Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 15, 1949, Page 21, Image 21

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    . SALEM
Wo, resale V.
C isch0'
Map Showing Routes to Soil Conservation Day Farm
Many will attend the Willamette Valley Soil Conservation day
program to be held at Irvin Barteli farm on Saturday, Sep
tember 17, beginning at 10:30 a.m.
Salem Liveateuk Market
tBj Valley Packing Company!
Lambs 118.00 to 120.00
Feeder lamba 112.00 to 116.00
?we tl.ZO to $4 00
Cutter cows 58.00 to 110.00
Fat dairy cow 39.00 to I10.W
Bull 111.00 to in. 00
Calves, good 1300-450 lbs.) 116.00 to 118.00
Veal (150-300 ltw.t top ....t 18.00 to 120.00
Portland Eastslde Market
Lettuce sold lor U.2b to 14.50 a crate
on thr Portland Enslslde Farmera Whole
sale Produce market today.
Canning and Juice tomatoes brought
S1.25 a 50-lb basket.
Corn was 75 cent a flve-dosen car
Egg plant was offered at 11.40 to $1.50 a
Portland Product
Butterfat Tentative, subject to imme
diate change Premium quality maximum
to .39 to 1 percent acidity delivered in
Portland 63-66c lb 92 score 61-4c lb., 80
score, S7-80e, 88 acore. 65c. Valley route
and country joints 2c leas than first.
Butter Wholesale FOB bulk cubes to
wholesalers: grade 03 score, 82 cents;
A 92 score flic: B 90 score. 69c lb.:
C 8Jt score, S8c. Above prices ar strictly
Cheese selling price to Portland whole
salt: Oregon singles SB40c; Oregon 6
am. loaf 42-3c; trlpleU 1 leu than
Eras (To Wfaelesaltrs) A grade large
l'4-4c; A medium, 65-58 4c: grade
B large, 64',i-5 Vic; small A grade, 43
Portland Dairy Market
Butter Price to retailers: Grade AA
prints 67c; AA cartons 68c: A print
67c. A cartons C8c: B prints 64c.
Ens Prices to retailers: Orade AA
large, 73c dor,.; certified A large. 7c; A,
large 67c: AA medium, 61c: certified A.
medium. 60c; A medium, Me, A small,
43c cartons 2c additional.
Cneese Price to retailers: Portland
Oregon singles 3943e Oregon loaf, 6
lb loafs 44 'i -45c lb.; triplets, 1 cents less
than singles. Premium brands, singles.
01 fed lb. loaf. 3tte.
Lira Chickens No. I quality FOB
Plants, No. 1 broilers under 24 lbs. 25-26C
lb.; fryers thi-i lbs., 28-30c: 8-4 lbs, lie;
roasters 4 lbs and over. 81c lb, fowl,
W horns, 4 lbs and under, 20c, 0Ter4
lbs 19c; colored fowl all weights 23c;
roosters, all weights 18-19c.
Babbits Average to growers! lire whites,
4-5 lbs 18-20 Um 6-t lbs. 18-18c lb:
colored 2 cents tower: old or heavy does,
8-14c; dressed fryers to butchers, 63-67o.
Country-Killed Meats
Veal top quality, 32-33g Ib.j other
grades according to weight and quality
with poor or heavier 20-25C.
Hogs: Light blockers. H-SSet sows
Lambs: Top quality, springers, 13-JTc:
mutton, 10-13c.
Beef. Good cows, 22-23e lb.; eanners
cutters. 20-22c
Fresh Dressed Meats
(Wholesalers to retailers per cwt.t:
Beef steers, good 600-800 lbs., 143-46;
commercial, $30-34; utility, 826-30.
Cows Commercial, 129-34; utility, 128
29: canners-cutters, 123-36.
Beef cuts 1 good steers) r Rind quar
ters, 153-68: rounds. 152-65: full loins,
trimmed, 173-77; triangles. 130-32; square
'-hucks, 139-41; ribs, 152-56; forequartera,
Veal and calf: Good, 136-37; commercial,
632-33; utility. 135-27.
Lambs: Oood-cholce spring lambs. 142.50
46; commercial, S36-41; utility, S33-35.
Mutton: Good. 70 lbs down, 116-18.
Pork cuts: Loin No. 1 8-12 lbs., S60
63; shoulders, 16 lbs down, 41-43: spare
ribs, 147-60; carcasses, 133.50-34.50; mixed
weights SI lower.
Portland Miscellaneous
Catcara Bark Dry 13l,ic lb. green 4c lit
Wool Valley coarse and medium grades
tic lb.
Mebalr 1S A. os 13-monib growth
Hides Calves, 30c lb., according to
weight, kips 25c lb., beef 11-12c lb., bulls
6-7c lb. Country buyers pay 2c less.
Nut Quotations
Walnuts Pranquel tea, first quality Jum
00, 34 7c large, 32.7c. medium, 27.2c.
second quality Jumbos, 30.2c. large, 28. 2r
nudlum, 26.2c; la by. 38 2c: soft shell, flrsi
quality lame, 29.7c- medium. 26.2c; sec
Hid quality large. 31 2c; medium 34 7c.
oa by 22.2c
Filberts Jumbo, 20c ib.t large. 18c
medium. I6ct small i3c
Export Buying
Boosts Wheat
Chicago, Sept. 15 Heavy
export buying and general short
covering rallied wheat futures
Wheat gained more than 3
cents a bushel at times, with the
December contract reaching the
best levels since January. Wheat
buying strengthened corn and
soybeans, but oats remained
Traders received reports that
the government is offering a
cent more a bushel for cash
wheat at Philadelphia. There
also was flour mill buying of
wheat against expected sales of
flour to the government over
night for export.
Wheat close Pi to 3S4 cents
higher than the previous finish,
September $2.09, corn was Va
higher to lower, September
$1.26 s-U, oats were unchang
ed to g down, September 68-
,4, rye was l up to '2 down.
September SI. 46, soybeans were
1 Vd to 1 higher, November
$2. 28-2. 2734, and lard was un
changed to 5 cents a hundred
pounds higher, September
Portland Grain
Portland. Sept. 18 Wi Cash wheat
(bid): Soft white 3.18'i: aoft white (ex
cluding rex) 2.16; white club 3.16't.
Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.16li; 10
per cent 3.16 U per cent 3.18; 12 per
cent 3.20.
Hard white baart: 10 per cent 2.31; 11
per cent 3.23; 12 per cent 2.25.
Today's car receipts: Wheat 46: barley
20; flour 6; corn 8; oata 4; mill feed 9.
Chicago Livestock
Chicago, Sept. 18 (U.B Livestock mar
ket: Hogs salable 8.000. Market moderately
active; butchers under 220 lbs. generally
steady with Wednesday's average: heav
ier weight scarce; 25 to 60 cents lower;
sows steady to 25 cents lower; market clos
ing slow and weak; top 21.76 sparingly for
eholee 230 to 260 lbs; most good and choice
190 to 280 lbs 20.75 to 31.50: on few lots
300 to 375 lbs 19.25 to 20.73; 170 to 190
lb lights 19.90 to 20.76; 160 to 170 lbs 18.00
to 19.76; sows under 350 lbs 19.00 to 20.25;
few under 800 lbs 20.50; 860 to 425 lbs
17.75 to 19.00; 450 to 660 lbs 16.76 to 17.50:
odd head heavier sows around 16.60; good
Sheep salable 1.600. Slaughter lambs
trading at standstill bidding 50 cents to
1.00, mostly 1.00 lower on good to choice
natives and load of fed western lambs;
prospects 24.00 down; yearlings absent;
sheep strong; slaughter owes mainly 1.00
to witrt neavier .oo to
Cattle salable 6.500; calves 600. Slaugh
ter steers and heifers slow; 50 cents to
1.60 lower; some bids 2.00 or more lower
on medium and good grades cows wek to
SO cents lower; bulls steady to 60 cents
lower ;two loads hlgh-cholct and choice
to Pflmo 1326 to 2358 lb fed steers 34.26
and 84.76: top 34.75: two loads choice
steers 33.60; bulk good and choice steers
26.60 to 32.50; medium to low good kind
largely 31.00 to 26.00; good and choice
heifers and mixed yearlings 35.50 to 29.50;
on load held higher; odd good cows up to
20.50; common and medium cows 14.50 to
17.60; canners and cutters 13.50 to 15.00;
most medium and good sausage bulls
18.00 to 30.80; vealers very uneven; ex
treme top 1.00 at 30.00 but general trade
only steady; stock cattle slow.
'B.V the 'usiyiaU'rt Pfon
American Cau
Am Pow ft Lt
Ar Tel At Tel
meeorda ...
Bendla Aviation
Beth Steel ,
Boeing airplane
Calif Packing
iaiian Pacif'a
Case J I
Oomwlth & Sou
Cons Vultee
!?o"t1nente Can ,
Crown Zdlerbacn
Jiirtiss Wright
Douglas Aircraft
Dupont de Nem
Oenerat Electr.
.Vrerai rooa .......
General Motors ,
Goodrear T're
Idt Harvester
int Pa pei ,
Llboy McN L
l-ong Bell "A'" .....
Montgomery Ward ...
Mash Kelvtnator ,
i t Dairy
.Y Cnrta
Northern Pacific
Pac Am Pish
Pa Gas it Eleo ......
" Tel Tel
Penney JO
Radio Corp ,
Rayomer ,
ft jonler Pfd
Reynolds Metal . ,
Rlchfifid ,
Saf em-ay Stores
d-ars Roebuck
Southern Pacific
9 andard Oil Co
tudebaker Corp ,
Sunshine Mining
union Oil Cal ........
Union Pacific
United Airlines
O S Steel
warner Bros Pig
. 27S
, 52 'i
, 27
, 32';
, 83':
. 11s
Get New Pep, Vim
Feel Years Younger
Do you blame exhausted: worn-oar feettng on ace.
TboutADria amoted at what a little pepping up with
Ontrex has done. Contains tonic many need at 40.
50. 60. for body oil Just because low In Iron; also
supplementary doses Vitamin . calcium. New
"get acquainted" alie mJy 60e. Try Ostrex Toole
Tablets tor pep. yousgat feeling, (Us very day.
At all drug stores everywhere In Salem
at Fred Meyer's.
w3 ' Mx;
taViweA igaaagesMiggMsa Turf In iistl agaggaSgaBT " ' .
Sightseeing Shirley May France (center), 17-year-old Som
erset, Mass., school girl who attempted to swim the English
Channel, gives her autograph to showgirls Gloria Sicking
(left) and Millicent '.oy (right) while on a sightseeing tour
in New York's Latin quarter. (Acme Telephoto)
Corvallis Votes
Corvallis, Sept. 15 IPi Cor
vallis and suburban Cedarhurst
approved annexation to the city
at a special election held here
yesterday, but a much larger
section north of the city for the
second time refused to merge
The Cedarhurst area, lying
just west of the city but contain
ing fewer than 100 residents,
voted to Join Corvallis. The
north section, on the ballot as a
separate item, has a population
estimated at about 800 persons.
Here the vote was 193-14:)
against the annexation proposal.
Last June a similar election
was held in which all the area
proposed to annex was included
in one parcel. It was defeated by
a wider margin than yesterday.
Improvement in sanitary con
ditions in the suburban areas
was the principal argument of
those in favor of the merger:!
opponents cited mainly higher
taxes which they said would result.
Completed from reports el Kalrm deal
ers ror trie gniaanee ot lapitai
Journal (leaders. (Bevised dally 1.
Retail f eed Priies
Krs Math I4.H5.
Rahblt Pellets 14.30.
Dairy Feed $3.70.
Puultry: liuylug prices Orade A color
ed hens 21-22c; grade A Leghorn hens.
18-lOc grace A colored fryers, three
lbs and up, 31 -33c. Orade A old roosters.
15 cents
Buying Prlrea Extra large AA. 66c;
large AA, 65c; large A, 63-66c; medium AA,
jSc medium A, 53-56c; pullets 38-40C.
Wholesale Prices Egg wholesale price
5-7c above thexe prices: above grade A
:?nerally quoted at 71c; medium, 63c.
P'emium 61 -65c. No L S3ci No 3. 67-
59c -ouytns prices)
Butter - Wholesale grade A 67c: r
all 72c
Portland Livestock
Portland, Ore., Sept. 15 fU.P) Livestock:
Cattle salable 400; calves 100: holdover
cattle 100. Market uneven: steers slow:
generally asking fully steady; few medium
Dee I steers above 32.00: rew common beet
steers 16.00 to 16.50: cutters down to 12.00:
common and medium heifers 13.50 to 16.50;
canner and cutter cows largely 10.00 to
11.00: few up to 11.50; shells down
ward to 8.00: medium and good beef cows
50 cents or more higher at 13.50 to 16.50;
young cows carrying few heifers to 17.25;
bulls scarce, strong to 50 cents higher;
few common and medium 14.50 to 16.00:
eood vealers steady at mostly 20.G0 to
I SO; some held higher: choice Wednes
day to 23 00; good above 350 lb calves
19.50 to 20.00.
Hoes salable 125. Market slow: around
steady; good and choice 180-230 lhc 23.7S
some unsold: other weight scarce; sows
scarce: demand less active; choice 66 lb
leedera Wednesday 24.00.
Sheep sa lab e 200: market ahnut ateariv
few good and choice 02 lb. scrlnaers 21.00
extreme top late Wedne.wlaT n lwi in
ip ivrcers u.w. gooa slaughter ewes sal
able 6 00 to 6.50: mediums 5.00.
T Membership
Drive Ends Friday
The YMCA's membership en
rollment week will be concluded
Friday night after those engag-
ed in the effort have made final
contacts on the prospect cards
in their possession.
While the goal, admittedly too
lgh, is not expected to be at
tained, Carl Greider, member-
ship secretary, believes the ef-
fort will prove successful in
that the objectives and principles
of the Y will have been brought
before persons not hitherto in
terested in the association.
The group headed by Fred An-
unsen known as the "Circle Y"
in the Western theme upon
which the enrollment plan is
based, reports 27 new members
secured. A second group direct
ed by C. A. Sprague has secured
No Child
Will Do His
Best in
If He Con
Not do
Close Work
Dr. S. A. Wheatley
725 Court St. Ph. 2-4469
You ought to be
driving a
with his daughter, Mrs. Ray Tho
mas of 1758 South 13th street,
and had been a resident of Sa
lem since 1928, had resided in
Oregon since 1911. That year he
moved to the central part of
Oregon and settled on a home
stead. He was born May 18
1872 in Lansing, Iowa.
A carpenter for many years
Lippe had helped in building
several churches and schools in
Oregon and Washington.
Surviving besides the daugh
ter with whom he made his
home in Salem are five other
daughters, Mrs. Elvena Davis,
also of Salem, Mrs. Mae Aldrich
of Prineville, Oregon, Mrs. Ed
ith Strunk and Mrs. Leona Far
ran, both of Vancouver. Wash.,
and Mrs. Alma Gustafson of Pe
taluma, Calif.; a brother, John
Lippie of Waukon, Iowa; a sis
ter, Mrs. Minnie Glosser of Min
neapolis, Minn.; 11 grandchil
dren and two great grandchildren.
Lippe Funeral
Set Saturday
Graveside services will be
held Saturday morning at the
Fisher, Wash., cemetery at 9
o'clock for Charles Herman
Lippe, late resident of Salem,
who died Wednesday at a local
hospital. Services will be under
the direction of the Howell-Edwards
Lippe, who made his home
Piles Hemorrhoids
Quick Relief
No Hospitalization
No Loss of Time
Lasting Results
Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic
Naturo-Rectal Specialist
1144 Center St. Salem, Ore.
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Sept. 15, 1949 21
United Nations Only
Bulwark of Peace
Washington, Sept. 15 tP)
President Truman said today
that the United Nations "is the
only bulwark we have for the
peace of the world."
Secretary of State Acheson
seconded him with the assertion
that cooperation among nations
is "constantly growing in stren
gth and effectiveness despite all
Mr. Truman snnk nrnnnllv
from the porch outside his office
to trie national citizens commit
tee for United Natlnna Haw
gathered in the White House
rose garden.
Acheson's statement was read
for him to the same vronn whih
is arranging for the observance
Oct. 24.
The president mid T!nltH
States suDDort of the Unitori vB.
tions is "absolutely essential" to
obtain world peace.
Gas In Stomach
& Bowels Relieved
Palm In tha abdomen art oftan Jut entirety
to fe preiiurt. Soma auffmrt owaalonally
nava a burniav pain si tb pit of tha
lloreaeh, called heart barm.
OUtera complain at time of palplUtloa,
labored breath I aoar rteinae. nauaea.
headache, or disalneaa. ar which y
result from Ba prewura.
f you are troubled with pain and nees
dve aa In etotnaeh and bowela you ahould
tet a peakeae of Baalmann't Gaa Tablet
and try them (or quick relief of iha dlatreaa.
Boy Baabnann'c Gaa Tabltta oapeclally fot
the relief of eaieeao araa and dlecorafort re
aultlng from aa preeeure. No phyeie. If you
aren't fully aatlified with result! of firat few
tablet taken at directed, manufacturer will
refund your money. Why neglect T Why
delay! Gat tbam from your drugfiet today.
Help 15 Mil., of Kidnoy Tuba
Flush Out Poisonous Wait
When disorder of kidney function permlta
poiaonoua matter to remain In your blood,
it may cause nagging backache, rheumatic
pains, leg paina, losa of pep and energy, set
ting up ninhU, welling, puffineaa under tha
yet, headache! and dizalneaa. Frequent OS
scanty passages With smarting and burning
aometimea a hows there is somelhiog wrooa
With your kidneys cT bladder.
Don't wait I Ask your drugglit for Doan'g
Pills, a stimulant diuretic, used successfully
by millions for orer 60 years, Doan's give
happy relief and will help tha 16 miles of
kidney tubes flush out poisonous waata from
your blood. Get Doan's Fills,
Felt Short of
Breath - Doesn't
Suffer Now
"Trie simplest of foods cau&ed me to
swell up so that I could hardly set my .
clothes on," aald Mrs. Maud Btoner of .
2834 B. 15th St.. Lone Beach. "Oueai I've .
pent hundreds of dollars trying to set
relief from that swful ia bloating whlcJi '
seemed to be always worse at nltht i
sometimes t could hardly set my breath
and I would hava to walk the floor in
misery. Then X beard of KAL-O-DEX and .
started to take U and how different I ,
feel. By en my husband says he sees a 1
wonderful chants tn me. X can eat any
thin now even greasr foods, with no i
bad aftereffects. Mr bowels are regular,
no more sas bloat, Z sleep fine and feel ,
good all over."
KAL-O-DEX is an Herbal formula of
juices from Nature's Plants. It has re- '
lieved many people who had never been '
really helped before by any medicine.
Taken shortly before meals It mixes with
your food, helping to eliminate the poi
sons that f osier stomach trouble. It will
cleanse the bowels, clear gas from stom
ach, enliven Intestines, and removes old.
sickening bile from the system. So don't '
to on suffering) Get KAL-O-DEX at all
Drug Stores. Money Back Guarantee.
Distinguished by a Beauty All Its Own!
Thrre's an unmiMikalile sump of distinction about the new Pontile It's
beamy from the front and it's a bfsuty from th rearl
Wherever you ee its "Silver Streik" styling in city traffic, on the highsy, or
rilhourtti-d at the curb you know immediately that it's Pootiac and some-
thing irrv special among automobiles.
And Pontiac's performance is wruslly unmitakable thunks to Pontiac's (treat
power plants, the straight eight oc the sii, and to the amaiing driving conven
ience of GM Hydra-Matic Drive.'
F.en though Pontiac it in a clana by itwlf for beauty, for performance and for
dependability, it is UiU the owwf priaJ might tifhl in America!
VI hy not come in soon and get the whole Pontiac story?
tAFK-T-NCW DRIVER VIIWI Ponliac's wide, optical! f
furred ttinflahielr), plus wider windows and slimmer
pillars all around, gives you new driving, horizon.
9 Hfdrm-Mtuic Drim spfionW an mil hmoVj at extra cms.
Extro Choir
Yes, dramatic, positive proof that furniture in excel
lent taste, expertly crafted and richly, beautifully
covered in fine upholstery fabrics can be yours at a
modest price! Here's Modern that can be teamed
with new, contemporary accessories ... yet is equal
ly distinguished with traditional styles!
Two Plecei
660 North Liberty St.
275 North Liberty
Salem, Oregon
Salem, Ore.