22Capilal Journal, Salem, 0r.t Thursday, Sept. 15, 1949 1 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SAH HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES (FOR SALE HOUSES AUTOMOBILES I AUTOMOBILES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. 1 Far Uh lftc . Per Line t tloiM .....40c Per Line time 60 Per Lina 1 month 13 00 Outside ( Balem IBs per Una per dar. Mln. 30c: I time roin. 30 f time mln. $1.20. No Refund lie AD EES Jo Local Mew Col. Only: Per Lino 30c To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES Owner Leaving Oregon 4 bedroom bom on year old. Lint living room. tile kitchen, batb upstair ' and down. Plastered basement and gar - at. Hardwood floor. loU built-in. ' terraced back yard. Coal over 111.000 "to build. Reduced to 113.000 for auick sale. For Information call 34S7. 2iv r FOUR bedroom boos, tt acre of land. , 330 Brooks, MOO. 1 new Mrm. yboiuti, 3310 Broadway, A. B. Heuley. j . owner. 3305 W. Liberty St. a226 iftWNEE transferred. " Modern homt 3' - yrs. I bdrm on ona floor, 13B0 Jeffer- :l ofl Bt. Ph. 35221. a320 BT OWNERi See this modarn 3 bdrm. j view noma. Will consider offer. Terms, i 1T01 Lonsvlaw Bt. off King wood Dr. 1 a230 FOR SALE BT OWNER: New I room mod J .era house, floor furnace, laraie, lot ftOi I 125. 14800. 3330 Hyde Bt. a 321 WAS 17500, now 16500. Mod. 2 bdrm. home, j ' att. garage, auto heat, F.H.A. or O.I. :ut terms. Phong 38189. 221 TWO BETTER CLASS HOMES Practically new. Llv. R., Din., Kit., Nook, 3 Bed, Double Plumb. Full Base ment with Knotty Pine Play R.. two llreplacei. dole, gar., 2 lots, fenced ft landacaped.1970 John. Ph.3-62.16. a323 I BY OWNER: 2 bdrm. home. Oak floors, I auto, oil furnace. 3015 Huliey. Ph. 33201. a223 m DOWN. BaJ. FHA. New I room borne. Located on Tlew lot In tide city. Elec. heat, Bendli washer, H.W. floors. Full price 495. CaU T. Hum with I State Finance Co., Realtors 111 B. Bigh Bt. Ph. 3-4131. Brea. 35200 UafU' ?M. t BR homo Englewood Dlst. Home neat ana clean, oarage at rruii wees. Call o. V. Huma with State Finance Co., Realtors S4A. LOT located 4 -Corners DUt. Blxe 100x180. Restricted dlst. Call O. V. Huma with . State Finance Co., Realtors 17500. GOOD modern 3 bedroom home, Englewood Dint. Hardwood Floors, flre- place, full baiement. Immediate posses sion. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 3-4121 153 8. High a220' SI4.AA4). BEAUTIFUL lata built; 3 bedroom hoaie. all on one floor, modern In every detail, targe loi, 3 car garage, auto, ou heat. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 3-4131 153 B. High 220 BY OWNER 5 rm. house. 2 extra la. bedrooms, le. living rm , dinette, kitchen, bath, utility rm A. lot. Lawn ft lots of flow er Bee any day from 10 a m to 10 p.m. 2285 Park Are. Phone 2-0802. a?22 BY BUILDER La nee beaut. lul 3 bedroom ranch style home, double garage. In exclusive dis trict. 3100 so.. U. under roof. Drive by '1570 North 23rd Street Just south of Jrtarket Street then rail 3-8817. e323 4 "V1HTA" View Home 2 yrs. old. 3 bed roonii, landscaped. Phone 1-5042 or 2-M73. a223 t YFAR OLD I bdrm, home plastered, Hdwd. firs., V. blind, Inf. lot. close to bus ft grade school. $7950. Ph. 20048. 4.150 Marleay. 223 $1950 DOWN Bal. $50 Per Month Including Interest, Insurance & F. H. A. Reserve . . . On of the bent t bdrm. homes on the market lor the money. Extra nice plastering. Attractively decorated, large closets, adequate bulll-lns, completely Insulated, nice lawn ft ahruba. We guarantee to have thelowast heat bill In Salem. Full price 19150, Walter Musgrave Realtor 1311 Edgewater, Pti. HIM. Bvg. 39939 ' NEAR WOODBURN i acres: about 4 miles south of Wood burn. A very attractive setting Just off Pacific hi way very neat small house, earag. good poultry nous, fine well 'With automatic pumping system: variety fruit and nut. Fish pond. Ideal for semi-retired couple or someone em ployed In Woodburn. Priced at 18800, with $-.100 down. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 141 H. High Bt. Phone 37(180 a230 B Y "o WN i: R:-Oood" e fee n T hrt rmT" h o m e . Extra rottaee for rental. Price $4050. 1815 N, Liberty. a230a O WNER 'MOD, 3Mrm7neat cleanT love ly location, cheap. SOI Hose m on t, W fmiem. a223 $5500. A CITTIE AttrarMve Sub. 1 BR Home. Utility Rm. Att. Oar. City Wlr. Lot 60x317. 3 Blks. to bus. $10 700. NO. 3 ZONE 4 BR, full diy haxmt. 10 Blks. to Stete House. Really Worth the Morn-v 11.500. HOLLYWOOD D1HT. Completely furnlnlied 1 jr. old 3 BR home on lot OOillvo. Automatic Ht. Beau tiful lawn A shrub $10,500. WALNUT PARK. Clone lo Doctor Clinic a llonpiisl. Cor ner lot. yr. ? TH hiw ht many Ira- Inn, 'i plumbing in baamt . oil fur., I Iplare, lg gar., plua dritrftar. pd. at fe wk , bus bv door. 812.000 HOLLYWOOD DIST Prewar built ft room hornr. Full baamt.. 8 D. lur. 3 rplarei, 3 ItH, Din. Rm., nice Jot, good lor I h. 30680. ED. LUKINHFAL IIKAL F STATE 411 North High Bt. Eva. Ph. J3I36 377IO 38704 223- KFW ROME 1 large rma. Alio large util ity A garage. CaU 35431 for appoint ment, aaa.i LARGE 5 ROOM All sparlous rooms. Built of the finest mater lata A woramaruhlp by a large eonirartor for his own home. Attrac tive terms for responsible party. Price, 11.100. 3 BDRM. 3 LOTS Rice rlean homa on good paved street In wm Sairm. Close to echool bue. Price 17000. Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtor ,1111 Fdeewatar Ph. 3-HOt. Eve. I ant a22i R OWNV 1 fir. 3 bdrm Full basement. Auto heat. Englewood school. Bug near. Dial 3-9931 a324 V OWN' EMPLnYimlEW HrRE. ATTRACTIVE ft RM HOME KINU 'OOD Hr.lOHTB DIRT. HARDWOOD floors, nice firephcr. attach fd oaraoe. beautiful flowfh8 SHRUBS NICE VtfW OF SAIFM ATD BUHROl'NIMNO TERRITORY 94000 FQUITT WILL HANDLE. SOME BALANCE. PH. 3ft059. a221 SPECIAL A nlee new 3 bdrm. homo on Pa I mount H Miht. Ina . .weather atr Bendlx washer, hdwd. fir. throughout, elec. heat. A real beautv. Price 111 500 with terms. To are this fina home call or see R.A.McFarlane (Broker) l-tTil or mi .lata at aua Srnrcwrj to it.w o ""qi'irk i.k P. rta. .id. 1 Mm. down, room for I mora up, tor lot. ,tt, aatai. or wrlio Bud NlehMaaw. P.O. Boa . Awwanllla, Or.. till Win a Guest Ticket to See "Madame Bovary" Plus "Old Fashioned Girl" AT WARNERS ELS1N0RE THEATRE HERB AKK THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of this picture coming soon to Salem CUd out the want aa In which the picture title appears and ac company It with a simple state ment of 21 words or less on 'Whv I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads." with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mall to the Elsinore Theater bo xo nice. ' Contestants will be Judged on sincerity and originality The FIVE best statements re ceived each dav will each receive a guest ticket to see "Madame Bovary" plus "Old Fashioned Girl," coming soon to the Elsin ore theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal, and rlecls ion of the Judges Is final Employees of the Capital Jour nal, The Capitol or Elsinore Theatres and members of their immediate families are not eligi ble to participate In this contest FOR SALE HOUSES 86700. CLEAN modern 3 BR homa. Fplsc. hdwd. firs.. Venetian blinds, auto oil furnace, attached garage. 31000 down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 B. High St. Ph. 3-4131. Eves. 3-5561 a321 BACK TO SCHOOL TIME, a fine I B.R. homt large L.R.. DR., Mah. trim, H.W. floors throughout, lovely large kite en garage attached, move right In. 39600 00. F.H.A. total price 112,800. Call Ed Byrklt. A VERY NICI B R. home Just outside city, H.W. floors throughout, garage attached, move right In, 15000 Mtg. To tal price 17500. Call Ed Byrklt. ED BYRKIT & CO. REALTORS 36" N. HUh Bt. Phonei 3-1101. 1-1533 Eve. 3-3277. 2-64S0 a230 H7SOC 3 bedrooms, floored attic, fireplace, nrage, bus service. $6500 6 bedrooms, basement, fireplace, possible Income property. Borne furni ture. ?S00 3 bedrooma, plastered. Oarage, Im mediate possesion. P. H. BELL, Realtor 161 Chemeketa Ph. 3-1545, 3-4896 Ee. 3-6686. 3-756S. 3-2451. 220 WAR $10,300, now 18700. Beautiful 1 bdrm 1 'i yr Auto ht. att. gar. lie. lot. $800 dn. 3350 Wlnola Ave. orf Salem Ht. Ave. a321 WILL KF.I.L for best reasonable cash of fer, my $1404 equity In 1 yr. old 3 bdrm. home. Hardwood floor. Plastered. 542 Blller eve., Mapleton addition. a324 Sacrifice By Owner Only Few Days 1 yr. old. extra large 3 bdrm, Llv, Din rm ft Kit. Hdw fl, V Bids. Insulated, all electric, fr Pi, '4 A landscaped. Will take lata car. $9500. Attractive terms. Furn If desired. S55 Mornlngslde Dr. Ph. 3-3906. a2I2 GOOD OLDER home at 290 Bo. 14th street. Thta older home has lots of Ufa left. Drive by and make us an offer. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Ph. 34707 484 Court Eve. 34773 a222 S BDRM. SfiflAO. Close to Catholic school. Cement foundation. Plastered. LR, DR tfe Kitchen. Elec. cooking and water heater. Terms. RAWLINS REALTY HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Ph. 34664 Eve. 26013 3713S - 35757 a322 BUY LIKE RENT 1 bedroom - 3 years old - hardwood floors throughout - plaster - attached garaae - lane utility room large din ing room - electric heat - only $500 down - Er.f terms - Pull price only $6450 Immediate possession. PHONE EVE. 3-798$ Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Ph. 3-0317 Insurance - Real Estate - Mtg. Loans a323 $200 DOWN New 3 bdrm., hardwood floors, attached garage, in city, rnvea street. $500 DOWN Pretty 3 bdrm., tile bath and kitchen, large living & dining rm. comb. Corner windows. Attached garage. Near bus. North. $1000 DOWN A lovely new picture window home. 3 bedroom. La rite living rm. Fireplace. Oaraae. Corner. Nw district. $2000 DOWN Want something different and newT 3 bdrm., unusual wall treatment. In large L shape living and dining rm., fireplace In center. Many features. Pic tures windows etc. In excellent new di.t. of artistic homos. L. E. Klumpp Realtor 480 N. Cliurrh Ph. 3-7643 Ee. or Sun. 3-0313 or 3-0136. e220- Hl Y Sim R11N K4.VF. NFW - CUN NINO WKLL CONST. 3 BR plastered home. hUd. Venetian bt mln RIO XXYT full of nut trer. Lot-. nnr 39-E North. Too rood to he true at 1100. SI Willi 4 3 Hit home on ACHF Thl Ki.lier lid lioiite is incite to ortiT (or vour fa mil v. Very good roiiAtnictlnn. Nttarlte1 a at nno. far. fonih nr d ham A- poultry but. Iti trre., wde g' tmt. or fruit, nuts A berries. Paved at . 18000. More acres available. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 B. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-9989 a323 SI.VmMl. NEW suburban ranch style home with spacious rooms. 3 bed rma. with double wardrobe closets, living room, dining rm., kitchen A nook, extra large utility with oil furnace, hardwood floors thruout. Has French doors opening on to a lovely covered porch. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 . Commercial Ph 3-3849. Eve. 3-5360. a333 ItFTROIT DAM vicinity. 7 -room hnuae. bRRemrnt, ll bath, elec wtr. htr , Ren (!!. freerer, 3 acres. $7500 Phone Mill City 7243 evenings. Write Tony Baiter. Lyons. Oregon. a220 REIHTFD. t bdrm. home Knotty pine kitchen, electric heat, circulating fire place, pi ante red garage. Tile bath room. Choice location at 520 N 32nrt e5- FOR SALE LOTS 8 RIKA, to city bus. city school, north. Itaht Jk water available. Ph. 36139. aa22t Lot on Claude Street 30x135' to alley. $100 dn. and $16 00 per mo. will handle. $896 full price. Includes a' reel HAesments. B. Isherwood, Realtor MOT If. Capitol SI Otllea Th. l-ian raa M147 r llllt. LOT WITH KTr. tl.clrltll,. aiu. rln.a to arhool on flllv.rtort htahwar. Whr par rant. Build your own homa. 15 down IIS rr month. General Real Estate 111 cantar Pit. l-iin aalll' To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 GRABENHORST SPECIALS EDGE OF TOWN Jt.arlr dw t bdrm. horn,, llv. rm., nla 1ft. kltchtn. hall bath, attaehad aaraaa, yard In. Pried right at 17.404. Low down parmtnt will handlo. CALL ROY f-EHRH. CANDALARIA HEIGHTS Ooar I rtn. homo, , bdrm,., hdwd. flra. thruout, brkft. room, aute-oll heat, dblo. laraaa. Trulr a Una homo. Prlca 114.2,0. CALL PITER OZ1BER. LOCATED NORTH Look at ,hU houaa today. Pull a rma. 10 yra. .Id. hdwd. flra., I bdrm... lly. rm.. dm. rm., utility rm. Wlrod for olae. ranaa, alae. watar haatar, S bdrnu. upatalra unflo. Laa. lot, axetllcDt buy at ,7.a00. CALL O. H. ORA BENHOROT, JR. VIEW HOME - WEST SALEM I bdrm,. t yra. eld. nlco cornar lot. nlcly landacapod. part baamt. TMa homa can ba purchaaad for I2.0O0 down. Bal. 17, per no. TO BEE CALL EARL WEST. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS lit South Liberty Phone 3-2471 Evenings and Sundays Call Barl West 3-OWS . Roy Ferris 3-1010 - Peter Oelser S-6S - Ben Rolst 1-34T1 a 220' SUBURBAN 18000. New 1 bdrm. with unfinished upstairs. Rm. for t bdrms. Living rm., dinette, kitchen, bath, utility rm., hardwood floors, oil floor furnaoa, corner lot. Close to school, bus & store. $1000 down will handle thta bouse. McKINLEY SCHOOL DIST. 18600. IV years old. 3 bdrm., bung, style, living rm., dlntng rm., kitchen, bath, utility rm., attached garage with storage space. sTlec. heat. Insulated, weatherst ripped, fireplace, hardwood floors, lot approx. 60x250. Bus 1 block. Wonderful sol) for garden. 13150 down. $53 a mo. payments. A wonderful buy. Owner la leaving town. NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL 18900. I bdrm., bung, atyle. Living rm. with ftreplsee, kitchen. large dinette, nice bath, attached garage, large lot, close to schools and bus. Owner la being transferred. This can be worked out with $3000 dn. payment. SUBURBAN EAST $8(WO. 1 yr. old. modern atyle, 3 bdrm., large living rm . kltohen, bath. Inside utility rm.. at ached garage, large lot. all new houses around. W1U trade equity for 3 bdrm home with basement. In town. CALL OR SEE ANDY HALVOR8EN A. A. LARSON, REALTOR OFFICE J-892 1,1 8. FOR SALE FARMS 10 Acres $4500 Reasonable dn. payment - good terms. 1 A cleared, balance fenced, year round ereek - barn, 3 stancnions, 2 tons Daieo hay - garage - 3 bdrm. house, wood shed filled with dry wood. Immediate possession. CaU Allen Jones or Mabel Needham, Realtors 341 State St. Rm. 4 Ph. 3-9201 MT. ANGEL - 10 ACRES Right at city limits with a good 5 bed room plastered home, 6 stanchion barn, family fruit A nuts. Irrigated clover pasture. A good buy at $14,000 with terms. See or call "Bob" Sullivan. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 3 5838 331 N. High Eve. Ph. 3-6770 b321 For Quick Sale Only $4775 for 23 acres and 3 BR hse. About biles out. Live stream. Springs. Includes some equipment. Has fruit, pasture and woods. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capitol Bt. Eves. 33147 or 2ft836. FOR SALE ACREAGE 10 Acres Pringle Dist. i BR house, barn. 3 car garage, $8,750. 7 ACRES. CLEARLAKE DIST. I room house tit barn, nuts 4c fruit, patch of timber, $11,300. 3 ACRES WEST BALEM 3 BR older home, fruit it berries. $6500. A bargain. TO SEE THESE PH. 3-2289 General Real Estate 255 Center St. bb220 BT OWNEB, 7 acres No. with Income. Modern all electric home. Good barn Hi-ble garage. Leaving state. Ph. SIR!. 7 Rt. 2, Box 382. bb227 REAL ESTATE DID YOU KNOW? $3695 Will buy a good plastered house with cook stove and oil circulator on Stl verton Road near new Lincoln school. $3950 Will bur a completely furnished 3 B R. home, on a corner lot, both streets paved In West Salem. $6300 Will buy over 13 A good land, with amal Ihouse. good well A elec, between Ketaer A Chemawa. $9250 Will buy good 3 BR. home with fire place and bsmt. In a quiet neighbor hood on Fairmount Hill. $11,650 Will buy one of the finer 3 B.R. homes' (1 fir- In Englewood, fireplace, oil heat., nice lot, F.H A. term.il 143 ACRES Is ft lot of land to Tie had at the price of $70 an A. Out I ml. on pavement.- Crawford. BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. HUh St. Office 3-3849 Eve. 3-5390 or 3-7451. c220 NELSON NEWS HOME WITH EXTRA KITCHENETTE -t-ae. LR., DR.. kit., 3 tHlrmx., utll. rm. on 1st fir., bdrm. with kitchenette up stairs. Gas fir. furn , wired for range, had. firs. V blinds downstairs, att. gar., pvd. St.. shrubs, fruit trees on am. lot 41x50 f:oo0 dn. Can be had furnished for I6SM1 neir bus A Lcjlle 8. COO!) CROISON CANYON ACRFAOE Approx. 3 A . of tlie area in well cared for 10 yr old holly trees yielding a substantial annual income. A very !! built 6 rm. Cn;ie Cod home, spacious LR. with fplace. full tvmt., sawdust piped furnace, elec. W. htr. utll. rm.. patio with flood lights, beautifully secluded setting with primitive atmosphere. About 350 ft. crk. frontage, spring wtr. only $15,000. COURT BARGAIN FOH CASH Do you want the newest residential court in naiem? owner needs rash A will sac rifice. $20,000 caul, will buy a real bar gain. BRUSH COTTAOE RD. ACRE AO F. $4500 4 ml. out. 23 A . 18 A. good farm land. all of it good sub-dl vision property. Owner will take trailer house for part. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specially TOZ N. Hlgn St. Ph. 3-4673 C320- $2950 Business opportunity for a couple In a very good spot. Small business, no com petition, present owner must sell be cause of health. Come autek on this one. Call Mr. McQueen eve Ph. 9X416. NORTHEAST Three bedroom home with fireplace and tin bath, nice large fenced in yard home in first class condition Inside and out. Price reduced to $8950 with ex cellent terms and 4 Interest. Call Mr McQueen ftve Ph 3476 SUBURBAN SPECIAL Three bedroom home, full deep dry basement with furnace, dining room, fireplace, breakfast nook, double gar age, poultry house, I v acres of rtch black soil, located north, $13 600 will finance FHA If desired. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 114 N. Capitol Ph. 38318 cJJO' FOB. TOO BATtNOb Investment buy a flrat mortgage on real estate Salem M Ttclnlty. Kxamlne security yourself Amojnu $500 to several thousand dot. lars. net Investors 8V We make all col lections for you if desired. aTTATB 1TTXAJ4C1 CO, 1M B. SOUTH HIGH ST. HOME 1-71M a REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS 4 room house. Suburban. Very modern. Apt. upstairs renting for 340 per month. Owner very anxious to sell. See thts ona lor (9450. Terms. Bve. Ph. 2-0473 3-3538. BUSINESS BUILDING Almost new. Good location. Income 1300 per month. Excellent tenant. Automatic oil heat. Air condition. 3 rest room. Parking space In rear. Total price $16, 500. Terms. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3656. $6900 SPECIAL Brand new ranch type. Just eutilde city. Hardwood floors, attached gar axe plus car port. 6 fruit trees. Xlectrlc neat, Venetian blinds. Can be Oregon i.L financed. Eve. Ph. 3-0473 or 1-3553. ACREAGE 5 ACRES 4 rm. modern house with electrle heat. Chicken house, brooder house. Good well. Family fruit A berries. Total price $6250. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. 11 ACRES ; rm almost new home. Oil heat, dou ble garage. On paved highway. Chick en hetiAe, small barn. 3 acres berries, 9 acres clover. Price Includes electric range, tractor A equipment. Price only 9"tf0. May sell on very liberal terms. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3553. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ph. 3-7820, 3-4596. 3033 Portland Rd. c320 LARGE LOG SLUG. Massive stone fire place; balcony. Some equipment. Just the spot for a night club or chicken and steak' dinner house. Beautiful set ting among largetrees. Year around creek. On 99 highway. About fl A. of land. Price only $9500. CLOSE IN SUBURBAN home. 10 acres land. Yeat around creek. 4 bedrm. house. Oil furnace; fireplace. Barn, chicken house. Family orchard: trees: shrubs. Price $10,500 E.Z. terms. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 3-3663 Evenings call: Mr. Voorheea, 1-4007 c220 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUY: 3 BR home. About $5000 cash. Write Box 413 Capital Jour nal. ca322 SUBSTANTIAL down payment for bar gain, small, well built house from own er. Write Capital Journal Box 407. ca220 NOTICE! If your progeny la for sale rent or exchange, list It with as We have all kinds of cash buyer 6TA.1 FINANCE CO. REALTOR! 153 S Rlab Bt ea WE ARE In oeed oi gooo nouses to eel) in or near Salem if goo vlah to list your property for gale aes -GRABENHORST BEOS.. REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. Phone 3-3471 ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE: My equity In ft new 2 BR home for best car offer or reasonable cash offer. Large lot with nice lawn. Ph. 4-3847. cb232 RESORT PROPERTY ACRE, unfinished houae at Waconda Beach. Near Waldport. H mile from beach. Ph. 42573. ec220- Want To Go Fishin'? Not far out. 1 acre and comfortable 3 BR home. Bsmt., fplace. Lots of family fruit. Price Includes boat. Lake avail able Only 19250. Terms. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capitol St.. Office Ph. 3-3863 Eves 22147 or 288S6. CC330" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ItTliqrsF.s ON I.GE. LOT. Each has 1 Bedroom, fee. living room with fplace. hardwood floors, kltchrn, nook, bath, eiec. rnnnes A refrlg.. 1 blk to State office bid... A new shopping center. Excellent Investment. $33,500. t t'NIT APT. BLDGat right down town. $85,000. NEW APT. Rl DO. West Salem. $31,500. t STORY BRICK BLDG. In bull, dlst., good leanes A rentals. 160.000. NEW HI'S. R1DO. I rentals, with 10 yr. lea., Including lie. chain gtore. Price 142.000. I STORY APT. Rt.DG. One of Salem's fin est. 16 units. Excellent condition, con struct ion A Investment. Investigate this. $82,000. NEW HER VICE STATION. 13 yr. lease with major oil co. A very conservative invest ment. 131.730. 3 HOt-ftK AT NElJtCOTT. 1 ft duplex, all clear. Will trade for Salem property. Price $35,000.' Larsen Home & Loan Co. Phone 3-6389 Eve. 3-4461. d330 WANTED3or 3 in famttyto operate fountain and cafe on a 50-50 plan. Very good business. Inquire with Dave Reld Real Estate. Mill City. ed22t tCArE,l4.500 each. 1 located S 1311V the other on tWE Both going businesses. Good leases. Fully equipped. Orand lo rn i ion RAWLINS REALTY HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Ph. 34664 Eve. HOIS 37131 35757 ILL OP HF 41 TH owner forces sale or leading television, radio and appliance store, Good location, business showing good profit. Call na. Gray-Himmel Realty Co. mi n capital at. r'h. i m Ph. l-l7 -afll, I-4IM. O.I3I0 FOR att.r. Moo aauttr on taraa lot No. I anna on Patrarounda road In Hour woo. OowJMar trMfc Pa. MIM. ad2!l Celebrate Nat'l Home Week in a Home of Your Own! I7S0 DN. WILL BUY A OOOD 1 B R. HOUI. IMS4I. POMIMION. I1W0 DN. PAYMENT. LES. THAN RENT WILL OIVE YOU A BEAU TIFUL RANCH TYPE 1 B R. HOME. ISldo WILL BUY A OOOD 1 B R. HOUE ON N. WINTER STREET. II ACRE. NO. WITH A OOOD 1 I II. HOME ONLY MaM. State GI's, Attention A NEW BR. HOME ON ACRES NO. NEW HOT POINT RANGE ft LEONARD REFRIO. PRICE ONLY IIIOO. St. Vincent De Paul School PINE I B.R. HOME, BASEMENT AND AUTO HEAT. NEW I B R. HOME. ELECTRIC HEAT. 3 B.R. HOME ON 75x300 LOT ONLY $5,250 WM. BLIVEN & CO. REALTORS 647 N. HIGH MR. SMITH BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES REDUCED TO $6500 Modern 3 bdrm. home A nearly new bus iness bldg. Main street. No. 3 business gone. A real value STROUT REALTY 959 S. 12th St. Ph. 2-5323. Cd231 ONE LARGE ROOM the equivalent of 3'i ordinary rooms In modern building for rent. Linoleum floor. 465 sq. ft. All services Included. 155 per month. Call 3-3898 between S a.m. and 6 p.m. cd223 COMPLETE .RECAPPING shop equip.. A undet coating equip. Sta. pumps around 600 gal. of gas a mo. Distrib utor for U. S. Royal tires. Only recap shop within 70 miles. Will total at least 150,000 worth of business this year. $7500 for business A equip. Plus ap proximately 1200 In Inventory. Write Peninsula Vulcanizing Co. Box 161 Long Beach, Wash. ed221 FISHERMAN'S PARADISE For Sale or Lease: 6 ml. from the ocean on Salmon River A Bear creek. acres, garden, flowers A berries, wired electricity, oil heat, elec. pump sys tem Fine fishing In private waters for salmon A trout. Real place for a re tired couple. C. A. Colllnsworth, Box 337, Ocean Lake, Ore. cd220 BEAUTY SHOP for sale. Box No. 402. Capital Journal. cd220' FURNITURE FOR SALE IT WILL PAY YOU TO SHOP THIS TJsed bunk bed complete with mattress A box spring, only $40. New unfinished chair, 12.95. Like new oil clrculaor, 124.50. New Deena boudoir lamps, reg. 15.95. now $3.95. Used maple desk $12. New walnut desk. ? drawers, metal hard ware, reg. $54.50. now $39.50. Used 3 drawer dresser with mirror, $10. Glenn Woodry Furniture Market, 1605 N. Sum mer St., Ph. 3-6110. d220 COMPLETE Home Furnishings LOWEST PRICES HIGHEST QUALITY EASIEST TERMS FREE DELIVERY Open Eve. Until 9 p.m. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL 6 P.M. Save $100 Beautiful Custombilt 3 pc. sectional In highest quality mohair freize. Fully guaranteed to give you outstanding sat isfaction. Never before has a sectional of this quality been offered at so low a price. Regularly priced at 1299.95, our special price only $199.95. 120 dn., $8.40 mo. Only $99.95 Nice daveno A matching swing rocker In good quality beige tapestry. Double spring const. A fully guarantee. An outstanding value you can't afford to pass up. Regularly priced at $139.95, now only $99.95. $10 dn.. $7.50 bio. Only $119.95 Bautlful mod. daveno A matching club chair with blond trim A lovely brown floral tapestry. You can't beat this any where. Regular 1149.95 now only $119.95. $12 dn. A 17 50 mo. Only $139.95 Lovely mod. daveno A club chair In beautiful sani green floral tapestry. Of course It's double spring constructed A guaranteed. Just $14 dn. A 17.50 mo. Look One of the nicest Daveno mites we have ever had. Deluxe construction. 165 dou ble deck coil springs plus a no sag spring base. Upholstered in beautiful blue ny lon v-lour. You'll miss the boat If you don't see this. Regular 1199.93, now only $159.95. 116 down, $7.50 mo. H & H Furniture Co. 1550 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-3797. d220 DAVENOS $19.30 to $34.50. Trader luuts, 3055 Portland Rd. d322a DINING SET S piece. Walnut. Very good condition, 149.50. Trader Louie, 3055 Portland Rd. d222 AXMINSTFR ri gs A pad. 9x11. nearly new, H. W. Trader Louie, 3055 Portland Rd. d222 DAVENPORT, beautiful tapextry cover. I4 o9. Trader Louie. 3055 Portland Rd. d222 DAVENPORT A chair $35. 4242 Durban Ave. P.i. 23159. 4221 I'm Not a River BUT, I do have a big outlet for fur niture, appliances, tugs, radios, sport ing equpt., antique, musical Instru ments or what have "U". Cash on the line. You won't get hooked, really get the limit by phoning GLENN WOODRY Ph. S5110 d324 WANTED FURNITURE USED FI'RN. Immed. appraisal. Highest prices Valley Furn. 365 N. Com ). Ph. 37473. da334 IF Ton HAVE rVRMTl-RE, appliances, sporting goods, etc., to sell A want TOP PRICES be lure to call TRADER LOUIE. 3055 Portland Rd. Ph 3-656 days or 3-4407 eve. "Madame Bovary" Plus OM Faj.hltM.rd Girl.'' da235 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 1 CHOICE CheMer White feeder plga, Weight 150 lot. $10 each. Ph. 31554. Rt. 1 Box 673. One block from Roberta. e233 LIVESTOCK WANTED I nriFFRS. V to 3 yrs. 3 Holitelna from Cottage Farm. $439. 1 cream separator 939. verne wirth Rt. 1 Bx w. Turner ta320 BONTIED AND LICENCED livestock buyer. E. C. McCandlUh, 1127 S. 33 Ph. 3-6147 eiJi- RABBITS WING'S BABBITRY needs rabbits. Top prices 1P St: Pn 3-UR9 eb942 PETS REGIATF.RFD Springer Spaniel pups Very good. Call I-1501 er 1-3471. tc323 PH. 2-3617 EVES. IUU IPETS FOB SALE: Reg. Irish setter pups, 3 months old. 115. Ph. 3-9440. ec220 S COCKER PCPS. Black. Reg. Ph. 31492 alter 4 p.m. eczzo' POLICE pups for gale, after 6 p.m. $15. Ph. 28175 CC220 FUEL Oregon Fuel Co. Good Dr, Slab or Orecn. Claan aawduat Orean edatna 6.50 Ld. Doubla ,10.00. Dry adiini l 00 Ld. Ph. 35533. ecuo CALL HIOHWAY FUEL FOR Dlascl and Stova OILa. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dn Slab Wood Dr, Plalsar Enda Block Wood. Ph. IM44 aa OAK, S.O. fir. Umba. 2-2138. ac3 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir. oak, aah a, maple. V fir. If alab and adglnaa. Ph. 314S8. ee West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD. 16-IN. CLEAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone flem 3-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St- West Salem ee' TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27441 IS" nab Wood and Edainaa Fresh Cut Screened Sawduat 12" Inalda Mill Wood Dr, Wood ASK FOR S&H OREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE R.I. red hens, good layers. Jennings Poultry Farm, Rt. 6, Box 70, Salem. Phone 35429. 1222 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day, order rrya or Mens now a. spe cial quantity prices for your lockers. Custom Dressing a specialty. Phone 22661. Lee'a Hatchery. f SEW HAMPSHIRE ehlckg for immediate or future delivery. Hatches every Tues Fox Hatchery. 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969 PRODUCE APLES FOR BALE. Gravensteln A Banana. gl bu. Ph. 29901. 1073 Elm niter p.m. Weat Salem. ff222 CANNING CORN, 33c dot. 1880 Chemawa Road. 31.00 a sack. lizzo LATE HALE peaches $1.49 bu. box. 3 mllea N. ol underpass, nignway v. urwn Apple Market. 221' E OREGON ALFALFA 1ST A 3ND Cl'TTINO NOW BEING DE LIVERED WRITE 1450 S. 3RD, BEND. OREGON OR PH. 40AW. ff230 CORN, sweet golden bantam. Any quan tity. B E. of Walling. Gravel. 3175 8. 19th. ff223 TOMATOES AND PEPPERS CANNING. JUICE AND LOCKER WILL DELIVER PH. 3-7173 ff228 LAST CALL! BIO GOLDEN CROSS Sweet Corn, 22c dog. Tomatoes $1.25 bu. U pick. 75c bu. L. D. Egbert, Bllverton Road. 2'fc ml. past Fairgrounds. Ph. 4-2642. (1222 TOMATOES, cucumbers, fresh eggs. Frl gaard Fruit Farm, ml. N. Keizer school. ff240 FILBERT AND Walnut drying. Special service for small lots. Fnone g-zsoi. Lee's Hatchery. ff ITALIAN PRUNES, L. E. Kurth, West Browning Ave. Ph. 23220. ff220 TOMATOES, hybrid, acid free. Will de liver. Q. U. Oorman, Jefferson, Ore. Ph 318. ff226 On old Jefferson Hlwy. at Midway, Hol man. Box 32, Ph Jefferson 504. ff231 HELP WANTED BEAN PICKING Friday, Saturday A Bun- day at Binnop at b. itiver ita. tn. 36137 for information. g222 TE ACH F. R tV ANTE D for 3rd A 4lh grades at Hebo. Oregon. New room: wages $2900 per year. Mrs. Mable Wharton, clerk. Hebo. Ore. WAN T ED: PR! " NE pickers. Good crop. Mechanical shaking. A. H. Bone, Or chard Hts. Rd., Rt. I Box 583. Ph. 18F23. g220 SOLICITORS wanted for work In near by town. Liberal commission pa'.d. See Jack Bllleter at 394 N. Church St., on Thursday or Friday morning. g220 3 MtN OR WOMEN to work Salem A surrounding area. "New" nationally ad vertlned "Sales Tested" Item. Men or women hired must be responsible. Con tact Mr. Watson at Senator Hotel Sept. 14 or 13 only, between 10 a.m. A p.m. g230 WANTED: Boys 18 or over, neat well man nered, apply Cowen, Capital Theatre. g331 IF YOU LIKE to draw, sketch or paint see Talent Test ad la In it ruction Col umn. 2?? PRUNE PICKERS: I ml. Went. Orchard Hts. road. Oood erooa. Phone 17F12 Jsmea Bent. g222 WANTED: HOP pickers, John J. Roberta Co. Ph HELP WANTID MALE SERVICE STATION salesman. Permanent employment. Excellent working condi tions, regular pay A advancement up to $363 per month. Apply Buckley'a Mobile pervire, norm ueuai junction, uiues. Oregon. Beat hours between I p m. A 4 pm. A320' MAN PREFERABLY with bank T loan exoer. 30 to 35 yra. old for perma nent lob Must be willing to work hard and assume responsibility to insure ex eellent future. Call Mr. Cloueh at Sa lem 3-41M durlne business houra. gJ33 HELP WANTED FEMALE W 4NTED : Houiemother for Hlllcreat School for Girls, Houra 1 to 11 p.m. Ph 33033. 1.0322' EXPERIENCED stenographer, shorthand required. Apply In person. Homer H Smlih Ini. agencTj gb223' I Journal Want Ads Pay FIVE TOP CARS 1949 Lincoln Sedan Coupe, complete $2545 1949 Mercury Sedan, lots of accessories $1995 1948 Ford Sedan, special uphol $1395 1947 Lincoln Sedan, best buy in town $1095 1947 Frazier Sedan, $200 under book $1295 Six Bottom Prices 1941 Dodge Luxury Liner Sedan 1940 Lincoln Sedan, Merc, motor 1939 Lincoln Sedan 1937 Ford P. U 1937 Willys Sedan 1937 Chevrolet Coupe YOUR BEST BUYS ARE AT YOUR LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER Warner Motor Co. SALEM USED CAR DEALERS ASSOCIATION 545 CENTER PH. 33012 NO TRICKS! NO BALLYHOO! JUST OUTSTANDING USED CARS FOR 4 LOWER PRICES WE DON'T MEET COMPETITION WE MAKE IT 1941 Ford Super Deluxe Sedan, A-l motor $595 J948 Crosley Station Wagon, only 10,000 Mi $495 1940 Pontiac Coupe, needs some work $395 1 1940 Dodge Sedan, mechanics special $195 1941 Ford Super Sedan, a dandy $495 1942 Willys Sedan, low cost transportation $275 1936 Ford Tudor, good work car $145 1940 Chev. Master Deluxe Tudor $345 1940 Chevrolet Master Deluxe Sedan $395 DN'T OVERLOOK THESE BTTvs PHONE 3-3147 Valley Motor Mart THE CAR LOT OF SENSATIONAL VALUES AND CARS WITH A PERSONALITY DON'T FORGET THE LOCATION PHONE 33147 HIGH AT CENTER SALEM HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED middle age lady on Tuesdays and Fridays, occasionally an extra oay. to care lor 4 yr. old boy and do house work. Write Mrs. John R. Stark, 1090 N. Cottage or call after 6:30 p.m. Ph. 37587. 3b 222 WOMAN to care (or 2 children afternoon and evening. In my home. en. aeuiio. 1036 Highland Ave. gb222 EXP. SALES girl for variety store. State age and exp. write capital journal box 411. gb222 TURKEY PICKERS wanted. Northwest Poultry, 1505 N. Front. goaaa- LIGHT HOUSE work, no washing. Private rm. 1 child. Sun., holiday ana evenings off. Ph. 23342 after 6:00. gb323 WANT WOMAN for light housework and care of 2 girls. Ph. 24840. ibaai WOMAN TO help with housework. No children. Waaes. room & board, write Box 410. Capital Journal. gb222 ASSISTANT IN the accounting dept. Shorthand required. Apply in own nana wrltlng. atatlng experience and age. P. Iu. not Zaiy Pauem. su- EXP. WAITRESS. Apply In person. The Sea. 382 State. gb220" O. Box 229 Salem. gb224' FRT COOK, middle aged woman. Stop Lite Cot fee Shop. Just Boutn oi lain hi. Junction on S9E. gb220a WOMAN OR girl to care for II mo. old girt in my nome. u:ju a.m. w o.ju p.m. Extra pay If you work extra hours. Ph. 20348 after 6 p.m. gb222 RELIABLE GIRL wanted for house work. Good wages. Apply at iuo atanei. gb220 HOITSEKEEPER for modern country home. Oood wages. Box 408 capita, journal. gb220 STENOGRAPHER for permanent position. Shorthand required. Apply in person. Willamette Credit Co. 182 8. Church Bt. gb221 SALESLADY Give age, exp., marital ita- tls b salary desired in urgi tetter, box J0K Capital Journal. gb EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFPICI AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 360 Ptata Rtrrrt Phon S-14R8. al WANTED SALESMAN SPLENDID RAWLEIGH BUSINESS AVAILABLE In City of Salem. Products well known. Opportunity unlimited for big sales and earnings. Start your busi ness on our credit, with experience. Write today for full Information. Raw lelih's. Dept. ORI-135-224, Oakland. Calif. "220 EXPERIENCED lurniture salesman. Hat exp. A qualifications. Write Box 394. Capital Journal. it 3 EXP. salesmen to sell leading lines of appliances. Salary plus comm. Trans portation furnished. Write Box 893 Cap Hal Journal. fit WANTED POSITIONS YOUNG FAMILY man desires permanent position, seven years Clerical expenenre. Capable bookkeeping and typing. Will consider anything. Write Box 413 Capi tal Journal. h220 WANTED by young girl: aen. office work. Knowledae of shorthand. Box 285, Bll verton. Phone 1881. h222 FAMILY ironing to do In my home. 50c per hour. Cash ft carry. 1180 x. Rural. h331 TREEW0RK Topping, Removing, Etc. INSURED OPERATOR JOHN PAYNE 148 ft Church Ph. 36014 h324 SHIRT COLLARS turned. 35c. Also some Itah mending. Ph. 34511. h331 EXPERIENCED WOMAN wants house- work. Rox 406 Capital Journal. h220 CHILD CARE. 183 8. 18th. Ph. 26876. h243 MOTHFR Do you want to work We can and wiQ give your child a larte fenced-in yard with a woman watch. Ing them at all timet. We also have an hr. of teaching co-ordination. Phone 3-I8M. 356 N. 20th. h330 MATTRESSES. Studio Couches rebuilt. Wt reclame in Innersprlngs. Valley Mat trass Co, 1694 N. Commercial. Ph. I-3Q79 h330 LADY WITH gen. office experience needs work. Cipuble. Reliable. Excellent ref erence. Also P B X. operator. Write box 398. Capital Journal. h220' TRER WORK, topping trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllts ter. 640 Trade. Ph 2-1496. h23S INTERIOR PAINTING, Kxp. Ph. 3'f6 1337' $645 $595 $445 $195 $165 ....$245 o331" WANTED POSITIONS Mimeographing-Typing POE'S. 665 North 16th. Phone I-364I. h33S TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 hr. gerr Ice. Former phona opr. Ph. 3-5373. h330 NEW LAWNS prepared A seeded. Light tractor on rubber with dozer. Ph. 18127, Duane Wolcott. h221 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 3-4850. EDUCATION IF YOU LIKE to draw, sketch er paint, writ for Talent Teat (no fee). Give age and occupation. Box 447, Capital Journal. hh222- FOR RENT ROOMS I LARGE SLEEPING room. Employed la- uj or coupie. via H. Winter. Ph. 38459. Jk225" FURN. HOUSEKEEPING rm. lit floor. Ladles. Dse of phone ft refrl. Ph. 35545. tk 222 BEDRM. FOR gentleman. Ph. 27076. Jk222" ROOMS FOR rent. Ladles only. Kitchen privilege. 520 Statesman. Jk325 ATTRACTIVE RM. private home. Oentle men. 985 N. Summer. Ph. 36388. Jk323" NICE SLEEPING room close In board If desired. 433 Union. Jk222 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms, hotplate coolclng St refrigeration. For ladles, 193 S. 24th. ji,a2o sleeping room. Use of kitchen. Ph. 3-0344. Jk231 WELL FURN. rm. Private bath. Close 1n. un pus line. Ph. a-5436. Jk224 NICE SLEEPING rm., business gentleman. nut ol coiq water in. aaa center, jgazu- FURNISHED apt. 2 adults. 135 per mo. tiisnis. water, garbage service included. 824 N Front. Jk222 CLOSE IN reas. room for clean employed man. otv a. L.ioeriy, JK322" SLEEPING ROOMS. PH. 3-4333. Jk237 CLOSE IN Sleeping rm. Ph. 36318. Jk236; HOLLYWOOD rms. 2035 McCoy Ph. 8-6093. Jk325 FOR RENT APARTMENTS SMALL t bedrm. Range ft Ref. On Cis- caoe Drive 360. Ph. 24538. Jp233 t RM. FI'RN. apt. 1st floor. Adults only. rn. JiSaW. jpaZO" FOR RENT J rooms, H.W. floor, heat. hot water, nice bath. Ph. 32543. Jp220 LARGE I RM. apt., first floor. Share bath. 1 block to bug ft market. 725 So. 13th. jp?22 3 ROOM furn. apt. 337.00. 373 Hood St. Ph 3.295. jp221 LOVELY FI'RN. Apt. 359 N. Liberty. For Dusmess women, inquire before 6:30 p.m. Jp220 NICE t rm. furn. apt. Employed couple. 3v o. lain. jpzzo" LARGE 4 rm. 3 bdrm. apt. Partly furn. way o, win oi. jpiiatu" SMALL APT.. 2nd floor. Aharg bath, 1188 N. 4th Basement apt. JP2Z0" MODERN 4 RM. unfurn. apt. Auto hot water ft heat. Walking distance. Rea sonable rent. References required. Write Cnpitnl Journal Box 399. Jp220 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Immediately one bdrm. furn. nome. aw per monin. rn. 3S4fl. jmaao" 8 RM. modern house, partly furn. Inquire at 905 S. 21st. Jm223 BDRM. modern furnished house, elec tric ranee ft refrlg., garden plot. 16 ml. So. Reference. Phone 49F33 Salem or write Rt. L Box 73, Jefferson, Oreg. Jm223 LEAsK beautiful 3 bdrm. unfurn. Oct. 1. 168 per mo. 3350 Wlnola Ave. Jm331 CLE4.N LARGE 3 rm. house. Ready Sept. ioin. s9.uu. wis n. gtn. rn. 3l93f. jm330 COTTAGE. FURN. By week. Ph. 39197. 'Jnl MODERN FI'RN. cottage 3 miles north of Rrwt. on OOE BrX 7P JmJ31 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS MODERN OFFICES for rent. Ideal for legal, medical, dental profession. Lo cated in El ec t rlc Bldg . Apply Libert r Investment Co., Tel. 3-3711. J122" WAREHOUSE OR SHOP 00 sq ft. smooth concrete floor, good roof, lte. windows, at Four Corners. 133 per mo. Ph. 24538 after 11 p.m. J322" OFFICE, desk space. Con, loo. Ph, 13133, J346 FLOOR S4NDEXS for rent alontgome'' ward. (Continued on Page 23)