Bearcats Entrain for Vandal Go x,. 65) 'J l- M nws sew 1 Q r9 i 7 " " T .: .At "V' 'faf Pnmhinsfinn One of the center-quarterback eom- iai vummiiaiiuii bInatloni belnR rtudled by CMCh i Chester Slarkhouse as he prepares his Willamette university ( football team for the fall campaign. John Markowskle, sopho more center, hands the ball to Quarterback Jim Noa, 158 pound Hawaiian. Yankees End Agreement With Victoria Wl Team Victoria, B.C., Sept. IS (CP) New York Yankees have terminated their work In agreement with the Victo ria Athletics, of the Western International baseball league, Business Manager Reg Fatter son announced last night Under this agreement the Yankees furnished players for the A's from other farm-teams, with the option of selecting any player owned by the lo cals. They exercised this op tion by taking Vic Ruccola, first-baseman, who will man age a class "D" minor league club for them. Yanks also have placed price tags on Pitchers Frank Lngue and Larry Ward. Out fielder Charlie Balassi -and Catcher Dick Morgan. A's own contracts of Pitch ers Joe Blankenship and Len Kasparovitch and Outfielders Jot Morjoseph and Al Drew. They may build for next sea son around these four players. Locals are definitely Inter ested In purchasing the con tracts of Pitcher, John Mar shal, who won Z2 games for Bremerton this year, and Cat cher AI Ronning, also of the Bluejackets. It Is unlikely Earl Bolyard, a Yankee minor league mana ger, will return to the A's. Patterson favors a playing manager. Victoria also may train next spring in the Osoyoos area of British Columbia Instead of in California, The burbot, a fish in northern U.S. waters which has been re garded as a pest because it eats game fish, have been found to yield a liver oil richer than that from cod fish. By FRED ZIMMERMAN, Capital Journal Sports Editor Clear the Atmosphere If nothing more comes out of the present agitation involving the citizenry of Salem and the Portland Beaver management than a clearing of the atmosphere, the effort will have been worthwhile. Perhaps the parent Beavers may come to the re alization that the capital is entitled to a bit more consideration and a stronger club will follow. It is our opinion that the con troversy had its inception in the belief that Portland wasn't pro viding a first division club. Whether Business Manager Bill Mulligan and the higher ups were doing the best they could to secure talent might be subject for debate. It is easy for one on the outside to criticize but once the critic Is shouldered with the task a realization of the difficulties involved generally follows. Drop the Subject If the Beavers do not see fit In consider Salem's counter proposal, then the whole subject should be dropped, for long, drawn out negotiations will accomplish little other than to cause any number of persons to lose Interest In the entire affair. That a lot of folk have already cooled off on the Idea was evidenced Tuesday night when approximately half the number out for the first meeting took the trouble to at tend. There is a suspicion In some quarters that Portland had no intention of peddling Its local property and that the announcement that it was for sale was merely a calculated method of stimulating attendance. Willamette university's Bear cat football squad, unable as yet to master completely the Intrl, cacles of Coach Chester Stark house's offensive strategy, en train Friday evening for Mos cow, Idaho, Saturday afternoon the 'Cat will engage the University of Idaho Vandals in what will be the first contest of the season for both outfits. The Willam ette party will Include SO play ers. Coach Stackhouse held np the selection of the traveling squad until the 60 eandidatrs had gone through a final work out before boarding the sleep er for the scene of contest. Guard Art Beddoe and Full back Keith Clabaugh are con sidered virtual cinches for the opening play. However, Center I Chile k Patterson, third member of the all-conference trio Is hav ing a battle en his hands from John Markowski. former Grant high star of Portland. Key Harrington, small bnt fast three year letterman half bark on the elub,' will prob ably team up with Jimmy Noa at quarter and Al Minn at half along with Clabaugh, Captain Howie Lorenz, enter ing his final year of competition, will be left behind because of a badly dislocated left shoulder. Although John Slanchik, lanky' triple threat quarter, appears to be recovering from a back in jury, his participation In the Ida ho game is problematical. Willamette's next game will be with Central Washington at Ellensburg, Sept. 24. Hayes to 'Cast Football Tips Sam Hayes, the man who has given over 40.000 touchdown tips with 80 percent accuracy, will forecast each Friday night at 7 o'clock over KSLM during the football season, the proba ble results of the important col lege games. In addition to his predictions, Hayes salutes a "team of the week" on each program, giving facts and figures on its coarh, players and school. Winding up the show he details a gridiron grin in which he tells the daf fiest football stories which have crossed his desk during the week. LOCAL UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES Salem, Oregon, Thursday, September 15, 1849 Page 17 Rocky Hits Victory Path With Savage TKO in 10th Attendance Drops That Salem was fourth from the top in the matter of atten- dance over the entire Western International league indicates -i that the circuit is none too strong financially. And one cannot j help but wonder what would happen if local enthusiasts should . buy the Senator franchise only to find they had no place to go. J No doubt the ideal situation would be to have Salem and Eu- gene both represented In the league. And this could well happen If the league magnates do not decide to restrict their operations to Washington and British Columbia. Such a plan is brewing but It may not be carried out. t Seats Available Spec Keene, athletic director at Oregon State, takes time 1 ont from his multitudinous duties to scotch the rumor that all d seats for the OST -California game In Portland, October 1, have been sold. There Is no basis In fart for such a report, says Spec, who hastens In point nut that good seats are available In Multnomah stadium. Nothing hits an athletie director a more punishing blow than one that strikes him - in the pocket book. This Is particularly true at the Beaver Institution where a brand new $1,100,000 basketball court Is near completion while blueprints for a football plant are 2 In the making. In any event the fan who has the funds can buy a ticket for one of the outstanding games of the season. Cost of an access road to a proposed stadium In the hills out of Cnrvallis was largely responsible for the selection of a J site Just south of the basketball court on the OSC campus . for a stadium. With finances as they are. It Is not likely ' construction on the grid plant will he Inaugurated In the Z near future. ; Grid Broadcasts J The Willamette-Idaho game will go on the air out of Pullman Saturday afternoon, but so far as we have been able to ascertain " the play-by-play report will not be available here. Stations J listed to carry the contest are all In Eastern Washington and Idaho. The St. Mary s-Oregon game will go on the air at 8 5 o'clock Friday night over KGW while the OSC-UCLA contest In Kezar stadium will hit the air lanes at 8:15 Friday evening. 2 KRUL of Corvallis and KVAN of Vancouver will be the dlstrt- f buting points in this part of the country. KSLM will carry the 3 Washington-Utah clash at 1:45 Saturday afternoon. fcew York, Sept. 15 W The Rock is back on the victory road. Not the Rocky Grasiano of old but still the most exciting fight er to watch in the ring today. For nine rounds against Charlie Fusarl in the Polo Grounds last night, it looked like Rock was through. He was trailing on every scorecard and it seemed only a tenth round knockout could save him. Then It happened the ex plosive burst that the crowd of 31.092 had been waiting for all night. A left hook suddenly con nected and Fusarl reeled from mid-ring to the roprs. A right, then another, and then a rain of blows that draped Fusarl over the ropes and then to the floor for a count of nine. Like a Tiger smelling blood Rocky tore after Fusari. He pinned him in a corner, held his head in place with his left hand, and sledgehammered him with his right. The crowd was on its feet, roaring for the kill. But Ref ,eree Ruby Goldstein had seen enough. He pulled the snarl ing Graziano from his victim and declared the Rock the vic tor at 2:04 of the last round. "He shouldn't have stopped it," wailed Fusari. "I was wait ing for him to slow up and then I would have come after him. The 24-year-old Jerseyite, stopped for the first time in his career, lost nothing in de feat. He was outweighed 12 pounds 159 '.4 to 147 'A by one of the fiercest punchers in the game and except for the one mistake was the better fighter. The three officials all had Fusari in front for nine rounds. Sacred Heart to Lean on Sophs in Start at Molalla A team that has a large per centage of sophomores in its starting lineup and is not too ex perienced will represent Sac red Heart academy in its first football game of the season Fri day night with Molalla high. The game will be played on the Molalla field. Father John O'Callaghan. athletic director of Sacred Heart, believes his boys will play entertaining football with offense based on variation of the T formation. The starting lineup will in clude: Jinx Colleran, right end; uon Mock, right tackle: Dick DeHnsier, right guard: Vernon Daniels, center; Paul Piley, left guard; Jim Heenan, left tackle: Clark Ecker, left end; Al Pearl quarterback; Wally Gibson, right half; Jim Wiemals, left half: Jim Lancaster, fullback. Others who will see consider able action are Francis Schlag eter, Tom Morisky and Don Heenan. S JJJIJBI1 , I K' . . ,'"l. , .IHsiaHM WWBlBSSSSSiJ RpfflTP I llP fnrm Rockr Graziano (left), former mid VCIUIC IIIC JIUI III dleweight champion, tips the scale at 159 V4 pounds as he weighs in for his bout with Charlie Fusarl (right) of Irvington, N. J. The New York fighter's weight was 12 pounds more than his opponent, who scaled 147 1 i pounds. Operating the balance is New York State Athletic Commission Chairman Eddie Eagan (center), (others un identified). Rocky slashed his way to a TKO in the 10th round. AP Wirephoto) Weekend to See Opening Of Northwest Loop Grid Five of the nix member of the Northwest conference will open the 1949 football season Friday and Saturday and In every instance the competition will be against clubt outside of the circuit. College of Idaho, defending champions, will engage Southern Idaho, a(ate school, at Caldwell while Lewis and Clark of Portland will travel north to Belllngham for a ses sion with Western Washing ton, Pacific university, with strong aspirations to replace the Coyotes at the top of the heap tangle with Pacific Luth- Capital Alleys MAJOR LEAr.l'F Cllnt'i Cliff Mha It Clin r SM. 01nr Sr. 510. Frbwaard 441, Bon 546. Ox lund 525. Mar'a 2 CrlaweMl M3, Rr? OTT 520, Revjt 492, Bal 471. Hodifl 450. Starr rlamblnc 0 Knnrdy MS. Romi 132. Attrr 447, Co 8iUlnfr A24. Mapl Sptrtlnr ioda 3 1 - B. Vldi S47. Woodford 5.M. Wick land SSI. D. Pie 625, H. Pat SSI. tm Malnra ilt-Mirleh K2D, Frln 4D7, Iron 5M, 8tlnbork 539. E Hart w11 605. Wftdr?'a Ftjrnllnr 0 Kltchn 541, Seal 51, Prrr 473, Forman 499, Ariolph 479. ftaltm RaH war !) Thd 55)1, Phlppft 575, Ionian 531, Boyr 54M, Wait 874. Cap Ita4 Rvdtllnc 3 Yount 4B0. Wl!krson bt. Nubrr 5ft6, Laraon 560. Poulln 595. rpphnar! Car '2-Hndrson 546, Lutx 514, McC)uAkr 562. Fvarui 66. nirvtt 55. 1 Vin'a raf '1iMvrjt 543. Ryala 471, Kraft 483. Mirvdr 547, M'lr 55. Htin fara irifi; Man npr ni Good. 007. Huh individual rla: Xvan af Cup board Caft, 667, Hith individual tarn: Kvan. 164. eran of Taroma at Forest Grove and Willamette univer sity's Bearcats open against the strong Pacific roast con ference member. University of Idaho Vandals at Moscow. Saturday afternoon. OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport T 05 a m. 6 06 p.m. 633 am. 1 17 p m. 17 am, :40 p.m. 40 a.m. 0 4 1:81 am. 03 l ift p.m. 1.6 I 62 a m. 0.0 1.56 p m. I S A ayrup produced from corn cobs rosemblrs maple syrup. Rain Postpones" Yak-Van Contest Vaneourer, B. C, Sept. 1.1 ajn Rain last nlfht postponed th. srhedulrd third same of the Western International league playoffs between the Vancouver Capllanos and the and the Takhna Bears. Van couver holds a 1-0 edie In the final series. Marion B League Sets Open Date For September 23 Friday, Sept. 23d was the date selected for the first football games of the season by the Mar ion County B league members during a conference Wednesday night. Principal H. W. Bowers of St. Paul was named president of the league and Coach Ned Gleason. also of St. Paul was elected secretary-treasurer. First round of competition will include: Sublimity at Aums ville, Jefferson at Gervais, Tur ner at Mill City and Chemawa at St. Paul. Requests Aid in Closing Resort Lebanon, Sept. 12 (Special) Kenneth Lanning, secretary of the Santiam Fish and Game as sociation, has requested assist ance in closing Clear Lake re sort next Sunday. Needed are pickups, trailers, and trucks. Interested members are asked to meet at the lake Sunday at 10 a.m. PTC ft; J I Ghost Returns The "Galloping Ghost" of the '20s roam ing the gridiron again. Harold (Red) Grange, former Illinois and pro great, demonstrates the art of stiff-arming to Raymond Freeman, 12, a pupil In one of the eight junior football schools conducted by the Chicago Park district. Grange it supervisory eoaeh of the program. (Acme Telephoto) FENS' A NT KArr AT A fU.ANCB B TTnUd Pr AMERICAN I.EAGl'K Gam Oam W L Pet Behind to play Nir York 67 5 .61 17 Boston M 55 610 t 13 C1vland KO 56 .5R0 Vi 16 Detroit 62 0 .577 T'fc 13 NATIONAL LRAGi r Oamx Outtw W L IVt. Behind to piny St. LrttlU 60 5fl .640 15 Bronklrn 66 52 .626 I'i 15 Sourhworth Gets Clean Bill From Medico on Ticker Boston, Sept. 15 Wi Examin ation by a Columbus, Ohio, heart specialist has resulted in a clean bill of health for Billy Snuthworth, absent Boston Braves manager. Tribal General Manager John Quinn said yesterday Dr. R. W. Kissane reported Sourhworth: "Has a normal heart. There is no organe disease. "He does have an Irregularity due to premature contractions. "I am of the opinion this has been caused by nervousness and mental fatigue." Southworth's departure from his team came while the Braves 1948 pennant winners now fighting to finish In the Na tional league's first division- were going poorly. Hot Nat Chase Continues Yanks Tighten Flag Hold IB th AMUKtl.d Prrjm The Brooklyn Dodgers must be wondering today just what they must do to catch the high flying St. Louis Cardinals? Since the first of the month, the Brooks have piled up 11 vic tories in 13 tries, a true cham pionship gait. And Just how much yardage did they pick up on the Bed- birds during that torrid stretch drive? Not a foot. While the Dodgers were polishing off Bos ton, New York and Cincinnati, the Cards duplicated the Dodg ers' feat by winning 11 of their last 13 skirmishes. So as the two perennial ri vals swing into the final two weeks of the blistering Na tional league campaign, the Cards still cling to the game and a half edge they held Sept. 1. The Dodgers drew first blood yesterday, knocking off their fa vorite playmates, the Cincinnati Reds, 4 to 2, In an afternoon tussle. That narroweJ the Cards' edge to one game. A Sedhird de feat meant the slimn;st of mar gins between the two clubs a half length. But It was not to he. Th. Giants proved easy prey for the Redhlrds, bowing under a S-3 lacing as Harry (the Cat) Brecheen continued his night ly prowl with a 10-hit effort. In the American league, the Yankees advanced a couple of more strides toward their lflth championship, by swooping both ends of a double bill from the hapless St. Louis Browns, 2-0 and 13-7. The sweep enabled the Bronx Bombers to increase their first place lead over Bos ton to three full games, despite the Red Sox' 1-0 victory over Detroit. Cleveland virtually eliminat ed itself hy dropping a t-1 de cision to the Philadelphia Ath- Major Standings (Br th AjuoclAtd Frj) NATIONAL IJCAOttE W L Prt . St. Lou I J 69 50 .640 NfW York Brooklyn BR 52 .621) Plltburah Phlldlphi 75 86 .512 Cincinnati Brut ton Aft 72 .486 ChtcaiO fUtultt WdntUr Brooklvn 4, Cincinnati I. Phlladlphi 12. PULnbunh 4. ChlcuBO 8, Boston 7. St. Louta S, New York I. iNirht) W t Prt. 76 72 .482 60 76 .415 56 6 .401 ft II .103 letlcs at Rookie Bobby Shanti beat Bobby Feller. In other game trie Chicago White Sox dumped the Waih- inRton Senatori, 8-1 ; Philadel phia'! Philltea whipped the Pitta- burgh Pirates. 12 4, end the Chi cago Cubs outslugged the Boston Braves, 8-7. wutrnar r Tin majors (Br th Afnrlfttrt Prau Whftt thar 4M4 Ww,nwliiy: ab r h o A vnnx PMkr. Rd Sox ....J 10 110 1 Oordon, Indiana ..4 011109 Tot, Cincinnati, lout Wadnwdr M-14) L Nw York Boston Cleveland ntrott AMERICAN IMtAHt'E W L Prt. 87 50 .635 PhlMlphlft W L Prt. 1$ 66 .825 67 M .410 41 02 .548 68 55 .61(1 Chlrato Bf) 58 .560 Sf. LotllH 82 60 .577 WAAhlnttn 44 05 .117 Rulli Wr-dnndiy Nw Yorit 2-13, tit. Lout t-T. Boston 1, Detroit 0. Philadelphia 2. Cleveland 1. INIiht) Chicaro 8, Washington 1. (Nifhtl 1,029 Wholesaler In hS United Stales and Canada have used our tervlte. U EOMCK 5. AlAY IjOM rwr Established 192S fiGPO 25 (ZED f nv COIUMIIA IIIWIIIII, INI. 0 fA0MA, WAIHIN0T0N Attention Hunters! HUNTING CLOTHES Drastically Reduced Hunt no more 'til you've hogged the limit in this "in season" merchandise. You can't miss! COATS MA 4.97 (OATS k-. 2.47 PANTS--,,, 2.97 HAT j ,i9ino,,y 47c 89e, now only ffV ON SALE FRIDAY, 9:30 A.M. Chappell-Marshall Co. DISTRIBUTORS MILLER HIGH LIFE BEER Invites You to See This MILLER HIGH LIFE EXHIBITION TRUCK . , i. -r' w2 Jk J- s!yrr . ? kji . .r This trurk, built al a eost of $21,000 .specially for the MILLER BREWING CO., possesses the following features: Higher than standard load 1 way adjii'tnhle bucket Single unit body Loads from both sides and end e Automatic tire earner Telescopic landing ramp 2" fiber glass Insulation In walls, doors, reillng 43., canes or 81) barrel equivalent On Display STAN BAKER MOTORS Fri., Sept. 16, 1949