Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Sept. 15, 19197 iMMMMKMr OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9:00 EE AMUUS BKANUSH HUNDREDS OF THESE ON SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY . . . 81 x99, WIDE HEMMED, FINE COUNT MUSLIN - FIRST QUALITY! COME BUY YOUR SHEETS AND SAVE! 1 1 Bllf 1 SALE RAYON PANELS GUARANTEED ONE YEARe MADE BY A VERY WELL KNOWN MILL! . . . Well mode ... no starch or filling. These are not the cheap, sleazy mus lin sheets usually offered for around this price or more. These are seamed . . . otherwise the price would be $2.95. The bedding de partment downstairs will reserve them and charge to your account on phone calls, or fill mail orders qs long as stock lasts. DOWNSTAIRS Guaranteed for One Year! FRESH CANDIES Reg. $2.00 42 by 81 inch Hemmed sides! A lovely sheer rayon panel in a delicate shell shade to go with any room furnishings. Washable QUEEN VALLEY brand! On sale in drap ery department downstairs at Miller's Friday and Saturday. 1 A colors " Fa Opening Next Tuesday Night! Come! A NEW ALL-NYLON NEMO" GIRDLE AND PANTIE GIRDLE "SHOCKING" is the name of this new Nemo nylon creation which is light 01 a feather, yet powerfully strong to keep your fingure just right. n all sizes . . . pink, yellow, navy, lilac. green. Expertly fitted, of course. 2ND FLO OH Open Friday Til 9:00 armeevf leg-size stockings Haunting as the subtle shadows of skyscrapers are Belle-Sharmeer's beautiful new city colors. Sophisticate shades fused by fashion, city colors will dramatize your every costume color for Fall. Choose now from Belle-Sharmeer'i lasting sheen for daytime or after-five wear . all in your perfect fitting perionol leg-size. tower taupe a misty taupe wine Telvet a deep mulberry fan fair a rosy beige autumn park a warm spies ashllght soft, greyed belgt sky line a smoky grey neutron brown-taupe, with wine undertones I j i btwv tnixlltM darhMl fur tinnier tnrsvrij 'lor tall, mntlllrit si7 Irii larger Irgt BBsW t J at kv inn uatm . n mm mm mm jj ea in pecan nur is our jftT'Vjtfy ' end in the candy de- tOT' jHiiV I PJ 65C per Half Pound 2 new! f m 5.00 ond 5.95 GRAB-BAG I LJ I mimr I CANDIES' P "VACUUM FRESH pRESH! 11 7 i uu suuw uasw is i 7 A v- TWieLL yes! famous Van HensGn shirts 295 whites! stripes! In all favorite collar models! They're not "special promotion" shirts or "seconds," or "off -brands." THKY'KK REGULAR QUALITY VAN HEUSKN SHIRTS at the lowest price we know of for a MAJOR brand, nationally advertised shirt. And you're not limited in choice. Smart colors . . . fine woven stripes . . . lustrous white broadcloths are all represented in top style, new collar models. It's been a lonj time since you've been able to get such quality at this price. Come early while our stocks are complete in sizes and models. ALSO THE NEW VAN HEUSEN SPORT SHIRTS ARE HERE. COLORFUL! iU lot largatt legs 150 173 $8? o poir Opr-n Friday, 0:30 to 9:00 aaaai