24Capital Journal, Salem. Ore.. Thursday. Sept. 15. 1849 SENSA TIONAL SEPTEMBER 2 DYNAMIC PRICE REDUCING DAYS - FRI. & SAT- BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPT. Save! Buy N RAYON PANTIES 4 $1 "i An Exceptional Valut Choice of Pink and White Ml IV Brief and Banded Style Mi Sensational! K RAYON PANTIES 21 If Dainty Lace Trim Choice of Colon M Sizes 5-6-7 MA I rregular yyLadie7J ALL WOOL SWEATERS 1 V If perfect $1.98 J V Short Sleeve Pullovers Mi J Two-Tonei and Solidi Mjft Uei 34 to Kff p Don't Miss TisC LADIES BLOUSES I An amazing value! $1 1 1 Get a good supply I I at this low price! I J Hayon Crepes and Jersey! m Jv Print and Solid Colon Mt JV Jewel and V-Necks wf S-M-L f. SPECIAL PURCHASE LADIES HANDBAGS Regularly $3.98 IMAGINE You save $2.91 0 Choice of Plastics, suedes and crepes Novelty end basic styles Attractive sturdy clasps Beautiful attractive fittings Pure Silk LADIES HEADSCARFS If Not SPECIALLY PURCHASED Would Sell for $1.98 Beautiful Pure Silk Gay Bright Florals Clever Novelty patterns A must for school girls Popular large sizes INFANTS' DAINTY DRESSES Mothers' Don't Miss These Hand embroiderd 0 Clever novelty trims White & Pastels 2- $1 BOYS' TEE SHIRTS VALUES TO 59e Pleasing gay stripes Short sleeves Sites 2 to 6 2 ,or $ BATH MAT $1 Attractive 2-Pc. Sets LADIES' Rayon Gowns $1 Prints and Pastel Shades WINDSOR TIES 3 ,o' $1 Taffeta and Ombre Chiffon Plastic Aprons 3 fr $1 Bib Style GIRLS' COTTON PANTIES 5 ,or $1 Fine Combed Cotton White Only Sizes 1 to 14 GIRLS' RAYON PANTIES Fancy Lace Trim Choice of Colors Sites 2 to 14 ' 3 $1 vhot'v'1, I i at Framed f Pictures Yaluea to tl.M J f Plastic Table Cloths Assorted fclzes f Printed Percales . I Sds. 1 First Quality f f Curtain Marquisette I 5 yds. I White and Bcru J f Frozen Food I Containers JS One-Pint 6ie J f Plastit Fire Truck Mechanical f f Step-On Garbage Can vy Design f f Bread Box !ry Mis f Repeated by Popular Demand! ' OILCLOTH YDS. $ Generous 46 inch width An unusual value Florals & Solid Colors Easy to clean Slightly irregular Won't effect wear SPECIAL PURCHASE PILLOW TUBING Regular $1.59 Value Hemstitched C Type 128 t Supply is limited Shop early Bargains like this will go in a hurry! BOYS' BIB OVERALLS 1 Blue, Striped, Pastels Sizes 1 to 6 Regularly $1.39 Sanforized MEN'S RAYON HOSE 6 PR- f Save on this Needed Item Assorted Fancy Patterns Ankle & Long Length Sizes 10 to 12 or 1 Boudoir LAMP SHADES ( 2 F0R $1 ) Assorted Styles and Colors fk X Values to B8c A Real Valua! J A " Misses' -I White AnkletsX 6 PRS $1 Fine Mercerized Cotton Turn-Down Cuff X. jelightly Irreular if Always Needed! f TEA TOWELS Reg. 29c if perfect J 5 FOR .$ I K Open 30x80 Inches M Bleached JfJ Unhemmed Mwl r stock up Nowtyr Sheet Blankets x I Be ready for cold 4 1 winter nifhts 1 V LOW PRICED AT V Popular Plaid Pattern M Cozy Salvador Cotton Jt .Generoui Size LITTLE BOYS' FLANNEL SHIRTS MEN'S BLUE WORK SHIRTS Gay Plaids A A Sanforized . - j HeavyW.ight tailored for P.rf ect Fit J .. t. I Double Shoulder Yoke I Washable , Si, J4 , I CHILDREN'S FLANNEL PAJAMAS BOYS' BLUE DENIM LONGIES Regularly $198 m Elastic Waist Band m Medium Weiaht CI Double Stitched Seams ST " , l.um . 8 ,, - 3 I Orange Stitching and Copper Rivet 0 I Printed Juvenile Patterns "r I Trim I Sizes 8, 4 and 8 Only Sizes 1 to 6 136 North Commercial ) fOR$ 1 w or 1 I ot ACu9 ooo8 J THE STORES OF BETTER VALUES' Salem, Oregon