16 Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon. Friday, Sept. 16, 1949i The HOUSE on LILAC STREET by FRED BAYARD (Chapter 24) Hald Scott, hailed a cab. He aid "Times Square." and got ln Ide. He watched carefully but was certain he had not been followed. .. Paying off the cab, he atrolled Into the lounge of a hotel. Then out the back way, Into another cab to Orand Central Station. Wasting no time, he removed his hat and felt under the leather band, extracting a small strip of paper. After reading the message carefully, he pulled out his lighter and watched the paper curl to a brown crisp. He took out his notebook and Jotted down several lines. Tear ing out the sheet, he folded It and Inserted it under the hat band. His next move was to make for the lockers. He took out a key. opened one, and removed a brown fedora. As he was In the act of putting It on, a man sorting some luggage in the locker next to his looked up and grinned. "That's a smart Idea, bud. The rain would sure have made a mess of that light gray felt one you were wearing." When Derrla and Sarah reach ed home Dr. Bayles' car was stand ing in front of the house. He greeted them. "I haven't seen rou In Pine Hill for several days. and I've been so busy I've had no chance to run over, wnats new Anything? "Things have been happening thick and last," JJerrla answered "But come lalde for a moment. I imagine you're used to being up Jots later than mis. "What's all this about," he asked. puzzled. "She was knocked down by a ear tonight," Sarah spoke up be fore Derrla could answer: "It's nothing less than a miracle that she wasn t killed." Dr. Bayles looked troubled. "I'm beginning to think you're right and I've been wrong about some of the things that have been going on. You must promise me. younu lady, that you'll be more careful. Don't go wandering around alone, "Don't you think you should pre senile a mna seaauver" earan ask ed. "That mightn't be a bad Idea," he agreed over Derrlas protests. "I'll Just step out to my car. I left my things in It." "I'm sorry," he said when he returned. "I don't seem to have what I was looking for. However" he held out a small box "these should do Just as well." He took out a white capsule and held It to the light. "This stuff is a sample of a new type of aspirin that the Madison Company has developed. "Biodal," they call it. They've sent these out to all the members of the medical profession. It's quite safe if you follow the directions on the box. It's all I have with me," he added apologetically. "That's all right." Derrla took trie box from him. "I don't really think I need anything. I won't have any trouble getting to sleep tonight." "Do whatever you think best. I'll probably see you In a day or so. Good night, ladles." Something had awakened Der rla. It seemed to come from Sar ah's room. Sarah's voice sounded faintly In reply to her hurried knock. The housekeeper had gotten out of bed and was half sitting, half lying in the large chair beside it. Her face had a ghastly greenish hue. "Sarah I What's happened? Sar ah!" Derria bent over hei fran tically. Sarah opened her eyes with an effort, seemingly unable to move her head. "Derria?'" her Hps formed the words. "I'm so sick. My stomach my throat" Her hands crept to ward her neck. "Here," Derrla said. 'Til help you back Into bed; then 111 call the doctor." Derria ran down the stairs two at a time. She dialed Dr. Bayles' number and heard the steady ring of the bell at the other end. "Sorry," the operator's voice troks in, "there is no answer. Shall keep trying?" Derrla tried to remain calm, tol think where Dr. Bayles could be at this time or night. "Get me Dr. Reldy, instead," she I asked the operator, itiis time sne was more successful. When she had finished explaining the urgency of the situation, he promised to be right over, and he was as good as nis word. "It's only fair to tell you. Dr. Reldy," she said as she opened the door, "that Dr. Bayles Is ourt physician. I was unaDle to reach him so I called vou." "That's perfectly all right, Miss Martin, I quite understand yourl position, he replied. After the examination, he said: "She's suffering from something very much like acute Indigestion. However, the worst of the attack is past, so there's nothing to worry about. I'll leave you some powders to give her. and in a day or so she'll be as good as new. I would advise you to have her stay In bed tomorrow, though " Dr. Reldy picked up a small box' from the night table beside the bed. "Did she often take these cap sules- ne asueo Derria. "Why." she exclaimed in stir-1 prise, "those are the ones Dr. Bayles leit us tonight. He really left them for me, but I dldn t take any." "There seems to be only one missing," Wr. Reldy went on. "If you aian t taxe it, sne must nave. I wonder where he got them?" he reflected. He unscrewed one of the cap sules and tasted a bit of the pow der. "I wonder." he said looking at I the little white mound on the palm. of his hand, "If you would mind letting me take this box with I me. I'd like to examine these more closely." "By all means." Derrla replied. "You don't think It was the caD- sule that made Sarah sick?" "Right now I can't say. In anv event, I'll let you know. If you like I'll drop by tomorrow and see how she's getting along, though i naraiy expect nil be necessary. Just give her that stuff I left with you." "Thank you." Derrla replied. "Ill show you out, Doctor." And she! preceded him down the stairs. (To Be Continued) SIZES 34-53 No 383B Is cut in sizes 38. Jg. 40. 42. 44, 46. 48, 60 and S3. Size 36, 2", yds. 39-ln. Just out I The FALL - WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash ions they are wearing now and new styles to come. Over 160 practical, easy-to-sew, up-to-the-minute pat tern designs lor an ages, remem ber, it's smart to sew your own and save money. Order your copy now. price Just 30 cents. To obtain this pattern, send 36c In COINS, giving pattern number, your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts, Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission street San Fran cisco 3, Calif. R2865 PATTERN No. R2S65 Chfto-Choo PartuU Everything should be nice for baby, even to Ills (or her) very own embroidered neiu. Qav colors and simple atltches make fun and last work of these cunning designs. Pattern Envelope No. con tains four hot-Iron transfers, one measuring U bv 2H Inches and t measuring )W by 2"i Inches; color suggestions, stitch Illustrations and complete embroidering directions. To obtain tn pattern, tend 30c in COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and Bone num ber to Penny Roberts Capita) Jour nal 828 MLvlon Street 6an Fran cisco 3. Calif. rmm rvOUR STORY ON'HOIV TO BEFORE WE f OOPS WE'LL HAVE I 1 . - -1 .t V KIT-. WE WERE ABOUT TO ' ' . MAKE MONEY AND MEET START PLTTTING TO SELL YOU BACK -"A 1 OVERLOOK ONE ANGLE OF THE I WARDENS" IS THE BEST rr TOSETHER.KIT, TO THE BUSH LEAGUE, nsVmvlVlaWl BAD MONEY STORY" RING " FEATURE SPOTSHOT HAS1I WANT ENOUGH M'BOY.'l fV V tLt-"-"--! li FOR A STAFF ARTIST J II HAD IN MONTHS, STEVE BLACK COFFEE TO If' l lVJs,TjZ. VAJ . r I I I I fl I I 7 "51 I cce A .,!., . 1 r - kiaarillBie M-H 1-1 1 r"C . A SlIVCBQ.'. DlSCOVBRD BV I I I 1 AwptiJaoN . I , ., .....sir-. L- .... .r imm nmi junnr a- f HE HE CHANGEO-OH, lr era p LENA- Jygl NAMBV2J K THE HAPPIEST ORL IN j HAPPEN TO I 1 MAYBE HE WAS TH'SAMeJI WHAT YUH 1 "THIS PARTNERSHIP, I r40 PARTNERSHIP, RUDJ VOU rl OP THE PROP ITS BJTVOOGOTy 1 lr "rs5. f WIUDUK,iU WC LAN' r J JIOALU YOUKS VLKAir 7 i1 I W HANULc I He. PfcTAILo L i i i-r- i i Hr niLii-)r-ii r-M.i m j i i a i i i Muut- isjc 1 ipm 1 1- uv-rv i ipu 1 Mf i H VCAMPAISM ROLLIKIGi If I 3Q -j LOUSINESS ETMD OF ITLX f "I M Mlki- l MfcR .18? JEST START A-BEATOf MET' DEATH, AMMMPaTmE D-OOrTSTOP BELTIN' ME.SOH SftlNEJiiSEOST' SUH-AN'AH'LL EUPLAIN IT ALL . AH OtCH--LOVES ) irT AH'LL (cUlMNf) COME T'TH' POINT.' KICK ME IN J HEART-RENDERIN' rvO', AS WE GOES ALONG. "EM-0HU. , , , ?JK- NOW, AM SEEN A SHORC 8IQN f TH' STUMMKtf. EXAMPLE OF" A . VO' SEE, THAB'S THREE O' jT DEARLY.r'jtfSlVlV'' THET, IN TH' NEXT t HOURS, ONE ) MEBBE TH' BOVS LCWE F6R HIS US HOKUMS I jr vTT " . V, . YOKUM WILL DIE AN' AH ONBEiRABli MUDDEP AN1 FADDER ' fTS , , , , JEFF, WHY DID J WELL,, JUDGE, HE WELU.THATS NO ELL.3UDGE, WELL, Vl.. WELL SUPPOSE: HE V ' M VOU HIT THIS fl ALWAYS CALLS WAyTO Hfr rSUPP0SE HE' - 5upWSE VM N0T., CALLED VOU -i''' U L"Wf A LITTLE TmaS (tT) kSo O " f- t (L'tWl IRISH BOOB SO -r ,.,.tg! A LITTLE ) 1R,SH J VOU A (TjpCf OF A BOOB SVrH. T LJ )MA r THOUGHT IF I 7DV IWSHBOOB MRI5H ' UTTLE jAfM OARE! T Ti JvYH HIT him If?. tI WHATWOULO lf-sr GERMAN X3&. ,.T?ZZ r V,,'-''l lti J"'TlTj 11 T 1 1 rill' 'III! I III' " DID yOU ME!? TUt ? 'f"- " r HEARD THATTTWfy' CTAV TWFBB MB BUILD RRES-ANP I SOUNDED LIKE SOMEONE 4 IWVSvoi I "T iSi m p WWW PO VOU THINXr THOSE THERE'S SURE BEEN I STEPPlNfi ON A Twis; ALi THINK IT WAS I !e RUSTV.' I'LL TAKE A CAEE ft I IT HJ A PITY THAT . k.p ,ur butirTthE MORTALITY AMONG MATRON-- ',,M HAVE YOul k NEVER MIND'--HERE HL ) '! iWElTU&MTCXlETAUOwj NWRMV tON ME! I MEAN HOLM MQTHt-vWyRE EN , COMt". -GO l PHONE FOR YOU GIRW MORE IIBERTy77tUwoulo . . IS f ANTASTIC.MkS. WORTH ! A?2ZJ DOLORES? AN AMBULANCE ' Z2S u .THIS IS A LOVELY l, 'I a VnyS THE I AST ONE WOULDN'T COME ,STr1J,V d AN AMBULANLt, J RADIO PROGRAMS r'RIOAT P.M. KSLM "" KGW .SSlKOCO r 'KOIN CM 5 - T4 Drskt Wsafttt'i UtrH Bhrtba Kancb Curt Himr lift Tfd Drttk Htmnr lldt Rbrtbn Bnth Tb LHt) Sbw M Adr. of ChtiatlM Ntwa BM CrMbr Clb IS ttt Wile HlchrS HThntu Kwboird Edw. K. Mirrow 6;W obritl Htw Al Gayl Canal UiM Knt HsbbIm :1 N.W. Ntwi Al CftvU Silver BeuUh Fltblnr nd PiltlU tl rtB Nw Chit Butltr M B-jpllm CU glmr PtrB riibcilr Nwt 7:00 Tmbdowa TIm Wtbtttr S Pal O'Brlta Lmt II i Joak ill ThU It HU Wtbttn 8y M (! Jackpvi Uav It U )mi :M Clwa Kid rlttr Knava Evalm Kniabl Brrakfaat With :M Ciieti Kid BmI ftO-Yard Una Barrawa 8 Btralabt Arva Dr. 1 Q Traek U9f Xavlar C.tal W Slraifbt Arra Dr. I Q Traek HN Xatr Carat M Maat tba Band BUI BUra Traek ltt Fararlta Jlaiband :U Maat lha Band Bhytbai Tiaia Trark UtiO raw-la Haiband 9:M Nawa Slnatra-Klrataa . Track 149 Lowell Thamaa :1ft Mulaal Nawarart Ntwt af Werld Trarb HM Jk Smith :B0 Muda Traa Id Breablro Nwi Geldberia tft Maala Traa to Braoklya SpatHibt an Star Ooldbtria W:M Faltaa Lawla Jr. Nawa Warwick Thaalra Flra Siar final :1ft Selaat Local News Kortt rait Final Warwick Theatre Sporte Spatllffal :M Nawi Bit Tewa Muile Ye Want Banda an Pared :4ft Muile B' Tw Mmlc Yea Want Banda an Parade :0O Mretarla Sam Ham Naelarna Serenaa :15 Traveler Wax Haaeaaa Neelarn Yon At la WrM :10 Bma Marvea Wn Ma team Nectama Orcbeatr :4A Orcbeatra ffai Maieaai Noctarne Orcbeitra lf:0 8ln Off ' 81m Ott 1:00 A.M., Blaa Silent SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 Newa Now Bear Tbla Colombia Featar :1ft TlaakePr New Hear Tbli Colombia Featar M Mareh Tim Tb Old Saafl KOCO Klack Voeal Varletlea :4S Newa Newa KOCO Klack Treaaary Band loo Newa Smoeth Moale Tea BltUr Newa :1ft Breakfast Oanc Smaalh Uosle Newa Let'a Pretend :S0 Breakfast Cans Jerry Marie Home on Land Janlor Miss :4A Top Trades Sam Hayes Extension Sarflc Junior Mlas ibo Barraln Coanter Fred Warinf Show Ha?a of Rest Theatre af Today IS Mailo Fred Warlnc Bbow Haven of Beat Theatre af Today :S0 Bona af Plaaeera Ed Me Conn ell Western Melodtea Grand Central 4ft Masle Ed McConaell Western Melodies Statloa A :M Northwest Newa News Popalar Varieties Stars Over B-Ift Bins- Blnta Corrent A Choice Science Eicnralon Hollywood 7:S0 Pastor'a Call Mary La Taylor Mai.it WUboai Give and Take :4ft Bldera Parple Bay Mary Lea Taylor Words Give and Take ' loo News Farm-Home Hear Marina Band News -.1 Garden Gatde Farm-Home Hoar Runtet and Vina Guest Btars t :M Klwanla Cfaolr RFD America Concert Favorites Meet the Mlsaaa :4ft Klwanla Choir RFD America Concert Favorites Meet the Missus aajaj lOO'platter Jock Young Oreconlans Saturday Serenade County Fair :1ft Platter Jock Young Oreionlans Saturday Serenade County Fair I I ;S0 Platter Jock News Saturday Serenade Dance Orcb. i Platter Jock Report on Europe Saturday Serenade Dance Orcb. an 4To0 Top Trades Masleana At the Opera Newspaper af AH f 16 News Masleana At th Opera Newspaper f All l:U Blka Shaw Masleana News Sat. al Chase " i:4ft Bob Eberly Masleana Navy Band Sat, at Chaw I:M Man' an lha Farm Tear Health Saturday Matinee Newa :1ft Man an tba Farm Horse Rae Salarday Matinee Orchestra :ft0 New Conlraeta Saturday Matinee Way for Yauth 4ft Wash. ts. Utah. Contrasts Saturday Matinee Way for Youth 2:0 Wash. vs. Utah. Mind Manner Saturday Matinee Newa :1ft Wash. vs. Utah. Mind Manners Saturday Matinee Calif-Santa Clara :tt Wash, vs. Utah. Maslo far Today Saturday Matinee Callf-Sant Clara 4 Wash, vs. Utah. Ornburn Saturday Matinee Calif-Santa Clara 3:00 Wash. vs. Utah. News Chln-Up Chatter Calir-Santa Clara :1ft Wash. vs. Utah. Guest Star Cbln-Up Chatter Calir-Santa Clara 30 Wash. vs. Utah. Unlrerslty Theatre Chln-Up Chatter Calif-Kan. a Clara :45 Wash, vs. Utah. University Theatre ChlnUp Chatter Calif-Santa Clara 4:00 Wash. vs. Utah. University Spotlit on Mosle Calif-Santa Clara .lft Frank Hemlnvway Theater Spotlit on Masle Calif -Santa Clara :S0 Newa Banda f Land Cartaln Calls Calif-Santa Clara :4ft Masle Banda af Land Curtain Calls Danyr Ahead 'I DIAL LISTINGS: KKX, 1190; KOAC. SM rV Friday P.M. 0:00, Keeping Up l t A with Sports: ft:15. Horn Edi tion News i ft:M, Modern Romances t :00, Headlln Edition t :1S, Elmer Davlst :M, Th Sheriff ( f:0, Helal and Bis Band) 7:30, Tour FBli S:oO, Fat Man; 8: 0, 'Neath Weatera Skleai 0:00, ftichfleld g,. porter t 0:16, Intermesaot t:S0, Concert Houri 10: SO, Memos to Tomorrow) 11:00, Xtra Bonn 1S:00, Sign Off. LrV ft a tarda A.M. :00, Bound-up lL.A Boys; :15, Tin Temposi :4S, Adventnre In Research t 1:00, Deep Riv er Boy s i 7:15, Martin Agronaky i 7 :Sfl, Horn Demonstration Aganti 7:4ft, Frank le Carli 8:00, Johnny Olson Get Togethert 8:80. Toyland Tanesi :00, Btars of To morrow; 10:00, Girls' Corpsi 10:80, Ameri can Farmer) 11:0, Treasury Bandt 11:80, Fascinating Rhythm t 1:00, Dane Bandt lt:80. Horse Raeesi 11:45. Bit Tooesi 1:00, Tea and Crampatsi 1:00, 101 Baneh Bora) S:M, Moot tbo Band) 8:00, Jan tor lAtr Friday P.M.- lVnW Up On th .Tpbeatt B:ft0. BftO Sport Clabi 0:00, Newsi :15, Dinner Melodlost 6:80, Masle of Csechoslovaklai 7:15, Evening Farm Bonn 8:00, Kostelanets Concert) 8:15, Bore's to Veterans) 8:80, Great Songs! 8:48, Loggers' Fir a Weather Forecast, News) 0:00, Muale That Endnrest 9:4ft, Evening Meditation) 10:00, Slsa Off. Air Saturday A.M. 10:00, Newa l wMV 10:15, Especially for Women) 11:00, Th Concert Hall) 18:00, Newsi lt:lft, Noon Farm floari 1:00, Ride 1m Cowboy) 1:80, Vole of the Army) 1:4ft, Melody Lane i 1:00, Masle of the Masters) 8:80. Selene News of tb Week) 1:4ft, Bong af th Islands) 4:00, Driver's Play hoase t 4:15, Sons of tb West i 4 :4ft, Cbildrsa'a Theater. Janetlon) 8:80, ABC Jaas Concert) 4:00, Res Koaryi 4:1ft, Harry Wlsmevi 4:80, Fantasy In Melody i 4:45, Batarday Besaton, Hubbard Thalia Rebekah Lodge met with Mrs. A. L. Mur phy as noble grand pro tern, In the absence of Mrs. Ella Becker. Mrs. John Morrison was appointed at temporary publicity chairman, for the next two or three meetings and Mrs. George Leffler, as temporary Good of the Order Chairman for the same period. Flans were set and announcements made for members to begin bringing things for a harvest- shower for the Odd Fellows Home in November. ACROSS IL Goddess of th magniflceac . District In Coa a r.. it.,.. atantlnop) w.lght raclfl0 I. Not hot 14. Shatter 12. Douated ft. Mad a U. Genera) mistake Elsenhower1 St. Valu too nick nam highly 14. Title of Alhena II. inlaid pat term 15. Reduce to a 41. Disturb mean 17. Bird a horn IS. Relinquish II. Richly decorated II. Put an nd U St. Attempted SR. Devoured 17. Pull SO. Purpoa 4ft. Wicked 4. Accountabl 41. Larr dog 41. Adult malw peraott to. Drova a nau obliquely 81. Units of work 61. Olden time IS. Tarmlnatci PKjSlKARflLAMi'EDH .lS.litll A L 1 C T A PB TIR I PffCj D k O TjojRj.g U N 3 E M TEjlE V A D ES QDgTERURlRlBl6lLn 8olutlon ot Yesterday's PuxzH OOWN 1. Cultur medium I. Billow 71 J75 !r 73 r w gs w JLZZM" Wl S'T M j, 'w fir A wifarrt i-" I. Precedlns nlghta 4. Make fun ot I. Public notlcM 6. Plec out 7. Vacation Ins place 5. Shrewd I. Kind of flowar 10. For fear that 11. Appointment IS. Old 20. Aii.erlcan author 12. Small candl SI. River In Scotland 54. Long narrow Inlet 25. Impressive 55. Crude metal 29. Stuff II. Vanquished! poetic 33. Chief bishop 14. Hawaiian wreath sh. Shnrt jacket 37. Valley ii. Improve II. One of an ancient raco 0. City In Port ufal 41. Very black 43. Winter vehicle) 44. Spreads to dry 47. Evil: prefix ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahem I REGRET SIR., IF MY SNOIIING TJSpf IN VOUR. CASE. DISTURBS NOUR. SLUMBER."" THERES ONLY CJE .BLTT BEINS A HEAVY SLEEPER, CURE--KEEP VOUR. I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER. I HEAD IN A 'A THE MATTER SNORINS BARREL, IS AN ASE-OLD HABIT-- 1 PREFERABLY ONE J . ) SO. AH UM " MAYBE MX) V TMATS FULL OF :54 CAN SUGGEST A METHOD ) V WATER. TO RESTRAIN IT,EH ? J -