Merchants Form Club in Keizer H. P. Teets is temporary chair man and Mrs. Dorthee Teeter temporary secretary of a group of merchants organized to pro community through a business a more cooperative spirit amonr lullef-Proof Suits I Developed for Army San Pedro, Calif., Sept. IS iP' The army may be returning to mils of armor. Maj. Gen W. H. Middleswart of the quartermaster general's office disclosed yesterday the de- Capital Journal. Salem. Ore.. Thursday, Sept. 15, 1949 IS men's club. business houses by men whi Another meeting will be held . hn ,.Miht v..,. ..... Strike in Chicago Collapses VfChicago, Sept. IS (U.Pi The nation'! longest and bitterest protest jAjtiinst the Taft-Hartley law apparently collapsed today as an Af Printers union agreed to end its strike against five Chicago ' newspapers, almost two years after the men walked out of the ! emnposing rooms. velopment of bullet resistant Awtu.mrat at the fire house Tuesday night when a proposed constitution "u ,su lu !"" and bv-laws will be presented. I ways and means of better serv body armor for soldiers made KILL ATHLETES FOOT of plastic and nylon. "TI-OL BEST SELLER" SAYS J. C. PERRY, DRUGS Named to the committee to ing the community. All persom The general said the cloth-like substance will resist a .45 cali ber bullet fired from only 13 draft the regulations are Onas Olson, Louis Cross, Ben Brown and Edward Ferrell. The purpose of the organiza tion, Teets states, is to develop interested are invited to attend the next meeting. HtnCS THI RIASON. Th. ftlm croI (leap!?. Yoi' mii.t REACH It ta KILL II ' (?The agreement, reached last to married men with extra pay Photographs can be made of stars no human eye can see. feet away. The material isi penetrates. Reach., mora trm. your nearly a quarter-inch thick. 'in one hour ight, will be submitted to a for picketing. mote the interests of the Keizer Long, Bitter AFL Printing rank and file vote of the Chicago Typographical union next Sun day. John J. Pilch, local president, Vrld the terms were approved by Woodruff Randolph, internation al president, and that the print ark would be advised to accept them. ; "'I feel very happy about the n't ire situation," Pilch said. ' 'The joint announcement by labor and management said that the printers would receive a $10 a Week pay increase. No mention was made of the working conditions provided by the new contract. The closed ' shop ban of the Taft-Hartley law wps the core of the dispute. I Pilch said that "union pro tection is insured by several pro Visions" and added that unless ..the union thought the protec ition "sufficient and workable v would not recommend that th5s contract be accepted." t tUnder the terms of a recent -New York settlement newspa pars there agreed to hire only .("qualified" printers and gave the union wide discretion in set vng up the qualifications. A Jpokesman intimated that the settlement here followed this pattern. 1 During the long strike, Chi 'cago readers almost forgot what '.a paper printed by normal (methods looks like. The 1.S00 printers trooped off their Jobs November 24, 1947, striking against the Chicago Sun, Timet, Daily News, Journal of Commerce, Tribune and Herald-American. The papers continued print ing by using photo-engraving to replace the llnotypists and typesetters. They reported cir culation remaining about nor mal and advertising increased. During the strike the Sun and Times combined into a 24-hour daily and the strike was given as ona of the causes of the mer ger. The wage loss to the printers was estimated at lease $8,000,- 000. The union paid $40 a week to single men and $80 a week I Enjoy the BEST in coffee at SftFEUJKT'S low prices I 'I Taste, probably more than price, leads you to select the coffee that best satis fies you. Well, you can pamper your taste as well as your budget by buying these Safeway favorites. Vacuum-packed or "by the bag" you're sure of the peak in coffee enjoyment. Rapid sales on these blends means that stocks are always fresh! EXTRA SAVINGS IN THE BAG! Hayesville School Schedule Listed Hayesville school children of the first six grades are to report for a full day of class work at the Hayesville building Friday, according to announcement from the administration offices. All seventh and eighth grade pupils of the Hayesville area are JIi rpffidtpr immprllntplv nt Par- rish junior high so that they will be ready for a full day of work, Monday, Sept. 19. The 7th and 8th grade pupils who live on or near Highway 99 will take school bus No. 30 Monday for transportation to Parrish. Those living on or near Ritchie road and those on Lan caster will be transported in bus No. 48. The regular Hayesville staff will be on hand Friday morning. The group includes Genevieve Wegner, Evelyn Branson, Fran ces Rawlins, and Lillian McKay. Gladys Tipton is the supervising principal. LEGAL I ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice Li herrtj tiven that the un !n"iMl ot an nrdeT of th Circuit Court of th fit at of Oregon for th County of Msrlon. duly nmde nd entered on the 24th di? of AuiuM. 184B. via ap pointed idmlnUtrator of the Mtite of Delia E Hot tetter, deceased, and that he ha duly qualified u aald adminUtra tor. All persons having claims aaalnxt aid ealate are hereby notified to pre sent the lame, duly verified required oy law, to him at 4S Hood Street In th city of Salem in Marlon County. Ore ton, within all monthi from the date of thla notice. Dated and flrtt published thli 15th day Of AutUXt, 1949. Oate of last publication, the 15th day oi eepiemoer, BANS HOPSTETTER Administrator of the e.Mate nf Delia E. Hofxtetter. deceased ELLIS At ELLIS. Attorney for the eitat. 11M Equitable Bulldint roriiana . On-ion. Aut. 95. Sept. 1. I. IS. 4t NEW! APPLESAUCE MUFFINS Drllcious. aulck trratl Mufflni fla vorful with fruit and nuuy-cmp Kellcgfs All-Bran. 1 egff teaspoons H cup milk baking powder 1 cup All- 1 teaspoon salt Bran 3 tablespoons M cup thick sugar aweftenrd tablespoons applesauce melted 1a cup raisins shortening 1 H cups sifted flour I Beat egg: stir In milk, All-Bran, ppleaauce, ralilns, S dd sifted dry Ingredients; stir nly unUl combined. " "r in melted shortening. .ill greased muffin pans i hill. Bake in mod. hot oven (400'F.) I. . a muffins. ess mi Ifother Knows tBestl , REGULAR GRIND COFFEE Today's outstanding coffee value. Mild and Mellow the world's most popular flavor in coffee l-'b. Bag 2-lb. Bag 43e 85e MOB WBLTL COFFEE Vacuum pack quality plus store ground freshness and thrift. Flavor locked-in the whole bean until you buy. w ' j t i a via.. i ( Jr, si 7 - - x 1 -lb. Eag 2-lb. Bag 48c . 95e COFITEE This is Luxury Coffee ... the same distinguished blend maintained by the Dwight Edwards. Company for over forty years. No other coffee is better, richer, fresher than Edwards. Try it today. Unless you like every thing about it . . . quality, flavor, freshness . . . your money will be refunded. You can't lose. COc $4 05 1-lb. Can. . . Wi 2-lb. Can. . . I SAFEWAY'S FRESH PRODUCE Jonathan Apples Bright red an excel lent all-purpose apple 3,.25c lb. 4c lb. 4c lb. 7c Danish Squash . Hubbard Squash OniOnS Yellow and Whit Tokay Grapes 2 lbs. 19c Parsnips Garden Fresh lb. 12c lb. 10c lb. 5c lb. 7c lb. 15c lb. 4c Tomatoes far Conning full bushel box 1.19 Turnips Flavorable Sweet Corn Goide Carrots NoToP Cauliflower . . Green Cabbage Bananas Golden Ripe 2 lbs. 25c Yakima Gom Potatoes U. S. No. 2"s 98r State Fair Champion Beef be featured at your Safe way market this week come in and select your favorite steak or roast cut from State Fair Champion Beef. It it fea tured at Safeway every day regular prices. Rib Roast Grade Good r!L- C1..I.. Grade LB. 69 Good LB. Blade cuts Pot Roasts Short Ribs of Beef GROUND BEEF Pork Sausage VEAL CHOPS VEAL VEAL Breast of Veal Sfcould.r Sl.akt ftavftal Sttakt lb. 35c lb. 55c lb. 75c lb. 65c lb. 89c lb. 23c Smoked Picnics lb. 45c FRICASSE CHICKENS lb 50c ; oraae EOC I Comm. LB. eV7 I LB. 65' 49. L..19' CRISCO SHORTENING 85c 3-lb. can Sunnybank IiQa Get details at Safeway about Sunnybank's "Plastic Table fcloth Offer" 29c Grade Comm. Round bone cuts LB. For Breiaincj or boiling SLICED BACON lb. 65c LUNCH MEATS lb. 45c ROYAL SATIN Shortening offers a Treasure Chest of 9 Spring Flowering Bulbs Details on Royal Satin can at Safeway! lb. can s.i.u.. vieners Fresh Bologna Salmon Steaks Halibut Steaks Whiting Fish lb. 45c lb. 45c lb. 69c lb. lb. 49c 25c 2275L Karo Syrup R.d L,b., Sliced Peaches $,,., Canned Pears R.Vc( Pineapple, Crushed H.rtn t v.i. r. Green Beans Hwy-, Green Beans wiuain worn !,.. Del Monte Beets Corned Beef Hash Whole libbl S-lb. can 57C Na. JVi'a 23C No. 2Vi'b Ne. 2 can Ne. 2 caa Ne. 2 ten No. 101 Ne. 101 ar Ne. 2 aa 25c 23 19 21 17 19 35 WHITE KING SOAP Granulated 4o-ox. AQc Pkg. t BREAKFAST CEREALS Wheaties Fisher's Zoom,. 23c Alber's Oafs Quaker Oats 37' Pkg CREAM OF WHEAT 30 Ivory Snow For speedier dishwashing! 12Vj-ox. Pkg. 28e TREND For all your washing! Y4.0I. 4QC Pkg. 19' DUZ Granulated Soap 20V2-oz. Pkg. 28' Peanut Butter Oregon Walnuts Improved Rice Flapjack Flour Buckwheat Flour American Cheese Porter Macaroni Old English Red Polish lavarly Mtetiumi Unci lan'i Alb.f'i Albtr't ChatHtr Elbow IVi-lb. ar Mb. pkj. 14-i. pk). 10-lb. pkg. 4-lb. pat. Id lb. 1 )-. pka., 25c 59 29. 1.09 53 49 19 Wrs. Wrtghft BREAD Now DATED! Your proof of Firti-day Froihnoul Mb. Leaf 14 111-lb. Loaf 19c WHITI 0 WHIAT 2, 3, 4-sieve fancy Sugar Belle 2 a 25 GRAPEFRUIT Town House 44-ox. JmJ ORANGE JUICE Full O' Gold 44-oi. Can 39 Popular PLAYFAIR DOG FOOD o 28c Can