10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday. Sept. IS. 1949 The HOUSE on LILAC STREET by FRED BAYARD A NlWffMtont' Chapter 23 (Somewhere on the outskirts ot town a heavy truck surmounted by o huge crane wa busily en gaged in lifting an automobile from the depths o( a river. The opera tion wu being performed under the direction of the police. A second patrol car had driven up, Its three occupant Joining the one on the scene. After some fifteen minutes, brok n only by the grinding of gears as the crane began to roll in the yards of chain, and the occasional hoarse shouts from below, the body of a middle-aged green car rose from the surface of the water. Higher and higher it swung, streams of water cascading from it. The tow truck trundled it forward over the uneven ground as the slack was taken up. "It sure beats all how he got this far from the highway." one of the troopers said as he moved toward the car. The other two had meanwhile climbed up from below. The one who had been in the water to fasten the chain about the submerged car shivered. "If you guys don't mind, 111 take one of the cars and get back to town. It's cold." After he had gone, the trooper who had started Investigate the car pulled open the door. An exclamation brought the others. "Say, look at this, will you?" He held uo a set of Ohio plates. "Boys, it looks like we've got a ' hot car on our hands. I'll bet if we check the list we'll find this one on it. Walt till I Just take a loolc-see." He hurried toward the highway Datrol car. "Looks like my guess was right," ht said as he came back. "This ear was reported stolen about week ago over In Jersey. This looks like professional work. They've even changed the paint Job. It was listed as tan." "You know, the way the car got in here's darned funny," one of the others declared. "Did you get a statement from anyone who saw It?" "No. First thing we heard some thing was wrong was when the motorcycle patrol reported that they thought a car had gone off the road, and would we take a look." "It's not so hard to reconstruct what happened as to try and figure out how it happened. "The highway along here Is smooth and straight. There's a bit of an Incline but you can't even call it a hill. Something I made him suddenly leave the high way. He apparently struck that tree a glancing blow, plowed through a field of rocks you can see where It tore through the weeds and underbrush down Into twenty feet or so of water." They walked back in the direc tion of the highway; the trail of the car was plain to follow. "It must be all of a hundred and thirty feet from the road to the pit. He must have been go ing at a terrific speed." Up on the highway, ttiey began to examine the concrete pavement and both shoulders of the road. Except where the ear had gone off, leaving the clear mark of tires in the soft dirt of the edge, there was nothing to be seen. "I can't understand It. The road's as dry as a board. We haven't had rain for several days. There's no sign of any obstruction and on skid marks. Not even an indication that the brakes were' applied suddenly." "There's certainly no sign of a aollislon," one of the men agreed. 'Anything that could have struck this car with enough force to send it off the road would have been damaged pretty badly itself. Just the same, we'll ask around the ga rages to see If anyone's come in to have some collision work done. This Job Is banged up a bit, but not mora so that you would expect after it was bounced on tne rocus. As for the broken front windows, Bill did that In diving for the body. The door was wedged, and that was the only way to get the guy out. We figured we could maybe still bring him around, but he'd been in too long." "Was he banged uo much?" "He had some bruises and lacer ations on his forehead. When the doctor got here he said his neck was broken, probably as a result of the plunge. They'll probably know more after they get through exam ining the body." "I guess you guys want me to tow the wreck to your garage?" the driver of the crane asked. "Or do you want me to take it somewhere else?" "No. Well hold It for a while. We'll have to let the police over in Jersey know we've located It, but first we've got to see if we can find out something about the guy that was driving it." "Get his name?" "Yeah. As far as we could make from the Identification on him, he lived on Beacon Street. His name's Wamock." (To be continued) Butted for Fall Your suit for Fall, new as the season Itself short cut bolero, flaring skirt, and walst-clnchlng cummerbund! pat tern No. 3120 makes a trim tailored blouse to complete the costume. (Two separate patterns.) No. 3459 la cut in sizes 10. 13. 14. 16. It. and 20. Size 16 bolero and skirt, 3 yds. M-ln.; cummerbund, yd. 3U-ln. No. 3130 Is cut In sizes 13, 14, 16, 18, 30, 36, 38. 40, 43, 44 and 46. Size 18. 34 yds. 39-ln. Just outl The FALL -WINTER FASHION BOOK presenting fash Ions they are wearing now and new styles to come. Over 150 practical, easy-to-sew, up-to-the-minute pat tern designs for all ages. Remem ber, It's smart to sew your own and save money, order your copy now price Just 30 cents. To obtain this pattern, send Uc In COINS, giving pattern number, your name, address and Bone num ber to PeRgy Roberts, Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission Street San Fran cisco 3, Calif. R2466 p I Miaou f dewing 1 IS 4 Crocheted Bolero Tills sleeveless bolero, designed especially for the large figure. Is as nattering to wear as it is easy to crochet. It provides snug comfort when the house Is chilly and is perfect to wear under a coat later in tne season, xour choice of color Is practically unlim ited, for exciting new shades of wool are Just now making their fall appearance. Pattern Envelope No. K34M con tains complete crocheting Instruc tions for sizes 36-38. 43-44; material requirements, stitch Illustrations and finishing directions. To obtain tn pattern send 30c in COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and sone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal 828 Mission Street San Fran cisco 3. Calif. GOOD LUCK. R06BIB FROM NOW ON--AND I WANT YOU TO KW HOW SORRY I AM ABOUT YOUR SISTER" IF READING ABOUT HER WILL KEEP OTHER THRILL-CRAZY GIRLS FROM THROWING .THEIR LIVES AWAV, MAYBfc BLT ,KAV DIDN'T DIE FOR NOTHINO, OTfcVC INCIDENTALLY OUR NEW BOOKLET. KNOW YOUR MONEV. CAN BE HAD BY WRITINO THE SUPERINTENDENT OP DOCUMENTS. WASHINGTON, DC - IT SELLS FOR 15 CENTS-WITHA 25 PER CENT DIS COUNT ON LOTS OF lOO OR MORE - AND I D CONSIDER IT A MUST FOR ANY FIRM WHOSE EMPLOYEES HANDLE MONEY 3 Lincoln '')".,"', VOU SAY STEVE ftlGHZ MSS FAHSON.'ANO X INCIDENTALLY, OUR NEW BOOKLET. I WILL Be BACK MAY I SAV THANKS FOR "KNOW YOUR MONEY.' CAN BE HAD I I TOMORROW, MR ALL THE FMf FDUCA- ' BY WRITINO THE SUPERINTENDENT OP I BAUGHMAN ? T-r? 7KHAL WORK YCUVC DONS DOCUMENTS. WASHINGTON, DC " IT SELLS I -sc-ajsgr : ( ov the ce re ction of , for is cents-with a is per osnt dis- , I lltfH JU ( COUNTERFEIT.' I HATE TO COUNT ON LOTS OF IOO OR MORE - AND "T I ? S .IFF IMF AFB1F.S COkiF 4 I'D rnNSir.FO IT A MHST FOR ANY J mi die for y ii yiijf jJyrf r -1 LTiRM whose employees handlesj: m J irLM't Till W1DI HW f I 1U IX gAgpmlt M S Ml m .J. tassiJ t5aTsW'U MM MW-. IX Vll T in tf ' A r -oS Mf I WW I " - - 'ftM Wj 1 CRIME GRIME lfl H , ll ' (Pt WES DOES xrA 1M . r. iv. w, ANpEnCo 0 s-tFt&222!2!mmmmmSaasm ( 0ON.T KN0W TH. S 1 wmct-'happened to HER "iWiirMaJ D I NO-T FIRST IT WWSGRANO-HER !.? REST O' TH' STORY BUT IT I f7 JOHNNY? AND TO HER-ER-1 OWN WONDERFUL HOME THE BARC5E ) WASNT A NICE. STORY I I -A WHY, I STILL DON'T EVEN M I P ) CABIN -AND SHE HAD aj2ES"' A COUPLE p. CAN TELL THAT EASY ENOUCH- ( rjk KNOW HER NAME II j jl f 1 6CT TO HAND NFvEP-FER A SUY WWO 'VOU UADYOUR CUAMCE.'B' fDOMT RU& IT IN, J rTTOVOU,RUOV..IsWS OOQSH OOWT MEAMI L AMBV, BUT VOU RAM Jfl WILBUR-EVER'TME as VOU SURE WEREInOTMIM' Hfcf SURE HAS J i OUT OM ME Jf 1 THINK OP ALL THE FREE I ' cph I CAGEY ABOUT THIS (I A WAV OP KEEPIM' I yf., MUBBLE BATHS 1 COULD H I MUBBLE BATH DEAL HIS HOOKS IN IT.' A I 'fy k'SJ -"' V HAD KAV RHEUMATICS " vc Vnith wilbur P3wr " J-T AJi4 . LACUES WORSE.' E Z4 "V- fyrr xoo, c w isi gi ae j-aaji t-sw naw-ikmpt-. M r -.11' v - , . . I AH FEELIZES VO'DIDWT KNOW AH VS 1 I WM T OH, IT'LL TAKe"mOReT, F-tAN' TH' OM4PGGERS 4 CVi 4 'THT't IRIOtN NXJHt-TRUCK.SUH-BUTVAXJLD J I UYr 4f THT UH BLn; ITLL J I IT, BETTER IT SHOULD BE. PIE. I C . yO'MINDSTOPPlKI.'AN'KILLlM'ME? J I HUH? DO, FO' A START. NO1 4M I IT'S ONIV FAIR T VARN YO' L - RECKOM NO" A I l JrSNrL" W-PM 1 r I i tt-e-, .fc.N THAT 'Cf 15 APT T HAVE T WON" HAVE. MUCH M l SJSlLONG. j-r, I YOU T A SHORE SIGN THAT QUITE A BIT O' TROUBLE, " - , s ' 8 jl0 NHlrA IT YES. I ASXEP THEM To'lltj -j.-- ,E YES. VEKV Ji WWaTS THE MATTES, J, Tu0U6UT THPPC WM . Uk POTHAr.THERHU.BEA ApfS rkuS f iCe JSTSV SHIPSHAPE . J SALTY ? FlNP ySS?ur, GtE, YOU HAVEN'T HACO A Vl tt-J I J Lf U ' T' f D A BITS ALL DAY, I s . -v .. i5mi fS U Y S : ! H L-riftzrl i mmmrn r. r. 1 i 1 I ,Xv IT' ilviiJAn.1AnTF.T.n THE. 5Wf E-TLIGHT HAVE.N CODE TRVIkt. TONVF llPTOTHAT r . RADIO PROGRAMS THURSDAY- P.M. 'KSLM JiT'KGW , IK0C0 T 'K0IN Ad, t Chmmp GibrM alar N W Niwi HfttabUra Bssmkltn Doik t HttL CUmrlM Hnl la th Mrva HsBBtr HcvaUbk Cuilir DivU Hue Show DU Ini Bhtw Newt Malul Nrnml Hntic FlUa Lwta Jr. SaUt Lcftt Krwa Ntwi Mailt Ad?, ml FftJac A4t. f rlcB Knaa MrtM Rim MarvftB 8ia Off llriKg rma4 ftt Hat rt4 M !, CakUUi Elaitr Ptni Nclaas Edly Nalan Eda T B A T B A T B A TEA Prad Wri Pr W.rinc Sloatrft-Klralta Newt tf Warld Martdllk WiK Maradlta Wlltta Ntwt atrta Pact Plaall Bat af Uai Baa4 Wacta Saai ParM Was Maataai Wax Wax Sin Oft Bhrtaaa Baata Bnrihai Buaa Blai Cratbr Kayatard Caadlt Mibt aad llvar NWt Bill Ittra Pal O'BrUa Maalaal Jaakval Ivalya Kalfbl PalbaU Praahat Track 14M Track MtM Track Track HM Track UN Nawa Iddlt Daebla Pranllar Tawa Fran liar Tiwn Masle Toa Waal Mailt Yea Want Naataraa Naataraa Naatarna Nattarnt Sla-a Off Knax Maaalac Baalab Cbal Haallar Nwi Saspaait flaipaaaa Crlaia Pbta, Clint PhaUf. Plarbaasa Plarfaaaaa Pint N lib tar Pint Nlfblar Ltwell Tbaaiat Jack laillh Mr. Kaaa Mr. Kaaa PlTt Star Plaal P B I P B I Banda Parada Saranadt Yaa tba War! Orcbcatra Orcbailra Slleal FRIDAY A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. m Nwi Saaaaiary Hadn Padsa Ntwt lift Tlaiakarper Nawi KOIN Klaak :W March Tlait Het Padra KOCO Blaak KOIN Klack lU Nawi Hodgt Pad KOCO Klack KOIN Klack 7:00 Nawa Farm Tiait Tax Millar KOIN Klack tlft Braakfatt Gang Farai Ttma Nawa A BaarU Nawa : Breakfaat Gam Tba Old ansa Toa Maralni Newt :4a Tap Tradaa Naws Nawa Frad Back 8:M Barrala Coanttr Saioalh Mailt Klax'a Crvaadara Cauanam Ntwt :1ft RUa Shlac Bmoalb Malt Klat't Craaadara Art Bakar .SO Seat af Ptanaara Bldara af flaca Waatara MclodlM Garr Maara ia Morptnr Special 8aai Haraa Charch la Wild ' 9:M N W Nawa Sacaod Cap Tlaaa for Malady Vocal Varletlea :IS Kata Smith Sacaad Cap Tina for Mtlodr Vocal VarltMta : Pastar'i Call Jack Bcreh Stan Slav Nawa U Wllaa Walti Tint Ntwt J. Chat. Thonaa Boitnarf 4t :M N,WI Haataaa Baaaa N W Nawa Wendr Warraa il l'18 s1 ,n HoalaM Baaaa Mcwarablt Matle Aaat Jennr I1J:M Parrr Coma HomaUwntra Tana Tina Helaa Treat I w Walt Sarenada Tropic Echaaa B8 Kara Oar Gal Saaday bbbj : Ladlca Flnt Lapaa Oreh. Mailt Mart Bi Slitcr II : Ladlca Pint Lopn Orch. Mualt Mart Ma Pcrklna 3 I : Quean for a Dar Today'a Cbildrea Jaa Garber Yoanc Dr. Malaaa m " ' Qacen for a Dar Lara Lawtoa Vocal Varltllaa Qaldlna Light -fCttOft Top Trades Doable ar Nothing Rollrwaod Mailt Nawa I mM :1ft Nawa Danblt ar Natblag Rollrwaod Mailt Coma Gtt It If N Nawa New Nawa Norab Drake Bob Eberlr Show Light af World Ted Dalt Prcienti drlgbltr lar 1:00 Tell Y'r Nelrhbor Life Boaatlfal Mac'a Mcledlea Snd Mra. Bartoo " :I6 Johnioa Famllr Road 4 L ie Mac'a Melodlea Perrr MaiOB :S Orran Reverlei Pepper Toang Mae'g Melodica Bright Light :0 Blng Slngi Happlncia Mac'i Mcledlea Alr-flo ?00 Againit Ibt Storm Backttait Wife Mac'a Melodiea Newspaper af Air :10 AcalBit the Storm Stella Dallaa Mac'a Melodlea Newipaper af Air iSO Mailt Lorenie Joaea Mae'a Melodlea Chlcagoaaa 'M Mmle Wldder Browa Mac'a Melodiea Tunefullr Ton ft 3:00 sar It With Mmle A Girl Marrlea Mac't Melodiea"" Newa " " :Jft Sar it With Meilc Portia Pacei Llfa Mae'a Melodlea Meet Ibt Mlaiaa :80 Sonra af Timea Joit Plata bill Mac'a Melodiea Meet the Mlaaaa !0 N"" Froat Page Farrall Mac'a Melodlea Robert Q. Lewli 4:00 Fnltoa Lewia Jr.. Welcome Traveler Movie Tint Curt Master :I5 Prank Remlngwar Welcome Traveler Philosopher Little Show :S0 Behind tho Story Aunt Marr Br en Can Ba Clab IB AH Carmen Cavalerro Wt Lore Learn Beautiful Edward Morrow DIAL LISTINGS! K.EX, 1190; KOAC. 659 lFV Thnradar P.M. 4:00. Replug L'p r.CA with Sportit ft:lfi. Home Edition Ncwii ft:S0, Modern Romances) :00, Bead lino Edition) :1S, Elmer Davlsi :M, Da mon Runron Theatre; 7:00, Ctnntenpri 7:30, Pint Handred Yearsi B:00, Original An.ateur Honri 9 AS, Mailt for Ddeamtngi 9:00, Richfield Reporter) 9:1H, Intermesto) B:S0, Concert Hoar, 10:30, Memos to To morrow, 11:00, Xtra Hoar, 12:00, Sign I Off. Lf CY Friday A.M. 4:00, Ntwtt :15, NtA Band Box i :. Bab Hull Show, 0:45, Tina Tempoai 1:1&, Martin Agronabri 7:30, Eeka Man tier i 7:45, Rlden af the Purple Sage; S:00, Breabfaat Clabt 0:00, Mildred Bedell i 9:15. Stan of Today) 9:S0, Troplcanai 0:45, Melody Promenade) 10:00, Ted Malonat 10:16, Galon Drake i 10:S0, Mr Traa Story i 11:00, Betty Cracker; 11:18, Ntwsi 11:30. Baukhagt Talking) 11:45, Nancy Cralgi 12:00, Northwester narai 1S:30, Kay Woiti 1:(W, Braakfaal la Hollywoodi 1:30. Easy Aeoa; 1:48, Meet the UAlT Tbnnday P.M. " Jr Upbeat) 0:50, 55 Oa Ibt 550 Sports Clabi 0:00, News l 6:1B, Dinner Melodies; 0:10, Roand the Campflrt) 7:15, Evening Farm Boar i 8:00, Aviation In tha Newsi S:15, Great Songs i 8:30, Program af Canada) 8:45, Leggeri' Fire Weather Forecast. News; 0:00, Musle That Endnreii 0:45, Eve ning Meditations) 10:00, Sign Off. Vrkf Friday a.m. ta 4.15 p.n IWMVi 10:00, Tha Nawat 10:1a. k peclally far Women t 11:00, Tha Canotrt Rail; 18:00, Nawai 18:15, Noea Farm Hour; 1:00, Rldt 'em Cowbort 1:15, Variety Time) 1:30, Melody Lanet 8:00, Cavalcade hi Dramat 8:45, Memory Book of Music, 8:00, News. Men Jena I 8:00, Sarprise Package) 8:80, Bride and Groom I 8:00, Ladles Be Bcatedi 8:80, Add-a-llnei 4:00, Saairrri Cagei 4:80, Takon Challenge. Dayton School Calls Unionvale Unionvale stu- j dents enrolled In Dayton Union high school are: Marvin Baker, Joyce Crawley, Joyce Crawley, Kent Crawley, Wanda Gelger, Anona Gubser, Wanda Lee Hen drickson, Ray Hibbs, Verl Hoard, Elver Hoard, William Michael, Robert Shellburne, Betty Strawn, George Strawn and Donna Zentner. ACROSS 1. Glacial ridge t. Made st I IT and gore 11. Ttirmlnata 15. Kind of typa 14. Lega to. Heaaon 16. Thick black liquid 17. Lone; narrow PtflCft It. spa n I ah haro 20. Fraternal order 88. Take a aaat tl. Reception room 85. Soft reals 29. Units 40. Convened 42. Morbid breathing aound 41. Maecullne nickname 44. Electrical device 48. Baseball score 47. One who avoids gJyiy 48. Hair ointment 21. Cllmblne; plant 51.' Descendant of okoiuio snem exudation m. Shirks 2. Argues 82. Rest rale IS. Meadcw h. Renltt 10. Drop ball autborltp pUm i nuln deb cari fa8MTgfmlTlalwll 5 B& B5HIISC Ell E L E M ipslullHNQW llL55Ils HOIRT NnpTFffo L I o N EISjiIyiJiR E N D TRiEEULEpUNlAlell Solution of yesterday's Puszl DOWN 1. Breath, oul S. Bmb.ra S' 4 7 T " W', " ' pa ' izzwtzwr 1 I33 STpa jj 34 p55 U W fa T1 W 'W w I" "i25" r so sf w r, ;ps Af Maweteeevree 5. Relatives 4. Clumsy boata 6. Reposes 6. Through train T. On tho summit 8. Kntanfle 9. Draw forth 10. Conjecture 11. Compound ether 18. G rants IS. Free SI. Foundation timbers 88. Gaseoue matter 26. New: comb. form XT. CIstero 29. Arms manufacturer 3!. Long sticks 82. Anointed 33. Take up aaaia 34. Obstinate .18. March 27. Chemical vessel LI. Voiceless consonantt 41. Habitus) drinker 44. Measure 45. Wander 48. Old French poem Iv. Fairv quae ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahern I THINK. KIND Of MRS HOMT TO PROVIDE living quarter wr MlRGIRlEMPlOYtEV WORTH! "TTTl UVINfi QUARTERS'", 1Hl ,'Wf E.TLICHT HAVE.N" C0D DOYOUCAll THIS Jl SWIETUCHTIAOIES Will ADORES) EACH OTHER IIVIN6? READ THE IN10W TONES AT AIL TIMES, AND Will COM- PIFTEIV REFRAIN (ROM TALKING AFTER I0PMJ I NOSWEEIUCHT IAO.0F COURSE, Will SMOKE J.(VERSW(ETII6MT LApy WILL WRITE HOME ONCE EACH WEEK. 1. PIAVIN0 ( ARPS tf'1f& i. NO R0LK.I OR LIP- (EXCEPT AUTHORS' STICK, ASWEHH6HT OR FlINCHT LJaLJI LAOV NEEPS0NLV STRICTLY ajaV UNSCENTE0 FORPlPPtN. f? TAICUM. 4 CjENTIEMEN (APPROVED 8Y Tn HOUSE MOTHER! MAY 8E ENTERTA'NEDBYSwEETLIGHT LADIES IN THE HAVfN WRIOR ON WEDNESDAYS AND SUN DAYS ONLY FROM 8P.M. TO 10P.M. 7. S00MS MUST BE KEPT NEAT AN0 ORDERLy AT ALL TIMES. 6. BILLS ARE PAYABLE INFUll BEFORE fcP.M. R & 'CPXdT' 53? CONGRATULATIONS. SO?-WELL ir MW wZ 3 . GUY WTTHTH' SAND-BLAST tf BBlvKSA SNotIkV" 1 k -L3; snore complaining to V-7 butifi dqSIxj C.1 - Q -- "JLP--- "V LODGE ABOUT YOU KEEPING I WOMT BE DONE I t , i S"-; rL3 v K HIM AWAkE WITH YOUR. V IN A FEEBLE, 1 1 1 TJ t ATO V- SNORINS LIKE TH' ( jtVi HALFHEARTED AYlL V SOUND Or A BROKEN JrfJ$ AANNER.y -J I mSrr. LIKE THE HEM OF A RUMMAit) THP I TnN : Ai 1 ' : U Y XX 1 ClVAY wm.7 lhs fo ,iUHiy z mo V II IK i- ts?ai!L ' i am-Ttdi a .'T f Ail EVERY SATURDAY lea rv rr -V