AUTOMOBILES PERSONALLY ENDORSED USED CARS YOUR GUARANTEE OF THE BEST 1949 HUDSON SUPER SIX SEDAN LOW MILEAGE AND LIKE NEW. PRICED, TO PLEASE YOU 1949 CHEV. PANEL TRUCK LOW MILEAGE WITH RADIO, AIR HORN. BUN SHADE AND OTHER LX1RAS. PRICED LESS THAN NEW. . 1947 HUDSON SUPER SIX SEDAN WITH LOTS OF POMWODOPE FEATURES. 3N CI.tlDINO OAS SAVINO ODRIVE ONE OWNER AND TOPS IN CONDITION AND PERFORMANCE. 1948 KAISER Sedan, clean and good 1946 PONTIAC Six Sedan, R&H 1946 CHEV. Sedanette, R&H 1946 HUDSON Pickup, exc. cond. And A Good Selection of most Makes and Models in Earlier Model Cars SHROCK MOTOR CO. THIS TIME IT'S HUDSON HIWAY SALES YARD DOWNTOWN SALES LOT 3020 PORTLAND ROAD WHERE CHEMEKETA GOES TO CHURCH PHONE 2-7023 PHONE 3-7B22 SCHOOL HAS STARTED AGAIN, DRIVE CAREFULLY, AND LOOK OUT FOR THE CHILDREN AUTOMOBILES "McKay's Corner" 1940 OLDSMOBILE "6" 4 DOOR SEDAN, NEW MOTOR, RADIO AND HEATER, GOOD TIRES AND PAINT : $695 1937 OLDSMOBILE TUDOR, RADIO AND HEATER $295 1940 PLYMOUTH OUPE "AS IS" Douglas McKay 550 NO. COMMERCIAL ST. LIST SHROCK'S Economy Lot For Low Priced Cars That Can't Be Beat! 1941 HUDSON SEDAN, O'drive and heater 1939 CHEVROLET COACH, runs good 1939 CHEVROLET COUPE, R&H 1937 PONTIAC SEDAN, MERCURY MOTOR 1937 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, priced right 1936 BUICK SEDAN, only $95.00 1935 PLYMOUTH PICKUP, $145.00 1934 FORD COACH, try it for $95.00 1937 HUDSON SEDAN, runs excellent 1935 CHEVROLET SEDAN, $85.00 1929 FORD COUPE, a steal for $50.00 ALL THESE AND MANY MORE CAN BE FOUND AT Shrock's Economy Lot 3020 Portland Road FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS'LOST AND FOUND PLENTY OP new clean Beds. At reason able rates. Inquire it Cedar Tavern or Berfi Pool Hall. Detroit. OregonJ PnWERTOOL rental for nome and .n dustrlal us Howser Bros Ph 1-3646 r To DO a good Job Tnt a good flior sand- r Wa eil everything to complete the lob. HOWSFR BROS - Ph. 3-3646 J "-OOD I'SED PIANOS. H L Stltt. OFFICE ,oace and desk space Ph 25892 TRAILERS 12.00 per day Homer Bro Ulu 6 tJth, West Salem 1 Bl MNESS EM. lor rent H L 8 tiff. V DRIVE truck, car Ph 2-9103 I IINC.FR ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chine. Reuonabe ratee. Free pick up A delivery -Sinter Brwin. Machine Co Mft N Com I Ph 31M2 ' WANTED TO RENT, EMPLOY!.! LADY, non smoker A- drinker urgently neetis room 1n very quiet home A- neighborhood with people ol go rharsder A exceptionally clean habits Preferahlv in home not raularlv rent ing a room. Willing to hear any expense of putting a rorm In mnd for gc.od ventilation, rleanl;nea A nuiet. In Sa Im. suburb, or nearby town ahere bui service I avatiahle. Don t aner i:n have accommodations needed. P O. P 7i4. t::o T"I AfTVoi PITA5Tn:PdMlre 2 Mrm noma partly lurn. 15 or m. Ph. 24F8 1331 MHTri TTPRWlIEr"a "small" t-rll ir gentiy need 3 brirm. houne with s'ove by Oft. 1. Not over 160. Ph. 2Vt0. Ja221 Nrw MONTOOMKR Y Ward manager needs 3 bdim. home. Will le.e. Plea' ran Mr. Wolf 3MP1. ) PHYsiriw- amilv 'delre 2 rr 3 hdrm unfurn. home. W.ll leas. Call 20U j2J0 PERM. ST4.TE employee A f mi:y deMre Jnfurn. 2 bdrm home. Pi. 3V).il. 220 I OR a RpRM. anfi'rn. ro!u- nded some r Oct. Not 4ner lii p?r m-i'i Ph. l-32ii. 4220' AUTOMOBILES 1949 FORD CLUB COUPE RAH. WHITE WALL TIRES. ONE OWNER FOR, A FORD OWNER THAT WANTS SOMETHINO NEXT TO NEW. 1948 HUDSON SUPER SIX SEDAN WITH RADIO, AIR CONDITIONER. ODRIVE, SEAT COVERS AND MANY OTHER, EXTRAS. PRICED TO SAVE YOU MONEY. 1947 PONTIAC EIGHT SEDANETTE ONE OWNFR SPOTLESS INSIDE AND Ol'T. NEW WHITE WALL TIRES. HAS R&H AND GOOD SEAT COVERS. US 1946 PONTIAC Eight Sedan, R& H 1946 HUDSON Super Sedan, Sharp 1946 NASH Amb. Sedan, R&H 1946 DODGE T. Pickup, 4 sp. Trans. IAUTOMOBILES .$350 Chevrolet Co. PHONE 33175 q220a Phone 2-7023 q221 LOST, man' Elfin watch between Sth ft Belmont 4t Hunt Food cannery. Re ward. Ph. 26444. k220 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINC.ER. men" butter. 464 Court We close Saturday 12 30. m?44 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR t 1IR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST AdolpA Bid. Stat A Commercial Sta 8ALFTM Phon 1-3311 tn BUILDING MATERIALS FTNA STEEL Door Frame, assembled, one un:t. Low Installation cost. PLJM IUTE West 8lem. me320 REINFORCING STFPL and Blok-Mesh In 4 6" and I" width. PU MI LITE. West Salem. ma320' CHIMNEY BLOCKS ft Foundation Blocks PUMILITE. West Salern Wrecking Gov't Projects Hundreds modern sash A windows. Cast iron A vitreous china wash bas.n com plete with flttinas. 100 S0-lnch 1 panel door wph fram A hardware. Large supply of 33 A 16 inch gsa doors ftith fme A hardware. C. O Lone. Ph. J. SHU. One nule north of Kelrer. m221 BUILDERS Nw S inch 4x6 ft abee'a InsulsMon bntrd 6c ft . onlv II "4 shet. A dir bie attrsctne as!) board. 11 fit In weight with insulat In value No. 1 mountain cedar siilni.a 17.71 Cear anakes n the carton. pa:nted wjta under course 112 aq. C. O Long. Ph. 2-Si? I One milt north of Kelaer. rr23J Insulation-doors" New fiber glass roll blanket lnsn:t:n t bsrcain price. Pull stock 1 panel do'fs. grsrfe A. Low prices on mahogany Inetior doora made in Sweden. French doors, glass doors, en'rnf door Check ir price. C. O. Lone. Ph, 3-5631. One rru'e nrth of Eeirer m323 rtnnE F interior and eater. or di"rs. Jist a Vw l-f' a rf il rr:'e Kl'h S:oo. Front Court St, Salem. 1 IAUTOMOBILES BUILDING MATERIALS CEDAR GUTTERS Just received small stock of hard to art grades, (clear) & (tight-knot i S'x4'" Cedar gutters. Keith Brown. Front & Court St., Salem, ma CEDAR SiniN'GN'W ahlpment ix8" and xlO" cedar aldlni. all gradea. Keith Brown. Front & Court Sts.. Salem. ma BEAR CUSTOMER. Irauit on your con tractor and carpenter using the finest old growth vertical grain yellow Ur finished lumber In Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co 3S Lana Ave Ph. J4939 Free parking. nSO' SAVE Oft ROOFING Let Wards gtv you eompleU H) STALLED prlca on your roofing needs wide range of color Call our outside salesman (or free vtlmata Pboae 1-3 1 91 MONTOOMERT WARD A CO. SALEM. OREGON NEW SHIPMENT piast board 4" 4c: ' 6c (t Rock lath 41 a. It I Lift UONTOOMERT WARD 8 4. LEU AI.IIMA - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK ililNOLE. The modern permanent roof ing. Sea your dealer of Call Dlst. 3-S401. ma2?3 RED CEDAR SHINGLES High Mountain or Coast Timber No. 1 $7 75 DELIVERED ANT AMOUNT 100 u. No. 3, I in clear, aultablt for roof or aldewalla. Ted Uuller. Ph. Sa lem 2-119 Salem-Indep. Road mi' NURSERY STOCK DAHLIAS: Order bulbs now. 1491 7th 6t. Went Salem. Ph. 2-0S14. mb224 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS C MF.LODY saxaphone In excellent condi tion, very reasonable, iaeai lor begin ners. Ph. 37894. n222- SAWDUST BURNER. Ph. 38006. n231 PIANO. GOOD condition,-reasonable. Call evenings. Maude Johnson 88A Abrams Ave. n221 NATIONAL .ITS ALL-WAVE RADIO RE CEIVER. LIKE NEW. PH. 2473S n225 EASTERN BUILT, furnished "house trail er, excellent. 1935 Ford, radio, heater, defroster, spotless. Mechanic hand A power tools. All for 11600. 130 Lana Ave. Mr. Rice. n222 DAVENPORT A CHAIR, reasonable. 115 Elm at. call after 5. naas SHOTGUN, 12 I a. pump. 3346 Myrtle av7.' n222 ARIF.NS TILLER, perfect mechanical con dition. 3 sets extra tinea. Transport wheel. Save over 1250. Ph. 4043. D. L. Holland. 966 Marquam Ad., Sllvtrton. Ore., after 6 p m. n223 F 4.BLE M ODFL Empire Ironer. Like new 126. Trader Louie, 3065 Portland Rrf. n222' MAN'S open faca Hamilton told watch. Sell reasonable. Ph. 2-4796. n222 L. C. SMITH shotaun. Field grade, double. cost new 196. Been fired twice. Will aell for 166. Eve. 25455, 790 Rosemont. n222 V FRAMED door mirrors at only $2.96 while thev last. Glen Woodry Furniture Market 1605 N. Summer St. n323 PIANO SALE! BALDWIN WURLITZER - CABLE Beam Iful sample splneu nd console Ihown at Oreaon State Pair at BIO SAVINGS! New pianos from 639-VOO. Also etceilent burs on aeieral used grand and up rights Stone Piano Co. 1540 Fairground Road Salem, Ore. 225' MO VTA O wood rang in good condition 113. Call 1-5686. n223 REG. SA.M Bjdoir Lamps. Spc. S day gt 13 95. They ire goraeo i. Glen Woodry Furniture Market 1605 N Simmer St. n332' BICVCI.E. new. regular price $S5 00. rial at 14ft on "pe HAIN'S OUTBOARD A SPORT SHOP 1201 B. Commercial Ph. 3AnM DFER "rih.Eh Ne"w MVrnnA24;rbarreis Winchester 30-10 rarbine. Ammunition and h-in' :r,t supp!i. HAIN'S OUTBOARD A 8 PORT BHOP 1201 B. Commercial Pn. 3nn n222- PI4NO: Small Uprleht in good condit"n. II .'iO. P.Tfine 1-1530 n222 ewini; M4rniNts. N,w Horn tlecir.c. A UP. Ph. 33139. 189 95 Ralph Johnson Appli nances nJ4n up. Ph. I'rn SEWING Machines, 110 33129. Ralph Johnson Appliances T124S- ETIM4.Tn OM0p. tl-rber pear" Mr ra. pe H w. ThieLsen at f it bo mi. Pa. 15079, b2J1 f0 SALE MISCELLANEOUS NEW A I'SED muslcai Inst ru man la A pint A grand plana at reduced prleaa. JAQUITH MUSIC CO., Ph. 1-4641 n344 TRADE 6t 6c nut vending machine for Houi Trailer, II Highway Ave. Ph. 31746. B122 Paging All Newly Weds You can't afford to buy one Item of fur nitur until you hava shopped Olenn Woodry' Furniture Mkt. You'll be shown clever new furnlturt at unbe lievably low price. Term of course. "For a real buy. live u a trv " Glenn Woodry Furn. Mkt. Ph. 1-611(1 B214" R. C. AI.LEN Cash RegUter. Like new. 1175. Ph. 3-4641. n334 Save 20 to 50 ON BAND A ORCHESTRA INSTRUMENTS A SUPPLIES New C!ar:nei 159 50. Trumpet 143 50. Trombone 65 00 Baritones 1136.00. French horn 6175.00. Violin 616 up. All kind of used instrument. Soma rental Instrument available. Jacquith Music Co. Ph 3-4641 646 Cascade Drive. n234 ttwt GENUINE Russian Silver Pox fur coat. White trim. Perfect cond. Will tell for 6150 Ph. 35059. n221 SINGER SEWING machine. Porta b ! Round bobbin. Ph. 29197. n221 BROWN MARMOT fur coat, sir 12-14. 425. Black double breast tuxedo. Good cond, 116.00. 1740 Norway. Ph. 13A.S3 n220 SI'PEROLDS CORNET, good condition. Used 1 year. 971 Union St. or Capital street market. 611 Capital Bt. n221 FI LLER brushes, 1745 Grant. Ph. 3-6357. n244 OH, FLOOR furnace. Oood cond. Ph. 21154. R221 RUMMAGE SALE at Flr.'t Methodist Church Sept. 15 A 16, Thur. A Frl. n230 .EAV1NG TOWN. Will sell 1935 Hudson; nflr. ski A gear, barbells, wood lathe, rhslel. 3 cy, Maytag motor. Ph. 20331. Ask for Joe. n221 OIL CIICI'LATOR. 46.000 B.TU. 6 rm. Used 1 month. Stove pipe A draft in eluded. Ph. 25170. n230 WnTc ALTDeer Rifle. 640. Phone Btayton 416- n223 CAR RADIO, ex. cond., 6 tube, guaran teed. 130.00. See after 4:30 p.m. at 1386 Elm St.. West Balem. Ph. 3-8007. n220 PLYWOOD Piano Boxes, 11.00, Tallman 395 8. 12th. n 320' METAL CLARINET, B flat. Almost new. 176. Ph. 2-1554. 1)220 CABINET TREADLE Sewing machine. Ph. 33?20J 1)320 9-06 MAUSER: K2.5 scope A shade, cus tom myrtle wood stock, In new condi tion. 11 "5. Mountain State Power Of fice. Mill City. n222 STEEL CLOTHESLINE posts, railing In stock A made to order. 1145 N. Liberty. n242 TRUCKERS coma and get It, pit run and fill dirt. 50c. Silt 60c. Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. Ph. 31966. n237 USED FURNACES OIL BURNERS. BAWDUST BURNERS, AIR CONDITIONERS A OAS RANGE. HOB-LAND FURNACE CO., ,370 KEAR NEY. PH. 37803. n221 COLLECTIONS of antiques for sale. Key wind watch and oraan. Apt. 3 upstairs. Do pot bother landlady. 575 Marion. n220 FOR SALE: Must be sold In 1 unit only. 15. 115, 125 H P. 3 Ph. motors with belts, pulley, switches. 1 Bolter, 1 stripper, all saws, SI. 200 complete. Telephone 3-6654 or 3-5749. n22P FOR SALE: Shells for foreign A odd call- bra rifles. Also several rifle. Trades considered. V. M. Sackett, 1510 So. Winter St Phone 1-4912. n320 WALLINQ SAND A GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways, cement, ready mix concrete, garden snnd Bulldozing, drainage and ditching. 4-yd. shovel and drag Una. Ph. 3-8249. SEWING Machines Electric or Treadle Service on all makes. Ph. 3-7671. n22S LI'MllER 2x48 by Jitney load, 610 per 1,000. You naui. independence Lumber A Mfg. Co., Inc. Independence, Ore. GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosle. Q lbs on and Montag Applance at Gevurtx. n FENCE POSTS, pole, all typea Shingle. fertlllier A flatrock Phillip Bros. Rt 6. Box 118. Ph. 31458. SALEM SAND a OR A TEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditenint Sewer A Basement Equipment Bentai 15 B '.- yd 10 B yd. D-7 Cat A Doier D-6 Cat A Dorer D-4 Cat A Dozer Sea tu about ditching by thi ft. Phont Day 3-9408 Eves 3-826 or 3-4400 fealem Oregon a I'SED OIL burner and bloweig. Priced to sell. Ph. 28663. n2.13 TALLMAN' 8 MID SUMMER PIANO SALE Special I83S Spinet Limited Ho. 1494.00 Pull 88 nota key board, east Iron Plata. Beautiful ton and finish. ISO DOWN BAL EASY TERMS A big saving on floor aamplea and dem onstrators. Such fine makes as Knabe, Fischer, Lester, and Betsy Ross Splneu Oood selection Orand and upright p.anos as low as 110 per month. TALLMAN PIANO STORE. I NO. 175-395 S. 13th. A mil from high prices n23i WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: TABLE saw with tilting arbor. rn. as(. nsaa WENEED Junk batteries. Paying 11.76 Retread Tire Service, 320 So. Lancaster. na231 WANTED fnrnltura vo glua A repair. Lea nroa. mm Haruianing co n I7v0l l!FD n'RNTTITRi; Phrme 1-0186 PERSONAL I WILL not be responsible for any debt.' or bill other tnan my on. Sept. 14. 1949. John E. Olnn. Logslen. Ore. p2Jl WILL NOT be rvpntutbll for any debts except my own. Harold L. Blair. Sept 14, 1949. - P221 I wfl.L NOT be responsible for any hills other than my own. Virginia Hutchlns Sept. 12. 1949 p 290 AUTOMOBILES IMI MASTER Deluxe Chevrolet roup Clean In A out. Excellent motor A tires Ph. 38076 after 6 .10 am q223 MODEL A Pringle Rd. touring. Ph. 31117 or 336 0.222 PIVMOITH with '47 Dodge mo- RArH Pn. 2M47. q3 WILSONS Buy a Better Used Car From Your Buick Dealer 1946 BITICK RDM.WTR SEDAN FT ...13346 1949 CHEVROLET CARRYALL 1S 1947 BUICK Sl'PFR ConTerttblg ... 1MB5 !I47 RUICK RDMHTR SEDAN 1615 1647 BUICK SUPER SEDAN 1625 1938 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN 69? jl937 BUICK PPECIAL REDAN 4B-, I 1937 CHEVROLET I DOOR 425 OttoJ.WilsonCo. COMMERCIAL AT CENTKR I J)1' AUTOMOBILES MODEL A Ford, cut down, 10" wheel. good cond, I6T. Al Nolan, Rt. I, Box 256P. 1 u:. N Keiier Sch. 312 FORD 'M 4 door deluxe. Oood paint and motor. Pnone 43623. q222 16 CHEV. 4 dr. 3 tone. RAH. 14.000 mil. Original owner. 11695. 3657 Cherry ve q332 LOOK CARS - TRUCKS - PANELS LOW AS $50 DOWN RON'S MOTOR CO. 340 S. High Ph. 34566 221' FOR SALE or trad: 1936 Plymouth 4 door norn. rn. 2019V. qjw1 FOR KAl.E: 1941 Rutck Spm. Sedanette, 1- ton grey, fully equipped. Must e to appreciate. 359 N. Liberty, Apt. 3, 6 to 6 P m. o.321 37 HUDSON 8150. 3165 N. Liberty. Ph saSi. 0.130 IBM FORD Pickup 6175. 1660 Jefferson St. qaao IH36 FORD. Recond. motor. 8100. 1480 Broadway, q320 l'ED CAR! WANTED Immed rash for good used cars. Oat bit offer before you sell. McCall. 1397 Stat. Dial I-S108. a.331 II7 FORD Tudor Sedan. Clean, new tires. 11300. 70 S. Lancaster Drive. Phone 2-6242. Call after 5 30 p m. q221 l&Sft DO DC. P. deluxe edan. Excellent con dition. Phone 3-6643 or 3-1173. q223 '87 FORD coupe. Clean, good eond., 1395. Ph. 1(364. 1330 Lancaster after 6 pm. q323 1911 CHRYSLER broa ham, very good. Ph. 3-5642 or 3-3173. q223 1646-47 PACKARD 4 door Dtlux 6 Sedan. Only 32,880 miles. Original owner. Ov erdrive, el. clutch, radio, heater, wind shield washer, fog A spot light. New Genera's with safe! v tube. Slipcovers nd underrating. Here Is a real buy at 61650.00. Call 3-4016. Eve. 3-82U. q221 3 PLYMOl'TH, '49 motor. Oood rubber. In good cond. Be at 2241 Mill St. C220 FOR SALE. Model A coupe In good con dition. 1150.00. Ph. 34219. 4220 Eisner Motors to Sell 1940 RECONDITIONED Super "8" 4 Dr. Packard sedan, with radio, heater, overdrive, good rubber. Oolng to college. 1395. Bee Bill Burwell, 3 p.m. "p m. 255 Center St. qI20 HOLD EVERYTHING! WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR NICE CLEAN CARS. '37 MODELS ON DP. CASH PAID. TRADE, SELL OR BUY. ZEEB'S USED CARS 3335 FAIRGROUNDS ROAD PHONE 3-6454 q222 6A6 I'XED CAR LOT 850 A your old one. 12th St. Junction Open till 10 p.m. q24la Eisner Motors to Buy CAR ACCESSORIES tires & tubes at cost price. First coma first served as this is a close-out sale. Dealers welcomed. R D. Wood row Co., 430 Center. q ZEEB'S USED CARS BOY - SELL . TRADE TERMS 333 Fairground Road Phono 1-6454 Eisner Motors Fine Cars rTORCJTClSCOOTERS SAFTICYCLES New and used. Low prlca transportation, up to 100 miles per gal. Small down payment. Low monhtly pay ment on bnl. HAIN'S OUTBOARD St SPORT SHOP 1201 s. Commercial Ph. 36050 qa223 194 "4.1" H. D. Motorcycle. Oood condi tion. 8140. Pit. 3-6717. 2165 Chemeketa. qa220 FOR 9 ALE Late '47 Airborne Cushman Motor Scooter. A-l condition, 1150 cash. Edgar Fen n I more. Rt. 1. Box 345. fiil verton. Ore. Phone Marquam 3 IF1. 5. 4 Ml. N.E. Sit vert on hUhwar 211. qs320 FARM EQUIPMENT USED TRACTOR TIRES, popular, 5 00 and up. Montgomery Ward A Co., Salem qbJJI BOATS Ol TBOARD MOTORS 33 II P. Evinrtide. wed (250 22 H P Evlnrude. used 8125 i H P. Evlnrude. used J 200 16 H P. Evlnrude. used 1161) 16 H P. Johnson, like new 1265 's H.P. Evlnrude, ued fHO H P. Evlnrud. used 150-115 HAIN'S OUTBOARD ft SPORT SHOP ,1201 B. Commercial Ph. 36050 qq222 It FT. Bml-V-Boat. Nearly new or will trade inr good carbine Deer nine. Ph. 34525 or sea R. M. Kelley at Chemava. qq230 ALCMINI'M BOATS Ideal for fall fth Ing Llaht. fast, unslnkable. No upkeep worrlej. Excellent design. 8-10-13-14 ft. ne. 8150 up. Oo. E. Allen Hdw. q-2Jn FINANCIAL $10,000 LOAN wanted, down town business will pay 6 per cent, repay at $150 to $200 per month, all paid back by 3 years. ALSO $10,000 loan wanted on hiahly improved farm, 3 or 5 years, will repay at rate of $150 per month including interest at 6 per cent. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8. High St. Telephone 34131 $ CASH $25 to $500 rnRNrrrjRt, livestock EQUIPMENT LOANS DP TO 1300 Com to or phono Hollywood Finance Co. 1686 Fairground Road Rett Door to Rank No Parking prob.em Phone 11033-Lle N M369-S36! Floyd Ren von. Mar. t' PRIVATE MONEY Bper t! Rites and Term On Larger Loan Long and Short T:me Pymn' ROT H SIMMONS 136 South Commercial St. Phong 1-8181 SEE tIS FOR ATTR ACTIVI FARM tSytXB ONLY 4 OR 4' INTEREST I '0 66 Year and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. OENERAL FINANCE CORP. I.OANS Lie. S-1J3 and U-336 and POY H SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 116 8 Commercial St. Tel 3-6161 f FARM AND CITY LOANS 1k - nA !. ' rol l OWN term R of repayment wiihtn reason Cash for Ral Estate Con tracts j and err'.d Uoruii'i ' CS.PITOL BFC'HITIFS CO 1 101 Piooeer Trust B4g. Ph. I-H6I r I i REALTOR m 'it, A, pjion, I 111 f FINANCIAL AUTO LOANS WIXLAMETTB CREDIT OO. 12 S. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 1-3457 Lie. No. M-156 S-I64 r BILLS UNPAID? I add your obligation I pay them off In a lump sum with loan from Personal t then make Just on reason bl pay ment each month 135 TO .0O ON AUTO UP TO 1300 ON SALARY, FURNITURE Don't borrow unnecessarily, but If a loan solve a problem, phone or come la today. Personal Finance Co. of Salem 111 State St Room 133 C. R. ALLEN. Manaaer Phono 1-346 Lie, S-133, W-16S rl?0 TRAILERS tt FT. GLIDER. Butane range. Bleepi 4 uora ronaiiion. noa. rir Crest Trailer Park. North River Rd , 1322 DEER HI'NTERS SPECIAL: Trailer. 2- wneei metal with rack, tall lite, atop lite, brake, spare tire ft wheel, ITS. Trader Louie, 3065 Portland Rd. t322 STRONG I'TILITt trailer New tire. large box suitable for saddle horse. 750 S. Lancaster Drive. Phone 2-6242. 1221 NEW 3 wneel all metal trailer. Rack and cams cer. 1335 Lee 8t 1223 l4 TRAILER. 33 ft., excellent condition. Sleep 4. See at Lana Lane Trailer Plata. Turn right on 06 N. at yellow light after underpay. W. O. Johnston. till BI VING A new rar? Save money. I will go 10 laciory ann nnve it out lor you Capital Journal Box 400 xjjn DIRECTORY tDUINO MACHINES Alt m.k.1 p6 mflehtD., told. mM rtPAlrtd Rm 454 Court Phon. APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair aerrlce new appliance. Vluee's Eiectne Phone Free estimate Ttade1n accepted on 3-6239 1 57 S Liberty St o AT-UR DOOR GRINDING 'awnmower sharpening and repairing Dexter'a Pn 36633 o AUTO RADIOS A ut honied Warranty Repair Station for all make of Auto Radio Mnrro Radio Co.. 153 8 Liberty Ph 36955 e MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phon 6-6266 Hlgnt 3-1804 33" Center o" Mike Panek, 275 S Com'l. Ph. 3-5161. Brake and wheel aligning specialists. 03S3 BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now Terms. No down payment. Phon 3-4850. t RT ildino "contractors Alt Bros. Also houses raised. New foun dations. Phone 3-5006. o242 RI'LLDOZINO Dean Robinson. Ph. 3-6537 or 3-4306. 0239 Bulldoelng, leveling, road bldg., clear ing teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey. 1010 Fain-lew Ave. Ph. 3-3146. Salem. o239 CARPENTER-WORK Carpenter work. New, repair. Ph. 2-2003. o230' CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA easr register Al make sold rented, re pa. -ed Roen 456 Court Ph t-6773 o CEMENT WORK For exprrt guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation sidewalks drtrewaya. patio, curb, walla. t. Call 3-4650. o CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimney vacuum cleaned Ens'ey 771 8. 31st. Ph. 3-7176. p233 D R ESS MAkTnc. AIL, drcis making. Oood used clothes for sale. 360 State fit. Rm. 27. o244 ELECTRICAL-CO N TRACT! N O Vlnce's Electric for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing, 157 S. Liberty EXCAVATING A GRADING Excavating A grading; Ren Otjeo ft Son 616 Rural Ave. Ph 33080. o23 EXTER M I NATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross, 1555 Pearl. o233 Bimthauot r tor flowers Dial 3-9179 r J'hel. stt."e ft die." el oil. Ph. 3-3186 Shell Oil Co L T. Maxwell, distributor o241 FURNACE CLEANING Giant TacuuTn machine. Trailer mount ed. Ph. 28662 United Products Co 3037 Portland Rd. Reasonable pr'.re. o231 HOIfKEIIOLD PRODLCTa J R WLtktns Oo products Prat d ivery 1717 Center Ph 3-5185 o IN;- lll.ATION Johns-Manvllle. Phone 3-3748. INSTRUMENT REPAIR Expert musical Intrument repnlr. All work fully guaranteed. JACQUITH MU SIC CO. Ph. 3-4841. o344 J A INTO R SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waxtng Buildings - Paetorira - Homes Estlrr.atej Without Obllaation AMERICAN RLDO MAINT CO. Ph. Salem 3-9113 e LAN Apr NI RKERT P Doerfler A Son. Ornamental Ut1 N Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 3-1322 o DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry. 34S Jef ferson St., Phone 23452. o I.AWNMOWERS Sharpened. guaranteed service New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Srptt, 147 S. ComT St. olll LAWN "m OWE R Sn A R PIN I NO At Vuui door lawnmowe sharpening Dexter the lawnoviwer mas Ph l8il MATTRESSES Capital Beading Phone 3.4068 r MIHIC LESSONS Spanish 6c Hawaiian OuHar. Mandolin. Banjo, etc. 1523 Court St, Ph. 9-7568 o240 oe"ftFeflrnit i;r rTVs cpplie n Desk chslr. file and filing suppnt safes. dupHcatoH and auppne desk lamps typewr.ter stands brief eases 'icrce Wire Recerdera. Roeo 456 Coin OIL Rl RNFR SERVICE We service all typs of burneri.Ph 36R82 United Produru Co 3037 Port land Rd Work guaranteed. o2!t Ifitrom'a are equipped to painting Phon 3-2483 PA P E R W A Nf 1 1 NO Expert Paperhsnging and painting. H J Woodworth. Ph. 3-5866. Free est r227 PAIS! I N f4PA TE R IN O Pn In tine and paper hang In Frew esfi mate. Ph 3-8513. 857 Shipping. O240' Call 3-2608 for r.our Painting Paper t.anrln. Attrartiie rates 022V ru tt Ht t RAMINO Picture framino Hutchaoo Paint Store Phok 9-6981 a pTfMRiNfi Fisher, 144 Com'l. Ph. 3-3018. 213' PRI NINI1-SPRAV1NO Phillip' W " Re like" pVV-'lSl o22 M N D Af 1 R A V Et Oarden Soil, em tried rnrk, Shovel and draaiine ear a vat ins. Walling Hand A Orae Co.. Phone 3-6248 o Vallev Sand Orave, Co Silt sand f :, d:'t firgvatlng 10R hovei A eats Tryr'n' scoop A irucaa for cr gaflvtni Pn. Office 34003, rag. 37146. Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., 4 t: . l'p in the Air Gary Pofiue, at five months the youngest fracture patient in the Fresno county General hospital, smiles bravely despite the awkward traction splints used to mend the broken leg he suffered when he catiRht the limb in the bars of his crib. (AP Wirephoto) Stocks Decline On Strike Threat New York, Sept. IS tThe stock market put up a good show of resistance today to sell ing touched off by the threat of crippling strikes. Prices declined fractions to around a point at the opening of the market but soon leveled off. , Later in the day some is sues showed a tendency to rally and enough selective buying de veloped ot lift some slocks to the best prices of the year. Turnover topped 1 ,000.000 shares for the third day run ning. The possibility of a steel strike suddenly lomed large ov ernight after steel management expressed opposition to indus try-financed social benefits for steel workers. Lower were U. S. Steel, Beth lehem Steel. General Motors, Standard Oil NJ), Gulf Oil, Douglas Aircraft, Homestake Mining and American Tele phone. High-priced Coca-Cola shot up 114 points to 171 Vi at one time. DEATHS Arthur P. toiler Arthur P. Foxier, 1st resident of Van Nuys, Calif.. September II, at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Pave A. Wood at 546 South 17th street, at the sue of 85 years. Also urvlving are another dainti er. Mrs. Arlene Frost of Las Vegan, Ncv., wn sons. Lmvd E Foster of Ealrvlew. Okla., and Arthur Hermit Foster of Van nuys, rn.; two slMers. Mrs. Dora Ma bee and Miss Ailre Porter, both of Salem; even grandchildren and one great grand - hi Id. services will be held at the Howell- Etlwardb elm pel Friday. September 16. at 3 p m. with Rev. W. H. Lyman of the Court Street Christian church officiating iniermeni in me Evergreen cemetery at McMlnnvllle. DIRECTORY SAWS Salem Saw Wrka. Ph. 3-7603. 1301 N 6th 022 8 HEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Electric Kuio-Rooter Exclusive patent Rar or .Miarp Steel Cutting Blades Clean Hewers or Drains Septic Tent? Cleaned Heaa tb 6-6327 or 6-6466 SEPTIC TANK Mike's Septic Service. Tanks clcanrd. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St. W. Salem, Ph. 9-8468, 3-6.127 0216 K P Hamet. Septic tank cleaned E'ectrlc machine service on sewer and drain lines Guaranteed work. 114)-8t!i St.. West Salem. Pn. 3-7404 0233 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge Call us collect Todd's Septic Tank Service. 2S4i State St. Phone 2-0734 o KFW1NO MACHINES New Home sewing machine sales. We repair ah make. King wood Elec.. inn EdBewater. Ph. 3f8 o231 Roueht. sold, rented, repaired E7. terms All make. W. Devenport, Ph. 37671. 0226 All makej repaired, free estfmatrs S.nger Spaing Mach'na Co 130 No Commerrlai Ph 3-3512. o TYPEWRITERS Smttb Corona, Remington Roal, Under wood portable Alt make u) Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court o' FKANsV EP 4 i IKIRAI.I " " ocal At Distance Transfr itoraie Burner oils, coal A ontjuetj rrucHA ii Portland dally Aaent for Begins Houxe hold good morrd to antwher In U 8 o, Canada Larmet Transfer tt Storace Ph 3-3131 O1 VE "n e ti i a jTrmn II Made li Saiem Kree est Phone 1"32R rimer the B.lnd man o' wri.i, RRii.i.iNn Pred Wymore, RtTToV3l7r"Ph.-3-Sl"3T o238 W I 4.THI BslKlrriSfi . T. PULLMAN Pji. t-W, 02.1.1 WIMMIW KIMDI.1 Wasbabi. Holier Mud to ordrr 1 Da Dei Remhoidt A Lewi Ph 2:i6 o' WINDOW Vl.EANIMl Acme Indow Cleaner Window, wail 6t woodwora cleaned Floor cieaneo ted end polished Ph 9-9317 4 Court Langdoo, Cuibertson and Mauier WOOIAWINO Atklna Cro7rh7J-86';4 or J-S178 02.18 WOlll) SAWDCST Wet Salem Fuel Co. Ph 3-4011. o j npitflay nleht Visitors wei A Pacific Lot'tte No. 50, AP, rV y AM Ristrd Mrrnint Friday. Spt. 16, S pm. 2iV Thurwlay, Sept. IS, 1949 2 4 .J Mrs. Oeraldine Rurrfgbt Mr.' Geraldlne Burrixht. late resident of 198 South Church street, at a local .mspital. Se;itrmber 14. Surviving are the ii-iAb.uid. filcnn Burriitu of Silem; a son, J:rn Snctton of Salem; her mother, Mrs. Lillian Cain of Suanville, Calif.; a sis ter. Mrs. Je.v Do or Re.ldlni. Calif.; iwo grandchildren, Jim Shrlton, Jr., and Shelton, both of Salem; and an aunt. Mrs. Tom Conway of Oakland, Callf. Servtres will be held at the Clough-Bar-nck chapel Saturdur, September 17, at 10 30 a m. with Rev. Orvllle W. Jenkln officiating. Entombment will be In Ml. Crest Abbey Mau-ioleunc. John l.oundagin John Lounrtag:n. late resident of 718 Co lumbus ureet. at a local hospital Septem ber 1J, at the age of 68 years. Announca ber 13. at tha aaa of 68 years. Surviving are the widow, Mr. Roxy Loundagin. 8a !m. seven sons. John LoundaKin, Walla Walla. Wash.. Howard Loundaatn, Mos cow, ldalio; Clnrk and Ralph Coulson, both of Portland; Robert Coulson, Toledo; and John and Carl coulson, both of Salem: a dnuKhN-r, Jean Llenllvn. Portland; a sis ter, Mn. Margaret Ellis, Salem; a broth- er. Fred O. Loundagin of Olendale, Calif ; and four grandchildren. Services will bo held Saturday. Sent 11 t n M tv.- j Howell -Edward chapel with the Rev. Dud ley strain officiating. Michael Kenneth Miles Michael Kenneth Mile, three-month- old sen of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mile. Jr, of 734 North Front treet. at tha real dence. September 14. Surviving also aro the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Scharfer of Salem and Mr. and Mr. Russell Miles, Sr., of Willamlna. Oregon. irvicea will be held at tha Howell-Edwards chapel Saturday, September 17, at 1:30 pm. with interment In Belcrest Mem orial park. William C. Weegel William C. Wessei. 1st resident or For est Hills. Lona Island. New York, at a lo cal hospital September 14. Survived by a sister, Mrs. W. L. Oranre of Forest Hill. Long bland. N. Y. Shipment has been ade to Flushing. Lona Island. New York, ir services and Interment br the Howall. Edwards chapel. Charles Herman Llppe Charles Herman Lippe, at a local hoi Pilal. September 14, at the aae of 77 year. Survived by six daughters, Mrs. Ma Aldrlch of Prinevllle. OreKon, Mr. El vena Davis and Mrs. Madie Thomas, bobh of Salem, Mrs. Edith Stiunk and Mrs. La- ona F-rrah. both of Vancouver. Wash., and Mm. Alma Guxlafson of Petaluma, Calif.; a brollier. John Llppe of Waukon, Iowa: a sister, Mrs. Minnie O lower, Mln- spoils. Minn.: 11 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Oravejdrie service in oe neid Saturday. September 17. at flam, at the Fisher cemetery at Fisher, Wash., under the direction of Uia Howell Edwards chapel. OBITUARY MRS. DORA SWANK Lebanon Funeral service for Mr. Dora Swank. 61, who died at her home In the Tallman district on Albany Rt. 1, were held here Thursday afternoon, Elder ;eori S:mon.s official ing and burial In iand Kide cinnirrv She wan born near L"banon Jan 2ft. 1188 and had spent tha iaM fid years ,n Ihe community wrier aha lled Mrs. Swank la survival by her h'is ouno. Jene P. Smrik, son. Wilmer Swank. Albany, to dHuiniers. Luclle Connet, La iianon and Mildred Underwood, Albany; tao slMers, Mrs. Jane Wood. Sweet Horn and Mrs. Lena Anderson. Lebanon; also n adnpted brother, Hubert Clark, Hal sey. nne arsndchlldren and eight great grandchildren. WILLIAM PHILLIPS STEIN Aurora Funeral services wera held Thursday for William Phillips Stetn. 63, Canbv. Rev, RuOerl D Rennett of the hAnnerlU'-l V B. church otiicisted tt th Cnnoy Funeral home witn Interment In ion Memonitl purk. Pnlibearers wera rle HsrMmisn. Roy Hampton, Charles Hurl irk. Chnslian Arneon. A P Heaa- on and Itr Ever.'oie. Mr. atein. born In ItiisA.a of fiernun psrrntaee. u survived liy hw idn-, is fnrmcr Emily Pega, to uliom lie s married June 14, 1816, at !tnt:in. Mnnitohi. Canada, two sons and n rinuKh'er, Arihur John and Oordon K. Hiein, bo!h at home, and Mrs. Donald HiiAt ni'.v wife of sn infantry raptsin at if liodeld llarrarkfi, 7' H . two grandchil dren. Dnnaid and Virginia Hastings, In )Ual. He also leaves one brotner, Peter, itladMnne and one tusler. Mrs. Maria Ylr cutt in Farco. N I) , be-ldes three hslf iro'li"! mid hull -SlMers, QuMav Stein and W Ihelniinn A lit. Cavalier. S'I. Miv M ir on Poller and Mrs. Pearl 4tiati In An.f'es Amv Stein,, Ml ir!,. mid A:hTt fle:n. We.t Linn, mtl Mi.i J"'c fj' nraerton; and i .. ni'tiKr, Mis. Ktiun Stein of (iladstone. Herman Eerier (iray Inn.- huneia! service were held Mon ;v afternoon from Wedd Funeral j linine in Sta)ton fur Herman Lester Oray j who di'd st. Rtinnefleld at the aee of 41 i -ear. He hurii al Sn' r, C':o.. and ! . s.iru-ed hv ji .;. Mr.' R'Kh Oray I of Sirtn.'!;eM li.s imii-h's of Arnn. Colo.: jfl'.e i.-f rs and s.X hnt-i'i r'tann Wnito j ti Lvons roiite l .s on of brotner. I 1 Waller Harri-n MUl'r I Allien' W.itr IU.t n M :Vr. 91. ;.'7 W rmi'.i Ar Antiy. d d at the ti.-ii'ui n.- : T lestta fO- i .j i pa a ;,,. i,' n -. s K service be rn-.i M t p s- Jo mis I'aruh. in 1 MiUauki ulnv mntninK. in charge .. --r Inii n hinne n in-! will MiUiuc ci iii.-w rv. Millrr wag mm 2. :ri;V. n Aberdeen, Wash. un He Had i;.id in Ml Kir snd lloseniir. He r,im- to a:i.iiv l , mnnths sao. He waa .i t'lrmn of VkmM Ut II ith the 4ls (liMvjnn. He n.jiird Sormi I.auahlln, Aiml f l'41 a- Vir.ou r. Wash . who ,r.iv.- s- l i l ' o i i .lr'ti. Hona'd and t.:r A : i r i , a iu-:;i-r. Ronald ! :T l'..,'t..rl ar 1 s r', "er. a Horner M. ;. and rtls parenu Mr. and Mrs. Jew M.ller. Mrlwaukie, Jnhn liherlnelnn I A bm .lo;m F r,twt.n, 6. 42S Kill- Mm-.', ii 1 in tue Hood '! 1'i'.-i!4v InlliUMil an ,u : di I . " Fl.-!ier fun , jneii.iiTM l!ie Hrniv to Brad for bur: a I. f I Her int'on a a brfH itinn on the basket n al Ofion Pta' rollega r"d a le,M attack He ww t ie Ms.'onic Iod:e of B'ad r'..ivi f- o s trrs, Mra. nJ Mrs. E'V: Hudson, Fn.d, Well