Miss Power ) , New Head Of Rainbows Chadwlck assembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls, elected new officers this week. Miss Marilyn Power is the new worthy adviser, and the other four elective officers to serve with her include Miss Dorothy Pederson, associate ad viser; Miss Shirley Jones, char ity; Miss Norma Hamilton, hope; Miss Donna Phelps, faith. i Installation is planned for the evening of Tuesday, September 27. Miss Gladys Boock the re tiring worthy adviser. Honors Given Escorted to the east were Miss Harriet Aller, pas,t worthy ad visor for Yakima assembly,, now grand treasurer; Miss Wilma Al ler, past worthy adviser for Ya kima assembly; Miss Dorothy Pederson, grand musician; Wayne Henry, member of the state executive board; Mrs. D. M. Eby and Jason Frizzell, worthy matron and patron, re spectively, for Chadwick chap ter, O.E.S. The majority degree was con ferred upon six members. Refreshments were served af ter the meeting, Miss Marilyn Jk. Power as chairman. Miss Ida Jo Henderson in charge of decora tions, and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boock and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Burris serving. a Miss Dickey Wed Sept. 10 Albany Miss Phyllis Lenore Dickey, San Francisco, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ray mond Johnson, Albany, was wed to William Harold Quayle, San Francisco, at the First Presby terial church on Saturday, Sep tember 10, at 8 o'clock in the evening. The Rev. Morton L. Booth read the double ring ser vice. The bride wore a white eyelet embroidery dress, the material being a gift of her brother, and brought to her from Tokyo, Ja pan. The dress was fashioned with a low-off-the-shoulder de signed with wide collar and in set of tulle. The skirt fell in three tiers with hoop effect. The skirt terminated in a short train. The veil of French illusion fell from a coronet. The bride car ried a fan shaped bouquet of stephanotia and white carna tions centered with a white or chid. She was given in marriage by her father. , Mrs. Preston Dickey, Albany, L sister-in-law of the bride, was matron of honor and brides maids were Mrs. William Mitch ell, Albany, and Mrs. Harold Romberg, Oregon City. Master Walter R. Johnson Jr., brother of the bride, was ring bearer. Earl Popovich, San Francisco, was best man and ushers were: Preston H. Dickey, Jack Bird, brother and cousin of the bride, respectively. Lighting the candles were Miss Phyllis Vollstedt, Portland, and Miss Marcia Curtis, Coos Bay. Mrs. Hazel Ewing was organ ist and Sidney Burt vocalist. After the ceremony a recep tion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Vollstedt. The bride was graduated from Albany high school and attend ed Oregon State college. She is member of Pi Beta Phi sor ority. She has been with the Pan-American Airways the past two years as flying hostess. Mr. Quayle is an officer of the Olympic club in San Francisco, DaUDo Pinning 1 1 Down I I Your Property I 1 Title and Trust 1 Compsny COMPAVV TWa 1 Tratt liMia .llt.l. ""iri """ aa Saaaa Qty a Saaaawa a Sataa t St. , "V- I I 7 v . i : y J K YU Recent Bride Mrs. Allen L. Berg, the former Beryl Eileen Ferguson, was a recent bride. She is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Roy C. Ferguson of Salem and the Rev. Mr. Berg is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Berg of Vernon, B. C. (McEwan studio picture) Today's Menu (By Um AuoclfttMl Prui) Monday's Meals Breakfast Chilled Fruit Juice Raisin Bran with Milk Hot Rolls Butter Jam Beverage Luncheon Chicken Noodle Soup Peanut Butter-Bacon Sandwich Fruit Gelatine Beverage Dinner Liver Steaks with Bacon Steamed Rice Red Cabbage and Apple Scallop Carrot and Celery Salad Ambassador Strawberry Tarts Beverage Ambassador Strawberry Tarts 1 cup cream, whipped 1 egg white, stiffly beaten 4 tablespoons sugar Vz teaspoon vanilla 1 can shredded coconut 1 cup sweetened sliced straw berries, or 1 box quick frozen berries, thawed 6 baked 3 -inch tart shells Combine cream, egg white, sugar, vanilla, and 1 cup coco nut. Place strawberries in bot tom of tart shells, pile cream mixture on top of fruit, and sprinkle with coconut. Serves 6. and is marine sales engineer for the Bethlehem Steel company. They will make their home at 1230 S. Washington St., San Francisco after October 15, Francis Conger is at Shattuc's Thouwadf flow ebawstaak, earn, applaa without faar of alippiDf pittas! Tbay mm ST AXE. amasiwa aw vmm im a handy total ST AH Ma aosai TIOHTI Haifa kaa aat attoyiflf. toed startiaical Unnay talk taataflaw. Oat tU STAS I TAXI utii rum mm. im SEND FOR Vou should have one . . . It la FREE I A most informative book let, "Pinning Down Your Property" is just off the press. It is crammed full of infor mation every owner of real state should know. Just call, phone or write jD transit raw ' ril Mill 4, tntrn Mrt ' 'j" SMsM fa BaSM a TMamaaa a. f ataSt I Si ? In msrs 7 s23l HM OMa IviMmi 1800 Games of Chance in Slate Portland,, Sept. 16 W Some 1,800 Oregon firms and individ uals hold $100 federal tax stamps for games of chance. - Seven hundred of them are listed on records of Hugh Earle, federal collector of internal rev enue, with Portland addresses. The stamps cost $100 when intended to cover mechanical devices operated as games of chance. They cost"- only $10 when intended for amusement devices, Earle said. He added that the federal government is not concerned with legality of the devices Oregon law makes them illegal when used for gambling and pointed out that federal occupa tional stamps are issued to liquor dealers in "dry" states. That makes the holders immune to federal prosecution. Judge Felfon Talks To Silverton Lions Silverton District Judge Joe Felton of Salem was featured speaker for the Silverton Lions dinner program, their "kick off affair for the coming au tumn and winter weekly pro grams. Judge Felton spoke of a def inite plan of patriotic Ameri canism, elimination and trends YOUR CHILD SCUFF PROOF TOE OXFORDS Basketball Shoes Extra heavy black duck uppers, non - marking moulded sole. Ventll- A 95 ated tope. Arch-Guard IX cushion Insole. 6lzes 2Vi to S. Men's Siiet 6'i to 12 .5.50 I men's .!4V4 to 12 BOYS' SCHOOL OXFORDS Sturdy calf uppers moccasin toe. Durable composition sole for extra long wear. A to D widths. Sizes 1 to 6. BOYS' LUG SOLE OXFORD Broun cell plain toe oxford, built miles and mllea of wear, B-C-D widths. Open Friday Evenings Till 9 P.M. X-Ray Fittings WATTIER'S SHOE STORE 220 N. Commercial Phone 2-SSS2 toward communistic influence. Eugene Smith was in charge of the session as president, as sisted by Frank M. Powell, serving as substitute secretary, and Dr. A. L. V. Smith as pro gram chairman. Supplemental program num bers were the showing of an educational film on counter feiting by Ernest R. Ekman, and Murl Anderson, high school coach, telling of the football plans for the season and the prospects of the local team. The members voted favorably on the question of buying a film screen as permanent property of the club. Among the many visitor pres ent was Milton Baum, assistant coach of athletics at the local high school. U. 5. Population At 149,452,000 Washington, Sept. 16 VP) The census bureau estimated today that the United States popula tion was 149,452,000 on Au gust 1. This was an increase of 237, 000 over the July 1 estimate. At that rate of increase, the popu lation will pass the 150,000,000 mark before January 1. The August 1 figure repre sents an increase of 17,782,000 or 13. S percent, over the 131, 669,275 persons actually count ed on April 1, 1940, the date of the last census. WALKS f MILES A DAY! BUILT FOR ACTION SHOES See us today for a careful fining of your child's feel ...with the right styles st the light Drice. 6 Pro (GooaV ySHOES Sizes 'A to It :5o Sizes 12 '4 to S C95 COWBOY BOOTS You'll shout YIPPEE when yew see these real Cowboy Booh in colorful, "wild west de. signs. Built with tough, hard wearing leathers.. .for active boys end girls. For Boys and Girls A95 Sizes 8'jto11'i Sizes 12 to 2 SCOTCH GRAIN BROGUES 795 1195 6.75 jilt for fQS I to S. I 7J 8irs Sfaylon Host to Fire Fighters One hundred members of the Marion County Fire Fighters' association were entertained this week with the Stayton fire de partment host. A. L. Shirk, re tired captain of the Portland fire department, was principal speaker. He recently returned from nearly four years in the Philippines. Feature of the meeting was the "arrest" of Bill Aitken, rep resentative of the Eureka Fire Hose company of Seattle, for the alleged pilfering of Snoopy, the wooden dog mascot of the Stay ton firemen. He was placed in the city jail for an hour prior to the meeting and tried before a kangaroo court. Upon payment of a "fine" the charges were dis missed. Aitken was represented in "court" by Ed Stolle, editor of the Mt. Angel news with M. Van Driesche attorney for the plain tiff. Luncheon and refreshments were served. The original forest area of the United States is estimated at 820,000 acres in additon to 100, 000,000 acres of non-commercial forest. The present area of forest is estimated at 461.044,000 acres. The increase was 1,401,000 in the first seven months of 1949. This is about the same as the increase during the correspond ing period of 1948. 2-TON I 2-STRAP SADDLES :45 Here's the number one shoe on every campus. Easy to shine Scotch grain uppers moccasin toe. Triple sole. A to D widths to fit every foot. For better fit and more 'wear try a pair of these John C. Roberts brogues today. PENNEY'S AT SHOP Friday Night and Saturday Save Yourself Plenty Shop Penney's and Save with Confidence MEN'S J. C. PENNEY SUITS 100 ALL-WOOL WORSTED FABRICS SHARKSKINS, FANCY STRIPES, TICK WEAVES ONLY 1.00 DOWN HOLDS YOUR SUIT MAIN FLOOR BOY'S WESTERN JEANS TOUGH 1 1 OZ. DENIM. NARROW LEGS ZIPPER FLY. STRONG DOUBLE STITCHING COPPER PLATED RIVETS. SIZES 6 TOl 6 MAIN FLOOR MEN'S UNION SUITS RUGGED LIGHTWEIGHT COTTON UNIONS . LONG LEGS, SHORT SLEEVES STYLED FOR COMFORT AND LONG WEAR MAIN FLOOR MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS TOPFLIGHT SHIRTS, NUCRAFT COLLARS PLAIN COLORS AND WOVEN THROUGH STRIPES SANFORIZED. SIZES 14 TO 17 MAIN FLOOR MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS STUDY TOWNCRAFT DELUXE BROGUES GOODYEAR WELT CONSTRUCTION. PEBBLE GRAIN HEAVY LEATHER SOLES. BROKEN SIZES DOWNSTAIRS STORE BOY'S FLANNEL SHIRTS MADE OF STURDY COMBED COTTON SANFORIZED. WOVEN THROUGH PLAIDS FINE FOR SCHOOL. SIZES 8 TO 14 MAIN FLOOR WOMEN'S NYLON PANTIES ALWAYS WANTED BRIEF STYLE FULL ELASTIC WAISTBAND. SIZES, S-M-L SENSATIONAL AT ONLY 1 .00 MAIN FLOOR WOMEN'S FALL COATS COVERTS, FLEECES, BROADCLOTHS 100 WOOL FABRICS, SMART FALL COLORS WRAP AND FLARE STYLES SECOND FLOOR WOMEN'S RAINCOATS RAYON SATIN TWILL, CRAVENETTED BLACK, NAVY, GREEN, BLUE AND SILVER DETACHABLE HOODS. SIZES 10 TO 40 SECOND FLOOR ASSORTED YARDAGE WONDER RAYON CREPE LIGHTWEIGHT BUTCHER TYPE RAYON COLORFUL STRIPED CHAMBRAYS 2 yds. MEZZANINE PENNEY'S OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. Capital Journal. Salem. Oregon. Friday. Sept. 16. 1947 Salem, Oregon $35 1. 5. 1.00 25 12 .75 1.00 V 1.98 00 .98 99 CAPITAL, RL'RPLt'8 AND RESERVES OVER ll.MO.0O4