Yankees n its : i 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Smashing Victory ropes with fury in the 10th round of their scheduled 10 round bout In New York. Knowing he had lost the fight on points con firmed by the tally of the Judge's cards later Rocky came out punching In the tenth to win a TKO victory over Fusari and smash his way back Into the "big time." (Acme Telephoto) Cameron, Sinovic Top WIL Batting Figures Clint Cameron, H'enatchre outfielder first baseman and Dick Sinovic, Vancouver outer gardener, finished one, two In the Western International league batting; race, according to unof ficial figures released by the Howe News Bureau. Cameron made 422 pfficial trips to the plate and connected safely 160 times for a .383 per centage. Sinovic, who Joined "Vancouver after mid-season, got 129 hits In 351 times up. His percentage was .368. Hal Rhyne, who traded his first base posi tion for a right field assignment when Cameron was hurt, fin ished third with a .360 percen tage. Salem players In the .300 bracket were: Mel Wasley .329; Bob Cherry .314; Art Penning ton .308; Orrln Snyder .307 and BUI Burgher .301. Hunk Anderson with a rec ord of 11 wins as against one defeat, holds top place in the pitching department. Cal Mc Irvln of Salem broke even with 11 wins and as many defeats. Individual batting averages .300 or better: AB H HR Rbl Brannar. Van. ...190 75 8 41 Cameron. Wen. of 4 10 1ft 109 Sinovic, Bal-Van, of 351 139 14 104 Bartlr. flal. lb ....104 31 1 31 Babbitt, Spft-rak, 33 13 1 1 f,ibkt Wen, Ulll ..127 48 34 Htiyn. Wen. Of . 534 193 14 103 Btalnbark. flpo. of 381 130 0 53 Vannl. Yak. of ...581 3n7 7ft Shpr. Van. c sue n 31 117 MrDoucaM. Vic. b 547 189 IS 118 344 Zabr, Bpo. of .537 183 3 89 341 Taylor. Rr of ... 899 303 18 130 339 Robtnaon. Van. Sb ihi 321 t 53 338 BrUkey, Yak. as . 574 177 10 98 318 flheeta, Spo-Tac, .338 80 1 38 336 Owco. Tac. of ....831 178 33 118 335 Barton. Bpo. lb ...493 165 31 132 315 Ortfli. Ynk. C ....381 121 7 II 335 ... !T .. ( A ' ..7.11 V " fJ S"s V f V '711 W BUY Discover Orefton, Friday, Sept. 16, 1949 o Charlie Fusari leans heavily on the as Rocky Graziano pounds him Nultr. BPO. Of .... 87 L. Tran. Van, 2b ...M7 Row I. &PO, e 330 Wulfr, Sal, of ....526 Arnerich, Bra, of . .54i llKtAkrli. Wen, 3b ...121 Pocekay. Bre. of ..520 Mead. Van. of ... .561 Parlu, flpo, 3b ....480 Jolinaon. Tae, ulll .218 Cartrr, Tac. p .... 31 Richards... Sio. 3b 428 Hnccnla, Vic, lb ...hdh Palttirr, Bpo, of . . .400 R. Trail. Van. aa .1S49 PmhU, Wn, ....45S Tor nay. Yak, o ....3M Swrlktr. Yak, p ... 47 Balaam, Vie, of ..3H Non-n, Vic, of 301 Hack, Vic, of f6ft Burr, Tnr, of 425 Ciifrry, fl.il, of ...S44 Warmr, Wn. of ..534 Ronnini, Br, t ... 4R5 Jfnnlnai. Yak, Sb .539 Pfnnlm (on, Sal, aa 85 O Snydtr. Vn-Sl, of Mi Pahpr. Won. of ...501 Thomrwon. Yiik. of 48S Mvtra, Wtn, m ...5ns Rurihrr. flal, e ...113 Jacinto, Yak, 3b . 511 19 333 99 330 71 328 74 328 3 323 117 323 74 319 110 319 S5 310 64 3 IS 123 314 123 313 167 43 151 S 99 301 12 301 Pif f ckurn Qii in rl Leads Far West League Playoff Redding, Calif., Sept. 16 r The champion Pittsburg Dia monds today hold a 2-1 edge in the Far West league President's cup playoffs. The Diamonds hung up their second victory last night when they defeated Redding 7-1 be hind the five-hit pitching of Pete Hernandez. Hernandez had a shutout un til the ninth when Redding s manager, Ray Perry, homered for the single tally. The two teams play again to night and Saturday in the best of seven series. topflight refreshment - Sicks' Select Block to ! New York, Sept. It At . ter a itretch of tcrent sailing again, sccuiiu hituiuh uuiiii, j - dumply'i, the New York Yank era today today became pain fully aware that the way ahead to the pennant may be very rocky Indeed. They needed no reminder from Manager Casey Stengel that a team could be in first place from the opening day of the sea son to the last then lose the pennant in the final afternoon. PRNNANT BACKS Bv United Prcaai AMERICAN LCAGI'B Oamei Oamca W L Fct. BthitMl to Play New York ....17 II .110 II Bnaton II M 111 1' IS Cleveland II U US 1 Detroit 10 .177 1 IS NATIONAL LEAfil'l St. Lou la Ift 10 .840 II Brooklyn 81 13 .136 It II That was what Stengel told them after their shoddy performance yesterday in losing a 10 to 0 error-laden decision to the Cleveland Indiana. Despite the defeat they re milned a comfortable IVi games ahead of the second University Alleys COMMERCIAL LEAGUE NO. I SAN CXatblara 1 1 K. Kaneakl 37ft. O Barker 458. Don Mualr.ai.pl 481. Ketnan 408. Ralph Nacley 468.iadiB nam bin a 1 0 1 I. Amove 387, I. Berilund 101, O. Bronaon 306, O. Baala 246, J. Lima S73. t'uhlrif I'nlon Sarvlca 8 Ed PeaM 424, R. Farley 537. J. Stone 370, O. Oar rUon fill, H. Comatock 5)1. Intaratata Tractor Co. (0) L, Morrkj 400, D. 8e hack man 357, C. Tanquary 138, O. Roblojon 363. Ed Pearl 466. Naval Air Facility Statlaa 411 D. Baal 485. c. Holman 286, R. Hi worth 353. J. Knedler 4.H2, B. Brown 316, B. Knedlar 132, E. Platier 385. Dyer e Bona Acaney 2-B. Kern 401, W. Tratilo 369, D. Ooa ser 4fB, J. Miller 494, D. Parman 131. Western raoer (I) J. Luke 111, Ander sen 381, J. Kuiblar t, Oadack 371. L. Kulbler 431.rirat Nat. Bank ) Von Drlm 456. C. Marahall 32, M. Kotikt 371. J. Uarr SOI. J. OoctM 293. Ralph Jahnian 10) Roy Bell SIS. Warrtc Prank 376. Al Bell 434. Eaalea (S) Pet erson 496, Reld 445, Zellar 411. PamlllU (Ii Kelley 484. Zwaachka II, 10 wood 176. Sheridan SI0. Duncan 411. Lawlraa 278. VFW 0t M. Pindtn S63. K. Valleau 335, I. Sillier 199, J. Boyd S0. C. Glover 239. Hint! team: Cuahlnia Unloo Srlc. 3171. Huh aeriaa: R. Parley, 117, Cuahlnia Un ion Service. Hlch tamer D. Parman, SSI, Dytr Ji Sona Ina. Aaency. COMMERCIAL IJtAOITR NOt Shrork Motors (S H. NUon 44S, L. McFnrland 417, V. White SI6, O. WLaaar J70. U. Boniface 430. Forfeit. Knlahta af Prtehlae 3 D. Judaon 162, Ed. Maeri 445, H. Bcheldel 411, Kan ElwXKl 447, U. Tachlda 445. K.O.C.O. (0 H. Bualck 439, Bud Theda 441, Waicnar 369. I. Johruon 503. D. Ooaaer 4S9. Vana Parking Station HI Al Barnea 334, Cleo Breaalek 111. Van Vlack 400. Lynn McDanlela 514, O. Oarrlaon 473. Sinllh Aula Parte 0i K. Clark SS0, Ed Edmlnljter 309, V. Bchneti S44. 4. Lemon 499. K. Lea 499. Lea Bchoeaetter. Zreb I'aed Cara 0 P. Zeeb SIT, D. Delk 418, C. Carr 333. A. Zeeb S76, I. Llndaey SI3. Momrer Chvr Slatlan Sl K. Momver 480. L. Miller 413, W. Millar 507, W. Oldermatt S13. M. Plnden 414. HlgJi aame: I. Johnson, SIS. K.O.C.O. Hith aerlex; Lynn McDanleta, 514, Vana Parking Station. Hlth Uam acore: S370, KnlthU ot Pyth iu. Capital Alleys RF.ARft ROWLING LEAfllfE Harmony Home Jl PlUor 413, Davey 433. PaiiUon 397. Jnnaon S37, Smith SIS. Cold'pnt 101 Patton 447, Dry 406, Cook 449, Fore m in 388. Oliaar 407. All-Stale (31 Cooper S47, Hill 501, Sat- ntrom 417, Ambroae 451, Oalund 54ft. Craftsman 0 Wllllanu 407, Slerp, Kraua 4)9. Darker 317, Klein 383. Hnmart Mi Rlehl 472, Heldman 3S4, MrOuIra 360. Roach 369, Porbea 447. Kenmore (3 Clark 381, Dwvtr S76, Rund liauc 535. Adama 401. Oouih 433. Hlih individual game: Rundhaut, SIT, Hlih Individual aerlaa: Oalund. 14ft. Hiah team me: All-6tatt. 799. Hull team ene: All-State. 33IS. $100 EXTRA lor 2 wookf "rit la cat" COSTS ONLY $1.40 Get 1100 from Personal on sal rr . furniture or car. If ued re pay Personal In monthly amount. If not used, return it after 2 weeks and pay only $1.40 charges. Loans made to psv bills, medical expenses, repairs and other needs LOANS IZS to 1500 on Auto FINANCE CO. ill Matt St. Room 121 C R. AI.LEN. Mrr. 1.1c. K-122 M 165 Phnnr o.4M LaaM aaada la eeaftfaate it aS lawaMndlttf Ipwto EXT TRY with ANY BEER Pennant 9 Major Standings Br th. Auoelitrd rrua) NATIONAL UAOl'E W L Pel. W L Pet St. LwjU 9 SO .640 N.w York II 73 .4N3 Brooklyn II 51 .00 Pliubunh M 71 PnUdlPQlo 7b M .MS CIIKlDn.U ft 13 .403 loaton 71 .411 Chit. io tl II ll Eos. II. Tb.r.,.y Mo MM otnodul. AMKB1CAN LCAGl'B w L Pet. W L Pet. N York 17 31 .110 Phlldlphlo 7 If .339 Boaton 11 93 .110 Chle.lo 17 13 .410 Cl.v.ltnd 1191.913 81. LoulJ 41 13 .141 Detroit 13 10 .977 Wuhloita 44 19.117 Boaollt Taor4a7 C!vUna 10. K.w York 1. (Only limi Aeh.dul.i place Boston Rtd Sox, who onjoTtd an off-day, listenini; to a radio account of Cleve land's triumph. The Yankees started out as if they meant business against the Indians, scoring two quick runs in the first inning off Bob Le mon. Perhaps Stengel figured that Lemon, who had hurled bril liantly from the first Inning on, was Just too good to be beaten and that there would be no percentage In bringing Page in for a lost cause. If so, he reckoned wrongly for the Yankees came back In an In spired manner In their half of the eight and scored four runs, two each on homers by Cliff Mapes and Yogi Berra to re duce the margin to 8-6 Had Reynolds been relieved more quickly, they might have es tablished a winning margin in that frame. As it turned out the Yankee rally was anti-climaxed as was Cleveland's final splurge for two more runs off reliever Duane Pillettte in the ninth. There were no other games scheduled in the majors yester day. WEBFOOTS IN THE MAJORS i By th. AA.orl.ted Prnui Thursday AB Ft H O A E RBI Gordon, Indians .113 110 3 COTTAGE GROVE TOPS ST. MARY'S BY 12-7 Eugene, Ore., Sept. 16 U. Cottage Grove high school de feated St. Marys of Eugene, 12 to 7, here last night in the open ing game of the Willamette val ley football league season. THE Otto J. Wilson Co. Your Buick Dealer presents the favorite of football fans everywhere fast-moving, accurate forecasts of WINNING TEAMS PROBABU SCORES LEADING PLAYERS PLUS Sam Hayes' exclusive feature. 'GRIDIRON GRINS KSLM- Friday 00 p.m. Throughout the Football Season The Station That Brings You ALL the Major Sports Stubbys or Cant in fhe handy 12-PAK Quart, Cam and Stubbi by the case Wntrtvtf br h told - COMPARE from ANYWHERE : aBk - A : . Tftffinfinfl Heavyweight Boxer lllipillivj ,n for fnave but would love to romp through that Pat, who'll meet Enard Charles the heavyweight crown, doesn't chair these days the barber Charles. Not even a trim job Telephoto) &OTS... PTTTl.l I 1 saP : ax. u iii u f iv rri, iivr-Jinu ill ENGINEERS' BOOTS Special 7.95 JIM'S SHOE SERVICE JIM'S SHOE SERVICE FOR THE HUNTER jT fj . W) GUNS and AMMUNITION art imt.,Y -a-. ii FOR SCHOOL-AGE DAUGHTER GYM TRUNKS White Sanforized regulation all sizes, pr. GYM MIDDIES White regulation ea PEP HATS CREW HATS For Boys end Girls in school colors .. 1,00 - ) (T 7 -U. 1 '.;.W Pat Valentino just dropped barDer jerry Becerra (left) head of hair, shears and all. In San Francisco Oct. 14 for dare fall asleep In a barber might have his money on Pat's superstitious. (Acme J 1 1. 1 1 M.MaTT an n in i Rtyht! For the hunting easonI Genuine calfskin with ii-inch top. Buckle strap typewith pleated top for snug fit. Your choice in rubber, cord or coniposttion sole. All sixes. 175 N. High WORK SHOES Top with all worklnr mm! Otld, tanned row hid- work aheea. with VRN TII.ATRO INSOLE. Patented Oaedyrar storm-welt construction. Rein farced. H aterproofed with Armor-Trcd aord Boys' Shoes 4.95 5.95 175 N. High for all the Believe It or Not We have a few Marlin RIFLES left in 30-30 and 32 specials 2Q See the new Day Glo Red Hunting Cap can be seen for y Q C two miles, ea Red Felt Deer 1 IC Hunting hats, ea I Large size white deer O A C bags, ea Xtaf See the new Deer O A A call, ea at. WW Gef your shells for deer hunting now. Have you :r:ei..:h.e B,iw s ,ip 2.25 1.95 Salem Trapmen Sponsor Shoot The Salem Trapshooters club will sponsor a two day program of trigger pulling at their Tur "r mad grounds, Sept. 24 and 23. The shoot is authorized by I DENIM JEANS for Boys and Girls NEW SHIPMENT Just Arrived Open Friday Night 'til 9 177 NO. FOR THE BOYS GYM TRUNKS Grey flannel or white, royal and scarlet, Indianhead 1 material, pr Latiy Soys white T 7C Shirts ea JC SWEAT SOX White wool with nylon Z A heel and toe. pr OVIC Heavy brushed cotton SWEAT SHIRTS Heavy weight grey oxford Heavy weight In royal blue, and light gold, ea GYM SHOES The famous Spalding Red Rubber sole. Double e OA thickness upper and arch support. Sizes 6 to 14. pr. Wilson leather top white rubber sole, regular $7.50 while they last sizes 6 Vi to 10. pr SCHOOL JACKETS Reversible wool to water repellant 1A QE 10OC poplin in school colors lJ.7j lai..7a? 100 all wool, not reversible, Irt OC in school colors, ea Iwiw Bovs sizes 6. 8 and 10 A OK while they last, ea .yi For Your Convenience We Will Be Open Friday Evening HOWARD SPORTING the Pacific International Trap shooting association. Saturday's program will con sist of a 16 yard event of 100 targets divided between four classes; a SO target handicap and 25 pair of doubles. Similar events will be run off Sunday s O-miM BNUO FIT ieautt Ti M J'W tit etre fully ifihrti Ooiant currs nc(e tftrt long Ityl for tarn up Of CW Stf&JNK. ehooetyair cornet Oifjrt SinforJifd ff) tut eojrptr rittts it '-' pant of K"1 stuhdv cuntr Out gin extsi long wafi" nssreRti eryce (S just Jib tht Morhnj v- eottioyt rtetr LIBERTY scarlet, white 4.95 MAPLE GOODS w Family! ...ea. 2.25 2.50 J,i ' "'nf JiiYiiUi iirTTarsi- 372 State Street Dial 36042 COMPANY Lj