SO Capital Journal Salem, Oregon, Friday, Sept. K, 1949 Bullet-riddled t i i inaeni prison en narcotics Body of Mobsterrr. .,., chalter's trial, maintained today that Cohen never aquealed on hit fellow mobiten. Cohen, he Valley Stream, N Y., Sept. IS aid. kept hii "lips sealed" The bullet-riddled body of 'throughout hours of question a one-time associate of Gangland jng. Boss Louis (Lepke) Buchalterl ggMnt Howard Heddink of was found late last night, thel,he fUte Uc, ,ld ther wa, eighth anniversary of the s art ... . ou,,ion that Cohen's slav- of the trial that sent Buchalter to the electric chair. The still-warm body of Phil (Little Farvel) Cohen, 43-year-old ex-mobster, was found dumped near Southern State Parkway on Long Island. Three slugs had ripped through his head and three others through his back. Buchalter, overlord of the no torious "Murder, Inc." gang, and two of his henchmen died in Sing Sing's electric chair in 1944 for the slaying of Joseph Rosen, a Brooklyn candy (tore operator. Cohen, whom officials describ ed as a "favorite" of the gang leader, was indicted in the same slaying but was never brought to trial. Instead he was sent to ing was linked vengeance. to gangland Jersey Cattle Club To Meet at Clark's Members of the Marlon coun ty Jersey Cattle club will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark, Sunday, Septem ber 18. The Clark farm is lo cated two miles west of Cham poeg Park on tht Newberg Champoeg highway. Aid planned to be given to 4-H and FFA chapters in the county will be discussed, ac cording to Ted Hobart, secretary of the organization. Link of River-Grade Road Ready to Open Portland, Sept. 1 I1) An other eight-mile stretch of the water-grade highway through the Columbia gorge east of here was to be opened to the pub lic today. The stretch, eliminating the curves and hills of the scenic Columbia River highway which winds along the bluffs of the gorge, lies between Bridal Veil and Dodson. A lS-mile stretch Imlne detectors are being sold tojsmuggle In to Inmates by rtsl- between Troutdale Ind Bridal, Jails and prisons to detect metalsitora. Veil was opened earlier. Later a five-mile section will be opened between Dodson and Bonneville, to the east. Thousands of World War II Relleva Menstrual Pain New Jill Tabs New Ask your druggist for further information Northwest Drug & Chemical Products Co. 3109 S.E. 50th Ave., Portland 'lOOt-'lOOOK.. Auto r Perianal COMMERCIAL CREDITPLAI 4t N. Church it Ph. I-4UI rou """"Tttr--- I i tioo "Twrl I Woo 1 s.jt I iilSSsJjs't! 11 Blast Wrecks Power Plant Turbine room of a million dollar power generating plant in Rushville, Ind., lies in ruins after a diesel engine developed a hot piston and blew up. Two men were killed In the blast. The plant provided electric ity for 11 counties. (Acme Telephoto) Canners, Teamsters Sign Long Wage Pact A new two-year contract be tween employers and teamsters employed by Pacific Fruit and Produce company, Willamette Grocery company and General Grocery company, all of Salem, and Hudson-Duncan company of Albany, was signed Thursday, The signing of the contract completed a three-month wage negotiation between the whole salt grocers and members of Salem's Teamsters union local 824. Teamster Secretary-Treasurer Ward X. Graham said that the contract was offered by the em ployers, with the employe! vot ing acceptance. PU Students Will Bet Work Ratings Students at Pacific univer sity who have outside jobs this year will receive a work-rating which they may be able to use Inter in seeking permanent em ployment. The university Is entering eon- tracts with employers who may have part-time and occasional Jobs for students which provide the university will undertake to supply the worker when wanted and in return the employers will rate the student-workers on such things as Industry, Initiative, willingness to take and to fol low orders and to assume re sponsibility. Wages will be paid directly by employer to worker. Five Air Force Men Die: in Plane Crash Fairbanks, Alaska, Sept. 16 W) The death of five air force men last Monday In the fiery crash of a C-47 transport plane was announced yesterday by Ladd air force base authorities. The Ladd information office said the plane crashed on Bar ter island, 400 miles northeast of here, during an attempted landing In fog. An air force board was re ported investigating the acci dent. The plane was said to have been on a supply mission. Names were withheld pending notifica tion of kin. LIMITED SERVICE to LOS ANGELES 3 "LIMITEDS" DAILY Direct, Through No Local Stops Air-Conditioned Coaches Space Reserved No Extra Fare ONI WAY . , . . !!. ROUND TRIP .... 25.01 tkr An Na lower Fcrail error 450 No. Chunk St. Ph.. 3-2411 Up in th air about decorating? Then get thrifty, down-to-earth advice from CLARA DUDLEY famous color-scheme consultant for Alexander Smith G? Sons Carpet Company HERE IN PERSON EXTRA! FREE TECHNICOLOR MOVIE! Thursday and Friday, Sept. 22 and 23 2 p. m., Woodry Furniture Co. Iet her show yoti how to turn a tired-looking room into a decorator's dream with color. Consult her personally about your home decoration problems, and watch her come up with scores of practical suggestions made-to-order for you. Come to her exciting lecture, where you'll see a brand-new, Hollywood-produced, Technicolor movie filled with re-decorating ideas. You'll discover that Clara Dudley's decorating advice is priceless. Yet even your personal interview with her is sbsolutely freel At Brown's Only Genuine DIAMOND in Rich, Block Genuine Onyx i . i K mm 1 1 B GnajifiGn V Inspired by the taste . 9 n n I !, or Koyairy . . . rncea f j for the purse of All! I TERMS titre-heavy 10 kt. gold mounting' mbla-tontd with traditionally moMulIno cftilgn en either tide of eniqueiy ihoptd onyx set with a fine diamond. It'i a real won't ring. Jrino; eftJartjed fe bow delatf. OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL 9 P.M. FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE Another Brown Exclusive d2& G3D 3ID CEH UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR! Sin - f,v m REPAIRED r 3Nr5w ABSOLUTELY FREE 'OK ONI YIAR H0U: Wt wcf(S unit It Mltltf kt m eenttftet watts itakef ! rtmth vettrsreW MOST SENSATIONAL WATCH VALUE. THE MOST DARING WATCH GUARANTEE IN OUR HISTORY! Nothing Down 50e Weekly I St eiw Ma4 irmJe.1 rnmlrk 1i MMtSHM D l tndW4 " O Ut4 COD Lay Away Gifts For Christmas NOW! JEWELERS OPTICIANS SALEM'S LEADINO CUtMT HWtUU OfTTClAXf Lay Away Gifts For Christmas NOW! MAURER-BOGARDUS FURNITURE CO 10 DAYS ONLY lAniA UJUJ PRICES REDUCED 20 TO 50 PERCENT IN EVERY DEPARTMENT - SAVE - SAVE - SAVE 7Pc. DINING SET o n sn U Reg. 149.95 e Host Chair I e Padded Cushions ' e Opens to 96-in. . e Genuine Walnut 3 pc Bedroom Set! Platform Rocker Bleached Mahogany Center Drawer Guide Plata Mirror Flat Top Vanity Large Chest Nlte Stand $8.95 Bench $5.93 Reg. 129.50 i i 5. Hardwood frame Assorted taps Full size Reg. 29.50 2pc.DAVEN0SET Fully guaran teed Rrautiful tap. cover Toil springs throughout Onmfnrtahle, stylish club chair 2j50 Innerspring Mattress Reg. 24.50 180 coil Heavy stripe tick 9 A real value 5pc Chrome Dinette Croma Steel Extension Table e No-Mar Legs e Wo Birch Top A$49.00Valut Don't Milt It 3850 FREE PARKING - EASY TERMS - OPEN EVENINGS - FREE DELIVERY THESE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY GRAND VALUES NOW BEING OFFERED AT GREAT REDUCTIONS DRIVE OUT AND SAVE AT SOUTH 12TH ST. JUNCTION FURNITURE CO. PHONE 26306 12-