14 Capital Journal, Salem. Ore.. Thursday. Sept. IS. 1849 Sen. Wayne Morse Prepares To Leave for Washington Senator Wayne L. Morse was to leave Salem General hospital late Thursday to join his family in Portland to take the Stream liner tonight for Washington, D. C. Morse has been in the hos pital here since an accident at the State Fair horse show last Saturday evening. The senator was taken by car from here to go to 'Portland. His doctor told Morse Larry Boulier Is Backat Elfsfroms Larry Boulier, Salem artist and former director of Elfstrom's Galleries again takes over the helm of the galleries and art department on Court street, Thursday. R. L. Elfstrom expressed pleasure at the return of Bou lier and made it known that many others have also been of the same opinion in respect of the artist's ability to promote art in the state of Oregon. Boulier has devoted a greater hare of his time to serious study of art since he left Elfstrom's last winter and will install a new phase in home planning, colon and design. Also from his experience as a teacher at the Lincoln county art eenler he hai seen the benefits of sus tained demonstrations in the technique of art which he plans to carry through the same pro cedure in the gallery In the near future. He was enthused at the way a great number of coastal resi dents plunged into art under the guidance of Maude Wank er, even though the attendance in oil painting and watercolors was too big for Individual atten tion. "Nevertheless," stated Boulier, "a great amount of hidden tal ent came to the surface. Bank ers, storekeepers, farmers, re tired ranchers, housewives and entire familiea painted not with the desire to become artists but to explore through creating to find a better understanding and appreciation of things worthwhile." IT New Polio Cases Portland, Sept. 15 UP) The state board of health reported to day that there were 17 new ca aes of Infantile paralysis report ed last week, the largest in any week this year. Four were in Portland and three in Lincoln county. The otheri were scattered. a corduroy suit' with a continental look Did you ever see wonderful, Cromp ton Richmond Pinwale corduroy so softly tailored? The peplum jacket is the secret . . . worn loosely or held close to the waist with a metal tipped aiguillette of genuine leather. Most leaf green, red. Uses 10 to Id. I22.M it would be safe to make the trip. Morse vows he will be in Portland the last night of the Pacific International Livestock exposition to drive his prized horse, Sir Laurel Guy, in the roadsters event. "I am going to make every possible effort to be there I owe it to the horse to drive him again," Morse said. This time it will be the roadsters to bike event, however, not the four-wheel deal from which Morse was tossed to the tanbark in the show here. Sir Laurel Guy is to be entered in the PI horse show for the roadsters event throughout the exposition, Morse planning to drive him the last night of the show. In preparing to leave, Senator Morse said he would open his Portland and statewide cam paign offices in the Pittock buil ding in Portland right after congress adjourns, or around the first of December. The office space was made available through courtesy of the owners of the building, Morse said, add ing, he plans to have his com plete campaign organization set up soon preparatory to the pri maries next May. The senator plans to be in his office Monday morning and said again in getting ready to leave that he would be on deck for the pre-hearing conference called for next Tuesday, Sep tember 20, by the civil aeronau tics board on temporary suspen sion of United Air Lines service in Salem and substitution of ser vices by West Coast Air Lines. The hearing is in Washington. "Every one has been wonder ful to me during my stay in the hospital, Morse said. It was doubtful, however, if he had too much rest because of the deluge of mail and telegrams that came each day and the many visitors who dropped in to see him. Baby Drowned In Millpond Lebanon, Ore., Sept. 15 Dana Jensen, two-year-old son and only child of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Jensen, 285 Fourth place, was found drowned in the mill pond of the Fir Ridge Lumber company about 1 o'clock. Hundreds of volunteers spent the fore part of the night in a district-wide, search for the youngster who had been miss ing since late afternoon. The search was directed by the police and fire departments with a public address system used throughout the city to call out searchers. The organized search got under way about 7 o'clock in the evening. Elmer Fitzgerald, chief of the fire department, took the initi ative when Jensen, an automo bile mechanic, learned that the boy was missing when he arriv ed home after work. Stone age men made rough drawings of star constellations on the walls of caves. the vard but when a hired girl I, at the Jensen home went to call him to dinner he had disappear ed. Volunteer searchers were aid ed by members of swing-shift crews who joined after quitting work. Automobiles were lined up for blocks around the housing proj ect where the Jensen family liv ed. The area searched is bound ed by the railroad tracks and two millponds, both of which were dragged. Grand Island Donald Wiley of Grand Island will attend the 1949-50 Oregon Stale college, Corvallis, year. The term starts Monday, September 2. Helps You Overcome FALSE TEETH CMARACraK. M : WAKE 'MlCrWNNy FOR YOOl Six funny Walt Disney charac ters Goofy. Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Pluto, Mickey Mouse and Funny Bunny. 4 to 5 . lncties, lull colon (,'oiieci an sixi "ilr asvv a T-aiw t A Nhliif on Mae? 1I0 IN KfUOGG't UIIIN IMN Nourishing? Yesl Good? Yes! Made iie genuine Kellogg way, with bran (or extra "bulk" what many people need to help prevent constipation 1 For that "bran-new" feeling (and a "Jolnie") get Kellogg's new, Improved 40 Bran Flakes. BIGGEST LHTTILE UN TOWN WHERE YOUR DOLLAR GETS TIME AND A HALF U. S. GOVT. INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION HAMS Swifts Boneless Rolled Horns . 73c SLICED BACON , 49c BEEF LIVER Young U. S. Govt. Ins. lb. 29c FISH Fillet of Rock Fish 2 lbs. 49c BEEF ROASTS 44c ib. Blade or Arm Cut SHORT RIBS OF BEEF 25o Lots of Meat T-Bone Steak 55c lb. Cut Thick to Broil AGED CHEESE 49c , Year Old GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Sweet Potatoes I CAULIFLOWER ORANGES SPUDS 2 lb. 25c 13c .b 2 do, 45c ulCi 85c Hot Master Breod Right From the Oven Every Day 4 P.M. SPERRYS l.ll..,.. Peach or Apricot PRINTED Pancake Flour Ke,,0M 5 PeP Preserves Flour Sacks 39c 2 un 23c 1 3 1.00 48 ex. pkf . Full 1 Ib Jar Large Assortment KELLOGGS BISQUICK Rice Krispies PLUM JAM SLICED BEETS 41c 14c 2 -19c 2 -19c 40 ex. Pkg. 8 ex. Pkg. Full! Ib. Jar Elsinore No. 2 Can COFFEE Spaghetti and Tomato Juice MJNNYMORN IlL I J S'It l "" l Of ROYAL Ot'EST1" AQf, '"" jC Z"" JjC lb 48C 4f V Jfc ,ff Elsinore No. 2 Con No. 1 Cans ( hf f BovarrtM IGA rt! Store L- roadway Grocery IGA Store Salem Vi Mil North of Underpass Looseness ond Worry No lonier bf nnoywl or teel Hl-it-ftM bfca'isp of loo?, wobbly nut win. FASTEETH, tn Improved tlkalina non- icidi powder, iprlniied on your plitfi , holdii them firmer o ttiey feel more com- , forta.be. Booth ni tnd eoollni to made iore by exeejuive ictd mouth. Avoid I mhai-rxcnunt .can marl h Innsa Ilata. nt 1 He was last seen playing In fasteeth today at mr druf iore. II aving (Renter Stores Specials for friday Sat. & Sunday BUTTED Grade A lb.59C West Salem At Foot of Bridge CAMPBELLS SOUP All Kinds. 6 for 66c BABY FOOD Gerbers each 5c COFFEE RedDot b 36c SWIFTNING 3 lb. can 69C TOMATO JUICE Welsht 46 can 19c IFILOUI8 All Brands 25 lb 1.69 TOMATO SAUCE 5c EASTERN BEVERAGE 5c PRODUCE TOMATOES Hand Picked Sized Bushel . . 1.25 KING APPLES Fancy Bushel 1.49 CELERY Crisp Bunch IOC ONIONS Boiling . 10 lb. bag 5C WATERMELONS Eastern Oregon 3 Melon 1.00 In our Grape Department we have a wide variety of Concords, Lady Finger, Muscat, Thompson Seedless, Riberas and Tokays. MEAT DEPARTMENT NEW HOURS: First class journeymen behind the counter. From 8 A.M. to 10 P.M. every day. This is for your shopping pleasure and convenience. SWIFTS GOVERNMENT INSPECTED BEEF 13 Round Steak lb, 2) 2)c RUMP and BLADE ROAST b From The Same Beef Arm Roast M.)c SWIFTS GOVERNMENT INSPECTED BEEF ID. LP X PURE GROUND BEEF 39c SWIFTS WEINERS 55c Armours and Swifts Sliced Bacon Old Fashioned Weiners Large Juicy Franks rc C C Long. Bologna ID. t-fJ tJ AA PULLET EGGS Ji7r lb. This It a Real Buy tJl BROADWAY AND MARKET STREETS Open Sundays, 8 A.M. 'til 6:30 P.M. mm. miik red veai rurt white rat m m LOIN AND RIB CHOPS WC