. ! i it 1 Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRY FISCBEB t Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. Thursday. Sept. 15. 1949 Fashion Show Due Sept. 26 Late September features a number of fashion events, and of special interest will be the en on Monday, September zts, to be given by the Salem Wom an's clubs General Federation of Women's clubs convention fund. A dessert luncheon is planned at 1 p.m., followed by the fash ion revue and cards. The fall styles are being pre sented by Sally's and Schlcs lnger's stores. Mrs. Grant Rogers and Mrs. Estill L. Brunk are co-chairmen for the benefit affair. Tickets may be obtained from commit tee members or at either Sally's er Schlesinger's. The party is to be given at the Salem Woman s club house Mrs. Tripp Home From Convention Mrs. Myrtle Tripp, depart ment president of the Ladies auxiliary. Veterans of Foreign Wars, has returned from her trip to Miami where she attend d the national golden jubilee convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and its auxiliary as a delegate. Perhaps one of the most wel come announcements which Mrs Tripp could bring back was the appointment of Mrs. Dorothy Hill, Springfield, as national color bearer No. 3, by the newly installed national president, Mrs. Evelyn Monaco. This high hon or conferred on Mrs. Hill, jun ior past department president, was in recognition of the report of her activities which was read en the convention floor by Mrs, Tripp. Accompanied by Mrs. Marie Dana, past department presi dent, Mrs. Tripp stayed at the newly completed Margaret Arm strong guest lodge, situated on the campus of the national home for widows and orphans, main tained by the Veterans of For eign Wars and its auxiliary at Eaton Rapids, Mich. Mrs. Tripp will prepare her itinerary for her fall visitations to the various districts and auxi liaries throughout the state in order to promote membership, active participation in the vari ous lines of service which the ladies auxiliary of the VFW maintains and encourage team work between officers and mem ben. Business Group To Form Here Mrs. Jean H. Williams, regis- tar for the American Business Women's association, is in Sa lem to work in organizing a lo cal group of the association Mrs. Williams is at the Senator hotel. The American Business Wo men's association is a group or ganised for offics personnel, secretaries, bookkeepers, typists, etc., and has a three-fold pro gram: Employe training, profes sional advancement, and social participation. Headquarters for the organ! setkm ars hi Kansas City and units are formed throughout the sun try. LEAVING Salem, Thursday. to make their home in Portland were Captain and Mrs. Thomas X. Massey and two daughters. Captain Massey has been station ed there for some time with the Portland area army and air fore recruiting office, commut ing back and forth to his home her. Th Maiseys have been in alem since January 194(1. Scout Event Eight girls in Girl Scouts troop No. 4 who earned their child care badge this summer will be entertained at a slum her party Friday by Mrs. H. M. Randall at her Fir street home The awards will be presented at a fire place ceremony, Friday evening. The group will be en-te-tained at a breakfast Satur day morning. The eight honored are Joan Bale, Jane Barlow, Ann Berger, Charlotte Grubcr, Sandra Lar son, Lianne Leonard, Loanne Mundinger, and Carol Randall. Wedding Is Home bvent Miss Nancy McLauchlan daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur B. McLauchlan, and Don ald Wayne Earle, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Earle, were mar ried at the home of the bride's parents at 5 o'clock Sunday aft ernoon, September 11. Dr. Chester W. Hamblin of the First Presbyterian church read the double ring ceremony. The bride was given In mar riage by her father. The wedding dress was of white marquisette with lace in sets, designed with a round neckline, long sleeves and a medium train. The fingertip veil of tulle was held by a coro net of seed pearls. The bride carried a nosegay of white gladi oluses and pink rosebuds. Miss Mary Ellen McLauchlan of Portland, cousin of the bride, was the bridesmaid. She wore a dress of yellow marquisette over taffeta and carried a nosegay of yellow rosebuds. Little Anne Moree Jones of Caldwell, Idaho, was flower girl. She wore a Kate Greenaway dress of pink organdy and car ried pink rosebuds. The best man was Robert D. MacLauchlan, brother of the bride. Ushering was William Laidlaw. For her son's wedding Mrs. Earle wore a blue crepe dress with a gardenia corsage. The bride's mother wore a plum crepe dress with gardenias. At the reception Mrs. Agnes Briedwell, aunt of the bride, cut the wedding cake and Mrs. Earl T. Jones served the punch. Assisting were Mrs. Robert D. McLauchlan, Mrs. Rodney Ramp, Mrs. Stanley M. Jones and Mrs. Victor Koop. After a wedding trip to San Francisco the couple will be at home at Salem. For going away the bride wore a cocoa brown gabardine suit with matching accessories and a corsage of orchids. Out-of-town guests for the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLauchlan, Miss Mary Ellen McLauchlan, Mrs. Agnes Briedwell and Mr. and Mrs. Rod ney Ramp of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Earl T. Jones of Boise. Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Jones and Anne Marie Jones of Caldwell, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. William Jefferson, William Jef ferson, Jr., and Miss Carol Gene Gilkey of Newport. Club Hostesses Mrs. Willis C. Clark was host ess today for her bridge club, inviting the group for dpssert and cards. Mrs. M. B. Rudd was an additional guest. Another rlub hostess this! week was Mrs. Walter Bondell. who entertained her group for1 dessert and bridge Wednesday. I Sixteen attended the party, there being three additional, guests, Mrs. Jacob Foos, Mrs. I Hugh Range of Silverton and Mrs. Ernest John of Bremerton.! Wash. i Betrothal Told The engagement of Miss Elinor Danielson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Danielson, Minneapolis, to Ern est R. Meyer, son of Mrs. Marie Meyer of Salem, was announced recently. Chairmen for Auxiliary Listed Committee chairmen for the year in Unit No. 136, American Legion auxiliary, are announced by the president, Mrs. Bert A. Walker, following the group's first fall meeting Tuesday eve ning. The chairmen are as fol lows: Americanism, Mrs. Robert A. Green; child welfare, Mrs. Ken neth Shomaker; community service, Mrs. Dow Lovell; con stitution and by-laws, Mrs. Charles W. Creighton; finance, Mrs. Edward Klippert; Girls State, Mrs. Clayton Steinke; good cheer, Mrs. Theodore Ul lakko; legislation, Mrs. Joseph B. Felton; membership, Mrs. Sam Harbison with Mrs. George Spaur, vice chairman; national security, Mrs. Bernard Schrei ner; past presidents, Mrs. Harlan A. Judd; poppy committee, Mrs. Carroll Robinson; poppy post ers, Mrs. William Roble; reha bilitation, Mrs. Robert C. Irwin; program, Mrs. Calvin Rempfer; telephone, Mrs. Joseph DiFilip pi; hostesses, Mrs. H. C. Saal feld and Mrs. Harlan A Judd; publicity, Mrs. Homer G. Lyon, Jr.; color bearers, Mrs. Judd and Mrs. Lyon; Salem Council of Women's Organizations, Mrs. Bert A. Walker, Mrs. John Cat trail; Camp Fire Girls sponsor, Mrs. Dow Lovell; membership and association representative, Mrs. Lenn C. Davis. Mrs. Spaur, one of the three women chairmen in the Com munity Chest campaign, asked auxiliary to have five captains named who will work as a team in the drive. Stress was placed on the mag azine drive. Announcement was made Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Shomaker will accompany Mrs. I. N. Bacon, district chairman, to Aurora this evening for the installation of the unit there. The Tuesday meeting was the first for the new officers with Mrs. Walker as president. PINOCHLE and bridge were played at a card party held at Salem Rebekah lodge Monday evening. Mrs. Jennie Chalmers told of her trip back to North Dakota. Next Monday will be good of the order night under the leadership of Mrs. Pearl Owen. The F. L. club will meet Thursday night at the home of Miss Evelyn Hanby, 1745 Che meketa. The Past Noble Grands club will meet at the home of Mrs. Jean Morris on Wednesday, September 21. VISITOR here Wednesday was Mrs. Hazel B. Pague of Scio. Miss Beam To Be Wed Announcement of interest to day is the approaching marriage of Miss Lenore Beam to Ralph F .Dungey which will take place on Saturday evening, Septem ber 17, 1849, at 8 o'clock in the First Christian church with Rev. Dudley Strain officiating. Miss Beam is the daughter of Mrs Ruth M. Beam of Salem and Mr. Dungey is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dungey of Ger vais. Honoring Miss Beam at a mis cellaneous shower recently were the women from the office of the department of veterans' af fairs. Mrs. Carol Trowbridge and Mrs. Lillian Klippert were in charge of arrangements, the shower being given at the lat ter's home. Among those pres ent to fete Miss Beam were: Misses Donna Kipper, Evelyn Averette, Mesdames Pearl Vic tor, Gladys Smith, Florence Gar ratt and Ruth Beam. Matthai-Frantz Wedding Announced Dr. and Mrs. Arthur I. Frantz are announcing the marriage of their daughter, Miss Peggy Joan Frantz, to Sgt. Richard W. Mat thai, son of Col. and Mrs. James C. Matthai of San Antonio, Texas. The wedding was Sat urday, September 10, in Seattle, Washington. m Sgt. Matthai was in business in Bakersfield, Calif., prior to coming to Fort Lewis, where he is stationed at present and Mrs. Matthai was employed in the ac counting department of the Ore gon state highway department. They will reside in Seattle un til the following summer. Your Prescription Store WHIN YOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER 799 "It Poyi to Trod et Scholar's" 7949 Prescriptions Accurately Filled EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY Wa hove a eomplst line of medical needs for babies. Let wt fill your prescription. SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY Ball Point pens $1.50 Value. 59c W earrr ( rood stock f ftheaffer Fountain Pens, Parker and Waterman. II St t (30.00. (Mart school right SCHAEFE1VS DRUG STORE The Original Yellow Front Druf end Candy Speclol Store in Solent 111 N. Commercial Phone J-5197 er 2-9123 KAILES Announces . . . The opening of a new Kailes modern, daylight garment fac tory in Portland, marking an other step forward in our serving the women of the Wil. lamette valley with a source for fine coats and suits. We use only the finest ma terials in our garments. Fabrics from such relia ble sources as Forst mann, Brunswick, Jul- liard, Pacific Mills and many others. Our lin ings and interlinings, trim and detail are carefully selected for quality, color and wearability. Our fash ions come from the cooperation of leading designers augmented by the careful person al direction of Mr. Phil Kailes. who has had many years of ex perience in styling, cut ting and tailoring of fine suits and coats. MADE-TO-MEASURB SERVICE For the hard-to-ftt customer Is one ot the special service sll Ksllea storm otter: Select a sun. or mat from our 5walchea of fine woolens and have It tailored to your In dividual meaurement. The coat, la nominal NEW LOW PRICES Now in affect on all our Fall line of flna quality readv-to-wear. The more efficient operation of our new and larger factory ha made this poaalbl. 3 YOU PAY LESS AT KAILES Man order, filled from all KAILRS atores. . . . Pictured above . . , la a rhsrmlng figure slimming KAILES suit done In handsome all wool men wear worsted ..ttMM. 320 Court St. Salem tore Also In Albany, Eugene, Portland w-'iWtj y "mat' - f' "' f,"J' J '" lit '-v r r.JfJ ' - Wed Sept, 4 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jay Harris were married September 4, the bride being the former Joan Barbara Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke E. Lee. Mr. Harris is the son of Mrs. Grace Harris. WOODBURN A meeting of the social club of Evergreen chapter. Order of the Eastern Star, was held Monday night meeting. Plans were made to hold a Halloween public dance at the Woodburn armory on Sat urday evening, OctQber 29, de- following the regular chapter I tails to be announced later. Party for Miss Petrasy Miss Adrienne Petrasy, bride elect of Charles K. Chapman of Portland, was honor guest for a miscellaneous shower and party for which Mrs. Joe L. Bourne was hostess Tuesday evening. Guests included neighborhood friends of Miss Petrasy and her mother. Games were played and refreshments served. In the group were Miss Pe trasy and her mother, Mrs. Ste ven J. Petrasy, Mrs. A. L. Mor ton, Mrs. Wayne Kuhl, Mrs. John Reid, Mrs. Lila Daily, Mrs. Raymond Olson, Mrs. Everett Booster, Mrs. Byron Ray, Mrs. W. J. Peck, Mrs. B. W. Stacey, Mrs. Paul Bramble, Mrs. Jack Ray, Miss Patricia Bramble, Miss Gwen Hawley, MIjs Joyce Kanode, Miss Darlene Petrasy, Mrs. Bourne and her daughter, Miss Cynthia Bourne. Golf Event At the weekly day for Salem Women's Golf association, Wed nesday, winners in the day's play were: Class A, Mrs. J. N. Thompson; class B, Mrs. Stuart Thede; class C, Mrs. Charles Musser; class D, Mrs. Lynn M. Hammerstad. Winners announ ced from the previous week in cluded: Class A, Mrs. Claude Johns; class B, Mrs. Morris Crothers; class C, Mrs. M. A. Pekar. Last day's play on the cap tain's trophy will feature next week's day. MRS. EDNA PERRY of Elmi ra, N.Y., has returned to her home following a three months visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest B. Greenfield. ENTIRE STOCK OF SUMMER rsmststtiiiisn Every summer dress included . . . none held back! Rayons! Cottons! Daytime and dressy styles! Juniors, misses', women's and half sizes! NO LAY AW AYS ... NO PHONE ORDERS ...ALL SALES FINAL! 206 DRESSES VALUES TO 2.98! 100 DRESSES VALUES TO 5.98! 78 DRESSES VALUES TO 6.98! 103 DRESSES VALUES T0 10.98 On sale at 9:30 Friday morning . . . Fashions, second floor SH0PVARDS FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9!