10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. Friday. Sept. 16. 194' "I, 6. 194' i mm-m rmsm iirax ffm ' -K.'r?. w t . .tP'.". T-' .',,,W IUI jiHAMHPWI,. II IB ' - . - ' SB d Infant's Death Brings Demand Lebanon, Sept. 18 Petitions were being widely circulated In Lebanon Thursday requesting the mayor, council and police department to enforce all exist lng powers of the city to compel the fencing of mill ponds and other "attractive nuisances' within the city limits. The move grew out of the drowning last night of 28-month old Dana Clifford Jensen, who wandered from his home and fell into a mill pond close by. A general alarm was sounded hortly after 8 p.m. Wednesday when the child had been miss ing for about two hours. Be tides the police and fire depart ments, approximately 2000 peo ple from the Lebanon area and Sweet Home Joined in the aearch. Parents of the child, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jensen are both employed and the child was be ing cared for In the home by a young girl. Funeral service! will be held at 10 a.m. next Monday at the Howe-Huston chapel. Other survivors beside the parents are the grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. James Jensen of Utah, Mr. and Mrs. . A. Pet erson of Nebraska, and a great grandfather, H. E. Linger of Nebraska. Oil Is Taken From Shale Rock With scores of specially designed machines like this big, mobile drill, the U. S. bureau of mines believes It has licked the cost problem which has blocked the way to effective conversion of oil shale rock Into usable oil. Improved mining methods and better extraction processes developed In experimental work here are thought to have insured the nation's gasoline supply for centuries to come, regardless of what may happen to the liquid petroleum reserves. This machine Is in operation at Rifle, Colo. (AP Wirephoto) NEW PLAN BEING TESTED Farm Wages Vary With Prices in Sugar Cane Belt By OVID A. MARTIN (Aiioclfttrd PrtM Farm Writer) Washington, Sept. 16 M" A plan under which hired workers share with their employers the ups and downs of farm product prices is taking hold in one segment of American agriculture. The plan will be used the second successive season this year in setting the wage pattern for workers harvesting the Louisiana sugar cane crop. If the sugar cane farm oper ator gets above a certain price for his raw sugar his workers get a bonus above set wage scales. If sugar prices drop be low a specified level, workers take a wage cut. The wage scheme was set up last year by the agriculture de partment under authority of sugar control legislation. Under this legislation the government pays subsidies to domestic pro ducers, aimed primarily at help ing them compete with lower- cost producing areas. In return for this financial help, the sugar producer is re quired to pay workers not less than a minimum wage set by the East Salem Club Members Are Resuming. Activities East Salem, Sept. lfl Only a few of the East Salem social groups are having their first fall meeting in September. The Amitle club of Middle Grove community held their first fall meet ing In the home of Mrs. William Scharf. A short business meeting was conducted by the new president, Mrs. Wilbur Wilson. Serving on the entertainment" committee were Mrs. Paul Smith and Mrs. Peterson. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Harry Scharf, Mrs. Emory Ooode and Mrs. Lena Bartruff. Guests were Mrs. Will lam Massey, Mrs. Vent, Mrs. Clement, mother of Mrs. Nor man Fletcher, who Is visiting here from the state of Maine; nd Yvonne Goode. Other mem bers present were Mrs. John Anglln, Mrs. Theo Kuenil, Mrs. Mildred Hammer, Mrs. Harris Ault, Mrs. Lewis Patterson, Mrs. John VanLaanen, Mrs. Fletcher nd Mrs. Lee Dow. Auburn Mrs. Bernard Ken ney was hostess for the meeting of the Monroe Sewing club held at her home Wednesday after noon. In attendance were Mrs. Glenn Moody, Mrs. Wilfred Wil ier, Mrs. John Meier. Mrs. Ar thur Stowell, Mrs. Stewart Johns, Mrt. Henry Hanson, a fuett, Mrs. Edwin Saddler and on Wayne. Birthday honors were presented to Mrt. Roy Towler, Kn. Hugh Williams. Mrt. Glenn Moody and Mrt. Loran Richer. CALLING ALL WOILS! week "aT am FOR A ROYAL TYPEWRITER t) Wt guarantta our prlrta so nrv pnrtablta art aa lew aa any lata! lora, ahaln r man ardar heuta, ROYAL t'NPRRWOOD CORONA rORTARLIM llelaalr Kaaraaaalallva far tha Ratal llana'art Wrlttr ef Ilrriiblt Utters KAY Typewriter Co. "Atraaa Iran tka Sanalar Haiti" (23 North lllih Dial S-MIDS Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hockhold of Eugene were Thursday guests in the Stuart Johns home. Mr. and Mrs. Johns and Victor and Mr. and Mrs. Hockhold enjoyed several days vacation trip into southern Oregon the past week. visiting the Oregon Caves and In the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Will- lam Carothers at Triangle Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mlt chell at Tierran. Swegle Donald Peffer, son of of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Peffer of Hollywood drive left Salem Monday for Chicago where he will enter Northwestern univer sity and Chicago Art school for his third year work. Mr. and Mrs. Menno Dalke left for a six weeks trip on Wed nesday which would take them to Inman. Kan., to visit her mother and other relatives, and Into Oklahoma to visit several brothers of Mr. Dalke. They plan to rel urn by California to sr. Jury Returns Indictments department. The theory is that government benefits should be shared between the producer and his workers. a a a When the government first en tered the sugar industry back In the depression of the early '30 s, it set more or less rigid wage scales for sugar workers. These scales were based in large measure on prices and earnings of the previous season. Often - changing conditions caused wage rates to be out of line with producer earnings. Sometimes they worked to the! advantage of the producer, some times to that of the worker. ' Last year the department hit upon the Idea of the adjustable wage scale. Reports indicate that it worked out satisfactorily. Anyway it will be used again thlt year. a Here Is how the plan works: If the price of raw sugar Is between $5.60 and $6 for 100 pounds, the worker gets the so called "base" wage rate. Thai rate is $3. .10 a day. plus hous ing, medlral attention, garden and similar requisites, for cane cullers. For each full 10 cents that the price of raw sugar is above $6 or below $5.60, wage rates will Increase or decrease 6.5 cents a day. If the price of sugar averaged $6.60 for 100 pounds, the day wage rate for cutters would be increased SO cents above the base rate, to $3.89. Officials believe that this flexible wage principle could add to agricultural stability If used more extensively. But they do not have authority to set it up elsewhere. The Marion county grand Ju ry Thursday afternoon returned 11 indictments, three of them not true bills. All the accused in true bills are either on bail or in jail. Named in the indict ments were: William Hami 1 1 0 n , charged with assault with intent to com mit rape; Cecil Gold, charged with rape; S. G. Bud Sheridan, charged with obtaining money by false pretenses; Percy Eu gene McCarthy, Willard Pollard and David Massee, all charged with larceny of tool boxes; Ce cil Bradley, charged with obtain ing money by false pretenses, and Oadie Oxford, indicted in connection with the attempted theft of a car. Released on not true bills were Albert Brookhover and Robert R. Wells who had been charged in connection with an attempted car theft and Noel Marion Cumbey who had been charged with assault with a dan gerous weapon. Save-Boeing Move Backed by McKay Olympla, Wash., Sept. 16 rP Seattle's save-Boeing move has the full support of Gov. Douglas McKay and people of Oregon, Gov. Langlie says. Langlie was in Portland yes terday for a meeting of Colum bia basin inter-agency commit tee. He said Oregon and Wash ington officials would join the federal government in a survey of power and flood control man agement of the river. Turning to other matters, Langlie said Governor Luther Youngdahl of Minnesota" had promised him two tickets for the University of Washington con test with the Gophers a week pp tjt I A I A In Love Peggy Peterson, 22, (above) came to Baltimore, Md., from California to plead for the freedom of William Sansbury, 24. They met while she was a receptionist at San Quentin state penitentiary near San Francisco, where he was serving sentence for burglary. When he was re leased and returned to Balti more to stand trial on an old forgery charge, she said they were in love and would marry if the charge were dropped. (AP Wirephoto) Sharon Lee Langdon, OSC, Football Queen Berkeley, Calif., Sept. 15 Sharon Lee Langdon, 19, Oregon State college coed, was elected football queen tonight in a Uni versity of California campus con test open to candidates from all far west schools. Named at a coronation ball attended by nine candidates from as many western universities, she will lead Berkeley's annual football festival parade tomor row night. She also will reign over the opening football game Saturday Dctween California and the Uni versity of Santa Clara. Tuna Prices Drop Newport, Ore., Sept. 16 UP) Tuna prices are at new postwar lows here $325 to $380 a ton I They are even lower touth with little tuna being caught. here $300 at Coot Bay MAYARI RJ:-' "Pronounctd My'e-t IIIJIIJILU I SAVES WEIGHT INCREASES STRENGTH LENGTHENS LIFE ,y Htm HARDWARE S l?prfDKaR, Call EAtt 9111 WAREHOUSE CO. for all your Metal needs rt.a:ii:ii: Jl'ig JJ..IIM!I.IH.I:IH.I!1 from Saturday at Minneapolis. Langlie said Youngdahl told him Minnesota was going to the Rose Bowl this year, "so they must have a real team." HARD OF HEARING You'v Waited for This I lirRF IT ICI . w NO RECEIVER BUTTON IN THE EAR! WW Furniture Mart "Just Good Furniture their son, Captain Dalke and family. Robert Becker was brought to the home of hit son. Ralph, from the Salem General hospital on Monday where he had been for the past two weeks following surgery. 1978 N. Capitol Since 1941 The Phanto- mold combined with the Beltone Hearing Aid assures you of unsurpassed hearing quality for both tone and volume. But best of all. even your friends won't notice that you are wearing a hearing aid. You owe it to yourself to ice thii newest hearing improvement and convince yourself that now for the first time you really can conceal your deafness. Drop in today and see it. Mean while, nil out coupon for free book. GuaionutJ bv MM IMUUKffaillf PAC ONI-UNIT HIAIINS AID James N. Taft AND ASSOCIATES 228 Oregon Bldg. - Salem, Ore, Y I Friday Specials! ANOTHER TERRIFIC YEATER BUY! Westinghouse RADIO-PHONO NOW ONLY 24995 Tarmtt Of Canraa! Other Combination Console Models as low as 89.95 0 I" CHECK THESE AMAZING FEATURES: O Plan 1ft and It-Inch rceorda In termixed. O EselnalT Wtit inch oust Plenil power, Rainbow Ton FM. Standard AM band. Dual tone control. 0 t-apred changer, in tubea plua recltfler. Roomy album atoraf apaea. FREE Meatnrlna Spoon to Every Cuatomer! WfRt Inch ohm Hi-M Concert hall performance In a master piece of cabinet erafUmanship. 9 HepplewhlU Inspired how front cabinet In beaatlf nil j -patterned mahogany veneera. 9 Electronic Feather, the aoto-changer. nix Open Fridays Till 9 P.M. 375 N. Chemeketa AND YOU'LL BUY A WESTINGHOUSE! Fall Opening Tickets Now Available al heater's You're Easy on the Eyes! All eyei turn your way ai you erosi the campus on your way to classes . . . wearing attractive new glasses. You're smart . . . you spare yourself eyestrain and enhance your food looks at the same time. Dr. E. E. Borlnf USE YOUR CREDIT AND OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN Optometrists AT BORING OPTICAL 183 Court St. Dial 1-8508 nr. Sam Hutjhes if i j ipf-W"Yni iu sa 1 1 Plan ahead for cold snap One wire thing about the wenther U the fact that it's going to change... summer warmth dies out, the cold spell sets in. And when the mercury starts dropping, you'll be glad your home is ready for instant oil heat. That's why we suggest you plan ahead of the first cold snap now call us for a heating oil refill today. Another good reason for keeping your tank full is to prevent moisture in the air inside your tank from condensing and contaminating your oil. When the tank is full, water can't condense on tank walls. You'll save trouble and expense by ordering your tank filled with 100 distilled Standard Heating Oils now. Order your heating oil today! Quick, Efficient Service in Clean. Modern Tank Trucks TWEEDIE FUEL OILS 1174 Edgewaur Ph. 2-4151 370 Pork Ave. Ph 3-4872 VALLEY OIL CO., INC. 1425 Fairgrounds Rd. Phont 2-3633 Ml r.i-i. rjjsTTjn ' of k