Pearson Sisters Vouth Revival Series Opening Woodburn The Mourer-John- son party of Portland are con ducting week'i youth revival at the Foursquare church 1109 E. Lincoln street in Woodburn, beginning Tuesday evening. Each evening service will open with a singspiration of audience participation led Dy Rev. Lloyd Johnson, outstand ing song leader. A special mu sical program is planned for each night featuring tne mu sic of the "Pearson Sisters," Hell-known gospel radio duo. Other music will include vocal solos, duets, trios and group numbers with accordion, vibra harp and piano accompaniment. Seven-year-old Karen will also sing. Rev. Roy Mourer, dynam ic speaker, will bring the mes sage especially designed for youth. Wednesday evening. Sept. 21, it 745 a special feature will be the "Musical Picture Story.' using black light, when the pic ture "The Church in the Wild wood," will be shown with mu sical background. The week of youth meetings will conclude Youth month in the Foursquare church during which time the youth organiza tion has been doing extensive work to interest new young peo ple. Silverton Churches Charch of Jni Chriit of Iht Latter Day Salnti (Mormon) Sunday school at 10; aervlce at 7. Christian Science Sunday achool at t:45. services at 11. St. raal'a Catholic Father John J. Walsh, pastor. Bunday masses, I and 10. Week days, I. Assembly af God Berrel H. Srott, pas tor. Sunday school, t:45. Divine worship, 11. Young people's society at :45. Evan Ustio at I. - Church af God Rev. E. E. Nix, pastor. Bunday school at 10; worship hour at 11; ivenlnf services at I. Seventh Day Attventlst Elder A. D. Chllson, Salem, and Harold Johnson, local ilder, In charge. Sabbath school, Sat urday, 9:30: morning worship at 11, Sat urday; Sunday tvenlng evangelistic aerv lce. Maranana and Molalla Congregations. Methodist Rex Kendall, pastor. Jotnt pas torate, r ore noon services at Marquam. afternoon at MoWIIe. Pilgrim Hellnete D. C. Olson, pastor. Bunday school. 9:4B. Sermon by pastor, 11. Young peopla meat at 1. Evangelistic sermon, l Calvary Lutheran James A. Tofte, pas tor. Sunday achool and Bible classes, 10: morning worship with communion, 11. .Theme: "The Hen, the Master, the Man." first Christian Arthur Charles Bates, minister. Bible achool. 9:4B. Communion and sermon. 11. Subject: "It Can Be Don." Bnior Christian Endeavor 0:30. Krenlng Mr vice, 1:30. la.saas.aej Latheran . L. Almlti. min ts tar Sunday school and Bible classes. lo; worship, 11. Sermon, "How Orateful Art You." Luther league, 7:30 a m. Discussion topic: "Follow tha Lead- Cfcrtetta an Missionary Alliance B-ordon T. Bratfold, minister. Bunday school, 10; morning worship. 11. Sub let. "All the Blessings of the Holy Spirit." xoung people s meeting, i p.m. Method tot B. F. Browning, pastor. Rag alar Regular services. Turner Churches Cartatlaa Oilbert R. Carey, pastor. Bi lls sorhrtAl m Wr.rr.knr worihln. 11. Bcr snon by the pastor. "The Ethics of Church Worship." Christian Endeavor. 7. srvanuLf service, a. siessagsi y wo sar, "Ufa's Great Helper." Methodlot Sunday school. 10. Morning service, 11. Dr. R. M. Oatka, pastor. f" Uaombly of Oo4 Blbia school, 9:49. Homing worship, 11. Ethel Gutekunst, pastor. Christ' Ambassador!. 7. Eva Ranaon, leader. BvangelesUe servlca, I. Six School Buses Operate at Dayton Dayton There r six ichool butei (trvlnf tha Dayton grade and high echoola thia year. The buna have been numbered and are lined up before achool diamlaaed at 8:30 o'clock on the parking on the achool ground right of way. When achool is diamiased the pupils go to their respective bus, without leaving the achool grounds. The buses leave at 3:30 p.m. A act of rules and regulations have been adopted and have been posted In each bus, and will be enforced by the drivers. The children are under the di rection of tha school until they arrive home. $$ MONEY $$ FHA W lurched Faith Tabernacle oth and Oalnes. Rev. Max Wyatt, pasior. Bunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11. Evangelistic serv ice, s. First Bap tlit Marlon and Liberty Sts. Or. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Rev. C. E. Brick wedel, associate pastor. Sunday ichool. B:4ft. Morn in r worship. 11. "The Believer and Judgment." pa tor. Lloyd Anderson. Youth meeting. 6:15. Evening gospel service, 7:30. 'The Parable ol the Two Sons." Halbcrt Memorial Baa list Located one mile north of underpass on highway W-fc. Rev. C. E. Brlckwedel, pastor. Sunday school, t:46. Morning worship, 11, pastor speaking. Young peoples league, t:30. Eve ning gospel service, 7:30. Four Corners Baptist State and Elma streets. Sunday school. 8:44. Morning wor ship, 11, Thomas Means, guest speaker. Young peonies devotional. 0:48. Evening evangelistic service. 7:30. Walter Collett. uest speaker, singspiration, Tuesday, i:30 p.m. St. Mark St. lolhtr.n 343 N. Church street. Rev. M. A. Oetendaner, D.D., Rev. John Bagllen, pastors. Sunday achool, B:5. Rally day. Morning worship service. special observance 01 xouin eunaay. Topic: "Listen, He Speaks." Youth In charge. Youth rally at wlldwood, 3:30. Bethel Baptist North Cottage and D. Rudolph Woykt, pastor. Sunday school. 9:4ft. Morning worship, 11. Sermon by pea tor on "The Kingdom Is Within You." Evening service at 7:30 with the follow ing message by the pastor, "The Prodi gal Ooea Back." Saint Pa.l's Eplaeeval Church and Chemeketa streets. The Rev. George H. Swift, B.D., rector. Holy Communion tin tne cnapen, 7:30. junior cnurcn ana classes, 0:30. Nursery achool In parish housa, 11. Prayer aervlce or Eucharist, 11. rirst Selritaallel 340 N. Com'l. Rev. Maxlne Roberts, sneaker. Circle at 0:30. Services at 7:30. Christ Lutheran State street at lgth. C. R. Schull, pastor. Divine worship at 0:4ft and 11 o'clock. Sunday achool and Bible claasea at 9:ft0. Weslevasi Methodist lfith and MID Sts. Olen Yates, pastor. Sunday achool. 10. Morning worship. 11. Young people's meeting, S:4S. Evening aervlce, 7:30. United Pentecostal 440 Perrv atreet. Rev. Nathaniel Wilson, pastor. Bunday school, 0:4ft a.m. Morning service. 11. Sermon subject: "Prophecy." Evening service. 7:45. Sermon subject: "Reason Why the Holy Ohost la Not ol the Devil." Kinawsod Bible 113S Elm atreet a W Padenrecht. pastor. Bible school, 9:4ft. Morning worship. 10:45. Youth groups meet, 0:4ft. Gospel and baptismal aervlce, 1:45. Court Street Christian 17th and Court streets. W. H. Lyman, minister. Bible school assembly, 9:45 a.m. Morning wor ship and Communion, 10:50. Sermon sub ject. -People Are Not Things." Youth hour, 6:30. Evening worship, 7:30. Bermon subject: "The Strength ol Weakness." Knlrht Memorial Con rrrcatlsnal Louts E. White, minister. Nineteenth and Ferry streets. Sunday school. 9:45. Promotion day scrv.ces. Morning worsnip, ii. sermon: "The Church of My Dreams" and conse cration of church school workers. Pilgrim Fellowship groups for Junior high and senior high young people, 6:30. West Salem Methodist Third and Gerth. O. Leonard Jones, minister. Church scnooi, p:45. worship, II. Sermon: "The Leaven of Christian Education." a serv ice for youth. Sslem sub-district youth rally, in charge of Rev. O. Wesley Tur ner, 4 to 6:30. First Church of Christ. RtitntltT.h. erty and Chemeketa Sts. Sunday school, 11. Morning service, 11. Lesson-sermon sub ject: "Matter." Nursery for children up to 3 years of age provided during the morn ing service. Evening service at 6. Lesson sermon subject: "Matter." Calvary Bantlst South Llbrtv and Vat Miller streets. Rev. Victor Hugo Sword, A.M., Th.D., pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning service, 11. Rslly day. Sermon subject: "Things Necessary" Evening ser vice, 7:30. Sermon subject: "Is Religion an Opiate?" Truth Center tea N. Cottatre. Fvenln service, 8 o'clock Tuesday, Sept. 20. Sub ject: "Real Prosperity." Library, 12 to 3. Salem Heights Commnnltv Libert- marf at Madrons avenue. Sunday school, 10. Preaching services, 11. Non -denominational. ter. Chester W. Hamblln, pastor. John L. Goodenberger. assistant pastor. Church school, 9:45. Morning worship. 10:55. Ser mon subject: "Does Qod Speak Today?" Sermon by the pastor. Youth fellowship at the home of Mary Campbell, 1765 Cen ter street, 6:30. First Christian His-h and fntr Tnri. ley Strain, minister. Walter Naff, assocl- V4. nuunnr. v.nurcn sen ooi, .-5. Morn ing worship and Communion, 10:50. Ser mon. "Under Orders." Durilov strain . mem, -ueautiiui saviour" arrangement by Rlegger. Youth groups, 6:15. Evening "'"'. '. oermon, "ine Latest Mir acle," Dudley Strain. First Evanrelleal Vailed Hthr wnere ssarion crosses Summer. Rev. Wil mer N. Brown, pastor. Sunday school, 9:49. Morning service. 11. Sermon sub ject: -our Great Salvation." r.wnin service, 7:45. Sermon subject: "Tempta- v re r erven, riim. Leslie Methodist South Commercial at Myers. O. Wesley Turner, nastar. Rnnri cowi. w.w. Morning service, ii. sermon uojeci: Bringing Heaven to Earth." Youth Fellowship at sub-district rally. West Salem. Evening service, 7:30. Rev. Ormal Trick, guest speaker. feme Nam Pentecostal 11 7S rwia ait Ronald V. Slttser, pastor. Sunday school. 10. Morning worship, 11. Evening evan- Bethany Evangelical b Reformed Mar- em i aa . v- We'llShowYouHowtoDolt! Horn Planning'! easy and lots of fun too when you ga about it tht RIGHT way, with tha aid of our carefully trained Home Advisors. Wt'll givt your needs and de sires careful consideration, introduct you to scores of practical plant; show you how to build for maximum per manence and satisfaction. Poy ui a visit this week! Dr. Victor Hugo Sword named interim pasior of Cal vary Baptist church. Calvary Baptist Invites Sword Calvary Baptist Church has extended a unanimous call to Dr. Victor Hugo Sword as pastor ad interim for the balance of his stay in this country before re turning to India. Dr. Sword, for 17 years a mis sionary in Assam, India, has been in the U.S. on a short fur lough since last April. He plans to return to India to open a new Christian college for a Chris tian community numbering ap proximately half a million. As a personal friend of the late Ma hatma Gandhi and the present government leaders, he is well acquainted with the position of India in the family of nations. Dr. Sword has had previous experience as a pastor in Wis consin, Iowa, and Illinois prior to going to India. He is un usually versatile, having been trained as a stone mason, archi tect, lawyer and engineer, as well as in the ministry. His undergraduate work was done at Des Moines and Sioux Falls col leges. He took his Master's de gree at Northwestern University, and the doctorate at Garrett Biblical Institute and Northern Seminary. He has also studied at Chicago and Wisconsin Uni versities. He is author of "Baptists in Assam" and of several books written in the Assamese and Kachari languages. He is now working on two manuscripts, "Gandhi's Children" and "Let ters to Linnea". First Baptists To Hear Playfair Rev. Guy W. Playfair, general director of the Sudan Interior Mission, will be the guest speak er at First Baptist church on Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m September 21. The Sudan Interior Mission was founded in 1893 by Dr. Row land V. Bingham, and maintains established missions in the fields of Nigeria French West Africa Anglo - Egyptian Sudan; and Ethiopia. Rev. Playfair has spent many years on the mission field and will have current reports of the Christian activities on the mis sion fields in Africa. ion and Capitol streets. Rev. Russell Mayer, pastor. Sunday school. 10. Morning worship, 11. Evening worship, 7:45. Central Lutheran G. B. Rundstrom. pastor. Gaines and North Capitol. Broad cast KSLM. 7:45. Sunday school. Rally day. 9:45. Morning worship, 11. Evening service, 7:4ft. St. John' Lathers n (Missouri Synod) 19th and A street. H. W. Orots, pastor. Sunday school, 9. Service. 10. Monitor Community Full Gospel Moni tor. Ore. Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Schilling. pasior. ounoay scnooi. io. Morning wor ship, 11. Young people. 7. Evangelistic service, 9. Assembly of Ood Alfred R. Brown, pas tor. Bunday school. 9:45. Morning wor ship. 11. Vesper service, Christ Ambassa dors, junior church. 7. Evanaellstlc ser vice, 9. Dallas Churches ApMlolio Faith Forrest Oamion. Inter im pastor. Sunday school. 0 U. Evanarl title service. 1.&0 p.m. Morning service, 11. Evangelical MenaosJU Brethren A. F. Toews, pastor. Sunday sohool sons serv ice, 35. Classes, u. Morning worship, 11. Rev. A. C. Wall will brine the mes sage. Fellowship groups. 7. Evening evangelistic service, t 0a. Message by the pastor, "The Believer's Equipment." Sslt Creek Bail 1st Emanuel Wolff, pas tor. Sunday school, 9:44. Morning wor ship, 11. Pastor will speak on "The Chris tian and Questionable Amusements." Eve ning service, 9. First Presbyterian Earl William Ben bow, D. D.. pastor. Sunday school, 9 4S. Wor hip hour, 11. Dr. Benbow will speak on the question of Jesus. "Why Call Yo Mt Lord. Lord, and Do Not the Tilings which I Say." Christian and Missionary Alliance O. McQarvey, pastor. Sunday achool, 9:45. Morn inn worship, 11. Sunday ovenlng ev angelistic aervlce. 7:43. Assenblr .r God Alfred It. Brown. pastor. Sunday achool, 9:4.3. Uornina wor ship. 11. Chrlat Ambassadors, vesper aerv lce. Jumora. 7. Evangelistic aervlce. . Grate Mennonlte J. J. Recier, Plus tor. Sunday achool. 10. Mornim worship, U. Younc people'a program, 1:30. EvaoiellJ tte service. 8:15, First Christ Ian Kenneth John too. pu- tor. Sunday achool, 1:45. Wornlni worship. Christian Endeavor. 4:30, fellowship. Christian Endeavor meet ins, 7. Ivenlni evangelistic aervlce, t. Sermon, 'The Church of Tomorrow." Trinity l.atheran Karl Uter, pastor. Sunday achool, 10. Divine aervlce. 11. Lu ther League, T. Evanielteal Unite Brethren R. Wil liam Elmer, pastor. Bible achool, t:45. Morning worship. 11. Youth fellowship. 7. Pre-prarer group, 7:30. Bible study hour. 7:45. Mennonlte Brethren O. R. JanUen. pas tor. Sunday school, 1:45. Worship aervlce, 10:45. Christian fellowship group. 7. Gos pel service. 7:45. Fin! Method! Clark - Kni. pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worahlp. 11. Rev. A. J. Quirin will brine the message. No evening services. Christian Science Sunday service. 11. Sunday school. 9:45. Subject of the lesion-sermon for the week Is "Matter." Falli City Seventh Day Ad ventlat Sab bath school, 9:30. Preaching, 11. St. Thomas Episcopal Cyril P. Han- ney, vicar. Church school. 10. Morning prayer, 11. Holy Baptism, 12:30. Fall! City Free Methodist Gilbert Johnson, pastor. Sunday school. 10. Morn ing worahlp, 11. Young people's meeting, 7:30. Evangelistic service, t. Falls City Christian Charles Knox, pas tor. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11. Christian Endeavor, 1:30. Church of Jeans Christ of Latter Day Saints Elder Miller presiding. Sunday school, 10. Sacrament meeting, 11:45. Oak Grove Chapel Fremont Paul, min ister. Morning service, 9:45. Sunday ichool follows. Youth fellowship each Sunday evening. St. Phillip Catholic Father John Bab yak. pastor. Mass, 10:15. Union Missionary Baptist W. A. Hear!, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Sermon, 11. Church of Christ Bible study, 10. Com munion, 11. First Baptist Sunday school. 9:45. Morn ing worship, 11, Training union, 7. Even ing worship, I. Bridgeport Sunday School H. Schmidt, supt. Sunday school, 10. Eola Sunday School Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11. Church of God Henry Loggan. pastor, Sunday achool, 9:49. Morning worahlp, 11, Young people's meeting, 9:45. Evangel istic service, 7:45. Seventh Day Advantht Sabbath school, 9:45. Sermon, 11. Freo Methodist R. W. McOormlck, Pas tor. Sunday school, 9:45. Preaching serv ices, 11 and 7:45. Falls City Methodist James H. Royer, paxtor. Sunday ichool, 10. Morning wor ship, 11. Rlckreall Sunday School 3, N. Thteuen, supt. Sunday school, 9:30. Mill City Churches Presbyterian Dr. David J. Ferguson, minister. Sunday achool. 10. Morning ser vices, ii. Bermon auoject, i cnrui n nal?" Christian Thomas Courtney, Jr., pas tor. Sunday school. 9:45. Morning worship. 11. Christian Endeavor. 9:30. Evening wor ship, 7:4ft. Catholic vices, 9. -Rev. Mai, pastor. Morning aer Free Methodist Donald Hlnkle, pastor. Sunday ichool. 10. Morning aervlce. 11. Evening worship. 7:49. Community Rev. Wayne Watklns. pas tor. Sunday achool, 10. Morning worship. 11. Evening services, 7:45. Special Services At Local Church Two specla! services with the Mourer-Johnson party of Port land will be conducted this Sun day and Monday nights at 7:43 o'clock at the Foursquare church. 490 North 19th street, in Salem. The Mourer - Johnson party comes to the Foursquare church at the conclusion of a gospel tour which took them into 28 states, Canada and Mexico, and cover ing over 35.000 miles. The party features the sing ing of the Pearson Sisters, well known gospel radio duo and re cording artists. Their music has been heard from coast to coast, and they have sung in some of America's largest church auditoriums. Other musical features include vocal solos, duets, trios, quartets, with ac cordion, piano and vibraharp accompaniment. The singing of 7-year-old Karen has also de lighted audiences all over the country. An old-time evangelistic serv ice will be conducted on Sun day night, with Rev. Roy Mour er bringing a gospel message. Youth Sunday To Be Observed Youth Sunday will be observed at St. Marks Evangelical church September 18. The young people of the con gregation will have charge of the Sunday school opening serv ice and the morning worship service. Five youths will direct the church service and present the theme, "Listen, He Speaks." Marvin Langeland will lead the opening worship in church. The theme will be presented by the following young people: Ar lene Meyer, Fred Cleveland and Marvin Langeland. Scripture readers will be Roberta Sjoding and Don Liudahl. Sunday school leaders will be Maxine Miller and Vern Zeuske. Spe cial recognition will be given to; the confirmation classes of 1947, 1948, 1949 and 1950. An afternoon and evening rally will start at 2:30 o'clock at Camp Wildwood. An inspira tional message will be given by Rev. M. A. Getzendaper, D.D. Former Army Chaplain Speaking at Woodburn Woodburn Farrell E. Evans of Washington, D. C, field rep resentative of the Servicemen s division of Christ's Ambassadors will speak at the Sunday eve ning service at the Woodburn Assembly of God church. He served three years as an army chaplain during the war, two of which were spent with combat troops In Europe. He will tell of the landing on the shores of Normandy and combat exper iences, facts about army life to day and will have a special mes sage to gold star mothers. Youth Christ Rally Set Saturday Night wooaourn A -Woodburn Youth for Christ" rallv will be held Saturday night at 8 o'clock at the local Church of God. A color film "Temple Hill" will be shown by Arthur Mills. The film is from Evangel Films, Inc. of Portland and is free to the public. Pictures of the rally will be taken by Rev. Earl Baker to be used in the YFC magazine. A feature of the program will be a song in Japanese by Naomi Baker, Barbara Baker and Min nie Ellis. The public is welcome Stay ton Churches aolisl Re. wuiard Buckner. pastor Sundav achool. 10. Morning worahlp, 11 Training hour. 7:16. Evening service, 9. Cnijrrn at ChrUt Clyde Freeman, pu tt, dibit school, 10. Worn hip aervlce, 11 foutb Fellowahlp. 1:30. Evening worship. Church of Christ L. M. Setd, minuter Bible study. 10. Morning worship. 11. Eve mng worship, i, Methodist John Moram. pastor. Bible school. 10. Worship service. 11. Youth Fel lowship, 1. 30. Evening worahlp, . Assembly of God Rev. Uelvin Stock. tl, paator 9undaT school, 10. Morning service 11. Young people' meeting, t-ii evening evangelistic ftcrvic 7:. Immaculate Conception Catholl Rev iith Jnnta naaitnr Ann sin Mtvlp.a' Maaaea d. 7:30 and 9 30 a.m. St. Pa Mica's Catholic (Lyons) Father Leander Schneider, putor. winter sched ule, 1st, 3nd and 5th Bunday. mass 10.40 a.m.. Ird and 4th Sundays mad at 30 a.m. Oar Lady of Lourdes (Jordan) Father Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched ule, 1st, 3nd and 5th Sunday, man 8:30 a.m.; Sid and 4th Sunday, ma 10:30 Baptist Bruce Wakeman. nastor. Sun day school 10, morning worship 11, Youth Fellowship 7. tvenlng service 8. Charch of Christ Wm. F. Morse, min ister. Bible school 10. morning worship ii. .umor mreiing (, xoung reopie a meet ing 7, evening services 8. Methodist charch Rev. Fremont FauL pastor. Sunday school 10, morning wor ship 11, Junior Fellowship i. Youth Fel lowship 7. Assembly at God William N. Beachy, pastor. Sunday school 0:45, morning wor ship 11, children's service 7:30. evening servlca Rev. Hovland Speaks To Trinity Lutherans Silverton Rev. R. G. Hov land of Salem is to speak at Trinity Lutheran church Sun day in the absence of a regular pastor with the congregation furnishing a fellowship dinner at the noon hour. Mrs. Ludvig A. Meyer, 409 S. Second street, will entertain Trinity Sunday school teachers Monday, September 19, at 8 o'clock in the evening. Mrs. Don Burch will direct the choir with autumn practices begin ning Wednesday evening, Sep tember 21. Revival of Worship Signs and Wonders EVERY NIGHT AT 8 p.m. with Rev. Lester Woods of Texas A Message of Deliverance TWO GREAT SERVICES Mon. Night Fellowship The Revival Will Bring Unity Tuesday Night Rev. Archer With Pictures of Work in Mexico at the Faith Tabernacle North Sth at Gaines Ki J, i i mnfffS i -J 1--irK- Wf wll 'l' ""-J -Saasair ! ( 11 w B"--. n sW VfcVK Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon, Friday. Sept. lfl, 1949 15 Unitarians Plan Sunday Meeting An organizational meeting of those interested in the formation of a Unitarian fellowship and persons with liberal religious ideas will be held at the YWCA next Sunday night at 8 o'clock. Rev. Sidney Peterson, pastor of the Eugene Unitarian church will have charge of proceedings. The meeting is open to all in terested persons. Officers Are Named By Woodburn Church Woodburn Officers of the Woodburn Reorganized church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints, recently elected are: Pas tor, George E. Omans; church school director, Dan Leabo treasurer, George E. Omans; sec retary, Sam Slover; music dir ector, Mrs. Luella Hawley; ladies department, Mrs. Mildred Haw ley; social chairman, Mrs. Ellen Polly; young people's supervisor, Mrs. Luella Hawley; librarian, CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1230 SOUTH LIBERTY STREET Rally Day September 18 Two Great Services With Choir and Youth Orchestra Dr. Victor Hugo Sword Speaks: 11:00 a.m. 'Things Necessary" 7:30 p.m. "Is Religion an Opiate?" 9:45 a.m. Bible Classes for all ages. 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship groups. "The church with a warm and friendly heart." JUST 2 NIGHTS IN SALEM! SINGING THAT WILL LIFT YOU! Music that will thrill you! Preaching that will stir you! SUNDAY, SEPT. 18 7:45 P.M. MONDAY, SEPT. 197 :45 P.M. MUSICAL JUBILEE SERVICE 1 HOUR OF MUSIC FOURSQUARE CHURCH 490 N. 19th St. Mayflower FAMILY GROUP It's getting to be quite a family I Tha Mayflower line now includes ten dif ferent bottled milk products and you can have them in the attractive paper cartons shown above or in the handy glass bottle with the tamperproof metal seal. Get . acquainted with the May flower family AT OR AT Harold Hawley; auditor, Herbert Hawley; custodian, Delmer Slo ver; historian, Pat Hawley; dra matic leader, Mrs. Luella Haw ley; building committee, Herbert Hawley, George E. Omans, Gor don Luffman; New Horizon sup ervisor, Harold Hawley. Girls Mak. Display Falrview Mrs. Russell Leh man, 4-H club leader, for nine members when seven girls en tered 29 exhibits In the Stat. Fair at Salem, reports having won 23 awards. Amity Churches Baptlit Bruce Wakeman, pastor. Sun day school, 10; morning worship, 11 a.m. Hev. Oilbert Christian, guest so alter. Topic: "God Calls Man." Youth fellow ship, 7 p.m. union service at M. E. church, p.m. Method tit Fremont Faul. minister. Sun day school, 10 a m. Morning worship. 11 am. Union service, 0 p.m. Film, "Thte Road We Walk." Rev. Christian, guest speaker. Charrh of Christ William F. Mors, pastor. Bible achool. 10 a.m. Morning worship. 11 a.m. Evening union service, M. B. church. Assembly of God William Beachy. pas tor. Sunday school, 0:45 a.m. Morning service. 11 a m. Youth service. 7:16 p m. Evening service. 7:45 p.m. Rev. Roy Worthington, Pastor you'll like them all. YOUR STORE YOUR DOOR m Baal Estate Loaa Farm or City Personal and Auto Loins State Finance Co. m S. Bath St. Lie. 8-tl M-IM Phone 39205 Stat St., Four Corner Dial 3 8515 r