; v k ' , i Treasury in Red $3,304,000,000 Washington, Sept. 15 (U.B The treasury has struck a bal ance for the first 10 weeks of the new fiscal year and reports itself in the red for $3,304,000, 000. There were years during the fnnlirtee and Hoover adminis trations when that sum would ave paid an government ex penses iui iiiuutiia. On a weekly basis since fiscal 1950 began on July 1, the treas ury has been spending beyond its income at an average rate of $330,478,000. Weekly income in the same period averaged $507, 137,000 and the weekly average of spending was close to $1, 000,000,000. The actual spending figure was $837, 616,000 every seven days. The most significant figure in the daily treasury report which covered the first 10 weeks of the fiscal year was on spending. It cost the taxpayers nearly $2, 000,000,000 more to run the federal government during the first 10 weeks of this fiscal year than it cost during the same period a year ago. That is a big increase. These spending figures from the background of a growing dispute between President Tru man and an economy group in congress for which the democra tic spokesman is Sen. Harry F. Byrd of Virginia. Sen. Robert A. Taft, (R., O.), and many other republicans also have been hammering at government costs and they recently were joined by former president Hoover. Spawning among oysters oc curs when the water in which they live reaches a temperature of 68 to 70 degrees F. Training Period Set For Linn Exrensioners Lebanon The annual officers' training meeting for heads of the Linn county extension units will be held September 16 in the Lebanon "city hall at 10:30 l .....M Hugh Atlantic City Pier Burns Main ballroom on At lantic City's "million dollar pier" lies in ruins after a $200, 000 fire ripped through 300 feet of the famed 1900-foot land mark. (Acme Telephoto) Minister The nomination of Nathaniel P. Davis (above) as Minister to Hungary has been confirmed by the senate. Con firmation has been held up for more than two months. Palmistry Readings Will tell your past present and future. Will advise on love, marriage and business Answert all questions. Are you worried? Why be in doubt? Special Vf Open 9 am. ioi t1 to 10 p.m. Moved from 466 Ferry to 173 S. Commercial Why Suffer Any Longer Whn otatri fill, oh our Chines 'tmtdlei Arrtfcilnt suceeu for 6000 fra :d Chink. No mitter with what iinienu ou smictNl disorder inwiltu bean Iuma, liver, kldneya m. LOiutipfttlOB. Ulcer, dUbetcs. 't"um&Tism. it 11 and bladder, ftvar 'in, i-rnaia eomplainu. CHARLIE CHAN rHlM, HFRB CO. 'tfftrt Rfiar ft t i and Sat Only N Commercial Phone flftls MUM, OUt. No One Is Closer to Chief Executive Than His Aide By MERRIMAN SMITH fUniird Prtu White Houm Rtportrr) Washington, Sept. 15 U. The influential role of Maj. Gen. Harry Vaughan in the Truman administration is nothing new for military aides to presidents. Vaughan has been hot front page material in recent weeks be cause of his friendship for and assistance to key figures in the current senate investigation of! oclock. This years program will be outlined by Linn coun ty's home extension agent, Miss Viola Hansen. The afternoon session will be devoted to a discussion of what constitutes a good business meeting. Yearbooks for the co ming year will be distributed and officers' handbooks brought up to date. so-called "five percenters." Probably no one in govern ment today is closer to the pre sident than Vaughan, a reserve officer who first met Mr. Tru man in the Missouri National Guard after World War I in which both served as artillery men. Vaughan has the president's ear whenever he wants it. His duties, according to his own tes timony before the senate inves tigators, go far beyond the sim ple liaison functions of one of three armed services aides at the White House. He does, to put it simply, what the president asks, and sometimes more. He is paid a major general's salary of $10,744 a year. The historical fact is that this has been going on for years. Military aides in a number of administrations have occupied powerful roles of influence. Sev eral became ambassadors. Many served as presidential secreta ries concurrently with their du ties as aides. Brig. Gen. Horace Porter, for example, served as aide and private secretary to President Grant. He became so popular for finding the grave of John Paul Jones in France that congress gave him the privilege of the floor of both houses for life. Maj. Archibald Butt, aide to Presidents Taft and Theodore Roosevelt, was noted in Wash ington for hit influence, particu larly in the administration of "T. R." Vaughan'i rank as a major general is not without precedent. The army aids the late Frank lin D. Roosevelt was Maj. Gen. Edwin M. (Pa) Watson who also served for several years as the president's appointment secreta ry- Watson s secretarial role was one of considerable power be cause to a large extent, he exer cised control over Mr. Roose velt's daily list of callers. Wat son was at the side of FDR at all the important wartime con ferences and died en route home from Yalta in 1949. A number of presidents gave their military aides a choice plum on the side the job of superintendent of public build ings and grounds in the District of Columbia. As a matter of fact, this was the custom rather than an exception from the early nineties until the time of President Coolidge. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Scpl. 15, 1949 29 Lodge Resumes Work Brooks Harmony Rebekah lodge No. 75 held its first regu lar meeting of the fall season in the lodge hall with Mrs. Ma ble Long, noble grand, and Mrs. Margaret Jones, vice grand, pre siding. Mrs. Sturgis Away Brooks Mrs. Katie Sturgis left for Hillsboro. where she will visit her son Francis Sturgis and family for a week. She will then accompany her son and family to Seaside where the group will spend a week. Nothing Down Hay Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS And Shades Wa alia wash, rctapt, paint ml raalal Four aid Vrneliae blloda. ELMER, The Blind Man Call anytime for Free Estimates Phon. S-7328 1453 Ruffe St (fnl Salem We give S&H Green Stamp SALEM LAWN SPRINKLING CO. Has just what you want most for that "new" lawn's water needs manual or automatic systems STANDARD or POPUP HEADS 734 North High St Phon. I-4S37 Naval Support Captain John G. Crommelin (above), navy flyer who accused the army and air force of trying to take over the national mili tary establishment, has been flooded with telephone calls from navy officers support ing his stand. Retired Admiral William F. Halsey, attending a private luncheon with sev eral other navy officers at Crommelin's home in Wash ington, called on "all navy officers" to support Capt. Crommelin. (Acme Telephoto) MAYFLOWER I Milk and Cream Homogenized Milk 10 Milk 5 Milk. Cottage Cheese Cheddar Cheese Butter Ice Cream AT YOUR STORE or AT YOUR POO Phone 39205 Tlfattlmrfllftnglh vrmfflNG as a mountains. Thr Price Thrill! The Teste Thrill! The Taste Thrill ! f'fpJtA CORNS GO FAST V quk-k nliW and Tlily mnofi arhinit "m. Willi thin. cu.hK.n f"l Dr. Scholl't Zino. Easy CREDIT Uaha Taur Own Imi nobl Ttfiwi at Sm lar'il Na Ifirarafl ar iitfa Chorflc . . pmy ati at raw a w 1 A WEEK Shatterproof! Complete Protection for Sportsmen - Shop Workers Children! SEMtft bring! you th Sofery ond Cenvanl net of Unbreakable teniet. In ftimleit or framed Glouet mad to th prescription of your Registered Optometrist. Crystal-clear Light-Weight Miit-Reiiitont. SPEEDY SERVICE Unbreakoble Clatiei ready In 1 Day at Semler'i (slightly mor time required for It Potoli, Tri-fotoli), f f m MAltY . i Hunt czar Gtitica DlSf f NSINS OPTICMNS OFFICES V 3-13H Wrim-tiM IMa. STATE I COMMERCIAL Mt. On tv CAR iinv. GOOD Win"" j ! mm m m Seorset finished ' ( j j ' ' rf" 1 panels i ;; I npA Special purchase, only - .JL t$WW fS c ': j ? I 1 1 'V&'iP ' chenille bedspread O Would be 1.29 in regular , h i ! : IMmS Li) f f stock. 43x81. ; ; t J II I I Fresh, first-quality rayon panels, completely hemmed and headed ri ' ., jt ' i Wi&'fM with 1 Vi-in. side hems and 3-in. f I i II v - i kPsrliiy, bottom hem. Soft eggshell shade. .1 f II f -3 a - J?KM fl Buy now at Sears for extra sov- . 'psz c s" P -v I xjV' in9$! . f r W&LJ rmml Harmony House fj jfellif j? ' 1 Ja Cotton Lace Panels j IMfMil Li- i'w Hemmed and beaded top AA ' '. It f&t?7'5.f "T ; "V .f.-.f:- 98c h MmWmiI' tp Curtoin Yardage 1k j j' (fjl? marquisettes . . . some I i' J. 2C&k.t '1 rJy' plain, some dotted, some ht flfl I WW .. . I x'foy-fcC-2& ' JZ&Sy checked and some with II II II WSSfesK 4 ' dainty colored figures. V j VW'1 ) Qii4lSff J 36" wide. Choose them U . X&S ' 4A:'4mY N at Sears Saving Price! . SrtailA Curtain Yardage reg. 39c yd. Closely woven cotton marquisettes . . . some plain, some dotted, some checked and some with dainty colored figures. 36" wide. Choose them at Sears Saving Price! Here is a perfect opportunity to give your bedroom new freshness and charm for fall at a price you can easily afford. Long wearing bedspreads of deep, fluffy cotton chenille in a woven design, made more lovely with fringed sides. Reg. 7.95 Chenille Spreads 6.88 SHOP UNTIL 9:00 P.M. FRIDAY Store Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily; 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Friday. Would Be 89c in our regular stock! terry towels 58c Soft Sheet Blanket Ideal Covor lor All Seasonj 2 29 B0x95-in. size . . . A. A f Downr-oft cotton int blanket, right for napping or cool lummc-r nighli. Whitcw strong ovor-lockcd ititchod tndi. Bath Mat Set Distinctive "CottoiT Pallern 2.98 2-pc. Set, Only. Cotton chsnillt on canvoc bactt. obi 2Ti36-in. mot; itandord fid eovor. Popular Hormony HotfM colon. Buy M4 Special pur chase brings them to you for only .... First quolity, thick, absorbent Harmony House towels in plaids, pastels ond whites with colored borders. 20x40-in. and 22x44 in. Blue, red, green, gold. Hand towels 35c 7 Special! Plaid washcloths Soft, thirsty. Gold, red, O C green or blue. lafcei iW.IU.'tmS.' - se.yi SJJMklli Of.ll Seamless Shower Curtain Sets 2.79 Assorted Designs Drliinte prints of lilies, swans, lravos. ships and flowers in j your choice of colors. 72x72- ln. snower curiain, ixji-hi. window curtain. Other shower curlulns from 2.39 to S.49 Window curtains from . . . 2.29 to S.29 PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE Shop in Air Conditioned Comfort c&a 550 N. Capitol St. Phone 3-9191 . . . DISPFNSING Or-TICMNS