10 Capital Journal, Salem. The HODSE on LEAC STREET by FRED BAYARD . (Cnapter it Everything about the Forty-sev enth street precinct leemed differ ent, Derria thought, as ihe noted the day-time activity of the place. The almost somnolent quiet which had reigned there the previous night was missing. The police aer geant who looked up at her ap proach waa not the one of the evening before. He stopped making entries In the book In front of him. "Yea, miss?" "My name is Martin, Derria Mar tin. Late last night I preferred charges here against someone in connection with a hit and run ac cident. I believe he was booked under the name of John Smith." "That's a funny one," he said. There seems to be two of you. The question is which ones which?" It was Derria's turn to be puz zled. "I'm afraid I don't follow you." "About an hour or so ago, a msn and a girl came In here and asked me about this John Smith This girl aald her name was Der ria Martin, and that she'd made a mistake the night before, and that this man she'd laid the charges against wasn't the right one at all. "The girl showed us some cre dentials to prove she was Derria Martin, so after taking down her address and that of the fellow with her. we released Smith. There wasn't anything else lor us to do." He peered down at her. "Now you say, miss, that your name's Derria Martin. I don't get it." The other hesitated. "I suppose there Isn't any harm in telling you," he answered, glancing at the record. "The name he gave was Nick Thora." He looked at her sharply. "That name mean any thing to you?" "No. nothing." Derria thought quickly. "Just forget about the whole thing." Derria walked up the path to Dr. Reldy's office exactly an hour later. He had seen her coming and held the door open for her. Show ing her Into his private office, he took a chair opposite her. Pulling open the desk drawer. he took out a small box and put It on the desk In front of him. "These" he touched the box with his fingers "are the capsules I took trom beside Miss Murzons bed last night." "The sample box of Blodal? "Yes. the box contained twelve capsules. One has been accounted for. These eleven you see are left. Am he spoke he began to place them side by side, on the surface of the desk. "These five capsules all contain ed traces of arsenlous oxide!" "Arsenic? Derria gripped the arrm of the chair. "How on earth ?" "That's what I've been asking myself," Dr. Reldy replied. "If all of Ihem had contained It. T might be inclined to consider It accidental, but only five contained It. That aeems more than coincidence. The quantity of arsenic In each capsule Is very small. Only if these had been taken over a longer period of time would they have become dangerous." "I recalled what you had told me about the clrcumstnces un der which you got them, and I went over and had a chat with Dr. Bayles. I'm not violating any professional confidence If I repeat what he told me. "He was, of course, very upset. You know. Miss Martin,1" Reldy smiled, "you're apparently quite a favorite of Bayles, and the thought that he had endangered you In any way worried him. He told me that the box had come In the mall the day before. He didn't think anything of It, because he's re ceived samples of drugs from the Maolson company previously. He received only the one box. and Topsy-Turvy lnll Youngsters all adore an upside-down dolly and this cute cry-laugh baby will keep any little one amused by the hour. Easy to make, the doll measurea 15 Inches and has two fares, caps and skirts Joined at the waist. Pattern Envelope No. H2M con tains material requirement, hot- ROOM AND BOARD ' J GREAT SOtlc-" ? S WE s5 CHfCkiNo T-i7 HOW ABOUT YOU DID IT' - OUT I HEARD wi.w SAY I A FOX P" YOUR. ME COULPNT TAW.E I CIGARS FOR. INCOMPARABIE l ANOTMfcR. MIGHT C 7 "SERVICE' ( SNORING WADE YCVR SNORING IT I t CNDtREO ? J That FOGHORN M Even vacated The j -y K THE ROOW BECr-VRiNGS ' J 71 next to you X, PACK UP t 7'"--n fl I .AND LEAVE J I . 1 . 1 1 ' It l . . 1 U Oregon, Saturday. Sept. 17. 1949 somehow, with other things, event ually it got put into his bag asked him If the box had lain around In his office at all, If any one could have meddled with the capsules. He admitted that It would nave been possible but not very probable. He couldn't recall Just when the box had gotten Into his oag. There we have It we re Just about back where we started from. Derria calmly walked Into Nick Thora's office. "What did you wish to see me about?" he finally asked when the silence was becoming uncomfort able. "Did you wish to make ar rangements ior a funeral perhaps?' "Perhaps I should make mvself clear. Do you know a gentleman wnn tne original name 01 John smitn? "I'm afraid I haven't had the pleasure. Miss Martin." How odd!" Derria looked per plexed. "I was under the Impres sion he was a friend of yours. He's such an impetuous man goes about knocking people down with his car." "Really, Mis Martin." Thora fingered his tie nervously. "I'm a busy man. I understand you had something to discuss with me and I wish " , "That I would get to the point?" Derria finished. "Well, I shall, but I'll have to have vour co operation." "Yes?" "I want you to tell me exactly why you went to the police station on Forty-seventh Street this morn ing, accompanied by a girl purport ing to be me. and there arranged for the release of a man against whom I preferred charges." "My dear lady" Thora Jumped up from his chair "I don't know what you're talking about. I really can't waste any more time. And Im afraid I must ask vou to leave immediately. (To Be Contlnuedi Mix or Match Skirt plus wesklt plus jacket these three pieces make one of the newest approaches to the mix-match idea. And a perfect choice tor a piain-piaid partnetahip. No. 2561 is cut in sizes 10. 12, 14. 16, IS and 20. Size 1 skirt, m yds. 54-in.; wrsklt, 1 yd. 54-in.; Jacket, 1 yd. M-ln. Just out I The FALL - WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash- Ions they are wearing now and new styles to come. Over 150 practical, easy-to-sew, up-to-the-minute pat tern designs for all ages. Remem ber, it's smart to sew your own and save money. Order your copy now. price just 20 cents. To obtain this pattern, send 35c in COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal. 828 Mission Street San Fran- euro 3. Calif. Iron transfer, color chart, and finishing directions. To obtain In pattern send 30c in uuinh. giving pattern number youi name, aoareas and zone num- bei to Peugy Roberts. Capital Jour nal 828 Mission Street San Fran cisco 3. Calif By Gene Ahern i 2561 pp sewing I r MO STOXY ON COUNTERFEIT Xi I aI-4- ff ,TT, Ty IF - is complete without a word ' . . " ' ' rsc--a'mrs k-roTELL yousteve 2 S,otriAA?J?lNlf d'ntvt. iaui. mae cicuiae brawns CALLIN0r-SOMTHIN6 very V IJl asOl (wmw ffi f tt n buy thing H tta XT try to touch. . ) J lrV,pNNY ' 5 iwffiM mmmmi I II kVg , V...... '' 0 ' I "A AUD WHEN l' CRIED HCTJ BEAT "3 T I RGMSXBER BEINa IN B BUT WHERE'S T l-l DONT KNOW EXeCTLY-N ME I -I DIDN'T SEEM TO PLEA6 i 60OT-HE W3 TAKING ME MM-MVOUQ 1 I JOHNNY Jjay? 1 HE WA3 MEAN -HE USED I HIM ANY MORE HE CURSEO ME Kg 1 TO A HOSPITAL, HE SftIO- JOHNNY SOUNDS P HOWOVOU ) TO LEAVE ME TO RUN TH TERRIBLY-THEN I GOT ILL fc AND THEN THEN THEN LIKE QUITE. I u GET tSE? I BARGE -AND WHEN HFO -J-.,. , . &mi I WOKS UP HERS- A GUY I I ( ITS NO USE A I Buf VOU YBUDV WILlTAXEl I FOR TWE FIRST TIME " I I 1 WAMT TO "S , , J EOVS.VOO GOTTA SEE CARE OP MV IN MV LIFE ILL WAVE I SO TO SCHOOLi) tf CAktT TALK ME IT TUROUSM, INTEREST. ALL 1 MONEY ENOUGH TO DO ) fT T U IMTO AH ACTIVE WILBUR WANT ISA WHAT 1 WANT TO DOS V u PARTNERSHIP IN ) VOL) PERCENTAGE OF ,J -CT ' I I PlTlS::' l''' I AM OTTA Y sO.'-LOVE IIKE DAT I f BUT-I'U. DO TH' "THAT'LL BE 1 Kl fW I IlPORE21 Dlt.TSAVE DOCS riNGS TO A X I NEXT BEST TINS. ) FINE., THANK I I VE I . t I IT SCXh-Zr- w AVfl KAH MAMMY MAN.VOH, I WISH 1 I LIE DOWN. ( YD'. ITOUGHTA I 1 vo Y I f HE MEANT S Sfc. A AN' WPPV. I WAS A YOKUM, A l I'LL. BACK TH' MSH JJ h MISCc7 I I WELL-BUT HE k ,l . US NOKUMS 1 SO I COULD TRUCK. OVER If EV'RV gl liVl, E J I WERE A ROTTEN I 'Ti I LOVES ACHh KILL MYSELF ) I YOUSE.. rfS M BONE IM HI Y lj lb DRIVER.":'- J- 5S' I ' 1 hri ifmmrnrm HMI FINE STUFF I ASK VOL) Ul WONDER WHAT THE FUTURE PlD VOU J?IDI? LEMMETELL.1 - M TO MOW THE BACK-VARD LAWN- GENERATION IS GONNA BE' WORK HARDY VOU WHAT I DID' -"PLEASE PASS THE: s y SO VOU BRING IN THE LIKE? A LITTLE HARD WORK WHEN YOU W FATHER HAD A ( BREAD MA, HERE COMES j rJIBORSAmMTT TOO MUCH FOR ' 75 "''- "' II IU I III - - I At, 1 U iSfraL'?--!-TwASn-AV,LDni NO. ME HEARTY, NOT A I. XJjrVaffl 'ur4' VJtZrTr J 'AN'MAL.TOVW WILP ANIMAL -SJOT UNLESS 1 VTV S S ISTH,CKEr gSgSSt tatp- 2V . KS8.SOLP SHOES efe?NS I T aw Fra& -.SP v, L ' I II II il I I fa : iSa&tf i i iiirrT i wii v;itx' lit vv . xi 11 M!NUTE,DOtOR5r J r i Y0J PECKED T!f M1 REMtM FLOOG'E . I LL- WORTH.'-. WE'VE LOST MORE J TPSPSi: 1 V WW .. imsT MHRTHi... IN -fOl I HOUSEMOTHERS 'I I 'mm Fife RADIO PROGRAMS SATURDAY l.M. 'KSLM 'KGW IKOCO yiKOIN 5' I H.w.ll r.lU Rani at L4 B-n I Tin Tmr FbiIm " ill I Hawaii Calif Bandi ( Lm4 Rbb4 Up Tim Rr4 Barbrr :renFdy rtayhat Hcrt't U Vilt Barcb Vulifi Eddlt La Mar i t'mrdy FlaybouM i timet PlrtB Inildt Btorr Nwa 6:M Mfitli- Hit Parada Candlelit at aatf FranlUr Ta ilt Taaarnarla Irhaw Nil Parade ll?tr Praalltr Ta M Xarlar Cnal tonsil Day Mawa Manarlaa ( Haala it XavlarCaial Paaata Day fraaieaaa Dick Hayaiaa 7- I.mhardlaad Dirk Pawtll Tlaia Waa Sin I(Aiala :li I Lanbardoland DUk Pawall Playhaaat Rlat It Aaala :M V,rt af Trath Oraadl Ola Oary Band lit II Aaala ' I Valea af Trath Orand Ola Oarr a Yard Hat Blag It Atala 8 ' l Ufa Btfslna at M Pratnat Praadly Wa Rail Nawa I Mra Rtclna at M Drunrl Praadly Wa Hail Tka Dlt Trto Ml tha iraia Trath ar Daaelav Parly r.ena Aatry MmI th Praia Canaaanraf Daaeinc Parly Gana Aatry 9i Nrwa Dlrca, Playhaaaa baii-rlnf"party Plva Star Ptaal :l Hollywaod Bawl Dlrae. Playaaaa Danrlnr Ptrty Ran (bail ra :M Plantailtin Jubllr Star Thratra Rtadla Party Gantbatlara riantaUan Jabllta gtar Tbcatra ladta Parly Jaaliaw Btaeh IA Maalf Whalaa Wai Maaaaai Stadia Party Janttaa Baaah 111 " B"rr ! Was Haaaaai Htadla Party Ktraaada "1":" Nawa Wai Haaaaai Stadia Parly Lawraaea Walk ' ; Bata Haryaa Waa Maaaaai Stadia Party Nwa nm jhan Hnaaa Slra Off Stadia Party flilaat I Opa Haaaa HI ad la Parly iWlOna Haaaa Stadia Parly tU Opa Haaaa Stadia Parly lt:W ! sua 6n Slt 0 SUNDAY . 7: Blbla Blfhllrhla Cbarch af tha All ' Blbla Hitbllabla Chareb af tha Air iSO Mu lie Chareb ta Rant Chareb af lha Air Cat. Latharaii Cb. Charah la Baaia Chareb a tha Alt 8:0 lit Baptltl Ch. Na Ryaia Ttma Nawa :IS lil Bayllal Cb. Harm. Irul Nawa Haward laiHb iSS Valaa af Proptaaay Jaba Da 'a Pellawabla Talaa Oallary Oaaal ; Valea al Praphagy Maala Pallawablp Talea Nawa 9:M Radl Blbla Claaa Vlllaia Graa Cbayal af Air I.yltatlaa IS Radla Blbla Claaa Vlllaaa Oram Clark Daaaia la Uaratafl atharaa Hoar Etaraal Llghl Ara Maria Baar PaapW'a PlaKarai thrraa Hoar Klaniai tUht ' Ara Maria Hear Peapla'a Plattarai -f : Gl.aa 81 allay Cbarab ta WUA. Sail take Tabcr. Ill Kddla RawKrd Glaaa SbOlry Oraaa Lafl Sail Laka Tabar. llft:M Nfwi Cbleaca Baaad Sacra4 Baarl Traaa, Bandataa, ' Milt Marlh Trla Tabla Wayaa Kla Traaa. Banditafl n 'M Tana Tapaatrlaa Nawe Pint Baptlit Cb Chorallart :IB Ton a Tapratrlaa David Raaa Oreb. Flrat Baptlil Ch Chorallert :S0 Sunday Fayorltea Carwln Drama Flral Baptlil Cb. Mafia la Mailt lw Canary Pel Shaw Carwla Drama Flr.1 Baptlil Ch. Nawa t f Wf Carwla Drama . Berenada fat CBS Synybaay M M Hail Corwln Drama tlrltif CHS Syanpbaar iX .II BIB'r B K"fh Quia Kldi Called Nallona CBS flraphaay , !a BIBar-B Ranch Oali Kldi Gay Law tarda CBS Braybear 1:M Hoaia ar Myitary Air Parea Band Warda A Maila CBS Symphanp :l Home af Mntcry Air Fare Band Warda Mailt CBS Syaiphaay :M Mania Kant Philip Jeaaap Daydrraaa Maala Orrhcalra . ' Mtrtla Kane Philip Jeaiap Dardreaai Mailt Orchealra df :J IJ1 Shadow Maata af Maitert Mailc Raaai ' My Strtaad B 'it Shadow Mailt f Maater Mailc JUara Na M !!! I'" D"'t Hallywaad Calla Raaday Seranada Syaphaatlla ' True Dettctlra Hallywd Calla Sunday Srrtnada Syphanettt 3:JJ Orarary Hnad Hallywaad Call! Shawcaia Banda Family Hear 2,r,J,nr Hfflod Hallywaad Calli Shaweaa Band! family Hear .'i 2. Z "ttr -tirprlaa trtnade Maila far Sunday Boatan Blafblt wlf C"r sarprlat Sartnade Muale for Sunday Boitan Bltcklt 4:00 Muile for Sunday iVelea Frtnla Donald SUwart Jark Benny M Musla far Sunday Valea dk Ryanta Donald SUwart Jaek Benny !? Harrla.Faya Daaald SUwart Call lha Pallet Mw,1 Harrla-Fayt Danald Stewart Call lha Pollea 5: Seattenaod tm, Playhaow Dallaa MlnliUrlal Rtrky Jardaa 18 Balnea star P!avhaaia Hl Hayea Rteky Jardaa BO Muila Theater Guild Mailt far America Sawi Nt Theater Guild Maale far America Grorre PUbty 6 'f? Secr" M,l" Theattr Go Md Data Dennta Carllia Arrber :i Secret Mlnlaa Theater Guild Daya Dean la Corllia Archer " Family Thtalra Elhei Mermaa Haadllna Ntwa Haraca Heidi Ftmtly Theatre Kthel Mermaa Inalda Stary Harara Held! 7!Jf MedieBl Take llar Sunday Salan Life With Lalrl N W Nw" I.ay II Sunday Salon Ufa With Lalrl ISO Roy Rocera Kay Armra Naaartnt Chareb J.rk Benny Boy Roaera Kay Armen Naiarene Church Jack Benny 3:00 Twenty Queatlona Katan, Plan let Naiarana Church 6ar Mlia Braoks" :1 Twenty Queatlona Uller Cam men ta Naaarena Chareb Our Mtia Broaka :S0 Burl Irea Symphony Baar Frank da Vol Tha Wblitltr l Haryey Harding Symphony Baar rrank da VI Tht Whlitltr 9 NWB Symahany Hear Sunday Bavaria Flva Star Ftaal :t5 Mailc for Sympham Raar Saaday Reverie Sam Spade :M Half Hear at hot la Hear San day Revtrl Sam Bpadt : Cathalle Hour Sunday Bavaria Lynn Murray :00 Slca Off Newt Sunday Revtri Serenade 11 II Vmr? Ann Mtretr Sunday Reverie ' Danca f:S0 Wat Maaeam Sunday Reverie Orcheatra ' itft W" Mnieum Sunday Beverl Orcheatra Ian Ofl Slca Off Slta Off " Sim-Off L t45 lt:00 DIAL LISTINGS: KEX. 1190: KOAC. 550 If r Y Rtturday P.M fi:00. Hert't la IXCA Vela; ft:IS, Home Editlea Newn S:Sn. Modern Romanctai t:00, Mualcal Elrhlnti :.tn, Aa We Set lit Il'i our BulnftSi 1:00. Lane Ranter I 1:S0, Tha Eei S:UO. Break the Bank; S:M, Nam the Movie; P:M, NeWai t:la, Left Daneet I0:M, Beverly Hllla Orch.i 11:, Xtia Iloari 1:M, 8ia Off. KEX Sunday A.M. 1:tt, Fine AM Revival Hourt w:M, Parade af Hltn t;M, Voire of Proohery; 10: :0. Jam Roit vrlti 10:1.. Romanre of HI thwart ll:XH, National Veipern 11:011, Thla Wee Ar ounrl tli World! 11:30, Plane Plavhnuei 12:00, Newit 1:I5, Forelm Reporter) 1S:.10. Hour of Faiths 1:00, Opera Albumt 1:3ft, Mruair af Iiratlt S:HI, Thla Cbnnr Int World; t.1.1, Sonr Saleimani Z'Q, Sunday With Youi S:, Hollywood By Truman Plans Quickie Vacation Back Home Washington, Sept. 15 P President Truman plans to take a "quickie" vacation back home at the end of September. Mr. Truman has given the go- ahead for a flight to Kansas City September 29 for a four-day stay. The main purpose of the trip is to attend a dinner the night of September 29 for William M. Boyle, Jr., the new chairman of the democratic national commit tee. Boyle, a former Kansas City ACROSS I. Partlrl. of liquid I. Courteous Is Malayan cola 19 dra? rock 10. Wild anlmala IS. Pcmlnln. nam. SI. jltlamatlt.d Si. Not of Ad.pt to th. hap. aaala Exhibited ost.ntatloualf Ouldo a acal. Rtlat . Prattntlou. housta Svmbol tor II. Brailllan macaw l)r Blttar fatch tSoir cluba 8nut room 17 I). IJ 41 S aonlum la. wmici.m m. .tudi 21. Surround ::. Tht blrrt. 24. Pronoun 25. Llttl. child IS V.nd.ra Concerning 43. Orl.mal 4S Nraatlv. 4. Taniltd 4S. Tounarel aoa in Llklnn 1. Drill a s u t is W 7 tl wrA ; -L -J. m - uV: 3 ,. T3 3 ' ---ar sf 33 :,;, '.;.'. I I I I I ' ' 1 I I I -ffSAr Satarday P.M S:M, On the . IVSM iTpbcatt S:M, aM bporti Clubi :. Newat :I5, Lek al Auatrallai London Letter: d:4.1. Holland Today and Tomorrow! 7:W, Llrbt Opera Tenlihtl R:4S, Ifocieri' Fire Weather Portrait B:M, Dance Paradei 1:0, Slta Off. Unci :1S, Pantaay fa Meledrt I'M, Mr. Prratdentt :0t, Btop the Muilci 1:00, Think R Fait t :, Navv Hoari S:M. Burl Iveat 0:15, Leuella Panonm S:!I0, Chanra of a 1J fell met 7:00, Jimmle Pldteri 1:1. Ted Malonei tiJUl. Gueit start 7:45, Road Ida Chapelt 0:00, Drew Pearioni 0:1.1, Monday Morn In e Headllneii ;Vt. Burl I veit 1:411, lntermenat 9:00, Rlrhfleld Re porter) t:lS, Ambaiiador Dotel Orrh.l 9:110, Jantien Beach Oreh.i 10:00, Nec tarnct 10:30. Claremant Orcb.i 11:00, Xlra Hourt 11:M, Slin Off. police official, Is to be honor ed on that occasion by demo crats and other home town folk. Mr. Truman plans to remain over In . Kansas City and his nearby home town of Indepen dence until Sunday, October 2 and then fly back to Washing ton. Mt. Angel The Mt. Angel Farmers Union warehouse sent out 40 carloads of grain In Au gust. These include 16 carloads of barley, four vetch, seven peas, five gray oats, seven wheat and one white oats. The last month's highest ship ment was in September, 1947, when' 25 cars were shipped. Solution of Yesterday's Puule DOWN 1. PI. -a I Takaa awa: A wEpHtRricloOp 6 a v eUTTk eA U1A a vJer Aa'tlaJjN a stf rVE'SI i a' nB o n a tie ESlP"aiTRoMap3 TIRI I T0pjA TllIpjT O W AljMllBrOPH HA Y'A pQt!;:taTR:R E D EJ""rTRlRjAT 'm MjOjS aMcBm 0 L;EiT V l L IlAIMlltNlA iQi B A mTeIImIa Nffl oJiJBj w,aUEkpUT n p1 I. Connaettd wtth 4. Apple MS I. Step . Uetaiitfarou rocki 1. ?JpB tilth artlcla L Pmall flab I. Doctrln 10. Kind of ba l. Faucet 1. Auto replacemonti It, French rlar II. Bank empiorea tl. Accumulate 4 and held SI. Bondman 3. Arrona; prefli IT. Greek latter J. Beveraaje in. Wild Koa 11. Mn- pea refill S3. Wide U. fwnty IS. rent of actios tl. Sim of the India c I". Formerly II. Small ariiefo locked land Po: Scotch 41. Craft 44. Public coneyanc 4T. tTrnhol for araenlc 41. Anwr tht tturpoM a0 Mewafaaavaja)