brow of any graduate manager. Pheasants Freed Near Field Day Site Saturday Two releases of Chinese pheas ants were scheduled to be made in connection with "Willamette Valley Conservation" day, Sat urday, in the Aumsville district. The birds, part of the 1949 hatch of pheasants raised on the Cor vallis state farm, were to be lib erated in the vicinity of the field Jay site, on the Jrvin Bartels farm, one mile north of Shaw. Another feature of the day long program of soil conservation and Rood land use was the con struction of a half acre stock wa ter and sports fishing pond on the Bartel place. 1 - -- University Alleys Straltnn Plumblna i3-Gannon 497, 01 ney Jr. 4.i6, Hlrattnn .143, Pearl 334, Strut ton 4452275. Kalem Lighting Heating Pickrell 39(1. Knledlry b)2 Heckmsn 380. PIhuU 433, Wtltnn 474 2198. Highland Market 3i Causey 530, Ma-irv 509, Owens 4!)7. Jolinvson 448, Lliuisry ;i7 -2S11. Thrlftwav Cleaners (li Hart 475, Farley 4fi. McDanieU 473, Creasy 443, Drlnney 4H1 370, Nobles Ml- Crawforrl 513, McNeil 4IS Noble 397, New ley 477, Rrsl 471- 3317. I nivrroal Pump i3iVade 47D, Owen VII. Sub 3fc7, Haugen 433, Valdes S8 238. I.iits FlnrHI i3i- Kttrmlller 537, Up.stnn 44ft, Ltitr. 446. Cnmatnc-k 609, Rlchex 4flfi 3409. (.nod llnuxekerpinc li Stmoiui ?29, Joneji 428, Caiy 448, Irona 503, Olney 480- 21Hfi, MsnMower Milk Ml- Wood'ord 514 Cur II 439, Scholtz 4fil, Straw 474, Mocabee 490 2378. Salem Hardware iji West 4!3, ORrrl.on 535, Krcnar Thede 4H2. am- 417 ;:ii8. Trailwar Cafe 1 1 - Jnh n.tnn 4.V. Cro.-ji 449, MrNiill 47ft, Holt AM. Ert.snaarfl" 4.3 2324. Riniland I'el Shop lt Clark 4.S4, ninxland 4:9, Biwch 42u, Peae 475, Bra dfn 432 -22KO. llmh individual aame: Oarrivion. 221, Sa lem Haidwrtrf Ulali individual aerie; W. Valdea, 86, Universal Pump. Hish leam aerie: 3311. Hiehland Market. PLANT FALL BULBS NOW! TULIPS dent Harvest - Zwanenburg - Clara Butt - Kansas Keizerkroon. IOC each UYAPIklTIUJC l I MVtfHN I nj the Blues - Grand Maitre - low Hammer. 35c each BIDDINC, SI At. 20c MCh KING ALFRED CROCUS DAFFODIL f'nl1 n(1 Spring Flowering JUMBO BULBS BU,P ' Ysr " White 20c $2 dzrn I 5C fa 5Qc dMfH LILLIES DUTCH IRIS Murtagnn . Trnuifollum WHITE - YELLOW Hansonii - Mndnnna BLUE - PURPLE D. A. WHITE Cr SONS GARDEN HEAIXJl' ARTKRS 263 Stale H e Drlivrr Phone t-241d Saturday, Sept. 17, 1949 13 HIGH SCHOOL SCORES Mi It on-Free water 53, Enterprise 0. Washington (Portland) 18. Pendleton t. Prineville 33. John Day 0. Grant 'Portland) 7, Klamath Fall! , Hfnley 8, Lakevlew 0 Bend 10, Cleveland (Portland) i. The Dalles 19. Oreuon City 12. Grants Pass 25, Lebanon 0. Coquille 45, Ashland 19. Med ford .15. Hosebura 0. Euaene 2fl. Mjrtle Point 13. Marshield 3?. Heedsport 12. Vancouver, Wash., 30. Salem " University ituaenel 19, Bweel Home 9. Madras 21, OHfcrirtue 0 Cormll.s 6. Springfield 0. Toledo 19, Canny 0. Estacaria 12. While Salmon, Wash., t. - H!i:horn 29, Milwatikie 0. SiHerton 7. Beaverton 7 tie. 1 Camas. Wash. 25. West Linn I. 1 S'.v.-tcin 14. Banks 0. -1 McMinnville 12, .Jefferson iPortland) ." Hood liner jr. Woodburn 0. ' Prritroe 28, Kanier 25. Tillamook 13, Vernonla 6. W:I lamina 13, Forest Grovg . " Pi. Helens 13. Sherwood I. Astoria 13, St Rppoose 0. r T:cnrd 2H. Fen nee, 7. 1 Bu merron. Wa-h . 34 Lincoln iPortl.i 0.' Fr,Tiii;;!:i IB. Tre-ham 0. noobfvelt -1'ortl.t 6. Lotieview. Wash. fl. . Molalla 19. S.irrrd Heart iSaleini 0. , Hopsters Open Grid Slate Next Friday at J-City ; Independence The Hopsters open their football season against Junction City there Fri- day afternoon. Competition for,: positions have been strong this', fall with no one being certain-' of a starting berth, according to ' Coaches John Mathis and Sam: Ramey. The nine fame on the local achedul n this year are: Sept. 23 At Junction City. Sept. 30 At Amity. October 7 Dayton here. t October 14 Salem Arademr here. j October 21 At Philomath. October 28 At Stayton. November 4 fleered Heart her. November i: At Monmouth, -November 18 Daltaa here. Marion-Polk LoopH Announces Grid Slate for 1949 The fall schedule of the Mar-'J lon-Pollf. county football league includes: Oct. 1 Philomath at Stayton. ' Oct. 14, Stayton at Monmouth: Salem Academy at Independence; Philomath tV Oct. 21 Monmouth at Salem Academy; ,-x, Independence at Philomath; Sacred Heart -at Stayton. Oct. 28 Monmouth it Sacred Heart; Independence at Stayton; Salem Academy at Philomath. Nov. 4 Philomath at Monmouth: Sac-"" rd Heart at Independence; stayton at'' Salem Academy. No. 11 Independenct at Monmouth; Sacred Heart ot Salem Academi Philo math, bye. H Cardinals Drop v Molalla Opener Sacred Heart high's Cardinal,, football club went up against a rugged Molalla Indian grid"' squad Friday night and were'j turned back without a single uwi knniALU ujj, .11. ..... ...v ui, i. una taiiicu,! three touchdowns and one con- version point to win 19 to 0. Thei game was played at Molalla. The Cardinals functioned fair ly well during the final period . but could not get a serious scori ing threat rolling. They will. engaged the Mt. Angel Preps ati Mt. Angel next Friday. Eugene Is Ousted Little Rock. Ark., Sept. 17 ipi T1C pacific northwest re-( Rional Softball champion, Ru ben si em Furniture of Eugene,:' Ore., dropped a 3-0 decision to the Clearwater, Fla Bombers in, the first round of the amateur sottball association tournament here yesterday. Allbright - Advance - Edith Eddy Peach Blossom - Her Grace - Gol- $1.00 per dozen L- Innocence Gertrude Lady Derby - Kina of Queen ot the Pinks Yel- Top size. d3 r r 4JiJU dozen $2.00 dnzrn if