12 Capital Journal Salem, Oregon, Saturday, Sept. 17, 1949 CLASSIFIED ADVHTIUNai rr Um is Per Lint t time 40 Per Lint time OOe Per Line 1 month 13.00 Outs id of Salem 13 ptr lln P dir. Miti. I0e; t tlmt min. 30 time min. 11.30. No Refund READERS In Local Maw Col. Only: Jtr Lint loc To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 'OR SALE HOUSES Owner Leaving Oregon bedroom hom ent year old. Large living room, tilt kttchtn, bath upatalr and down. Plastered basement and gar it. Hardwood door, lot built-in, terraced back yard. Cot o?r 119.000 to build. Reduced to 112,600 for quick alt. For Information eU 14547. 337 POUR bedroom hou, tt aero of land, 2630 Brook, 16000. I ntw 4 bdrm. houses, 3310 Broadway, A. B. Heasley, wner. 3303 N. Libert Bt. 220 TWO BETTER CLASS HOMES Practically new. Llv. R, Din., Kit., Hook, 3 Bad, Double Plumb. Full Base ment with Knotty Pint Play R.. two fireplace, dble. gar., 3 lot, fenced ft landscaped. itTO John. Ph. 3-0236. a222 I IT OWNER: 3 bdrm. home. Oak floor, auto, oil lurnaet. 2019 nuiiey. rn. a-iaui. a223 BY OWNER I rm. house. 3 extra If. bedroom. If. It Ting rm.. dinette, kitchen, bath, utility rm. 14 A. lot. Lawn lot of flow are. Bee any day from 10 a.m to 10 p.m. 3365 Park Ave. Phone 3-0003. 233 BY BUILDER Lane beautiful I bedroom ranch tyl home, double aerate. In exclusive dis trict. 3100 q. ft. under roof. Drive by 1570 North sara street just oum oi Market Street then call 1-8817. a223 Ik "VIHTA" View Horn 3 yr. old, 3 bed- Doiru, landscaped. rnon or 1-3173. M" vpar OLD 1 bdrm. home plastered, Hdwd. fir., V. blind, toe. lot, doae to bu Si frade wehool. 17950. Ph. 30048. 4 J SO Macleay. ' $1950 DOWN IBal. $50 Per Month Including I Interest, Insurance & t . H. A Reserve ... On of the best t bdrm. home on the market for the money. Extra nice planter in. Attractively decorated, large closets, adequate built-in, completely Insulated, nice lawn ft ahrub. We guarantee to have theloweat heat bill In Salem. Kull or ice 19150. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1311 Edge water. Ph. 10109. v. wvn PWNF.R: MOW. 3 bdrm. neat, clean, love- v nri on. ehaan. 11 Moaemont. w. Balem. 323 an Ana. a. CUTIE attrkftiva sub. 3 BR Home. Utility Rm. Att. Oar. City Wtr. Lot 40x317. 3 Blki. to bui. 410.700. NO. I ZONE 4 BR, full dry baamt. 10 Blk. to Stat House. Heaiiy worm ne aaoney. 1.500. HOLLYWOOD DIST. Completely furnished 7 yr. old 3 BR home on lot soxiao. Automatic m. beau tiful lawn At shrubs. X10.R00. WALNOT PARK. Close to Doctor' Clinic ft Hospital. Cor ner lot. B vr. 3 BR home hae many Tea- Hires: cecinr-imea cioseis, iou oi duiii- im " nlumbins in oasmi.. on iur f pi are, If. gar., plus driveway, pvd. at. ft wks., bua by door. 3.000. HOLLYWOOD D1BT. Prewar built ft room home. Full basmt., I D, fur. 3 fplaces, 3 BR, Din. Rm., nice lot, good loca. Ph. 30400. U. LUKlNHEALi ItGAu EOIAIB 433 North High Bt. Eve. Ph. 33834 37709 38704 a223 fEW HOME, ft large rms. Also large util ity 4s garage, can ZDtJB lor appoint ment. 223 LARGE 5 ROOM All spacious room. Built of the finest material 4c workmanship by a lane contractor for hi own home. Attrac tive term for reapontble party. Price, 411,100. 3 BDRM. 3 LOTS Nice clean home on food paved street In W'. Salem. Close to school ex bu. Price I70O0. Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1311 Edgewater Ph. i-siot. Eve. -vv a233 BT OWNER 1 tlr. I bdrm. Full basement. Auto heat. Ingle wood school. Bu near. Dial 3-9921. 224' REDUCED TO 44,000 FOB QUICK SALE IVfc yr. old, 1 bdrm. down, room for 3 mora up, cor. lot, elty water. Bee or write Bud Nicholson, P.O. Bos 320. AumsTllle, Ore. a333 rTILL SELL-for best reasonable cash of- fer, my 11404 equity in 1 yr. old 3 Mrm, home. Hardwood floor. Plastered. 542 Blllcr eve., Mapleton addition. a224 Sacrifice By Owner Only Few Days 1 yr. old, extra large 9 bdrm, Llv, Din rm 4k Kit. Hdw fl. V Bids, Insulated, all electric, fr pi. tt A landscaped. Will take lata car. 19500. Attractive terms. Furn If desired. 45ft Morningsld Dr. Ph. 3-3000. a222 boon OLDER home at 300 So, 14th etrtet. This oldtr home ha lot of lift left. Drive by and make us an offer. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Ph. 14707 414 Court Iva. 34773 a223 I ("BDRM. 4AM. Close to Catholic school. Crment foundation. Plastered. LR, DR St Kitchen. Elec. cooking and water heater. Terms. RAWLINS REALTY HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Ph. un ... uois 11111 . itm ! BUY LIKE RENT 1 1 bedroom - t year old - hardwood floor throughout plaster - attached traga - I arte utility room - larst din ing room - electric heat - only 1500 down .Bay terms Full price only 14450 Immediate possession. PHONE EVE. 17999 Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Mason le Bldf. Ph. 3-4317 Inu: uranca Real Bvtato Mtf. Loans aaas tT OUBURRAN ft RAVE. NEW - CUN NING - WELL CONST. I BR plastered ham, hdwd., Tenet la blinds. BIO LOT fifil of nut trees. Leo. near 99-1 North. Teo good to be true at 14300. PACIOUt I BR horn on ACRE. ThU "her Rd. home la made to order for Ttur family. Very food construction, attached sarace. Lse. ccenblned bam poultrr bldf. Blf trees, wide aastmt. fnilt, t ft errlas. Paved St., 14000. Mbre aere availaM. LHreen Hom & Loan Co. Ficlttetre Ltetraaa Peraoaal Service 144 S. Com! St. Ph. 9-939. Bra. 3-999 BarncrED. t bdrm. hove. Knotty pin kikrhett. eleelrle heat, circulating fire Place, plastered traf. Tile bath room. CI nice totatlon at 430 pT. Und. J36' 814 Ws. NIW auvvrbaa ranch tyl home with spacious rooms. I bed rm. with dcubl wardrobe closet, llvln room, dining rm., kitchen 4i nook, extra larea i vtllity with all furnace, hardwood floors " thruoat. Has French doora epenlna on- to ft level? covered porch. iGeo. A. Walters, Realtor too B. Commercial Fl 31 (US, Bve. 3-1344. t.331 1 OWNER BUILDER SPECIAL 1 1 B R, home, fireplace, radiant heat, n ached farage. toe. Llv. Rm., picture window. All mason rr constr. Small down pfmnt. Approx. 184 per mo, will handle. Real buy. On Che Ave. off Liberty Rd. Nfifhbor to wast will show or call 1-178 L elil OwNpR transferred. Modem home 3H yt. I hdrms. on on floor, 1384) Jeffer son St. Ph. 16338. a334 BY OWNER I bdrm . on block to MeKlnley school St bus. Hdwd. fir., open circular stair way, plastered dry basement, oil fur pee. Will consider sap reasonable of tor. Ph. 1-4471, s-US Win a Guest Ticket to See "Madame Bovary" PIlM "Old Fashioned Girl" AT WARNERS ELSINORE THEATRE HERE ARB THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ada and find the title of thli dlctura coming soon to Salem Clip out the want ao In which the picture title appeara and ac company It with a aimple Hate mem of Vi words or lesa on 'Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mall to the Elslnor. Theater boxoffice. Contestants will be Judfced on sincerity and originality The FIVE best statements re ceived each day will each receive a guest ticket to see "Madame Bovary" plus "Old Fashioned Girl," coming soon to the Elsln ore theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal and decision of the Judges Is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal, Th. Capitol or Elslnore Theatres and members of their immediate families are not eligi ble to participate In this contest FOR SALE HOUSES rOR SALE or trade extra Ige lot, fruit 4c nuts, 3 B R. home. Close to medical center. Ph. 1T365. M2jT COZY 4 ROOM HOME. 1 bedrm. Nice sized rooms. Ntlllty room. 00m iruit. Close to bu. Lot 40x100, Price 84860. Oil and alec, stove Incl. S ACRES. 4 rm. house. Small barn: chick en house. Paved road. Price 16360. Con sider trad na for small house in city. 2 BEDROOM MODERN home. High full cement basement. Air cond. oil turn.; fireplace. Large back yard. Cloae to Me Klnley school. Price Sll.ooo. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 3-3063 Evenings call: Mr. Voorhees, 2-4007 or Mr. Sederatrom, 3-6788. S323 VERY NEAT comfortable 8 bedroom home, hardwood floors, good corner lot. Will trade or sell. 87500. NEW, 3 bedroom, oak floors, fireplace, all electric, Imm, pos. Thl 1 a lovely home. 113,800. 1 A. with nice 3 bedroom house, hard wood floors. 2 fireplace, rumpus room In basement, automatic oil heat, bua at door. 813.600. P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemeketa St. - Ph. 3-1646, S-4806 Eves. 2-2461, S- 7666, 2-6684. a323 BY OWNER NEW 2 BR. SUBURBAN HOME. CHOICE LUMBER, LOTS OF BUILT-INS. PH. 35982 FOR INFORMATION. REDUCED $1750 WONDERFUL VIEW PROM ORCHARD HEIOHTB Nice 3 Bd. rm. home, on beautiful lot 66x120. Excellent lawn and shrub. If you want an attractive home at low cost with a commanding view of the whole valley, city and mountains, all for 88760, thl home merits your at tention. Walter Musgrave, Realtor 1JU Edgewater Ph. 36100, Eve. 39939 a336' BY OWNER, Klnewood Hts. New 3 bdrm.. hardwood Doors, flrepiare, terms. Will consider offer. 1701 Longvlew, Turn right off Edgewater, 2nd street left. Ph. 35606. a226 IMM. POSSESSION Out of atate owner here to aril prac tically new home, 6 lie. rms., hdwd. firs, thruout, auto-Turn, piped to all rms. Un fin. upstairs. Btalrway In. Breeteway, att. far. Lse. lot, city water. Low down payment. FHA terms. Balem Heisht dlit. 685 Ewald, 8. off 99E. a 226 Dream Home $6250 Lee. bdrm., llv. rm., nice nook, bath, plaster, elec. heat, fireplace, lovely yard. You should see. Bub. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 B. Com'l Ph. 8-4640. f32 $3750 Full Price Including electric range. Neat 3 bdrm. Lane living rm. Breakfast nook. Oarage. All newly pnlnted and decorated. A snap! $200 Down Immediate possession 3 bdrm. Hardwood floor. Lovely kitchen. City. $1000 Down New 3 bdrm. Hardwood floor. Fire place. Many new features. Among ar tistic new homes, L. E. Klumpp Realtor 460 N. Church Ph. 3-7643 Eva. or Bun. 3-0343 or3-0136;332' IMMED. PORS, 6 rm. house, latest deslsn. Englewood Dist. 18100. F H A. Ph. 3443. B327 OITR EQI'ITY In 3 new houses for sale. or trade for Income, property. Ph. 1 -in 110. a333 FURNISHED HOME Large Lot, South Cottage Bt. Near New City Park Price 8.S0OO W. G. KRUEGER Ph. 34738 147 N. Com'l Bt. 333 iOI'TH HIGH STREET. Near schools and store, on bus line. This bungalow has 3 bed rooms. H.W. floors, fireplace, and deep basement, ext ra deep lot. You can't beat It at 16.000. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Ph. 3470T 464 Court St. Eve. 34778. a334 LOVELY 3 bdrm. home. North on 99 to 3140 Carlton Way. asj "HOLLYWOOD DIST. 39600 Beautiful new 3 bdrm. with large llv. rm, din. rm., kitchen, utility Jt bath. Fire pi nee. Hdwd. floor. Extra If, kitchen 17700 FHA. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 966 B. Commercial Ph. t-3649 Eve. 3-6360. J3I Near Salem Heights Sch. moo New 3 bdrm. with lot of pr. hdwd. floor thruout. lovely kitchen dmett. I60O0 FHA at 150 mo. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 I. Commercial Ph. 1-384 Ev. 3-3360. f.223 These Two Just 2 BLOCKS FROM LESLIE JR. HIGH anno 3 bdrms. on en floor, nice llv in rm. with ft re piece ex hdwd. floor. OH furnace. B7M New 3 bdrm. weatheratrlpped tn- aulale-d. Oil furnace. Best material and workmanship 87000 FHA at IAS mo. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 B. Commercial Ph. 3-1849. Eve. 3-6366. 921 LEAVING STATE 3 bdrm. very modern home. Kitchen A breakfast nook combination separated by breakfast bar. dinette, llvln rm 17t 93. Larse atlarhed faraae. Utility room. Circulating fireplace, electric heat Beautiful hardwood floora thruout. Ranch atyto fence inclosin front lawn. Garden sinrt at rear of lot. Lot MiSTt1. This is without a doubt on of th mtwl beautiful homes In Salem. Thl home tan be seen r phonln t-6146 of dm. k4 eat I 1310 Boo y view svt. U94 I FOR SALE HOUSES SUBURBAN 3900. New 1 bdrm. with unfinished upstairs. Rm. for 1 bdrms. Living rm., dinette, kitchen, bath, utility rm., hardwood floors, oil floor furnace, corner lot. Close to school, bus k store. 11000 down will handle thl bouse. McKINLEY SCHOOL DIST. 8600. 3 '4 veer old. 9 bdrm., bung. tyle, living rm., dining rm., kitchen, bath, utility rm., attached garaire with storaae space. Elec. heat. Insulated, wee the rat ripped, fireplace, hardwood floors, lot appro. 60x350. Bus 1 block. Wonderful soil for garden. 13160 down. Hi a mo. payments. A wonderful buy. Owner 1 leaving town. NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL 48000. S bdrm., bung, style. Living rm. with fireplace, kitchen, large dinette, nice bath, attached garage, large Jot, close to scHools and bu. Owner 1 being transferred. Thl can be worked out with S3000 dn. payment. SUBURBAN EAST 18950. 1 yr, old, modern style, 1 bdrm., large living rm.. kitchen, bath, inside utility rm.. atached larase, larse lot, all new houses around. W1U trad equity for 1 bdrm. home with basement. In town. CALL OR BEE ANDY HALVOR8EN A. A. LARSON, REALTOR orrici s-u ui 8. REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE FOUR CORNERS Spacious I -bed room home on 1 acre of ground with good business front on paved street. Nice yard. 1 stanchion barn, shop, small ohlx house. Close to school. Immediate possession. Will trade for 3 -bedroom home In city. Only 16,000, No. 141 SUBURBAN EAST 3 bedroom 4c den. Beautiful setting on 3 acres or more of land. Leather up holstered breakfast nook. 2 lovely fire places, basement, automatic oil furnice. Nice hobby shop. Many other fine hme REIMANN FOR 101 South Hlih St. Zvt. St Sun. 3-3731, 3-ST1J, FOR SALE HOUSES n SALE: 3'A acres. Variety of fruit. Un finished 18x30 house. Brooder house Sc chicken house. Extra lumber. Full price 13200. Sunnyslde dist. Rt. 9, box 490. 0223 FOR SALE LOTS WE WILL BELL YOU A LOT 1100 to 1500 down. Balance easy pay ment. Price from 1550 up. B. Isherwood Realtor 3007 N. Capitol Bt. Off. Ph. 2-3B82 Eve. Ph. 2-2147 or 2-8836. aa224 LARGE VIEW lot for quick &ie. Ph. 25178 evenings. aa223 $10 DOWN! Lots with water, electricity, bu serv ice, tree, close to school. Balance 815 per month. Reimann For Real Estate 201 Bouth High Ph. 3-9203 Sun. Eve. 3-8241, 2-9303, 2-2532, 3-3738 aa226 WALKING DISTANCE of State Bid, on No. Winter St., 60x100 lot with old gar ase, some fruit trees 6c shrubbery, paved alley. Price 61800. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 16 8. Com'l St. Ph. 2-8389 Eve. 3-4937 or 3-5068 aa223" FOR SALE FARMS PROFITABLE FARM 300 acres, or will divide. 10 acres plant ed to Chewing Fescue. Fenced for sheep. Year round spring. New 3-bedroom stuc co home, 2 fireplaces, basement, oil furnace, l'i baths beautiful sett hid. Near school, stores, etc. Will take house in trade. No. 1065 Reimann For Real Estate 201 South High Bt. Ph. 3-0203 Evenlns and Sundny 2-3738, 3-0712, 3-5906, 2-8241, 3-3532 b222 3 ACRE chicken farm, completely equip ped, tile brooder, good barn, chicken house and 2 garages. 3 bdrm. home part ly furnished, Inc. electric stove and hot water heater, electric Irrigation, nice lawn and shrubs. Price 87500. Located on highway Va mile E. Marlon. 83500 loan can be arranged. Elmer Hofmann, Marlon. Phone 1824R Stayton, Ore. b223 Grade "A" Dairy 46 acre dairy farm, all In cultivation, grade A barn St milk house. Excellent 8 room plastered home with hardwood floors, 16 high produclns dairy cows. Tractor with complete equipment. All for S 19, 000. Consider Salem home as part. Dunn Realty Exch. 984 N. Pacific Hlway Woodburn. Ore. b333 76 Acres Near Mt. Angel 60 A. bottom land, Irrigation availnble. Large HOME, elec, pressure water, bath, basement, barn 40x60, drive-in hay mow. Concrete foundation. Many ovil building, abundance of family fruit, shade and shrubs. BARGAIN. 115.000.00 4 Cash. Balance at 4 Dunn Realty Exch. 984 N. Pacific Htway, Woodburn, Ore. baas FOR RENT FARMS TO I -EASE for cah. modern house furn. 10 acre with barn A poultry rue. Pos session at om-e. 10 ml. East of Aatem. Inquire at McCleay store at McClcny. A C. Hawkins. Bt. b Box 337. bnii2 FOR SALE ACREAGE BT OWNER. 1 acre No. with income Modern all electric home. Oood barn itrble earaee. Lea v In state. Ph. 31RS7 Rt. 3. Box 262. bb227 4 BEDROOM house, barn, larse shed, approx. 3 acres of good productive soil Highway frontaar, clone In on Sllvertim bl hlahway, cood buy at 17.100. This can be bought for 11000 down and your own terms on the balance. 3 BEDROOM modern home in Labtsh dis trict on l' acres of good Labtah soil. Chicken house, family fruit. This place has been reduced to 16750 for quick sale. 13050 will handle. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8.189 Eve. 3-4937 or S-Mfl8 bb22J REAL ESTATE TO TRADE on property. 1941 Bulck super nedan. Phone 21S22 after bp m. c333 REAL ESTATE NEW 8 BDRM.. LOTSTv AC ANT. H A approved. Kasy to handle. NEW 6 rms. Including elec. rng. ft extra eottaee in W. Rnlem, 16950. 11000 dn. tAVm. A RMS. Bom terms. HAVE OTHFR. Also trades. W1LLAMFTTE REAL ESTATE 173 B. Liberty, Salem. Ph. 3-7113. C331 A DANDT. attractive, two year aid, 2 bdrm, at edse of city; fully Insulated and weather stripped: dintns room: as floor furnace: yard fenced, O. I. loan of 17300, payable IV1 16 a month may be assumed. Total price 19350. TWO BEDROOM, ranch type, nMendld location, hardwood floors; two fire places, full basement. Yes, there is a dlntn room. The full price 1' 913.000. Terms NEARLY NEW (wo bdrm hut out of city limit NIC for only 15000. A down payment of 91350 will five you immedi ate possession and balance at MS per month. 10 ACRM, 9 acre young cherries; food house, burn, poultry house: family ber ries: drilled well with plenty of water. About 10 miles out. 17500. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 143 N Hleh St. Phone 3-760 Ev Phone 3-4591-3-604. c3;4 FOR tOt'R II A YIN 6 investment buy a ftret morttace on real estate. Balem vicinity. Ei amine security yourself Amojnt 1500 ttt seeeral thousand dol lar, net Investor lv We make an eol lections for you It desired STATE FINANCE CO 159 S High e Journal Want Ads Pay j IFOR SALE HOUSES SOUTH HIOH ST. HOME 3-Tl3 22J. extras. Will trade for city property. No. 1066 FAIRMOUNT HILL 3 bedroom home with living room, din ing room, all hardwood floors. Large garage. Will trade. Only 88500. REAL ESTATE p I-U0S, 3-82(1, 3-3533 REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS Englewood $800 Down Almost new. Electric heat, attached gar age, hardwood floors. Immediate pos session. Payments only S55 per month Including 4 Interest. Full price 88500. Eve. phone 2-0473 or 3-3558. Leslie School Older type home In good condition. Full basement. Choice location. Fireplace. Now rented for 856 per month. Good In vestment property. Total price 86850. Terms. Eve. Ph. 3-0473 or 3-3558. 3 Bdrm. New Close to Enslewood school. Unfinished upstairs. Comer lot. Insulated, weather stripped. F.H.A. approved for S8300. Total price only 110,500. Eve. Ph. 2r0473 or 3-3558. FARMS 3 Acres Older type 4 bdrm. modern home. Close In. North. Well. Paved road. Immediate poa.rsslon. 1800 down will handle. Total price reduced to 17500. Eve. ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. 5 Acres $3900 3 rm. house built In 1948. Amity soil. 3 acres cleared. Owner leaving state. Terms arranged. Eve. Ph. 3-B403 or 3-3558. 69 Acres Excellent building. Very modern home. 40x60 barn. Close In to Salem. Will trade for home In Salem. Total price only 118.500. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7820, 3-4596 3035 Portland Rd. C223 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANT SMALL MODERN HOUSE for cash. Rep Ph. 3-7113. ca222 WANTED TO BUY: 2 BR home. About 85000 cash. Write Box 412 Capital Jour nal. Ca222 NOTICE! If your property I for sale, rent or exchange, list It with us We have all kinds of cash buyer STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 163 B Ulgb Bt ea WE ARE In need oi gooo house to eell In or near Salem If you wish to llt your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. Phone 3-2471 ea- EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE: My equity In new 2 BR home lor best car offer or reasonable cash offer. Large lot with ntre lawn. Ph. 4-2642. cb222 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AUTO COURTS. COTTAOE COURTS. APTS., BUSINESS PROPERTIES. REP. 173 S. Liberty, Salem. Ph. 3-7113. cd233 INCOME PROPERTY FOR SALE BY OWNER II acres, good river bottom land, Kelzer district. All planted to strawberries, raspberries A boysen. First crop 1950. Equipment shed, 6-tnch Irrlaatlon well, complete 6 H.P. electric sprinkling sys tem. Look It over make an offer. WEEKS A BEARDS LEY NURSERY Phone 21790 - 31164 cd333 WANTED TO BUY: A beauty shop. Pay cash. Write Capital Journal Box 416. cd223 15 FOR YOU Ve will sell you a house for $2500. and rent for M0 month orf no deal. Inquire. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 8. Com ! Ph. 2-4649 Grocery & 4 Rentals Plus llv. quarters all modern. Stock and equip. Incl. In down payment. 1000 full price$7500.. Located on coast. Here's your opportunity. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Com'l. Ph. 2-4649. cd233 Tavern - Sandwich Shop Lots of parking. 165 ft. on Pacific Hlway. excellent buitdlnt, living quar ters BUSINESS is OOOD. Health rea son for selling. 123,750 00 Dunn Realty Exch. 964 N. Pacific Hlway, Woodburn, Ore. Cd223 Grocery - Home Near NEW Concrete Bid. 30x40. Exc equipment, plus 5-rm Mod. Home. 2-rm. Cottage rented. On Pacific hlway. $15,000 00 Dunn Realty Exch. t4 N. Pacific Hlway, Woodburn, Ore cd23S t rAFE, 147500 each. 1 located 8. 13th. the other on 99E. Both going businesses, Oood leases. Fully equipped. Orand lo cution. RAWLINS REALTY HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Ph. 94664 Ive, 96013 37126 2575? Cd223 YOUR BEST TAVERN BI'Y. This has the reputation of be lug on e of the BEST LOCATED. MOST PROFITABLE spots for a combined tavern restaurant in BALEM . Has enjoyed a steady, well ad vertised trade for over 6 yrs. (81,000 frcus last yr. Mod. equipm't Include NEW booths A tables. BIO walkln cooler. NEW brrr cabinet, NEW ranee. NEW French trr. $1400 heatlna equip ment, 11500 Neon 1n. air conditioned. Low lease, 4 yrs. to eo. (Could be an Ideal nit spoK. Present owner doe not operate. Under personal operation thl will pay BIO A FAST. Com In and et the FACTS, and the LOW PRICE will surprise yoti No Phone info., please. Larsen Home & Loan Co. inclusive Ltsli tit Personal Service 14 S Com 1 St. Ph. 3-9.199 Eve. 1-501 or 9-493T cdili ONI LARGE ROOM the equivalent of 3H ordinary rooms In modern building for rent. Linoleum floor. 43 aq. ft. All services included. $AS per month. Catl 3-369R between 9 m. and I p m. cdJJJ Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS SUBURBAN SOUTH H.rt U n .xctllrnt .uburb.n home. 3 ,. bdrm... llv. rm.. wkth flr.pl.c, din. rm.. hdwd. Mr... full b.smt., oil (urnac, le. lot. O.rii. Oood FHA lo,n. CALL PETER OEISER. 780 N. 17th STREET Good 1 bdrm. home, complete with new furniture, lge. lot with room for 2 residential courts. One of the best locat'ons In town for thl type of development. Price (6.800. CALL ROY FERRIS. 4 ACRE TRACTS Located East of Balem. Priced at )295 up. Terms 850 down, Bal. 313 per mo, TODAY'S SPECIAL Drive by and see this coxy b rm. home located at 1310 N. 24Ui Street. Pull basmt.. with fireplace, auto-oll furnace, outside entrance to basmt., fiber fla&s insulation. A nice home. Look at this home located at 630 Thompson St. Full basmt,. nice yard, fire place, hdwd. firs, thruout, nice condition. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL O. H. GRABENHORST, JR. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS Earl West 2-0608 FURNITURE FOR SALE USED FURNITURE in food cond. Ph. Oer- vl 2281, Rt, 1, box 134, mooks, ore. 42 2 i DAVENOS 119.50 to 134.50. Trader t-u-uis, 3055 Portland Rd. d222 DINING BET 8 piece. Walnut. Very good condition, 149.50. Trader Louie, 3055 Portland Rd. d222a AXMINSTER RIGS ti pad, 9x11, nearly new, 847.60. Trader Louie, 3055 Portland Rd. 1 d222 DAVENPORT, beautiful tapestry cover. 149.50. Trader Louie, 3055 Portland Rd. d222 I'm Not a River BUT. I do have big outlet for fur niture, appliances, rugs, radios, sport ing equpt., antiques, musical Instru ments or what have "U". Cash on the line. You won't get hooked, really get the limit by phoning GLENN WOODRY WANTED FURNITURE. USED FURN. Immed. appraisal. Highest price Valley Furn. 285 N. Com'l. Ph. 27472. da234 IF YOU HAVE FURNITURE, appliances, sporting goods, etc., to sell Bz want TOP prices be sure to can tkauek iajluk, 3055 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-8558 days or 2-4407 eve. da235 HIGHETT PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Marxet Ph 3-5110 da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK BERKSHIRE BOARS, papers available. Rt. 4, Box 830. Ph. 31501. GOOD SADDLE horse. Cheap. Otto Yun- ker. ml. N. Kelzer school. e223 JERSEY COW to freshen with 4th calf. Rt. 2, Box 274. Ph. 31859. e223" LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer E. C. McCandllsh. 1127 S. 35. Ph. 3-8147 e.23 1 RABBITS RABBITS and hutches. Reasonable. Ph. 20233 after 5:30 p.m. or Sundays, WING'S BABBITRY needs rabbits. Top prices 39.15 S'.fl.e. Plv 3-1489. etz PETS REG. COLLIE puppies, route 2. box 179. Ph. 2-2353. tew t YELLOW Parrakeet. Price 19.00. Ph. 28503. CC223 MOORE'S TROPICAL fish it supplies, lge. variety. Special on Redswords & Gup pies. Open evenings until 9 p.m. Rt. 5, box 483 on Macleay rd. ec224 NICE MEXICAN chihuahua female, 1 months, also male puppy, 6 months. Call at 420 Miller in Dallas. ec224 WILL GIVE good country home to point er, setter, or springer. Ph. 27288. ec223' REGISTERED Springer Spaniel pup. Very aood. Call 3-1508 or 2-2471. ec222 FUEL CALL HIOHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH COT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends A Block Wood. Ph 30444 ee PHILLIPS BROS Old fir. oak, ash A maple. V fir, 16" slab and edgings. Ph. 31458. ee West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN. CLEAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone filero 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St., West Salem ce TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27443 18" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 13" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood A3R FOR BAH GREEN STAMPS FOrt SALE POULTRY COLORED FRYERS. Ph. 31298 1226 FOR SALE R.I. red hens, good layers. Jennings Poultry Farm, Rt 8, Box 70. Balem. Phone 35429. f323 NEW HAMPSIIIKE chicks every Thurs day. Order Fry or Hena now at spe cial quantity prices for your lockers. Cuntom Drrxnlng a specialty. Phone 22861. Lee's Hatchery. f NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for immediate or future delivery Hatches every Tues Foi Hatchery. 8830 Stat St Ph. 9-4969 PRODUCE TOMS. U-pick, 50c bu. Merrills Green house. Brooks. ff222 TOMATOES a bu, or ton. U-plck $1 bu. man. Box 32, Ph. Jellerson 504. ff243 cVci'MRERS. you pick. 2c lb. Arthur Evans, Rt. 2, Box 284 at Clearlake. U221 YES-STRAWBERRIES! Excellent for Jam or locker, 10c basket you pick. Good berries, clean picking, 1 mile west At 1 mile north of Keller school on pad road toward Lake Brook Hop Rinch. Plckine 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. only. Other wise by appointment. Phones 38790 or 31164. Weeks St Beards ley Nursery St Berry Gardens. II323 CANNING TOMATOES. You Pick. Imiah Fruit Farm, mile out Wallace Rd. Ph. 20374. fr233" CANNING CORN. Msln rd. W of KelTer school. Inquire at Evans. Rt. 3. Box 16? ff223 APLES FOR SALE. Oravensteln A Banana. $1 bu. Ph. 29901. 1073 Elm alter I pm. West Salem. fI322 K OREGON ALFALFA iT ;nd t i ttino now being rtE- l.lYEKtn WRITE IIVI S. SRD, BEND. OREGON OR PH. IMW, 11230 CORN, sweet olden bantam. Any quan tity. 8E. of Walling Gravel. 3175 S. 19th. U223 TOMATOES AND PEPPERS CANNING. JIMCE AND LOCKFR WILL DELIVER PH. 9-7173 1(339' LAST CALM BIO GOLDEN CROSS Sweet Corn, 22c dos. Tomatoes 1125 bu. U pick. 7.V bu. L. D Enbert. Silverton Road, 31 ml. past Fairground. Ph. 4-2642. f(233 TOMATOES, cucumbers, fresh eggs. Fri-. gaard Fruit Farm. ml. N. Ketcer school, 1(340 FII BERT AND Walnut drying. Sperlal entre for small lot. Phont 3-3861 Lee s Hatchery. U TOMATO E 9, ' hybrid, acid free. Will de liver. O. M. Gorman, Jefferson. Or. Ph. S16. ff336 HELP WANTED BF4N PH KING Frlilay7 Saturday At Sun der at Ruhop's at S. River Rd. Ph 38131 for tnformatioa. $.333 I REAL ESTATfc 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sunday Call Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Oelser 3-9968 - Ben Roissn 3-3471 c222' HELP WANTED WANTED: PRL'NE picker. Oood crop. Mechanical shaking. A. H. Bone, Or chard Hts. Rd., Rt. 3 BOX 588. Ph. 18F23. g222 GLEN WOODRY orchestra needs pianist. Must read. Ph. 35110 at once. g222 IP YOU LIKE to draw, sketch or paint see Talent Test ad In Instruction Col umn. f322 PRUNE PICKERS: ft ml. West. Orchard Hts. road. Good crops. Phone 17F12. James Best. g222 WANTED: HOP pickers, John J. Roberts & Co. Ph. 39623. g HELP WANTED MALE THE ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO. organ ized by Sear Roebuck te Co. ha an opening In a Salem Sales office for an 23. Large attached garage. Utility room, experience. Successrul applicant will be thoroughly trained to sell automobile Insurance and will receive a guarantied Income from the very first day. Unique method of operation assures unlimited prospects Other employment benefits In clude renewal credits, profit sharing, group life & hospitalization Insurance. Ph. Mr. Gufitafson at 3-9191, ext. 11, to arrange lor a personal Interview. f224 WANTED Studious high school boy, will ing to stay in nights to live In town lor board, room & small wage. For Inter view call at 4730 Harcourt Ave. or Ph. 2-7357 after 6 p.m. a237 MAN PREFERABLY with bank or loan exper. 30 to 35 yrs. old for a perma nent Job Must be willing to work hard and assume responsibility to Insure ex cellent future. Call Mr. Clough at Ba lem 3-4130 during business hours. ga222 HELP WANTED FEMALE HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Modern home In country. Widower. Good wages. Box 417 Capital Journal. gb224 WANTED SALESLADY FOR DISHWARE DEPT. MUST HAVE BOOKKEEPING EX PERIENCE. AGE LIMIT 25 TO 45 YEARS. SALEM HARDWARE 120 N. Commercial GIRLS 18 or older, free to work matinees, apply Capitol Theatre. gb224 FOR A BIO XTRA INCOME SELL CHRISTMAS CARDSI Experience unnecessary. 21-Card "Lead er" Assortment sells itself at $1. Up to 100 profitl PLASTIC Cards, Olft Wraps, Everyday, etc. Christmas Cards with name, 50 for $1 up. Imprinted Floral Notes, Napkins. Get "Leader" on approval, FREE Imprint samples. STYL ART, 1310 Santee, Dept. AO. Los An geles 65. Calif. lbl SECT. TO director of admission, Willam ette University, typing, shorthand, exe cutive ability, refer. Interview by ap pointment. Ph. 39266, Ext. 31. fb223 WANTED; Housemother for Hlllcrest School for Girls. Hour 3 to 11 p.m. Ph. 23022. gb222 EXPERIENCED stenographer, shorthand required. Apply in person, jiomer n. Smith Ins. agency. gb223 WANTED middle age lady on Tuesday and Fridays, occasionally an extra day, to care for 4 yr. old boy and do house work. Write Mrs. John R. Stark, 1090 N. Cottage or call after 6:30 p.m. Ph. 37587. gb 222 WOMAN to care for 2 children afternoon and evening. In my home. Ph. 36888. 1036 Highland Ave. fb222 EXP. SALES girl for variety store. State age and exp. write Capital Journal Box 411. tb222 TURKEY PICKERS wanted, Northwest Poultry, 1505 N. Front. fb222 LIGHT HOUSE work, no washing. Private rm. 1 child. Sun., holiday and evenings off. Ph. 23342 after 5:00. fb223 WOMAN TO help with housework. No children. Wages, room ft board, write Box 410. Capital Journal. fb222 ASSISTANT IN the accounting dept. Shorthand required. Apply in own hand writing, stating experience and age. P. O. Box 229 Salem. gb324 WOMAN OR girl to care for 18 mo. old gin in my nome. 11:30 a.m. to b:jo p.m. Extra pay if you work extra hours. Ph. 2034ft after 6 p.m. gb222 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 3fi0 State Street Phone 2-1488. ff WANTED SALESMAN EXPERIENCED furniture salesman, list exp. & qualifications. Writ Bos 394, Capital Journal. fg t EXP. salesmen to sell leading lines of appliances. Salary plus comm. Trans portation furnished. Writ Box 393 Car- It nl Journal. - WANTED POSITIONS EXPERIENCED SERVICE station man would like to takeover station or work. Have had 10 yrs. of exper. Oood refer ence. Mr. George Ashley, Rt. 1, Box 61, Sublimity. Ore. h226 TEritINOPOS!TION wanted near 811 verton. Write Box 415, Capital Journal. h223 WANTED by young girl: gen. office work. Knowledge of shorthand. Box 283, 811 verton. Phone 1881. h222 TREEWORK Topping, Removing, Etc. iNsntrn orFmTOB JOHN FAVNB 141 8 Church PH. H0I4 run n tare, isj a. nth. pn. :. h:' tri:k WORK, topping trlmmlnt. r.mov In.. Inf. op. Work luir. W. H. MrAilLi t.r. 10 Trd.. Ph J-l. hJlJ' INTERIOR PAINTING. tp. PH. l-(76 hJ37 Mimeographing-Typing poea eas Norm inn. Phon. j ss.j TELEPHONE CALL TAKEN. J4 fir. l.n let. rornMT phon, opr. Ph. I-M73. h330 rrMrNT-work inti. Ph. a-MT EDUCATION IF YOl' LIKE to draw, .k.tch ot PAlnt. writ, lor T,l,nt Tut mo f.. OIT ir .nd occupation. Boi M7, C.plt.l J,rnl h'ljaa" FOR RENT ROOMS LIGHT HOI SEKEEPINO room. Ph. 3-4335. 790 N.Church. Jk224- 3 st.rn. rm. Women or girl. Outside ent Bus t door. PH. 39731. Jk3J7- BOOMS FOR-rent. Ladle onlr. Kitchen privilege. 93 Statesman. jk2M FOR RENT ROOMS LARGE SLEEPING room. Employed la dy or couple. 949 M. Winter. Ph. 36499. JM28' Fl'BN. HO I' BE KEEPING rm. 1st floor. Ladle, us oi phone it refrlg. Ph. 25546 BEDRM. FOR gentleman. Ph. 37076. Jk222 ATTRACTIVE RM. private home. Gentle men. 90 n. summer. Ph. 36366. Jk233' NICE SLEEPING room close in board If desired. 433 Union. Jk222' WELL FL'RN. rm. Private bath. Close In On bus line. Ph. 3-6438. Jk234 furnished apt. 3 adult. 335 per mo. Light, water, farbu rrlco Included. 824 N Front. Jk223 CLOSE IN rea. room for clean employed man. mo . uoerty. jkZ23' SLEEPING ROOMS. PH. 3-4335. CLOSE IN Bleeping rm. Ph. 36316. Jk32' HOLLYWOOD rm. 3035 McCoy. Ph. 3-6093, Jk23S FOR RENT APARTMENTS 9 RM. NICE QUIET turn. apt. Adult. Near state ez forestry bldf. Capital Journal box 418. Jp224' 9 RM. FURN. Close In. Quiet couple. $65. 649 N. COttage. JP324' NICE APT. for rent. Ground floor. 1090 N. Capitol. Jp333 LARGE CHEERFUL unfurn. I rm. A bath Include fas ranae, auto, water heater ft oil circulator, 160. Utilities pd. Call J-7B77. Jp224' NICE 2-RM. furn. apt. New kitchen. Close in. 1 block from w.u. 328 8. Winter. JP223' RM. APT. fur. Pri. ent. Close In. Em p. coupie. 107 court at. JP324 t RM. APT. First floor. Oil fa. 676 So. 13th St. Jp234' AT MONMOUTH. 216 N. Broad. 1 & 2 rm, lurn. heated apt. Ph. 33585 or 36895. Jp223- Fl'RN. PULLMAN apt. 444 N. Cottage. Ph. 21887. JP323 I .A ROE I RM. apt., first floor. Share bath. I block to bu & market. 725 So. 13th. jP222 FOR RENT HOUSES 3 BDRM. furn. home. Electric di&h wash er, automatic oil furnace, electric water heater, double farage. $90 per month. Ph. 3-6137, Jm234 You Are Entitled to Have Pets & Children When You Buy a Home Investigate the $199 dn. buying plan on lovely modern 2 BR home. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church St. Ph. 2-7642 Eve. or Sun. 2-0343 or 3-0126. Jm SMALL 3 RM. home. S50 per month. Un furnished except stoves. Located a1 2273 Lee St. Rlchman school. Apply 14H8 N. Liberty Bt. Jm222 MODERN t B R home ft 1973 N. 30 thl Poss. Imm. 875 month. Write E. B. Pe terson, Rt. 1, Box 117, Scott Mills. Jm224 NEW SUBURBAN 2 bdrm. house. Electric heat. V. blinds, hardwood floor. (70 per mo. Positively no cats or dogs. 4545 state etc. rn. juzo. jmazj' 9 RM. modern house, partly furn. Inquire at 905 8. 21st. jm222 1 BDRM, modern furnished house, elec tric range & refrlg., garden plot. 10 ml. So. References. Phone 49P32 Salem or write Rt. 1. Box 73, Jefferson, Oreg. "Madame Bovard" Plus "Old Fashioned Girl." Jm222 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS GARAGE FOR rent In Hollywood Dist. Ph. 24407, car only. J224 MODERN OFFICES for rent. Ideal for legal, medical, dental profession. Lo cated in Electric Bldg. Apply Liberty Investment Co.. Tel. 3-3711. J222- WAREHOUSE OR SHOP 900 sq ft. smooth concrete floor, food toof, lge. windows, at Four Corners. 125 per mo. Ph. 24538 after 12 p.m. J222 OFFICE, desk space. Cony, loc Ph. 39133. )245 FLOOR SANDERS for rent Montgomery Ward. J MODERN STORE BUILDING, 40x70 With i n, incjuoed Pius run basement. P. H. BELL REALTOR 381 Chemeketa J223 POWER TOOL rentals for horn and In dustrial us. Bowser Bros. Ph. 9-3648. J' TO DO a food Job rent a food floor aand r W aell everything to complete the lob. HOWSER BROS. - Ph. 3-3049 OOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. OFFICE spaces and desk space. Ph. 33692. TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Bowser Bros. 141u 6 13th, West Balem. J BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L. Stiff, f V DRIVE trucks, cars. Ph. 2-9103. j' LINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rate. Free pick up t delivery. Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N. Com 1. Ph, 33513 WANTED TO RENT MEATCUTTER, WIFE, 3 amall girl ur gently need 3 bdrm. house with stove by Oct. 1. Not over 960. Ph. 35360. Ja324 PHYSICIAN Jt family desir 3 or 3 bdrm. uniurn. nous. Will leas. Call 20319. Ja222 MODERN t bdrm. house. Automatic heat. Elderly couple. Ph. 26262. Ja223 NEW MONTGOMERY Ward manager neea 3 Btirm. nome. will lea. Please CaUMrWolf 33191. Ja- ROOM AND' BOARD ELDERLY LADY wants room and board In good home. Ph. 33818. JJ233 LOST AND FOUND LOST: 3 strand set of pearls In vicinity of Woolworth or Penney Friday evening. Ph. 2-4089 or 2-3341. k334 LOST: A lady's red alligator billfold, somewhere at the state Fair. Finder please keep half the cash and send me the billfold as It contains cards and things valuable only to me. Yvonne F. Neff, 924 Taylor, Oregon City, Ore. k223 STRAYED FROM my farm, white gelding wt. 1490 ids. 11 seen notuy m. uaxe. Turner. RFD 3 Box 113. k3 LOST: Rhinestone lapel watch. Vicinity of Liberty St Stat. Reward. Ph. Miss Robinson. 33163. k323 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men hatter. 464 Court. We cltve Saturday 13:30. m244 DENTAL PLATE REPAD3 2 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bid. Stat A) Commercial BU SALEM Phone 3-3311 fa BUILDING MATERIALS FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatform and Bennett-Ireland fireplace circulator. All fireplace and masonry material. PUMIUT1 - West Sa le m . m 333 ' REINFOrTtnO STEEL and Blok Meshln 4 ', 6 8 width. PUMILITE. West Salem. ma332 Wrecking Gov't Projects Hundred modem sash St window. Cast Iron vitreous china wash basin com plete with fitting. 100 30-lnch 1 panel door with frame St hardware. Large supply of 33 Ar 36 Inch glass door with frame ft hardware. C. G. Lone, Ph. 2-5931. One m'.l north of Kelser. m233a BUILDERS New H Inch 4x9 ft. sheet Insulation board Je ft., only 11.84 sheet. A dur able attractive wall board, tight In weight with insulating valu. No. 1 mountain cedar htngle 17.73 sq. Cedar shakes In th carton, painted ft with under court 813 sq. C. G. Long, Ph. 3-5821 One mile north of Reiser. m333 INSULATION-DOORS New fiber glass roll blanket Insulation at bargain price. Pull atoek 1 panel donra, grad A. Low price on an a ho any Interior doora mad In Sweden. French door, flas doors, entrance doora. Check our prke. C. O. Long, Ph. 3-3931. One mile north of Keiter. msIJl too RS Flush Interior and exterior doora. Just f few left at special price. Keith Blows, Front ft Court Si Balem. ma BUILDING MATERIAL CEDAR GUTTERS Just received email stock of hard to ft fradas, telear) (tight-knot) 3"x4" Cedar gutter. Reltb Brown. Front t Court St., Balem. ma CEDAR SIDING New snrpment KxB" and xiO" cedar siding, all trade. Keith Brown. Front t Court Bt., Balem. ma BAVB ON R OO PINO Let Ward five yon eompieu M BT AXLED price on rout roofing need. WW rang of eolor. Call our uutde Mlera for free Mtlmat Phon 1-3191 MONTOOMERT WARD e OO. SALXM. ORKOOB NEW SHIPMENT piast board- V, 9t H ",, ft Rock lath. ft, 11.71 MONTGOMERY WARD. I4LHI ALUMA . LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK dHiNQLC Th modern permanent roof Ing. See your dealer of Can Dist. 9-9401. ma373 RED CEDAR BHINOLXS High Mountain or Coast Timber No. 1 $7.75 DELIVERED ANY AMOUNT 100 sqs. No. 3, I In. elar, ultbl fo roof or ldwlU. Ted Muller, Ph. Sa lem 3-1196. Salem-Indep. Road. ma NURSERY STOCK DAHLIAS: Order bulbs now. 1491 1th Bt. west ctaiem. rn. 2-0514. snb334 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS GOOD 209 SAVAGE RIFLE. Ph. OwrraU agBi. hi. l, box 134, Brook. Or. n23 SEARS COLDSPOT re frig, f u. ft. til. SQ Qierk Rd. Ph. 28200. n224 KNABE Grand Piano. Phon 34641. n22T CUSTOM BUILT gun, caliber 370. Be it at welcome inn caie. sv miles s. on 99E. B334 NEW WOOD circulator heater. Ph. 30233 alter 5:30 p.m. or Sundays. n223 NEW 300 Savage, model 99EO. Also 23 n.n. puuets, now laying. Call 3771 Dallas or wflte Leonard Bert, Rt. 3. Box 327, Dallas. n324 PHILLIPS ENGLISH bicycle Ilk new. aear, amn, swiss UEJit with generator, cyclometer fe very good buy. 1389 Cen 1)2 J 4 SALE OF USED EQUIPMENT AND SCRAP MATERIALS The Oregon State Hlahway Commission has for sale an assortment of used equipment and scrap material located at the Highway Department Equipment Plants at LaGrande and Salem, Oregon. Partial lists are as follows: AT LA GRANDE: Dump truck, grader. mowers, snow pi ow, jieei, iron, tire and batteries. AT SALiSM: Scrap tires and batteries. oeaieo oios win oe received by the Stat Highway Commission In Room 124, State Office Building, Balem, Oregon, until 3:00 p.m., Monday, October 3, 1949, at which time and place the bid will be publicly opened and read. Proposal form and full Information for bidder may be obtained at the office of th State Highway Commission, Stat Office Building, Salem, Oregon, and at th equipment plants at LaOrande and Sa lem. OREGON STATE HIOHWAY COMMISS OR BOON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION n222 WALNUT MARBLE top table, walnut bed. lounging lamps and other Item. Kat Vent, 4th house from Middle Grove school on left, Silverton Rd. n222 1948 ZENITH refrlg. 7' eu. ft. Used I mo. win sen lor 9175. Original cost 1289. Ph. 31758. n224 6 RM. COLEMAN oil circulator, pipe, 123 gai. iana i copper tuDing. rn. J-B415. B222 5 ROOM Quater oil heater. Good condi tion, 140. 640 Blebr, block X. off Cen ter. nS23 Id SIZE Elgin pocket witch. Handsome dial At case. Electronically tested, high ly accurate time keeper. Reasonably priced. Ph. 22774. n323 WINCHESTER 30-30. Good cond., 335.00. sen, noyt, u fine Bt. n32S COLEMAN FLOOR furnace, 80,000 B.T.U. used 1 season, 180. Mr. Smith, Ph. 4-2279 between 4 St 6 p.m. 223 C MELODY caxaphone In excellent condi tion, very reasonable, ideal for begin -nera. Ph. 37894. n322 EASTERN BUILT, furnished house trail er, excellent. 1930 Ford, radio, heater, defroster, spotless. Mechanic hand Se power tools. All for 11600. 130 Lana Ave. Mr. Rice. n222 NATIONAL .173 ALL-WAVE RADIO RfI CEIVER. LIKE NEW. PH. 24728. B225 DAVENPORT CHAIR, reasonable. 1195 cim at. uau alter 5. n23S SHOTGUN, 13 fa. pump. 3345 Myrtle ave. n222 ARIENS TILLER, perfect mechanical con dition. 3 sets extra tine. Traiuport wheels. Save over 1250. Ph. 4043. D. L. Holland, 965 Marquera Rd Silverton, Ore., after 6 p,m. n222 TABLE MODEL Empire lroner. Llk new, 125. Trader Louie, 3056 Portland Rd. n222 MAN'S open fac Hamilton gold watch. oeu reasonaDie. rn. 2-4788. n322" HALLET ft DAVIS square grand piano. rciicd origin! rose wooa imisn. Must sell at 9550. L. E. Brlce Rt. 2 Box 412B. Albany. Ph. 1339R3. n333 MUST SELL: Leaving state, davenport At ....... viiiuiuc avcci auiCIH HI, red seats. No dealer. Ph. 29816. n323" FOR SALE: Shell for foreign ft odd call- uic jfiun. Atso several ruiea. Trades consfdered, V. M. Sackett, 1510 60. Winter Bt. Phone 3-4912. n22" WE HAVE bargains In elec. gas, wood. KvruBrn ranges, eiec. wooa, gas. Oil, kerosene heaters cheap. New G.E. refrlg.. elec. washers, floor lamps, beds, sprtnga, mattresses, table ft chairs, radios, dressers, chests, rugs, daveno, daven port ft chair set, irons, toasters, alec, mixers, waffle Irons, end tables, sewing machines, 22 rifles, automatic 12 guage shotgun, hot plates, elec. ovens, baby beds, 2 wheel trailers, many other Items to choose from. Hardman Bros. 4 ',4 miles north of Balem on Port. Htway. Opcn from 3 a.m. till 9 p.m. 7 days a wk. n223 MODEL 11 Remington automatic 12 ga. onuiHuii. Kike new. rn. joiti alter p.m. n223" TAYLOR TOT, Like new. 95. Ph. i.nmn I. C WITH Wt.1.1 - X. con. new two, ueen nreo, iwic. Will aeu for 165. Bve. 25455, 790 Rosamont. n232 H" FRAMED door mirror at only 12.99 while they last. Glen Woodry Furniture Market 160S N. Bummer Bt. Bill PIANO SALE! BALDWIN - WURLITZER - CABLE Beautiful temple spinets and console shown at Oregon Stat Fair at BIO SAVINGS I New pianos from 9395.00. Also excellent buy on several used grand and up Stone Piano Co. 1540 Fairground Road Balem, Ore. H325 MONTAO WOOD CIRCULATOR fen good conamon sis, till J-0DBS. n22f REG. SA.M Budolr Lamp, Bp. I daya at 12.99. They are gorgeous. Glen Woodry Furniture Market 1605 N. Summer Bt. nI31 BICYCLE, new, regular price 335.00. Spe cial at 140.00. RAIN'S OUTBOARD ft SPORT SHOP 1201 8. Commercial Ph. 36050 n222 DEER RIFLES New Msrlln. 34" barrel. Winchester 30-30 carbine. Ammunition and hunting supplies. HAIN'S OUTBOARD ft SPORT SHOP 1301 8. Commercial Ph. 36059 n233 PIANO) Small Upright in good condition. 6150. Phon 3-1530. n322 SEWING MACHINES. Nei 189.95 ft up. Ph. 33139. Horn. .Itttrte, Ralph Johnson Appl: iances raw rsro miulcil liutrumnU tp'.n.t ft fr.nd pt.nat it r.due.4 prlwt. JAQUITH MUSIC CO, Pn. -(! (Continued on Page 13)