( 18 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Sept. 16, 1949 1 FOR SALI HOUSES IFOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES (FOR SALE HOUSES AUTOMOBILES (AUTOMOBILES CLASSIFIED ADYllTIglNQl Pr Lin ..Ifte Per Lin I time 40 Per Lint I ttmca 60e Ptr Lin 1 month 12.00 Outside of Salem 16 pr lint pti day. Min. loc: I t'.ma min. 30 f time mln. 31.30. No Refund READERS Id Local New Col. Only: Pr Lin '0c To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES Owner Leaving Oregon 4 bedroom horn on year old. Large living room, til kitchen, bath upatair and down. Plastered basement and car axe. Hardwood floor. loU built-in, terraced back yard. Coat over 118.000 to build. Reduced to H3.600 for quick ale. For Information call 34547. a227 1 POUB bedroom house, acr of land, 3630 Brook. 16000. t new 4 bdrm. houses, 2310 Broadway, A. K. Heasley, nnr 230S N. Liberty St. a22 fOR BALE BY OWNER: hit 5 room mod ern house, floor furnace, garage, lot 50x 125. 14600. 3330 Hyde St. a221 4pas S1SOO, now $6300. Hod. bdrm. home, att. garag. auto heat. F.H.A. or O.I. iur term. Phon 86189. 221 TWO BETTER CLA68 HOMES Practically new. Llv- R- Dln- Kit-' Nook, 3 Bed. Doubl Plumb. Pull Base ment with Knotty Pin Play R.. two flreplacei, dble. gar., 3 lota, fenced ft lendacaped. 1070 John. Ph. 3:226a222 ft "OWNER: 1 bdrm. home. Oak floor, auto, oil furnace. 3815 HuUey. Ph. 33201. a323 BY OWNER I ra. hou. 3 extra If. bedroom, If. llvlof rm., dinette, kitchen, bath, utility rm. A. lot. Lcwn ft loU of flow r. See any day from 10 a m to 10 p.m. 2365 Park At. Phon 3-0602. 223 BY BUILDER Lane beautiful S bedroom ranch style home, doubl carafe. In xclulv dls- trict. 3100 q- il. unaer rooi. unve aj 1570 North 23rd Street Just south of Market Street then eall 3-8817. a223 A "VISTA" View Home 3 yr. old, 2 bed- r-xnn, landaceped. Phon 1-6643 or 3-3173. f YFAR OLD S bdrm. hom pi entered, Hdwd. fir.. V. blind. If, lot, cloae to bii At frad achool. (7940. Ph. 20048. 4.1 SO Macleay. 223 $1950 DOWN Bal. $50 Per Month Including Interest, Insurance & F. H. A. Reserve . . . On of the best 3 bdrm. home on the market for the money. Extra nice plastering. Attractively decorated, large closet, adequate built-In, completely Insulated, nice lawn At xhrub. We auarantee to have tneioweai neat out in Salem. Pull price 19150. Walter Musgrave Realtor OWNER: MOD. 3 bdrm. neat, clean, love ly location, cheap. 881 Rosemont, W. Salem. ?" 15600. A. CUTTE Attractive Sub. 3 BR Home. Utility Rm. Att. Oar. City Wtr. Lot 00x317. 3 Blk. to bus. 110,700. NO. 1 ZONE 4 BR, full dry baemt. 10 Blk. to State House. Really Worth the Money. 111. B00. HOLLYWOOD D1ST. Completely furnished 7 yr. old 2 BR home on lot 0OxlftO. Automatic Ht. Beau tiful lawn & shrubs. 810,500. WALNUT PARK. Close to Doctor's Clinic At Hospital. Cor ner lot. 8 yr. 3 BR home ha many fea ture: Cedar-lined closets, lota of built in, Vt plumbing in basmt., oil fur., fplace, lg. gar., plus driveway, pvd. t. ft. wks., bu by door. 812,000. HOLLYWOOD DIBT. Prewar built 8 room home. Pull basmt., S-D. fur. 3 fplace, 2 nil. Din. Rm., nice lot, good loca. Ph. 26680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North High St. Ive. Ph. 33836 3776ft 28704 223 flKW HOME, h large rmi. Also large util ity garag. Call 25436 for appoint ment. 223 LARGE 5 ROOM All pacloux room. Built of the finest material A workmanship by a large contractor for hi own home. Attrac tive term for responsible party. Price, 111,100. 3 BDRM. 3 LOTS Nice clean home on good paved street In West Salem. Close to achool A bua. Price 17000. Call Bon Clear y. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1311 Ede water Ph. 1-1109. Eve. 3-9939 a223 BY OWNER 1 fir. 3 bdrm. Pull basement. Auto heat. Bnglawood achool. Bu near. Dial 3-9921. a224a BY OWNER. EMPLOYED ELSEWHERE. ATTRACTIVE 6 RM. HOME. KINO WOOD HEIGHTS DIBT. HARDWOOD PLOORS. NICE FIREPLACE. ATTACH ED OARAOE. BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS A SHRUBS. NICE VIEW OF SALEM AND BUK ROUNDING TERRITORY. 84000 EQUITY WILL HANDLE. SOME BALANCE PH. 35059. a221 BFDUCED TO 64,000 FOR QUICK SALE l'j yr. old, 1 bdrm. down, room for 3 more up, cor. lot, city water. See or writ Bud Nlchoiaon, P.O. Box 320. Aumavllle. Ore. a222 l70O, CLEAN modern 3 BR horn. F' place, hdwd. fir., Venetian blind, auto oil furnace, attached Karate. 11000 down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8. Hlfh St. Ph. 3-4131. Eve. 1-5581 a221 WAS 110,200. now 18700. Beautiful 3 bdrm ' yr Auto ht. att. gar. Ite. lot. I B00 dn. 3350 Wlnola At. Off Salem Hts. Ave. a321 WILL HELL for beat reasonable cah of fer, my 11484 equity In 1 yr. old 3 bdrm home. Hardwood floor. Pi altered. 542 BUler ave., Mapleton addition. 324 Sacrifice By Owner Only Few Days 1 yr. old. extra large 3 bdrm, Llv. Din rm A Kit. Hdw fl, V Bid, Insulated, atl lectrie, fr pi, A landscaped. Will tab let car. 19500 Attractive term. Fura If desired. 658 Morntnialde Dr. Ph. 3-3908. 222 GOOD OLDER hom at 390 So. 14lh atrert. Ttil older hom ha lot of life left. Drive by and mak u an offer. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Pa. I4VDT 484 Court tv. 34773 222 6 BDRM. fftA0. do to Catholic aohocL Cement foundation. Plastered. LR, OR A Kitchen. Zl. eooklng and water heater. Term. RAWLINS REALTY HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT m. tmt wn. twit . iTiii am? 112 BUY LIKE RENT I bedroom 3 rear old hardwood floor throughout - plaster attached garae - large utility room - larv din tug room letrte htat - only 1500 down - Bay term Pull price only $IM Bmtnedtat pnaaeMlon. PRONE EVI. 1-7981 Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Btdg. Ph. 1-1317 tnaarane - Real Ratal Mtg. Loan 333 fcl'Y SUBURBAN 6 AVE. HEW - CUN MNO . WELL CONST. 3 BR plastered home, hdwd.. Venetian blind. BIO LOT full of nut tre. Loc. near 99-E North. Too good to be true at 14300. I'triOUS 8 BR hom on ACRE ThU nher Rd. hom 1 mad to order for your family. Very good const ruction, attached garage. Lae. combined barn A poultry bid. Big tree, wide aaMmt of fruit, nut A berries. Pared St., 16000. More acre available. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Eelulv Listing Personal Service 164 S. Coca l St. Ph. 3-6388. Iv. l-89n 23l Ht nrrrD. 9 bdrm. home. Knotty pine kitchen, elect He heat, circulating fire place, plastered garaee. Tile bath room. tioice location at are n. una. bjjs Journal Want Ads Pay Win a Guest Ticket to Sec "Madame Bovary" Plus "Old Fashioned Girl" AT WARNERS ELSINORE THEATRE HERB ARB THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and lind the title of this picture coming soon to Salem Clip out the want aa In which the picture title appears and ac. company It with a simple state ment of 20 words or less on 'Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mall to the Elsinore Theater boxoffice. Contestants will be Judged on sincerity and originality The FIVE best statement re ceived each day will each receive a guest ticket to see "Madame Bovary" plus "Old Fashioned Girl," coming soon to the Elsin ore theater. All entries become the proper, tv of the Capital Journal, and decision of the Judges is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal, The Capitol or Elsinore Theatres and members of their immediate families are not eligi ble to participate In this contest FOR SALE HOUSES 618,000. NEW suburban ranch tyle hom with apaciou rooms. 3 bed rm. with doubl wardrobe closet, living room, dining rm., kitchen A nook, extra Tarn utility with oil furnace, hardwood floors thruout. Ha French door opening on to a lovely covered porch. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 660 8. Commercial Ph. 3-384S. Eve. 2-5260. a222 OWNER BUILDER SPECIAL 3 BR. home, fireplace, radiant heat, attached garage, let. LI?. Rm., picture window. All masonry eonstr. Small down pymnt. Approx. 160 per mo. will handle. Real bur. On Cha Ave. off Liberty Rd. Neighbor to west will show or call 3-176L 226 OWNER transferred. Modern home 2'.4 yr. 3 bdrm. on one floor, 1390 Jeffer son St. Ph. 35228. 226 FOR BALE or trade extra lee lot, fruit A nut, 3 B.R. home. Close to medical center. Ph. 37365. a.223 COZY 4 ROOM HOME. 1 bedrm. Nice sized room. Ntlllty room, some iruii. Close to bu. Lot 60x100. Price 14850. oil and elc. atove Incl. 6 ACRES. 3 rm. house. Small barn; chick en house. Paved rond. Price &J&o. con sider trading for small house In city. 3 BEDROOM MODERN home. Hlfh full cement basement. Air cond. oil turn.; fireplace. Largo back yard. Cloae to Mc Klnley achool. Price 611.000. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State t. Ph. 2-366S Evening call: Mr. Voorhee. 2-4007 or Mr. Sederstrom, 3-67B9. a223 JUST LISTED Cute, Clean, 1 B.R. Home $7500 Llv. rm., Ut. kitchenette, fireplace, elec. ht.. garnge, lots of shrubs, fruit. Has about 1 A. of vround with about 200 ft. ol hiway frontage on 99E south. Close In. We will gladly show you rtru. Apnolntmrnt only. KiKcctns. BURT PICHA, Realtors 370 N. Hlsh St. Office 2-3649 Eve. 2-5390 or 3-7451. 23l VERY NEAT comfortable 3 bedroom home. hardwood floor, good corner lot. will trade or sell. 17600. NEW, 3 bedroom, oak floor, fireplace, all electric, Imm. pes, this i a loveiy home. S12.800. 1 A. with nice 3 bedroom house, hard wood floor. 2 fireplace, rumpus room in basement, automatic oil heat, bus at door. 613.500. P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemeketa St. - Ph. 2-1546, 3-4896 Eves. 2-245 1. 3- 7565. 2-6686. a233 BY OWNER NEW 2 B.R. SUBURBAN HOME. CHOICE LUMBER, LOTS OF BUILT-INS. PH. 35982 FOR INFORMATION. ,223 REDUCED $1750 WONDERFUL VIEW PROM ORCHARD HEIGHTS Nice 3 Bd. rm. home, on beautiful lot 00x120. Excellent lawn and shrubs. If you want an attractive home at low cost with a eommamllni view of the whole valley, city and mountains, all for 18750, this home merits your at tention. Walter Musgrave, Realtor 1311 Ediewater Ph. s&ios, Eve. 3hs a'J2fl BY OWNER, King wood Ht. Hew 3 bdrm.. hardwood floors, Ilreylace. terms, win consider offer. 1701 Long view. Turn rteht off Edaewater, 2nd street left. Ph. 35500. a 2 36 IMM. POSSESSION Out of slate owner her to sell prac tically new home, 0 lie. rms.. hdwd. fir, thruout, aulo-furn. piped to all rm. Un ftn. upstairs. Stairway In. Breeeway, atl. gar. Lae lot, city water. Low down payment. FHA terms. fUlem Held hts dlst. 5B3 Ewald. S. olf 99E. a 220 BY OWNER 2 bdrm . one block to McKlnley school ft bu. Hdwd. firs., open circular stair way, plasterod dry basement, oil fur nace. Will consider any reasonable of fer. Ph. 3-5473. a-223 "Dream Home $6250 Lee. bdrm., Ilv. rm . nice nook. bath, piaster, elec. hat. fireplace, lovely yard. You should are. Hub. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 170 8. Com'! Ph. 3-4S49. a333 $3750 Full Price Including electric rant-. Neat 3 bdrm. Larwe living rm. Breakfast nook. Oaraee All newly painted and decorated. A snap! $200 Down Immediate pnsseMlon 3 bdrm. Hardwood floor. Lovelv kitchen. City. $1000 Down New I bdrm. Hardwood floor. Fire place. Many new features. Among ar tistic new homes. L. E. Klumpp Realtor M0 N. Church Ph. I-7AM Fv. or Hun f MO or 1-IUJS 111' FOR SALE LOTS $10 DOWN! Lots tth water, electricity, bus err lev. tree, elew t school. Balance 111 per month. Reimann For Real Estate 301 South Hieh Ph. Sun. Kve, 3 241, 3-1203, 1-3531, 3 -3 7 J WALKING tlKTANck of State Bid, on No. Winter St., 50x100 lot with old gar aee. some fruit tree ft shrubbery, paved alley. Price IlliOO. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive LUiines - Personal Service 14 S. Com ! St, Ph. 3-SSHft Eve. 3-493? or I-5O0I aalJJ I Bi n, to city bu. city school, north. Itahl ft water available. Ph. SfliJt. aa231 LOT WITH WATER, ele'ctrlcltyT bu. ctoa to school on Sllverton highway Why pay rent. Build your own hom 113 down. 113 per month General Real Estate 111 Center Ph. I im REIMANN FOR RANCH STYLE J -bed room home with brick front, covered patio, all hardwood floor, fireplace. .72 of an acre of ground. Double garaee. Only 114,000. Will trade for amaller home or Income property. No. 243 TOP OF THE HILL Lovely view from thl 3 -bedroom, ranch style hom with larg living and din lng rooms. Ceramic tile bath. Hard wood floor, attractive fireplace, patio, nice yard. acre. No. 394 REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 101 Couth Hlfh St. PI Sun. Ivei. J-17JJ, 1.I71J, 1-Mtl. 2 2SJJ, 1-StOI SUBURBAN 13900. New 1 bdrm. with unfinished upstairs. Rm. for 3 bdrm. Living rm., dinette, kitchen, bath, utility rm., hardwood floors, oil floor furnace, eorner Jot. Cloae to school, bus ft store. 11000 down will handle this hou. McKINLEY SCHOOL DIST. S8000. a1-! year old. 3 bdrm., bung, style, living rm., dining rm., kitchen, bath, utility rm., attached garage with storage space. Elec. heat. Insulated, weatherstrlpped, fireplace, hardwood floors, lot approx. 60x250. Bu 1 block. Wonderful soil for garden. 32150 down. 153 a mo. payment. A wonderful buy. Owner 1 leaving town. NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL $6900. 3 bdrm., bung, style. Living rm. with fireplace, kitchen, large dinette, nice bath, attached narane, large lot, close to schools and bus. Owner 1 being transferred. This can be worked out with 12000 dn. payment. SUBURBAN EAST 18950. 3 yr. old, modern style, 2 bdrm., large living rm.. kitchen, bath, Inside utility rm., atached garage, large lot, all new house around. Will trade equity for 3 bdrm, home with basement, in town. CALL OR SEE ANDY HALVORSEN A. A. LARSON, REALTOR OPPICE 3-8623 191 S. GRABENHORST SPECIALS RANCH STYLE You'll like this very attractive suburban, ranch style home. 3 spacloua bdrm., dressing rm., tile bath, den, Uv. rm., with fireplace, din. rmj, kitchen, nook, hdwd. fir.. Inc. inside utility, dble. garaee, approx. acre of land scaped land. CALL PETER OEISER. 1625 N. 20th STREET One of Englewood' finest home with 3 bdrm., plus adjoining rm. off master bdrm,, hdwd. firs, up ft down. Llv. rm., din. rm., central hall, Philippine mahoKany woodwork, fireplace, auto-oil heat, full basmt., dble. garage. One of our best buys. CALL ROY FERRIS. 1975 W. NOB HILL Bvautlful landscaped 4 bdrm. home, llv. rm., din. rm., full basmt., sawdust heat. This home i in excellent condition. CALL BEN ROISEN. GRABENHORST 134 Bouth Liberty Evening and Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Ear West 2-0608 FOR SALE FARMS 3 ACRE chicken farm, completely equip ped, tile brooder, good Darn, cnicxen house and 2 garages, 3 bdrm. home part ly furnished, inc. electric stove and hot water heater, electric Irrigation, nice lawn and shrubs. Price 37500. Located on highway mile E. Marion. 13500 loan can be arranged. Elmer Hofmann, Marlon. Phone 1B24R Stayton, Ore. b223 Grade "A" Dairy 46 acre dairy farm, all in cultivation, grade A barn ft milk house. Excellent 5 room plastered home with hardwood floors, 16 high producing dairy cow. Tractor with complete equipment. All for $29,000. Consider Salem hom as Part. Dunn Realty Exch. 984 N. Pacific Hlway Woodburn, Ore. b223 76 Acres Near Mt. Angel M A. bottom land, irrigation available. Large HOME, elec, pressure water, bath, basement, barn 40x60, drive-In hay mow. Concrete foundation. Many out building, abundance of family fruit, shade and shrub. BARGAIN. 115.000.00 Cash. Balance at 4 Dunn Realty Exch. 984 N. Pacific Hiway, Woodburn, Ore. b233 10 Acres $4500 Reasonable dn. payment - good term. 1 A c lea rod, balance fenced, year round creek - barn, 3 stanchions, 2 tons baled hay - garage - 3 bdrm. houM", wood shed filled with dry wood. Immediate possession. Call Allen Jones or Mabel Needham, Realtors 341 SUte St. Ph. 3-9201 bll MT. ANGEL - 10 ACRES Right at city limit with a good 5 bed room plastered home. 6 stanchion barn, family fruit ft nuts. Irrigated clover pasture. A good buy at SH.000 with term. See or call "Rob" Sullivan. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-.1IH J11 N. Hlnh Fv. Ph S-B770 - S-TM4 r-221" FOR SALE ACREAGE BY OWNKK. 1 acrra No. with Income. Modern all electric home. Oood barn. i vble garage Leaving state. Ph. Rt. 2. Box 262. bb22T 4 BEDROOM house, burn, large shed. approx, 3 acres of good productive soli. Hlahwny frontage, close In on Sllverton big hlhwny. a good buy at 17500. This can be bought for 11000 down and your own terms on the balance. 2 BEDROOM modern home In LabLih dis trict on l' acres of good Lnhlh soil. Chicken house, family fruit. Thl place has been reduced to fl150 for oulck aale. 13050 Will handle. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive LLitlnes - Personal Service in s. rom i st. pii. a-mni Eve. 3-4917 or 3-KOflS hh2?S REAL ESTATE NEW 8 BDRM. 3 LOTS. VACANT. F.H.A. approved. Easy to hamlie. NEW 6 rms. Including elert rg. extra ittai In W. Salem. 86950. 41 000 dn. moo. A RMS. Some term. It AVE OTIIttR. A 1o trades W1LLAMFTTE REAL ESTATE 1T3 S. Liberty Salem Ph. 37113 c331 TO TRADE on property. 1041 Rutck super sedan Phone 3.1 "3 3 after p m. r'lU WEEK END SPECIALS IMM tor 3 bdrm. home. I.R. PR, K. b-lns. nook. Large lot 80x185, beauti fully landscaped, lot of flowers ft shrubs. Part baAement. Cuoklne ft w. heat elec Grade achool 4 bias, HI school 3 blocks. This property is located In Sll verton. Would consider trade tor a house tn Salem. g"M full price, 11 000 down t bdrm. ft den, LR. PR. K. nook. Ven blinds. Cook ing ft W. heat elec. Double plumbing. All plastered. Or. school 4 blk. HI achool 14 blocks. All floor coverings go. I walnut tree, some berries, nice garden spot. Will take OI loan. 97AM, only 1500 down, for a t bdrm. home In a good location North on 975 Pine St. 3 blks to parochial school. Imme diate poAAcaaion, furniture available. t'g Aeree with 1 bdrm modern home, S acre strawberries ThU U located In Sllverton. Priced at only 15350. RF.aTAI R 4NT. Here Is a good business for only 14750 including all stock equipment. Holna better lhan HO 0i0 gross business per year. Don't mis tru opportunity if you are interested in a restaurant at all because thl l a money maker. CALL US FOR ANY FTRTHKR INFORMATION GEORGE W. HU BBS CO. J. 7-FEB, MGR. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN EAST!" -bed room and den. Beautiful getting on 3 acre or more of land. Leather up holstered breakfast nook. 3 lovely fire place, basement, auto oil furnace. Nice hobby ahop, roll down door In kitchen. WU Itrade for city rental property. No. 1035 $500 DOWN! Suburban north. 3-bedroom and acre. Elec. hot water heater, wired for rang. Oood bu service. Close to achool and store. Immediate possession. Bal ance 150 per month. No. 391 SOUTH HIGH ST. HOME 3-7193 a222 BROS., REALTORS Phone 2-2471 Sundays Call Peter Oelser 3-9968 Ben Rolsen 3-2471 a221 REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS Englewood $800 Down Almost new. Electric heat, attached gar age, hardwood floor. Immediate pos session. Payments only $55 per month Including 4 Interest. Full price 18500. Eve. phone 2-0473 or 3-3558. Leslie School Older type home In good condition. Full basement. Choice location. Fireplace. Now rented for S55 per month. Oood In vestment property. Total price 16850. Term. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. 3 Bdrm. New Close to Englewood achool. Unfinished upstairs. Corner lot. Insulated, weather stripped. F.H.A. approved for 16300. Total price only 110.500. Eve. Ph. 3-0473 or 3-3558. FARMS 3 Acres Older type 4 bdrm. modern hom. Close In. North. Well. Paved road. Immediate PONiAsion. 800 down will handle. Total price reduced to 37500. Eve. ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. 5 Acres $3900 3 rm. house built In 1948. Amity soli. 3 acres cleared. Owner leaving state. Terms arranged. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. 69 Acres Excellent buildings. Very modern home. 40x60 barn. Close In to Salem. Will trade for home in Salem. Total price only 318.500. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7820, 2-4506 3035 Portland Rd C223 FOR VOIIR SAVING investment buy a flrt mortgage on real est at Salem ft vicinity. Examine security yourself Amojnt 3500 to several thousand dol lar, net Investors S We make all col lection for you It desired. STATE FINANCE CO 153 S High f WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BI'Y: 2 BR home. About S5OO0 cash. Write Box 412 Capital Jour nal. ca222 NOTICE! If your proper i i for sale, rent or exchange list II with u We have all kinds of cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 133 8 Htgb St ea WE ARE in need oi gooe nouses to tell in or neat Salem If you wish to list your property for aale aee C1BABEN1IORKT BROS., REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. -Phone 3-3471 eg EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE: My equity In a new 2 BR hom for best car offer or reasonable cash offer. Large lot with nlre lawn. Ph. 4-2842. cb222" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AUTO COURTS, COTTAGE COURTS, APTS.. BUSINESS PROPERTIES. 172 S. Liberty Salem Ph. 37113 cd221 WANTED TO BI Y: A beauty shop. Pay cash . Write Cap.tal Journal Box 416. cd223 15 FOR YOU We will sell you a house for 13500. and rent tor M0 month orf no deal. Inquire. E. M. Hunter Real Estate Grocery & 4 Rentals Plus llv. quarters all modern. Stock and equip. Incl, In down payment. 1 1000 full prlce!7500 . Located on coast. Here a your opnortunlty. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 7jOS.Com,l. Ph. 3-4649. cda3S Tavern - Sandwich Shop lou oi parking, us rt. on Pacific Hlwav. excellent build Int. living quar ter BUSINESS 1 OOOD. Health rea son tor selling. 123.750 00 Dunn Realty Exch. 984 N. Parlfte Hiway, Woodburn, Ore edJ33 Grocery - Home Near NEW Concrete Bldg. 3040. Ext. equipment, plus JJ-rm. Mod. Home. 1-rra. Cottage rented On Pacific hlway. 115.000 00 Dunn Realty Exeh. 964 N, Pacific Hlway, Woodburn. Ore edJ2J WANTED. 3 or 3 In family to operate fountain and cafe on a 50-50 plan. Very good business Inquire with Dar Reld Real Estate, Mill City cd31l t CAPESI4 JOfl'Vach. 1 located S lJtlT. the ether on 9DE Both going businesses. Oood lease. Fully equipped. Orand lo cation. RAWLINS REALTY HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Ph. !4M Ev. 3013 17131 MTftY Celebrate'Nat'l Home Week in a Home of Your Own! 1750 DN, WILL BUY A OOOD I B.R. HOME. IMME. POSSESSION. 81800 DN. PAYMENTS LESS THAN RENT WILL OIVI YOU A BEAU TIFUL RANCH TYPE 3 B R. HOME. 15300 WILL BUY A OOOD 3 B R. HOME ON N. WINTER STREET. 13 ACRES NO. WITH A OOOD 2 B R. HOME ONLY I48O0. State GI's, Attention A NEW 1 B R. HOME ON I ACRES NO. NEW HOTPOINT RANOE LEONARD REFRIO. PRICE ONLY SUOO. St. Vincent De Paul School FINE 3 B.R. HOME, BASEMENT AND AUTO HEAT. NEW I B.R. HOME, ELECTRIC HEAT. 3 B.R. HOME ON 75x300 LOT ONLY $5,250 WM. BLIVEN & CO. REALTORS 647 N. HIGH MR. SMITH BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES YOUR BEST TAVERN BUY. This ha the reputation of being one of the BEST LOCATED, MOST PROFITABLE POt for a combined tavern ft restaurant in SALEM. Ha enjoyed a steady, well ad vertised trade for over 6 yr. (81,000 gross last yr.) Mod. equlpm't Includes NEW booth ft table. BIO walkln cooler, NEW beer cabinet, NEW range, NEW French fryer, 11400 heating equip ment, $1500 Neon sign, air conditioned. Low lease, 4 yr. to go. (Could be an ideal ntte spot). Present owner doe not operate. Under personal operation thl will pay BIO ft FAST. Come in and get the FACTS, and the LOW PRICE will surprise you! No phone Info., please. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing - Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8388 Eve. 3-5068 or 3-4937 cd223 FOR SALE 83500 equity on large lot No. 3 cone on Fairgrounds road in Holly wood. Consider trade. Ph. 38188. cd221 REDUCED TO $6500 Modern 2 bdrm. home ft nearly new bus iness bldg. Main street. No. 3 business Bone. A real value STROUT REALTY 959 a. 12th St. Ph. 2-5323. cd221 ONE LARGE ROOM the equivalent of 2i ordinary rooms in modern building ror rent. Linoleum floor. 465 sq. ft. All services Included. 155 per month. Call 3-3898 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. cd223 COMPLETE .RECAPPING shop equip., ft under coating equip, eta, pumps around 600 gal. of gas a mo. Distrib utor for U. S. Royal tires. Only recap shop within 70 miles. Will total at least $50,000 worth of business thl year. 87500 for business ft equip. Plus ap proximately $200 In inventory. Write Peninsula Vulcanizing Co. Box 161 Long Beach, Wash. cd221 FURNITURE FOR SALE DAVENOS $10.50 to $34.30, Trader iiuuls, 3055 Portland Rd. d222 DIN1NQ SET 8 piece. Walnut. Very good condition, $49.50. Trader Louie, 3055 Portland Rd. d222 AXMINSTER RUGS ft pad, 9x11, nearly new, $47.50. Trader Louie, 3055 Portland Rd. d222 DAVENPORT, beautiful tapestry cover. $49.50. Trader Louie, 3055 Portland Rd. d222a DAVENPORT ft chair $35. 4242 Durbln Ave. Ph. 23159. d221' I'm Not a River BUT, I do have a big outlet for fur niture, appliances, rugs, radios, sport ing equpt., antique, mils teal Instru ment or what have "U". Cash on the line. You won't get hooked, really get the limit by phoning GLENN WOODRY WANTED FURNITURE USED Fl'RN. Immed. appraisal. Highest price Valley Furn. 285 N. Com'l. Ph. 27472. da234 IF YOU HAVE FURNITURE, appliances, sporting goods, etc., to sell ft want TOP PRICES be sure to call TRADER LOUIE. 3055 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-8558 davs or 2-4407 eve. da235 IHGHErf PRICES paid Phone Olenn ai Woodrv Auction Maraet Ph 3-5110 da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK BERKSHIRE BOARS, papers available. Rt. 4. Box 830. Ph. 31501. e223 GOOD SADDLE horse. Cheap. Otto Yun- ker. S ml. N. Keizer school. e223 JERSEY COW to freshen with first calf. Rt. 2 Box 274. Ph. 31859. e222 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. McCandllsh. 1127 S 25 Ph. 3-8147 il2Sl RABBITS WING'S BABBITRY nerd rabbit. Top prices 3M state. Ph 3-1lJl eh242 PETS WILL GIVE good country home to point er, letter, or springer. Ph. 37ZB8. ec22J- REGISTERED Sprlnner Spaniel pups. VVrv ro.xI Cnll 3-l'0fl or 2-?7l rc-22 FUEL CALT. HIGHWAY FUPX TOR HINtf! ftnd Sto. OIUl FRESH CUT BAWrl!ST Dry 81ftb Wow) Drj Pltintt no Boei Wood P l4l PHILLIPS BfctW Old fir. uk. Mil A maple. fir. )" lib tna erttlng. Ph 314H8 West Salem Fuel Co. It TN DRY OR OR FEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENOS OLD GROWTH RLOCK WOOD. 18-IN CLEAN NO RARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE Oil Phone Filera 3-4031 AIfa 9lci up wood at 1535 Ede water St.. Wet Salem TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 37442 ir Blab Wood and Edgtnt Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 13" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SftH GREEN STAMPS FORSALE POULTRY COLORED FRYERS. Ph. 31298 f 2J6 FOR 541 K R I. red hens, good layers. Jenninss Poultry Farm. Rt 3. Box 70. Salem. Phone 35439. f223 NFW HAMPSHIRE chirks every Thurs day. Order Fry or Hen now at spe cial quantity prices for your loekere. Cuitom Drexulng a iper tally. Phone jjsoi. ie natrnery. NEW tllMPSHIRE chick for immediate or future delivery Hatches every Tua Pot Hatchery, 3830 Stat St Ph. I-49M Journal Want Ads Pay PH. 2-3617 EVES. 28268 . PRODUCE CANNING TOMATOES. You pick. Imlah Fruit Farm, 4 mile out Wallace Rd. Ph. 20374. ff223 CANNING CORN. Main rd. W. of Keller school. Inquire at Evan. Rt. 3, Box 162. ff223 APLES FOR SALE. Gravenstetn ft Banana. $1 bu. Ph. 29901. 1073 Elm after 5 p.m. West Salem. f!322 LATE HALE peaches $1.49 bu. box. 3 mile N. of Underpass, Highway 99. Green Apple Market. ff221 E OREGON ALFALFA. 1ST ft SND CUTTING NOW BEING DE LIVERED WRITE 14M S. 3RD, BEND, OREGON OR PH. 405 W. ff230 CORN, sweet golden bantam. Any quan tity. 8.E. of Walling Gravel. 3176 S. 19th. ff223 TOMATOES AND PEPPERS CANNINO. JUICE AND LOCKER WILL DELIVER PH. 3-7173 ff226 LAST CALL I BIO QOLDEN CROSS Sweet Corn, 32c doz. Tomatoes $1.25 bu. U pick, 75c bu. L. D. Egbert, Sllverton Road. 2S ml. past Fairgrounds. Ph. 4-2642. ff222 TOMATOES, cucumbers, fresh eggs. Frl gaard Fruit Farm, mi. N. Keiier school. ff240 FILBERT AND Walnut drying. Special service for small lota. Phon 2-2881 Lee' Hatchery. ff TOMATOES, hybrid, acid free. Will de liver. O. M. Gorman, Jefferson. Ore. Ph 318. ff22S On old Jefferson Hlwy. at Midway, Hoi man, Box 32, Ph Jefferson 504. ff231 HELP WANTED GLEN WOODRY orchestra need pianist. Must read. Ph. 35110 at once. g222 BEAN PICKING Friday, Saturday ft Sun day at Bianopi at a. tuver ita. rn. 36137 for Information. g222 TEACHER WANTED for 3rd ft 4th grades at Hebo, Oregon. New room; wages $2900 per year. Mr. Mable Wharton, clerk, Hebo. Ore. g221 WANTED: Boy 18 or over, neat well man nered, apply Cowen, Capital Theatre. g221 IF YOU LIKE to draw, altetch or paint aee Talent Test ad In Instruction Col umn. g222 PRUNE PICKERS: S mi. West. Orchard Hts. road. Good crops. Phone 17F12. James Best. g222 WANTED: HOP pickers, John J. Roberts ft CO. Ph. 39623. g' HELP WANTED MALE MAN PREFERABLY With bank or loan exper. 30 to 35 yr. old for a perma nent lob Must be willing to work hard and assume responsibility to insure ex cellent future. Call Mr. Clough at Sa lem 3-4130 during business hours. gn222 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED: Housemother for Hlllcrent School for Girls. Hour 3 to 11 p.m. Ph. 23022. gb222 EXPERIENCED stenographer, shorthand required. Apply In person. Homer H. Smith Ins. agency. gb222 WANTED middle age lady on Tuesday and Friday, occasionally an extra day, to care for 4 yr. old boy and do house work. Write Mrs. John R. Stark. 1090 N. Cottage or call after 6:30 p.m. Ph. 37587. gb 322 WOMAN to care for 2 children afternoon and evening. In my home. Ph. 2(1889. 1030 Highland Ave. b222 EXP. SALES girl for variety store. State aae and ex p. Write Capital Journal Box 411. gb222 TURKEY PICKERS wanted. Northwest Poultry, 1505 N. Front. gb222 LIGHT HOUSE work, no washing. Private rm. 1 child. Sun., holiday and evenlne Off. Ph. 23342 after 3:00. gb223 WANT WO 51 AN for light housework and care of 2 girls. Ph. 24840. gb221 WOMAN TO help with housework. No children. Wanes, room board. Write Box 410. Capital Journal. gb222 ASSISTANT IN the accounting dept. Shorthand required. Apply in own Hand writing, stating experience and age. P. O. Box 229 Salem. "Madame Bovary" Plus "Old Fashioned Olrir gb224 WOMAN OR girl to care for 18 mo. old gin in my nome. ii:jk a.m. to o:jo p.m. Extra pav If vou work extra hour. Ph. 20348 after 6 p.m. gu222 STENOGRAPHER for permanent position. pnortnana requirea. Appiy in person. Willamette Credit Co. 182 8. Church St. Cb221 SALESLADY Glv age, exp marital sta lls A salary desired In first letter. Box (08 Capital Journal. gb EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS iflO State Street Phone 3-1488. gf WANTED SALESMAN EXPERIENCED lurntlur salesman, list exp. Aj qualification. Writ Boi 394. Capital Journal. g t EXP. salesmen to sell leading line of appliance. Salary plus comm. Trans portation furnished. Writ Boi 393 Car It nl Journal t WANTED POSITIONS EXPERIENCED SERVICE station man would like to takeover station or work. Have had 10 yr. of exper. Oood refer ence. Mr. Oeorge Aihley, Rt. 1, Box 51. Sublimity, Ore. h228 TE 4CH1NO-POSITtilN ' wanted near 11 verton. Write Box 411, Capital Journal. .1233 WANTED by young girl: gen. office work. Knowledge of shorthand. Box 283, Sll verton. Phone 1881. h233 FAMILY Ironing to do in m? home. 50c per hour. Cash carry. 1180 I. Rural. h221' TREEWORK Topping, Removing, Etc. INSURED OPERATOR JOHN PAYNE 141 V Church Pa. 14014 44' FIVE TOP CARS 1949 Lincoln Sedan Coupe, complete $2545 1949 Mercury Sedan, lots of accessories $1995 1948 Ford Sedan, special uphol $1395 1947 Lincoln Sedan, best buy in town $1695 1947 Frazier Sedan, $200 under book $1295 Six Bottom Prices 1941 Dodge Luxury Liner Sedan $645 1940 Lincoln Sedan, Merc, motor $595 1938 Lincoln Sedan $445 1937 Ford P. U $195 1937 Willys Sedan $185 1937 Chevrolet Coup $245 YOUR BEST BUYS ARE AT YOUR LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER Warner Motor Co. SALEM USED CAR DEALERS ASSOCIATION 545 CENTER PH. $3011 " NO TRICKS! NO BALLYHOO! JUST OUTSTANDING USED CARS FOR LOWER PRICES WE DON'T MEET COMPETITION WE MAKE IT 1941 Ford Super Deluxe Sedan, A-l motor $595 1948 Crosley Station Wagon, only 10,000 Mi $495 1940 Pontiac Coupe, needs some work $395 1940 Dodge Sedan, mechanics special $195 1941 Ford Super Sedan, a dandy $495 1942 Willys Sedan, low cost transportation $275 1936 Ford Tudor, good work car $145 1940 Chev. Master Deluxe Tudor $345 1940 Chevrolet Master Deluxe Sedan $395 DON'T OVERLOOK THESE BUYS PHONE 3-3147 Valley Motor Mart THE CAR LOT OF SENSATIONAL VALUES AND CARS WITH A PERSONALITY DON'T FORGET THE LOCATION PHONE 33147 HIGH AT CENTER SALEM Q311' WANTED POSITIONS SHIRT COLLARS turned. 25c. Also some llgh mending. Ph. 24511. h221 CHILD CARE, 183 8. 18th. Ph. 26876. h343a TREE WORK, topping trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. w. n. McAllis ter, 840 Trade. Ph 2-1498. h235 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-0796. Mimeographing-Typing POE'S. 863 North 16th. Phon 8-3843. h233 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 8-5072. h230' NEW LAWNS prepared & seeded. Light tractor on rubber with dozer, en. asm, Duane Wolcott. h22l CEMENT WORK Wanted. Ph. 2-4B50. h' EDUCATION IF VOU LIKE to draw, sketch or paint. write for Talent Tet (no fee). Give age and occupation. Box 447, Capital Journal. hh222' FOR RENT ROOMS LARGE SLEEPING room. Employed la dy or couple. 949 N. winter. Ph. 3859. Jk225 Fl'RN. HOUSEKEEPING rm. 1st floor. Ladles, use ol pnone ac reing. rn. zsw. Jk222 BEDRM. FOR gentleman. Ph. 27076. jk222 ROOMS FOR rent. Ladle only. Kitchen privilege. 330 statesman. Jicaap' ATTRACTIVE RM. private home. Gentle men. 98S H. summer, rn. jojob. NICE SLEEPING room close in At board If desired. 433 Union. Wii SLEEPING room. Use of kitchen. Ph. 2-9344. 321 WELL FURN. rm. Private bath. Close In. On bus line. Ph. 3-5438. JK3Z4- FURNISHED apt. 2 adults. 135 per mo. Light water, garbage service included. 824 N Front. Jk222 CLOSE IN rea. room for clean employed an. 840 S. Liberty. SLEEPING ROOMS. PH. 3-4338. Jk237 CLOSE IN Sleeping rm. Ph. 36316. JM2B HOLLYWOOD rm. 2035 McCoy Ph 3-6093. Jk32V FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3 RM. Fl'RN. apt. 1st floor. Adults only. Ph. 3150. AT MONMOUTH. 278 N. Broad. I 2 rm. turn, heated apt. Ph. 33585 or 368B5. Ip222 DANDY SMALL furn. apt. Close in. H. L. Stiff. Ph. 39185 or 37030. Jp323 3 RM. Modern Apt. 2nd fir. front. To em ployed couple, uuiine lurnisneo. u. 280 N. 18th. Ph. 26878. Jp222 FURNrpULLMAN apt. 444 N. Cotteae. Ph. 21887. Jp233 LARGE I RM. apt., first floor. Share bath. 1 block to bua it market. 725 so. 13th. JP222 3 ROOM furn. apt. 137.00. 375 Hood St. Ph 3729S. JP231 FOR RENT HOUSES SM4.LL t bedrm. Range ft Ref. On Cas cade Drive 180. Ph. 34538. jmana 3 RMS. ft bath garage houne. Ph. 37296. 235 para Lane. jmajj- NE W-SUB i"R R 4 N 2 bdrm. house. Electric heat. V. bltnds. hardwood floors. 170 per mo. Positively no cat or dogs. 4543 State SL Ph. 31123J jm223 S BDRM. modern home. Furn. Adult. Lo? ca) ref. 875 per month. Ph. 36360. Jm221" 6 RM. modern house, partly furn. Inquire at 903 S. 2 1st. Jm222 I BDRM. modern furnished house, elec tric ranee At refrli , garden plot. 10 ml. So. References. Phone 49F32 Salem or write Rt. 1, Box 75. Jefferson, Oree. J ma 22 LEASE beautiful 3 bdrm. unfurn. Oct. 1. 188 per mo. 3350 Wlnola Ave. Jm221 COTTAGE. Fl'RN. By week. Ph. 29197. Jm231' FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS MODFRN OFFICES for rent. Ideal for leasl. medical, dental profession. Lo cated in Electric Bid. Apply Liberty Investment Co.. Tel. 3-3711. 232 WAREHOUSE OR SHOP 900 aq ft. smooth concrete floor, good roof. lee. windows, at Four Corners. 135 per mo. Ph.24539 after 11 p.m. 32 OFFICE, desk space. Conv. loc. Ph. 3!S3 J245" Finos IAN DEM for rent. Monuouer FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS MODERN STORE BUILDING, 40x70 with a-U. Included plu lull basement. P. H. BELL REALTOR 361 Chemeketa J223 PLENTY OF new clean bed. At reason able rates. Inquire at Cedar Tavern or Bert' Pool Hall, Detroit, Oregon. J221 POWER TOOL rental for borne and in dustrial us. Bowser Bros. ph. 1-3646. I TO DO a good lob rent a good floor and r We aell everything to complete th Job. ROW8ER BROS. - Ph. 1-3646 J lOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. OFFICE spaces and desk apace. Ph. 38692. I TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Howser Bros. 14m B 12th. West Salem. ) BUSINESS RM. for rem. R. L. Stiff. J U DRIVE trucks, car. Ph. 3-9103. ) SINGER ELECTRIC portable aewlng ma chines. Reasonable rate. Pre pick up fe delivery. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Com1. Ph. 33512 J WANTED TO RENT PHYSICIAN A family desire 2 or 3 bdrm. unfurn. house. Will lease. Call 30319. Ja222 MODERN X bdrm. house. Automatic heat. Elderly couple. Ph. 26262. ja223a YOUNG COUPLE 6t small desire 2 bdrm home partly furn. 355 or lea. Ph. 34638. Ja221 MEATCUTTER, WIFE,1 3 small girl ur gently need 3 bdrm. house with stove by Oct. 1. Not over $60. Ph. 25360. Ja221 NEW MONTGOMERY Ward manager need 3 bdrm. home. Will leas. Pleas Call Mr. Wolf 33191. ia ROOM AND BOARD ELDERLY LADY want room and board in good home. Ph. 33818. JJ223 LOST AND FOUND LOST: A lady' red alligator billfold, somewhere at the State Fair. Finder please keep half the cash and send me the billfold as It contains card and thing valuable only to me. Yvonne F. Neff. 924 Taylor, Oregon City. Ore. k223 STRAYED FROM my farm, white gelding wi. iau ids. n seen noiny aa. xiskc. Turner, RFD 2 Box 115. ki!32 LOST: SCHOOL boy brown wallet near public library Sept. 14. Finder Phone 34590 or 39336. k221' LOST: Rhinestone lapel watch. Vicinity of Liberty ft State. Reward. Ph. M a Robinson, 3316S. k2J3 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men' hatter. 404 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. m244 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR t HR SERVICE IN MOST CASKS DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolps Bldg. State At Commercial Sta, SALEM Phone 1-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS STEEL AND Aluminum Window Frames. Casement, Double Hung ft Commercial Type. PU MI LITE, Wet Salem. ma221 FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatform ft Bennett-Ireland fireplace circulator. All fireplace and masonry material. PUMILITI West Salem. ? ROCKLATh! PLASTER and Stucco mater Is Is. Complete line, quality material. PUMILITE West Salem. ma231 Wrecking Gov't Projects Hundred modern sash ft window. Cart Iron A? vitreous china wash basin com plete with flttlnsa. 100 30-lnch 1 panel door with frame ft hardware. Larg supply of 33 ft 36 inch Bias door with frame ft hardware. C. O. Long, Ph. 2-5831. One mile north of Keiter. ma323a BUILDERS New 4 inch 4x8 ft. sheet Insulation board ftAcWt . only 81.84 sheet. A dur able attractive n board, light In weight with insulating value. No. 1 mountain cedar shinile 17.71 aq. Cedar shake in the carton, painted ft with under course 113 sq. C. O. Long, Ph. 3-5621 One mile north of Keiter. ma333 INSULATIONDOORS New fiber glass roll blanket inaulation at bargain price. Full stock 1 panel door, grade A. Low price on mahoaany interior door made in Sweden. French doors, glass doors, entrance doors. Check our price. C. O. Long. Ph. 1-5821. Or. mlic north of Ke:er. ma233 (Continued on Page 19) MM M. Cpiti Ph. 3-IMl. eill Ward. r