Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 16, 1949, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Sept. 16. 1949
Sonja Henie, Ice Skating Star
Wed in Fairy Tale Setting
' Unlt4 PrM Buff CorrMPODdtDt)
New York, Sept. 16 UK Ice skating ftar Sonja Henie and
ocialite Winthrop Gardiner, Jr., were married yesterday in a
setting ot blue tulle, white lilies and pink orchidi that lacked
only the glass slippers of a fairy-tale setting.
The marriage Miss Henie's second and Gardiner's fourth
' ""Kvas performed in the Park Ave-
inue Methodist church by the
Rev. Paul Otto before 60 friends
and members of the couple's
immediate families.
Five hundred guests kissed
the bride under a bower of gar
denias at a reception in the Ho
tel Plaza's spacious Terrace
The diminutive skater's wed
ding gown was of sky blue lace
and tulle with an off-shoulder
neckline and a new transparent
and uneven hemline 14 inches
from the floor at front, dipping
to the ankle at back and edged
with a band of sheer blue lace.
Her bouquet was a cascade of
pale pink spray orchids.
A feather hat and shoulder
high shirred lace gloves matched
the dress, as did her blue satin
Miss Henie walked down the
aisle to the Lohengrin wedding
march on the arm of her broth
er, Leif Henie, of Chicago. She
was preceded by Mrs. Alexander
MacArthur, wife of her business
partner, of Chicago, who was
her only attendant. Gardiner's
brother-in-law, Olney Mairs, Jr.,
was his best man.
Gardenias for the fragrant
receiving bower were flown
here from California.
Norwegian-born Miss Henie,
36, three times Olympic cham
pion figure skater, was the third
bride of sportsman Daniel Reid
Topping in 1940. They were
divorced six years later.
Gardiner, also 36, was mar
ried to Mildred Shay Murphy in
1936, and divorced six months
later. He was divorced also
from Bethany Ann (Babs) Beck
with, former model who was
his second wife, and Frances
Gardiner Is currently In
charge of the aviation depart
ment of the industrial tape com
pany at New Brunswick, N. J.
The two took off in Gardiner's
private plane for an undisclosed
honeymoon spot following the
Just $20.33 Mrs. Jack La-
" Rue, wealthy wife of the movie
actor, proudly displays the
outfit that cost her Just $20.33
In New York. Mrs. LaRue, for-
' merly the Baroness Edith von
Rosenberg of Austria, London
"and Paris, wore the costume
to a Park avenue cocktail
. party after buying it on a
dare. Most of her clothes bear
the labels of Paris couturiers.
(Acme Telephoto)
Johnson Plans
More Savings
Los Angeles, Sept. 16 U.B
Defense Secretary Louis John
son declared today he will cut
the "surplus fat, the waste, the
extravagance" from the armed
forces and save taxpayers $1,
000,000,000 a year by next June.
' Here to address a convention
of the theatre owners of Ameri
ca, the cabinet officer told a
press conference:
"My Job Is unification. My Job
Is defense. My Job is peace."
He said Russia Is "our one
possible enemy."
"Russia expected 'US to col
lapse financially," Johnson said.
. "It is as-much my Job to have a
sufficient primary fighting
force as it is to cut out waste
and extravagance."
- Describing Alaska as a poten
tial base for "retaliatory attacks
against a possible enemy and for
protection of Canada and the
United States," he said adequate
housing was needed for troops
The secretary called present
barracks in the territory "inade
quate" and "sub - standard."
Johnson said passage of a bill
now before congress to provide
$188,000,000 for construction In
Alaska was a necessity.
Manganese was first discover
ed in 1774.
To the woman
who's got
new linoleum
on her mind
; Thinkmg about luxurious new
UnoleumT Then you'd better
! know about beautiful Nairn In
; hid Linoleum today1! finest
. buy from every angle. Nairn
I gives you the resilience, the long
life, the radiant colori you ex
' peat hi quality linoleum. But
' Nairn give you so much morel
For Nairn alone among fine
Unoleums has patented du
ll ex felt backing. It ends all
I iur worries about the unsightly
'racking, bulging, and blistering
that often mar ordinary linoleum,
. when tin wood floors underneath
expand and contract as they
normally do. When your choice
is Nairn, your linoleum Is always
smooth nlways beautiful!
Don't miss Nairn's peak as
sortment of rainbow-range col
ors, at your favorite floor cover
ing department right now. And
ask your store for Nairn's beau
tiful new decorating book, "An
swers to the Most Frequently
Asked Questions on Home Deco
rating," absolutely free!
Congoleum-Nairn Inc., Kearny
New Jersey.
C IN "" U ft ntlilm U.fea.rt
FCC Must Show
Cause lor Ban
New York, Sept. 16 U.K
Three major radio networks to
day obtained a federal court or
der directing the federal com
munications commission to show
cause why it should not be re
strained from banning radio
giveaway programs.
Federal District Judge Simon
H. Rlfkind ordered the FCC to
answer by 2:30 p.m. Monday the
broadcaster's request for an in
junction against enforcement of
the FCC edict ruling giveaway
shows off the air after Oct. 1.
A temporary injunction was
asked by the National Broad
casting company, American
Broadcasting company and Co-
1 u m b i a Broadcasting system.
Their petition claimed that the
FCC order Issued Aug. IS is un
constitutional, and denied that
the giveaway shows are lotteries
as the FCC charged.
A similar injunction already
has been issued by a Chicago
Federal Court.
Ago Khan Admits
Too Many Horses
London, Sept. 16 U.n The
Aga Khan, reputedly one of the
world's wealthiest men, said to
day that he wanted to sell some
of his race horses.
"I've got too many," he said.
The father-in-law of Actress
Rita Hayworth disclosed his
plans as he boarded a plane for
Paris after attending the races
at Doncaster, Eng.
Have some excellent buys in
2x4 to 2x12 framing. These
parcels are parked on dirt
which means they must be
moved before the rains.
Take advantage of this while
you can, it may get soft where
you are going to build too.
Retail Lumber Yard
At Evans & B.P.S. Mills
Silverton, Ore.
tit en! -fr
Your famous Walkover
Shoe Is Now Available
Enuff said! . . , But for those who don't know . . ,
WALK-OVER shoes enjoy a 75-year reputation of fin
shoe craftsmanship! . . . Yet, WALK-OVER thoat
are designed for your foot! . Mod for walking com
fort. NO BREAKING IN! Com in, MEN! Get ac
quainted with these famous shoes!
"Paramount Means the Best in Footwear"
Cold Weather Ahead!
Be Smart and Save.. .
I TIL r viAl ,
Roberts Bros, own sweater $ S'.85
which guarantees terriffic dollar
value! All the features of high
priced sweaters . . .
Full roomy cut . . . Ribbed high V
neck . . . Ribbed cuffs and bottom
. . . made of 100 brushed wool.
Comes in wine, navy, silver, blue and green
leather. Smill. r"rtitm. larre and extra large.
Men's Clothing, Main Floor
All Wool, Coloring,
Water Resistant
Yes sir, here's the best buy for campus
wear. All wool for warmth, zipper front,
double back, two slash pockets. A real
good-looking jacket in multicolor plaid
check of red. blue and green.
Men's Clothing, Main Floor
The "Buy of the Year" . . .
Washable . . . Fast Drying , . . Minimum
of Ironing . . . Vat-dyed ... Low Price
Fully cut with saddle stitched collars and $ fij.85
pockets . . . long sleeves. An outstanding ft)
color selection of Gold, Lemon, Green,
Grey, Blue. Sizes Small, Medium, Large.
Men's Clothing, Main Floor
naekmeycr, twill bach
You'll get lots of heavy wear out of these Jit ,95
siacxs. v.ut just ngnt lor comiort wim
roomy pockets. Made of heavy thick set
corduroy, zipper fly front. Sizes 29-42.
Also available in dark brown. Reg. $8.95
Men's Clothing, Main Floor
Sale .. I'saallv
prlred at $39.50 . . .
Nationally-known "Cruiser'
insulated and processed for
warmth and water resistance
Appalachian cloth for real warmth. Outer-cloth 100 cotton with 66 vir
gin wool, 34 quilted rayon insulation. Double shoulder, inner knit wrist. Vat
dyed and zelan treated for water resistance. Lightweight for comfort. Two
deep breast pockets: two lower slash Jtipper pockets; zipper fly closing. Tan.
f izes small, medium and large.
Men's Clothing, Main Floor
Perfect for sports,
work or school, the jjJJ Q$
laska wool shirt T
Isnally sells for $7.93
Double flap button down pockets, full
cut, long tail. Button and zipper clos
ing. Sizes Wi to 17. Combination"! of
red and black; white and black; also
green and red figured patterns.
Men's Clothing, Main Floor
We Give and Redeem &C Green Stamps.
11 i north liberty